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Analysis of The Main Character Needs in Life of Pi Movie Using Maslow'S Theory

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Yohanes Truman AM, Singgih Daru Kuncara, Ririn Setyowati

English Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences
Mulawarman University


This research focuses on analyzing the Hierarchy of Needs manifested in the main
character. Two questions were designed to discuss this topic. The first question is about
the Needs manifested by the main character in the movie. The second question is about
the desire of the main character in fulfilling his Needs. This research used descriptive
qualitative method to explain and describe the data carefully in answering the questions.
The data in this research were in written form taken from the dialogue and narration of
the movie. This research uses Maslow’s theory. it is appropriate theory to this research.
This research examines the elements of the hierarchy of needs through the main

Keywords: Life of Pi, Maslow, hierarchy of need.

Basically, every human has the skills to create something and feel the beauty.
Human also has a desire to be able to enjoy the beauty. It pushes human to create
something that can bring pleasure and satisfaction to human itself. The work of human
beings could be a material or artistic creativity. According to Wellek and Warren (2014)
“literature is a creative activity, a work of art” (3), based on the statement, we know and
understand that literature and life of human are closely related. The literary work has
now developed more rapidly and more varied. One type of literary works is the movie,
as well as other works of art, movie has a characteristic that exist in the composition of
artistic variety. The literary influence in the movie is one of the developments in the
movies. The development of literature in the movies itself can be seen by seeing the fact
that many movies are made based on the story in a literary work. In this research, I tried
to analyze the needs that manifested by the main character in Life of Pi movie and the
desire of the main character in fulfilling his needs in Life of Pi movie.
I choose Life of Pi, because this movie has a story about childhood of main
character and it focused on the needs stages then the others new movies. The process of
Piscine Molitor Patel as a main character in fulfilling his needs in this movie matched
with my selected theory.
In Life of Pi movie, there was a story of main character when he was childhood
and it is necessary to become as the data in this research in order to get all of
information about main character needs when he was a child. The desire of main
character when he was a child is different between when he was a teenager. This
differences show his desire to achieve of the needs when he was a child and had parents
and when he was a teenager and lost all of his family in shipwreck.

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

Based on the quotation, before analyze some literary works. It is necessary to
understand the literary theory and literary history first. Therefore, before I analyze the
Life of Pi movie, I need to know what are the elements of the literature are existing in
this movie. In this case, I explain about the hierarchy of needs, character, and
characterization also movie dialogue and narration for help me to do this research
1. Hierarchy of Needs
In the hierarchy of needs, Maslow has regulated the human needs in the form of
hierarchy or tiered form. According to Hjelle and Ziegler (1976), when a person feels
satisfied with the current needs, more needs are rise and it must be fulfilled (368). Based
on Maslow in Sobur (2003) human needs as a driver or motivator and it creates a
hierarchy or rank level (273). According to Maslow in Hjelle and Ziegler (1976),
humans always want something and it became a characteristic and typical of human life
(368). Based on all of that statement we can see that humans have a tendency to achieve
their needs, so every level of needs can be fulfilled only if the previous levels have been
or are relatively satisfied. According to Farozin and Fathiyah (2004), Maslow describes
the human needs by using stages, starting from fulfilling the first most basic needs and
continues to the subsequent needs (87).
With reference to Maslow in Schultz & Schultz (2014) needs by Maslow, in
order of gratification, physiological need, a sense of security, a feeling of acceptance
and affection, esteem, and self-actualization (561). Based on explanation from several
expert, needs of human are divided into five sections as we can see from the depiction

Physiological Needs
According to Maslow in Hjelle and Ziegler (1976), when human fails to fill the
stomach, anything else will be defined as unimportant. Freedom, love, community
feeling, respect, philosophy, all will be unimportant and useless (369). Based on
Maslow (1954), someone who is shortage such as food, safety, loves and esteem more
likely to give priority to the feeling of hungry and needed food, physiological needs will
be the main motivation rather than the needs of others (37).
According to Maslow in Sobur (2003) physiological needs is the most basic and
most powerful, because it is to survive physically (274). According to Maslow in
Farozin and Fathiyah (2004), physiological needs are the most important needs in

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

satisfaction because related with life existence, and the needs such as food, water,
oxygen, activity, rest, temperature balancing, sex, and need to stimulant sensory (87).
Based on the experts above, physiological needs are the most basic need in the
hierarchy of needs, which is very important to be fulfilled first before the next stages of
needs. Generally, the physiological needs are absolute and connected in effort to
maintain the balance of physical element. These physiological needs such as eating,
drinking, sugar, salt, protein, needs for rest and sex are very powerful, in a state of
absolute hunger, and thirst can refuse all other requirements and make somebody
focusing in ability to fulfill these needs.

