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Bangalore - Scuba by Dive India

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+91 998803 34003


The Open Water Course is the entry-level full certification course, and certifies you to dive up to 18m
without professional supervision. This is the gateway to the sport and allows you to join regular dive
trips conducted by dive centers to open water sites – without a certification, you are limited to guided
dives on shallow, sheltered reefs. The following are the steps for doing so:


1) ACADEMICS Once you register for the course, we will assign you online study materials and send
Complete your you a link to some videos. You need to watch the videos before you come for your
theory online in-water session, and the rest of the theory needs to be completed before you go for
your Open Water dives (step 3). In addition to the self-study, there is also an
instructor-led online class.

2) POOL This typically takes 2 sessions, starting around 8:00am and running till 12:30-
Complete your pool 1:30pm (exact times will be shared when scheduling your class). During this
training time, you will learn all the essential skills needed in order to dive safely and have
fun while doing so.

Our pool training is structured to exceed the minimum standards, this program
follows the Diveindia Teaching Methodology, created by Diveindia’s senior
instructors (with over 50 years experience and 10k certifications to their credit): it
focuses not just on checking off the skills but ensuring actual mastery and ability to
apply those skills while diving

You swimming skills will also be evaluated here.

The above 2 sections are included in the training in Bangalore. Price for this is Rs 17,000

Note – this price includes 2 days of in-water training, which are sufficient for most divers. Some divers do
require additional training in order to get comfortable: these sessions come at no extra charge from our side
except pool/gear costs (Rs 1600/session)

3) OPEN WATER To get certified, you have to complete 4 open water dives (which can be in an
Complete your 4 ocean, quarry, lake or other similarly large body of water). This takes a minimum
Open Water dives of 2 days.

You have a few options:

1) You can do the course at a dive center of your choice – in which case the cost
of this will be provided by that dive center

2) You can do the course with our affiliate dive center in the Andamans – the
standard cost of that is Rs 21,500 for 4 dives, but there is a discounted rate
available for Bangalore Scuba customers

3) You can do the course with us in one of our camps in Netrani, Pondicherry, etc.
over a long weekend. Cost of that is typically around 18-19k for 6 dives
including instructor charges – and you can also combine the Open Water
certification with an Advanced/Deep certification (see following pages). Camps
are held every 4-6 weeks, typically.

Note: Training is by appointment only and we recommend you book atleast a week prior to
starting your in-water training, so that you can complete some of the self-study prior

• Minimum age: 10
• Need to complete a medical form and get a doctor’s clearance if needed (refer to the form)
• Need to be able to float or tread water for 10’ (needs to be completed before you can go for your
Open Water dives)
• Need to swim 200m unaided or 300m with mask/fins/snorkel, no time limit. (needs to be
completed before you can go for your Open Water dives) @bangalorescuba

+91 98803
+91 998803 34003


There are several benefits to completing the scuba training at home:
• You get a limited number of vacation days and spending 1-2 of them doing theory and pool-work
may not be the best way for you to use those days
• If you are nervous, then it helps to have a longer period during which you can work on developing
your skills, your comfort level in the water and even swimming skills
• If you aren’t sure diving is for you, doing a pool session is a great way to test the waters, so to

• The Open Water pool training program is typically conducted at Kensington Pool, Ulsoor – although
we do use other pools sometimes. Training is by prior appointment only – we do not have an office
there, and so are not available for walk-in visits.
• Please bring a towel, swim wear and water/thermos of warm beverage/snacks (if so desired). We
provide all the equipment needed for the training.
• Typical timings for in-water sessions are from 8/8:30am to around 12:30-1:30pm, although there may
be some variation depending on your pace of learning.
• Sessions can be conducted any day of the week (for weekdays, it helps to have 2 people, if possible
• Online classes are mostly self-study but the session with an instructor is determined by mutual
consent as to a time that works.
• Please review the medical form you were sent. Depending on which questions you answer “yes” to,
you may need to get a doctor’s clearance before participating. The form guides you through the
process of doing so. If you haven’t gotten the medical form, please contact us for one.


Diving is a journey. While the Open Water course gets you to a minimum level of competence needed to
dive safely, your skills will continue to grow as you dive/gain experience. Improving their skills/comfort
in the water and going deeper (where the action typically is) are 2 common goals people have after they
complete their Open Water course and are hooked to the sport.

