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Chapter 10 The Human Nervous System Exam Pack and Mark Scheme

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Name: ________________________

Chapter 10 Human Nervous

System Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Time: 107 minutes

Marks: 107 marks


Page 1 of 35
(a) List A gives the names of four stimuli. List B gives four parts of the human body.
Draw a straight line from each stimulus in List A to the part of the body in List B which has
receptors for that stimulus.
(One has been done for you.)


(b) Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct words from the box.

brain glands motor sensory

To make us aware of a stimulus, impulses are sent along a …………………..… neurone

to the ...........................................
(Total 5 marks)

Page 2 of 35
The photograph shows a new-born baby.

By SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

(a) New-born babies have reflex actions. The reflex actions help new-born babies to survive.

Draw a line from each reflex action to the way in which it helps the baby to survive.

Reflex action How the reflex action helps

the baby

Helps the baby to hold on to the


If milk goes down the baby’s

windpipe the baby coughs

Prevents the baby from choking

If the mother touches the palm of

the baby’s hand, the baby clenches
its fist.

Helps to protect some of the baby’s


If the mother strokes the baby’s

mouth, the baby begins to suck.

Helps the baby to crawl

If a bright light shines on the baby,

the baby’s eyes shut.

Helps the baby to feed


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(b) Which two of the following may be effectors in reflex actions?

Tick ( ) two boxes.



Motor neurones


Sensory neurones

(Total 6 marks)

Humans use the nervous system to react to changes in the environment.

(a) (i) Which word means a change in the environment?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

neurone reflex stimulus


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(ii) Figure 1 shows a light receptor cell.

Use the correct answer from the box to label part A on Figure 1.

chloroplast cytoplasm vacuole


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(b) Figure 2 shows a boy riding a bicycle on a sunny day.

© Stockbyte/Thinkstock

(i) Receptors in the boy’s body detect changes in the environment.

Complete the table to show which organ of the body contains the receptors for each
change in the environment.

Organ that contains the

Change in the environment

Sound of traffic from behind him

Flashing blue lights of a police car

Cooler air temperature in the shadows


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(ii) The boy’s response to danger is to pull on the bicycle brakes.

Which type of effector causes this response?

Tick ( ) one box.

A gland

A muscle

A synapse

(Total 6 marks)

The diagram below shows the pathway for a simple reflex action.

(a) What type of neurone is neurone X?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

motor neurone relay neurone sensory neurone


(b) There is a gap between neurone X and neurone Y.

(i) What word is used to describe a gap between two neurones?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

effector receptor synapse


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(ii) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.

a chemical.
Information passes across the gap as an electrical impulse.


(c) Describe what happens to the muscle when it receives an impulse from neurone Z. How
does this reflex action help the body?

What happens to the muscle ........................................................................


How this helps the body ................................................................................

(Total 5 marks)

(a) What is the name of the organ which controls the nervous system?

(b) The diagram shows a reflex arc. Label the three neurones.


(c) Snatching your hand from a hot object is an example of a reflex action. Give one other
example of a reflex action.


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(d) Describe the stages that happen in a reflex action.




(Total 8 marks)

Reflex actions are rapid and automatic.

(a) Name the following structures in a reflex action.

(i) The structure that detects the stimulus.


(ii) The neurone that carries impulses to the central nervous system.


(iii) The neurone that carries impulses away from the central nervous system.


(iv) The structure that brings about the response.


(b) Describe what happens at a synapse when an impulse arrives.






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(c) Some people have a condition in which information from the skin does not reach the brain.

Explain why this is dangerous for the person.





(Total 8 marks)

Information is also passed by impulses in the nervous system. Neurones carry impulses very
7 rapidly. The diagram shows a reflex arc.

Label the diagram by adding the names of the neurones.

(Total 3 marks)

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The diagram shows the structures involved in the knee-jerk reflex. When the tendon is struck
8 with the hammer, the receptor is stimulated and the lower leg moves forward.

(a) Name the structures labelled A, B and C.

A .................................................................................................................................

B .................................................................................................................................

C .................................................................................................................................

(b) How is information passed from structure A to structure B?



(c) What is the effector in this response?

(Total 5 marks)

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A person accidentally touches a hot pan.
Her hand automatically moves away from the pan.

The diagram shows the structures involved in this action.

(a) Describe fully how the structures shown in the diagram bring about this reflex action.