Safety Needs
According to Maslow in Sobur (2003), safety needs include the needs of
protection, security, law, freedom from fear and anxiety (275). After fulfilled the
physiological needs, then the needs of safety come. The needs of safety are needed for
feeling freedom from fear and anxiety, to keep exist and safe from danger. Based on
Maslow in Farozin and Fathiyah (2004), the safety needs can be observed in infants and
children because of their powerlessness and dependency on the family so if these is not
fulfilled then the child will feel anxious and insecure (88).
According to Maslow in Hjelle and Ziegler (1976), in the period of infants and
young children, safety needs are most readily observed. They respond with fright when
they hear a loud noises, it is because they are helpless and dependence on adults (370).
Physiological and safety needs are basically the need to maintain life. Physiological
needs are short-term survival, while security is a long-term survival.
Based on Maslow (1954) the needs for safety can be seen more efficiently in the
infants or children rather than adults, by observation to their reaction when they feel
unsafe. Infants and children can give the direct reaction rather than adults. When adults
feel unsafe, they can cover up the feeling of unsafe (39).

Love and Belongingness Needs

Based on Maslow in Hjelle and Ziegler (1976), love and belongingness needs
are needed for have a relationship with other peoples, for a place in his or her family
and groups (371). According to Maslow in Farozin and Fathiyah (2004), love and
belongingness needs encourage people to make affective contact or emotional bond in
the form of a feeling of love and to be loved by another people in the environment (88).
According to Maslow in Sobur (2003) somebody needs to be loved and to love,
it is means the sense of affections and bound or having, and someone also need
acceptance by others such as family or friendship (277). So after the physiological needs
of security are relatively satisfied, needs is to be part of the social group and love
become the dominant destination. People are very sensitive to loneliness, exile, rejected
the environment and the loss of a friend, or lost love.
With reference to Maslow (1954) If both physiological and safety needs has
been fulfilled, the love and belongingness needs will rises. Human will feel lonely and
need a friend, a wife, or children. Human will hunger for relationship and will try more
intensive to fulfilling this needs (43).
According to Maslow in Sobur (2003), there are two kinds of love, D-Love as
Deficiency Love Needs and Being or B-love (277). D-Love is a need of love because of
a shortage. People who love something that he or she does not have, such as self-

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

esteem, sex, or someone who makes himself to be not alone, for example dating
relationship, living together or marriage that makes people satisfied comfort and safety.
D-love is a love that is selfless, who gained rather than giving. Then the B-Love or
Love Being based on the assessment of the other person is, without a desire to change or
take advantage of him. Love that does not intend to have, does not affect, and primarily
aims to give people a positive picture, self-acceptance and feeling loved, the man who
opened the opportunity to thrive.

Esteem Needs
By following Maslow in Sobur (2003), Esteem needs have two kinds of award;
those are respect for us, and respect for the judgments of others (278). According to
Maslow in Hajlle and Ziegler (1970) esteem needs are divided into two subsidiary sets,
Self-Respect and Esteem from others. Self-respect is an individual desire for
competence, confidence, personal strength, adequacy, achievement, independence, and
freedom and esteem from others includes prestige, recognition, acceptance, attention,
status, fame, reputation, and appreciation (372).
According to Maslow in Farozin and Fathiyah (2004) needs for self esteem
includes two parts, namely the individual needs to feel valued in their lives in a way to
respect ourselves as desire, self-confidence, independence and freedom, and the second
is the appreciation of the other person for what he did (88).
Based on Maslow (1954), all human in a society have a needs or desire for self-
esteem needs and esteem of others. These needs have been classified into two subsidiary
sets. The first is self-esteem needs such as strength, achievement, adequacy, mastery,
competence, confidence independence, and freedom. The second is esteem of others
needs such as reputation, prestige, status, fame, and glory, dominance, recognition,
attention, importance, dignity, or appreciation (45)

