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2020 GBHS School Mag

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This year has seen many changes, including the ability to come together in large groups due
to Covid-19 Aiert Level Restrictions. Therefore some group photos were not taken this year. CO NTENTS

2 Principal's Reflections / Board of

Trustees / Student Trustee Report
4 Staff zozo
6 Student Leadership
I Special Interest Groups
& Activities
10 Green Impact
11 Te Aratika
12 Athletics Day
14 Peace Week
16 New Library & B Block
18 Kapa Haka
20 Internationalstudents
22 Pasifika
24 Student Wellbeing
26 Physical Education & Health
29 Junior Elite Training Squad
30 Sports
32 Visual Arts
34 Student Written Work
38 Technology
42 English
44 Sciences
46 Social Sciences
48 Business Studies
49 Media Studies
50 Mathematics
52 Learning Enrichment Option
53 Bridging
54 Languages
56 Music

lr 58 Drama
60 Dance
62 Careers Centre
63 Year 9 Dean Report
63 Year to Dean Report
63 Year tt Dean Report
63 Year rz Dean Report
63 Year 13 Dean Report
68 Ciass of zozo Graduates
72 ValedictorianSpeech
73 Top Honours & Awards (zor9)

By Fiona Barker, Principal
IT WOULD BE FAIR TO SAY THAT really enjoyed learning in the new
this wasn't the year that any of us classrooms and the wonderful new
lrad planned. Across zozo, Covid- t9 library is in high demand.
has shaped our vocabulary with A focus ofzozo has been the
words and phrases like bubble, social development of a new strategic plan
distancing, community transmission which will provide clear direction
now understood by everyone. It's for the next three years. The process
also shaped our actions, with Zoom has been exciting and I have loved
meetings, the Covid Tracer app having the input of so many people
and continual use of hand sanitizer - students, staff, whanau and
becoming part of our daily lives. While community members. I'm looking
it would be easy to remember only the forward to 2ozr and beyond as we
:{ WOW, WHATAYEAR zozo HAS BockRow: Chris Monase: parentTrustee, ShaneWoodward: ParentTrustee,]onathon Bacarella:
challenging aspects of zozo, there work together to find success in all
parts of our school life. BEEN! When I think of all the extra Staff Representative, EIIaWalker: Student Representative, Solly Coulson: Parent Trustee
have been a lot of great things that i:i$ '
challenges that we've had to face this Front Row: Maree Stavert: ParentTrustee, NormWaIIace: Chairperson, Fiona Barker: Princtpal,
have come out of this year. I want to acknowledge the GBHS
Susie Spoin: Boo rd Secretary
Adapting to a changing learning staff for their tireless work this year, I'm incredibly proud of what has
environment has been a theme year - the willingness to go above been accomplished. It would be easy With Fiona now firmly established format of Zoomboard meetings, has
throughout the year. Moving from and beyond for our students has (t" to focus on the biggest global news as Principal and a dedicated Board, I played an important role.
a blended learning classroom never been more evident than item of the year, but at Green Bay High feel confident that we're well-placed I'd like to thank all the staff and
environment to a fully online platform during this year. The Board School, so many wonderful things to strive for even more in zozt. students of Green Bay High School
with two days notice was a challenge, continues to devote a significant have been achieved and just a small This year we say goodbye to and who, this year in particular, have made
and it was a real credit to staff and amount of time to the school selection of them are here for you to thank student representative Ella this school such a great place.
students that the focus was on finding and I am grateful for the huge see in the pages of this magazine. Walker, who, despite the unusual
opportunities to make authentic support they show both to
learning happen. Our students and me and to the wider school.
staff have been flexible and resilient Thank you also to our wider
and that is something that I am
immensely proud of this year.
The impact of Covid and the
Green Bay Community
- your contribution at
hui, at sporting and
Student Trustee
'new normal' that was 2o2o, was cultural events and in I HAD THE PRMLEGE OF being of what my first meeting would
experienced differently across the day to day interactions is elected as the student representative be like. I thought about corporate
school and the wider community. phenomenal. for the board this year. It's been a business meetings with the scary
The school felt cold and empty with Fina1ly, thank you to crazy cool experience, something that boss and intimidating adults and
no students or staff and there was all our students for their has taught me so much that I would little old me who ultimately had
a real feeling of happiness as we resilience and their never normally think twice about. no clue what I was really going to
returned to Level z and students were humour across the year. My board journey started off in achieve. But attending my first
able to reconnect with their friends I'm proud of all that our zorg when I went to a student trustee meeting I can say for our board this
and teachers with their colleagues. students have achieved workshop with all the Auckland wasn't the case.
Being apart served to reinforce the and am looking students reps for zozo. My first Although quick into the year we
importance of being together - forward to seeing what thought was what the heck did I get turned to Zoom for our meetings it
fostering positive relationships and zozr brings. myself into, sitting next to a girl who made it a lot harder to feel like I'm
supporting each otl-rer is key to finding Enjoy your was telling me about their 4-hour filling my role to the best as I can.
Christmas and ELL.A.WALKER
success. meeting that didn't end well for But nevertheless, I have thoroughly
The blessing and opening of the Summer break. anyonel enjoyed being a part of the board
newly refurbished B Block and Library Safe to say I doubted my choice big and I'm super grateful for all the
at the end of Term Two was a fantastic time and had some crazy expectations things I've learnt along the way.
occasion. Our staff and students have

Green Bay High School lMagazine

@ www. greenbayhigh. school. nz

Student Leaders uphold

and instilthe school GREEN
values while working
alongside their peers to
By Jack Anderson (Year r3)
continue to make Green
Green Impact has acl.rieved a
Bay High Schoolthe best lot this year, and it has been
it can be. great being involved. Highlights
were our Give A Kid A Blanket
Leaders are selected for their drive, where we asked our schooi
attributes of being a great role community to donate bedding
model and demonstrating their and warm winter gear, and
leadership potential. Students Green Jam, where we attended
are given the opportunity
to Iearn and showcase their ATHLETICS DAY a day-long conference about
sustainability. Green Week
leadership talents through By Lili Brown (Year 13) focussed on process of
various roles within House improving our school's rubbish
Perfect weather was one of the many factors that made this year's Athletics Day
competitions and other sporting bin and recycling system,
a success. Dressed to impress, students from all year levels came with pride
and cultural activities. Our
expectation is that all Year 13
TEARATIKA BUDDY to represent their houses and compete in the day's activities, with the mighty
Whatipu racing to the top of the scoreboard! It was a day full of school spirit from
sometl-ring that really needs
to happen if we would like to
students will provide leadership
to the rest of the school and
PROGRAMME students, and enthusiasm from teachers, who flexed their 'skills' in the staff
relay. Thankfully, this event took place before the Covid-rg Lockdown, making
move our school forward in
sustainability issues.
be positive role models for all By Oliver Frear (Year 13)
Athletics Day zozo definitely one to rememberl
our students. This is especially
Students Supporting Students leaders were pleased to start a new initiative this
true for those students who are
year, named the Te Aratika Buddy Programme. This involved student volunteers
selected as school leaders in
from all Year levels spending their lunchtimes with a number of students with
Year 13. Student Leaders work
closely with the Year r3 dean and
additional needs from Te Aratika, Oaklynn's satellite school.
This is a really rewarding programme because it allowed us to form friendships PEER LIVE FORTOMORROW
Senior management to facilitate By LaurenJones (Year 13)
with students of Te Aratika. For many of the volunteers, it was great to see them
and help organise a wide range
of school events and activities,
step out of their comfort zone and broaden their understanding of people's
differences as well as demonstrating their qualities of kindness, empathy, and
TUITION While this year has been tough for many of us, the student-led Live For Tomorrow
team has continued to strive to create a constructive, engaging and safe
including House competitions ByJack Anderson (Year 13)
being able to relate with others. environment both within and outside of the school to provide students with the
throughout the year.
Looking forward to the future we hope to leave this idea as a Leader's legacy, in Peer Tuition is one of the many tools to find and maintain positive mental wellbeing within themselves, while also
the hope it will continue throughout the years to come. student-led groups at Green working to reduce the stigma that surrounds our understanding and acceptance of
2o2o Student Leaders: Michael
We would also Iike to extend a huge thank you to the staff at Te Aratika who were Bay High School which supports mental health. Throughout the year, our team have been involved with a myriad of
Adolph, Jack Anderson,
willing to try something new and especially to Oaklynn Special School Te Aratika students to be the best they can be events and campaigns to create supportive and creative outlets for ouryouth, such
Mikayla Battersby, Lili Brown,
Inclusion leader, Donna Conway, who's been a huge help throughout. It allows them to become tutors as through our annual Compliments Week, our mindfulness colouring at the Peace
Eve Buley, Natalia Clatke, Zara
or tutees, who are then paired Week Festival, our pre-exam Self-Care Week Festival and our bathroom murals!
Collins, Benjamin Coyle-
up based on common subjects, Together, we have worked to create an accepting and collaborative mental health
Smith, Peter Divers, Oliver
and proceed to organise regular culture at Green Bay High School!
Frear, Erin Gosselman, Lauren
Jones, lakob Larsen, Nia Lloyd,
PEACE GROUP learning sessions together. The
system is beneficial for everyone
Henry Nalter, Sophia Pearson, A conscientious group of over 60 students signed up to participate in the World
involved; tutors gain valuable
Nishka Prasad, Bianca Shaw, Vision 4o Hour Famine, raising over S3ooo. As well as going without food or
Sofia Utting, Ella Walket, devices, some completed 4o random acts of kindness, and danced to 4o songsl
teaching & communication skills,
whilst their tutees receive high
Hugo Woodside When New Zealand went into Level 4 in March, Peace Group members focussed By Bianca Shaw (Year r3)
quality, one-on-one academic
on staying safe, keeping connected and looking after each other, looking at ways
assistance. This year, tutors and Earlier this year we were given the
to bring our community together and showing kindness to those around us.
tutees were able to continue opportunity to contribute to the annual
Students gave up lunchtimes to decorate and write cards of encouragement and
tuition over Lockdown, via Skype Blood Drive. As Student Leaders it was
kindness, which were then distributed to those who may feel isolated and lonely
and Zoom. Thankyou for the part of our duty to help organise this
by the Red Cross.
courage, compassion, resilience event, we had a great turnout with
During Peace Week, inspiring messages appeared throughout the school campus
and dedication you have all shown.
with a Chalk Talk activity, whereby students used chalk to design motifs and 93 staff and senior students more
Peer tuition is a fantastic, unique than willing to do their bit to help our
slogans, spreading the word about peace and diversity. A 'Diversity Rocks' activity,
opportunity to collaborate and countryand those in need. This is a
saw students painting designs on rocks - which were placed around the school
grow - I would highly recommend
and in local walkways and parks for everyone to find and enjoy. Diversity Peace fantastic result and everyone should
panels, to be sewn together and added to an ever-growing GBHS Peace blanket will
getting involved it zozt. be proud of their contribution to the
be used as a wall hanging. wider community.

Green Bay High School Magazine

@ www. greenbayhigh. school. nz Green Bay High School Magazine
@ www, nz
@ g baypss



it was amazing. We also had a whole

bunch of stalls with activities such as
painting what represents you and live SEWING CLUB
AND ACTIVITIES Peer Mediators receive their training
through the Peace Foundation's
Leadership Through Peer Mediation for
performances from Music students.
I am honoured to be part of the Peer
Mediators and I recommend it to
By Lulu Radcliffe (Year tz)
The Sewciety is a new group started
everyone, especially if you love to help at Green Bay High School this year.
Secondary Schools programme. The
THERE IS AWIDE RANGE OF AV CLUB - Students gain experience in PASIFIKA CENTRE - This is a space
role of a Peer Mediator is to promote
people and speak out for those who This group is not only open to students
extracurricular activities available to film-making and to facilitate a space for students who are interested, to
fairness and respect for all students,
don't get the choice to speak out. who take Fashion and Design, anyone
students at Green Bay High School. for film fanatics in the school. connect with peers, learn together and
watching out for harassment and who has a passion for sewing and
We recognise that opportunities to DANCE CLUB - Students explore and explore Pasifika culture. creating can come along. The club
engage with these are important in perform different genres of dance PEACE GROUP - Students support
bullying and helping students to PSSP
get the support they may need. Our takes place on Thursdays afterschool
supporting the development of a wide possibly performing at the annual actions and campaigns that improve
By Cole Butler (Year rz) to 5pm giving everyone who joins
Peer Mediators also work alongside
range of social and emotional skills for Dance Showcase. the lives of people around the world. the Peace Team in promoting Peace, More commonly known as PSSP, plenty of time each week to work on
our students, as well as many of the GAMES CLUB - For students who PEER MEDIATORS - Students especially during Peace Week. this team is made up of five Year r3s their projects. The club started in Term
key competencies in the New Zealand enjoy a good old fashioned board promote fairness and respect for all (Curtis Chapman, Dice Fricker, z and started off with only z members.
Joining the Peer Mediator team
curriculum. In addition to students game. Open to anyone to join in at through facilitated mediation. has been such a fun and interesting fames Ballantine, Mikayla Battersby Eventually word got out and now the
taking part in that which is offered break or lunchtime. PEER SEXUALITY SUPPORT experience. I was a Peer Mediator in and Sophia Pearson) and five Year club has up to 25 members at a time
by the school, they are encouraged to GREEN IMPA.CT - Students raise PROGRAMME - Students can engage Year B and so I already had a taste for rzs (Cole Butler, Krishan Nath, and is thriving every week!
initiate activities if they feel there is a awareness about environmental issues with peers around a wide range of it. The training for it was not only Sadie White, Teuila Paeaia, Chenoa Earlier in the year, the occasional
need that has not been met. in our school) our community and issues, ensuring the school is an extremely useful but also interesting Roots). The PSSP team works together conversation topic in class was the
Special interest groups are a great globally. inclusive place for all. because it helps you understand with other student-led groups to thought of starting a sewing club.
way for our students to engage with KAPA HAKA - Students celebrate SEW-CIETY SEWING CLUB _ conflict and emotions more, learning promote diversity and acceptance of all. Eventually the idea was set and ready
activities that reflect their interests. Maori culture and identity through students bring in any sewing projects how to release negative emotions as PSSP focuses on a wide variety to begin, but we couldn't proceed
They provide another space for like- Kapa Haka, Te ao Maori and Te Reo they wish to work on and complete. peacefully as possible. This year our of topics that are important during without a catchy name. This was an
minded individuals to be positively M5ori, SHINE (SAFER HOMES IN NZ team helped with Peace Week, which teenage years, such as drugs/alcohol, aspect of the club that we put a lot of
involved in the school community. LIVE FoR ToMoRRow (L+T) - EVERYDAY) - SHINE beacons support for me personally has been one of the safer partying, consent, sexuality & thought into, and numerous ideas were
Groups and clubs that run currently are Students reducing stigma and safe and healthy relationships and highlights of the year. gender, bullying, anatomy and much thrown around, until we had settled on
outlined below, however, if a student discrimination towards young people violence-free communities. more. We have been lucky enough the name we have today.
wishes to begin something new, then struggling with mental health, making SHAKESPEARE CLUB - Students this year to participate in school Going into next year the plans for
there is a process that supports them school a safe place. explore and perform Shakespeare BLM based events and fundraisers such the club are to continue on with our
to do so. POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR FOR extracts working towards Secondary (Black Lives Matter) has been a big part as Athletics Day, Pride Week, and personal projects and maybe branch
LEA,RNING (PB+L) - Supports positive School Competition. of zozo, we helped to organise events Peace Week. Year rz PSSP students out into charity work or donating
ART CLUB - Provides a space for behaviour for learning from a student YOUTH CYBER ZONE (YCZ) - such as chalk drawings, which gave a also attended a hui alongside other projects to organisations. Helping out
students to learn new techniques, and perspective and promotes the school Students promote positive and safe lot of people the chance to visualise Auckland schools, run by the Auckland the community is something all of the
explore their own artistic interests. values. interactions in online spaces. their powerful message and I think Sexual Health Service. members are excited to explore.