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(b) (i) The nerve pathway in this reflex action is about 1.5 metres in length. A nerve impulse
travels at 75 m s–1.

Use this information to calculate the time taken for this reflex action to occur.

Show clearly how you work out your answer.



Time intervals ....................................... s


(ii) The actual time interval is longer than the interval you have calculated in part (i).

Suggest an explanation for the difference.


(Total 9 marks)

The diagram below shows how a nerve impulse passing along a relay neurone causes an
10 impulse to be sent along another type of neurone, neurone X.

(a) What type of neurone is neurone X?


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(b) Describe how information passes from the relay neurone to neurone X.
Use the diagram to help you.







(c) Scientists investigated the effect of two toxins on the way in which information passes
across synapses. The table below shows the results.

Toxin Effect at the synapse

Decreases the effect of the chemical

on neurone X

Increases the amount of the chemical

made in the relay neurone

Describe the effect of each of the toxins on the response by muscles.

Curare ............................................................................................................



Strychnine ......................................................................................................


(Total 6 marks)

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The diagram shows the structures involved in the knee-jerk reflex. When the person is hit at point
11 P, the lower leg is suddenly raised.

(a) Name the structures labelled A, B and C.

A ....................................................................................................................

B ....................................................................................................................

C ....................................................................................................................

(b) How is information passed across a synapse?



(c) What is the effector in this response?

(Total 5 marks)

Page 15 of 35
The diagram shows a vertical section through the head, showing the brain.

(a) Use words from the box to name the structures labelled X, Y and Z on the diagram.

cerebral cortex cerebellum medulla spinal cord synapse

X ...................................................................

Y ...................................................................

Z ...................................................................

(b) One method of mapping brain function is to observe changes in body functions following a

(i) Give two other methods of mapping brain function.

1. ...........................................................................................................

2. ...........................................................................................................

(ii) Give one way in which disruption of the blood supply to part Y might affect the
functioning of the body.


(Total 6 marks)

Page 16 of 35
The diagram shows the nervous pathway that is used to coordinate the knee-jerk reflex.
13 When the tendon below the knee is tapped with a hammer, the lower leg jerks upwards in a reflex

(a) On the diagram, draw arrows next to the neurones labelled A and B to show the direction
in which an impulse moves in each neurone.

(b) How is information passed across the synapse at C?


(c) On the diagram, label the effector with the letter X.


(d) (i) The nerve pathway linking the stretch receptor with the muscle is about 1.5 metres in

A nerve impulse travels at 75 ms–1.

Use this information to calculate the time interval between the stimulus and the



Time interval ................... s


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(ii) The actual time interval is longer than the interval you have calculated in part (d)(i).

Suggest an explanation for the difference.





(e) A group of students wanted to find out how the speed of the hammer affected the distance
the lower leg moved.

The diagram shows how the experiment was set up.

Each trial was recorded on a video. A frame was taken every 33 milliseconds. The video
was then played using single-frame advance. The number of frames for the hammer to
move to the knee was found. The faster the speed, the smaller was the number of frames.
The video was also used to find the distance moved by the toe.

In each trial, the experimenter held the hammer 20 cm from the subject’s knee and then hit
the subject’s tendon. For each trial the experimenter used the hammer at a different speed.

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The table shows some of the results.

Trial number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Distance hammer moved to

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
in cm
Number of frames it took
15 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 2 2
the hammer to move to the

Distance moved by toe in 0 0 5 5 4 10 10 10 10 10


(i) What variable did the experimenter control in this experiment?


(ii) Give two advantages of using a video to measure the time it took for the hammer to
move to hit the tendon.

1 ............................................................................................................


2 ............................................................................................................


(iii) One of the results seems to be anomalous.

Draw a ring around the anomalous result in the table.

Suggest one reason why the anomalous result may have happened.


(iv) Draw a conclusion from the results of the experiment.





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(v) Suggest one way in which the precision of the experiment could have been


(Total 15 marks)

(a) Diagram 1 shows the neurones and parts of the body involved in a response to touching a
14 hot object.

Diagram 1

A neurone is a nerve cell. Neurones carry impulses around the body.

(i) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.

motor neurone.
Neurone A is a relay neurone.
sensory neurone.

an effector.
At point Y there is a tiny gap between two neurones called a receptor.
a synapse.


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(ii) The hand touches a hot object. An impulse travels through the nervous system to the
muscle (point X). The muscle moves the hand away from the hot object.

