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Anatomy Ospe

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Q.No: 1. Identify the structures marked as A,C & F.

Ans. A=masseter, C=parotid duct & F=parotid gland.

Q.No.2. Name the structures pierces the structure marked as F.

Ans. Medially, the superior part of the gland is pierced by the facial nerve and the inferior part by the
external carotid artery. ... The external carotid artery divides within the parotid gland into the superficial
temporal and maxillary arteries. Parotid duct.

Q.No. 3. Write down the origin of structure marked as A.

ANS: The masseter muscle is a thick, rectangular muscle of mastication. It consists of a superficial and a
deep part, both originating from the zygomatic arch. ...

Q.No.4. Write down the names of muscles of mastication & their nerve supply.

ANS: There are four muscles of mastication – the masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid and lateral
pterygoid. Embryologically, the muscles of mastication develop from the first pharyngeal arch.
Consequently they are innervated by a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V), the mandibular nerve.

Q.No. 5. Name the derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal arch.

ANS: malleus and incus of the middle ear, maxilla and mandible. spine of sphenoid bone,
sphenomandibular ligament, palatine bone, squamous part of temporal bone
Muscles: muscles of mastication
o masseter
o medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, temporalis, mylohyoid muscle, digastric
muscle, anterior belly, tensor palati muscle & tensor tympani muscle


Q: No. 1. Identify the structures marked as M, Q & U.

Ans. M= Ciliary ganglion, Q= Ganglion of trigeminal nerve & U=Pterygopalatine ganglion.

Q. No: 2. Name the location in which marked structure U is present.

Ans. Pterygoplalatine

Q: No: 3. Name the

branches of marked
structure U.
Ans. Maxillary nerve and nerve of pterygoid canal, greater and lesser palatine, posterior lateral nasal
branches and nasopalatine nerve.

Q. No: 4. Name the parasympathetic ganglion.

Ans. Otic , pterygopalatine, ciliary & Submandibular ganglions.

Q: No: 5. Name the purely sensory cranial nerves.

Ans. Olfactory, Optic & vestibulocochlear nerves.

Q:No: 1. Identify the structure marked D and enumerate the structures passing through it.
ANS -- D is thyrohyoid membrane and internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve and vessels
passing through this.

Q: No: 2. Identify H and enumerate the muscles attach on it.

ANS – H is cricoid cartilage is to provide attachments for the cricothyroid, posterior
cricoarytenoid and lateral cricoarytenoid muscle.

Q: No: 3. Describe the attachment of prevertebral fascia.

ANS --. Prevertebral fascia is fixed above to the base of the skull, and below it extends behind
the esophagus into the posterior mediastinal cavity of the thorax. It descends in front of the
longus colli muscles.

Q: No: 4, Define ligamentum of Berry and write its function.

ANS – Posterior layer of pretracheal fascia thick and form a suspensory ligament of thyroid
gland and responsible to support the thyroid gland from sinking into mediastum.

Q: No: 5. Write down the arterial supply of thyroid gland.

ANS: Superior and inferior thyroid arteries & thyroidima artery.

Unobserved OSPE 4
Q.No: 1. Identify the structures marked as G, L & U.

Ans G=. Gracile tubercle, L= facial colliculus & U= trochlear nerve

Q.No: 2. Which fibers are carried by the marked structure as G.

ANS: Proprioceptive and two point discrimination fibers of lower limb.

Q.No: 3. Name the nerves attach at pontomedullary junction from lateral to medial side.

ANS: Vastibulocochlear, Facial & Abducent Nerves

Q.No: 4. Name the sulci present on the superolateral surface of cerebrum.

ANS: Central Sulcus , pre and postcentral sulci, Superior and inferior frontal sulci, Intra parietal sulcus,
Parieto occipital ,calcarine , superior and inferior temporal sulci.

Q.No. 5. At which level the adult spinal cord ends.

ANS: Lower border of L1 or Upper border of L2.



Q: No: 1. Identify the structures marked as 2 & 5.

Q: No: 2.Write down the nerve supply of tongue.
Q: No: 3. Name the suprahyoid muscles and their nerve supply.
Q: No: 4. Write down the nuclei of trigeminal nerve.
Q: No:5. Name the muscles enclosed in investing layer of deep fascia

1. 2- Orbiculaaris occuli , 5- Orbicularis oris

2. Motor supply for all intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue is
supplied from the hypoglossal nerve , with the exception of
the palatoglossus. The palatoglossus is innervated by the vagus nerve.
Anterior two thirds of tongue .Taste: chorda tympani branch of the facial
nerve via special visceral afferent fibers.
Sensation: lingual branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal
nerve .
Posterior one third of tongue: Taste and sensation: glossopharyngeal
3. digastric (Anterior belly supplied by Mylohyoid nerve - (Mandibular
division of Trigeminal nerve posterior belly is supplied by Facial nerve),
stylohyoid (Facial nerve) ,
geniohyoid ( hypoglossal nerve ) , and
mylohyoid (Mylohyoid nerve - Mandibular division of Trigeminal nerve)
4. spinal trigeminal nucleus , . principal sensory nucleus , mesencephalic,
and motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve.
5. Sternocliedomastoid and trapezius muscles

Q.No: 1. Identify the structures marked as A, B & E.

