Communication Process
Communication process:
1. The communication source or sender
2. Encoding
The sender initiates a message by encoding a thought. The conditions that affect the encoded
● Skills
● Attitude
● Knowledge
● The social cultural system
3. Message
Actual physical product from the source that conveys some purpose. When we speak. The
words spoken are the message. It is affected by
● The code or group of symbols we use to transfer meaning
● The content of the message itself
● The decisions that we make in selecting and arranging both codes and content
4. The channel
The medium through which the message travels. It’s selected by the source, who must
determine whether to use a formal or an informal channel
Formal channels - established by the organization, job related activities, follow the
authority network
Informal channels - personal or social
5. Decoding
Translating a message into a form that can be understood by the receiver.
6. The receiver
The person to whom the message is directed. Receiver must be skillful in reading or listening.
A person’s knowledge, attitudes, and cultural background influence his or her ability to
7. Feedback
The check on how successful we’ve been in transferring our messages as originally intended.
It determines whether understanding has been achieved.
Written Communications
1. Tangible
2. Verifiable
3. More permanent than oral communication
4. Both sender and receiver have a record of communication
5. A message can be stored for an indefinite period of time
6. If questions arise, it’s physically available
7. More likely to be well thought out, logical, and clear.
1. Great deal of time
2. Lack of feedback
Nonverbal Cues
Best known nonverbal communication are body language and verbal intonation
1. Body language
Refers to gestures, facial configurations, and other movements of the body
2. Verbal Intonation
Refers to the emphasis someone gives words or phrases.
6. Gender
How males and females react to communication may be different, and they each have a
different communication style.
7. National culture
Communication differences arising from the different languages that individuals use to
communicate and the national culture of which they are a part