What does the muscle do to move the hand away from the hot object?

Tick ( ) one box.





(iii) The action described in part (a) (ii) is a reflex action.

How can you tell that this action is not a conscious action?

Use information from the diagram.



(iv) Reflex actions like this are useful.

Explain why.





(b) Some students investigated the effect of caffeine on a person’s reaction time.

The students used the following steps.

1. One student held a ruler just above a second student’s hand, as shown in Diagram 2.

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Diagram 2

2. The student let go of the ruler. The second student caught it as soon as possible, as
shown in Diagram 3.

Diagram 3

3. The students repeated this experiment seven more times.

4. The student catching the ruler then drank a cup of strong coffee.

Coffee contains caffeine.

5. Fifteen minutes after drinking the coffee the students repeated steps 1 to 3.

Table 1 and Table 2 show the students’ results.

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Table 1 Table 2

Distance ruler fell Distance ruler fell

before it was caught before it was caught
in cm in cm

Before drinking coffee After drinking coffee

18 8

21 13

25 11

15 17

19 10

16 14

12 13

21 13

Mean = 18.4 Mean = 12.4

(i) The students used the reading on the ruler as a measure of the reaction time.

What do the results show about the effect of caffeine on reaction time?



(ii) Look carefully at all the data in Table 1 and Table 2.

Using the data in Table 1 and Table 2, give one reason why a scientist may not
accept your conclusion in part (b) (i).



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(iii) How could the students improve their investigation?

Suggest two ways.

1 ............................................................................................................


2 ............................................................................................................

(Total 10 marks)

A man hurt his head in an accident.

15 Doctors found that he could not remember anything that had happened on the day of the

(a) (i) Name the part of the brain concerned with memory.


(ii) Name one method the doctors could use to find out how much the brain was


(b) The doctors were worried that the man might also have injured his spine.
They touched different areas of his skin with a sharp point.
They asked him to tell them each time if he could feel the sharp point.

Page 24 of 35
(i) Explain how the information about the sharp point touching the skin reaches the
man’s brain.














(ii) The doctors found that the man could feel the sharp point when the point touched his
arms but not when the point touched his legs.

Suggest what this information could tell the doctors about the damage to the man’s
spinal cord. Explain your answer.




(Total 10 marks)

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Mark schemes
(a) Stimulus Part of the body

1 mark for each correct line

if 2 lines to one box, CANCEL mark
max 3

(b) in correct sequence:



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all four correct = 4 marks

three correct = 3 marks
two correct = 2 marks
one correct = 1 mark
extra line from a statement cancels the mark

(b) glands

1 mark for each correct tick
each extra box ticked cancels 1 mark

(a) (i) stimulus

3 1

(ii) cytoplasm

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(b) (i) ear(s)
in this order only

accept retina

ignore extra detail

(ii) A muscle

(a) sensory neurone

4 1

(b) (i) synapse


(ii) a chemical

(c) (What happens to the muscle)

mark both parts of the question together

any one from:

• contraction / contracts
ignore relaxation / relaxes / tenses
• gets shorter

(How this helps the body)

idea of protection for body (from damage / pain)

eg moves finger / arm away (from pin / stimulus / source of pain)

(a) brain
5 1

(b) receptor or sensory or afferent

connector or relay

effector or motor or efferent

Page 28 of 35
(c) any one from
blink (of eye)
accept a violent movement of a limb from pain or sharp object

knee jerk
do not credit snatch from cold object or any temperature reference
e.g. boiling water
accept sneezing, coughing, choking, vomitting, pupil closing or

(d) danger or a signal detected (by nerve)

or impulse sent

goes to or through spine

accept impulse by-passes the brain
do not award mark if brain mentioned
do not credit message to spine

a very rapid response occurs or then to

effector or muscle or motor
accept no thinking time is needed

(a) (i) receptor
allow named receptor eg light receptor
ignore sensory neurone
allow sense organ / named sensory organ eg skin / eye

(ii) sensory (neurone)

allow afferent

(iii) motor (neurone)

allow efferent

(iv) effector / muscle / gland / named


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(b) any two from:

• impulse / information passes from one neurone to another

or impulse / information passes across gap

• chemical / transmitter involved

• diffusion (across gap)


