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paralyzed (often with anæsthesia of the face) on one side, while the
extremities are paralyzed on the other side. Such a symptom-group
would indicate a large lesion (tumor) in one lateral half of the
oblongata, more especially in its ventral aspect. These localizations
will be studied more in detail farther on, under the general head of
Crossed Paralysis due to Lesions of the Base of the Brain.

IV. Localization of Lesions in the Encephalic Mass.

Under this head, to prevent repetition and to facilitate condensation,

we will consider the various localizations which can now be
diagnosticated in the cerebrum, basis cerebri, and cerebellum.

It would be of the greatest advantage to preface these statements by

a full summary of the anatomical and physiological data on which the
localizations rest, but space is wanting for such an exposition, and
the reader who is not already familiar with these branches of medical
science will have to seek information in other accessible works.8
8 Ferrier, The Functions of the Brain, Am. ed., N. Y., 1876; Charcot, Lectures on
Localization in Disease of the Brain, Am. ed., N. Y., 1878; Seguin, E. C., “Lectures on
the Localization of Spinal and Cerebral Diseases,” N. Y. Medical Record, 1878;
Ranney, Applied Anatomy of the Nervous System, N. Y., 1881; Meynert, Psychiatry: A
Clinical Treatise on Diseases of the Fore-brain, Part I., Am. ed., 1885.

In a general way, encephalic lesions are distinguished by the


Positive Characters.—Tendency to strictly hemiplegic or bilaterally

hemiplegic grouping of symptoms; frequency of contracture or of a
spastic state of the paretic muscles; increase of reflexes in the
affected extremities; spasmodic manifestations in remote muscular
groups, but not in areas of nerve-distribution (forms of Jacksonian
epilepsy); the presence of paralytic and anæsthetic symptoms in the
range of distribution of cranial nerves; frequency of neuro-retinitis or
atrophy of the optic nerves; occurrence of lateral hemianopsia;
production of symptom-groups known as varieties of crossed
paralysis; frequency of head symptoms, as headache, vertigo,
apoplectic and epileptic seizures; mental symptoms of various sorts,
dementia, coma, etc.

Negative Characters.—Absence of truly paraplegiform distribution of

symptoms, even when they are bilateral; of cincture feelings; of pain
or other paræsthesiæ and anæsthesia in the distribution of nerve-
trunks; of muscular atrophy and De R. in paralyzed parts. Rarely do
we observe visceral paralysis and bed-sores.

Pathological localizations in the encephalon may conveniently be

grouped under two heads—viz. systematic and focal lesions.


embryology, anatomy, physiology, and pathological anatomy have
conclusively established the existence, and fairly well defined the
limits, of a sensory (æsthesodic) and of a motor (kinesodic) tract in
the brain; and certain lesions of these tracts produce such precise
symptom-groups that their diagnosis during the patient's life is often
possible, and that, too, with great exactness.


ENCEPHALON.—The limits of this system are as follows: Within the
oblongata and pons it occupies a somewhat uncertain (from a
clinical standpoint) location, its fasciculi and ganglia lying in a
general way dorso-laterad of the motor or kinesodic system. In the
crus cerebri the fibres of the sensory tract are more closely packed
together, and constitute a dense fasciculus of white substance in the
lateral part of the crus in its subcerebral extremity, estimated by
Flechsig at about one-fifth of the entire crus, and thence it enters into
the composition of what is known as the internal capsule. This
narrow but all-important mass of white fibres, as revealed by a
horizontal section of the hemisphere (vide Fig. 7), lies between the
nucleus caudatus and the nucleus lentiformis, and between the latter
and the thalamus, thus assuming a V or elbow shape. Of this, the
caudal third of that part of the capsule behind the bend or angle
contains all the sensory paths for the opposite half of the body,
reinforced by paths for the special senses; it is the carrefour sensitif
of French writers. From this region sensory fasciculi radiate to
various parts of the cerebral cortex—in the parietal, temporal, and
occipital gyri—in which physiological experiments and human cases
of disease have shown sensory areas or centres. Of the fasciculi
from special sense-organs which reinforce the internal capsule, the
only one which is well defined and easily traceable is the fasciculus
opticus (fasciculus of Gratiolet), derived in part directly from the optic
tract of the same side and from the primary optic centres (lobus
opticus, corpus geniculatum laterale, and pulvinar), proceeds, along
with fibres of the internal capsule, dorso-laterad of the posterior
cornu of the lateral ventricle, to the mesal aspect of the occipital
lobe. A fasciculus from the olfactory apparatus doubtless also joins
the internal capsule, but its course is unknown.

