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Eddison, 2022 - Standardised Classification System For Bespoke

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The Foot 53 (2022) 101924

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Standardised classification system for bespoke thermoplastic ankle

foot orthoses
N. Eddison a, b, *, 1, A. Healy a, 2, D. Buchanan c, 3, N. Chockalingam a, 4
Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies, School of Life Sciences and Education, Staffordshire University, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DF, United
The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, New Cross Hospital, Wednesfield Road, Wolverhampton WV10 0QP, United Kingdom
TalarMade Orthotics Limited, Edinburgh House, Millenium Way, Chesterfield S41 8ND, United Kingdom


Keywords: Purpose: To validate a new classification system for bespoke thermoplastic ankle foot orthoses (AFOs).
Ankle foot orthoses Methods: Inter- and intra-observer reliability study. A classification system based on the design and function of
Orthotics AFOs was created. Sixty-three independent observers classified thirty-six photographs of different AFOs, ac­
cording to the proposed classification system via an online questionnaire. Approximately two weeks later, the
Classification systems
Evidence based medicine
same AFOs were classified again by fifty-three of the same participants. All participants were health care pro­
fessionals, researchers, or technicians with experience in referring for, prescribing, fitting, reviewing, researching
or manufacturing AFOs.
Results: The mean inter- and intra-observer agreement Fleiss’ kappa was 0.932 and 0.944, respectively. 98.3% of
participants reported that the classification system was very easy or moderately easy to use, with 85.7%
reporting they would use the classification system. 90.5% of participants reported that the proposed AFO clas­
sification system was clear, with 84% stating it was useful.
Conclusion: The proposed classification system for bespoke thermoplastic AFOs, has an excellent inter- and intra-
observer agreement. It will reduce the ambiguity of the description of the type of AFOs used in clinical practice
and research. Furthermore, it makes reproducible comparisons between groups possible, which are essential for
future evaluations of evidence-based orthotic care.

1. Introduction orthotic components. However, it is important to point out that these

definitions and standardisations only apply to the term “AFO” and its
The first known reference to an ankle foot orthosis (AFO) dates back components, there is no classification for the different types of AFOs.
to 1791 [1], describing a device that looks very similar to the designs we There are a wide variety of AFOs used in clinical practice, which are
see today, encompassing the foot and ankle and terminating below the characterised by their design. The current literature also indicates that
fibular head. Unlike today’s devices, it was made from tin. Descriptions differences in mechanical properties of an AFO occur as a consequence
of polypropylene AFOs started to appear in the literature in the early of relatively minor variations in design [9–12].
1970 s [2,3] and is the primary material used in the manufacturer of the
majority of bespoke AFOs today. The term ankle foot orthosis (AFO) has
been standardised by the International Organization for Standardization 1.1. The ambiguity of acronyms
(ISO) [4–6] and defined by the British Standards Institute [7]. ISO 13404
[8] offers categorisation and description of external orthoses and An AFO which blocks movement in all three planes is often termed a
solid AFO (SAFO), a fixed AFO or a rigid AFO (see Fig. 1). However, the

* Correspondence to: Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies, Staffordshire University, Leek Road, Stoke on Trent ST4 2DF, United Kingdom.
E-mail address: (N. Eddison).
Twitter: @OrthoticNetwork
Twitter: @AoifeCHealy
Twitter: @Daveblanche
Twitter: @NachiC
Received 6 February 2022; Accepted 13 March 2022
Available online 17 March 2022
0958-2592/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
N. Eddison et al. The Foot 53 (2022) 101924

articulations have hinges (See Fig. 2).

