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Client - Log - 2023 11 05 21 00 15

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System Memory:
Memory Load: 71%
Available Physical Memory: 1714m/6067m
Available Page File: 7192m/14003m
Available Virtual Memory: 134213456m/134217727m
Available Extended Virtual Memory: 0m
Process Memory:
Peak Working Set Size: 33m
Working Set Size: 32m
Quota Peak Page Pool Usage: 254k
Quota Page Pool Usage: 251k
Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage:18k
Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: 17k
Page File Usage: 6m
Peak Page File Usage: 6m
[00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/
[00:00:00]: Starting Up
[00:00:00]: Version: 580156
[00:00:00]: Current time: Sun Nov 05 19:53:55 2023

[00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 580156 WIN32_STEAM

[00:00:00]: Build Date: 2323
[00:00:00]: Mode: 64-bit
[00:00:00]: Parsing command line
[00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments:
[00:00:00]: Initializing distribution platform
[00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: Steam AppBuildID: 12616743
[00:00:00]: ....Done
[00:00:00]: PersistUserStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1073618761/
[00:00:00]: Fixing DPI
[00:00:00]: ...Done
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (10604)
[00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
[00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:5.99
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/ successful.
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'IC' (8680)
[00:00:00]: Texture Streaming: ENABLED
[00:00:00]: Texture Streaming: DISABLED
[00:00:00]: Threaded Renderer: ENABLED
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'SimUpdateThread' (10876)
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'RenderThread' (10852)
[00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
[00:00:00]: Platform: 1
[00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
[00:00:00]: Authorized application D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together\
bin64\dontstarve_steam_x64.exe is enabled in the firewall.
[00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'StreamInput' (6632)
[00:00:00]: loaded ping_cache
[00:00:00]: Offline user ID: OU_76561199033884489
[00:00:00]: Cached userid loaded:
[00:00:00]: SteamID: 76561199033884489
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'AsynTextureLoadthread' (7144)
[00:00:00]: HardwareStats:
name Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language
version 10.0.19045
platformSpecific SP 0.0
architecture 64 bits
clockSpeed 2600
name AMD Ryzen 3 3200U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx
manufacturer AuthenticAMD
numCores 2
features SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE41,SSE42,AVX
megsOfRam 8192
megsOfRam 2048
videoModeDescription 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colores
name AMD Radeon(TM) Vega 3 Graphics
driverVersion 26.20.14046.6001
driverDate 20200630000000.000000-000
refreshRate 60

[00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
[00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'AsynTextureLoadthread' (10368)
[00:00:00]: WindowManager::Initialize
[00:00:00]: CreateWindow: Requesting 1920,1017 - 5/6/5 - -1/-1/-1 - 0
[00:00:00]: CreateEGLContext: 16 configs found
[00:00:00]: 0: 8/8/8 - 0/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 1: 8/8/8 - 0/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 2: 8/8/8 - 0/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 3: 8/8/8 - 0/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:00]: 4: 5/5/5 - 0/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 5: 5/5/5 - 1/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 6: 5/5/5 - 0/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 7: 5/5/5 - 1/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 8: 5/5/5 - 0/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 9: 5/5/5 - 1/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 10: 5/5/5 - 0/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:00]: 11: 5/5/5 - 1/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:00]: 12: 8/8/8 - 8/ 0/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 13: 8/8/8 - 8/16/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 14: 8/8/8 - 8/24/ 0 - 0
[00:00:00]: 15: 8/8/8 - 8/24/ 8 - 0
[00:00:00]: RestoreWindowPosition
[00:00:00]: Saved Client Pos (0 x 23)
[00:00:00]: Adjusted Window Pos (-8 x -8)
[00:00:00]: EnsureWindowOnScreen
[00:00:00]: All good.
[00:00:01]: GLInfo
[00:00:01]: ~~~~~~
[00:00:01]: GL_VENDOR: Google Inc.
[00:00:01]: GL_RENDERER: ANGLE (AMD Radeon(TM) Vega 3 Graphics)
[00:00:01]: GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE
[00:00:01]: THREAD - started 'WindowsInputManager' (10948)
[00:00:01]: OpenGL extensions (19, 19):
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_depth_texture
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_texture_usage
[00:00:01]: GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_read_format_bgra
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_robustness
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
[00:00:01]: GL_EXT_texture_storage
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_get_program_binary
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_standard_derivatives
[00:00:01]: GL_OES_texture_npot
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 16384
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE = 16384
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 16384, 16384
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS = 10
[00:00:01]: GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS = 16
[00:00:01]: 4 compressed texture formats
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f0
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f1
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f2
[00:00:01]: texture format 0x83f3
[00:00:01]: Renderer initialize: Okay
[00:00:03]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
[00:00:03]: Buffers initialize: Okay
[00:00:03]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
[00:00:03]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
[00:00:03]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:00:03]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:00:03]: LOADING LUA
[00:00:03]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:00:03]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:00:03]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:00:04]: Running main.lua

[00:00:04]: loaded modindex

[00:00:04]: WARNING: icon paths for mod workshop-2139920478 (OP Weapon Pack) are
not valid. Got icon_atlas="modicon.xml" and icon="modicon.tex".
Please ensure that these point to valid files in your mod folder, or else comment
out those lines from your modinfo.lua.
[00:00:04]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958

[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1948438176
[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-365119238
[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-780009141
[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1365141672
[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2622561786
[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-352373173
[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:00:04]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1120124958
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Version:0.3
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1948438176
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Version:1.55
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-365119238
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Version:4.02
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-780009141
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Version:1.1 (Old API! (mod: 6
game: 10) )
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-836583293
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Version:0.53
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1365141672
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Version:1.1.3
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-727774324
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Version:0.15.0
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2622561786
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Version:1.0