The following localization diagnoses are now possible in the

æsthesodic system as above defined:

(a) A lesion of the internal capsule, just above the crus cerebri,
involving its bend or knee and caudal segment, with or without injury
to the nucleus lentiformis and thalamus, will give rise to the following
symptoms: Complete typical hemiplegia and total hemianæsthesia
on the opposite side of the body; the anæsthesia involves the special
senses as well as the body. Vision is, however, unaffected, unless
the lesion extend far enough back to involve the pulvinar and
fasciculus opticus, when lateral hemianopsia occurs (dark half-fields
on the side opposite the lesion). When this lesion is in the left
hemisphere, sensory aphasia also occurs.

(b) A lesion involving the caudal part of the thalamus and of the
internal capsule. With such a lesion the motor symptoms consist in
transient paralysis, with usually persistent post-paralytic chorea or
ataxia. The sensory symptoms are more marked, and resemble
those produced by lesion (a). It may be determined with some
degree of accuracy whether the lesion be in the thalamus border, or
in the internal capsule near to the nucleus lentiformis by the absence
in the latter case of lateral hemianopsia.
The topography of such lesions is illustrated by Fig. 7.

FIG. 7.

Horizontal Section through the Centre of the Right Cerebral Hemisphere:

M, median line; Nc, nucleus caudatus; Nucleus lent., nucleus lentiformis
with its three segments; To, thalamus opticus; c. i., internal capsule with
its frontal division, its bend or knee, and its caudal division. 1, mass of
fibres destined for pons and others forming a part of the corona radiata,
non-pyramidal fibres; 2, knee of the internal capsule, containing
fasciculus from cortical centre for the face to the nucleus of facial nerve
(non-pyramidal fibres); 3, fasciculus for the tongue and throat to nucleus
of hypoglossus, etc. (non-pyramidal fibres); 4, fasciculi from the pre- and
postcentral gyri and the paracentral lobule to the pyramid of the
oblongata (the true pyramidal fasciculus, continued in the cord as
fasciculi, 10 and 11 of Figs. 5 and 6); 5, the caudal third of the internal
capsule, containing fasciculi destined to the sensory cortical centres.

(c) Lesions of cortical areas connected with fasciculi of the sensory

part of the internal capsule (c. i. 5).

(α) Lesion of the cortical area or centre for smell cannot at present
be diagnosticated. From the results of experiments upon higher
mammals we would expect such a centre to be in the cortex of the
mesal gyri of the temporal lobe.

(β) Lesions of the cortical centre for taste are equally unknown; it is
probably situated in the meso-basal aspect of the temporal lobe.

(γ) Lesions of the acoustic centre are somewhat better known, at

least as far as the function of hearing language-sounds (psychic
hearing) is concerned. A number of recently-published cases9 have
quite positively shown that the existence of word-deafness indicates
a destructive lesion of the dorsal gyri (more particularly the first and
second) of the temporal lobe (the left always?). The lesion may also
be in the inferior parietal lobule and gyrus supramarginalis,
penetrating deeply enough to injure the acoustic fasciculus on its
way from the internal capsule to the centre.
9 R. W. Amidon, “On the Pathological Anatomy of Sensory Aphasia,” New York
Medical Journal, xl. 113, 181.

(δ) The centre for visual impressions is now the best known of any of
the sensory cortical areas. The experimental studies and
pathological results of the last few years have indicated that the
occipital lobe was probably the seat of higher, organized vision (for
form and color). More recent autopsies and re-examination10 of the
subject point to the cuneus and adjacent gray matter as the visual
centre. The anatomical arrangement is, however, peculiar and
complex, in that each cortical visual area receives impressions from
one lateral half of both retinæ, through the fasciculus opticus.
10 E. C. Seguin, “A Contribution to the Pathology of Hemianopsia of Central Origin
(Cortex-hemianopsia),” Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1886, No. 1.

Destructive lesion of one visual centre is therefore indicated during

life by the symptom lateral hemianopsia alone (the dark half-fields on
the side opposite the lesion).