(c) brain / person not aware of pain / stimulus / can’t feel

allow brain/ person doesn’t know / realise / unable to coordinate
ignore reflex
ignore information

possibility of (permanent / serious) damage / eg burning

ignore danger

top left label sensory

credit afferent
do not accept receptor

bottom right label connector or relay

credit intermediate

bottom left label motor or effector

credit efferent

(a) A sensory (neurone)

ignore nerve

B motor (neurone)
ignore nerve

C spinal cord / central nervous system / grey matter


(b) by chemical / substance

allow transmitter

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(c) muscle
allow extensor
ignore muscle names

(a) stimulus / heat detected by temperature receptors in skin

9 1

impulses travel along sensory neurone to spinal cord / CNS


chemical transmission across synapse


via relay neurone


impulses to muscle / effector via motor neurone


muscle / effector contracts, moving the hand away


(b) (i) 0.02 s

correct answer gains 2 marks
if answer incorrect, evidence of 1.5 / 75 gains 1 mark

(ii) impulse slowed down because of time taken for

diffusion of the chemical across the synapse

(a) motor
allow efferent / postsynaptic
allow another relay (neurone)

(b) release of chemical (from relay neurone)

allow ecf for ‘motor’ neurone from (a)
allow release of neurotransmitter / named example

chemical crosses gap / junction / synapse

allow diffuses across
allow chemical moves to X

chemical attaches to X / motor / next neurone (causing impulse)


Page 31 of 35
(c) (curare) decrease / no contraction
accept (muscle) relaxes

(strychnine) increase / more contraction

if no other mark awarded allow 1 mark for (curare) decrease / no
response and (strychnine) increase / more response

(a) A sensory (neurone)

ignore nerve

B motor (neurone)
ignore nerve

C spinal cord / central nervous system / white matter

accept grey matter

(b) by chemical / substance

allow transmitter

(c) muscle
allow extensor
ignore muscle names

(a) X – cerebral cortex

12 1

Y – cerebellum

Z – medulla

(b) (i) electrical stimulation


MRI (scanning)

(ii) loss of (some) muscular coordination


(a) towards spinal cord by A and away from spinal cord by B

13 1

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(b) by chemicals

(c) muscle labelled X


(d) (i) 1.5 ÷ 75


= 0.02 s
correct answer with or without working gains 2 marks

(ii) impulse is slowed down at synapse


because of time taken for diffusion of the chemical (across the synapse)
award up to 2 marks for any other feasible suggestion

(e) (i) distance moved by hammer


(ii) permanent record of results


provides means of measuring the very short time the hammer moved

(iii) circle around distance in trial 5


eg hammer did not hit tendon fully


(iv) increasing the speed of hammer increases the distance the toe moved

up to a maximum of 10 cm

(v) eg reduce grid size to eg 1 cm

award 1 mark for any feasible suggestion

(a) (i) sensory neurone

14 1

a synapse

(ii) contract

(iii) not connected to brain / coordinated only by spinal cord


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(iv) automatic / rapid (response)
allow no thinking / faster / less time

protects body from danger / from damage / from burning


(b) (i) caffeine decreases reaction time

accept caffeine speeds up / quicker reactions

(ii) the two sets of results overlap (considerably)

allow use of appropriate numbers – eg 5 of the ‘after’ results
overlap with the ‘before’ results
allow ‘wide spread of results’
allow ‘it was just one person’ or ‘it was a small sample’
accept use of one pair of results only – if meaning is clear
accept use of one pair of overlapping results

(iii) any two sensible suggestions: eg

• more repetitions
• perform investigation on several other people
• use other (measured) amounts of coffee
• use different / more time intervals
• other suggested measure of reaction time – eg computer-generated light
flash + time measurement
• use pure caffeine or caffeine tablets

(a) (i) cerebral cortex

accept cerebrum / cerebral hemisphere

(ii) MRI (scan)

allow CAT / CT scan
do not accept MIR


electrode stimulation
allow electrical stimulation

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(b) (i) sharp point stimulates (pain) receptor (in the skin)
must be in correct order

to send (nerve) impulse

ignore information and messages

via sensory neurone


to spinal cord
do not accept spine, ignore CNS

crosses synapse
allow synapse in any correct context

to other (relay) neurones / to brain

do not accept motor neurone
allow explanation in a flow diagram

(ii) damage must be between arms and legs / below arms

accept below the waist

since information from nerves in arms still reaches the brain / information from
the legs doesn’t reach the brain

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