[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-352373173

[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Version:1.8.2
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-376333686
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Version:1.9.1
[00:00:04]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-345692228
[00:00:04]: Loading mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Version:1.0.9
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:04]: modimport:
[00:00:04]: modimport:
[00:00:04]: modimport:
[00:00:04]: WARNING: Positional Action parameters are deprecated. Please pass
action a table instead.
[00:00:04]: Action defined at
../mods/workshop-365119238/modmain_segments/action_predict.lua:1 in (local)
result (main) <0-0>
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Loading
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:04]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:04]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file:
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Loading
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Loading
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1948438176
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-365119238
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-780009141
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1365141672
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2622561786
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-352373173
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1948438176
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-365119238
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-780009141
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1365141672
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2622561786
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-352373173
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:00:06]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Loading
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:06]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:06]: The Language of TMIP:auto
[00:00:06]: modimport:
[00:00:06]: LoadData Language for TMIP:en
[00:00:06]: modimport:
[00:00:07]: Event data unavailable:
[00:00:18]: PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 3153
[00:00:18]: PlayerHistory loaded player_history (v2) len:214
[00:00:18]: ServerPreferences loaded server_preferences 2
[00:00:18]: ConsoleScreenSettings loaded consolescreen 83
[00:00:18]: bloom_enabled true
[00:00:18]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:00:18]: loaded shardsaveindex
[00:00:18]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:00:18]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:00:18]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:00:18]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Registering default mod
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Registering default mod prefab
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Registering default mod
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Registering
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Registering
default mod prefab
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Registering default mod
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Registering default mod
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Registering prefabs
[00:00:20]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:00:20]: Load FE
[00:00:24]: Load FE: done
[00:00:24]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1073618761/client_save/blocklist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:24]: OnLoadPermissionList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1073618761/client_save/adminlist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:24]: OnLoadUserIdList:
APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/1073618761/client_save/whitelist.txt (Failure)
[00:00:24]: THREAD - started 'FilesExistAsyncThread' (9076)
[00:00:24]: FilesExistAsyncThread started (23573 files)...
[00:00:24]: [MOTD] Downloading info from
[00:00:24]: Check for write access: TRUE
[00:00:24]: Check for read access: TRUE
[00:00:24]: Available disk space for save files: 62086 MB
[00:00:24]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[00:00:24]: Reset() returning
[00:00:24]: FMOD detected a new audio device and set audio to the current default
[00:00:27]: ... FilesExistAsyncThread complete
[00:00:38]: [MOTD] Done Loading.
[00:00:38]: Do AutoLogin
[00:00:38]: [Steam] Auth Session Ticket requested...
[00:00:38]: [Steam] Got Auth Session Ticket
[00:00:39]: [200] Account Communication Success (3)
[00:00:39]: Logging in as KU_WijUQh8Y
[00:00:40]: There is no active event to get the status of.
[00:00:41]: could not load pending_keyvalues_prod
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: loaded inventory_cache_prod
[00:00:41]: using inventory state token from cached file
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:41]: saved
[00:00:42]: Could not find anim build FROMNUM
[00:00:42]: Could not find anim bank [FROMNUM]
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ItemQuery pending to delete mod from /mods/ folder due to it
being no longer subscribed with ID: 2281925291
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ItemQuery deleting 1 pending mods marked to delete
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] Deleting directory: ../mods/workshop-2281925291
[00:00:42]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:01:27]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:01:27]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:01:27]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:01:27]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:01:27]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:01:27]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:01:27]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:01:27]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:01:29]: Getting top mod details...
[00:01:29]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:01:29]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:02:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:02:00]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:02:00]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:02:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:02:00]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:02:00]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:02:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:02:00]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:02:00]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.
[00:02:41]: Getting top mod details...
[00:02:41]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.
[00:02:41]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:02:41]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:03:06]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.
[00:03:08]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:03:08]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:03:08]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:03:08]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:03:08]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:03:08]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:03:08]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:03:08]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:03:19]: OpenBox post body {"ItemID": 84621107013545398}
[00:03:20]: [OpenBox_Complete Success:200] {"Error":false,"Items":