The accompanying diagram illustrates the course of the visual paths

from the eyes to the cortical centres, and the mechanism of
production of various forms of hemianopsia:

FIG. 8.
Diagram of Visual Paths, designed to illustrate specially Left Lateral
Hemianopsia from any lesion. L. T. F., left temporal half-field; R. N. F.,
right nasal half-field; O. S., oculus sin.; O. D., oculus dexter; N. T., nasal
and temporal halves of retinæ; N. O. S., nervus opticus sin.; N. O. D.,
nervus opticus dext.; F. C. S., fasciculus cruciatus sin.; F. L. D., fasciculus
lateralis dext.; C., chiasma, or decussation of fasciculi cruciati; T. O. D.,
tractus opticus dext.; C. G. L., corpus geniculatum laterale; L. O., lobi
optici (corpus quad.); P. O. C., primary optic centres, including lobus
opticus, corp. genic. lat., and pulvinar of one side; F. O., fasciculus
opticus (Gratiolet) in the internal capsule; C. P., cornu posterior; G. A.,
region of gyrus angularis; L. O. S., lobus occip. sin.; L. O. D., lobus occip.
dext.; Cu., cuneus and subjacent gyri, constituting the cortical visual
centre in man. The heavy or shaded lines represent parts connected with
the right halves of both retinæ. The reader may place the lesion as he

The following diagnostic propositions are applicable to cases

presenting the symptom lateral hemianopsia:

“1. Lateral hemianopsia always indicates an intracranial lesion on the

opposite side from the dark half-fields.

“2. Lateral hemianopsia, with pupillary immobility, optic neuritis, or

atrophy, especially if joined with symptoms of basal disease, is due
to lesion of the tractus opticus or of the primary optic centres on one

“3. Lateral hemianopsia, or sector-like defects of the same geometric

order, with hemianæsthesia and choreiform or ataxic movements of
one-half of the body without marked hemiplegia, is probably due to
lesion of the caudo-lateral part of the thalamus or of the caudal
division of the internal capsule (vide Fig. 7).

“4. Lateral hemianopsia, with complete hemiplegia (spastic after a

few weeks) and hemianæsthesia, is probably caused by an
extensive lesion of the internal capsule in its central and caudal part.

“5. Lateral hemianopsia, with typical hemiplegia (spastic after a few

weeks), with aphasia if the right side be paralyzed, and with little or
no anæsthesia, is quite certainly due to an extensive superficial
lesion in the area supplied by the middle cerebral artery; we should
expect to find softening of the speech-centre, of the motor zone and
of the gyri lying at the extremity of the fissure of Sylvius—viz. the
gyrus supramarginalis, inferior parietal lobule, and gyrus angularis.
Embolism or thrombosis of the middle cerebral artery would be the
most likely pathological cause of the softening.

“6. Lateral hemianopsia, with moderate loss of power in one-half of

the body if associated with impairment of muscular sense, but
without ordinary anæsthesia, would probably be due to a lesion of
the inferior parietal lobule and gyrus angularis, with their subjacent
white substance, penetrating deeply enough to sever or compress
the optic fasciculus in its way caudad to the visual centre.

“7. Lateral hemianopsia, without motor or common sensory

symptoms; this symptom alone, is due, we believe from the
convincing evidence afforded by Cases 28, 29, 41, and 45, to lesions
of the cuneus only, or of it and of the gray matter immediately
surrounding it on the mesal surface of the occipital lobe in the
hemisphere opposite the dark half-fields. Most surgical cases of
lateral hemianopsia come at once or after convalescence within this
rule, or No. 6.”11
11 Seguin, op. cit.

The cortical visual area, as above defined, is supplied by one large

vessel—viz. the occipital artery, a branch of the posterior cerebral.
Embolism or thrombosis of the former vessel is to be thought of as
the probable cause of a suddenly-developed lateral hemianopsia
without paralysis or anæsthesia.

(ε) The cortical centre for sensory impressions of muscular sense, so

called, is probably located in the inferior parietal lobule. The
diagnosis of a lesion so placed, in a case presenting along with other
sensory or with motor symptoms marked impairments of muscular
sense in the arm and leg of one side, is justified by a few recent
cases.12 Spitzka believes that he has clinically and pathologically
demonstrated a basal path (fasciculus) for this mode of sensibility in
the pons and oblongata, dorsad of the pyramidal tracts.13
12 Westphal, Charité Annalen, vii. p. 446, 1882; Stenger, Archiv f. Psychiatrie u.
Nervenkrankheiten, xiii. p. 240, Case viii.; Wernicke u. Hahn, Virchow's Archiv, lxxxvii.
p. 325; Ball and Seguin, Archives of Medicine, New York, v. p. 136.