We offer a few programs to accelerate your learning, make you feel more relaxed in the water and let you
hit the deeper/more advanced dive sites


Buoyancy+Nitrox Specialty This consists of 2 specialties:

(in Bangalore) - Buoyancy includes an additional day in the water (2 sessions) after
your Open Water course, where we will refine your buoyancy,
weighting and breathing, and also work on trim and kicking
techniques. The end goal of the program is to make you more
relaxed, have better buoyancy and better air consumption when you
dive. Additional water sessions can be added for a charge, if you so

- Nitrox is an online class where you will learn how to use gas mixes
containing more oxygen to dive safely. The benefit of this is
extended bottom times and improved safety while on a diving trip.
This is one of the essential certifications to have for divers

Price: 10,000

Advanced or Deep Specialty Our camps typically offer 9 dives – so after using 4 dives to complete
Add-On your Open Water course, you can use the remaining dives to gain the
(in one of our open water next level of certification.
You can pick from one of the following 2 options:

- Advanced Adventurer certifies you to dive up to 30m. In addition,

it introduces you a range of other specialties, such as Buoyancy, Fish
ID, Navigation, Waves/Tides/Currents and more. In other words, it
provides a broad range of different types of dives. @bangalorescuba

+91 98803
+91 998803 34003

- Deep Specialty is a more in-depth (pardon the pun) program that

certifies you to dive to 40m, which is the absolute maximum for
recreational divers.

Price: 30,500 for 9 dives, including Open Water certification AND

one of the above two certifications (and if you aren’t sure what to
pick, we can guide you)

You do not have to commit to these right away – do your pool session, see how you feel in the
water and then you can decide


We provide Open Water certification with SSI, the world’s second largest diver training agency. The
skills for the Open Water course are set by an umbrella body called the Recreational Scuba Training
Council (RSTC), of which PADI, SSI and several agencies are members.

To dive, all you need an Open Water certificate from any RSTC agency – dive centers, regardless of their
own affiliation, will accept divers from any RSTC agency, both for diving and for further training (so it isn’t
as if one agency’s card is more recognized than another’s). And the certification is inter-changeable - so
once you are certified, you can take an SSI card and dive at a PADI shop, you can take a PADI card and
do the next course with RAID, and so on, so forth.

We have chosen SSI as our default because it offers a better-integrated training platform, more flexibility
in terms of training beyond Open Water and significantly lower certification costs (which we pass on to
you). And we repeat: SSI cards are accepted universally, same as other agencies – so absolutely zero
concerns there.

If you have already booked your Open Water training dives with a dive center affiliated with PADI or other
dive agency, contact us and we can go over options (completing your course is the only time you will
need to check as to what agency your dive center is affiliated with)


We have discounted prices on scuba gear in conjunction with our training sessions.


If you like the sport, we strongly recommend that you get your own set of mask and fins. Nothing ruins
a dive like an ill-fitting mask that leaks or pinches your nose – and having a nice pair of powerful fins
gives you the ability to tackle any dive with confidence.

The Ultimate Bundle: This is our recommendation for the best mask and fins combo you
- Tusa Intega mask can buy.
- Mares Avanti Quattro open
heel fins The Tusa Intega series is an award-winning mask and offers
- 3mm low cut boots excellent comfort, seal and field of view, as well as very high quality
lens (prescription options available).

The legendary Mares Quattro fins have been around and unchanged
for over 25 years – and with very good reason: they provide a
combination of power and ease of use that is very few other fins can
match. It is our go-to recommendation for anyone who wants a pair
of fins that will work in any diving situation – and is our best-selling fin

MRP: Rs 29,400
Our price: Rs 25,400

The Travel Bundle: This is our recommendation for the best compact kit that is still
- Aqualung Plazma useable in all dive conditions.
- Apeks Rk3
- 3mm low cut boots The Aqualung Plazma is a compact mask with a high quality seal to
ensure no leaks, and an easy-to-adjust buckle and strap system.

The Apeks Rk3 sacrifice a little in ultimate power but retain enough to
be able to handle most currents. In addition, they are a fair bit
smaller and have excellent modulation/water feel, making them a @bangalorescuba

+91 98803
+91 998803 34003

very popular choice with divers.

MRP: Rs 31,079
Our price: Rs 26,500

If it were up to us, we would make owning a dive computer mandatory for all divers – for the simple
reason that a dive computer gives you all the information that you need in order to dive safely
(something you will learn when you do your Open Water theory).

