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Psychology Matching Hypothesis Coursework

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Writing coursework on a topic like the Psychology Matching Hypothesis can be a challenging task

that requires a deep understanding of psychological concepts, research methods, and the ability to
critically analyze empirical studies. This particular topic involves exploring the correlation between
individuals' attractiveness and their likelihood of forming romantic relationships.

To successfully complete a coursework assignment on the Psychology Matching Hypothesis, one

needs to conduct extensive research, review relevant literature, and synthesize information from
various sources. Understanding statistical methods and data analysis is crucial, as interpreting
research findings plays a significant role in supporting or challenging the matching hypothesis.

Moreover, the coursework demands a strong writing skill set, including the ability to articulate
complex ideas, develop a coherent argument, and adhere to academic writing conventions. Proper
citation and referencing are essential to maintain academic integrity.

Given the complexity of such tasks, some individuals may find it beneficial to seek assistance from
academic writing services. ⇒ ⇔ is one such platform that offers support in
completing coursework assignments. It provides professionally written, customized content that can
serve as a guide or reference for students grappling with challenging topics.

However, it's important to note that using such services should align with academic integrity policies.
Seeking help is acceptable as long as the provided content is used ethically, such as for learning
purposes or as a reference to aid in one's understanding of the subject matter.

In conclusion, writing a coursework on the Psychology Matching Hypothesis requires a combination

