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Flipkart 6.0

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Harshil Shah Jheel Khetan Ujjwal Sanjay Batra

Industry Overview & Consumer Personas & Fashion Shopsy Grocery
Consumer Landscape Competitor Benchmarking Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation

Potential Customer Base in FY25E* Projected Growth of E-commerce in Tier 2+ cities (in USD Bn.)*

Total Population 300

115 Cr. CAGR: 24%
Indian population living in Tier 2+ cities 241
74 Cr. Population with internet access 156
Number of Internet users in Tier 2+ cities 101
65 81

35 Cr. Potential Flipkart using Population

Flipkart users in Tier 2+ cities
FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 FY30

Competitors Consumer Behavior* Challenges Growth Drivers

1 Market expansion: Dependence on Growing smartphone
80% Users enjoy offers/ discounts Telecom Operators for rural penetration penetration in Tier 2+ cities

62% Users fear fake products 2 Consumer: High acquisition cost owing Growth of logistics &
to competition; low purchasing power warehouses

3 Payment modernisation:
Payments: Digital payment transaction
failure due to lack of high-speed Cash to Digital
57% Lack of Trust on the sellers

bandwidth; COD causing more returns Increasing FDI inflow &

domestic investment
Want content in local 4 Operations: High delivery cost owing to
languages & different formats poor infrastructure; inefficient reverse Internet content in local
logistics lead to high inventory & costs languages

Refer Annexure 1,2 and 3

Industry Overview & Consumer Personas & Fashion Shopsy Grocery
Consumer Landscape Competitor Benchmarking Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation

Consumer Personas

I am a business man from I am a homemaker living in a I am a college student from

Etawah. I rarely shop online joint family from Nashik. I Mangaluru. I want
because of trust issues on the regularly shop from E- personalization in product
originality of product and commerce to look for recommendations. Also, I
higher delivery time. discounts/ offers and want prefer in-app games that
Prakash Gupta Priya Sharma more engaging content. Sahil Mishra engage me and reap rewards.

Competitor Benchmarking

Flipkart Plus membership rewards Amazon Prime Membership Meesho Credits can be earned Walmart+ offers benefits like eBay Bucks program offered
members with 2x SuperCoins. offers unlimited free fast by shopping, “Lower Price video streaming, discounts, rewards on selected products is
Loyalty Program Early Access to sales, Exclusive delivery, best deals, videos, Guarantee”, etc. and used for free shipping/delivery and now terminated and currently,
discounts and free shipping on music, games, rewards and discount, certificate, more. Walmart rewards can be Top-Star loyalty program which
selected products more gamification, leaderboards earned by shopping is invite-only
eBay Money Back Guarantee
Open box delivery gives customer Video commerce, Lower Price
Trust Building Easy return/replacement ensures originality of product
confidence to take high cost
Guarantee builds trust among - otherwise hassle-free returns
purchase decisions Tier 2+ cities
even for international shipping
Delivery Speed Within 2-4 days Within 5-8 days Within 4-5 days Within 2 business days Within 1-20 days
Yes Yes Yes No No
Earn Diamonds, Sticker Hunt,
Gamification Super Games, SuperCoin Bonus, Journey gamification, Spins,
Elements Challenges and Fire Drops
Spins, Funzone Jackpot and
Level Up credits and more - -
Industry Overview & Consumer Personas & Fashion Shopsy Grocery
Consumer Landscape Competitor Benchmarking Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation

Business Case Key Features Scalability & Future Proofing
Try & Buy Complete the Look
Lack of Trust Customization & Accessibility
Video Explanation Ease of Use Relevant Suggestions Click to Action
Problems Identified