AFOs can be designed to incorporate the knee joint thus attempting
to apply an extension moment at the knee; these are often termed
ground reaction force AFOs (GRAFOs or GROs) but are also called floor
reaction AFOs (FRAFO) and can be designed as a one-piece device or a
two-piece device but have the same name (see Figs. 3 and 4). Saltiel [19]
designed the original GRO in an attempt to provide people with polio
with “a more physiological gait than that afforded by a rigid knee” as in
a knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO). The participants in Saltiel’s study
[19] all walked in equinus on their toes with no heel contact, very
different to how GROs are used today. Regardless of the original design,
there is no evidence that a rigid AFO with an anterior shell affects the
ground reaction force any differently than an AFO without a shell
therefore the terms GRO and GRAFO need revising.
AFOs terminating just above the malleoli are commonly termed
supra-malleollar orthoses (SMO) and are believed to offer control in the
coronal and transverse planes only. SMOs which incorporate a “neuro­
logical” or “inhibitive” footplate, terminating just above the malleoli are
commonly termed dynamic AFOs (DAFO). The DAFO evolved from the
use of inhibitive casting by therapists to control abnormal muscle tone in
children with spastic cerebral palsy during the 1970s [20]. The term
“dynamic” is ambiguous with no clear meaning. Therefore, the use of the
term “supra malleolar AFO” seems more appropriate along with any
Fig. 1. An example of a rigid AFO.
further description of modifications to the footplate (see Fig. 5).
AFOs with trimlines posterior to the malleolar are said to offer some
term solid AFO can be used to describe an AFO which has trimlines energy return and can also be termed DAFOs, more commonly they are
anterior to the malleoli but allows deformation of the material during termed posterior leaf spring AFOs (PLS). Other terms used are flexible
stance phase; others will use the term to describe an AFO which has no AFOs, tone reducing AFOs (TRAFO), spring Type AFOs and conventional
deformation during stance phase. To confuse matters further, the AFOs (See Fig. 6), with the variation in material properties influencing
acronym SAFO is also used to describe a very soft silicone AFO. Rigid is their flexibility [21].
an expression of stiffness, and as such should be considered a more Another commonly used term is a “piggyback” AFO, which is
appropriate description than “solid”. The rigidity of an AFO may be ambiguous and gives no indication of the design of the AFO, and usually
determined by a number of factors, such as the mechanical properties of consists of one design of AFO sitting inside another.
the material, the trimlines, the material thickness and the shape of the A systematic review conducted by Figueiredo et al. [22], examining
superstructure [13–16]. The inherent rigidity of an AFO has been the efficacy of AFOs on the gait of children with cerebral palsy, reported
demonstrated to play an essential role in determining its biomechanical that amongst the 20 studies reviewed there were 12 different terms used
function [13,17,18]. to describe the AFOs studied, with differing terms used to describe the
AFOs which incorporate an articulation allowing a degree of dorsi- same AFOs. The paper reported that the variety of types and descriptors
flexion are termed hinged AFOs (HAFOs) or articulated AFOs (A-AFO), of the AFOs made it difficult to summarise results.
the term articulated AFOs seems more appropriate as not all

Fig. 2. An example of an articulated AFO. Fig. 3. An example of a rigid AFO with an incorporated anterior shell.

N. Eddison et al. The Foot 53 (2022) 101924

Fig. 4. An example of a rigid AFO with a separate anterior shell.

Fig. 6. An example of a flexible AFO.

clinical practice, without these, there may be serious negative conse­

quences, with the potential to cause harm [24,25]. Researchers have
raised similar issues with a lack of standardisation for other aspects of
orthotic intervention [24]. The primary objective of this study is to
validate a new classification system for different designs of bespoke
thermoplastic [26] AFOs, by measuring the inter- and intra-observer

2. Method

The approach utilised in this study follows the design used by Holla
et al. [27] for the classification of cervical spine immobilisation. To
determine the inter- and intra-observer agreement, photographs of
different AFOs were classified via an online questionnaire using Qual­
trics (Qualtrics International, USA), by observers from a range of health
care professions involved in the provision of orthotic care. The group
comprised of practising clinicians, researchers and orthotic technicians
working in different healthcare settings and systems around the world
(see Table 1). The 1st questionnaire, to assess interobserver agreement,
Fig. 5. An example of a supra malleolar AFO. consisted of 51 questions in total with 36 classification questions . The
remaining 15 questions asked for: (see Table 2)
Clinicians and researchers alike are unequivocal that not all AFOs are
the same, they don’t treat the same pathologies and different designs • the participant’s profession,
have significantly different effects on biomechanical function. Yet the • if they were aware of any classification system which provides names
terms used to describe the different types of AFOs have not been clas­ for the different types of bespoke thermoplastic AFOs,
sified and defined, with descriptions and acronyms differing between • if they thought there was a need for a classification system,
researchers and clinicians; resulting in poorly designed research studies • if they thought the presented AFO classification system was clear,
[22,23], individual interpretation and a misunderstanding of research • the usefulness of the presented AFO classification system (ease of
outcomes. The lack of classification has resulted in generalisation on the use, effectiveness, and likelihood of using the proposed classification
effects of AFOs from research studies which have not been clear on the in the future).
design of the AFO used or the presenting pathology it was used for [23],
with some studies describing the AFO as “a standard AFO” [23] for To assess intraobserver agreement a 2nd questionnaire, consisting
which there is no definition. only of the 36 classification questions, was distributed to the same
Standardised terminology and definitions for AFOs are critical in participants approximately two weeks after completion of the 1st