[00:25:19]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68

[00:25:19]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:25:19]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:25:20]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:25:20]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:25:20]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:25:20]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:25:20]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:30:01]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[00:30:01]: Received (KU_WijUQh8Y) from TokenPurpose
[00:30:01]: [Steam] Auth Session Ticket requested...
[00:30:01]: [Steam] Got Auth Session Ticket
[00:50:46]: Getting top mod details...
[00:50:46]: GOT top mod details...50
[00:50:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:50:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:50:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:50:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:50:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:50:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:50:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:50:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:51:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:51:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:51:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:51:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:51:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:51:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:51:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:51:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:52:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:52:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:52:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:52:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:52:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:52:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:52:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:52:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:53:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:53:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:53:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:53:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:53:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:53:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:53:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:53:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:54:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:54:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:54:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:54:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:54:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:54:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:54:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:54:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:55:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:55:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:55:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:55:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:55:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:55:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:55:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:55:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:56:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:56:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:56:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:56:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:56:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:56:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:56:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:56:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:57:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:57:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:57:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:57:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:57:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:57:46]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:57:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:57:46]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:58:43]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 50, matching: 68
[00:58:43]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 50 results
[00:58:43]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 3019943645 2858309592
2812783478 2655934819 2640834455 2634877852 2622561786 2589174774 2584216489
2574736496 2428854303 2139920478 2136362236 2052015412 1951468597 1949285742
1948438176 1899182767 1892210190 1852559465 1814389268 1689653317 1595631294
1539519130 1419605993 1365141672 1322590454 1311366056 1289779251 1271089343
1234341720 1207269058 1185229307 1120124958 1079538195 836583293 798539671
786556008 780009141 727774324 704471544 676297854 666155465 661253977 623749604
569043634 498383066 489184199 466732225 462372013
[00:58:43]: [Workshop] ItemQuery got this many results: 18, matching: 68
[00:58:43]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 18 results
[00:58:43]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 458940297 447092740
444235588 417346599 396026892 380423963 378160973 376333686 375859599 375850593
374550642 365119238 358749986 356930882 352373173 351325790 347360448 345692228
[00:58:43]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished all queries, moving to download phase
[00:58:43]: [Workshop] ItemQuery finished downloading everything
[00:58:43]: Frontend-Unloading mod 'all'.
[00:58:46]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:58:47]: Friends are currently playing in 1 games(s)!
[00:58:47]: You belong to 1 clan(s)!
[00:58:47]: Downloaded server listings - chunk 4 (ap-southeast-1): 1800 filtered
completed: 1578
[00:58:48]: Downloaded server listings - chunk 3 (us-east-1): 2555 filtered
completed: 2716
[00:58:48]: Downloaded server listings - chunk 2 (eu-central-1): 1961 filtered
completed: 4447
[00:58:49]: Downloaded server listings - chunk 1 (ap-east-1): 5921 filtered
completed: 9761
[00:59:39]: [Connect] Got new join server request from lua
[00:59:39]: [Connect] Init client connection to (S) <3268216700570492275>
[00:59:39]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
[00:59:39]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:59:39]: [Connect] InternalInitClient <4812130862559874165>
[00:59:39]: [Shard] Starting shard mode as player
[00:59:39]: [Connect] Starting online connection to|10999
[00:59:39]: [Connect] Server name: mi more -3-
[00:59:39]: [200] Account Communication Success (13)
[00:59:39]: [Connect] Sending ping(s)...
[00:59:39]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:40]: [P2P] Create session:|1 '76561199192693535'
[00:59:40]: [Connect] Punchthrough address is|1.
[00:59:40]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:40]: [Connect] Punchthrough Ping|1
[00:59:40]: [P2P] Sent to|1 '76561199192693535'
[00:59:40]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:40]: [Connect] Punchthrough Ping|1
[00:59:40]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:40]: [Connect] Punchthrough Ping|1
[00:59:40]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:40]: [Connect] Punchthrough Ping|1
[00:59:40]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:40]: [Connect] Punchthrough Ping|1
[00:59:41]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:41]: [Connect] Punchthrough Ping|1
[00:59:41]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:41]: [Connect] Punchthrough Ping|1
[00:59:41]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:41]: [Connect] Punchthrough Ping|1
[00:59:41]: [Connect] DirectConnect Ping|10999
[00:59:41]: [Connect] Punchthrough Ping|1
[00:59:44]: [P2P] Received from|1 '76561199192693535'
[00:59:44]: [Connect] Ping response from|1
[00:59:44]: [Connect] Joining server from ping response (silent)...
[00:59:44]: [Connect] PendingConnectionDoConnect to|1
[00:59:44]: [Connect] DirectConnect to|1
[00:59:45]: Connection accepted to|1 <3268216700570492275>
[00:59:45]: Network external address discovered:|1
[00:59:45]: SendClientHandShakePacket to <3268216700570492275>
[00:59:46]: DeserializeHandShakeServerListing
[00:59:46]: Network tick rate: U=10(3), D=15
[00:59:46]: Platform: 1
[00:59:46]: Version: 580156
[00:59:46]: SendClientInventoryHandShakePacket to <3268216700570492275>
[00:59:46]: Begin Session: 44682AB35F24ECF9
[00:59:46]: Done Downloading Client Object Data
[00:59:46]: DownloadMods and temp disable
[00:59:47]: Failed to find mod workshop-2281925291 v:1.1
[00:59:47]: DownloadTempMods(1)
[00:59:47]: [Workshop] ModQuery got 1 results
[00:59:47]: [Workshop] ModQuery queued to download IDs: 2281925291
[00:59:47]: Temp mod listing complete.
[00:59:47]: [Workshop] OnDownloadPublishedUGCFile [1] 2281925291
[00:59:47]: [Workshop] ODPUF noticed this is a legacy item
[00:59:47]: [Workshop] ODPUF is trying to unpack the mod into folder: D:\Steam\
[00:59:47]: [Workshop] UMFD is now trying to unpack the mod
[00:59:47]: DelDirectory [../mods/workshop-2281925291] 2: FAILED
[00:59:47]: cWorkshopMod::UnzipMod ../mods/workshop-2281925291
[00:59:47]: [Workshop] ODPUF temp mods completed
[00:59:47]: ModWorkshop::CompleteCallback (success, Temp mods were updated.) set
[00:59:47]: SimLuaProxy::OnDownloadTempModsComplete(ok., Temp mods were updated.)
[00:59:47]: We now have the required mods, enable them for server
[00:59:47]: Temp Enabling workshop-704471544
[00:59:47]: Temp Enabling workshop-2589174774
[00:59:47]: Temp Enabling workshop-2281925291
[00:59:47]: Temp Enabling workshop-1899182767
[00:59:47]: Temp Enabling workshop-2812783478
[00:59:47]: Temp Enabling workshop-2640834455
[00:59:47]: Temp Enabling workshop-1892210190
[00:59:47]: ModIndex:SetTempModConfigData
[00:59:47]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-1899182767
[00:59:47]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-2589174774
[00:59:47]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-704471544
[00:59:47]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-2640834455
[00:59:47]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-2812783478
[00:59:47]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-1892210190
[00:59:47]: Setting temp mod config for mod workshop-2281925291
[00:59:47]: Mods are setup for server, save the mod index and proceed.
[00:59:47]: Downloading [0] From: server_temp
[00:59:48]: 0 (42%) 1/1 server_temp/server_save 114000b / 270971b
[00:59:49]: 0 (84%) 1/1 server_temp/server_save 228000b / 270971b
[00:59:49]: 0 (100%) 1/1 server_temp/server_save 270971b / 270971b
[00:59:49]: Download complete[0] Files: 1 Size: 270971
[00:59:49]: Collecting garbage...
[00:59:49]: lua_gc took 0.13 seconds
[00:59:49]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
[00:59:49]: ~cEventLeaderboardProxy()
[00:59:49]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
[00:59:49]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
[00:59:49]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
[00:59:49]: ~SimLuaProxy()
[00:59:49]: Cancelling LuaQueryCallback handle [7]
[00:59:49]: [Workshop] CancelDownloads for all pending downloads
[00:59:49]: lua_close took 0.18 seconds
[00:59:49]: ReleaseAll
[00:59:49]: ReleaseAll Finished
[00:59:49]: cGame::StartPlaying
[00:59:49]: AppVersion::GetArchitecture() x64
[00:59:49]: LOADING LUA
[00:59:49]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
[00:59:49]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
[00:59:50]: taskgrouplist: default Together
[00:59:50]: taskgrouplist: classic Classic
[00:59:50]: taskgrouplist: cave_default Underground
[00:59:50]: taskgrouplist: lavaarena_taskset The Forge
[00:59:50]: taskgrouplist: quagmire_taskset The Gorge
[00:59:50]: Running main.lua

[00:59:50]: loaded modindex

[00:59:50]: WARNING: icon paths for mod workshop-2139920478 (OP Weapon Pack) are
not valid. Got icon_atlas="modicon.xml" and icon="modicon.tex".
Please ensure that these point to valid files in your mod folder, or else comment
out those lines from your modinfo.lua.
[00:59:50]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence.