Self – Actualization Needs

According to Maslow in Sobur (2003), actualization is a desire to be self and be
anything on his own ability to realize the highest potential in self (278). According to
Maslow in Hajlle and Ziegler (1970) self-Actualization is a person’s desire for self-
improvement, his or her drive to make actual what he or she is potentially, desire to
become everything that one is capable of becoming (373).
Based on Maslow (1954), the self-actualization needs is the human desire to
become more and more, and to become everything that he is capable of becoming (46).
According to Maslow in Farozin and Fathiyah (2004), self-actualization is the need to
meet the essential human impulse to be human in accordance with the wishes and her
potential (89).
Respect for our self (self-respect) such as, needs strength, competence,
achievement, self-confidence, and independence, and freedom, mastery, all of this from
inside us. In addition, respect of others (respect from other) such as needs respect from
others, fame, domination, became an important person, status, honor, accepted, and
appreciated. That entire award comes from others people.
After all the basic needs are enough, the self-actualization needs will arise, this
needs for somebody who wants to be something that the person is able and to realize of
the full potential, through the talent. Self-actualization is the desire to obtain satisfaction
with itself, to realize all his potential, to become what he can do, and to be creative and

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

freely reach the top potential. Humans are able to reach the level of self-actualization is
to be fully human, to obtain the satisfaction of the needs, even others people do not
realize there is "needs" like that.

2. Character
According to Abrams in Nurgiyantoro (2013), character is presented in a
narrative work or drama, which by readers interpreted to have certain moral qualities
and tendencies as expressed in speech and action (247). According to Baldick (2001),
“characters are actors in fiction or drama” (37). the characters can be concluded as an
actor that shown in a work, which is interpreted by the reader, have the moral quality
and a certain tendency as expressed in his speech and what is done in action.

3. Characterization
According Jones in Nurgiyantoro, (2013) characterizations are depiction of a
clear picture of someone who has featured in a story (247). According to Baldick (2001)
characterizations are supplying a character in fiction or drama in a way, directly or
indirectly, and invites the reader to interpret the quality of himself through words and
actions (37)
In short, the characterization is a clear depiction or portrayal about someone who
featured in a story that can be either physical or psychological state. Therefore,
characterizations are forming elements whose presence has needed to turn on characters
in the story. So, the characterization itself only some requirement for describing or
depiction of the role character itself.

4. Dialogue and Narrations

Dialogue and narration appear alternately so that a film is not monotonous.
According to Pettrie & Boggs (2012), in the modern movie, a major part of our attention
directed to the sound in movie, it is naturally directed for understanding the dialogue,
because dialogue in most films gives us a great deal of important information (221).
Dialogue is a conversation or narrative fellow characters in a work, so that we as though
receiving a direct information through these characters.
According to Nurgiyantoro (2013), narrative language is conversation between
the authors as the main character to the readers, as if the author allows the reader to see
and hear his own words by main character (418). While when the narrative is not a
conversation between characters in a work, but rather the author tells the story directly.
According to Nurgiyantoro (2013) all of the narrative, that not a form of conversation -
often can convey something more concise and direct. That is, the author tells the story
directly (418).

This research used qualitative research design to analysis the data in order to
explains, and describes the data with carefully. Qualitative research itself is a research,
which is natural and produces the descriptive data either written or oral, or other data
form. Based on Bogdan and Biklen in Sugiyono (2012), characteristics of qualitative
research are, the research has the natural setting and the source of the data must be
direct from the object of the research and the researcher is the key instrument.
Qualitative research itself is already descriptive, the data collection in qualitative
research mostly collected in the form of words rather than number. Qualitative research

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

itself are concerned with the process and simply with outcomes or products, qualitative
research also keep reviews the previous data and analyze the data inductively, until it
saturated in order to get the meaning, that is the qualitative approach way (13-14).

1. Data and Data Sources

This research uses an approach through the theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of
needs. The data in this research were the dialogues and narrations in Life of Pi movie,
which is providing the information about the main character in Life of Pi movie.
Meanwhile the source of the data on this research is the Life of Pi movie.

2. Research Instrument
In qualitative research, the instrument of the research is the researcher.
According to Bogdan and Biklen in Sugiyono (2012) in qualitative research, the
researcher is the key instrument (13). Author as an instrument in this study serves to
establish the focus of research, selecting data sources, collecting data, assessing the
quality of the data, analyze the data, interpret the data, and make conclusions on the

3. Data Collection
The dialogues and narrations in Life of Pi movie and some supporting theory are
collected by followed some steps. The first is I watch movie Life of Pi carefully in order
to take the dialogue in the form of words, phrases, and sentences that contain
information relating to the issue of research. The second is taking screenshot for support
the written data in order to give the depiction about the situation of main character.

