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2010 The Use of KAFOs and HKAFOs For Ambulation

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The Use of KAFOs and HKAFOs

Evidence Note for Ambulation

during swing phase.4–7 Stance-control joints attempt to address
Key Points these issues by providing reliable stance-phase control while
••  At this time, there is no substantive evidence to sup- still allowing swing-phase knee flexion. Additional stability may
port or preclude the use of KAFOs and HKAFOs for be provided to bilateral KAFOs by the application of a medial
ambulation. joint that permits motion in the sagittal plane but not in the
••  The main limitations of most studies of KAFOs and coronal or transverse plane (e.g., the Walkabout Orthosis).8–13
HKAFOs for ambulation are small sample size and
inadequate study design. Bilateral HKAFOs stabilize the lower limbs during stance in
••  There is some evidence that use of HKAFOs diminish- persons with paraplegia and allow swing-through gait when
es with time in both adults and children with paraple- crutches are used. If the orthotic hip joints are mechanically
gia due to high energy requirements for ambulation. linked, reciprocal gait may be achieved. Two fundamental
••  There is some evidence that the advantages of orthotic mechanical designs of linked HKAFOs have been developed.14
management for SCI are primarily general health and Both designs use lateral weight shift from one limb to the other,
well-being benefits related to standing and ambulat- with the added assistance of crutches or a walker, as the basis
for reciprocal gait. A hip-guidance orthosis (HGO), such as the
ing short distances in the home or indoor settings.
ParaWalker, consists of bilateral KAFOs linked via specially
designed low-friction hip joints with flexion/extension stops
Health Technology Description and a release mechanism that allows for sitting.15–19 It has been
An orthosis is defined by the International Standards suggested that the most important design characteristic of the
Organization (ISO) as “an externally applied device used HGO is its rigidity in single-limb support,20 which keeps the
to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the lower limbs essentially parallel in the coronal plane,21 providing
neuromuscular and skeletal system.”1 Knee-ankle-foot orthoses for better ground clearance of the limb during swing. The
(KAFOs) are orthoses that encompass the knee and ankle joint reciprocating gait orthosis (RGO) couples motion of the two
and the whole foot or part of the foot, while hip-knee-ankle-foot orthotic hip joints so that flexion of one hip results in extension
orthoses (HKAFOs) are essentially KAFOs that extend across of the other. Types of RGOs include the LSU-RGO, which
the hip joint, connecting to a pelvic band or, when more trunk utilizes two crossed-Bowden cables to couple hip motion;22, 23
stability is required, lumbar or thoracic spinal support. KAFOs the advanced RGO (ARGO), which utilizes a single Bowden
and HKAFOs account for 11 percent of practice by certified cable;24, 25 and the isocentric RGO (IRGO) which utilizes
orthotists in the United States.2 All knee-joint components provide a centrally pivoting bar and tie-rod arrangement to couple
coronal-plane stability with varying biomechanical control in the hip motion.26–28 Although HGOs and RGOs were originally
sagittal plane. Examples include locked joints that hold the limb designed for use on children, more recent literature has focused
in full extension until manually disengaged for sitting; locked on their use on adults with spinal cord injury (SCI).29
joints with variable flexion that allow for accommodation of
knee-flexion contractures; Scope of Review
single axis, offset, and The purpose of an Evidence Note is to provide a summary
polycentric joints that allow of the available evidence on a particular topic, facilitating
free flexion-extension; and access to knowledge. The focus of this evidence note is on
stance-control joints that custom-made orthoses intended for long-term use and not
automatically lock and prefabricated devices, that are worn for less than a year.
unlock during the stance Orthoses whose primary function is other than to enhance
and swing phases of gait.3 ambulation, such as fracture orthoses and post-operative
Although a locked KAFO immobilization devices, are excluded from this Evidence Note.
is able to reliably provide Given these review criteria, use of unilateral KAFOs was not
stability during the stance well captured by this review since the literature regarding
phase of gait, it does not ambulation focuses primarily on persons with lower-limb
allow for flexion of the paralysis who require bilateral KAFOs.
knee in swing, leading to
compensatory actions such Epidemiology
as vaulting, hip hiking, The most common justification for a KAFO is the need for direct
and circumduction that control of the knee in addition to the ankle and foot, while
ensure clearance of HKAFOs are typically used where there is bilateral lower-limb
the ground by the foot paralysis. While KAFOs can be worn unilaterally or bilaterally
Evidence Note
Copyright © 2009 American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists

Supplement of The O&P EDGE February 2010 ■ The Academy TODAY A-9
as required, use of unilateral HKAFOs is rare and limited to a reasonable amount of literature had been written regarding
short-term application following hip arthroplasty to allow for KAFOs and HKAFOs, the level of evidence regarding their use
protected walking.3 The principal impairments addressed by for ambulation was generally low.29 There was some evidence
KAFOs are paresis or paralysis of the muscles controlling the that use of HKAFOs diminishes with time in both adults and
knee joint, upper motor-neuron lesions resulting in hypertonicity children with paraplegia and that when orthoses are used, they
(spasticity) of the lower limb, or loss of structural integrity of the are used mostly for therapeutic purposes.11, 34–37 There was also
hip or knee joints. A literature review of KAFOs and HKAFOs some evidence that walking speed is slow and energy cost high
for ambulation indicated that KAFO users include children in people with paraplegia regardless of orthotic device used.12,
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and persons with a 28, 38–46