Green Bay High School Magazine

@ www. nz Green Bay High School Magazine
@ www, nz
GREEN Q responsibly as the next step is to have
rubbish bin banks that separate school
rubbish into food waste, recyclables
and landfill. Funding for these is being JI r8fi

actively explored.
I joined Green Impact in 2019. It
has been fantastic to make friends
and collaborate with the passionate a\
environmentalists at Green Bay High t. j
. --*.* . E]-l,u
THE GREEN IMPACTTEAM (Aaron Foodwaste in the staffroom School! 2o2o was a brilliant year for
ti --t-{
Rukun, Iack Anderson, Daniela diverted to worms our team; we made significant progress
Baird, Riley Bassett, Michelle Chen, . Compost bin materials purchased with our mission to make GBHS more
Ralika Chhay, Sivouch Chhay, Joshua . Recycling staffroombottles and eco-friendly. Our 'Green Week' at the :\ E*
Church, Laya Devabhaktuni, Thomas plastic end of Term 3 promoted sustainability .{
Forrest-Dawson, Finn Grieve, Emily . Paper bins distributed across the and celebrated Aotearoa's amazing t, "'. \
Heckler, fosh Korte, Kate Mcloughlin, school flora and fauna. I look forward to

t /
Ashley Metcalfe, Chenoa Roots, Sone Tongs and Tuff buckets for rubbish seeing innovations like recycling and {r

-r./ \
Rudman, Anais Shand, Luc Taillon, pick up instead of disposable gloves composting infrastructur e in 2a27.
Pimpapha Wathanakanchana, . Batteryrecycling Finn Grieve (Year ro)
Cameron Whitworth) has grown this After the first Covid-r9 Lockdown we €-

year and it has been encouraging to
have a student group that cares about
their local and wider environmenl.
Rubbish isn't the most exciting subject
saw a need to help out the community
with some of the basics of life so we
set up a collection for the Give a Kid a
Blanket charity. We had a generous
Green Impact was a great opportu,nity
to help the community, not only in
terms of the environment but also to
help those in need. The Give A Kid A

4 !.!

matter, but these students have been

to get alongside initiatives to
bring the green into Green Bay High
response from staff and parents with
bedding donations and warm clothing,
and Bernie from G.A.K.A.B. filled his
Blanket drive was the perfect way to
do this. We collected clean secondr
hand blankets and donated them to
,, : School. van with our collection of cosiness. people that really needed it, while still
Our main focus for 2o2o was to Nine Green Impact students doing right by the environment.
change the perception that students attended Green Ja,m in August at the Sone Rudman (Year 13) OAKLYNN SPECIAL SCHOOL IS TE ARATIKA TAHI: This year has regulation in adapted tai chi. We also
I had around litter, to realise that Ar-rckland Zoo, this forum is organised proud to be associated and work in flown by for Tahi students. With enjoyed a visit from Police Constable
collectively we all take a part in by Western Springs College and Green Impact has played a part partnership with Green Bay High Lockdowns our students have had Carl Musto who talked about his
protecting our planet, and our involves interested scl-rools frorr in shifting my perspective on School, where we can provide the very to adapt and meet the challenge role in our community. Students:
attitudes towards litter are where it around Auckland. There was a range environmentalism along with l-relping best iearning environments for all of of learning remotely, putting into Alfred Mui, Daniel Stanfield,
starts. Our team put together a Green of interesting speakers and workshops people in the wider community. our students. practise their skills as independent Khushru Mehta, Lauren Hayward,
Impact waste proposal which was to attend. I took on a zero-waste 4o-hour There are three satellite classes in learners. This has resulted in some Lupe Lepua, Nitin Takyar, Prisha
presented online to our school board Our Green week in Week B of Term challer.rge, which not only raised our Te Aratika unit. Tahi, Rua and Toru. amazing work being achieved outside Narayan, Ruby Yallop, Taneatua
during the second Auckland lockdown. 3 had a special focus on rubbish, donations and awareness but also Each providing supported Iearning of the classroom and strengthening Ryder Tiopira. Staff: Marian
We are proud of some of the small challenging the entire school allowed me to realise how much waste for students who have specialised their termination to make good Mullender, fonathan Clark,
changes that havg been implemented, community - staff and students not I subconsciously produce each day learning needs. Teaching is responsive progress when in class. Students: Noelene Reid, Carolyn Groen, Yuki
starting last yeag but there is still a way to walk past litter, and to challenge and how dependent I am on them. By to individual needs and learning styles Louis Court, Carlos Arellano, Okumura, Holly Stokes.
to go: I
anyone they see littering to pick it up. making these small steps, I believe of our students. The 'satellite class' Simeon Davis, fanet Taufasia,
. Food technolo-gy.scr'{ps going to Students need to be on board with the that together we can make a difference system enables students to have access fahaziel Dadah, Rhys Fleming, TE ARATIKA TORU: 2o2o has been
chickens ,,'1,'' ,/ importance of dealing with our rubbish Ralika Chhay (Year 13) to regular school life while being Haylee Thorpe, fasper Kane, Riley an interesting year for the students
taught and supported by specialised .A,nthony- Whitely, Tim Sloan, in Toru. They have faced unexpected
teachers a nd therapists. Alex Symes, Ashet Petez, Sameer circumstances like the lockdown,
This year, Te Aratika students have Hameeri- Sakha, Ramona, Aloesha which has changed their daily lives

ry iB,
had a fantastic year, despite the two
Lockdowns, home learning and class
zoom meetlngs. We had our annual
visitors from Kakogawa, japan at the
Koulikov, Ben Mathew. Staff:
Donna Conway, Vicky Clements,
Gareth |ones, Lee Dowling.
dramatically. Thankfully, all students
overcame this challenge with the
love and support of their families and

&, .<g&--f
s start of the school year. Visited local : TE ARATIKA RUA: This year we have
teachers. They all have developed a
stronger sense of trust, independence
e fr parks, conservation projects, reviewed j focussed on developing our social and friendship, which is visible in
a fr @ the water shortage by visiting local j physicat skills. We had fun going class. Students: Elliot Sloan, fackson
'r t g' Dams and welcomed the current Green : out into the GBHS community and Gardiner, Gavin Amora, Benji Lim,
Bay Student leadership and the leaders I introducing ourselves to others. Matthew Muller, Danial Amani,
of the future into our unit, who have i Highlights this year include - making Moses Shaik, Izaak Beukes. Staff:
volunteered to spend their lunchtimes i wooden planter boxes in Technology, Shafiyah Saheed, fo Boyce, Sunny
E interacting and playing with our i dance, fitness and sensory activities Thomas, Sharon Hall.
students, ' as well as working on focus and seif-

Green Bay High School lvlagazine www. greenbayhigh. school. nz


The image is made of Celebrating Diversity
two central and distinct
elements:the faces of
people and the globe.


and distinguishable feature us
humans have. Seen in thd poster are
individuals from different cultures
of different skin colours. This also
stands for skin colour diversity.
In the four corners behind
fingerprints are illustrations
representing different cultures: The
bird and flowers taken from Mexican
culture at the top left, the feathers
from Native American culture
from the top right, the cherry
blossoms from Japanese culture
from bottom right, and opposite
it an African Tribal print. These
elements represent more than the GREEN BAY HIGH SCHOOL celebrated Year 1o students Chloe Sheppard, . Harmony Goldstein - lst Place
culture they came from. The relation diversity during Peace Week (3-9 Aerym Aranda-McCue, fason Moore (Szoo): 'Sing It' category
to birds from the top corners are August zozo). A culmination of and Brenna Carter performed a . Kiera Cashmote - 3rd Place: 'Draw
important: they send a message that week-long events took place in the musical number "Wher e Is The Lov e" by It'category
like birds, we fly in flocks. Despite Auditorium foyer, with some amazing the Black Eyed Peas. . Ananya Garg - Highly Commended
our differences, we are together. The showcases by students performing Harmony Goldstein (Year g) Entry: 'Draw It' category
cherry blossoms at the bottom right traditional cultural dances, songs and overcame her initial stage fright to
signify that like flowers and plants, musical performances. wow the audience, singing a beautiful
none of us has the exact same shape As well as some very proud rendition of "Fall in Line" by Christina
and combination and colour pattern, parents, we were also fortunate to Aguilera.
but we are all beautiful. have representatives from Auckland Year 13 students Le Manaia
We are not only diverse in Council's Local Boards coming along to Ponifasio and Reece Hughes
our cultures and nationalities support our Peace Week initiatives. performed "You Know Me TooWell" by
but also our gender identities. We were very privileged to watch Nothing But Thieves. The lunchtime
Scattered across the image are flags Machelle Soonalole (year rz) perform Peace concert ended on a high note
representing the most common a heartfelt and delicate Samoan siva, with Year 10 students Adele Blake and
genders. In the centre, the blonde much to the delight of the audience. Kendra Taylor performing " AII I Wqnt"
white woman has a rainbow Members of our school kapa haka by Kodaline.
streak on her hair. Beside her is group l$er Hireme, Cassius Eliki- The Peace Foundation ran a
the bisexual flag, above her the Soloma, Rapata Witehin, Ruby competition across schools nationwide
genderqueer flag. Rodda, Manaia Harford-Mclver, inviting entries in the categories of

PEACE The swirling patterns framing the

image are fingerprints, symbolising
the uniqueness of each individual.
Portia Blakeman, Teresa Kuku,
Harmony Goldstein, and Ashantae
Rapana-Adams performed with poi
and tDraw
It', 'Sing
We are so pleased to
It', 'Dance It'

FOTJNDATION ART Like no fingerprint is alike, no

individual is the same: we are all
uniquely and differently made and
and treated us to a bone-rattling haka.
Whaea Drina paratene spoke about
how poi is a significant artefact to
be able to share the
fabulous news that a
number of our students

COMPETITION that is an incredible wonder.

The theme of this poster is
diversity, and the message is all
the tribes from Taranaki and is used
as a symbol of peace and healing.
This was a fitting tribute to celebrate
received recognition
for their entries in the
Secondary School division.
By: Rowanne Fernandez (Year rz) about embracing our rich cultures, our Pasifika cultures, as peace Week Congratulations to:
lst Place (Szoo): 'Draw Itt category uniqueness, a great difference, and coincided with Cook Island Ianguage . Rowanne Fernandez - 1st Place
zozo Peace Foundation competition being united despite our difference. week this year: Kia Oranal (Szoo): 'Draw It' category

Green Bay High School Magazine

@ www. nz Green Bay High School Magazine
@ www. nz
are amazing! We
After being at the back of the
have a core group of z5
school in a temporary library students who help to
for over a year, the Library is run the Library and keep
it looking great, as well
back in the heart of B block, as updating the Library
bigger, better and brighter! web page with the latest
new books and events.
FOR OUR LIBRARIANS, 2o2o CAN BE With the sun pouring
defined as 'the year of Coronavirus and in through the windows,
Boxes'. From experiencing lockdown tonnes ofbooks to read, and
(we hope you had plenty of books to our very own courtyard space,
read) to packing up the temporary the library is always a warm
library into boxes, we prepared for and welcoming place. We hope
a much-anticipated move from the to see you therel
Mana Tangata building to the newly
renovated and refurbished Library and
English block.
After a very special dawn ceremony
and blessing of the new buildings,
we were soon open for business and
had just begun to settle into our new
home...when we went into another
However, students have coped very
well adjusting to the 'new' normal of
Alert levels and the Library is once
again a welcome hub to hang out in
and a great place to study. E-Book
promotions, in partnership with the
Auckland Council Library, and hosting
Library membership drives has proven
very popular.
This year we have introduced the
role of Student Librarians and they

Green Bay High School Magazine

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Mdte ruku noa i te hohonutanga o te ao Mdori, ka marama ai koe ki te reo Mdori. hl
It is only by exploring the depths of the Maori world,
that you willtruly underctand the language.

Kaiako Reo Maori in Term r. They heartwarming himene to conclude The kakahu will adorn the walls of teachers to sing a waiata together to ki akoutou nga rangatira mo apop6,
our dawn karakia on a chilly winter the whare akoranga until there are mark this special occasion.
you also learn about the culture. also performed a stirring haka and Ahakoa nga piki me nga heke o te tau
poi dance at the GBHS annual peace morning. other significant occasions when it Plans for the future include zozo i tu kaha, i tu pono, i ti rangatira
This year Te Reo Maori and Kapa
The rise of Matariki, the Maori new may be worn. A second kakahu which wananga, noho marae and education tonu koutou. Kia kaha,kia maia, kia
Haka students had the opportunity concert.
year during the winter solstice is an our students and librarians have been outside the classroom to research
to deepen their understanding of Towards the end of Term 2, Te Reo manawanui.
apt time to be creative. Te Reo Maori involved with will be housed in the Iocal mana whenua, ASB Polyfest and
Maori culture and traditions by Maori students and the Kapa Haka My final words of
group came together to support students from Years 9-r3 worked whare pukapuka upon completion. Manu Korero. These programmes will acknowledgement must go to our
participating in important events at
Students, teachers and whanau also
school and on the Maori calendar. our kaumatua Matua Hare Paniota collaboratively harvesting and weaving enhance the Maori language learning future leaders, our students who
harakeke according to tikanga attended a dawn karakia followed by experience for students. have shown strength, commitment,
Kakariki kapa haka group upheld at the dawn karakia to bless the
Maori. The end result was a beautiful kaitahi, sharing a meal together to
the mana of the kura with pride new library and classrooms in B Pai tu, pai hinga. Na wai ra, ka leadership and resilience despite
kakahu which was blessed by Matua celebrate the rise of Matariki. This was
and confidence during the pohiri, Block. Te Reo Maori students, the oti. Do not be deterred by unforeseen the unprecedented challenges we
Hare Paniora and worn by one of our another opportunity for Te Reo Maori have faced inzozo. Be strong, be
to welcome this year's cohort of Kapa Haka group and some of our circumstances.
senior students at the dawn karakia. students, the Kapa Haka group and Taku mihiwhakamutungaka rere atu
Year 9s and Whaea Drina, our new teachers combined to perform a courageous, be humble.

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I have changed a lot in the last Ralika Chhay (Year 13) Cambodia: school years here, I begin to realise
ln 2020 ou r international
seven months, from the way I see For me, the highlight for this year is that I'm capable of so many things far
students have experienced the world to the way I see myself, definitely the 'Give A Kid A Blanket' beyond my expectations and that still
not only the ups and downs of especially with Covid-r9. It has been fundraising. As a group, we managed surprises me.
a year full of radical changes. I feel to go around the school and asked I urge every student, both upcoming Pimpapha Wathanakanchana (Year
living and studying overseas that now I see myself as a stronger students to donate their unused and current, to make the most out rz) Thailand: Every moment with my
but also being in lockdown and more independent person. I have blankets and clothes for families that of your school years. To put yourself friends, homestay family, and teachers
more confidence in myself and in the were in need during winter. I was out there, to not be afraid of failure, has been a highlight for me this year.
bubbles far from their natural decisions I make. absolutely astounded by the number to make new friends and to try new I have become more patient, learning
families. They have shown Before coming to GBHS, I had of items we were able to collect and things. In the future, you'll lookback from my mistakes and fixing things by
always been in familiar surroundings how as a school we managed to come and be glad that you did. ; myself even though my parents are not
courage and resilience and with familiar people. When I arrived together and are willing to help one Lastly, I just want to say thank I with me.
you to every teacher and all the
have grown as a result. here my mind was instantly wide another.
open. It was like I had hit my head I have changed quite a bit, I'd say, international staff. I'm beyond Mariana Leonlizatazo (Year rz) Teresa Koyanagi (Year rz) Japan:
on some glass since my reality had from a very dependant, introverted grateful for all the things that you,ve Colombia: The people that I met The biggest highlights have been
questions - What has been a highlight a r8o-degree turn. Everything I young person to an independent done for me, all the lessons, both here have become something more Covid-r9, lockdown and online
knew changed. Every tradition was and confident young adult. Some academic and life lessons, that to me - I would even call them part studies.
of this year? How have you changed
different. GBHS opened my eyes examples of this are: I no longer you've taught me and especialty of my family. The way that I see and
during your time at GBHS? Here are
because there are students from all bottle up all my questions because all the support that l,ve been given appreciate the world is completely Sivouch Chhay (Year rz)
some of their replies:
over the world with different life I know that every question is valid throughout my whole journey in different now. I can see my own Cambodia: A highlight of this
Martina Fernandez Castro (Year stories, with different perspectives and people are more than happy to GBHS. country from a new perspective. year for me would be the lockdown
rz) chilei The highlights I have and especially with different cultures answer them. I don't hesitate to despite the fact that it was a
experienced this year have definitely approach people. I push myselfout of Eduarda Lardosa Brant (year Ponita Chhun (Year rz) Cambodia: daunting and scary time for many.
been all the tours and trips I have Miku Shibata (Year rz) lapan: Being my comfort zone, which usually leads rz) Brazil: I have grown so much The highlight of this year would be Why it is a highlight to me is
taken with my friends. I have seen able to talk with students from other to most of my embarrassing moments personally and gained a heightened because it was like a pause on life -
being in lockdown for a month or so
the most wonderful places that I used countries and making new friends. but also some eye-opening moments sense of responsibility and courage. from that pause, you get to discover
with my host family and not my own
to only dream of seeing - all the trips too. family. It was fun and not something new things within yourself that you
to the beach on the weekend, shared Aaditya Nagaonkat (Year 9) I'm more educated than I've ever Meiyi He (year rz) )apan: Doing the that is easy for others to relate to. I have never realised before. Over
lunches with my form class and the India: I was struggling to speak been, more aware of problems and Tongariro Alpine crossing and trying my time at GBHS, I have become
have become more independent and
fact that I have been able to share my English before, but now I feel much issues happening around me and new things. I have learnt to not take quite accustomed to always trying
learnt how to adapt to unexpected
culture with my new host family and more confident to use English to more appreciative towards the people things for granted and to appreciate situations and most importantly, I and experiencing new things, and
new friends. communicate. in my life. Over the course of my what I have. have become happier. getting outside of my comfort zone.