of research skills, critical thinking, and proficiency in academic writing. For those who find it
overwhelming, seeking assistance from reputable services like ⇒ ⇔ may be a
viable option, ensuring that the coursework meets academic standards and serves as a valuable
learning tool.
Aligning human resources with current and future needs is a significant challenge for organizations.
The rho was -0.02424. This figure does provide some support for the matching hypothesis as it
shows that real couples are more positively correlated than random couples and could suggest it’s
because people are attracted to and form relationships with people who are similar in physical
attractiveness. There will be a set of instructions to go with the briefing stage. He got 4 independent
judges to rate the attractiveness of 752 students who signed up to this dating service. This is because
on wedding days the bride is especially groomed to look her best- and so usually looks much better
than that in everyday life. The participants were then debriefed and told about the experiment and
what it was for. Also couple 5 with 200 points (second highest score) received 10 marks for the
matching hypothesis (second lowest). For this reason I decided to reject my alternative hypothesis
and accept the null. Though several empirical works strongly confirm market efficiency, some of the
hypotheses do not agree with the efficient market hypothesis, such as behavior finance hypothesis.
The exclusion of the points from couples G and J produces a more positively correlated trend line
which I believe will change the rho. I have an average score for every male in each of the couples
and a corresponding average score for the females. I would also use more photos, to make it a more
specific test and also to make my results more significant to this area of psychology. A type two error
is when a null hypothesis is reserved when it is actually wrong. Couple number 3 who received an
overall ranking of 119 (lowest ranking) received 20 points (highest possible score) for the matching
hypothesis. In order to test this hypothesis an opportunity sample was used at a local shopping centre
where willing participants were given a questionnaire which had 20 pictures of the opposite sex. For
further research into this area of psychology, I would tape several couples on their wedding day and
(with their consent) get participants to rate them on many different aspects of attractiveness. When
people communicate they resort to their function words that help them structure the message they are
trying to articulate. In real life situations the majority of people do not allow others to choose their
date for them. Following this using certain dating websites we collated images of 10 single men and
10 single women. The scatter graph did not show a positive correlation between males and female
levels of physical appearance and does not support the hypothesis. During the dance, participants
were asked to rate their date. Linked to the importance of similarity, the social exchange theory
purports close interpersonal relationships are formed on the basis of rewards partners can bring to
each other. This research does not support the research that suggests people in long-term relationships
are of similar levels of physical attractiveness. How attractive people find each other forms the basis
of my research. With the results collected we were able to carry out a correlational analysis. Instead,
participants were randomly paired, except no man was paired with a taller woman. People may rate
attractiveness in a totally different way. Examples which are relevant for males being attracted to
females can include: waist-hip ratio, body mass index (BMI), a youthful appearance and skin tone.
Please note, we would not yet have covered operationalising the variables or the direction of
hypotheses. We would therefore be able to see if there is a correlation between similar personalities in
cases where the couples didn't match in physical attractiveness.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. What
gets us together and then keeps us that way. Love. What exactly is it. When being asked to rate the
males in the photographs, male participants seemed to feel strange about rating them high, even a fair
ranking appeared extremely difficult for them to do. Participants did not agree on levels of physical
appearance in the couples, the standard deviation was large and shows a lot of disagreement
between the participants. I have circled 2 results on the graph which I believe to be rogue. Likewise,
for hedonic brands transformational advertising is more effective. Members of certain cultures even
disfigure their bodies in order to enhance beauty. However the calculation of rho for the real couples
was 0.327 whereas the rho for the fake couples was -0.242. This difference in correlation therefore
does provide some support for Murstein’s findings and in turn the matching hypothesis as it shows
that real couples are more similar in physical attractiveness than fake couples are. This could show
that similar physical attractiveness is still a deciding factor in forming relationships but not as much
as it used to be in the past. Please note, we would not yet have covered operationalising the variables
or the direction of hypotheses. For example, the photographs of the couples were of their wedding
day. Results showed students expressed the most liking for those who matched them in physical
attractiveness, contradicting the original findings. Cause and analysis was the appropriate method for
this investigation as it provides information on the strength of a relationship between specific
variables. In the study 752 students from the University of Minnesota were required and asked to
fill out a questionnaire. A Replication of the Study by Murstein Investigating the Matching
Hypothesi. Murstein (1972) carried out his study on actual long term couples. If the participant does
not wish to withdraw their data then the interviewer should keep the questionnaire at the top of the
pile of completed questionnaires. Two questionnaires were created; One with 20 males (10 single
males and 10 coupled males) and another with 20 females (10 single females and 10 coupled
females). For example, women usually chose partners that are less attractive than they are. Instead,
participants were randomly paired, except no man was paired with a taller woman. To determine how
effectively people communicate with each other computer programs have been able to analyze the
effectiveness by analyzing people conversation using their function words and sentence structure. I
have circled the rogue results on the graph (see page 8). After the dance the students were asked
whether they liked their date and whether they would go out with them again. For example, on
photograph 2, 2 female participants number 19 rated the male as 7 however only rates the female 5,
unlike most female participants who consistently ranked the female higher than the male. In fact, a
plethora of empirical documentations have shown that matching of personal characteristics is a more
reliable determinate of attraction in long term relationships. I repeated this for the males and females
in the real and fake couples. This finding provides support for the Matching hypothesis as it shows
that individuals in a real couple are more similar in physical attractiveness than random couples. This
compromise is necessary because of fear of rejection from a more attractive person. What Is Love?.
Difficult to define special attitude with behavioral and emotional components different things to
different people difficult to measure. The students were then matched up at random with the only
condition that a man wasn’t matched up with a woman who was taller than him.
To overcome this problem, I would only use large photographs, around 5x5cm for future
investigation. I therefore look to the experimental design to see if there are any reasons for