N. Eddison et al. The Foot 53 (2022) 101924

Table 1 Table 2
Professional background and country of the participants. Questions related to the use of the AFO classification system.
Number of observers Question Answer

Health care profession Before classifying the devices

Orthotists 47 Do you know of a Yes (n = 15) No (n = 48)
Physiotherapists 7 classification
Orthotic technicians 6 system which
Researchers 3 provides names for
Total number of observers 63 the different types
Country of bespoke
Australia 14 thermoplastic
Cambodia 2 AFOs?
Germany 1 What is the name of Participant provided names of classification systems which
India 7 the classification do not classify AFO types (n = 5).
Ireland 2 system? *If the Unknown classification (n = 1)
Italy 3 participant No response (n = 9)
Malta 1 answered yes to the
Philippines 6 previous question.
Serbia 1 Do you think there is Yes (n = 47) No (n = 3) Unsure
Singapore 5 a need for a (n = 13)
Sri Lanka 2 classification
Thailand 8 system for the
United Kingdom 11 different types of
questionnaire. AFOs?
The research project was approved by the Staffordshire University Why do you think/ No response (n = 16)
are unsure if there
Research Ethics Committee (Ref. SU20-161-RN). Informed written is a need for a
consent was sought and recorded from all participants. The survey classification
opened on 15th July 2021. system for bespoke
The classification system consisted of six categories of AFOs, using thermoplastic
AFOs? *If the
the same terminology as ISO 13404 [8]:
answered no or
• Rigid AFO – (using the term “rigid” instead of “solid” as rigid is an unsure to the
expression of stiffness). previous question.
• Flexible AFO – (using the term flexible instead of the plethora of Do you think the Yes (n = 57) No (n = 6)
concept of the AFO
other alternative terms as it aligns with the term used in ISO 13404 classification
[8]). system presented,
• Articulated AFO – (using the term “articulated” instead of “hinged” is clear?
as it aligns with the term used in ISO 13404 [8]). After classifying the devices
Having used the Yes (n = 53) No (n = 2) Unsure
• Rigid AFO with separate anterior shell (Using the term “anterior
classification chart, do (n = 8)
shell” instead of “Ground reaction force AFO” as it aligns with the you think it will be
terms “anterior” and “shell” in ISO 13404 [8] and because there is no useful in standardising
evidence that AFOs with anterior shells affect the ground reaction the terminology used to
force any differently than an AFO without an anterior shell. Note describe bespoke
thermoplastic AFOs?
distinction between incorporated and separate shell). Why do you not think/are No response (n = 9)
• Rigid AFO with incorporated anterior shell – (Using the term you unsure that the
“anterior shell” instead of “Ground reaction force AFO” as it aligns classification system is
with the terms “anterior” and “shell” in ISO 13404 [8] and because useful in standardising
the terminology used to
there is no evidence that AFOs with anterior shells affect the ground
describe bespoke
reaction force any differently than an AFO without an anterior shell. thermoplastic AFOs?
Note distinction between incorporated and separate shell) *If the participant
• Supra-malleollar AFO – (Using the term “Supra-malleollar” instead answered no or unsure to
of “dynamic” due to the ambiguity of what is dynamic about the AFO the previous question.
Having used the Very Moderately Difficult Very
and the fact that dynamic is used to describe several different types of classification chart, easy easy (n = 0) difficult
AFOs with no clear definition. how would you (n = 42) (n = 20) (n = 1)
describe its ease of use?
This proposed classification system is only related to terminology, it Did you have any Yes (n = 8) No (n = 55)
difficulties identifying
is not a guide for AFO specification/prescription. It is intended to ensure
the AFOs based on the
that there is a standardisation of terminology when describing the information provided
design of an AFO. in the classification
• Classification system: The new classification system, as described What difficulties did you Photos unclear (n = 4) Queries relating to additional
have identifying the footplate design and additional specification (n = 4)
above and shown in Fig. 7, was presented to all participants before AFOs based on the
they were asked to classify the AFO photographs, and at the start of information provided
each subsequent block of nine photographs, participants were also in the classification
issued with a separate pdf of the classification system to refer to at system? *If the
any time. (continued on next page)