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I i
,f I


Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Mdlo ni , Tena koutou katoa, Bula i -

o.": orthe rirst tasksbackrrom Samoan students designed
posters to share with classes to
vinaka, Fakaatofa tahi atu, Fakatalofa atu, Kia orana, and warm : iffi1#J;;XilT#?iH:1-":ffiX: help students and teachers practice
o le Gagana Samoa 2020 was 'Tapena basic greetings and polite words.
Pacific greetings to you all. Lunchtime tuition of a Samoan siva
sou oso mo lau malaga'which in
English means 'Prepare yourself a (dance) was seen and heard in the

GREEN BAY HIGH SCHOOL IS proud initiative and the idea of a POLYPRIDE gift for your travels'. It is important corridors outside D4. There was also
to understand that the journey ahead a competition organised within our
to offer a space where our Pasifika Centre was born, offering a
permanent space in D4 on Thursdays is not just about travel plans but POLYPRIDE Google Classroom.
students can connect with peers,
highlights the need to honour, respect There were many other important
learn together and celebrate culture. after school. Food was often brought
and share the gifts of our life's initiatives and ideas that came
Everyone is welcome to join, regardless in by parents and families. Enjoying
of ethnicity - the more people know sapa sui and koko alaisa along with I journey with friends and family out of POLYPRIDE this year. Jerry
Tevaga, Grace Chan, Stella Silulu,
about the vast Pacific and all the keke pua'a and pineapple pie
Machelle Soonalole and Teuila
beautiful islands and people who are are some of our most
Paeaia were seiected to attend the
connected by the Ocean, the better! memorable feasts.
Pacific Island Leaders of tomorrow
(PILOT), a unique collaboration
This year we have focused on providing
between tertiary providers such as
academic support alongside sharing
Auckland University and UNITEC.
information about leadership and
The PILOT programme helps
career opportunities. Students are
encouraged to talk to Green Bay High
Pasifika high school students make
informed decisions about their
School's Careers Department for help
education and future. We hope
and assistance regarding a number
that 2021 will bring about more
of scholarships, grants and awards
opportunities to enable students of
that are available to support future
Pacific heritage to bring their ideas
learning and growth or information
to life and flourish here at GBHS
about scholarships and funding
and beyond.
opportunities for Pasifika students.
Meitaki Ma'ata to everyone who
During the first Lockdown, a virtual
contributed to this space. We look I
space was created online so students in I
forward to seeing you (and new
this group could connect and support
members) next year!
each other. This proved to be a great

Green Bay High School Magazine

@ Green Bay High School Magazine
ork team
z4-7 Youth
who operate
the school, local

the24-7 our
Melissa team carried out to
Galeb crazy

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Yr 12
Jess Cunningham PE & HEALTH



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zozo has had another successful
year, despite some global changes
in the world of sport. This year, nine (Year rz) - Ten Pin Bowling,
athletes were selected and received Kate McGloughlin (Year t) - Hockey, sessions with our athletes have
a unique sporting opportunity as Luc Taillon (Year rr) - Ice Hockey. included Goal Setting, Lifestyle
a result of being part of the Every athlete puts a huge amount of Coaching, Nutritional Advice,
programme. The programme is a time and dedication into representing Physical and Mental Training, and
three-way partnership with Green and competing in their chosen sports. Sports Psychology. A huge thank you
Bay High School working alongside This is evident in the milestones they to Samantha for her expert advice for
Les Mills and AUT Millennium to have achieved in their sporting careers our athletes this year.
r, ..1
provide a pathway for our athletes to
to date and continue to achieve. Les Mills, once again, have shown
Pursue their sport and excel to the As part of the Green Bay High Schooi great support for our programme
highest leve1. Scholarship, AUT Millennium sent a this year. Each athlete received a
Congratulations to all of the trainer to come and teach the athletes free gym membership to Les Mills.
Green Bay High SchoolJETS athletes about Sports Psychology, Training Thank you to Colin Robb and his
who were selected thls year: Ben Techniques and much more. The team for providing one-on-one
Coyle-Smith (year r3) - Football, sessions provided are designed to meet training sessions with our athletes.
Nia Lloyd (year 13) - Swimming/ the varying needs of all our athletes, Another massive thank you goes
Surf Life Saving, Henry Nalter (year out to Phil Kingi (who is also a past
based on their specific sport.
l3) - Hockey, Imogen Everett (year pupil of Green Bay High School!) for
This year our athletes had the
tz) - Fencing, Eden Dorset (year r3) opportunity to have one-on-one making this possible for our athietes
- Boxing, Hugo Woodside (year 13) - sessions with Commonwealth gold and supporting our programme for
Baseball/Hockey, Ryan another year.
Julian medalist Samantha Charlton. Her

Green Bay High School Magazine

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f,> -4 ^*.
ir *
with great ''. V.r' -\
, T*,
SPORTS Footba.ll,


) '.',:


atl-rlete could go ahead, ar-rd also assisted

Our partnerships with local sports students to further develop their own
clubs and olganis,rt iorts continues tunderstandir-tg of the game being
While the disruptions of to grow wl-ricl-r ffreans more sporting played, whicl.r l.relped thern when they
opportunities for our stlldents. New were playing themselves.
Covid{9 brought about many Lynn Ter-rnis ch-rb provided studeltts Individual sports sttcl.t as Fencing,
changes to the sporting with quality tnoruing training sessions Golf, Sailing, Orienteering, Alhletics, {
Archery, Badminton, Mountain Bil<ing - "!.
and enabled three teams to compete
calendar there were still and Snow Sports all saw an increase in
in cornpetitions
tirderrt participation, with successful
many highlights to be Lacrosse helped
team started by and a number of ever-rts held 4 $rh"*
celebrated throughout equipment and snpport. the year. There were a
or-rt €
the year. Basketball, Rugby, of stLldents who quaiified
Hocl<ey, and Cricket all SA\M compete at Aucl<laud, Regional
STUDENTS CONTINUED TO in number of teams
f l're o1; National chanps, however these

demonstrate the true val,te of sports ir-r College Sport cornpetitions. The evellts were ttnfortunately cancelled .,.€[
and sportsmansl"rip, participating
and representing at every available

: opportunity. ll|i:;;ilni:.$ffi tr#:T*[T:*,:tJilil:::;,;ru:* t

We wor.rld like to take tl-tis
opportLlnity to thank all of our
locaily Titirangi
at Club.
During the Level 4
remained constant in students'
has a
- dayjtO*day lives, either as a team
coaches, managers, referees/
umpires and supporters who have
given up their time to assist teams
Loclcdown, students and
challenged to complete a 3km
or run and log it onto the
ir-rdividuals achievements. The
o.r a.s
value school sport holds in school
and our students' lives continttes
to shine strongly and is clear to see
f;"'b F ?\ ll!t

and individual events this year. on the College Sport website

There have been many challenges students and staff got involved whenever tl'rey have taken to the A',
sports field. Tl-re challenges stlldents
s ?#t
due to goven-Iment Alert level clrallenge. It was great to see evetyone B\
announcements and cancellations and keeping active and fit while also have faced this year, botl.r on and off
we appreciate ail extra sr-rpport and practicing safe social distancing. the sports fie1d, liave certainly helped 'k \
cahning influence given to students by This year, an initiative whereby to build resilier.rce and have instilled -*'%

our army of volunteers. students took np refereeing ar-rd a passion for pl.rysical activity and
It has been fantastic to see the umpiring roles for their school fitness !
{ I

Sticks and Balls

By Henry Nalter, Year 13


I started in Year 9 and I was gutted. However, in Year tt, I spoke to
Hamish Mackay, our sports director and together we started a mixed
hockey ieam. The great thing was, a number of my friends started to
play for the very first timel We were in the C Grade competition and
our girls and boys were incredibly strong on the field. Last year we
went to the mixed tournament in Taupo and came sixth and we were
going to the same toutnament in Rotorua this year, but then Covid-r9
hit. The whole team was disappointed but thankful that we had been
able to attend the one last year. It is so great to see that the idea
from a student, with the help of a staff member, can start something
new and encourage a number of new players into a sport. For many
players, the mixed hockey tournament was the highlight of their
Green Bay High School years. How amazing is that?

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@ www., nz Green Bay High School lvlagazine
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) att

Portla - L3 Photography
- L2 Deslgn

Nova sits in the chair. Her back's I must be strong, not curl into a ball plaything in a greater game.
very straight, her hands folded in her I and cry. She is powerless to resist as the
Iap. Her eyes are wide. Alert. j Wtren she looks up, the room is creature in the mask bends and
The tower room is cheerless. White saturated with moonlight. Silver scoops her into its arms. Powerless
walls, a darkened metal ceiling spills over everything. A final cosmic to stop her syringe rolling out of her
gift for a doomed girl? Of course not. hands. Unable to struggle as the metal

and a glossY black floor. The onlY
colour aPPears to be the red gtow of Nova isn't doomed. Stress makes cylinder closes around her and the
a digital clock on the wall- It reads her fidgety. She wants to pace. She monster. She was supposed to save her
6:57prn. A black table stands beside wants to bang on the trapdoor and home. Instead, she's doomed them all.
the armchair, decorated with a vase beg to be let out. Instead, she sits Nova closes her eyes and finally allows

of pale lilies. The lilies make Nova taller, determined to meet any danger the tears to fall.
uneasy... Her mother's a florist and with dignity. If she wants to bathe By L2:o4, there's nothing left in the
often delivers the white, conical in glory's golden glow, she has to be room but an armchair, a syringe and a
flowers to funeral comPanies. ready. vase of moonlit lilies.
By Hazel Cook (Year n)
znd place: NZ Young Writers competition Frowning, she gnaws on her bottom For two hours Nova waits. 9:29. She Nova's head hurts. She's lying on a
Iip, watching the minutes Pass bY. can't decide whether she wants time thin mattress. Fluorescent bulbs glare
At exactly 7io2, a reinforced to speed up or stop forever. to:t3. from a cracked white ceiling. There's
trapdoor opens. Nova's breath Hunger twists her insides, making it some sort of sticker attached to her
catches in her chest, onlY to come hard to concentrate. She straightens forehead, wires sprouting from its
gushing out in a waterfall of relief. her spine and thinks about why she's edges. She tilts her head and sees a
It's only Mother with her reddened unbeatable. It takes a long time. cluster of people dressed in lab coats.
eyes and her narrow frame already By tt:.46, her eyelids are heavywith One oJ them smiles at her before
wrapped in the lacy black garb of fatigue. At 11:58, Nova falls asleep. pressing something on a control

I #
I ,+
mourning. She has the same dark hair At 12:oo, something extraordinary panel. The sticker grows hot. Her head
and delicate nose as Nova, only her happens. The ceiling of the tower burns. It feels like somebody started
\, eyes are brown instead of blue. room, which previously had appeared a fire within her brain! She doesn't
"We dontt have long, so listen to be a sheet of intricate metal plating, realise what's burning until it's too
carefully." Mother hurries over and begins to move. Silently. Slowly. late...until she's just a nameless girl
places a hand against Nova's cheek. Stealthily swinging open to reveal a who's never heard of beasts within
"Before I say anything else, I just terrible expanse of darkness which towers.
want you to know that I love you
lt ) so, so much. You're my own perfect
even the brilliant moonlight can't The woman has long dark hair and
penetrate. From someplace deep in clear blue eyes. She works in a genetic
daughter, and if I could have done the shadows comes a metallic rattle. recovery lab, working to grow Earth's
anything to change the name they
t t A crash, then a repetitive ticking. depleted gene pool using the latest
drew out of... " Nova's eyes flicker slightly. A metal time travel technology. It's quite
"What did you really come here to tube, about one metre in diameter, simple really... After the water started
{,- say?" Nova snaps. descends. It stops just before the drying up, a nuclear war broke out.
Mother sighs. "I know what
\- you're going to try tonight, but you
floor, poking from the ceiling like the By the time the battle was resolved,
periscope of a submarine. With a hiss, there weren't enough humans left to
can't, you hear me?tt There's both a smooth metal door swings open and sustain a population, so the survivors
desperation and despair in her voice. a humanoid figure emerges through were forced to bring more people into
'(The beast will come for us all! If you a cloud of gas. Its face is concealed the current time period-not the most
really want to save us, you'll accept beneath an airtight mask. It strides ethical solution, but it still remains
your fate as those before you have confidently towards Nova, already the only viable hope of survival in a
done. " reaching for her. dying world. She has an exceptionally
!e..:, Mother is disfigured by pain, still, Suddenly, Nova springs forward, essential job: bringing randomly
.r$i Nova gives her a sharp look. ,,you are
brandishing a syringe she's filled with selected specimens sacrificed to
asking me to die,', she whispers. deadly tutu sap. 'monsters' from their time into the
Mother's face hardens. ,,yes," The creature recoils. memory removal clinic. She knows
she murmurs. ,,yes, I am.r, Then
Hope flares through Nova as she she was once such a specimen, but
she turns and walks stiffly back to
takes a step towards the beast, syringe how can you miss a life you can't
the trapdoor. It closes with a hollow
THE TOP OF THE TOWER IS SILENT, held high. She takes a deep breath, remember?
thump. preparing to strike the fatal blow. The
and a silence of halves at that. There's The woman walks into the lobby of
Nova drops her face into her hands. still pouring from the cylinder her office building, brimming with
the silence that comes from absencel gas
She wants to cry, but the heroes in
no howling wind, no voices, no birds rushes into her lungs. Nova's head anticipation for an exciting day's
her story books wouldn,t do that.
chirping in the eaves. The second half spins. An airborne drug? Is the world work. Somebody has left a vase of
is harder to hear. It simmers from the "Mama..." she whimpers. Nova slanting, or is she falling? With a final lilies in reception. The woman frowns,
stays that way for twenty-six
depths of a white armchair, spreading minutes burst of determination, Nova lunges suddenly uneasy. Those pale, conical
yet does not allow a
Iike oil over water. A defiant yet single tear to fall. forward only to lose her balance and flowers always make her think of
A girl who must defeat
fearful quiet. a monster crumple to the floor. A shattered funerals.