4. Data Analysis Technique

After I have collected the data, I analyzed the data by following some steps. The
first step is classifying the data based on the information about main character needs
that contained in the data. The second step is finding the answer of research problems
by identifying the kinds of needs that showed by the main character in the movie and
analyzing the influence of the main character desire in fulfilled his needs. The third was
make conclusion for answering the research questions based on result of the research.

Life of Pi movie told about the main character’s life before and after shipwreck.
The movie was showing about Piscine, when he was a child until he tried to survive in
the middle of pacific because of the shipwreck. Furthermore, the main character also
believes, if he wants to survive he must watchful to the Bengal Tiger. In his efforts to
survive, the main character must fulfill his needs.
Therefore, I use Hierarchy of Needs theory by Abraham Harold Maslow to
classify the main character needs for survive. I also analyze the process of the main
character in fulfilling the needs. I also identify some of the main character's behaviors,
thought or feeling and some description about him that represent his needs.
Based on the previous explanation at Chapter II, the stage of needs in Hierarchy
of Needs Theory was dividing into five stages of needs. They are such as Physiological

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Needs, Safety Needs, Love and Belongingness Needs, self-esteem needs and the highest
Self-Actualization Needs.
1. Physiological Needs of the Main Character Before Shipwreck
In the beginning of Life of Pi movie, the main character tells the history of his
family. His mother and himself in good condition or healthy and his father is a
businessman who owned the zoo and run a hotel. His mother is a botanist in the zoo.
The physiological or basic needs of his family are fulfilled. The background of his
family is rich. His father as a businessman set their economic level in save place and,
his mother also help her husband to manage the zoo, we can see from the narration

“Mother and I were both healthy.”

“My father owned the zoo. My father, who was a clever businessman, came
up with one. He ran a hotel, and he got the idea to open a zoo. As it also
happened, my mother was a botanist in the gardens. They met, married, and
a year later my brother Ravi was born. I came two years after that.”
(00:11:50 - 00:12:14)

According to Abraham Maslow (1954) in the extreme starving condition, human

hopes only about food, only interest with food and think about food (37). According to
dialogue of Pi character with the novelist, the information above shows Pi character is
not in extreme condition. It can be seen when Pi said his father was a businessman and
running a zoo also owned a hotel, Pi family in good economic level and not have a
problem about food and water.
In this case, the main character can fulfill the needs without the barriers and
obstacles. His parents still feed their family. He does not feel the lack in fulfilling his
needs and the physiological needs are enough fulfilled for the main character.

2. Safety Needs of the Main Character Before Shipwreck

The second needs is about safety needs, when all physiological needs are
fulfilled and no longer controlling thoughts and behaviors, then, appearing a new set of
needs, such as: security, stability, protection, freedom from fear, from anxiety and
chaos. Moreover, the safety need is often revealed specially in searching for protector,
or someone who can give the security. Maslow explained that safety needs had been
found in many societies who live in state of emergency such as war or natural disaster.
He emphasized that a normal adult who live in Western countries, generally, their safety
needs was fulfilled because the condition of the country relatively prosperous and
In the beginning Life of Pi movie before the accident of shipwreckPiscine still
has his parents, the needs of safety still enough because Piscine still dependence to his
parents for safety needs. According to Maslow in Hjelle and Ziegler (1976) for the
period of infants and young children, safety needs are most readily observed, they
respond with fright when they hear a loud noises, it is because they are helpless and
dependence on adults (370).
We can see the main character did not feel the threat of danger, this situation
shows that the main characters needs about safety has fulfilled. We can see when Pi and
his brother wanted to see the Tiger closely and they tried to feed the Bengal Tiger direct
from his hand. Piscine did not feel afraid to the Tiger. He believed that the Tiger has a
soul and the Tiger can be a friend.

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

“I want to see him close up. You're not a zookeeper. Come on! That's it,
Richard Parker. It's for you. No! What are you thinking? Are you insane?
Who give you the permission to come back here?” (00:22:23 -00:22:51)

From the quotation above, we can see that Piscine still depends on his parents
about safety needs. His father gives him some information about Tiger.His father
explained to him “Animals do not think like we do. People who forget that get
themselves killed. That Tiger is not your friend.” This experience teaches Pi about the
danger, in the future it have influence to make him more carefully to the Tiger.