ANS: A= Osteon, B= Periosteum & E=Medullary cavity

Q. No: 2. Write down the example of hing joint.

ANS: Elbow joint, Ankle joint, proximal interphalangeal joints ,

Q: No: 3. Define the Osteon.

ANS: Each osteon consists of concentric layers, or lamellae, of compact bone tissue that surround a
central canal, the haversian canal. The osteon or haversian system is the fundamental functional unit of
much compact bone. Osteons are roughly cylindrical structures.

Q: No:4. Name the cells of above showing diagram.

ANS: Osteocytes, osteoblast & osteoclast.

Q. No; 5. Write down the types of epiphysis and give one example of each.
ANS: Pressure epiphysis: e.g. the head of the femur. Traction epiphysis: e.g tubercles of the humerus
(greater tubercle and lesser tubercle), and trochanters of the femur (greater and lesser). Atavistic
epiphysis: e.g., the coracoid process of the scapula & Aberrant epiphysis: For example, the epiphysis at
the head of the first metacarpal bone.



Q: No: 1. Identify the structure marked by J write the relation on the medial surface of thyroid

ANS -- J - is the superior thyroid artery.

Relation medial surface of thyroid gland are,
1- External laryngeal nerve
2- Recurrent laryngeal nerve
3- Cricothyroid muscles
4- Larynx and pharynx
5- Trachea and Oesophagus
6- Q: No: 2. Write the nerve supply of mucus membrane of larynx?
ANS -- Above Vocal Cord: Int Laryngeal nerve, Below Vocal cord: Recurrent laryngeal
Q.No 1 What is the blood supply of parathyroid gland?
ANS -- superior thyroid artery, inferior thyroid artery.

Q.No 2 Injury which of the nerve cause vocal cord paralysis.

ANS – Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Q: No: 5. Name the terminal branches of external carotid artery.
ANS: Superficial temporal and maxillary artery.


Q: No: 1. Name the phase 2 & phase 3.
ANS: Phase 2= spermatozoa penetrate the zona pellucida
Phase 3= spermatozoon penetrates the oocyte membrane
Q.No: 2. Write the normal site of fertilization.
ANS: lateral Ampullary part of fallopian tube.
Q: No: 3. Give the three results of fertilization.
ANS: i) Restoration of the diploid number of chromosomes
ii) Determination of the sex of the new individual
iii)Initiation of cleavage
Q: No. 4. What are the parts of fallopian tube.
ANS: Fimbrea, Ampulla, Isthmus & Intramural part.
Q. No: 5. Define capacitation.
ANS: is a period of conditioning in the female reproductive tract that in the
human lasts approximately 7 hours. Much of this conditioning, which occurs in
the uterine tube, entails epithelial interactions between the sperm and mucosal
surface of the tube. During this time, a glycoprotein coat and seminal plasma
proteins are removed from the plasma membrane that overlies the acrosomal
region of the spermatozoa.

Q: No: 1. Identify the structures marked as C, I & J.
ANS: C=Ventral Gray horn, I=Dorsal root ganglion & k=ventral root of spinal nerve.
Q: No: 2. How the spinal nerve is formed.
ANS: Spinal nerve is formed by the union of dorsal and ventral root of spinal cord.
Q: No: 3. Name the branches of a typical spinal nerve.
ANS: The spinal nerves branch into the dorsal ramus, ventral ramus, the meningeal branches,
and the rami communicantes. This diagram depicts the course and branches of a typical
thoracic spinal nerve.
Q: No: 4. Write down the name of parasympathetic ganglion.
ANS: Otic, cliary , pterygopalatine & submandibular ganglion.
Q: No: 5. Write down the types of neurons.
ANS: Multipolar, Unipolar , bipolar & pseudounipolar.

Q1- Identify the structures marked as B, M and N

Q2- Name the nerves serving 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arches.
ANS-1ST ARCH: trigeminal nerve
2nd ARCH: facial nerve

Q3- Enumerate the derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal arches.

ANS-1- muscles of facial expressions
2- mylohoid and anterior belly of digastrics
3-tensor tympani
4-tensor veli palatini
Q4- Enumerate derivatives of 1st pharyngeal pouch
ANS- 1ST PHARYNGEAL POUCH: Tubotympanic recess, auditory tube, middle ear cavity

Q5-Define cervical sinus

ANS-Cervical sinus results from the failure of the 2nd pharyngeal groove.

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