[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958

[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1948438176
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2281925291
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-365119238
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-704471544
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-780009141
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1365141672
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2622561786
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-352373173
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2812783478
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1892210190
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2640834455
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1899182767
[00:59:50]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2589174774
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1120124958
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Version:0.3
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1948438176
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Version:1.55
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-2281925291 (Finder Redux) Version:1.1
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-365119238
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Version:4.02
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-704471544 (Plague Doctor the Plague Doctor)
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-780009141
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Version:1.1 (Old API! (mod: 6
game: 10) )
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-836583293
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Version:0.53
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-1365141672
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Version:1.1.3
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-727774324
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Version:0.15.0
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-2622561786
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Version:1.0

[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-352373173

[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Version:1.8.2
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-376333686
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Version:1.9.1
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-345692228
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Version:1.0.9
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-2812783478 ([API] Modded Skins) Version:2.12.05
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) Version:1.3.3
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) Version:2.0.0
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) Version:1.3.1
[00:59:50]: Could not load mod_config_data/modconfiguration_workshop-
[00:59:50]: Loading mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Version:0.3.8
[00:59:50]: Mod: workshop-2812783478 ([API] Modded Skins) Loading
[00:59:50]: Mod: workshop-2812783478 ([API] Modded Skins) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:50]: Mod: workshop-2812783478 ([API] Modded Skins) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:50]: Is MiM enabled?: nil What is the server game mode?: survival
[00:59:50]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2812783478/scripts/ms_skinloader
[00:59:50]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2812783478/scripts/ms_customslots
[00:59:50]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2812783478/scripts/ms_gui
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2812783478/scripts/ms_postinits
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2812783478/scripts/ms_rpc
[00:59:51]: Error encoding lua RPC mod namespace
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport:
[00:59:51]: modimport:
[00:59:51]: modimport:
[00:59:51]: WARNING: Positional Action parameters are deprecated. Please pass
action a table instead.
[00:59:51]: Action defined at
../mods/workshop-365119238/modmain_segments/action_predict.lua:1 in (local)
result (main) <0-0>
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2589174774/scripts/newtech_xxx3.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2589174774/main/myeyeplant
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2589174774/scripts/skins.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2589174774/scripts/xxx3_foods
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:51]: upvaluehelper loaded
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1899182767/global.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1899182767/recipes.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1899182767/strings_e.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1899182767/tuning.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1899182767/widgetsposinit.lua
[00:59:51]: ????
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1899182767/test.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1899182767/shen.lua
[00:59:51]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1899182767/loguploadv3.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua.
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Warning: function AddRecipe in modmain is deprecated, please use
AddRecipe2. Recipe name: elena_hat
[00:59:51]: Warning: function AddRecipe in modmain is deprecated, please use
AddRecipe2. Recipe name: elena_magic
[00:59:51]: Warning: function AddRecipe in modmain is deprecated, please use
AddRecipe2. Recipe name: elena_broom
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-704471544 (Plague Doctor the Plague Doctor) Loading
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-704471544 (Plague Doctor the Plague Doctor) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-704471544 (Plague Doctor the Plague Doctor) Loading
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Loading
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:51]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:51]: Translator:LoadPOFile - loading file:
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Loading
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Loading
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1948438176
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2281925291
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-365119238
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-704471544
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-780009141
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1365141672
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2622561786
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-352373173
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2812783478
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1892210190
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2640834455
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1899182767
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2589174774
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1120124958
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1948438176
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2281925291
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-365119238
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-704471544
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-780009141
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-836583293
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1365141672
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-727774324
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2622561786
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-352373173
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-376333686
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-345692228
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2812783478
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1892210190
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2640834455
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-1899182767
[00:59:53]: ModIndex:GetModsToLoad inserting moddir, workshop-2589174774
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-2281925291 (Finder Redux) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-2281925291 (Finder Redux) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-2281925291 (Finder Redux) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:53]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-2281925291/main.lua
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Loading
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) Loading
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) Mod had no
modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:59:53]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) Loading modmain.lua
[00:59:53]: modimport: ../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/amiya_zh.lua
[00:59:54]: Event data unavailable:
[00:59:54]: Registering Server mod namespace "xiaokaixin_rpc"
[00:59:54]: Registering Server mod namespace "finder_redux"
[00:59:54]: Registering Server mod namespace "workshop-2589174774"
[00:59:54]: Registering Server mod namespace "moddedskins"
[00:59:54]: Registering Client mod namespace "finder_redux"
[00:59:54]: Registering Client mod namespace "moddedskins"
[00:59:54]: Registering Shard mod namespace "amiyaenderbox"
[00:59:54]: PlayerDeaths loaded morgue 3153
[00:59:54]: PlayerHistory loaded player_history (v2) len:214
[00:59:54]: ServerPreferences loaded server_preferences 2
[00:59:54]: ConsoleScreenSettings loaded consolescreen 83
[00:59:54]: bloom_enabled true
[00:59:54]: EnableShadeRenderer: true
[00:59:54]: OnFilesLoaded()
[00:59:54]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
[00:59:54]: Loading world: client_temp/server_save
[00:59:54]: Save file is at version 5.142
[00:59:54]: Klump load on boot started.
[00:59:54]: Klump files loaded: 0
[00:59:55]: Unload FE
[00:59:55]: Unload FE done
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-2812783478 ([API] Modded Skins) Registering prefabs
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-2812783478 ([API] Modded Skins) Registering default
mod prefab
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Registering prefabs
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-727774324 (Craft Pot) Registering default mod prefab
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Registering prefabs
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-836583293 (Item Info) Registering default mod prefab
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Registering prefabs
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-365119238 (SmartCrockPot) Registering default mod