3. Love and Belongingness Needs of the Main Character Before Shipwreck

Before the shipwreck, as a normal human in general, the main character needs
friends, family, or special relationship. This can be seen when Piscine considered
Mamaji as his family. In fact, Mamaji is his father’s friend, not his uncle. Piscine has a
feel of belongingness because Mamaji trained him to swimming twice a week. Piscine
is also accepted in his family, there is no refusing from his parents. His mother very
loves him and his brother. Their mother often told stories to them and stayed with them
when time to go sleep. His brother Ravi in this movie also never has confrontation with
Piscine. This situation shows how Piscine did not have any problem in Love and
Belongingness Needs.
According to Abraham Harold Maslow, explanation about dependency in
fulfilled the needs in chapter two. In period of infant and young children, several needs
still come from the parents or adult person. When Pi in the senior high school he had a
close relationship with Anandi. Piscine felt boring in his life before he met Anandi,
boring life slowly back into the exciting when he had a relationship with Anandi.

“School was a bore. Nothing but facts, fractions and French Words and
patterns that went on and on, without end Just like my irrational nickname I
grew restless searching for something that might bring meaning back into
my life. And then, I met Anandi Mother made me study music And one day,
my teacher came down with the flu He asked if I could take his place,
playing rhythms for a dance class.”( 00:26:13 - 00:26:55)

This shows that the main character need about love from childhood to adulthood
has been fulfilled. In childhood, the main character got the love and affection through
his parents. When Pi is enough mature, need to love and beloved is fulfilled when the
main character has a relationship with Anandi.
Love and Belongingness needs are fulfilled when Pi was child. Of course, there
is a different between love, and belongingness needs when Pi was a young child and
when Pi is already an adult person. When Pi still was a child, he only needed love from
his family and closer person.

4. Esteem Needs of the Main Character Before Shipwreck

He was called by his friends as “pissing” it is mean somebody who was pee
everywhere. This effort made him become a school legend. In his effort to get respect
from his friends, he fulfilled his needs about respect from others. The impact from that
effort made his ability increase and he proved that by mastery the math formula.

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

“Good morning. I am Piscine Molitor Patel. Known to all as Pi, the sixteenth
letter of the Greek alphabet which is also used in mathematics to represent
the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter. An irrational number
of infinite length usually rounded to three digits as 3.14.Pi. Very impressive,
Pi. Now, sit down.” (00:07:36 - 00:08:17)
“And from then on, you were "Pi" the school legend” (00:09:27)

Based on quotation above, we can see when Piscine has tried to get respect from
his friends in his school. He explained his nickname in front of his class. Piscine in this
scene tried to fulfill his needs for esteem needs. When he started entering the school his
friends called him as pissing. His friends often called him as a man who pissing
everywhere, since that Piscine tried to explain his nickname connected to the math

5. Self-Actualization of the Main Character Before Shipwreck

In the movie Life of Pi the main character had to actualize himself when he tried
to believe in God through the three religions.

“I came to faith through Hinduism and I found God' love through Christ.
But, God wasn't finished with me yet. God works in mysterious ways. And
so it was, He introduced Himself again. This time, by the name of Allah. My
Arabic was never very good. But the sound and feel of the words brought me
closer to God. In performing Shalat. The ground I touched became holy
ground. And I found a feeling of serenity and brotherhood.” (00:18:04 -

A clear understanding of these needs is located at some satisfaction that must be

fulfilled first. It starts from the physiological, safety, love and belonging, and esteem
needs. As described above, the main character can actualize him when he was a boy,
Piscine tried to actualization himself as he tries to understand God through the three

6. Physiological Needs of the Main Character After Shipwreck

The situation was change after the accident of shipwreck, Piscine fall back to the
lower level of hierarchy. This situation happened because he must find sources of food
and water to keep alive, after several days he found some supplies food and water can
under the tarp and he also tried to catch fish for food and feeding the Bengal Tiger. We
can see from the quotation below when Piscine prepared to keep the supplies of food
and water also fishing.

“I need to find a way to feed him I can eat the biscuits but God made Tigers
carnivores, so I must learn to catch fish” (01:05:16- 01:09:47)

We can see Piscine tried to catch fish for fulfilling his needs about food, and
because there is a Bengal Tiger with him, he must fishing to feed the Tiger. It shows
how the hierarchy of needs have a relation between five stages of needs.

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

7. Safety Needs of the Main Character After Shipwreck
After the accident, only Pi and few of animals survived in the lifeboat. After that
Pi found a book of safety guidelines on lifeboat and begin to follow the instructions for
safety based on the quotation below.