Green Bay High

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*Brr 37

The Mvstic Waters

Of the Waikato River f
By RubY Rqdda (Year 9)
' . Ramocked us, nearly reaching the to heip lift the others up, as well as the
horizon, but no't quite. The trees lining barrels of belongings. We all looked
the Waikato River were projecting up and down the embankment, scared
shadows into the already tr-rrbid of the thor"rght of slipping off it and
dfu, *ot.t. We had been rowing a then at eacll other as thoug}r we were

Bv Sian Hughes (Year ro)
smdll, seven-person boat for the last
four hours. Tlte crew had become
exhausted. The griffy wood underneath
my hand had been giving me spli'qters
daring each other to go. It was as
tholrgh the scouts l.rad been rehearsing
this moment from the tirne we left the
oars behind. The awkwardness of the
Finalist: NZ Young writers competition from the l.rours of wor.l< we eudured, , situation overwhelmed me, so i gave dirty water onto the faces of my peers.
1 Fortunately, we were coming close to in and got up to start the treacherous If I didn't find anything to grab onto, I
I neck, taunts me to madness' Alas, I'm 1 tl-re first paddock where we would pitcl.l climb. would have certainly gone down into the
I've I rocking the bed"' i alone...for now. When morning comes' our tents and spend the first night of Alt houglr lhe ernbanl<rnent :!yas on ly river and never be seen again. The world
t"t, I can hear it' A hymn
I crGsl croaky and saturated in its
I the scene will re-wind; its order and its the regatta.
raised up only a meter from the water, swirled into a s,low-motion blur. My
come to know so *"lI und^;;'"; u"ry It
i torment. The same cynical creak and As we were rowing we statted to see it was still quite iisky. I had to ger onto minci'raced, p&c r"t in. Loss of feeling
lost colour,
lost I own distres.s' Oust ct-o1-ds-.3bscure the I the same faceless monster'
much. It is one of Papat[anr-rku mouiding tlre earth to the edge of boat without slipping to my ltan{p and feet. Altliough my
than what i room and silence once apin falls' I
i wait with steady ears and steady eyes' i Yes,
vibrancy. Yet nothing more There's that creaking noise again' create,rolling hills in our wake. The : off aftd secure foothotds to get up. If brain wariffiiling, I wq6 barely conscious
I expect. For there i, . t"on'tti in -y i I can hear it. A hYmn I have come rippling water had died down to form I were$rave slipped, T might have enough to't<now on
my tongue throbbing in my mouth' He&#ab Lo
attic. It grunts, and moans, and wails"' i i to kno* so well and fear so vdry much'' little brown hi1ls slowly rising and struck ml$ead on the boat aucl gone somethiug. So, I lashed out at anything
oi, ttottii, *"iis' It wails and wails and i lt't awake' I selze my brea th AS long, white falling in the calm wind. Earlier that unconscloLls s there was a moderate l cor,rld find, and...
wtufft"o *ords swarm my head' I
wails. Its native tongue, if'u'u-"' u"a i blade plunge from the ceiling Coiling day we had been bobbing up and dowr.r gap between boat and the land). If I clasped onto something. I was
very core, sending I claw at the carpet to relieve my unease'

one that shakes my their way throu gh the humid chambe enough to cause the scouts to whip the that were to pened, I might dumbfounded that I was capable of
*y""trt u"i u*at of sweat forming on my brow'
goosebumps trickling up I oead lights flicker' Soon enough its It scrape my snout with its roughly
S oars around, making it hard to keep have drowned myself, finding p plant of some sort. I certainly
shivers cascading oown'myieverety i honed talons, the result of its going in a straight line, but now it was tried the land and my foot on thought I was going into the water.
spine. I feral cry will demand their presence'
; and they will join it' Amplifyingon my i Drenched in sweat am I, as it continues weirdly smooth. Tangaroa had dql{ed the first stuldy outcrop find I pulled myself up and stood proudly
I have caught glances of it once or i its searching, its blood-curdling comb to allow us a pleasant journey. The The unusual and jagged 1ne I on top of wall of dirt. I guess
twice. And yet, its face is one that I am
i terror by the number of hairs my odd lack of light and silence frorr Papatuanr"rku just wanted to have sone
i of the den. was hard to get up from, the ;
unaUle to imagine. A harsh wispy mane :
rather bulbous head'
: I stay still' Stiller'than if my life i F.ut has fully taken over' I might as scouts caused an eerie calmness about footholds were stllrdy, they i1l I fun and scare me but then I noticed
as black as tar' stretchiig'io tttiititp'' i well have been buried underground'- the place. Tl-ie scouts were keeping small. My mind was in a zen state, ,- i an odd pair-r in my l.rand. I examined it
varnished froor. It nu, oo'orv shaped' i aepenaed on it, which it does' How i it woutd be safer? Sounder? Steadier? thernselves sane by thinking througl.r focusing on what I had to do. The birfu I up and down. It was drenched in blood
gnarly chipped nails, no doubt I careful and motionless I stay' My heart the adventures of the day, contir-ruing
toes and
i relinquishes' refrains from pulsing'
i Surety. Perhaps I could play dead' calls, overhead, tried to distract me I from millions of cuts, lining my l-rand,
withholding armies ;;;;' i;t torture I Wtrether or not it would believe me is the sarne pattern of strokes we had from what I had to clo. Tane Mahuta lfraO grabbed onto a small cr.rtty flax
"f untouched and I stops' lhh 'il-.uurrheiess, i sriti iraci to iielp
devices line the room;
am : Footsteps burst into the room'
i Ueyona my mind. What if it slaughters been repeating for hours. We haci never was being mischievous agairr, rryirrg
the night' Too scared come to the grounds this late before.
,r"gfua"O in
- come to see to the ghastly i met Staugfrters me in cold blood? to have some fun. I cor-rld liave slipped ; people trp, so I endured the pain atrd
I to query their placement' Even more i
I creature"' Seconds passbefore I hear I Where will I go? Somewhere dreary no As we edged closer to the and grabbed onto something at any I carried on. Later that day my hand was
scaredto questionwhatA'*Otuf Outat nothing but terror lining encampment, we hool<ed the boat up
i the same footfalls tear back down the iI doubt, i still in pain, so I asked people how I
with time ancl caught n.ryself but, this tirne
they might perform. Ji'tot"tt *y walls.
to a ttee. The tree clasped onto the side there was r-rothing to support n-ryself could nn
;;d;"gg;d jaw? cause mv brain to I slender.cortid"-tl
creature the
of the embankment, digging its roots
l"^"1:,g-the i Perhaps... witir. ; "Try hand den't know
;;;; ;;i ti! "uttt Behead me? These I to dwell isalone once agatn' into the dirt, reinforcing the strlrcture
f not on my side as I wait'
I I can see it. Oh dear god, I can' Its 1 was nearly at the top of the I what it does, it ttre hand,
dastard thoughts almost outmatch i Q'l"t
i unkemPt silhouette, its long bonY of thq embankrlent, If we hacln't tiecl
rt-tound, ready to get Lrp and conquel Itowerrer on open it causes
the beast' : No' it is not' It breathes down my tlre boat up to solnething we woulcl
which shadow
i creeping. Creeping closer and closer
the voices the uncl.rarteci lancls. However, d.aylwoke up
first, but wait, wait have lost the boat to Tangaroa
,,: Soft and blissful at i until it finallY Pulls uP the"' Itir; miclnight feasr. Tlrere
lr.rvirrg Papat[-nLrl<u had a differer.rt plan for to a slow sunrise flooding the landscape
i cota Utue eyes. Piercing and wide' was foliage n-re. I l-rad r.rothing to hold onto and i in shadows and colours. Tdne Mahuta
starting to grow over tlre clirt face,
i Drained of all feeling' I'm lost in their
of which cor.rlcl be pr_rlied
all the footl.rold I thougl.rt was stable was I was sincerely apologising for the
me; staring'
i gur". BIue. Narrowed on
gtound at a moment's
out of the slowly crumbling before nre. I was ; miscl-rief he caused yesterday wlth the
I ihave never seen anything so terribly dar:k brown dirt, whicl.r
notice. The hoping I woulcl be capable of reacl-ring I delicate music of bilds. The orchestra
i mortifying, so terribly foul' I watch in etnbankment, was linecl
we callecl the for the wired fence that outlined the i of songs relaxecl me, telling me I
i horror as it bats its lashes"'releasing with indents field, but it was farthc.r bacl< than I i wor-rlcl be alright. The pain in n.ry hand
wlt*ere earlier sr.outs
i ttre tast time that formidable wail' nuftS.
ha<l climbed remembelecl last tirne. The or-rtcrop : had dinrinished. so I rvent atrd rrrade
"Mummy!!l There's a monster Now was the rirne tlrar the first gave way seucling dirt and grass I bleakfast ro srarr 0,16,h"r. day ot rowing
perst had ro go up tlre embankrnenr
lmybed!" splatterir.rg into the water splasl.rir.rg i do*,., tlie \Vail<ato River.

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THERE WERE MA]OR CHANGES IN which is based on the NZ Curriculum this course, students learn to create
the external exams last Year for of designing and developing digital software applications in Python and
Digital Technologies. The students outcomes (DDDO). Business Purchase C# and learn computational thinking
sat a Common Assessment Task decisions start with a search of (Cf; 5U solving real-life problems.
(CAT) exam. There was goolo-Loo% websites. If a business does not have a Data compression reduces the storage
attendance in the external CAT exam' website, you are catering to a minority space required in computers, how
The overall results are comparable to market. Therefore students in digital computers do this is learnt in Year rr.
the National results. zorg results had technologies learn about creating a Artificial Intelligence is permeating in
the biggest number of endorsements website from scratch using HTML, CSS, all areas of our life, from Apple Siri to
for DIT and DTP courses combined. Javascript and Bootstrap. The students chatbots on websites, students learn
4 To capitalise on these results, this also learn about Human Computer the advantages and disadvantages,
year there were a few changes made Interaction (HCI) and Usability its usage and future implications of
in the Junior Programmes so that heuristics related to websites. Picture this vast topic in Year 12. Computer
students would come into the senior editing can make even the most vision is a part of artificial intelligence.
school with a better understanding ordinary pictures look extraordinary. How can computers be made to see
j A good website will have stunning
lr i,1r,, *- of the concepts underpinning Digital images like human beings and sort
Technologies. Therefore to align with images, so students learn Photoshop to information? The mechanisms behind
the New Zealand Curriculum there create and enhance images to go with this concept as well as implications
were two progress outcomes that were their websites. Another important are learnt in Year 13. Students also
introduced: Designing and developing topic in Digital Technologies is learn putting computer hardware and
digital outcomes and Computational databases. Databases help to manage software together in Year 11 to creating
Thinking. The Year 10 students took huge amounts of data which helps the computer networks with Raspberry
part in t};.e Future Designers Challenge company streamline their operations Pi's in Year rz and 13.


z - Eurious Frames where they had to and help with performance. Students Students doing these courses usually
create a looping animation. They could learn to create these databases and join web startups to do part-time work
do this during the lockdown. also learn security issues related to or go into university to do a variety of

&H SPITALITY Nutrition have been a delightful and

In senior school, there are two
courses that students can choose.
One of them is Digital Technologies ;
databases and how to solve them.
The other course is Digital
Technologies - Programming. In
courses right from computer science
and engineering to web development
and data sciences.

ITHASBEENATURBULENTYEAR' : resourcefulness and expertise they

joyful experience, and I am grateful
but like most things that turn our have developed while under our care


lives upside down something good has will stand them in good stead in for the opportunity to have learnt so
the future. It will be difficult to say many things for this course. - Carmen
come out of it. We have been so Proud :
Lang (Year 9)
of our students as theY have shown : goodbye to them, but it is also exciting
resilience and determination. Amongst I as they are off to discover the world
the chaos, theyhave had the presence i and experience new challenges. We
of mind and flexibility to just get on wish them luck on their new ventures
Level z Hospitality has bY far been
one of the best subjects of this year, it
job. And that is to learn. and look forward to seeing new and has been challenging but also a really Students have given insight into
with their :
had another greatyear inzozo!
the returning students in zozt. awesome course to take. what they have learnt in Early
These skills will serve them well in : Students in Level z and 3 classes
The challenges of this course would Childhood Education this year.
coming months and years as there can : have covered a variety of different
Walking into Food and Nutrition at be the writing side, I found that with Daniela Baird and Casey Spemann
be no doubt that there is more turmoil : activities and topics. They have
the assessments there was a lot of have both enjoyed their year in Level
to come. : the beginning of every Period was
Iearnt aboutl Child Development,
Food and Nutrition, and Hospitality : a constant joy. How I knew that
writing involved and how you needed 3 Early Childhood Education and have
to put in the extra work to be able to Relationship Building, Te Whariki said that "Over the last two years in
mean many things to our students' : this class branched out mY cooking the New Zealand Earlv Childhood
pass. Personally, one thing that I was
From Iearning how to cook new in ECE we have developed a really good
: knowledge, got my hands dirtY
Education Curriculum, The Value
foods, to understanding the complex : batter, and taught me so manY skills looking forward to was the cooking understanding of what is needed to
ot Play, Learning Development
and sometimes confusing nutrition : and Iessons that would help me in the side. I loved doing the espresso coffee and teach in an Early Childhood Centre.
much, much more.
messages about healthY eating to future. We got to spend periods baking and international dishes. We got to The course has provided us with
: Placements at Earlv Childhood
new friendships. We are a muffins, slices, pancakes, cakes, and choose a cuisine and I chose Japanese. practical experiences and activities
developing : Centres have been postponed
so many more delightful things we So I made sushi and okonomiyaki. The in the to help me build my knowledge. The
department that encourages students current climate of Covid-r9
to step outside of their comfort zone to : got the opportunity to make. I would assessments that we did were fun but however, best thing about Early Childhood
students have their fingers
challenge attitudes) beliefs and to try : always leave the class in a better mood also challenging, that's the part that I crossed Education is that it has given us skills
that they will be able get
out new ideas. : than starting with, and on rainy days, liked about this course. I think that 02 to into Early and experiences that we can take into
Childhood Centres
Some of our students are graduating i there was nothing better than leaving Hospitality is a really good choice for and put their skills the future for our personal Iives and
Into practice.
from our department after having the room with a warm stomach filled people who have a passion for cooking careers. "
been with us for five years. The : with hot, freshly made food. Food and - Hannah Collier (Year rz)

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't ' 17s



My Covid-r9 Experience by Sam Redfern-Daly (Year rz)
are THIS PANDEMIC HAS BEEN OUR will be tested and that many jobs will
of teaching and learning' We started to get excited. to go for walks
SOME (Year rr), both entered tfe NZ Young of our students unprecedented flatmate; here to stay be lost and people will need benefits. instead of getting coopedup inyourhouse
Writers comPetition earlier in
rl the Year
who for the long haul. Online learning has been a
promising NCEA results across
r their efforts. who have worked so hard and staring at a screen.t'
and were rewarded fo desPite the Covid-r9 has caused so much pain bigger struggle than ever, I've been
aII year levels. zorg proved
to be story have continued to thrive
z6.z% Sian was a finalist with her short faced this Year throughout this year, millions of procrastinating due to my lack of "l realised that the environment can
another successful year with Hazel took out second challenges thev have be very powerful sometimes andyour
students attaining a Merit 'Monster' and with the wild and unPrecedented
people have died from this tragic motivation but accessing google
of Level 1
place for he r story 'Funeral Flowers' we are very sickness. However, New Zealand has classroom and GO Week tasks have talent can come out during bad times. For
or Excellence subject endorsement and we 2020 soon to be behind us'
These are remarkable results start had a slight escape. We've had leaders been fine. In these tough times, we example, I was bad at drawing and now
for English, while 28.6% of Level
these much looking forward to a fresh
Excellence aim to continue building on settled schoolYear ir'zozt that have helped reduce the nation's can only do the best we can do. It's I can draw very well Everyone loves my
students attained a Merit or
in the to come and a more
anxiety and have slowly helped bring
successes Years manY important we care and look after
endorsement in Englis h and 38.9%
of We also look forward to the
Merit or Another exciting event 2020 brought things that our students are back normality to most of the country. each other, especially those who are
Level 3 students attained a nof exciting "I thinkthe great realisation I hail
us was the long- awaited comPletio For the younger generations, it has struggling financially and mentally.
Excellence endorsement in English which are both sure to explore was that this time has changed what we
of our B Block and the Library brought harm to our wellbeing. We We must unite together against
We are excePtionallY Proud appreciate snd mqde us more grateful for
continue to strive to integral sPace s for the dePartment' have been sleeping off the days of Covid-r9 so we can together build a whatwe have. Like I'm more grateful for
students who
After manY mon ths of Planning our lockdown, dreaming of a world brighter future.
achieve their verY best and look shopping and my frienils."
forward to seeing how theY Perform
in I and r8 months ot construction, the where millions would no longer suffer,
refurbished block was officiallY Our relationships with others have
Year 9 student reflections on "I realised that the virus brought us
this Year' s external examinations' blessing on the last daY of term been tested. Such as ,friends' cutting
with a NZs nationwide Covid-r9 together. Bet'ore the virus,we were sitting
The Englis h DePartment realises of friendships or teens desperately
two. The blockwas then accessible Lockdown: on our phones and other devices. But
that English is not merelY a subject the
rather) to stude nts and staff alike and wanting to lext our ex-partners to when the virus came and we all went into
to be taught in the classroom' and Library staff hopefully feel something differen t Year 9 English students analysed a
life skill English Department Iockdown the virus brought us together.
it remains an important again. We are than sorrow and anxiety. My video entitled 'The Great Realisation'
main goals were reunited once I realised that the earth also got time to
Because of this' one of our beautiful feeJings have ranged throughout based on a poem reflecting on the
to increase student very fortunate to call such a this breathe, more trees began to grow and the
this Year has been we look forward to Iockdown. I've enjoyed Covid-19 lockdown. Students were
space our home and late-night sea got less polluted and more sea animals
tion and engagemen t within
particiPa with manY students movies, homemade baking, then asked the question: 'What is your
the sharing the space walking, were in the ocean. After the virus,I was
our subject area. In encouraging and the quietness of 'great realisation' from the lockdown
English- in the coming Years' my street. But more grateful for my friends and t'amily.',
students to Partici pate in wtth everyday merging
While we have shared a number into one I,ve period? Here are some examples of
related extracurricular activities, relt unmotivated and "I realised that by not being able to
the ofwins, 2o2o has also served uP stressed. answers from students in M9ERC and
we not onlY hoPe to imProve and I hopu that New Zealand go outside made people more aware of
but to also create some challenges for the students will be the M9ASN. Note: all feedback remains
students' grades ".
ilrsl country to be Covid free, anonymous, in order to allow students the things thatwe take for granted,like
facultY. NotablY' the unPrecedented we,ve
an environme nt that would allow
students oeen close to achieving access to malls, parks, seeing friends."
out other oPPortunities Level 4lockdown which left it before. the freedom to put down their true
student to see k revertheless, clusters
unable to attend classes on-site (see can feelings.
to showcase their skills in the wider A traditional blackout Poem appear and I "I realised that the things I thought
Instead, the facultY and wider takes a marker wouldn,t be surprised if "I realised thatwhen this pandemic I
communitY. ConsequentlY, we our below) is when a Poet we returned to were "needs" are creature comforts and
1n education sYStem had to adaPt (usuallY black marker) to an alreadY
lockdown in the later started thatwe were all in it together. could live without the everyday creature
have seen a substantial increase to be taught online. This months. This will
be very difficult for
writing Iessons redacting' People began to start to bond, we were all
partici pation in the numerous established text and starts exam study comforts like the everyday car trip.l can
was incrediblY diff icult; to not
onIY and end of year externals.
words until a Poefl so nice to each other when we went for
competitions that are offered to of living (editing/removing) definitely lef r me feeling
live without f ast food. I can live without
overcome the challenges text AND l:'1.:n.. walks. Also,we started to ring up relatives
secondary school students throughout but is formed. The remaining dnxlous. I'm certain that the aaonoay
the creature comforts that modern-day
through a wortdwide Pandemic that were alone, showing kindness. We
the year Two such students, Sian different means redacted text form a visual Poem society has made me believe I needed."
alsoto ada pt to this
Hughes (Year ro) and Hazel Cook

