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Sample DLL Catch Up Friday

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GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Date FEBRUARY 23, 2024 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER
8:00 A.M – 8:50 A.M. (3-MAHOGANY)
8:50 A.M. – 9:40 A.M. (3-TALISAY)
10:40 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. (3-SPED)
1:00 P.M. – 1:50 P.M. (3-BANABA)
1:50 P.M. – 2:40 P.M. (3-MANGOSTEEN)
2:50 P.M. – 3:40 P.M. (3-YAKAL)

1. Develop learners' various reading skills to improve their vocabulary, learn new words and expressions, and enhance their creativity and imagination
2. Promote and develop cooperation at all times.
3. Increase awareness and understanding of various emotions, helping learners recognize and label their own feelings as well as empathize with others.
4. Enhance empathy skills by encouraging learners to understand and share the feelings of others.
5. Exercise personal experiences in decision-making
Write the LC code for
III. Learning Resources
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal)
B.Other Learning
A. Review Previous

B. Establishing purpose Read the poem. Sing the song “Teamwork Watch a short video clip What makes you feel If you are going to have
for the Lesson “The Seal” Makes the Dream Work” “We All Have Mental happy, calm, and safe? the power to create a law Health” by Anna Freud in the country, what
In ocean waves where /watch?v=-dNRJAPJIYA NCCF. would it be, and
cool winds play, (ask pupils’ why?
A creature sleek in reactions based
shades of gray. from the video
With eyes that gleam like presented)
moonlit pearls,
A ballet dancer of the How is Sasha feeling and
swirling swirls. what did she do to respond
to it?
In icy realms where
silence reigns,
The seal emerges,
shedding chains.
Whiskers twitch, a
playful grace, Flippers
navigate the watery

1. What creature
is being
talked in the

2. What color is
the creature
described in the first

3. Where does
the seal emerge

Can you find two different

environments mentioned
in the poem where the seal
can be found, and what are
some of the
characteristics of each
C. Presenting examples Read the story “World’s Read the poem below: Read the short story On a separate sheet of
/instances of the new largest Seal” by Guy paper, draw a tree just like
lessons Belleranti. In a world where colors "The Peaceful Picnic" the one presented here.
Cooperation, a steadfast Once upon a time, in the
friend. enchanting town of
Harmony Hills, a group of
Hands together, hearts colorful animals decided
aligned, to organize a special
A unity, beautifully picnic. There was
designed. What is being shown by the
Harmony the rabbit,
Melody the bluebird,
Like a dance of gentle sway, Sunny the squirrel, and
Together we find a brighter Breezy the butterfly.
Each part plays a vital role,
Cooperation, making us

In teamwork's symphony,
we sing,
A melody of togetherness, a
joyful thing.
Through ups and downs,
we'll soar,
For in cooperation, we open
the door.
D. Discussing new Answer the following Based on the poem, what What is mental health? 1. What did the animals What is the problem?

concepts and practicing based from the story. are the advantages of Emotional Health? in Harmony Hills decide What are the choices you
new skills #1. cooperation? What to celebrate with a special have?
1. Based on the guidelines do you picnic, and why was it What are the positive
information in the recommend when working important to them? outcomes (consequences)
article, describe how with a group? of your choices?
an elephant seal’s 2. How did the What are the negative
movements are animals express consequences of your
different on land than their appreciation choices
in water. for each other's
2. Why do male differences during
elephant seals arrive the picnic?
on land before females
during breeding 3. What symbol
season? did the animals
3. Describe two reasons create to represent
why elephant their commitment
seals come on land. to living together in
4. How does an peace, and where
elephant seal obtain did they display it?
its food? What foods
are a part of its diet?

E. Discussing new Based on what you read A. Encircle the numbers When can you say that a Why is it important for On a short bond paper,
concepts & practicing in the article, are that tell cooperation. person is mentally and the animals in Harmony draw the things that
and concern to new elephant seals in danger 1. obeying school rules emotionally healthy? Hills to celebrate their you can associate with
skills #2 of becoming extinct and regulations differences and live decision-making.
today? Why or why not? 2. sleeping while your together in peace? These things would
groupmates do all the serve as your reminder
work that you are doing the
3. memorizing your lines decision- making
in a school play process properly. Draw
4. not finishing an urgent as many as you can
task assigned to you and color them as
5. making noise while the desired. At the back,
class is working on a explain your drawings.
seatwork quietly
6. giving suggestions
during a group meeting
7. throwing garbage in
the trash can

8. helping the chores at

9. ignoring your coach’s
advice to your team making
props for a school
F. Developing Mastery Fill in the missing letters A. Put the pictures in the Identify whether the Copy the following
(Leads to Formative to create a vocabulary Encircle the numbe rs that column they belong. following statement is True activity sheet on a clean
Assessment) word from the article. tell cooperation. or False. sheet of paper. Write
Then write the full word 1. obeying down your decisions
on the line. Be sure you based on the given
spell each word True or False: Peace is situations:
correctly. important because it helps
us feel happy and safe.

True or False: When we

have peace, it is easier to
make friends and get
along with others.

True or False: Peaceful

communities are more
likely to work together to
solve problems and help
each other.
Mentally Healthy
True or False: Having
Not Healthy peace means everyone is
exactly the same, with no
Why did you put these differences.
pictures under the column
Mentally Healthy? What True or False: Peace
made you say so? allows us to enjoy our
surroundings and
Why did you put these appreciate the beauty of
pictures under the column nature without worry or
Not healthy? What made you fear.
say so?
G. Finding Practical Based from the story Why does cooper ation In this activity, students How can the What are your

Applications of “World’s Largest import ant? will describe their mental application of peace in considerations in coming
concepts and skills in Seal”, identify the 2. How will you cooper and emotional health. our daily lives up with the decisions on
daily living different elements of ate in a class discuss ion? They will form three groups positively impact the the given situations?
the story. How do you find the paper and they will pick the task way we communicate Enumerate your answers.
house building activity? they are going to perform. and resolve conflicts
Character: Setting: Plot: Group 1- express their with our friends and
Conflict: Solution: For the winning team, how feelings using emoticons family?
do you feel about winning Group 2- express their
in the game? What did you feelings in spoken poetry
do to win? Group 3- express their
feelings through a song
For the losing team/s, how
do you feel about losing in
the game? Why
do you think you lost in the

H. Making What are the different Why does cooperation When can you say that a What is peace education? Why is it important to be
Generalizations & elements of the story? important? person is mentally and responsible of your own
Abstractions about the emotionally healthy? decision?
I. Evaluating Learning Make a short story Read the following Write a short story of Write a short essay on
based from the picture. situations. Put a ceck (/) if your own experiences “The Importance of
Be sure to use the your consider the situation where you find peace. Making Decisions
elements of the story as stressful Do it on a sheet of Following Correct
as a guide. 1. Choosing a gift for a paper. Procedures”. Relate it to
friend your own personal
2. Arguing with a experience.
3. Going to a new place
4. Having a newborn
5. Getting a failing mark
6. Losing your money
7. Getting a birthday
8. Attending a party
9. Witnessing a tribal
Watching a traditional

J. Additional activities In the article, “World’s

for application or Largest Seal,” you
remediation learned that southern
elephant seals reside in
the icy waters of
Antarctica. Choose
another animal species
that lives in Antarctica.
Using the internet,
research five interesting
facts about the animal
you choose. Describe
what you learned on the
lines below. Be sure to
include the website
address where you
learned the information
about your animal


VI. Reflection

A.No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
requires additional
acts.for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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