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Registering prefabs
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-780009141 (Finder) Registering default mod prefab
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefabs
[00:59:57]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
Modded Skins WILL NOT do skins with official rarities!
Please assign either "ModMade" or "ModLocked" rarities to your skin,
[00:59:58]: MODDED SKINS ERROR: The ms_xxx3_victorian skin does not have the clear
fn set to it's original xxx3 prefab!
Please make sure you have declared skin's clear function (xxx3_clear_fn)
For now, we will create your clear function, but please create your own as we can
not predict what you may want in this function.
[00:59:58]: Could not preload undefined prefab (xxx3_victorian)
Modded Skins WILL NOT do skins with official rarities!
Please assign either "ModMade" or "ModLocked" rarities to your skin,
[00:59:58]: Could not preload undefined prefab (xxx3_shadow)
Modded Skins WILL NOT do skins with official rarities!
Please assign either "ModMade" or "ModLocked" rarities to your skin,
[00:59:58]: Could not preload undefined prefab (xxx3_myth)
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_wf
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_wf_placer
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_sf
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_sf_placer
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_bf
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_sf_nf
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_sf_nf_placer
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_hat
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_springhat
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_summerhat
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_autumnhat
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_winterhat
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_pollen
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_seed
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_seed_placer
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_hbsl
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_hjmdj
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_hmhb
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_hjdg
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_nmtd
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_ydg
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_bulbfx
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_tqbulbfx
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_shbulbfx
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_bouquet
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_killerbutterfly
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_butterflybuff
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_healthregenbuff
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_flgun
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_flgun_plant
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_flgun_projectile1
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_flgun_projectile2
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_flgun_projectile3
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_flgun_projectile_hit
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_flgun_placer
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔)
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) nl_essence_shadow
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) nl_essence_nature
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) nl_essence_plague
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) nl_essence_stars
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_eyeplant_0
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_eyeplant_1
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_eyeplant_2
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_eyeplant_3
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_eyeplant_4
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_eyeplant_1_cloud
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_eyeplant_1_cloud_overlay
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering prefab file:
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) xxx3_eyeplant_4_icespike
[00:59:58]: Mod: workshop-2589174774 (芮塔) Registering default mod prefab
[01:00:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (xxx3_victorian)
[01:00:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (xxx3_shadow)
[01:00:00]: Could not preload undefined prefab (xxx3_myth)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) Registering prefabs
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) Registering prefab file:
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) onmyoji_plant_sunflower
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) item_sheller
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) sunflower_root
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) item_sheller_placer
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) Registering prefab file:
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) equippable_sunflower_hat
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) Registering prefab file:
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) foods_sunflower_kaka
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) foods_sunflower_sunshower
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) foods_sunflower_sunegg
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) foods_sunflower_sunegg_fx
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) Registering prefab file:
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) teruterubozu
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) teruterubozu_none
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) teruterubozu_ministar
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) teruterubozu_projectile
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) teruterubozu_sundoll_fx
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) teruterubozu_sundoll
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1)
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-1899182767 (碎卷拾遗 1.3.1) Registering default mod
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) Registering prefabs
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) Registering prefab file:
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) elena_hat
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) elena_magic
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) elena_broom
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) elena
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) elena_bullet
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) elena_bomb
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) Registering prefab file:
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) elena_none
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-2640834455 (伊蕾娜) Registering default mod prefab
[01:00:01]: Tried to add build [player_pistol] from file [../mods/workshop-
2640834455/anim/] but we've already added a build with that
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-704471544 (Plague Doctor the Plague Doctor) Registering
[01:00:01]: Mod: workshop-704471544 (Plague Doctor the Plague Doctor)
Registering prefab file: prefabs/plaguedoc
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-704471544 (Plague Doctor the Plague Doctor)
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-704471544 (Plague Doctor the Plague Doctor)
Registering default mod prefab
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Registering prefabs
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-345692228 (Minimap HUD) Registering default mod
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Registering prefabs
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1948438176 (En Español 2020) Registering default
mod prefab
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Registering
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-2622561786 (Domestication Calculator) Registering
default mod prefab
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Registering prefabs
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-376333686 (Combined Status) Registering default mod
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Registering prefabs
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1120124958 (Boss Indicators) Registering default
mod prefab
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Registering prefabs
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-352373173 (Gesture Wheel) Registering default mod
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-2281925291 (Finder Redux) Registering prefabs
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-2281925291 (Finder Redux) Registering default mod
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Registering prefabs
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1365141672 (Too Many Items Plus) Registering default
mod prefab
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) Registering prefabs
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/amiya
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/amiya_none
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_none
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) Registering prefab
file: prefabs/amiya_items
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_skillbook1
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_skillbook2
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_skillbook3
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_niuzhuan
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_baima
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_hecheng
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_yuanshi
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_sanshui
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_juhe
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_yizhiqi1
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_yizhiqi2
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_yizhiqi3
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_fengyi1
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_fengyi2
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_fengyi3
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_violin
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_kelibing
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_workbag
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_worklicense
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_machining_center