We recommend the following dive computers for divers – each of them is perfectly capable of keeping
you safe, but vary in their feature set

The Entry Level Dive This wrist-watch sized dive computer has all the essential features
Computer you need and gets the job done at a reasonable price. Very popular
- Mares Smart with newer divers or those on a budget

MRP: Rs 31,800
Our price: Rs 27,200

The Value-Packed Dive This is the most popular computer we sell, and for good reason –
Computer great battery life, a fantastic display that is visible no matter what,
- Shearwater Peregrine ability to customize the computer to be as conservative/liberal as you
need it and a very intuitive display: this is all the computer most
divers need.

MRP: Rs 47,500
Our price: Rs 45,900*
(*Includes a free online session to introduce you to the features of the computer and
how to use it)

The Top Dog The newly-released Tern TX adds in a lot of neat features like air
- Shearwater Tern TX integration, digital compass and more. In our opinion, it is a much
more sensible purchase for 99.9% of divers out there than
Shearwater’s range-topping Teric, and at a significantly lower price –
you aren’t paying a premium for advanced tech diving features that
you will likely never use.

MRP: Rs 67,500
Our price: Rs 64,700*
(*Includes a free online session to introduce you to the features of the computer and
how to use it)

Note: While we have chosen masks that work well for most people, mask fit is very personal and
we suggest you try the recommended masks as well as other options before purchasing. We
can substitute a different mask if one fits you better and adjust the price accordingly. And you
don’t have to purchase right away – decide after doing your pool session.


Our cancellation policy is as follows:

• For courses, once the theory is assigned, Rs 5000 becomes immediately non-refundable.
However, the materials are yours and can be used by any dive center

• Rescheduling your training is possible – but we request you let us know by 3pm the previous
evening. Rescheduling the program after 3pm and before 7pm the day prior will be charged Rs

• Rescheduling after 7pm the day before the trip and/or no-shows will be charged at Rs 5000. We
don’t mean to be cynical, but we have had far too many cases of people “falling ill” at 11pm or
later on Friday/Sat nights, before their morning sessions, while our instructor has cleared his/her
entire day to conduct the program. Our instructors are highly trained professionals and their time
does have value.

• Any delays or rescheduling of the course caused due to the participant coming in physically or
mentally unfit to train (eg, hungover) or due to mis-representations on their medical form will be @bangalorescuba

+91 98803
+91 998803 34003

treated as no-shows and charged Rs 5000.

• Please complete your online theory before coming for your Confined Water session - if this is not
done, we may have to schedule another session and if so, a fee will apply.

• Divers are responsible for discussing medical issues and swimming skills before booking or
starting training. Please make sure you review the medical form (please contact us for the form, if
you haven’t gotten it) beforehand. If any of the specified conditions in the form apply, you need
to get medical clearance first - no exceptions. Showing up with a pre-existing medical condition
but without a doctor’s clearance may incur a Rs 5000 charge.


• Diving is a very safe sport, with a lower risk of injury than swimming, snorkeling or even cricket.
However, low risk isnt the same as no risk and sometimes, accidents happen - just as they do in other
aspects of your daily life. Signing the waiver and accepting the risk isn’t a mere recital - you are
committing to accepting the risk for participating in the sport.

• We want you to feel comfortable - diving should be fun, not something you are compelled to do. So if
you unable to complete the course, we are happy to refund the unused portion of your fees. Do note
that once we convene a water session, that day will be billed in its entirety.

• We realize that sometimes, life happens. Our re-scheduling policy is fairly liberal but has to be
balanced by the fact that our cost structure in Bangalore is different from the Andamans and our
instructor time is valuable. So please read the cancellation policy above.

• We want you to be safe. So please do not lie or hide medical conditions from us. Having a medical
condition doesn’t preclude you from diving - most of the times, it just requires you to take some
precautions. Also, letting us know means we can take suitable precautions when conducting the
program, thereby increasing your safety. On the flip side, if we find out that a participant has
concealed medical conditions from us, the program will come to an immediate stop and no refunds
whatsoever will be offered.

• We are in the customer satisfaction business, not the legal business. We want you to have a good time
diving with us (else what is the point?), and we are committed to providing a safe, professional and fun
experience. Sometimes, compost happens - people make mistakes, misunderstandings happen, etc.
We will do our best to work with you to find a reasonable solution if anything doesnt go as planned -
going the extra distance, if need be. However, we expect the problem-solving to be conducted in a
calm and reasonable manner. We do not respond well to raised voices or aggressive conduct, be it
verbal or physical. Our national approach of “shout loudly to get better service” most emphatically will
NOT work with us. Please accept that we want to help you, and work with us in finding a solution
without making things adversarial. @bangalorescuba

+91 98803

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