Maintenance Schedule
Maintenance Schedule
Maintenance Schedule
Diesel Engine
Application group 3B
Engine model kW/cyl. Application group
10V1600B40S 44.8 / 51.1 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
10V1600G10F 40.7 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
10V1600G10S 46.5 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
10V1600G20F 44.8 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
10V1600G20S 51.1 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
12V1600B30S 43.7 / 46.8 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
12V1600B40S 48 / 50.7 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
12V1600G10F 43.7 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
12V1600G10S 46.8 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
12V1600G20F 48 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
12V1600G20S 50.7 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
12V1600G30F 56.1 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
12V1600G30S 55.3 kW/cyl. 3B, continuous operation, variable load, ICXN
Table 1: Applicability
Rolls-Royce Solutions refers to Rolls-Royce Solutions GmbH or an affiliated company pursuant to §15 AktG (German Stock
Corporation Act) or a controlled company (joint venture), and Rolls-Royce Solutions Ruhstorf GmbH.
Maintenance concept
The maintenance system for Rolls-Royce Solutions products is based on a preventive maintenance concept.
Preventive maintenance facilitates advance operational planning and ensures a high level of equipment avail-
ability. The maintenance intervals as well as the required scopes of maintenance tasks are based on opera-
tional experience and therefore to be considered as recommendations. Additional maintenance work and/or
changes to the maintenance intervals may be required in the case of difficult operational and ambient condi-
Adherence to the specified maintenance intervals is essential to maintain product safety.
The intervals according to which the maintenance tasks have to be carried out are specified as operating
hours and time limits. Whichever value is reached first shall apply.
The maintenance intervals are determined and verified by the load profile. Load profiles can be evaluated by
the Service Partner of Rolls-Royce Solutions. Reading out load profile data is recommended for the first time
after between 500 and 1000 operating hours depending on the application concerned, or after changing the
duty profile or operating area.
The individual maintenance intervals are assigned to the qualification levels QL1 to QL4.
QL1: Operational monitoring and maintenance work which does not require disassembly of the product.
QL2: Exchange of components and parts in case of repair (corrective only, not part of the maintenance
QL3: Maintenance work which requires partial disassembly of the product.
QL4: Maintenance work which requires complete disassembly of the product.
Note 01:
The engines are certified for operation with the fuels approved in the Fluids and Lubricants Specifications.
For operation with a high sulfur content in the fuel, the following must be observed:
• The component TBO specified in the maintenance schedule refers to engine operation with diesel fuel
with a sulfur content < 15 ppm, e.g. EN 590 or ULSD.
If a fuel with a sulfur content > 15 ppm is used, the times specified in the maintenance schedule for compo-
nent TBO of the cylinder head may be shorter. For reduced TBOs, refer to the Fluids and Lubricants Specifi-
Engines with exhaust gas recirculation and/or exhaust gas aftertreatment must not be operated with ex-
cessive sulfur content in the fuel. The limit values in the Fluids and Lubricants Specifications apply.
Load indicator %
40 to 57 kW/cyl.
Load factor %
Load %
110 (100-110) 1
100 (90-100) 5
90 (80-90) 3
80 (65-80) 78
0 to 75 ≤ 18 12,000 — — —
65 (50-65) —
50 (30-50) —
30 (5-30) 13
Idle Speed (0-5) —
WM00285 1 DAY
WM00286 1 DAY
WM00287 1 DAY
WM00290 1 DAY
WM00321 1 DAY
WM00296 1 MON
WM00067 2 YR
WM00084 2 YR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
WM00086 2 YR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
WM01023 1 YR X X X X X X X X X X X X
WM00547 2 YR X X X X X X X X X X X X
WM01266 2 YR X X X X
WM01267 2 YR X X X X
WM00076 3 YR X X X X
WM00094 18 YR X X X X
WM01233 18 YR X
DAY = Days
MON = Months
YR = Years
HRS = Hours
cation [HRS]
QL1 - 1 DAY ENGINE OPERATIONAL MONI- Check engine oil level WM00285
QL1 - 1 DAY ENGINE OPERATIONAL MONI- Visually inspect for leaks and general condition of engine WM00286
QL1 - 1 DAY ENGINE OPERATIONAL MONI- Check maintenance indicator of air filter WM00287
QL1 - 1 DAY ENGINE OPERATIONAL MONI- Drain water and contaminants from fuel prefilter X WM00290
QL1 - 1 DAY ENGINE OPERATIONAL MONI- Check condensate drain of intercooler X WM00321
QL1 - 1 MON ENGINE OPERATIONAL MONI- Perform test run, minimum duration: until operating temperature is WM00296
TORING reached, no less than 1/3 load
QL1 - 2 YR LUBE OIL SYSTEM Replace oil filter at every engine oil change, or when the time limit WM00067
(years) is reached, at the latest
QL1 500 2 YR FUEL SYSTEM (LOW PRES- Fuel prefilter, replace filter WM00084
QL1 500 2 YR FUEL SYSTEM (LOW PRES- Replace easy-change fuel filter WM00086
QL1 1000 1 YR FUEL COOLER Check cooler elements externally for contamination and leaks X WM01023
QL1 1000 2 YR AUXILIARY POWER TAKE-OFF Check belt condition and tension, replace belt if necessary WM00547
QL1 3000 2 YR AUXILIARY POWER TAKE-OFF Replace poly-vee belt WM01266
QL1 3000 2 YR AUXILIARY POWER TAKE-OFF Replace belt drive WM01267
QL1 3000 3 YR AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM Replace air filter WM00076
QL1 3000 18 YR VALVE GEAR Check valve clearance, adjust if necessary. ATTENTION! First adjust- WM00094
ment after 1,000 operating hours on a new engine and after 1,000
operating hours following each cylinder head overhaul.
QL4 12000 18 YR ENGINE, GENERAL Overhaul or replace engine WM01233
DAY = Days
MON = Months
YR = Years
HRS = Hours
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