[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amy_supplybag

[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_skillbook1
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_skillbook2
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_skillbook3
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_niuzhuan
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_baima
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_hecheng
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_yuanshi
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_sanshui
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_juhe
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_yizhiqi1
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_yizhiqi2
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_yizhiqi3
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_fengyi1
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_fengyi2
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_fengyi3
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_battlebuff
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_chimerabuff
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_light
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_magic
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_bomb
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_duplicatorfx
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya)
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya)
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya)
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_spore
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_violin
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_kelibing
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_workbag
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_worklicense
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_duplicator
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) amiya_supplybag
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya)
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya)
[01:00:02]: Mod: workshop-1892210190 ([Arknights]Amiya) Registering default
mod prefab
[01:00:03]: RegisterPrefabs true 0
[01:00:03]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:00:03]: LOAD BE
[01:00:27]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:00:40]: LOAD BE: done
[01:00:40]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:00:40]: OVERRIDE: setting regrowth to fast
[01:00:40]: OVERRIDE: setting healthpenalty to always
[01:00:40]: OVERRIDE: setting lessdamagetaken to none
[01:00:40]: OVERRIDE: setting carrots_regrowth to fast
[01:00:40]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
[01:00:40]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-2589174774/images/map_icons/xxx3.xml )
[01:00:40]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-1899182767/images/QM_UI_map_teruterubozu.xml )
[01:00:40]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-2640834455/images/map_icons/elena.xml )
[01:00:40]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-2640834455/images/inventoryimages/elena.xml )
[01:00:40]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-704471544/images/map_icons/plaguedoc.xml )
[01:00:40]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas(
../mods/workshop-1892210190/images/map_icons/amiya.xml )
[01:00:40]: Loading 24 new character(s)
[01:00:42]: Total 24 character(s) loaded
[01:00:42]: World generated on build 580156 with save version: 5.142, using seed:
[01:00:42]: OVERRIDE: setting hounds to rare
[01:00:42]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostenabled to always
[01:00:42]: OVERRIDE: setting basicresource_regrowth to always
[01:00:42]: OVERRIDE: setting portalresurection to none
[01:00:42]: OVERRIDE: setting spawnmode to fixed
[01:00:42]: OVERRIDE: setting ghostsanitydrain to always
[01:00:42]: Reconstructing topology
[01:00:42]: ...Sorting points
[01:00:42]: ...Sorting edges
[01:00:42]: ...Connecting nodes
[01:00:42]: ...Validating connections
[01:00:42]: ...Housekeeping
[01:00:42]: ...Done!
[01:00:42]: Check for write access: TRUE
[01:00:42]: Check for read access: TRUE
[01:00:42]: Available disk space for save files: 62130 MB
[01:00:42]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
[01:00:42]: Reset() returning
[01:00:42]: Query Results: true 200
[01:00:42]: Query true 15 true
[01:00:42]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:00:59]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
[01:00:59]: Received (KU_WijUQh8Y) from TokenPurpose
[01:01:11]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:11]: Attempting to send resume request
[01:01:11]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:11]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: ReceiveResumeNotification
[01:01:12]: Deleting user: session/44682AB35F24ECF9/A7K2PDF6LCH2/0000000001
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:12]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:13]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:13]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:13]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:13]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:13]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:13]: Could not preload undefined prefab (MODDEDSKIN_VIGNETTE_LOADER)
[01:01:16]: ERROR! plaguedoc_none is not a valid portrait file for
plaguedoc plaguedoc_none
[01:01:35]: Movement prediction enabled
[01:01:35]: Could not find anim bank [amiyabadge]
[01:01:35]: Craft Pot ~~~ component loaded with no data
[01:01:35]: Deserializing tile data (425 x 425)
[01:01:35]: Could not find recipe, tag over max
[01:01:35]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: WARNING! Invalid resource handle for atlas 'FROMNUM', did you remember
to load the asset?
[01:01:36]: Serializing user: session/44682AB35F24ECF9/A7K2PDF6LCH2/0000000001
[01:01:38]: CURL ERROR: ( [6]Could not resolve host:
[01:02:16]: Getting display mode: Querying display 1 [of 1]
[01:02:16]: \: 1920, 1080, 60
[01:02:26]: Getting display mode: Querying display 1 [of 1]
[01:02:26]: \: 1920, 1080, 60
[01:03:07]: ERROR: Unsupported Storage Multi key BA4CCFD3
[01:03:11]: ERROR: Unsupported Storage Multi key BA4CCFD0
[01:03:11]: ERROR: Unsupported Storage Multi key D6937840
[01:03:11]: ERROR: Unsupported Storage Multi key BA4CCFD1
[01:04:31]: FMOD Error: Can't play event 'dontstarve/characters/amiya/emote', The
requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
[01:04:36]: FMOD Error: Can't play event 'dontstarve/characters/amiya/emote', The
requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
[01:04:43]: FMOD Error: Can't play event 'dontstarve/characters/amiya/emote', The
requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
[01:04:43]: ERROR: Unsupported Storage Multi key BA4CCFD4
[01:04:49]: ERROR: Unsupported Storage Multi key BA4CCFD4
[01:05:03]: FMOD Error: Can't play event 'dontstarve/characters/amiya/emote', The
requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
[01:05:08]: FMOD Error: Can't play event 'dontstarve/characters/amiya/emote', The
requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
[01:05:13]: FMOD Error: Can't play event 'dontstarve/characters/amiya/pose', The
requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
[01:05:18]: FMOD Error: Can't play event 'dontstarve/characters/amiya/emote', The
requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
[01:05:26]: FMOD Error: Can't play event 'dontstarve/characters/amiya/pose', The
requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
[01:05:37]: FMOD Error: Can't play event 'dontstarve/characters/amiya/emote', The
requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
[01:05:53]: Serializing user: session/44682AB35F24ECF9/A7K2PDF6LCH2/0000000001
[01:05:58]: Level: 10 Function Info:
nups : 2
what : Lua
func : function: 000000006B5DBBE0
lastlinedefined : 2452
source : scripts/componentactions.lua
currentline : 2448
namewhat :