13 Spitzka, “A Contribution to the Morbid Anatomy and Symptomatology of Pons

Lesions,” American Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, ii. p. 617 (1883).

(ζ) Lesions of the cortical area for common cutaneous sensibility

cannot be positively recognized at the present time. By exclusion of
the better-known centres, and from experimental data, we may
approximately locate it in the gray matter lying ventrad of (below) the
inferior parietal lobule, extending to the base, and possibly the mesal
aspect, of the temporal lobe, and possibly also on the lateral aspect
of the occipital lobe.


kinesodic system is far better understood, anatomically and
physiologically, than the æsthesodic. Its limits, beginning from the
junction of the cord and oblongata, are as follows: The pyramids,
containing the fibres of the direct and crossed pyramidal fasciculi of
the cord (Fig. 5, Nos. 10 and 11), form the meso-basal aspect of the
oblongata, appearing on either side of the median line as two large
distinct bundles of white substance which enter the pons under its
projecting transverse fibres. Within the pons each pyramid is divided
into quite a number of fasciculi more or less separated by fibres of
other systems. Again collected, these bundles constitute a
considerable part of the crus cerebri—its basal middle two-fifths.
(The outer or latero-dorsal one-fifth part of the crus belongs to the
æsthesodic system, the middle (intermediate) two-fifths are the
pyramidal fibres, and the remaining two-fifths, meso-basal part,
contain some fibres from the direct cerebral motor tract destined for
the hypoglossal and facial nuclei, and also large bundles probably
derived from the nucleus caudatus and frontal lobes). As the crus
enters the cerebrum and becomes what we know as the internal
capsule, the pyramidal fibres occupy the bend or elbow of the
capsule and part of its caudal segment (vide Fig. 7).

From this level the fibres of the internal capsule again diverge, as
fasciculi whose physiological independence has been well
determined, going dorsad and frontad to certain gyri of the cerebral
cortex where their fibres join ganglion-cells. Three large fasciculi and
corresponding cortical areas are recognized as constituting the
pyramidal tract, strictly speaking: (1) A fasciculus which extends
frontad to the base of the second frontal gyrus where it coalesces
with the precentral, the centre and fasciculus for movements of the
facial muscles of the opposite side; (2) a fasciculus which extends to
the precentral and postcentral gyri, more especially in their middle
part, constituting the centre and fasciculus for movements of the arm
and hand; (3) another fasciculus which goes dorso-mesad, almost
vertically in the brain, to join the ends of the pre- and postcentral gyri
at the top of the hemisphere, and their continuation upon its mesal
aspect known as the paracentral lobule, centre and fasciculus for
movements of the opposite foot and leg. Besides these three great
cortical areas and their connected fasciculi of nerve-fibres, which go
to make up the pyramidal tract, we recognize (4) a cortical centre for
speech movement of the tongue and lips in the base of the left third
frontal gyrus over the fissure of Sylvius (Broca's speech-centre), with
a connected white fasciculus which passes into the elbow of the
internal capsule, and can be traced (by means of secondary
degeneration) into the inner part of the base of the crus and into the
pons, but not to the pyramid. Another probable centre (5), for coarse
lingual movements and for the various movements of deglutition, is
in the folds of the insula, its fasciculus not joining the pyramid.

FIG. 9.
Longitudinal (sagittal) Section through the Brain, to show the distribution
of the fasciculi of the internal capsule. Fasciculi of motor tract in dotted
lines, to fronto-parietal convolutions. Fasciculi of sensory tract in full lines,
to temporo-parieto-occipital convolutions: N. C., nucleus caudatus; N. L.,
nucleus lentiformis; T. O., thalamus opticus. 1, level of crus cerebri; 2,
level of pons; 3, level of oblongata. (This diagram is to be used in
conjunction with Fig. 7.)

The location of two other motor centres—one for the movement of

the eyeballs in or near the gyrus angularis, and one for vocal
laryngeal movements in the base of the right third frontal gyrus
(homologous to the speech-centre in the left hemisphere), is
problematical, or at least not well enough established to be
recognized in a practical treatise.