N. Eddison et al. The Foot 53 (2022) 101924

Table 2 (continued ) • Selection of photographs and devices: 36 photographs of different AFO

Question Answer designs were selected from the authors’ own database. The photo­
graphs had to meet the following criteria: anterior and/or lateral
participant answered yes
to the previous question.
view of the AFO, full colour, all photos were given a blank
Would you suggest any Yes (n = 27) No (n = 36) background.
modifications to the • Assessment process: All the participants (n = 63) classified the 36
classification? photographs independently without time limitation via an online
What modifications Open ended questions n = 26 Responses focused on
questionnaire. All photographs were randomised (round one of the
would you suggest? *If introducing more categories to the existing six which
the participant suggested would detail all types of trimlines, and movement survey).
modifications in the permitted.
previous question. Before and after the classification all participants answered several
Would you use the Yes (n = 54) No (n = 8) questions about the clinical usefulness of the classification, see Table 2
proposed classification
system again?
After at least 13 days (mean: 26.4 days, range: 13–44 days), the same
Why wouldn’t you use Using local guide (n = 1) photographs in a different random order were again classified by the
the proposed AFO The classification isn’t clear (n = 2) same participants (n = 53) (round two of the survey). The observers did
classification system? Should include all design permutations (n = 3) not have access to their earlier answers after they completed the forms.
*If the participant It would encourage clinicians to request an AFO based
answered no to the on the classification system rather than an individual
previous question. specification (n = 1). • Analysis: For determination of the inter- and intra-observer agree­
ment, Fleiss’ kappa was calculated based on a nominal scale with a
qualitative variable using IBM® SPSS® (Statistics for Windows,
• Selection of observers: The authors approached potential participants Version 27.0). The kappa score was interpreted as described by
through their professional networks and incorporated snowball Landis and Koch [28].
sampling by asking participants to identify other potential partici­
pants. A total of 63 participants took part in this study as observers 3. Results
(Table 1). To increase the clinical validity, we sought to recruit
participants from different occupations and countries, working There was a technical error on the online questionnaire for photo­
across different healthcare systems. graph 6.6 which prevented it from being available to all participants,
therefore, this photograph was removed from the analysis, leaving a

Fig. 7. A bespoke thermoplastic AFO classification system.