linedefined : 2430
short_src : [string "scripts/componentactions.lua"]
Upvalue self -> table : 125443 -
Upvalue name -> string : amiyaagreement
Upvalue id -> number : 1
Upvalue (for generator) -> function : function: 0000000036A7FE60
Upvalue (for state) -> table : table: 0000000036CE30F0
Upvalue (for control) -> string : workshop-1892210190
Upvalue modname -> string : workshop-1892210190
Upvalue idmap -> table : table: 00000000109A6720
Upvalue (*temporary) -> nil : nil
Upvalue (*temporary) -> nil : nil
Upvalue (*temporary) -> number : 1
Upvalue (*temporary) -> string : attempt to index field '?' (a nil
Upvalue ACTION_COMPONENT_IDS -> table : table: 0000000036CE2740
Upvalue MOD_ACTION_COMPONENT_IDS -> table : table: 0000000036CE30F0
Level: 11 Function Info:
source : =(tail call)
what : tail
nups : 0
short_src : (tail call)
name :
currentline : -1
namewhat :
linedefined : -1
lastlinedefined : -1
Upvalue (*temporary) -> function : function: 000000003E5279B0
Level: 12 Function Info:
source : scripts/entityscript.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 000000006B5DBCE0
nups : 1
short_src : [string "scripts/entityscript.lua"]
name : AddComponent
currentline : 614
namewhat : method
linedefined : 591
lastlinedefined : 617
Upvalue self -> table : 125443 -
Upvalue name -> string : amiyaagreement
Upvalue lower_name -> string : amiyaagreement
Upvalue cmp -> table : table: 00000000ADBBA170
Upvalue loadedcmp -> table : table: 0000000011A65D40
Upvalue postinitfns -> table : table: 0000000011A65E30
Upvalue LoadComponent -> function : function: 0000000036CD9C30
Level: 13 Function Info:
source : ../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 00000000687AA1D0
nups : 7
short_src : [string "../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs..."]
name : fn
currentline : 1
namewhat : field
linedefined : 1
lastlinedefined : 1
Upvalue jiM -> table : 125443 -
Upvalue Go -> string : amiya_hecheng
Upvalue DGf -> nil : nil
Upvalue X2kyW -> function : function: 000000006A38A950
Upvalue kgRX7X -> table : table: 000000006B9C2650
Upvalue JB -> nil : nil
Upvalue GGJhclKa -> number : 40
Upvalue KWahIz -> boolean : true
Level: 14 Function Info:
nups : 1
what : Lua
func : function: 000000000F8C6C00
lastlinedefined : 371
source : scripts/mainfunctions.lua
currentline : 336
namewhat :
linedefined : 325
short_src : [string "scripts/mainfunctions.lua"]
Upvalue name -> string : amiya_hecheng
Upvalue prefab -> table : Prefab amiya_hecheng -
Upvalue modprefabinitfns -> table : table: 000000004FF18D30
Level: 15 Function Info:
source : =[C]
what : C
func : function: 0000000010723D70
nups : 1
short_src : [C]
name : SpawnPrefab
currentline : -1
namewhat : method
linedefined : -1
lastlinedefined : -1
Upvalue (*temporary) -> string : amiya_hecheng
Upvalue (*temporary) -> nil : nil
Upvalue (*temporary) -> nil : nil
Upvalue (*temporary) -> nil : nil
Upvalue (*temporary) -> function : function: 000000003E5279B0
Level: 16 Function Info:
source : scripts/mainfunctions.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 000000000F8C6E40
nups : 1
short_src : [string "scripts/mainfunctions.lua"]
name : _SpawnPrefab
currentline : 389
namewhat : upvalue
linedefined : 382
lastlinedefined : 391
Upvalue name -> string : amiya_hecheng
Upvalue skin -> nil : nil
Upvalue skin_id -> nil : nil
Upvalue creator -> nil : nil
Upvalue renames -> table : table: 000000004FF18F10
Level: 17 Function Info:
nups : 3
what : Lua
func : function: 000000005016FC30
lastlinedefined : 68
source : ../mods/workshop-2812783478/scripts/ms_postinits.lua
currentline : 59
namewhat :
linedefined : 58
short_src : [string "../mods/workshop-2812783478/scripts/ms_post..."]
Upvalue name -> string : amiya_hecheng
Upvalue skin -> nil : nil
Upvalue arg ->
[01:05:58]: [string "scripts/componentactions.lua"]:2448: attempt to index field
'?' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=(tail call):-1 in () (tail) <-1--1>
scripts/entityscript.lua:614 in (method) AddComponent (Lua) <591-617>
self (valid:true) =
GUID = 125443
Transform = Transform (00000000BB80C2E0)
RegisterComponentActions = function -
actionreplica = table: 0000000011A7B960
event_listening = table: 0000000011A7CB30
actioncomponents = table: 0000000011A7AFB0
lower_components_shadow = table: 0000000011A7AF10
entity = Entity (0000000068A6FEA0)
SetPersistData = function -
updatecomponents = table: 0000000011A654D0
Network = Network (00000000BB80C070)
persists = true
modactioncomponents = table: 0000000011A65F70
moistureupdatetask = PERIODIC 125443: 1.000000
event_listeners = table: 0000000011A7B9B0
pendingtasks = table: 0000000011A7E1B0
GetPersistData = function -
spawntime = 284.73334818333
Physics = Physics (00000000BB80C220)
replica = table: 0000000011A7B000
inlimbo = false
components = table: 0000000011A7B410
AnimState = AnimState (00000000BB80C790)
name = amiyaagreement
lower_name = amiyaagreement
cmp = table: 00000000ADBBA170
loadedcmp = table: 0000000011A65D40
postinitfns = table: 0000000011A65E30
../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua:1 in (field) fn (Lua)
jiM = 125443 - (valid:true)
scripts/mainfunctions.lua:336 in () ? (Lua) <325-371>
name = amiya_hecheng
prefab = Prefab amiya_hecheng -
=[C]:-1 in (method) SpawnPrefab (C) <-1--1>
scripts/mainfunctions.lua:389 in (upvalue) _SpawnPrefab (Lua) <382-391>
name = amiya_hecheng
skin = nil
skin_id = nil
creator = nil
../mods/workshop-2812783478/scripts/ms_postinits.lua:59 in () ? (Lua) <58-68>
name = amiya_hecheng
skin = nil
arg = nil
=(tail call):-1 in () (tail) <-1--1>
../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua:1 in (upvalue) lw4Q7kbl
(Lua) <1-1>
Vd = 125441 - amiya_supplybag (valid:true)
Oynw = (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
QBO = nil
s4ggux = 5
../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua:1 in (local) fn (Lua)
nN = 125441 - amiya_supplybag (valid:true)
scripts/entityscript.lua:1178 in (method) PushEvent (Lua) <1165-1192>
self (valid:true) =
GUID = 125441
Transform = Transform (000000006959B7F0)
RegisterComponentActions = function -
actionreplica = table: 0000000011A76EB0
event_listening = table: 0000000011A75F10
actioncomponents = table: 0000000011A76CD0
lower_components_shadow = table: 0000000011A76B40
entity = Entity (0000000068A6F240)
SetPersistData = function -
prefab = amiya_supplybag
updatecomponents = table: 0000000011A78D50
name = 干员补给包
Network = Network (000000006959B4F0)
persists = true
moistureupdatetask = PERIODIC 125441: 1.000000
pendingtasks = table: 0000000011A7A420
SoundEmitter = SoundEmitter (000000006959BB20)
event_listeners = table: 0000000011A764B0
GetPersistData = function -
spawntime = 284.73334818333
Physics = Physics (000000006959B910)
replica = table: 0000000011A769B0
inlimbo = false
components = table: 0000000011A76780
AnimState = AnimState (000000006959B0A0)
event = onremove
data = nil
listeners = table: 0000000011A7BA00
tocall = table: 0000000011A7C090
i = 1
fn = function - ../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua:1
scripts/entityscript.lua:1529 in () ? (Lua) <1518-1585>
self (valid:true) =
GUID = 125441
Transform = Transform (000000006959B7F0)
[01:05:58]: [string "scripts/componentactions.lua"]:2448: attempt to index field
'?' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=(tail call):-1 in () (tail) <-1--1>
scripts/entityscript.lua:614 in (method) AddComponent (Lua) <591-617>
../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua:1 in (field) fn
(Lua) <1-1>
scripts/mainfunctions.lua:336 in () ? (Lua) <325-371>
=[C]:-1 in (method) SpawnPrefab (C) <-1--1>
scripts/mainfunctions.lua:389 in (upvalue) _SpawnPrefab (Lua) <382-391>
../mods/workshop-2812783478/scripts/ms_postinits.lua:59 in () ? (Lua) <58-68>
=(tail call):-1 in () (tail) <-1--1>
../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua:1 in (upvalue)
lw4Q7kbl (Lua) <1-1>
../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua:1 in (local) fn
(Lua) <1-1>
scripts/entityscript.lua:1178 in (method) PushEvent (Lua) <1165-1192>
scripts/entityscript.lua:1529 in () ? (Lua) <1518-1585>