“Set your save place in order for the battle to survive. Establish a strict,
schedule for eating keeping watch and getting rest. Do not drink urine or sea
water.” (01:00:18 - 01:00:32)

After a few days, which is the next challenge was a Tiger in a lifeboat. At this
level, Pi must make the distance as well as the need to keep focused in order to not
become food for the Tiger. It can be seen from the quotation below, the main character
tried to catch a fish for the Tiger so the Tiger do not starve and attacked him.

“I need to find a way to feed him I can eat the biscuits but God made Tigers
carnivores so I must learn to catch fish.”(01:05:16 - 01:05:18)
“Maybe Richard Parker can't be tamed, but with God's will, he can be
trained. My fear of him keeps me alert. Tending to his needs gives my life
purpose.”(01:16:48 - 01:17:03)

8. Love and Belongingness of the Main Character After Shipwreck

Piscine met Orang Utan after shipwreck, and he called the Orang utan and talked
to Orangutan like a somebody that understand what he said. After several days the fact
is, Piscine had a chance to kill the Tiger, but he did not do that. This shows, that Piscine
have a feeling or sense of belongingness to the Tiger. The feeling of belongingness in
here can be happened because of the relation between the Tiger and Pi in past. Piscine
and the Tiger grew together in the zoo, even his father ever thought to him the Tiger
cannot be a friend.

“Orange Juice! Orange Juice! Welcome to Pi's Ark. Where is your boy,
Orange Juice? Don't worry, I bet mother and father found him. They'll all be
here soon.” (00:47:29 - 00:48:36)

When Piscine tried to take the lifeboat from the Tiger, he had succeeded to take
the lifeboat when the Tiger jump out to the sea. In that time, Piscine could kill the Tiger.
The Tiger cannot jump in to the lifeboat from the water. This shows the feeling of love
and belongingness in the main character. The fact is, Richard Parker still a wild animal
and dangerous animal. This feeling has created by long time relationship between the
Tiger and Piscine.

9. Self – Esteem of the Main Character After Shipwreck

When Pi was in the middle of the ocean, he was also trying to fulfill the needs of
self-esteem. The need for self-esteem occurs when Piscine tried to get a place in a
lifeboat. Piscine tried to appreciate the presence of Richard Parker with the reward of
food to the Tiger, hope the Tiger down, and hide under the tarp. Piscine also filling the
time by beating the bucket because he ever learned to play the drum, before his family
decided to move to Canada.

“Go, Richard Parker. Go.Go on home, I'll leave you alone. I'll respect that, I
promise. Go. Come on. Yes!” (01:19:50-01:20:12)

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

The main character tried to fulfill the self - esteem by appreciating the existence
of the Tiger in the lifeboat. Piscine also filled his free time by beating the bucket. This
shows that Piscine still appreciated himself by using his skill in playing drum to
entertain himself. Self- esteem in the situation above, arise because Piscine has been
studying the skill.

10. Self-Actualization of the Main Character After Shipwreck

After all the requirements have been satisfied, the main character tried once
again to achieve the top of hierarchy of needs. The desire of main character to find the
land and met fellow humans to achieve the highest potential. In this case, he should do
for satisfying himself in self-actualization.

“I saw how my life would end if I stayed on that island. Alone and forgotten.
I had to get back to the world, or die trying. I spent the next day preparing
the boat. I filled my stores with fresh water. Ate seaweed until my stomach
could take no more. And brought as many meerkats as I could fit into the
storage locker for Richard Parker” (01:42:11-01:42:39)

In that situation, forms of self-Actualization of the main characters is the hope,

Piscine prepared everything that need and decided to sail. He tried to find land that has
the population of the fellow humans. This needs was called as self-actualization, the
tendency of an individual to actualize themselves in any case significantly to achieving
the full potential of him. This trend can be described as a desire to become more and
more of whatever he achieved before, to become everything that is capable.

Based on the findings above, the main character needs has divided into two
explanations. The first is about main character needs when he was child and still had his
parents. The second is when he was in the middle of Pacific Ocean and struggled to
fulfill his needs.
In the first of Life of Pi movie, I found the main character needs about
physiological has been fulfilled. The main character needs such as food, water, rest, salt,
and protein are enough. In the first, the movie shows about the economic background of
Patel family. Piscine father is a businessman, his father run a hotel and zoo. His mother
is a botanist in the zoo. As we can see, the situation in there is safe. There is no war or
disaster in the city, their parents can fulfill the physiological needs and no barrier. This
situation happens because there is no problem with their economic level. They can buy
the food and water, the air in the city is enough clear because that is small city near to
the ocean.
The second needs are safety needs, this stage about feeling safety and
comfortable. In the finding research above, Piscine did not feel threat of danger. The
scenes was showed when Piscine wanted to see the Tiger closely and feeding the Tiger
by his hand. This proves that Piscine still felt safe even the situation is dangerous. Based
on Maslow (1954) the needs for safety can be seen more efficiently in the infants or
children rather than adults, by observation to their reaction when they feel unsafe.
Infants and children can give the direct reaction rather than adults. When adults feel
unsafe, they can cover up the feeling of unsafe (39). In the findings, Piscine did not feel
the threat of danger when he was facing to the Tiger.The safety needs will change when