Existing inhibitions about receiving During user onboarding ask for

the as-shown quality, size, color, etc. Accessible Clear & Concise Instructions Easy Add-to-Cart from Primary Product preferred fashion styles; brands;

famous celebrities/ influencers; size;
Preference of physical stores over etc. to curate personalized feed –
online medium due to the possibility Trend with Flipkart Fashion similar to how Spotify onboards users
of fake products and unknown/ AR Flipkart Camera Customized Onboarding
untrusted sellers Auto Light Adjustment Live Camera Users’ Style Oriented Relevant
Access to bigger brands which do not
Search have physical stores in Tier 2+ cities
Easy Variants Click & Upload Personalized Results
Uplifted Shopping Experience
Switching Options Recommendations
Market Potential
Try & Buy (for INR 10, send -1 and +1
sizes to reduce product returns and Look and Feel (Annexures 4 & 5) Majority of Indian Population is in Tier
reverse logistics) – create TVC 2+ cities, the true potential is
highlighting this to instill Trust untapped
Proposed Solution

Future Proofing
Extend AR Flipkart Camera from
Beauty to Fashion Accessories to Consumers are exploring new ways of
provide in-store shopping experience shopping online – Social commerce
shoppers account for 53% of total
‘Complete the Look’ challenge online shoppers and are expected to
wherein customers upload their increase by 45% by the end of 2022
Outfit Of The Day comprising recent
Flipkart purchases on social media
In Tier 2+ cities, customer buying
tagging #FlipkartOOTD – winners
habits are immensely & increasingly
become Flipkart Social Media
impacted by social media influencers
Try & Buy: Order & Product Pages Complete the Look: Product Page in parts

Industry Overview & Consumer Personas & Fashion Shopsy Grocery
Consumer Landscape Competitor Benchmarking Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation

Sustained Competitive Advantage Implementation Risks & Mitigation
Increased Trust Investment Areas Costs
Costs Complexity

Try & Buy option will provide added Platform Development Inability of AR Camera to provide
assurance and sense of safety to the desired level of experience along with
inhibited customer Integration with existing systems difficulty in using the feature
correctly by Tier 2+ users

TVC for Try & Buy and AR Flipkart Camera
Increased Brand Loyalty Blocked Inventory
An enhanced customer experience Tie-up with Social Media Influencers
2. through personalized feeds will make 3 times (Ordered product + additional
Flipkart a preferred choice and retain the Inventory stock-up, Trigger Implementation -1 and +1 sizes) the current inventory
existing customer needs to be stocked at all times
Continuous Feature Innovation (Recurring)
Increased Customer Base Clarity & Simplicity
Timelines KPIs
Through AR Flipkart Camera, educated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Decrease in # of Return
Use of latest technology like chat
youth and other curious users will be Requests bots and AI and the provision of clear
Platform Development
onboarded and Integration, testing
and concise instructions at multiple

Increase in # of additions to user touch points – info icon at every
cart from ‘Complete the Look’
Stock-up decision point, FAQs page
Increased engagement Increase in # of orders
Go Live on Flipkart App – Try & Buy,
Complete the Look challenge will pose as a Complete the look, Flipkart AR Camera
Increase in # of participants in Demand forecasting results can be
4. CTA (click to action) option for Tier 2+ ‘Complete the Look’ used to increase inventory only for
Multi-channel marketing of new features
users who are seen to have a desire to (continuous) the products with reported size issues
follow latest trends Increase in # of Orders in
Customization at onboarding Accessories with AR Cam
Industry Overview & Consumer Personas & Fashion Shopsy Grocery
Consumer Landscape Competitor Benchmarking Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation

Shopsy Ecosystem
Case Key Features Scalability & Future Proofing
PhonePe plug-in with Shopsy Enhanced Experience Technology
Lack of Personalized Experience &
Problems Identified

Engagement Recharges Ticket Booking Shopping Video Commerce Learning Using technology at the backbone of
Videos for every feature in Shopsy, which makes
Lack of an Ecosystem which hampers Resellers
Money Transfer Bill Payments User Testimonials it very relevant in the Indian context.
user experience by switching apps
Enhancing cloud functionality and