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: communication difficult. Open Day

I wasahuge success for us again,
: with a large number of parents and
prospective students trying out their
science skills. Many students (and a
number of parents) were reluctant to
leave, as theywere having so much
itself out by then). This was a year fun!
when all our hard work in developing We have been spending a lot of
on-line courses really paid off. Going time developing our junior courses to
into Lockdown, our seniors were well better pr'epare students for the new
placed to be able to continue their NCEA standards, although the roll
learning without too much disruption. out of these has been delayed now.
The majority of our junior students With seniors, we have been working

This was certainly a year of highs also coped well and made good on goals setting and ensuring the
and lows. We started well with great progress over the Lockdown period, so standards students choose are those
2019 NCEA results and high numbers the years' learning program has not that are relevant to their future, and
of students taking our courses. Our really been disrupted too much, even of interest to them. Lockdown has
summer field trips were a success, when the second wave struck. provided us with a better idea of how
with level 1 Science students heading Our biggest issue was trying to get to develop our courses to further
off to climb the great heights of around the practical aspects of Science, encourage students to take control
Mangere Mountain (you,d think it was but we hope that parents were able to of their learning, solving their own
Mt Everest with all the complaints, have a bit of fun with their children problems and to place added emphasis
but our motto was that if you can as they tackled some of their Science on thinking critically about all that
complain then it can't be that bad!). Iearning. The best thing to come out of they hear and read. We have had some
Our level z Biologists visited Arataki Lockdown has been the opportunities great conversations this year in our
to study the layers of the forest and to learn new skills (like Zoom and classes, and it has become obvious to
Iearn a bit more about Loom - who names these things?) and us that our increased focus on skill
Kauri dieback.
Unfortunately, Covid-19 struck and to further develop those problem- development instead of content has
both the Physics trip to Rainbows End solving and critical thinking skills in paid off in students ability to use
and the Biology trip our students, ourselves and the wider evidence to discuss important issues.
to the zoo had to
be cancelled school community. On the whole, this has been a
due to Lockdown.
We were tracking along nicely Between Lockdowns, it was business relatively settled and positive year for
.. until
the dreaded as usual, although it has been strange
virus liit our shores. We the Science Department at Green Bay
were really disappointed when working with scientists and High School, despite the pandemic.
to have to
cancel our Operation
Wallacea trip science organisations overseas who We are still having fun and the Science
to Indonesia,
however, this has now are still feeling the effects of the teachers are still a close-knit group of
Deen postpon
ed, to zozz(hopefully, pandemic. They have been on furlough self-proclaimed geeks who just really
as long as
the pandemic has sorted or in Lockdown for a long time, making enjoy Science.

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period of extreme racial oppresston, .r range of interesting and important l-row they dealt with a deadly disease. that could be implemented to help
and Amerlcan Civil War, we learnt icieas and PersPectives, all while Warching videos, working in groups nations all around the world cope with

SOCIAL SCIENCES valuabie lessons about the potential

ugliness of human nature We saw the
resilience of the human spirit shine
staying within our overarching topic
L): t ace rela t io ns a nd ac t ivism.
By Chenoa Roots (Year rz)
and interesting songs about the
different epidemics and diseases kept
us engaged - but unfortunately we
the pandemic. My team was assigned
the Czech Republic and we had a blast
researching the country and discussing
Throughout Level z we addressed through during our thorough studY had to end that topic due to our own ways we could improve their respoltse
GEOGR,APHY of the Civil Rights movement With SJ()CiAL ACTION pandemic (Covid-19). After six weeks
two significant international issues' to the Pandemic. My teammates
It is easy to say that geography has the current state of American race
ltis allows us to expand our in Lockdown we were able to come were from Colombia, Vietnam and
The ever-changing Problems
created some of mY best high schooi
with whaling; and disParities in relations the importance of knowing kncrwledge of the world and the back to school and learn as a class Singapore which made finding times to
experiences. I have been taught bY
development shown in Tanzania, the history from which they originated perspectives that resPond to again. We started learning about how work together a bit of a challenge due
people that are passionate about what different social movements. We
and how these issues impact citizens came sharPlY into focus; knowledge we contribute to problems happening to all the different time zones. Along
they do, creating a great atmosphere'
and governments across the giobe' after all, is the biade with which to lotrked at historical/contemporary in our society, such as ocean plastics. with learning about the Czech Republic
Students are equally involved in the social movements to gain a wider We produced an online newspaper
We travelled to Tongariro National fight hate and ignorance' We also we also intervieu'ed each other about
course. We are always taking part in
Park, expioring natural features that ttuaiuO New Zeaiand's own history of undr-rstanding and perception of about ocean pollution and Auckland our home countries and found out the
topical study - there is never a duIl
dominate the environment' racial oppression, namely by looking varioLrs issues and perspectives. We waterways etc. This year has been different approaches our governments
moment. participated in a social movement,
Level 3 has been interesting to saY at the Dawn Raids, Land Hikoi, and very eventful with many ups and had taken. Our final proposal was all
GeograPhY encomPasses a mYriad coning face to face with an
the least. Like the rest of the country, Springbok Tour, a much-needed downs but nevertheless it has been about how governments couid heip
of concepts; change, sustainability, existing problem (poverty) within
Covid-r9 impacted us significantly, reminder of the work that we, the new an entertaining experience with fun students have the best education
environment; making us more aware generation' have Yet to Put in if we our cornnunity and gathered an activities and of course lots of learning
howevet, we were able to comPlete through online learning since it is
of issues across the globe and here
our research at Muriwai. Geography is seek not onlY to learn about history under standing of ways that we can By Maura Machiman Moya and Lyla so different from regular scl-rooling.
at home. Students learn to think
one of the few subjects in hlgh school but also learn from it. A truly jarring overcome this. We connected with Peters (Year ro) These included ways governments
critically. Many have altered the way yet unforgettable experience was our
that teaches us about our world and its Visionwest and Green Bay Primary could help students academically,
we perceive the world.
changing dynamic, it's not just flags ah"tta. to hear three members of the and raised over 15oo cans of food BUDDIES WITHOUT BORDERS provide them mental stimulation from
At Level 1 we researched close to for Vjsionwest's food bank. Overall,
and what a maP looks like'BY Nia Buddies without Borders is a forum extracurricular activities and make the
home the streets of I enjol'ed social action because it where you get to workwith students transition back to on site schooling
tell their own accounts was a positive learning experience from all around the world and discuss as smooth and safe as possible. The
the Dawn Raids and Springbok tour' and developed an understanding of issues the world is facing at the forum was such a great learning
lVaihi's backbsne for hundreds of differrnt
rememberthePsst I have enjoyed learning history this social methods used to create moment. Everyone that participates opportunity and it was so amazing
years. we also looked globatly at th€ change. By Emily Shatwell (Year rr)
sre conilemneil to reqeatittt - George year. Listening to guest speakers such is placed into a team with students being able to have discussions on the
detrimental short and long term
Scntaycno as American History Lecturer Prof ' from different countries and then weekly video call about other topics
impacts the 2o1o Haiti earthquake SOCI/rL STUDIES each team is assigned a country to like youth mental health with people
had on its andhow natural This year has been difficult for many research and represent. This year the from ail around the world. I met so
of us, due to Covid-rg Lockdowns. In forum was all about the COVID-r9 many amazing people and I can't
social srurlies we have learned about pandemic and discussing how different wait to see what everyone does in the
many different topics, including the countries responded to it and how future. If these people are our world's
blacl< Jenrlr,, NZ gold rushes, fasr ,successful these different responses future leaders we are in good hands.
fashion and Black Lives Matter. It were. We had to research our assigned Thank you to Katrina Piezzo and
lnt eresting to learn about how counttyrs response to the pandemic Hannah Hopkins for introducing me
lived back in the r3oq1 and before making a mock proposal to the to this opportunity. By Zara Collins
Worfd.Health Organisation of actions (Year r3)

ll lr

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MEDIA STIJDIES i were unavailable or limited to two

: items per person due to ,panic buyers,
: Flour, pasta, baked beans and toilet
i paper were scarce or simply non-
i existent. My social media was flooded
i with posts of 'pandemic motivation'.
. All this 'extra' time motivated some
: to 'shred & gain'with Chloe Ting,s
; intense routines or master the piano
i (my neighbour practiced well into the
; evening)."
i Despite these challenges and
I disruptions Media Studies students in
i all of their classes rose to the occasion
i and produced excellent work.
; Junior Media Studies helps students
i undersland some of the core ideas
j of the subject. year 9 students
I examined the Coming of Age Genre,

6i from home. Overall, taking Level z

I public service announcements
I and infographics. Year ro students
: exarnined the Superhero genre,
I storytelling and creating short scenes.
i Notable Year 9 Media Studies students
BUSINESS STUDIES Business Studies this year has been
a great learning experience, and has
strengthened my business knowledge
'tYou arebrsver thanyoubeliarc, i
stronger than you seem, smarter than you
same vein, facob Hewitt (year 9)
says, "During New Zealand,s covid-r9
I include.A,lice Hughes, Btendan
i Augustowicz, facob Hewitt, Azzura
; Snelgrove-Douche, Reva Mandlik,
& ACCOIJNTING and understanding. ThankYou so
much for everything, Ms Lambert!
By Manaal Naeem (Year rz)
think, andloved more thanyou,ll arcr
know." - A-A"Milne
Lockdown, the online school system
took a while to get used to. I enjoyed
the media studies work as it was
: Carys Reilly and Emily Thompson.
; Year ro Media students who achieved
I at the highest level are Etoile Simard,
Business Studies has manY
from class, to the real world. Business
This is my second Year taking
engaging and different. " i Ryan Cavill and Stella Barry.
Studies will potentially help us with
students, like all of us, faced a new Azzturca Snelgrove - Douche (year I Year rr Media Studies focused on
benefits. You willfind the : our future. By Bianca Arrow and
Accounting. As I want to continue
with the business path in mY life, I
world of pandemic alert levels,
national lockdowns, contact tracing,
i 9) generaily had a more positive I the Western Film Genre. Students
I planned, filmed and edited music
entrepreneur in you, know Gabriella Quin (Year rr) i experience. "our Media Studies class
think basic accounting skills can be social distancing, obsessive hand
realty helpful for my future career.
was already studying movies, so it I videos while developing their ability to
how a business works and washing, face-masks and Zoom
If I could choose a subject that I was an easy transition from school
; write persuasive essays and use media
have enjoyed the most this Year, it
With the lockdown, it was Pretty meetings (so many Zoom meetings...) to home. This provided us with more
become an expert Problem technology. Standout students include
interesting to learn Accounting As our "team of five million', rose to opportunity to structure our timetable
would definitely be Level z Business
solver. : Studies. From learning about the
through Zoom, we've definitelY
had many eventful chats with the
the occasion, so did our students. Here
are some of their experiences during a
to fit us better."
Carys Reilly (Yeat 9) says
Isla Crawford-Walker, Lola Duhart,
,Adalia Edwards, Isis Fynn, Daniel
: applications of motivational theory' Green, Lulu Radcliffe, Meghan Reade
THESETHINGSBOTHAPPEALED teacher. We have learned about online very challenging year. :
conducting market research on "Although Lockdown was a new and famie Scherer.
to us, aswe found this subjectboth accounting software using Xero. Kristen Salt (year 13) found
: new or existing products, and being experience, I learned to adjust to I Year rz Media studies focused on the
useful and interesting. Level r com, which I found to be useful due i
the experience difficult.,,Waking the new normal as the days blended
: taught about the internal operations Slasher Film Genre. Students planned,
Business Studies gave us insight into ; to people not using physical records uP everyday knowing nothing
: and workings of a business, I can
I anymore in the current age. In class,
has together and dragged on. But I also I filmed and edited horror films while
howbusinesses are run internally
cnanged and your world is
: certainly say that I have gathered a reduced to found positives in Lockdown, like i also developing their understanding of
and externally. We have had the : significant amount of knowledge that : the fun part is when the calculations the walls around you. The
schoolwork having a closer relationship with my I narrative and persuasive essaywriting.
opportunity to expand our knowledge I
will benefit me in the future and in I don't work out! Having to go through decayed as I put it off trying to avoid a Mum and Sister, and finding new
! th" *hol. statement again and oreakdown. Life in Lockdown ; Notable students include Monique
on small New Zealand businesses. : many years to come. I've been taking spares hobbies. " i Schumann, Tommy Maitai, Anna
We got the opportunity to meet Business Studies for three years now
I calculating everything again, and no one. With no
siblings to keep me
: then lastly, everything finally being company, I was reduced
Ahyoung Cho says "o3MED was : Burton, Ella Caples, Imogen Sweeny
DarenfromVerticalAdventures,who : and have grown to absolutely love it,
j alone despite this
to feeling looking forward to producing and i and Emma Kemp.
talked about how he became a very : especially because of my teacher, Ms balancedl That's the most enjoyable being the age of filming our own documentaries prior I Year 13 Media Studies focussed on
successful business owner. We also : Lambert, and her amazing Patience. : part. With my teacher, Ms Lambert, connectivity. I
did nothing all day but to the Covid-19 nationwide Lockdown. I understanding the role of media in our
telt exhausted.,,
had another exciting assessment : And with Lockdown occurring this i accounting has been very relaxing, I intended to do mine on how i lives. After beginning the year with
during the year, however due to : year: when we were introduced to an I and she will always be patient when A survey of Media
Studies students Auckland's ethnic cuisine contributes . a documentary film focus, students
echoed some
Covid-r9 restrictions, the market day : unfamiliar situation and had to adapt i you g"t something wrong and work of these thoughts. Lulu to the city's diverse identity. During i researched, planned and produced
internal assessment was unfortunately to a new learning system, our teacher
i it out with you together. Accounting Radcfiffe (year
rr) had to adjust to Alert Level 4 I rarely left the house,
: tne reality ; magazine projects exploring the world
cancelled. Taking Business Studies : was always organised, ensuring to is most definitely, my favorite of on-line learning. ,,My
mindset going
except to go for walks or grocery i around them. Standout students
is very important for us, can
as we : provide us with enough information i subject of all time. By Pimpapha into Lockdown was that shopping: lining up at designated : includeAhyoungCho, Rhiannon
apply the knowledge we have gained : that will support us when studYing I Wathanakanchana (Year rz) twould be able to
complele one class points marked by tape, each roughly i Fuller-Sandys, Finn Marchant*
a oay of
work. I was mistaken.,' ln the 1m apart. A wide selection of foods i Ludlow and Evie Prockter.