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

Piscine is grows up. He got experience when his father explained to him about the
Tiger, his father said to him that Tiger is not his friend. After that, Piscine have a
knowledge about the dangerous of the Tiger. This knowledge will make Piscine more
carefully in the future. This is how the safety needs become a long term needs and
connected to others stages of needs.
The third needs are love and belongingness, this stage is about feeling love and
being loved also feeling belonging to each other. With reference to Maslow (1954) If
both physiological and safety needs has been fulfilled, the love and belongingness needs
will rises. Human will feel lonely and need a friend, a wife, or children. Human will
hunger for relationship and will try more intensive to fulfilling this needs (43).
In the research findings above, I found that main character feeling about love
and belongingness has been fulfilled. This is shown when Piscine called Mamaji as his
uncle, even Mamaji was not his uncle and only friend of his father. This feeling about
belonging can happen, only if Piscine feel needs about love has been fulfilled.
When Piscine was a child, he got love from his parents. As we can seen from the
findings above, his family accepted Piscine and his mother very loved them. His mother
told the story before their sleep, and his mother spoke up for them when their father
angry with them. The love from their mother is a natural as parents, so the need of love
when Piscine was a child has been fulfilled. The feeling of belongingness made by
Piscine to Mamaji can happen because Piscine has fulfilled the love needs.
The fourth stages are self-esteem needs, this stage about desire for respect from
others and respect to himself. Based on Maslow (1954), all human in a society have a
needs or desire for self-esteem needs and esteem of others. These needs have been
classified into two subsidiary sets. The first is self-esteem needs such as strength,
achievement, adequacy, mastery, competence, confidence independence, and freedom.
The second is esteem of others needs such as reputation, prestige, status, fame, and
glory, dominance, recognition, attention, importance, dignity, or appreciation (45).
In this stage, Piscine tried to fix his nickname. He was called by his friends as
“pissing” it is mean somebody who was pee everywhere. This effort made him become
a school legend. In his effort to get respect from his friends, he fulfilled his needs about
respect from others. The impact from that effort made his ability increase and he proved
that by mastery the math formula. Here we can see that, the desire of the main character
to fix his nickname because his nickname the subject of ridicule by his friends at school.
It makes him evolve and mastering mathematics.
In this case Piscine also have respect to himself by his nickname. Piscine
respects himself by explaining that his nickname is a term used in the mathematical
sciences. The main character appreciates his nickname. An action that has taken by the
main character has brought him in a development, which he should be able to master the
science of mathematics to explain to his friends about his nickname.
Actually Piscine has fulfilled the need to appreciate by his father. His father had
appreciated the way in which Piscine, when he wanted to believe in a god through three
different religions. It has maintained by Piscine until adulthood, it indicates that the
Piscine respects himself who believe in god through more than one religion. This is
would be not realized if Piscine did not appreciate his efforts during his search for God.
Piscine will not meet the need for appreciation if he does not respect himself.
The fifth stages are self-actualization. Based on Maslow (1954), the self-
actualization needs is the human desire to become more and more, and to become
everything that he is capable of becoming (46). The main character had to actualize