Customers today lose interest very educating resellers for video
Power of 1 - Ecosystem commerce will ensure scalability
quickly lowering the rate of retention User Engagement Personalization
Leaderboards Random Rewards Audio assistant Offering merchants higher incentives
Content in
Shopsy Vernacular
than other sellers and bringing on as
Tiered-based Personalized many sellers as you can to the
Making PhonePe, a part of Shopsy In-app Games Loyalty Program Recommendations platform will help scale the business
app as a switch plug-in to create
Power of 1- Ecosystem increasing the Look and Feel (Annexure 7)
Continuous Innovation
usage of Shopsy by catering to the
Proposed Solution

needs of Tier 2+ users Continuous enhancement of AI/ML,

Cloud, Python capabilities over the
Integration of Content Commerce years to add new features in Shopsy

Future Proofing
and Video Commerce (Annexure 6) in like AR/VR for purchase, gamification
Shopsy. Gamification elements to be elements for better user experience
added in Shopsy for customer
engagement and retention For user convenience and to stay
relevant, the PhonePe plug-in in
Incorporation of various vernacular Shopsy will constantly introduce new
languages promoting client features including travel bookings,
personalization and ease of use investments, and insurances
PhonePe plug-in Video Commerce Gamification Elements Vernacular Languages
Industry Overview & Consumer Personas & Fashion Shopsy Grocery
Consumer Landscape Competitor Benchmarking Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation

Shopsy Ecosystem
Sustained Competitive Advantage Implementation Risks & Mitigation
Making an Ecosystem Investment Areas Costs Replicability & Efficiency

PhonePe with Shopsy will be used to Platform Development Feature added to the Shopsy app can
collect customer purchase data and be easily replicable by the competitor
1. target them with specific services. Integration with existing systems

Also, Shopsy's use will grow as more Plug-in of PhonePe with Shopsy might
Tier 2+ customers use it for payments, Marketing of New Features not gain as much traction as expected
recharge making it their Go-To
platform Gamification elements can get too
Cloud/ Storage Capabilities (Recurring)
complex for users, video commerce
Enhance Customer Experience not properly depicting product usage
Continuous Feature Innovation (Recurring)
Better customer experience with
Video Commerce for Tier 2+ cities Stay Relevant
2. Sellers/ Resellers Training (Recurring)
increasing attention spans of users,
building trust, credibility and thus, Relevant features should be promptly
Timelines KPIs
leading to higher conversions added and updated as per user needs
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Increase in % of MAU of PhonePe to boost PhonePe's use with Shopsy

Increased Retention & Personalization Development
Increase in % of users playing Shopsy must continually update its
Better customer engagement and product videos features like incorporating new and
retention with Gamification elements ation simple gamification components to
Increase in # of orders
making the app fun, interactive, remain relevant, to avoid having
3. competitors copy its features
competitive as well as addictive. Marketing of New Features Time spent on gamification
Personalization with Vernacular Cloud/ Storage Capabilities
languages can provide ease of usage Proper training of users/ resellers for
Continuous Feature Innovation Increase in % of users changing
to users for browsing and shopping useful content/ video of the products
app language
Seller/ Reseller Training
Industry Overview & Consumer Personas & Fashion Shopsy Grocery
Consumer Landscape Competitor Benchmarking Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation

Grocery by Flipkart on WhatsApp

Business Case Key Features Scalability & Future Proofing
Low Brand Recall Monthly Subscription Model Trust Building Features Crowdsourced Warehousing
Problems Identified

Low brand recall for Tier 2+ users Personalization Order Tracking Seller Info & Rating Using empty storage space at local
while ordering Groceries kirana stores to supply Supermart
for Family Full Control Dynamic Filters

Display Total branded groceries in exchange for
of 4/ 6/ 8 over WhatsApp e.g. Only Veg
Typically shop at local kirana stores Savings p.m. low rent/ commission
or prefer Grocery focused apps like
Zepto/ Blinkit/ Dunzo/ Swiggy Grocery = Flipkart
Multiple payment options AI enabled Chat Increase % under inventory model at
a lower cost as compared to
BNPL Direct Payment Links Tracking Info Order Confirmation competitors which use dark stores
Grocery by Flipkart on WhatsApp