Recent experimental researches have shown that to electrical

excitation at least the fasciculi for the tongue, face, arm, and leg
yield the same distinct reaction (isolated muscular contractions) as
do their respective centres or cortical areas; perhaps they are more

When these cortical areas are destroyed by disease, or when their

connected fasciculi are severed, secondary degeneration takes
place and extends to the end of the respective bundles, even to the
lower extremity of the spinal cord.

Before leaving the subject of the composition of the kinesodic

system it is desirable to add a few words concerning the decussation
of the pyramids or distribution of the pyramidal tract in the spinal
cord. As is well known, this is double, a small part of the pyramidal
bundle remaining on the same side of the median line, the so-called
direct pyramidal fasciculus or column of Türck (Fig. 5, No. 11)
forming the mesal edge of the anterior column of the cord. The larger
part of the pyramid crosses the median line at the decussation, and
enters the opposite lateral half of the cord, in which it is found as the
crossed pyramidal fasciculus (Fig. 5, No. 10) in the posterior part of
the lateral column, rapidly diminishing in size in the dorso-lumbar
part of the cord. The important point to bear in mind for the study of
monoplegias and of hemiplegia is that the amount of decussation is
far from uniform. This variability was first demonstrated by
Flechsig.14 He found in a series of sixty fœtuses such variations in
the relation of the crossed and direct fasciculi as 100:0 (complete
decussation), 92:8, 84:16, 70:30, 52:48 (nearly semi-decussation,
producing equal fasciculi), 35:65, 10:90 (almost non-decussation).
14 Die Leitungsbahnen im Gehirn und Rückenmark des Menschen, Leipzig, 1876.

It should also be added that quite certainly the cerebellum, nucleus

caudatus, nucleus lentiformis, and nucleus pontis form parts of the
complete kinesodic system, but we are as yet ignorant of their exact
connections and functions.

With respect to the anterior part of the frontal lobe, forward of the
oblique line A B across Figs. 10 and 11, the study of human cases of
destructive injury and disease would indicate that it is not associated
either with the kinesodic or with the æsthesodic systems.
The SYMPTOMS of lesions of the kinesodic system, particularly of the
pyramidal tract, are exclusively motor, consisting of spasm and
paralysis. Contracture of the paralyzed parts follows the paralysis
after a few weeks if the lesion be a destructive one.

Clinically, the following DIAGNOSES of localization of lesions in this

system are now possible:

(a) Lesion of the speech-centre (4) and of its associated white

fasciculus is indicated by intermittent or constant aphasia of the
motor form, with or without paralysis of the face and limbs (on right
side usually).

(b) Lesion of the facial centre (1) and of its associated fasciculus is
characterized by the occurrence of spasm or paralysis, or of both in
rapid succession, in the facial muscles; their electrical reactions
remaining normal.

(c) Lesion of the brachial centre (2) and of its associated fasciculus
is made known by spasm or paralysis, or by both in succession, in
the hand and arm. In many cases (tumor especially) the first
symptom is clonic convulsive movements of two or more fingers,
extending to other parts of the arm. Such brachial monospasm or
monoplegia is usually accompanied or followed by incomplete

(d) Lesion of the crural centre (3) in the paracentral lobule and of its
associated fasciculus of white substance is indicated by priority and
predominance of convulsive and paralytic phenomena in the foot and
leg: a crural monospasm or monoplegia exists with or without
incomplete hemiplegia.

The positive diagnosis of these separate localizations is most

feasible in cases of tumors or of cranial injury where the initial lesion
is limited in extent and where the morbid process is for a time
localized. As a rule, localized spasm (Jacksonian epilepsy) without
loss of consciousness is the first symptom, followed after a time by
localized paralysis (always in the same muscular groups); and later
still the symptom-group becomes obscured by the supervention of
other symptoms indicating extension of disease to other parts of the
kinesodic system, or even to the æsthesodic system.

(e) Lesion of the insula and adjacent white substance laterad of the
nucleus lenticularis (5) may be suspected from the rapid or sudden
development of symptoms imitating those of acute bulbar paralysis,
but without bilateral paresis of the body and anæsthesia. Aphasia is
very apt to coexist with the bulbar symptoms if the lesions involve
the left insula, whose frontal folds are continuous with the speech-

Common hemiplegia with contracture, but without anæsthesia,

represents a gross lesion of the kinesodic system, involving several
cortical centres or the motor part of the internal capsule:

(1) A widely-spread lesion of the cortex of the brain, softening of the

motor zone (centres 1, 2, 3, 4) from embolism or thrombosis of the
middle cerebral artery.