Green Bay High School Magazine

@ www. greenbayhigh,school. nz Green Bay High School Magazine

@ www., nz


i W. also welcomed Miguel padilla ?* "".+

I back into the Maths department.
i Miguel had previously been with us as
: a student-teacher. Upon graduation
I from AUT, Miguel joined us for three
i weeks before the country swiftly
; moved into Lockdown. He has adapted
i extremely well, being able to swivel
I from face-to-face teaching to online
i teaching in the space of less than a
I week.


i Utilising new and invigorating
F# I staff, new initiatives have been rolled
{ ; within our department, such as the
: GATE (Gifted And Talented Education)
as anew teacher having had only one : programme which has operated Cycle within the department,
i term of teaching face-to-face with I successfully with an entire year 9 class
our secondary focus was on the
students before moving online due I of students being accelerated into year realignment of the junior teaching
to the Lockdown. Talk about a steep I rr Mathematics. The feedback so far
and learning programs with the New
learning curve as a first year teacher! I on the students is they are thriving
: and enjoying the challenge ofbeing Zealand curriculum. The flow-on effect
of this work was to raise student,s
I extended in Mathematics.
i The department's goais for the achievement levels across all levels of
academic achievement.
: yeur continued alongside the school,s The Maths department continues
Fa{ : goals of raising student's achievement
$s$ is;j I with the focus on Algebra. This to have increasing numbers -
especially at the senior levels where
i*'*i$ t: iwt i was particularly germane with the more students are opting to take
-&, I media focus on the Level 3 Statistics
Mathematics after Year 11. The focus
I assessments the previous year. Our on providing relevant courses for
. particular focus this year was on the
The Mathematics department has had a very interesting year adjusting to changes due to students to ensure their pathways
I smooth transitions between junior remain open is a central pitlar of the
Covid{9 and several lockdowns, as well as having new staff joining the department. i and senior levels within mathematics department's goals.
i pathways.
We farewelled Gael Squire who had New additions to the department : To further strengthen and improve
worked in the department for over 10 were "The A-Team" where it appeared Anu Goel was a familiar face,
I the imptementation of the Inquiry
years with a celebration of her classes, the prerequisite to join the department having been a reliever at the school
complete with a specially made cake was that your name started with the last year. We sighed with relief when
and a parade through rulers (!) We Ietter "A". Starting alphabetically, we knew Anu was taking one of
also bid farewell to Heral Patel who Amber Garrett joined us with a wealth our classes as we knew they would
returned to Fiji to be with her family. of experience from Canada. We are be in safe hands. Anu brings vast
Heral had worked in the department commonly asking Amber around the knowiedge of both Mathematics and
for five years, her aficionado of department lunch room "You did Technology from her background in
{ stationery and her contagious laughter what? And where?" having previously teaching and in Computer Science.
is sorely missed. been a Geologist in various exciting She also manages to make us
and remote areas of the world. Amber jeaious with her
delicious Iunches she
has been amazing under Alert Level brings in every day,
Amber Garrett
Lockdowns, taking on the mantle
of Year rr Academic Mathematics
distance learning. Amber's classes are with her students engaged and busy
_\\- a

known as being exclting, vibrant and learning.

engaging, but not conducive to plant Alex Finlayson joined our team at
survival. the start of the year as the new kid
Ana Ma joined us at the start of year on the block. He quickly established
and was a very welcome addition to the himself as a valued member of the
department. She came with plenty of department with his quick wit and
experience from teaching Mathematics interesting lunches. Alex came with
in Auckland and having been the NZQA a wealth of knowledge from his
Exam Centre Manager. Ana's classes experience in working in banking in
are always cool, calm and collected Australia. Alex has made vast strides

Green Bay High School Magazine Green Bay High School Magazine www. nz


)w\\n \ L) U\UI\ t,\lsI 'r(

JUDCE . isometric drawing of 3D shapes, money
: studies and statistical investigations.
i Our seniors have continued to work
I towards completing the NZ Certificate
N ; in Skills for Living as well as standards
a5 +!'e1 i required for NCEA Literacy and
\No|'*t*.''"n aon ; Numeracy. The programme for each
\..." \S" d,ttt Tt zY
n"h i student has varied, depending on their
Tvdoe &si.I* 'lhe : individual needs, interests and stage
winnEr .{ta I of the qualification completion. Due
) q
i to Covid-r9, students have not been
ilh . able to have work experience outside
i of school, as we did last year, however
ATro oo ' we have been able to arrange regular
I opportunities for some students to
Using pers"nc\
; do voluntary work around the school,
II{AT N OT Tb DO €Xpgcio.nce oro.n i particularly with fanet Carter in the
iso\*e}. clo,-,a\c : photocopy room and Sandra Sandford
ins\cod. oQ -' I in the Cooking Room.
I This year, GBHS welcomed Learning
- i Support Coordinators Kim Vaigalu arid
i ChriS Kinsler onto our staff. We have
AbCIer i benefited greatly from their expertise
i and their appointments have enabled
OfAnYi ; the school as a whole to support
\ ON ) : the individual needs of many more
o,n "td : students, teachers and whanau.
LTXDBYI i One new project introduced by
I\cssr cL qs
i Kim has been the Games Club. The
-.S**q.\ v' $ i idea of this club was to enhance
I the functional social development
i and communication competencies
LEARNING ENRICHMENT OPTION 2o2o HAS BEEN A CHALLENGING safety and resilience. A representative
year, but covid-r9, Lockdowns and
online learning have not prevented
from Drowning prevention Auckland
i ofparticipants in a fun and
: competitive way during break times.
choice allowing students to explore they are super important and can students in Junior and Senior Bridging I safe
came to talk to us about how to stay : It also provided an opportunity
GREEN BAY HIGH SCHOOL'S in and around water and had the
Learning Enrichment Option the ways that they best learn. A reveal unexpected meanings about from participating in an exciting and i : to participate in activities where
your daily life. Every day we gained varied learning programme
opportrr,ity to fit lifejackets correctly. I participants are exposed to a sense
(LEO) programme is for selected highlight of Year ro LEO was taking : tiris was the first time some had put a
academically-able Year 9 and Year on the role of a bioethicist, learning something new, LEO brought out the we welcomed Linda Heckler onto l lifejacket I of achievement. The games club has
on, so it was heaps of fun! . grown from strength to strength, as
10 students who are self-motivated, and researching about how GM food creative and special side of us. It has our teaching team, as weil as simone
; s.i"n.e topics for the luniors have
creative and demonstrate task impacts society and the environment. been a great pleasure being in this Llewellyn and Hope Johnson onto I included urr"rgy and senses, the i has the collection of games. From
commitment in areas of interest. In this assignment, we were tasked class and I am going to take away our wonderful team of teacher
aides. i solar system, lab safety and Iiving ; Articulate, to Speed Monopoly, to
LEO provides students with an with presenting our opinions on the many enjoyable memories. had Ashteigh Chibnall i things. Students have participated in I Catan and Uno. There are games to
I.1:o i suit att levels and interests and is run
and phil ! dissections of eyes, hearts and Iungs as
opportunity to investigate their ethics of a specific genetically modified By Carmen tang (Year 9) teaching Junior PE and Health
food of our choice. Our group chose to teachingJunior Science.
I four days a week by Sylvie Howell and
unique mix of thinking behaviours, i part
The big focus in pE and Hearth has
- of their learning programme. : Amber Garrett.
learning styles and how to use these present our research on GM salmon in ,been fitness' ] tn Sociar Studies, students explored As always, GBHS has supported a
to maximise achievement. The course the format of a documentary. creating Students have learned i rv"* Zealand and giobar geography,
very high number of students through
content is varied where possible to it was enjoyable and rewarding. types of fitness i t,l"* Zeatand history and atso current
By Phoenix Simpson and Bella
acttvtties, both in and
around the
Special Assessment Conditions.
allow individual students to extend i events. A highright was cerebrating Supports range from Readers, Writers
their own Iearning capabilities with Wilson-Fry (Year ro) The fitness theme continued i Matariki by
tn Health by learning about how our
making manu tukutuku . and Computer Use, to Extra Time, Rest
research into their field(s) of interest. i 1t<ites). I Breaks and Separate Accommodation.
LEO stands for Learning Enrichment esp_ecialy bones and
*:l:I"i.,"n, i rn English we starred the year by ; Ensuring all barriers to student
Learning Enrichment is an engaging Option, and each lesson was exciting. 'ttuscl€s. Cameron Scott (year
9) I reading and watching biographies i achievement are removed remains a
subject that covers an array of We learnt about the brain and how it is
w^as the
winner of the 3km run this i of a faious New zear"ano."r, gru..
different topics. Throughout the the most complex thing you will ever efforr. Andre i ; high priority for our small department
il,liL^,1:r.::ndous mJurun. rhis led to writing I and we couldn't do it without the
duration of the Year to course this own; about meditation, and how it can
oJ:::i::1,("ear 9) scored verv well i biographies of other intereJting
I continued support from our excellent
year, students learnt about philosophy reduce your chance for heart diseases rn the two-minute sit up
;;:i,1t i people. During the lockdowns we i team of teacher aides as well as parent
and debating. Ms Sylvie Howell and keeps your brain young; about o highlight of the yeari
allowed us to present what we learned sugar, and how it has many effects
;,:'::9. to Werolig
Whitewater Park. i
focused on deveioping our skills in i volunteers at exam time. Our students
' trts ltnked to Iearning about water
everyday English. i are truly able to show what they know
in an individualised medium of our on your brain; and about dreams, as i So-e highlights in Maths included I through their efforts.

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i.r, !-


LEARNING ABOUT CULTURE AND and welcomed new Spanish teacher : Kakeriki kapa haka group upheld may be worn. A second kakahu which Plans for the future include nga rangatira mo apopo, Ahakoa
heritage makes languages come alive Susan Henshall, as weil as our I the mana of the kura with pride and our students and librarians have been wananga, noho marae and education ng5 piki me nga heke o te tau 2o2o
and opens the doors to broadening our language assistant Lena Blanke and confidence during the pohiri, to involved with will be housed in the outside the classroom to research i tu kaha, i t[ pono, i tr: rangatira
horizons. Green Bay High School offers our student-teachers Anna Kempkers welcome this year's cohort of Year whare pukapuka upon completion. local mana whenua, ASB polyfest and tonu koutoir. Kia kaha, kia maia, kia
Te Reo Maori, Japanese, Spanish and and Anna Grabers. 9s, and Whaea Drina Paratene, our Students, teachers and whanau also Manu Korero. These programmes will manawanui.
German Ianguage courses. Learning a Classes got smaller as international new Kaiako Reo Maori in Term r. They attended a dawn karakia followed by enhance the Maori language learning My final words must go to our future
language is compulsory for students in students returned to their home also performed a stirring haka and kaitahi, sharing a meal together to experience for students. leaders, our students who have shown
Year 9, with the option to develop their countries, we miss them dearly. They poi dance at Green Bay High School's celebrate the rise of Matariki. This was
strength, commitment, Ieadership and
knowledge and expertise to advanced were perfect examples of how learning annual peace concert. another opportunity for Te Reo Maori Pai t[t, pai hinga. Na wai ra, ka oti. resilience despite the unprecedented
levels in subsequent years. another language and culture can open Towards the end of Term 2, Te Reo students, the kapa haka group and Do not be deterred by unforeseen challenges we have faced in zozo. Be
This year was certainly different! doors. We learned about customs and Maori students and the kapa haka teachers to sing a waiata together to circumstances. Taku mihi strong, be courageous, be humble.
Due to Covid-19, social distancing traditions, how to show respect for group came together to support our mark this special occasion. whakamutunga ka rere atu ki a koutou - whaea Drina Paratene
restrictions, international travel and elders, and what different gestures kaumatua Matua Hare Paniora at the
border closures meant a lot of things mean. For some students, the time dawn karakia to bless the new library
we had planned fot zozo did not go spent with our international students and classrooms in B Block. Te Reo
ahead (German exchange, movie trips, and visitors in class ignited not only Maori students, the kapa haka group
etc). their enthusiasm and curiosity for and some of our teachers combined
However, Language students Iearned the language, but also sparked their to perform a heartwarming himene to
to appreciate what was offered more motivation. conclude our dawn karakia on a chilly
than ever before, participating in winter morning.
Ma te ruku noa i te hohonutanga o te ao
Matariki celebrations, restaurant The rise of Matariki, the Maori new
Maori,ka marama aikoeki te reo Maori.
trips, cooking classes, arts and crafts, year during the winter solstice is an
It is only by exploring the depths of
Education Perfect Championships, apt time to be creative. Te Reo Maori
the Maori world, that you will truly
Kapa Haka practice, Goethe Society students from Years 9-r3 worked
understand the language.
Speaking Competition, Goose collaboratively harvesting and weaving
Chase during Lockdown, visits from When you learn a language you also harakeke according to tikanga
guest speakers, and many more, all Iearn about the culture. This year Te M5ori. The end result was a beautiful
designed to deepen Ianguage students' Reo Maori and Kapa haka students kakahu which was blessed by Matua
understanding of the culture behind had the opportunity to deepen their Hare Paniora and worn by one of our
the language they're learning. understanding of MSori culture senior students at the dawn karakia.
Earlier in the year we welcomed and traditions by participating in The kakahu will adorn the walls of
whaea Drina Paratene, farewelled important events at school and on the the whare akoranga until there are
Spanish teacher Chris Oversluizen, Maori calendar. other significant occasions when it

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*f t


f \


GREEN BAY HIGH SCHOOL'S assemblies, a few passionate students seniors le.rve. We .rlso au a

MUSIC dc'partment has been humming were able to sl.rowcase their nusical group, run by Leza Corban, and a
to a different beat, thaul(s to the gifts. The Year 9 B.lrci impressed .. classical chamber group, ruu by Monique
talented musical passion of Maestro in their first perfonr.rnce at Greed Farry, which we know will accourplish
Stewart Allan, our new Head of Bay High School. Then we hacl Noise great things over the next few years.
Department (Music). We were very Pollution, our amazing Year 10 Alor.rg with a violin prograrnlre
pleased to welcome local Titirangi band, followed by a stunning harp initiated at our neigl.rbonr school
resident, Stewart.A,llan, at the start performance by Meiyi He (Year rz). Green Bay Primary, we look forward to
of the year. Stewart brings with him Finally, Sydnee.A,llden and Lili Brown building our first symphony orchestra.
a wealth of rnusical experience and did one last assembly performance Throughout the course of the year, music
knowledge. to end their time at Green Bay High students upheld the reputation of forrner
Lili Brown and Sydnee Allden (Year School, and Neo Lee (Year 13) amazed Green Bay pupils, with their innovative
13)wrote the following article: us all with a Zoorn drum solo. and unique composition and songwriting
Music this year has been qrrite
different to our previous years at
G.reen Bay - not only did we welcome
Despite the obstacles that tl'ris year
threw our way, we still managed to
l.rave a great collection of groups ir-r
Cass Mitchell blew us away.
It is safe to say that this ye.l
skills, and our many rock bar.rds run by

a new Head of Music, Maestro Stewart our music department, both old and tougl-r, but the Green Bay
new. Our known and loved JazzBand, Department prevailed in
,,#lH,:"^1[:[fl ;lH:h:'"".:" Green Note, run by Dave Edmundson, adversity, and talents shone through
opportunities were not as abundant, continned to astonish with their reg4rdless. We are certain that
we still managed to make the best of incredible ensemble. music at Green Bay High
the situation and exhibit our talents. New to the department are 'The would never have ac

On the rare occasion that we were Greenies' our training Jazz Band, ready we have over the course of our
lucky enough to have in-person to take over the spotlight when our scllool,experrence. )

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Green Bay High School Magazine


i?$ '
s-e ,t.
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,:' -->

zozo - WHAT A YEAR! Even with Level z Drama students kept showing . 'some
I .':


the chaos of Lockdowns interrupting how adventurous and brave they are.
the flow, our Drama students have Some even managed to perform their
imagined, created and performed some first solo assessments. The year once
dynamic performances - some of these more finished on a high with their One Puckwhfls.l iJ

have been in a very different format Act evenings where they could finally
Eut we had g-reat tirnes,too
than we imagined. We are proud of show off all they have iearnt this year. wepretended ofl
how the students have adapted so The last fewweeks of school for the t:;
willingly to get things done and of seniors is always hectic but this year
course the continued support from our has been manic. We are especially o
families. proud of how our Level 3 Drama ii
students have handled this year - 1 : say that our class
watching these strong person_aliti"ft,. : normal theatre
Junior Drama has been watched over e i.