End-to-end grocery shopping QR Codes WhatsApp Pay Cancel Subscription Query Resolution Power of WhatsApp
experience without opening Flipkart
App/ Website Directly reach the phones of ~40 cr.
Look and Feel (Annexure 8) WhatsApp users in Tier 2+ cities
Proposed Solution

(Annexure 9)
Two types of orders:

Future Proofing
1. À la carte (choose items)
2. Monthly Subscription Models Easy to send reminders/ offers/
for family of 4, 6 and 8 (w.r.t. notifications which would be seen
quantity of order)
Pre-installed on smartphones
Note: Monthly subscription model to (especially under INR 15,000), never
include basic necessities such as uninstalled, low data usage and
Foodgrains; Oils and Ghee; Salt; works on KaiOS (used in feature
Masalas and Spices, Detergents; etc. phones such as JioPhone)
Landing Page Product Page Subscription Model Order Tracking Page

Industry Overview & Consumer Personas & Fashion Shopsy Grocery
Consumer Landscape Competitor Benchmarking Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation

Grocery by Flipkart on WhatsApp

Sustained Competitive Advantage Implementation Risks & Mitigation
Better Brand Recall Investment Areas Costs Annoyed User & Imitable
1. Better Brand Recall as WhatsApp is Platform Development Customers annoyed by Flipkart’s
opened on a daily basis WhatsApp notifications may turn off
Integration with existing systems and processes notifications or even discontinue use

of Grocery by Flipkart on WhatsApp
Increased Brand Loyalty
Marketing of Grocery on WhatsApp
Increase in productivity and ease of Other competitors will copy model of
access due to end-to-end shopping end-to-end grocery shopping on
Opportunity Cost of BNPL
experience will increase brand loyalty WhatsApp – will be difficult to
differentiate (JioMart is first-mover)
WhatsApp Usage Fees (Recurring)
Improved Inventory Management
Crowdsourced Warehousing Rent (Recurring) No Frills
Monthly subscription model will:
3. - aid better inventory planning and Send only relevant notifications:
management Timelines KPIs - Order Confirmation
- increase sale of Supermart brand Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 - Payment Links
# of WhatsApp initiations
Platform Development & - Order Tracking

Integration - Cancellations
Crowdsourcing – a Win-Win Situation Increase in Avg. Order Value
- Wrong Orders
Launch & refine
Crowdsourced Warehousing will: À la carte
- help Flipkart improve last-mile Decrease in Delivery TAT Avoid unnecessary notifications
4. Launch & refine Monthly
delivery about best deals and offers,
Subscription Model
- improve livelihoods of local % sale of Supermart brand alternately, request permission from
kirana store owners by providing BNPL users to send any promotion content
an additional source of income at the beginning
Crowdsourced Warehousing (continuous process) % stock in Inventory Model
Thank You
Annexure 1

Estimation of Flipkart’s Potential Customer Base in FY25

Figures (in
Labels Assumptions

Indian Population in 2025 144

Indian Population in 2025 living in Tier 2+ cities 115 Assuming 80% population would be residing in Tier 2+ cities by 2025

Number of Internet users in India in 2021 65

Number of Internet users in India in 2021 living in

50 77% users come from Tier 2+ cities
Tier 2+ cities

Number of Internet users in India in 2025 88 Assuming a growth of 8% in the number of internet users every year

Number of Internet used in India in 2025 living in Assuming 77% users in Tier 2+ cities + rise of number of users by 1.5% every year in these cities = 84%
Tier 2+ cities increase in user base

Flipkart users in India in 2022 35

Flipkart users in India by 2025 47

Flipkart users in India by 2025 living in Tier 2+ cities 35 Assuming 75% of Flipkart users will come from Tier 2+ cities by 2025

Back to Slide
Annexure 2

Calculation of Projected Growth of E-commerce in Tier 2+ Cities in India (in USD Bn.)
Growth of E-comm. Market in Growth of E-comm. Market in India in Tier
Year Assumptions
India (in USD Bn.) 2+ cities (in USD Bn.)