[01:05:58]: Level: 10 Function Info:

source : ../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 0000000040181AB0
nups : 0
short_src : [string "../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs..."]
name : nHlJ
currentline : 1
namewhat : upvalue
linedefined : 1
lastlinedefined : 1
Upvalue _k -> nil : nil
Upvalue Ef -> table : (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Upvalue KfM -> number : 5
Upvalue (*temporary) -> nil : nil
Upvalue (*temporary) -> nil : nil
Upvalue (*temporary) -> nil : nil
Upvalue (*temporary) -> nil : nil
Upvalue (*temporary) -> string : attempt to index local '_k' (a nil
Level: 11 Function Info:
source : ../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 000000006A38A750
nups : 1
short_src : [string "../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs..."]
name : lw4Q7kbl
currentline : 1
namewhat : upvalue
linedefined : 1
lastlinedefined : 1
Upvalue Vd -> table : 125441 - amiya_supplybag
Upvalue Oynw -> table : (0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
Upvalue QBO -> nil : nil
Upvalue s4ggux -> number : 5
Upvalue nHlJ -> function : function: 0000000040181AB0
Level: 12 Function Info:
source : ../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs/amiya_items.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 000000006A38AD50
nups : 1
short_src : [string "../mods/workshop-1892210190/scripts/prefabs..."]
name : fn
currentline : 1
namewhat : local
linedefined : 1
lastlinedefined : 1
Upvalue nN -> table : 125441 - amiya_supplybag
Upvalue lw4Q7kbl -> function : function: 000000006A38A750
Level: 13 Function Info:
source : scripts/entityscript.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 000000006A140410
nups : 0
short_src : [string "scripts/entityscript.lua"]
name : PushEvent
currentline : 1178
namewhat : method
linedefined : 1165
lastlinedefined : 1192
Upvalue self -> table : 125441 - amiya_supplybag
Upvalue event -> string : onremove
Upvalue data -> nil : nil
Upvalue listeners -> table : table: 0000000011A7BA00
Upvalue tocall -> table : table: 0000000011A7C090
Upvalue (for generator) -> function : function: 0000000036A80550
Upvalue (for state) -> table : table: 0000000011A7C090
Upvalue (for control) -> number : 1
Upvalue i -> number : 1
Upvalue fn -> function : function: 000000006A38AD50
Level: 14 Function Info:
nups : 0
what : Lua
func : function: 000000006A140320
lastlinedefined : 1585
source : scripts/entityscript.lua
currentline : 1529
namewhat :
linedefined : 1518
short_src : [string "scripts/entityscript.lua"]
Upvalue self -> table : 125441 - amiya_supplybag
Level: 15 Function Info:
source : =(tail call)
what : tail
nups : 0
short_src : (tail call)
name :
currentline : -1
namewhat :
linedefined : -1
lastlinedefined : -1
Upvalue (*temporary) -> function : function: 000000003E5279B0
Level: 16 Function Info:
source : ../mods/workshop-836583293/scripts/iteminfo_infofetcher.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 000000005C212C30
nups : 1
short_src : [string "../mods/workshop-836583293/scripts/iteminfo..."]
name : AddItemToCache
currentline : 19
namewhat : method
linedefined : 8
lastlinedefined : 21
Upvalue self -> table : table: 0000000045413E60
Upvalue inst -> table : 125137 - amiya_supplybag
Upvalue IsMasterSim -> boolean : false
Upvalue inst_copy -> table : 125441 - amiya_supplybag
Upvalue CacheItem -> table : table: 000000004540FF90
Level: 17 Function Info:
source : ../mods/workshop-836583293/scripts/widgets/iteminfo_desc.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 000000001152FDF0
nups : 0
short_src : [string "../mods/workshop-836583293/scripts/widgets/..."]
name : UpdateInfo
currentline : 420
namewhat : method
linedefined : 408
lastlinedefined : 471
Upvalue self -> table : ItemInfoDesc
Level: 18 Function Info:
source : ../mods/workshop-836583293/scripts/widgets/iteminfo_desc.lua
what : Lua
func : function: 0000000011530690
nups : 0
short_src : [string "../mods/workshop-836583293/scripts/widgets/..."]
name : ShowInfo
currentline : 517
namewhat : method
linedefined : 513
[01:06:01]: replica combat already exists! scripts/entityreplica.lua:78 in
(method) ReplicateEntity (Lua) <75-85>
[01:06:01]: Registering duplicate lua network variable 642177846 in entity
[01:06:01]: Break at: ..\source\simlib\Entity.cpp(391) :
[01:06:02]: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/donotstarvetogether_client.dmp written.
[01:06:02]: [C](-1): net_entity

[01:06:02]: [string "scripts/components/combat_replica.lua"](4): _ctor

[01:06:02]: [string "scripts/class.lua"](191): cmp

[01:06:02]: [string "scripts/entityreplica.lua"](59): ReplicateComponent

[01:06:02]: [string "scripts/entityreplica.lua"](78): ReplicateEntity

[01:06:02]: [string "scripts/mainfunctions.lua"](799): ?

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