by two teachers we are incredibly lucky keep smiling and support each othEF\, : most normal five never


to have in the department, Emily to get through has been a highlight of : been lacking in fun and to be honest,
Woodall and Chris fordan. The laughs the year. The future is in safe and good : I wouldn't have wanted them to be
and energy coming from their drama hands with these young people. normal. Five years of drama has been
classes brighten up the Performing Thus we think it's best we end with filled with all my favourite people and
Arts space. a few words from one of our L3 stars, memories of high schoo\ I'l! miss the
The introduction to NCEA has been Sugar Rea Bruce (Year r3): people and the memories, well maybe
handled superbly by the Level 1 Drama I'm not going to lie, Drama has not the vomit one, but it's been a
students who still managed to have definitely had its ups and downs. We fabulous ride with all its ups. I'd do it all
such a wide range of experiences in had some pretty terrible performances over again.
Drama this year. We hope they have that pulled together a couple of hours
caught the bug. before we went on stage, we had

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@ www. Green Bay High School lvlagazine

@ www, greenbayhigh. school. nz


DANCE AT GREEN BAY HIGH SCHOOL cake. By Marise Reiher (Year 13) in me forning some of the greate'st

-;, lr+l

has quite honestly been the most As a nervous yet alrlbitious Year friendships I will value for a lor.rg tirne
amazing part of my high school 9 pickir-rg rny subjects for year to come.
years. In Year 9 we started out with ahead, I l<uew tlrat dartce was goiug Being able to collaborate with rny
little rock-and*ro11 outfits bour-rcing to be an option tl-rat I carried a11 peers iras challengecl me to think
about to some groovy choreography, throu gl.rout highschool. Withiu outside the box in regards to different
spinning into the arms of fellow new first year of scl.rool dance, my peers dance elements and therefore make
dance students, yet to realise that and I had already been presented my work far more creative aud uniqrte!
these strangers are going to become
some of our greatest friends in scl.rool.
Frorn day one you n-rake friends, in
this incr-edibly supportive, exciting
with the amazing opportunity to
perform in 'Ruaumoko'. This
is a dance we perfonned olr
stage at the Civic with other
I have a hLrge love for dar-rce and will
always appreciate the unforgettable
time I had in the class. By Mikayla
Battersby (Year r3)
and creative space. A genuine and
friendly community was forned
between all of us, a community where
schools alougside tlre Atanrila
Dance Company ar.rd Aucklar.rd
Phillrarrnonia Olchestla.
s tv/'
we've all watcl-red each other grow and Straigl-rt away I began learning new
develop significantly over the years as techniques, gaining experience and q
dancers ar-rd as people. It's a real safe diversifying rny dancing. I will always iE..
place where coilaborating, lealnir-rg, remember being able to dance with the I
sharing and sparking one another's seniors at the time as well as worl<ing I ;I
creativity is usual. A place that I've witl'r amazing teachers! ) {-}
cone to know as a dance family, while Thronghout onr final few years in
our teacher Emily Woodall is like the dance at Green Bay High School we it\'

mother of it all. have been able to sl'rowcase ollr years *

Taking dance has provided us witl.r so work in the annual dance showcase.
many wonderful opportunities as I'm This is always rhe highlight of the year
'!$' ".'"/'
sllre many of my peers would agree. and never fails to be sucl"r an incredibly
The chance to perform in fror-rt of an fun r-right. i loved being able to worl< I .1
audience with group performances, with my classmates duling rehealsals {
duos and solos; exploring and learnir.rg leading up to the perforrrance while
about a plethora of differer-rt dance critiquing the dances we were lnost
genres ar.rd styles, and getting to do proud of! In sl.rowcase, our farnily
it all with friends in such a positive and frier.rds see a mixtur:e of hip hop,
atmosphere has been the greatest contemporary, lyrical, musical theatre
opportunities. The annilal dance and ethnic dance.
showcase is arguably the absolute best
part of being in dance at Green Bay
The huge range of dance styles
we are exposed to is an amazing
High School. aspect to dance within itself. I
Showcasing our hard work and especially enjoyed learning
creative expression to family members and experimenting with
and friends in a real production setting hip hop and contemporary
is so exciting and rewarding. Dance
has provided us students with an
environment where we can express our
dance'styles whicl-r helped
me to grow as a dancer._-
Alongside being presented
t :-r,,#:

individuality freely. It has developed with these amazing opportunities 6,

* to
I tr
rny confidence so much over the years
andias inspired me personally to
ar.rd learning experiences I have been a
part of such a fun, loving and close- pG.

fI r1 s €.

pursue a dance career outside of school.

Taking dance as a subject neverfelt like
knit clasilMhich nevgr fails to brighteir
up the school day. From dayone we fr { "J 1
I 'F
. t
ahy normal class. lt's been a place to began to build trust.with one another,
release'and have{un wh,ile the many
ITICEA eredits are just the icing oR the
including Bnily Woodall, our
a.rnazing teacher, and it has rgsulted

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high school was going to be like. Is it voice as part of our school vision

really that scary place with heaps of videos, to help form the vision they
homework my parents had warned me want from the school they will attend
about? Boy, were we all wrong! for the next five years.
I don't think any of us were thinking Year 9 students consistently
of the challenges that we would all face showed Respect this past year. No
this year surrounding Covid-r9 and matter what event they arrived
the Lockdowns. After only eight weeks in the auditorium or courtyard
of learning what high school was for, they were collectively a very
and becoming comfortable with the respectful group of young adults for
routines, students were then thrust all presenters and performers. They
into trying to learn what high school also always showed respect for their
was like ONLINE in a virtual world. school and otherS when representing
Through all of these unique the school as a member of a sports
challenges, Year 9 students have been team or group.
exemplarywhen it comes to exhibiting There were so many Year 9
BY LOGAN GILLARD our four core school values ofRespect, students who strove and succeeded
Cour age, Responsiveness anil Fsrcellence. in achieving Excellence this year.
They have displayed these values as Sophie Ray reached the top 10 in
2020 really was a year of part of the Green Bay High School TV3's'Making It' Competition and
firsts for the Year g students community, as well as outside of the ; is working in the communitywith
community. I Te Uru Gallery. fasper Camenzind
at Green Bay High School.
4 Many Year 9 students have shown : qualified to represent NZ at the
Courage throughout this academic I World Regatta in the optimist sailing
IT WAS NOTIUST THEIR FIRST YEAR year. Students fullyadapted and i class, set to take place at Lake Garda,
of high school, but also the first year of engaged in this new way of learning. I ltaly, later this year. Kira Lee, Olivia
GBHS GO for Year 9's. Covid-r9 made Instead of being scared of this novel j Tukia andRubyFarquhar all had
this year a truly unique year for the
2o2o group ofYear 9 students.
experience they did their best and ; podium finishes at Western Zones
gave their full effort. They persevered i Athletics this year. These are just a
At the start of the year, I remember
thinking that the biggest challenge
during unpredictable times. ; few examples of the many fantastic
When it came to responding to what i accompl.ishmentsourextraordinary
vocations. Pathways students enjoy of the year for me would be trying to was going on in our community, as I
learning in a tertiary environment, fit all 38o Year 9's into an auditorium well as the world at large, our year 9,s i I have already seen many students
gaining hands-on experience into that only has 33o seats. I'm sure at the were terrific. All of the Year 9,s had i come a long way this year, and I am
what tertiary study would be like, same time students may have thought to show their Responsiveness to this ; extremely excited to see the growth

by demystifying the experience. of their own challenges that they novel experience. Them, along with I in all of them both academically and
Gateway students get a taste of the would face in the coming year; making their teachers, had to learn along the
world of work, taking on a variety new friends, trying to figure out their
; as members of our community in
way about how to best learn at home, I the future. I have had an absolutely
of jobs. Overall 11o Year tz and t3 timetable, locating where all of their
classes are or just wondering what
but also be at home and support those ! amazing,yetcrazyyearandcannot
WHAT AN INTERESTING YEAR IT,S students in order to assist them students gained NCEA credits outside around them. Many Year 9's lent their I wait to see everyone next year!
been! Luckily, we managed to get the in planning for their futures. This of school this year.
majority of our Gateway placements data, gathered through surveys, Silver Fern Motorsport Charitable
underway at the start of the year. helps to prioritise students needs Trust are based in Kelson and
From Retail placements to Aviation, and support conversations between do some fantastic work offering
Veterinary, Event Management, the careers centre staff and each young people with an opportunity
Lifesaving, Diving, Early Childhood student. Ongoin g communication to experience a range of hands-on
Education and more. Despite Covid-r9 and support with families via the activities working in automotive
restrictions, eighty-eight students Careers Facebook page helps to fields. Shaolin Peni (Year ro) and
completed their Gateway placements guide students and their whanau Nathan Newman (Year rz) spent
and experienced a wide range of towards career based conversations, two weeks on a "taster" course,
workplace training, such as First Aid, supplying links and up to date gaining experience working on
Forklift licencing and Health and information on upcoming courses, an engine, car maintenance, car
Safety. A number of students have jobs, scholarships and other grooming, paint and panel beating.
been offered permanent and part- opportunities. At the end of the course the boys
time job offers. Overall, zozo has been came away with some clear goals
a successful year for our students, GATEWAY & VOCATIONAL in order to set themselves up for
despite the stop-start year we have PATHWAYS provide students with an success, such as getting their
had! alternative way to gain NCEA credits. Learners drivers licence, setting up a
Throughout the year, Careers centre This year's Pathways students have bank account, and looking into other
staff have gathered data from senior been busy off site specialising in their : relevant courses

Green Bay High School Magazine www. nz Green Bay High School Magazine
@ www, nz



What a Cfa4y yeaf it haS i tt

teachers and Mr woodward
been! Back in January I was
i :f;flS:,yJ":,r'.:i1",:.i,,1.',fi!i:1"
dealing With StUdentS anxiOUS i t, or heading into their exams with a
about entering the world of i iff'r:'chunk or credits under their

I up as a passionate advocate for anti- this year and Finn Grieve and Bruno
NOEA and the pressure that i eurit is not alr about academics and
Gongratulations to the Year 10 comes with that, and then this is the partwhere I
! racism and has been lucky to attend Zeman have remained integral : .T:.u-o'and
cohort on making it through BAM ! covi d -1 e * o lorr,ol*n
the second year of your high
ROAR (Rangatahi Organised Against
Racism) sessions, which will equip her
members. Many of us will remember
the fantastic performance by 'Sound
i ;',"":i'.1',,X1'jI ffi 'il1:l1Hn'.'n"
with skills to feed into future school-. Pollution' (Danny Stoffels-Butlin, affiVed tO thfOW mofe i activities that students have been
school education!
wide initiatives.
Academically, we have celebrated
Sean Rolfe, Phoenix Simpson, Ren
Honda and Ben Hammond) at our end
pressure into tne mix. i llillT3##H:fi:'-'"X"t
i t *itt acknowledge a few students
is another

year has had some unique challenges some great moments in Year to. of Term z assembly. THE wAY IN wHIcH THE YEAR rrs
Bruno Zeman, Ash Collins and 2o2o may have seen our sports
i who have been abre to demonstrate
and I am proud of the resilience and stepped up to that challenge and i excellence and leadership outside of ; and Hazel Cook for her second
courage that so many of you have Phoenix Simpson attended the EPRO8 teams being impacted and disrupted by managed themselves throughout both I the classroom in the minimal
demonstrated, in making sure that Engineering Challenge and at the time Covid-r9, but that didn't stop so many of the Lockdowns, as well as during : they have had to do so. A massive i lublished short story through their
2o2o was still a success for you. of this being written, they have made Year tos excelling in their sporting their return to school, was amazing. i congratulations to Divya Karippail : amazing writing skills. Another
it into the semi-final heat - awesome
i congratu'lations for Heidi Schuler who
I have felt incredibly proud of prowess. To acknowledge a few This determination and hard work, I who has managed to secure herself a : was cast for a production at Auckland,s
the fact that so many Year tos have efforts! standouts; Blake Derham and Archie along with the ongoing support of
We have also had a number of Year Heyward in the First XI, Lily Tongue
; scholarship to cambridge university : St<y City. Finally, congratulations to
really stepped up to take hold of the
opportunities offered, to be involved 1o students successfully participate in in Premier Netball, James Price in : Kate Mcloughlin for being accepted
in the extracunicular side of school the Auckland Goethe Society Exams Fencing, Zach fansen in Aquathon ; from over 5oo applicants, into the
life. The richness that this brings to for German; Lily Ward, Catherine and Triathlon, Ethan Nalter in Cricket
i Blake Inspire programme, a leadership
you, but also to our school culture as a Nguyen, Yi Fei Han, Margaret Black, and Tennis, Sam Patchett in Cricket ; opportunity run by the Ministry for the
whole is incredibly valuable, and so I Elsie Lins and Evie Ttnose. and Maia Bird in Athletics. I want to
! Environment.
would like to take this opportunity to Sian Hughes has been recognised make a special shout out to the Under : Though we weren,t able to hold our
acknowledge some of these awesome for her talents in writing, having been 65 Rugby Team - of which 9 were Year
i Level l Drama evenings and Dance
students. named as a finalist in the NZ Young 10 students - their commitment to the i showcase, we managed to squeeze in a
It has been great to see some of the Writers Competition with her story code was impressive and so was their
. performance by our Kapa Haka group
passionate students in our year group
victory against St Peters (tS-il. i which raised the hairs on the back of
respond to local, national and global When it comes to culture ih our I have no doubt that there are i our necks during peace Week. Also, our
contexts. Kim Scholes, Evie Stokes school, I want to acknowledge Year 1os students I have missedl and to you,
i Year rr Drama students also performed
and Yi Fei Han were set to attend the who became involved in our Pasifika I apologise. I thinkwe can all agree ; a giggly and silly Clowning assessment
Secondary School Peace Symposium, space. Whether it be participating that I have been blessed with such an
I to the new entrants of Green Bay
which was unfortunately postponed, in Iunchtime activities to celebrate involved and talented year group. ; Primary School.
although a number ofYear 10 students language weeks, or attending our I hope that the summer break proves
I I hope the take away from zozo is
were involved in our school's Peace 'Poly Pride' centres after school on to be just that; a rest. Take time to : that all of you are full of strength and
Week and it was awesome to watch a Thursday; it was awesome to see. have fun, spend time with people
. resilience and you are warriors for
an impressive musical performance Our Kapa Haka team has continued to you care about and come back in zozr : getting through it! That being said,
by Kendra Taylor. Environmentally grow in strength this year and I want ready for your next challenge. We ; now I have even higher expectations
aware students; Ashley Metcalf, to acknowledge Ashantae Rapana- can't always predict what the future
i forwhatyou can achieve. I look
Emily Heckler and Finn Grieve Adams for her continued commitment holds, but I have no doubt that as a ; forward to supporting you next year to
attended the Green lam Forum at to this. year group, we will make the best of
i either work towards your Level z NCEA
Auckland Zoo to continue to upskill We also have some impressive situations we are presented with. I : or move on to the career pathwayyou
in contributing to our Green Impact musical talents in Year 10 - our award- can't wait to see what you all have in
I are striving for. Have an amazing and
team. Promise Warren has stepped winninglazz Band has continued store in the years to come. i safe summer break - you thoroughly
I deserve itl