FY23 100 65

FY24 122 81

FY25 149 101

FY26 182 125

Assuming the E-comm. Markets in India will grow by 22% Year-on-Year while the E-
comm. Market in India in Tier 2+ cities will grow by 2% Year-on-Year
FY27 222 156

FY28 270 194

FY29 330 241

FY30 402 300

Back to Slide
Annexure 3
Consumer Behavior Insights from our Survey
What categories do you shop online? Why do you prefer shopping online? What are your apprehensions while shopping online?
Labels #Respondents Labels #Respondents Labels #Respondents
Existing Online Customers

Grocery 18 Better offers/discounts 40 Untrusted seller 31

Electronics 26 Convenience 37
Fashion 35 Better offers on other platforms 26
Multiple options and price discounts 38
Beauty 16
Possibility of fake products 35
Mobiles 14 No crowd/waiting time 18
Lack of reviews & ratings 22
Appliances 18 Easy returns 34
Limited offerings 5
Home 19 Contactless shopping 10
Travel 6 Bad User Interface 9
Ease of usage through vernacular
Toys & More 4 languages Others 2

Why don't you shop on E-commerce? What do you expect from an E-commerce App/Website?
Labels #Respondents Labels #Respondents
Non-transacting Customers

Unable to use App/Website 12 Availability of content in local languages in Audio/

Video format
Lack of Trust 17
Heavy discounts 17
High delivery time 22
Transparency about the originality of the product 22
High Price 21 Fast deliveries 21
Easy accessibility in local stores 1 All-in-one store 1
Others 0 Others 0

Back to Slide
Annexure 4

Try & Buy Toggle buttons on Product and Order Pages, with hovering info icon

My Cart
Flipkart (2) Grocery Quick
Deliver to: Adam Matthew, 400064
A-405, Rosemary Society, Mumbai

WRANGLER Women denim shirt

Rs 539

Try & Buy

Save for later Remove

Organic Fruits Veggies

SHOEBUCK Red heelsJuices
Rs 613
Try & Buy Women wrap around skirt Try & Buy
Sale Price Live
Save for later Remove
66% off 1999 Rs 663

816 Place Order Add to cart Buy Now

Back to Slide
Annexure 5

‘Complete the Look’ Challenge

Instagram Instagram

rahulsingh ishakapoor1311

No Ratings yet

Have doubts regarding this product?


Complete the Look

with CHEMISTRY Women wrap around skirt

Style it just like our Social

Media Ambassador Isha
Kapoor did!
Organic Fruits Veggies Juices Organic Fruits Veggies Juices

denim shirt
Women wrap around skirt
ishakapoor1311 Take me to a prom in
Rs 539
rahulsingh Tie from Flipkart makes Sale Price Live
me corporate ready #FlipkartOOTD this orange skirt vibe! #FlipkartOOTD 66% off 1999 Rs 663 SHOEBUCK Red heels
Rs 613
Figure 1: Entry #1 Figure 2: Entry #n
Add to cart Buy Now Add to cart Buy Now

Customers participate in the challenge through Social Media

and Best looks get featured on Flipkart Figure 4: “Frequently bought together” / Additional
Figure 3: Product Page 1 on the Flipkart App
placeholder of the Product Page on Flipkart App

Back to Slide
Annexure 6

Tech Stack for Video Commerce

Video Input End-User

Video Encoder Video Server Networks Relay Server

Video Storage End-User

Tech Stack for Vernacular Languages

Intentions Named Entities Themes Topics Summaries

ML Rules ML Rules Rules ML Rules Rules

Tokenization PoS Tagging Chunking Sentence Boundaries Syntax Analysis Sentence Chaining
ML Rules ML Rules ML Rules ML Rules ML Rules