(2) Hemorrhage from vessels of the nucleus caudatus and nucleus

lentiformis compressing or destroying the motor segment of the
internal capsule at various levels. More rarely there is a form of
softening or gliomatous growth involving the same parts. Any of
these lesions may be so localized as to destroy only one fasciculus
of the capsule, giving rise to monoplegia.

The limits of the so-called sensory and motor centres or cortical

areas, and the possible localization of lesions in them, will be better
understood by the help of the accompanying diagrams (Figs. 10 and
11, p. 90) of the lateral and mesal aspects of the hemisphere.


GANGLIA.—(a) Focal lesions of the frontal lobe produce no specific
symptoms, and cannot be directly diagnosticated unless they extend
as far caudad as the base of the second and third frontal gyri. The
forward mass of the frontal lobe, including the orbital lobule (vide Fig.
10), appears to be inexcitable and insensitive. Even psychic
symptoms do not necessarily appear after the loss of considerable
amount of cerebral substance from this region. The diagnosis of
tumors, abscesses, etc. in this part of the brain must be made by
taking into consideration the seat of pain, the presence of cicatrices
or other etiological indications, the general signs of the cerebral
irritation and compression, but, after all, usually by exclusion. In
some cases unilateral anosmia is produced.

(b) Focal lesions of the caudal part of the frontal lobes, of the insula,
the pre- and postcentral gyri, and other parts of the motor zone are
usually easy of diagnosis. The symptoms of such lesions have
already been detailed when speaking of lesions of the kinesodic

(c) Focal lesions of the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes of the
brain have the characteristic semeiology of lesions of the æsthesodic
system, considered supra.

(d) Lesions of the so-called basal ganglia, the nucleus caudatus,

nucleus lentiformis, and thalamus, usually give rise to motor and
sensory symptoms indirectly by pressure upon or destruction of the
segments of the internal capsule which lie between these bodies
(vide Figs. 7 and 9). Lesions of the nuclei caudatus and lentiformis
are thus more prone to produce purely motor symptoms, while
sensori-motor and ataxic symptoms result from lesion of the

The symptoms indicating lesions strictly limited (in extent and in

effect) to these ganglionic bodies are at present practically unknown.

(e) Lesions (tumors, etc.) of the lobi optici (tubercula quadrigemina)

are productive of early neuro-retinitis and blindness, of convulsions,
and of diffused bilateral incomplete paralysis of the body, without
symptoms of disease at the base of the brain (vide infra). The
diagnosis intra vitam remains of great uncertainty, inasmuch as other
lesions in the median line, involving parts adjacent to the lobi optici,
may give rise to the same symptom-group.
FIG. 10.

FIG. 11.

2. FOCAL LESIONS OF THE CEREBELLUM.—(a) Lesions strictly limited to

one lateral lobe or hemisphere of this organ do not give rise to any
characteristic symptoms—in some cases, indeed, to no symptoms at
all. When the lesion tends basad, irritating and compressing the
subjacent pons and oblongata on one side, incomplete paralysis
appears in the limbs opposite the lesion, the face usually remaining
normal. Occipital headache, attacks of vomiting, opisthotonos, or
intense subjective stiffness of the back of the neck, with neuro-
retinitis, would strengthen the diagnosis. If the lesion extend laterad,
so as to involve the processus ad pontem (lateral peduncle), a
tendency to rotate while lying or to deviate in walking toward the side
of the lesion may be added.

(b) Lesions of the middle lobe, or vermis superior in particular, may

be positively recognized during life. Besides the above-mentioned
general symptoms of cerebellar and bulbar irritation and
compression—viz. occipital headache, cervical stiffness, attacks of
vomiting, neuro-retinitis, and atrophy of the optic nerve—there is a
very characteristic, almost pathognomonic, symptom. This is
cerebellar titubation, miscalled cerebellar ataxia. The patient, whose
equilibrium may be perfect while lying or sitting, upon rising and
attempting to walk does so somewhat like an intoxicated person: the
head and body are bent forward; the arms and hands held out and
moved as balancing weights; the feet are widely separated, the toes
clutching the floor or carpet; the body oscillating somewhat over its
base of support. There are not the wide excursions of the entire
body, the zigzagging, of alcoholic intoxication, nor is there any of the
stamping or jerky step of locomotor ataxia. If the patient be tested
lying or sitting, it is found that neither in the hands nor in the legs is
there a trace of ataxia: muscular strength and sensibility are long
preserved, and the patellar reflex is exaggerated.