N. Eddison et al. The Foot 53 (2022) 101924

total of 35 photographs to be analysed. be a “rigid AFO” and this standardardisation of terminology allows the
Interobserver agreement n ¼ 63 participantsFleiss’ kappa was reader to understand which type of AFO is being tested and in turn al­
run to determine if there was an agreement between participants’ lows necessary meta-analyses.
judgement on the 35 photographs of AFOs using the proposed classifi­ Currently there are six categories included in the proposed classifi­
cation system. There was excellent agreement between the participants cation system, future work could see additional categories added.
classification of the AFOs κ = 0.932 (95% CI, .929–.936), p < .0005.
Individual kappa for the six types of AFOs were .913 for Rigid, .919 for
4.1. Strengths of this study
Flexible, .956 for Articulated,.946 for Rigid with separate anterior shell,
.886 for Rigid with incorporated anterior shell, and .978 for Supra-
The introduction of a validated simple and clear classification system
for bespoke thermoplastic AFOs, considered useful by 84% of observers.
Intraobserver agreement: n ¼ 53 (10 participants out of the
The study has excellent inter- and intra-observer agreement results and
original 63 failed to respond to round two of the survey)Fleiss’
high validity due to 63 observers, from different occupations across 13
kappa was run to determine the intraobserver agreement, comparing the
countries around the world.
participants responses in round one to their responses in round two.
No classification system for bespoke thermoplastic AFOs currently
There was excellent agreement with a mean κ = 0.944 (range 0.404–1,
exists. This new validated classification is clinically relevant to improve
standard deviation: 0.11), p < .0005. Furthermore, 29 participants had
communication between healthcare professionals, allow meta-analyses
an individual Kappa score of κ = 1 and five participants had a Kappa
of AFO research and ultimately improve the treatment offered to AFO
score of < 0.8.
users. If adopted, it will be possible to group external treatment mo­
Clinical usefulness
dalities using bespoke thermoplastic AFOs and to compare their effec­
tiveness and clinical outcomes and perform meta-analyses. This
4. Discussion classification is essential for better evidence-based treatment of pa­
thologies requiring a bespoke thermoplastic AFO intervention.
The results of this study show that 74.6% (n = 47) of participants
agreed that there is a need for a classification system for AFOs, of those
who responded “no” (n = 3) or “unsure” (n = 13) none gave an expla­ 4.2. Limitations
nation as to why they thought there was no requirement for an AFO
classification system. 76.1% (n = 48) of participants stated that they did This study relied on still photographic images of AFOs, four of the
not know of any AFO classification system, of the 23.8% (n = 15) who participants reported that the images were not always clear enough to
stated they did know of a classification system for AFOs, the systems determine the classification. Although this is a limitation of the current
they named did not classify AFOs (n = 5), was an unknown/unpublished study, it is not a limitation of the classification system as it is envisaged
classification system (n = 1) or the participant gave no response (n = 9). that the system would be used by researchers, clinicians and technicians
There are no validated classification systems for the different types of using the physical AFO they are manufacturing, studying, or issuing to a
bespoke thermoplastic AFOs in the current literature. user.
90.5% (n = 57) of participants reported that the proposed AFO
classification system was clear, with 84% (n = 53) stating it was useful, 5. Brief summary
of those who stated it was not useful (n = 2) or they were unsure if it was
useful (n = 8), none gave a response as to why they thought it wasn’t • Standardised terminology and definitions for AFOs are critical in
useful. 87.3% (n = 55) also reported having no issues using the classi­ clinical practice, without these, there may be serious negative con­
fication system, of the eight participants who reported having issues sequences, with the potential to cause harm.
with the classification system, unclear photographs were the main cause • No classification system for bespoke thermoplastic AFOs currently
(n = 4), along with an apparent misunderstanding of the purpose of the exists. This new validated classification is clinically relevant to
classification system, with responses noting that it does not contain all improve communication between healthcare professionals.
possible permutations of AFO design. However, the purpose of the • The proposed classification system for bespoke thermoplastic AFOs,
classification system is to provide a category for the different types of based on AFO design and function has an excellent inter- and intra-
bespoke thermoplastic AFOs not the many intricate differences in observer agreement with Fleiss’ kappa values of 0.932 and 0.944,
design. respectively.
66.6% (n = 42) reported the classification system to be very easy to • 90.5% of the participants considered the classification to be clear.
use with a further 31.7% (n = 20) stating it was moderately easy. 85.7% • 85.7% of participants reported they would use the classification
(n = 54) reported they would use the classification system. system.
According to Landis and Koch, the inter- and intra-observer agree­ • With this validated classification system, it will be possible to
ment kappa values of this classification are rated “almost perfect” [28]. compare different treatment options using bespoke thermoplastic
The classification system should be used as a basis for all bespoke AFOs and perform meta-analyses, which is essential for future
thermoplastic AFO designs to negate the ambiguity of the current non- evidence-based practice and research.
standardised terms used to describe AFOs. This classification is the
basis to providing research which can be properly interpreted and for Conflict of interest statement
meta-analyses to be performed, this does not negate the need for re­
searchers to provide full details of the individual design of the AFO All authors were fully involved in the study and preparation of the
including, foot plate length, medial-lateral borders of the foot plate, manuscript and declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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