Deep Learning
Speech Caption Document Question
Text Classification Language Modeling
Recognition Generation Summarization Answering

Back to Slide
Annexure 7


Organic Fruits Veggies Juices Organic Fruits Veggies Juices Organic Fruits Veggies Juices



PhonePe plug-in Video Commerce Gamification Elements Vernacular Languages

Back to Slide
Annexure 8

Launch Grocery on WhatsApp for Business

1 1

Productivity Monthly Subscription Order is on its way!

+ Veg Only

Ease of Use

Call Rider
Organic Fruits Veggies Juices
Payment Customize Contents Show Map View on Flipkart App
Options – 4 +
Order Details:
= Monthly Subscription
SELECT FAMILY SIZE x Family of 4 ₹ 456
Hassle Free
Experience START

Landing Page Product Page Subscription Model Order Tracking Page

Back to Slide
Annexure 9

Number of WhatsApp users in Tier 2+ cities

Labels Figures (in Cr.) Assumptions

WhatsApp users in India in 2022 52 5% growth in base (49 cr.) since 2021
WhatsApp users in Tier 2+ cities 40 77% users come from Tier 2+ cities

Source: Statista

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Annexure 10

Increasing Engagement Of Existing Online Customers Recommendations For Tier 2+ Convert Non-transacting Customers Into Loyal Customers
Flipkart App & Website Marketing & Promotion* Warehousing & Logistics Customer & Trust

1. During user onboarding ask for 5. ‘Complete the Look’ challenge 8. Monthly Subscription Model BNPL 11. Extend ‘Open Box Delivery’ to

preferred fashion styles; brands; wherein customers upload their Outfit for Supermart – will help in inventory more pin codes & categories like

famous celebrities/ influencers; size; Of The Day comprising recent Flipkart planning, on-time delivery, reduces Electronics & Appliances, in phased

etc. to curate personalized feed – purchases on social media tagging need to travel to far off markets for manner for trust building in T2+ cities

similar to how Spotify onboards users #FlipkartOOTD – winners become ration

Flipkart Social Media Ambassadors 12. Try & Buy (For INR 10, send -1 and

2. Extend AR Flipkart Camera from (Annexure 4) +1 sizes to reduce product returns and
9. Crowdsourced warehousing by
Beauty to Fashion Accessories to reverse logistics) – create TVC
6. Launch Grocery on WhatsApp for using empty storage space at local

provide in-store shopping experience highlighting this to instill Trust
Business similar to Jio Mart (Annexure stores to increase % under inventory
5) model in exchange for low rent/

All Categories
13. Station Flipkart Representatives
3. Infographics such as Word Clouds commission – reduces delivery time
7. Content Commerce and Video at Trusted Seller stores to educate
to visually depict Ratings & Reviews
All Categories

Commerce to be integrated into prospective customers about benefits

All Categories

All Categories
Shopsy – Vendor/ Reseller can show 10. Delivery Partners to distribute of Flipkart and build trust
4. Add vernacular languages to product use, look and fit in short video Flipkart leaflet to neighbors while
Shopsy. Pilot with Hindi and Kannada format content (sharable on making deliveries (give ID card) – 14. Shopsy Learning Videos to guide
(languages spoken in most online WhatsApp and Instagram) and over Leaflet to show price comparisons users/ resellers and add gamification
shopping savvy cities and towns) video calls with lowest price guarantees element like Suspense Boxes, User
Journeys, Leaderboards, etc.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
10 13 14 Educating Customer Implementation Matrix

Longer Time
8 9 11 12 Convenience and Trust
2 4 6 7 1 3 5
1 4 6 Personalization High Cost Low Cost
5 7 Customer Engagement 9 13 14 8 10 11 12
2 3 Enhanced Experience Shorter Time

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