3. FOCAL LESIONS OF THE BASE OF THE BRAIN, either within the nervous
substance or springing from the dura, and acting by irritation and
pressure upon various parts of the basal aspect of the encephalic

(a) Diffused bilateral lesions of this class situated frontad of the crura
give rise to more or less distinct symptoms, and a diagnosis is
sometimes possible. (1) Lesions in the vicinity of the sella turcica
and optic chiasm produce symptoms in the optic apparatus very
early, and these remain prominent throughout the illness. These
symptoms are, irregular (at least not lateral) hemianopsia, neuro-
retinitis followed by atrophy of the optic nerve, temporary or
permanent paralysis of one or several ocular nerves. If these exist
without symptoms of lesion of other parts of the brain (reasoning by
the process of exclusion), we may strongly suspect the seat of the
lesion to be in the region named. Other symptoms are paroxysmal
headache and occasional vomiting, epileptiform convulsions (never
Jacksonian in distribution), partial hemiplegia, or general muscular
weakness. By such data we were recently led to the correct
localization of a tumor. (2) If the lesion be farther frontad—i.e. strictly
in the orbital areas of the basis cerebri—anosmia, uni- or bilateral,
usually with hallucinations of smell, will be an early symptom, along
with neuro-retinitis and obscure motor and sensory symptoms
(headache and convulsions more especially).

(b) Lesions situated caudad of the infundibulum. (1) Bilateral lesions

give rise to symptoms which are the symmetrical duplication on
either side of the face and body of those to be next described as
characteristic of—

(2) Unilateral focal lesions of the base of the encephalon from the
crura caudad to the pyramidal decussation.

In a general way, the symptoms of these lesions are designated as

varieties of crossed paralysis.

Clinically, a crossed paralysis is one in which one or several cranial

nerves show symptoms of irritation or destruction on one side of the
median line, while body symptoms are present on the opposite side.

Physiologically and anatomically, a crossed paralysis is one in which

the lesion is so placed as to affect a cranial nerve (or more than one)
at a point caudad (below) of the decussation of the fibres which
connect its nucleus with the cerebral cortex, or at its nucleus of
origin, or so as to injure the nerve-trunk itself; while at the same time
the lesion affects the main fasciculus of the pyramidal tract frontad
(above) of its decussation, in the crus, pons, or oblongata.
In many cases of crossed paralysis, besides common motor and
sensory symptoms, there is apt to be neuro-retinitis with its

The chief forms or types of crossed paralysis are:

(α) Lesions involving the meso-ventral aspect of one crus cerebri.

The direct symptoms of such a lesion are in the range of distribution
of the motor oculi (N. iii.), such as ptosis, mydriasis, external
strabismus, and heteronymous diplopia; the crossed symptoms are
more or less complete paralysis of the lower part of the face and of
the extremities on the opposite side (hemiplegia). This relatively
frequent form of crossed paralysis we designate as the eye-and-
body type.

(β) The lesion occupies the latero-ventral part of the crus. This rare
localization would give rise to direct paralysis of the fourth nerve,
indicated by homonymous diplopia in the lower inner field of vision;
to lateral hemianopsia with dark half-fields opposite the lesion, from
injury to the tractus opticus (vide Fig. 8); and to a mixed motor and
sensory disturbance in the opposite side of the face and body,
without anæsthesia of the olfactory and auditory apparatus. A very
large lesion involving almost the entire crus would probably also
cause direct paralysis of N. iii.

(γ) Lesion of the basal part of the pons frontad of an imaginary

transverse line passing through the apparent origin of the trigemini
(NN. v.). Symptoms: A common hemiplegia of the lower face and
extremities on the opposite side with neuro-retinitis and other
general signs of basal disease. The abducens nerve (N. vi.) would in
some cases be involved in its course frontad over the pons, giving
rise to internal strabismus and homonymous diplopia on the same
side as the lesion.

(δ) A focal lesion in the caudo-ventral part of the pons—i.e. caudad

of an imaginary transverse line passing through the trigeminus roots
—gives rise to highly characteristic symptoms. These are: Direct

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