Green Bay High School Magazine

@ www. nz Green Bay High School Magazine www. nz

skills producing yery talented actors,

dancers, artists, designers, cabinet
makers, young sportswomen and men
and builders. Their work is inspiring
and a pleasure to see. Despite the
inability to showcase some of their
work this year, it can be seen as you
walk around the various classes. Their
thanks and mine go out to the teachers
who have mentored and guided them
through this year and previous years.
This has been a year like no number having already gained their Our congratulations to those
Level z while others are totally on students who took pathways out of
other, but as Michelle 0bama track and preparing for their external school this year into apprenticeships
put it'an individual is not examinations at the end of the year. BY SAM KNOWLES
and courses. We wish you all the very
Although we are unsure as to what the best in your future careers and hope
defined by the events that end of this year will look like we are Looking back on the past five
to see you succeed so that we can call
happen around them but ready, we are organised and we will do upon you in our hour of need. years, the Class of 2020have
the very best we can. And nowwe are looking to the
defined by the way they deal It has been exciting to see how many achievements to be
future. I hope, as we all do, that it will
with the events that happen our students have begun to seek out be a time of hope and stability and proud of.
pathways for their future careers, a time when we have our lives back
around them.' many through Gateway and Pathways '
programmes while others sort out
under our control. There is much to DESPITE THE DIFFICULT :
do and with our new leaders to show circumstances this year has presented,
I FEEL VERY PROUD OF THE YEAR their university courses for the future. ;
12's and the way they have supported
the way, zozr will be an exciting the Year 13 cohort have excelled
The careers department has been year and a successful year. You will
each other and taken responsibility across many areas and after arriving
a great support in dealing with the be the role models pushing forward
for the needs of the community they as nervous Year 9s in crisp white
'where to from here?' question, for with our School Values and always
live in by following the Government uniforms, they are leaving GBHS as
those students who have a developing remembering, the main thing is to
advice. They adjusted to online mature, resilient and well-rounded
passion for specific areas or are unsure keep the main thing the
working and slotted back into school young adults.
just what their pathway might be.
with comparative ease. They have been main thing. At the time of writing, the majority
The school has given our students
brave, hardworking and flexible. of Year 13s were well on track to
wonderful opportunities to pursue
Despite the constraints of Lockdown completing Level 3 NCEA; several
their interests or dreams and it has
this cohort has worked hard to already with endorsements and others
been delightful to see how the
achieve the best they can in their with plans in place to ensure they
tz students have
academic field with a significant meet the requirements for future stuOy j
t.l and training. This year more than :
ever, students have needed to show :
initiative to study independently and :
in this way, students have stepped up :
greatly. :

In the areas of Performing Arts and : tl

Sports, the Year r3s have sung, danced, i
acted and competed outstandingly. :
With an emphasis on both
participation and performing at a high
level, it was pleasing to see the range I your high school years.
of students wanting to represent the
; who have given time to Surflife
school in some way. Also impressive
Saving CIubs, Volunteer Fire Brigades, I It has been a privilege to work with iI
Hospice Shops, community groups
was the number of Year r3s who would
; you and to see you grow into a group of
travel to turn out on cold, rainy nights
and local events. In school, students i outstandingyoungadults. iil
have supported others by actively
and weekends to support their friends
; I hope that you have enjoyed your
participating in groups which have i time at GBHS and that you are leaving il
regardless of the event. been highlighted on other pages in this
This year I have been blown away
; with experiences, skills and lifelong ti
yearbook. The school and community I friendships that will benefit you inihe ffl
by the desire of students to give back is a better place because of these I future.
to the school and local community by students. I I look forward to seeing what your FI

way of volunteering time and skills to

benefit others. Examples are students
To myYear 13s, the class ofzozo: i futures hold and what you will achieve fi
Well done on making it through ! in the years ahead. ll


Green Bay High School Magazine

@ www. greenbayhigh,school, nz Green Bay High School Magazine www. greenbayhigh,


DANG, Haley DAUBE, Aisla DAVIS, Cameron DERHAM, Reuben
My clothes don'I
Question for )3CAL

fit nte. srw)ents, "yes or no?"

Don't ask me whot I
think, becouse I don't.


Avert Vour eves, Damiano Madison Yeah, Mr white! I seriously need Simoriah Benjamin
FORGIE, Ella FOUCHE, Isabella FREAR, Oliver
Get the dog. Quite good. o 2o2o sucked like
Yes, my
incoming tinqe. Yeah science! speed bump between a Dyson. family
whenyou can't hear Unkind Lines. Ceo ni mo does own Forbes
you listen dilfercntly. my brain ond my

BAIRD, Daniela BAKER, Ryan
BALL, Portia
Is a disttaction to
hersef ond others.
"I actuIlly don'tlike
I||ill go and stand
Ifyouknew me 0s
Megon, noyou didn't.
Choose w\shing
who knew I'd leave
During high school I
was like a fish out oJ

IJ you saw me at Spent my hiqh school

thinking" - Konye outside, ondwhen machines, cars, CD with trust issues and water. Confused'til
someone asks I will school while itwas yeots obsessedwith
and electrical 0weird image lol, the end.
I'm outstonding roining, no you didnt. the boy next door.


Hannah My tostes ate very Three line quote Thot's pure Another brick in Got a story and it'\ Caoimhe Felix lwilllookbockin 1o Yes, I w?s Borbs Ishka It's line iJ you didn't BLADES Shae Dillon
singular. obout something dkk? love. lhe \uoll. one ol o kind. Make 0 quote they yeors lnd still be the
Jovovife. Do you \rant me to like me throughout
reolly amazing. soid, itwill be fun same heighr I wIs in Honorary member oJ Hey, Spongebob, (at1
rop 0 bit to lilt the high school, I meon the Poutati CollecLive.
they soid. Year 9. I bonow the cheese
moodi not everyone hls
bucket? -Patrick Stor
qood toste.

; d1 "- ?'

-rit - d
JOHNSON, Ryan Harrison Lorrien
INVERARITY, INWOOD, ceorgie JONES, Breanna iONES, Lauren
I relate not with I've got my ion you.. If it don't stain blue, William Danielle
you're sodium cute. I peaked oc\demically FiveHeod. They soy your Jinal
BeHumbie, Sloy my Peers, yet Jind Most unphotogenic it ain't for you.
High Srhool looked so in yeor five. yeor of high school
Hungry. associItion with John person at this school.
much eoler on W. flies by. Nobody

21:25. Example A
said i( wos going ro

'Zoom' .

t7 v '7 '' -"1

\ €
KNIGHT, Kaleth KUMA.R, Banita LA ROCHE, Felix LARSEN, Iakob
THORNLEY, Rylee STEELE, Zoe Beniamin Georgia LEE, Neo
Which is heovier: o Feel the rhythm, feel STONE, Indie Paige I had committed Th?nks .ovid x If you can't be the I con toke you all on. I took,he green pill
kilogram of steel ot o oops t lell for my best sorry ! im too Swog Chsirs. the rhyme, get on up, The only thing I'lt be It's olwTys what ore deeds of mischiel best ot something be
kiloqrom of feothersl it's bobsled time! Cool and ended up in o
Jriends cousin! for you leoving with is the you doing step bro, beyond description the worst.
Runningsl s.hooi rhdt Duck
scor on my knee from not how are you horrible.
identily os o lake .
fallinq down the stairs. doing step bro.
Quite aood.

Green Bay High School fi,4agazine

@ www. Green Bay High School Magazine

@ www. greenbayhigh. school. nz


'r-7- FI o

G }*d
Cicely Chris Madison
Five yeors of high shout out ro my Knev, I should hove 06 -o185- o881528- Sugar It's tinle to pock Bronwyn
ichool ond I itili Scipad for qettinq nrc worn my hoir tlown. oo Isn'r theTokyo Tower Do you quys wonna
Soir yo rcothbrush \nd Who|s up everybody, in LasVeqosl
hoven't grown on throuqh olchem. leove to go get some
in(h. I Lhink dogs should Jood?

a.t Gl*
-1, l.- .G
Macarctli in o pot. Alyssa Commit to the Lord Shanelle LUDLOW, Finn Five yeors and six "Goodbye everyone, Storted wi(h A's, t1ov, This whole time I've Emma
Nevet outgrew the It's a no Jrom me. Leanne
At leosl I got my whatever you do, The only thinq I About to put a ruler friend qroups l0ter. I'll remember you I've got C's x been sitting dowti. horse qirl phose.
Jorklift license.
ondyour plans will rcre obout is hot under ny pillow ta oll in theropy" - You rrcver knew ny " yikes*
succeed." Proverbs thonks see how lonq I sleep. Plonkton real height.


l ,ti

CheLs! now I cln stop lsaac
MOGAN, Georgia MOKA, Matiu

Fatty out.
STURM, Petra
dying my hair.
If he's not there, This yeor was suppose
How mony fingers well played.
GG IJ onyone needs I'm not either. to be great" Ross
amI holding up?
me I'11 be reoding... Geller Friends Seoson
Please don't need me. 5 Episode n.

Hey... Whot's up?
Time to say bye?
Never forget
your geqr.
Ditched and cheoted
my \uay through the
TUPAM, Victoria
Didn't evetl poss the
corona le\f
Sdipe ikoi kelu'u 50i.
Huclo Woodside is o
well rounded athlete.
Yea my church was
the one with covid x.
IJ you ever sow me
with o finge, no you
didn't x.
whole yeor... still

hoven'r been caught.


rL- I _:1,t
Sophia Friends, s5, Friend5, s5, Monique Getyour intel right; Manaia NEVALAGI, Paige
Shoutout to everyone Joshua Anneka Cameron Physicolly aged obout
WillTurner <3. E24,15:3os. Ez4,t5:35s I hope the garboge your intellegince is Why hello thete. that pronounced my
"This is goinq ta be Believing in even I colledyou Paul zo years in only 5
con is on fire ot leost. nanle correctly over
these lost five years.
Jun" Apex Legends. the possibility oJ o Weller Leonanl yeats total, got the
hoppy ending is 0 bock problems b
very powerlul thinq show it.
- Snow White One
Upon aTime

,eremiah w\iting for my
Sill Seize the moment, Noh it'll be Jine, I'll You just cont climb Daniel Kelham Harrisen
Left Shoulder qrowth spurt. 'couse tomorrow you get enough credits. in the ringwith AIi We'll be soying a big . . . and to everyone "there is na es.ape" -
Hospital, Right might be dead. 'cause you think hello to oll intelligent else out there , the Mr Ghoorah.
Shoulder Cemetery. you box. liJeJorms everywhere. secret is to bIng the
rocks togethet, quys.

Green Bay High School Magazine

@ wl|/w. nz Green Bay High School Magazine
@ www. greenbayhigh.

Along with student leadership,

Valedictorian groups are one of the things in my

opinion that make Green Bay High
School that much better. Starting
from'Green Impact' all the way to
'Peer Sexuality Support Program'
and many in between. I've been
lucky enough to be a part of Live for THESE PRESTIGIOUS AWARDS ARE Unitec Vocational Pathways Award: TRUSTS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION
Tomorrow for the past two years announced at a formal Graduation fasmin Lee SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS:
WHY NOT END OFF THIS CRAZY A Dean who I've never heard yell...not and have had such a cool experience ceremony held at the end of each AUT University: Mallika Tiwari Beck Busch, Janin Taqieh, Rebecca
mess of a year with a bang - by something I expected from my Dean, being involved with so many different schoolyear. Invited guests from AUT University: Grace Melville D'Souza, Cameron Bannister, Sufia
reading about my High School but I can safely say that it has been people and events. University and tertiary institutions AUT University: Alyssa Clemas Alam-Tomkins, Katellm Bell-
experience! Some could say this is the main reason you stand out. Your There are so many opportunities award our successful recipients with University of Waikato: Gabrielle Paul Saunders, Megan Bennett, Fenella
just as crazy as zozo itself and yes, I calm and understandable approach offered at GBHS. I was lucky enough a range of tertiary packages. As this University of Waikato: Charlotte Chia, Oliver Fergus, April Davis, Kya
can agree, but it's been a good crazy, to all your students will always be to get a scholarship to go to Outward publication goes to print before the Blackler Griffiths, Tom Heyward, Sophie La
an exciting crazy! Entering Green Bay remembered. Bound for zt days, which was truly life 202o Graduation evening is held, the Victoria University: Eve Mcloughlin Roche, Willa Langeveld- Simpson,
High School for the first time back in Thank you to the Science changing. This is something I can't zozo pize-winners will be published University of Otago: fasper OtKane Dylan Lonia-Hughes, Kayla Newman,
zot6 I never expected my final year department, especially Logan Gillard thank our school enough for. in next year's school magazine. University of Otago: Rose Ursem Isabel Smirk, Jason Wells
to pan out like this. However, at that and llana Le Grange, for all your help I'm going to leave my final thank University of Otago: Emma Croft
stage in my life, I didn't know how the with passing the hardest subject in my you to the best department in the HONOURS LIST: University of Otago: Rebecca lulian : SPORTING EXCELLENCEAWARDS:
next24 hours would go, let alone the opinion...Chemistry! To my English school (in my opinion) the Dance He Taonga Maori: Alyssa Clemas University of Otago: Eden Olasope Sportsperson of the Year: Alyssa
next five years... I'm sure a lot of my teacher, fo Orr, for your endless departmentl This has been a huge Academic: Rose Ursem University of Otago: Mia Spake Clemas
peers will 'cheers to that' too. support and getting me to where I part of my high school life. Taking Sport: Alyssa Clemas Massey University: Mallika Tiwari Sportsman of the Year: Travis Hassell
My five years at high school have am today. To the PE department, a subject like Dance for five years Service: Sylvie-Rose Strange Sportswoman of the Year: Gabi Paul
been a wild ride; starting at just 13 especially PE Outdoors, for being definitely makes you develop a family Arts: Kayla Newman PERFORMING ARTS: Team of the Year: rst XI Boys Football
years old and leaving at almost 18, one of the highlights of high school. unit with the coolest group of people, Drama: Jasper O'Kane Coach of the Year: fackie Barrett
comes with a lot of self-growth. If you're thinking about taking PE and an awesome connection with SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS: Dance: Carlyn Collier Student Coach of the Year: Russell
Meeting my awesome peers and in Year rz, DO IT! Snow camp is the your teacher. Yes, this is for you, Duke of Edinburgh: Isabel Smirk Music: Jack England Pilacan
teachers allowed me to have role best! To Fiona Barker - hands down EmilyWoodard. You have been such Prime Ministers Vocational Award Sports Commitment: Isabella Collings
models that have shaped me into the one of the best Principal's ever! You an inspiration throughout my high Melissa Clifton-Sprigg Excellence in Officiating: Kate
person I am today. are so genuine and kind, and it's school life. You have mastered the Keystone Trust: Michael Fray Mcloug.trlin
I have many staff members to been a pleasure getting to knowyou perfect connection with your students
thank, starting with the rugby-playing on the Board of Trustees. And to the and I truly thank you for that. Dance
Dean himself, Sam Knowles, you have leadership man himself, Chrislordan, has allowed me to build up my
been a wonderful Dean throughout who has been an absolute legend confidence immensely, and I owe a SPORTINGAWARDS
my five years of this year running student leadership Iot of that to Emily. Big thanks to the
high school. groups. Cheers for all the dad jokes! Dance office for the best changing
Throughout my high school room out! Sorryfenny Sharp (hehe). Athletics Arlo Farquhar Logan Adams
years, I've had student leadership And finally, to the Class of zozo. Basketball U1 Ethan Cole Bailey Buckingham Matiu Moka
in mind. Running Athletics Day You have been nothing short of lots Basketball Girls U Stella Silulu Ayano Kato
really sold the idea of being a of fun. Something I will never forget Cross Cou Arlo Farquhar Hazel Cook
student leader. Although this about Green Bay High School is how Netball Premier Alvssa Clemas Jess Cunningham Rebecca Wheaton
year hasn't had the typical social it is, and I can confirm that our Football Girls rst XI Sonia Bennett Nia Lloyd Sonia Bennett
traditions, it's been a great cohort has entirely lived up to this. Football 1St XI Ryan Bolus & Samuel Carr Cameron Davis Marcus Milnes
year of leadership thanks to the I've established the best friendships, Senior Mixed Kayla Newman Nicolas Ford Nalter
awesome student leaders. some that I don't think I ever would Mountain Hans Stoessel Zach Jansen
have come by if it wasn't for the Union Oliver Reeves Andre Townsend
culture of GBHS. Although our final e Girls Adelene Grey Stella Silulu
year hasn't been what we expected, Softball Senior TVler Hireme Shane Smith
due to Covid-r9, with no School Ball Softball Senior Girls Madison Forbes Jess Cunningham
and a big chunk of the year spent Gabrielle Paul
at home using Zoom and online Snow Sports Charlotte Shores
Iearning, we have done our best to Anneliese Judd
leave on a good note. Touch ferry Tevaga Jordan Pili Tuitama
It is quite hard to believe that we Touch Girls Alyssa Clemas Adelene Grey
have actually come to the end of Waterpolo Travis Hassell Angus Phillip
our last school year at Green Bay Waterpolo Girls AmyHall Paige Smeele Darla Rennie
High School, but here we are about Ultimate Frisbee Emma Croft Ben Stiggers Cromwell Pilacan
to graduate and start a brand new Volleyball Matiu Moka So Fuji
chapter! Volleyball Girls Adelene Grey Branka Prica

@ www, nz Green Bay High School Magazine

@ www. greenbayhigh. school. nz

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