inaccurate results. The students filling out the questionnaires were under the assumption that the
results from their questionnaires would determine their ideal partner for the dance. I would conquer
this by video taping a couple on their wedding day and ask participants to judge their attractiveness
by more factors than just physical attractiveness. As there will only be one race to rate, in the event
of an individual being racist then all of the pictures will be rated the same as they are all white. Next
forms produced with the photos on the back of the score sheet, with a rank of 1-10 (10 being the
highest- most attractive, see appendix). My hypothesis would be that the more attracted the couples
are to each other the longer their marriage would last. This test was selected as it is a two sample test
of correlation for use with data that has an ratio level of measurement because they were rated scale
1-10 then converted to ordinal data and was rank ordered (see appendix). Walster et al. (1966) set
out to test the Matching hypothesis proposed by Goffman and to see whether people are attracted to
others who are of a similar physical attractiveness. They deliberately choose someone who is similar
to them, not because they find them most attractive, but because they don’t want to be rejected. Is
someone who shares many of your viewpoints, especially on subjects you consider important. These
pairings however, had been made at random on basis of their physical attractiveness. I would use
approximately 10 photos, as it would give an easy average to work with. Research has supported the
matching hypothesis that people tend to relate to people who are approximately equal to them in
evaluated beauty. When asked if they liked their partner and whether they would re-date them, the
key determinate of each person's desirability was the level of physical attractiveness (Walster et al
1966.) While beauty is a desirable quality in a partner, if all of us sought the most attractive
companion, we would be repeatedly rejected and very few relationships would actually form. Again
they will be handed a piece of paper that briefly states what I was investigating. What gets us
together and then keeps us that way. Love. What exactly is it. Students were asked how much they
liked their date and if they wanted to see them again. Is someone who never talks about you behind
your back. The measure are therefore not valid and do not support the hypothesis. For example, the
photographs of the couples were of their wedding day. In this sense it shows that the findings of the
stu dy cannot be generalised as the process to gain the findings is not representative of normal
actions. As the observed value is higher than the critical value, the alternative hypothesis is accepted,
and the null hypothesis is rejected. In conclusion the hypothesis of this experiment was rejected as
results were statistically infrequent, this shows from the results that there is in fact no similarities in
levels of physical appearance amongst couples in long term relationships. It can be concluded that
any differences in results are not due to chance alone. Examples which are relevant for males being
attracted to females can include: waist-hip ratio, body mass index (BMI), a youthful appearance and
skin tone. This experiment used a random sampling method, participants were asked for consent
before any questions were asked, and as all participants asked were over the age of 16 parental
consent was not required. A Replication of the Study by Murstein Investigating the Matching
Hypothesi. After the photos are obtained, record sheets will be produced on which the participants
will rate the couples. There was no significant correlation suggesting that when seeking a partner we
don't look for those who match us in physical appearance.
The desire of another date was determined by the attractiveness of the female, irrespective of the
attractiveness of the male. After the photos are obtained, record sheets will be produced on which
the participants will rate the couples. I would use approximately 10 photos, as it would give an easy
average to work with. The results of this method were recorded by means of Spearman’s rank
correlation. The method used in this experiment was very similar to that of Murstein’s matching
hypothesis, using 10photos of couples split in two so there was 10 males and 10females 20
participants were asked to rank the males in order of 1-10, and the rank the females in order of 1-10
without knowing which male was coupled with which female. Photographs were pre-organised into
two piles, male and female, although within these groups the order was random. University students
made the sample up and for this reason it means it is not possible to generalise the findings to a
wider population other than the one studied. Then we added the 10 males to a questionnaire and also
the 10 females to a separate questionnaire. This investigation is going to replicate this study. My
experimental hypothesis is that couples will correlate in their scores for physical attractiveness.
Though several empirical works strongly confirm market efficiency, some of the hypotheses do not
agree with the efficient market hypothesis, such as behavior finance hypothesis. Linked to the
importance of similarity, the social exchange theory purports close interpersonal relationships are
formed on the basis of rewards partners can bring to each other. Equal numbers of male and female
participants were used to counter the effects gender may place on perception of physical
attractiveness. The matching hypothesis is a popular psychological theory proposed by Walster et al.
1966, on what causes people to be attracted to their partners. A Replication of the Study by Murstein
Investigating the Matching Hypothesi. The researcher, me is a 17 year old 6th form student from a
Northeast School. This was because 60% of the couples who were similar in physical attractiveness
engaged in intimate actions (hugging, holding hands etc.) as opposed to 22% in the couples who
were not similar in physical attractiveness. It claims that people are more likely to form long- lasting
relationships with people who are roughly equally as physically attractive as themselves. Over a time
span of one year, 2003 to 2004, suicide amongst children, especially teens has risen drastically. When
handing out my questionnaires I may have been more prone to approaching a certain type of person
as there were more of them in the area I was working within, thus producing biased results meaning
that my results were not typical of the population due to the sample. Are shaped by communication
Influence how we communicate Are fluid A process. The Need to Belong. The need to belong is a
basic human motive We care deeply about what others think of us. For example, women usually
chose partners that are less attractive than they are. I believe a correlation of 0.564 was not achieved
due to a number of reasons, the main one being rogue results. Secondly, even though we only used
long term couples, we weren't really aware of the level of commitment. Discussion The results in
table 1 exhibit an insignificant correlation coefficient (rho:0.297.) We can also see from figure 1 that
whilst couples 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10 match within 2 rank positions, indicating a slight relationship
between attraction and physical similarity, couples 5, 6, and 9 are considerably uncorrelated.
Remember none of the data I have collected can be traceable back to you, thank you for taking part’.
We then fully debriefed the participant and gave them the opportunity to withdraw their data if they
wished to. None of the data collected will be traceable back to you”. The exclusion of the points
from couples G and J produces a more positively correlated trend line which I believe will change
the rho.

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