diagnosis of polio, post-polio syndrome, or stroke; while users

of HKAFOs include adults with SCI or paraplegia and children There are as yet no reviews regarding stance-control orthoses
with myelomeningocele.29 (SCOs).29 To date, there have been seven cross-sectional
studies,5–7, 47–50 ten case studies,4, 51–59 and two technical
Clinical Effectiveness notes.60, 61 Three have evaluated gait with the Horton’s Stance
Three systematic reviews regarding the use of KAFOs and Control Orthotic Knee Joint (SCOKJ),4, 6, 55 six describe
HKAFOs for ambulation were identified.30–32 development and evaluation of the dynamic knee-brace
system (DKBS),5, 49, 50, 53, 54, 62 and two describe development
As part of the Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence and application of an electromechanical stance-control KAFO
project, Lam et al.32 reviewed 14 studies that reported the (SCKAFO).57, 63 A single case study describes attempts to
effects of gait training with KAFOs and HKAFOs in people with combine stance-control joints with an RGO.58 The majority of
complete and incomplete SCI, and seven studies that examined these studies have been in able-bodied persons or persons
the combined effect of RGOs and functional electrical with unilateral limb weakness resulting from conditions such as
stimulation (FES) on functional ambulation in people with polio. Preliminary studies suggest that providing stance control
complete SCI. They concluded that limited evidence suggests may decrease compensatory maneuvers (vaulting, hip hiking)
the benefits of orthotic management alone on functional and energy expenditure compared to walking with a locked
ambulation are primarily for people with incomplete spinal knee.4–7, 47, 51, 53, 55, 57
lesions. The advantages of orthotic management are primarily
the general health and well-being benefits related to standing Safety
and ambulating short distances in the home or indoor settings. It is recommended that qualified orthotists should contribute to
There is limited evidence that a combined approach of orthoses the assessment and prescription of orthoses and be specifically
and FES results in additional benefit to functional ambulation in responsible for manufacture and delivery of orthotic devices.64
paraplegic patients with complete SCI.32 An orthotist is an allied health professional who is specifically
trained and educated to provide or manage the provision of
Ijzerman et al.30 reviewed 12 comparative trials of HKAFOs a custom-designed, fabricated, modified, and fitted external
with and without FES for adults with complete thoracic lesions orthosis to a patient.65 Practitioners who successfully complete
and reported that all the studies were internally invalid due to the education, experience, and examination requirements
inadequate study design (simple within-subject comparisons prescribed by an accrediting body become certified orthotists.
without randomization of orthosis testing order) and lack of Certification indicates that the orthotist has met established
statistical power (small, heterogenous study populations). standards and has the qualifications required to render orthotic
services. A certified orthotist is the best person to ensure safe
Bakker et al.31 reviewed nine controlled and uncontrolled provision and use of a KAFO or HKAFO.
clinical trials and case studies regarding intervention with
KAFOs for children with DMD. They also noted that the Economic Implications
scientific strength of the reviewed studies was poor but No published studies examining the cost effectiveness of KAFOs
nevertheless concluded that use of KAFOs in the management and HKAFOs were identified. A review of Medicare payment
of DMD can prolong assisted walking and standing. It data for 200766 shows that the allowable base rate of a single
remained uncertain whether KAFOs prolong “functional custom-fabricated KAFO ranged from $734–$3,289, while the
walking” because most studies were vague on what constitutes allowable cost for an RGO was approximately $8,306 using the
functional walking. suggested coding for an ARGO67 as an example.

In 2006, the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Future Research

(the Academy) held a state of the science conference on the Designing adequate studies to investigate the effect of
use of KAFOs and HKAFOs to assist with ambulation (SSC7).33 KAFOs and HKAFOs on ambulation is challenging due
The literature review for this meeting identified two randomized to the heterogeneous populations that use these devices
control trials and included 27 cross-sectional studies published and the heterogeneity within each population. It has been
between 1995 and 2004.29 The review concluded that though recommended that randomized crossover interrupted time
Evidence Note
Copyright © 2009 American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists

A-10 The Academy TODAY ■ February 2010 Supplement of The O&P EDGE
series trials be used to improve the internal validity and ••  Identify and/or develop standardized subjective and objec-
statistical power of future research regarding KAFOs and tive outcome measures.
HKAFOs for ambulation.30 Furthermore, Fatone29 indicated that ••  Investigate the short- and long-term effects of KAFO and
the population being evaluated (diagnosis, time since injury, HKAFO use on the neuromusculoskeletal system.
lesion level, whether a lesion is complete or not, residual muscle ••  Research application of SCOs.
function, prior experience with orthosis, training provided, ••  Define the mechanical loading conditions on KAFO and
type of gait pattern used) and the orthosis being used must be HKAFO devices to guide orthotic design and application.
adequately described in order for study data to be interpreted ••  Determine the short- and long-term effects of physi­cal therapy
and the information generalized or compared between studies. intervention, including gait training, on outcome and accep-
tance of KAFOs and HKAFOs.
The following primary research priorities regarding use of ••  Measure the impact of pharmacological management on
KAFOs and HKAFOs for ambulation were identified by successful use of KAFOs and HKAFOs in persons with severe
participants of SSC7:33 spasticity.

This Evidence Note was compiled by Stefania Fatone, PhD. This Evidence Note was made possible by the Academy through a
grant (Award Number H235K080004) from the U.S. Department of Education. The contents do not necessarily represent the
policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government. Thanks to Kathy
Dodson, American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA), for providing the 2007 Medicare payment data and Scott Magis for
the drawings.

Suggested Citation
Fatone S. Evidence Note: The Use of KAFOs and HKAFOs for Ambulation. Washington DC: American Academy of Orthotists and
Prosthetists. (2009)

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Evidence Note
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A-12 The Academy TODAY ■ February 2010 Supplement of The O&P EDGE

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