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

himself when he tried to believe in God through the three religions. To become
everything that is capable, somebody will try to achieve more then what he ever
achieved before.
In this case, Piscine made the religion as his self-actualization. This can happen
because all requirements of needs are enough fulfilled. The desire to understand God
through the three religions is unusual but it is about self-actualization, the desire of main
character to obtain satisfaction with himself, to realize all his potential, to become what
he can do, and to be creative and freely reach the top potential. Piscine want to be able
to reach the level of self-actualization is to be fully human, to obtain the satisfaction of
the needs, even others people do not realize there is "needs" like that.
After the shipwreck, Piscine fall back to the lower level of hierarchy. This
situation happened because he must find sources of food and water to keep alive, he
found some supplies food and water can under the tarp and he also tried to catch fish for
food. After his need for food has fulfilled enough, other needs will arise. Physiological
needs are related to the life existence, if Piscine did not fulfill that needs, then he would
be not exist. After several days, he focuses on searching the food. Piscine can fulfill his
needs about food and ready to next needs.
After needs about food is enough fulfilled Piscine continue to the needs for
safety, Pi found a book of safety guidelines on lifeboat and begin to follow the
instructions for safety. After he makes a raft and makes a distance from the Tiger, so
Piscine can focus to make a plan how to take control of the lifeboat and training the
Tiger about communication through his gesture. The safety feeling in here because,
there is a distance between Piscine and the Tiger.
After several days, Piscine tried to fulfill the needs of love and belongingness.
The fact is, Piscine had a chance to kill the Tiger when he got control the lifeboat, but
he did not do that. This proves that Piscine have a feeling or sense of love and
belongingness to the Tiger. Furthermore the feeling of love and belongingness also can
be happened because of the relation between the Tiger and Pi in past. Piscine and the
Tiger grew up in the zoo by the same master; even his father ever thought to him the
Tiger cannot be a friend, Piscine still believe that Tiger can be a friend.
The need for esteem occurs when Piscine tried to get a place in a lifeboat.
Piscine tried to appreciate the presence of Richard Parker with the reward of food to the
Tiger, hope the Tiger down, and hide under the tarp in here we can see how Piscine
gave respect to the Tiger. As the wild animal, the Tiger need the meat and Piscine tried
to make the Tiger down into the tarp by giving the meat as the reward to the Tiger.
Piscine also fill the time by beating the bucket as before the family decided to move,
Piscine ever learned to play the drum. This is a form of appreciation of Piscine to his
self and the skill that he has.
The needs of self-Actualization of the main characters is the hope when he tried
to sail and continued the journey, Piscine prepared everything he needed and decided to
sail and tried to find land that is populated with all his fellow humans. This need has
called as Self-Actualization, the tendency of an individual to actualize themselves in
any case significantly to achieving the full potential of him. This trend can be described
as a desire to become more and more of what ever achieved before, to become
everything that is capable. The desire of main character to find the land and met fellow
humans after his experience in the middle of Pacific Ocean to achieve the highest
potential of his capability. In this case, he should sailing for satisfying himself in self-

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

F. Conclusion
At the beginning of the movie, Pi has enough fulfilled all of his needs and he can
focus on self-actualization. He did this because he wants to fulfill his spiritual interests.
This needs only occurs when the needs for another has been fulfilled such as physical,
safety, belongingness, and self-esteem. Pi can achieve this full potential or actualization
because he has been getting all his needs, his family can fulfill his physiological needs.
The safety needs of main character also enough fulfilled, it is can be seen when Piscine
did not feel threat of danger when he feeding the Tiger by his hand. He also still
dependent on his parents about his safety needs. In fulfilled the self-esteem needs, he
struggled to get her self-esteem through others when he tried to explain his nickname.
After all of needs are has been fulfilled, he can pursue his hobbies and interesting to
God, it is shown when he interested to know God through some religions.
When the shipwreck occurred, Pi back to the bottom of Hierarchy of Needs
theory by Abraham Maslow. Then, Pi tried to survive and he needed food, shelter and
water that are a physical need. To keep him safe and not attacked by the Tiger in the
boat, he must make a distance and feed the Tiger for fulfill his need about safety. He
spent his first few days in the boat building such a safe place. Then as the time
continues to pass, Pi and the Tiger have a bond, actually this bond happened since long
time ago, when the Tiger and Pi was grown up together in the zoo. This bond made the
Tiger have become like a friend, even have a chance to kill the Tiger, Piscine not do
that. This act is show a sense of love and belongingness in Piscine. Then he tried to
make himself have an authority to ensure that he could control the Tiger, this is for get
respect for himself and could share the place in the boat together to achieve a need for
esteem. When Pi stranded on a floating mysterious island, Pi got some sources of food
and fresh water, but Pi chooses to sail because, at this point Pi wants to actualize
himself by his way of his desire to be able to reach out to the place that inhabited human
Piscine Molitor Patel as the main character in the movie was describes as
someone who has a high curiosity, smart and, open-minded. This is can be seen when Pi
begins to follow several religions at the same time, and when at school he tried to
explain his name as an existing symbol in mathematics.

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Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Volume 1 Nomor 1 Edisi Januari 2017

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