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Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Manuscript Template

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Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Vol. ..., No. ..., Month 20XX, pp. ...-...

P-ISSN: 1693-3028, E-ISSN: 2407-8220

The Title Should Not Exceed 14 Words; It Should Be Clear, Concise,

And Informative. Abbreviations Should Be Avoided
(The title using Times New Roman (TNR) size-14 pt, single spacing, bold, align center)

Author1’s Name1, Author2’s Name2, and so on

(Authors’ names without academic title,TNR size-12 pt, single spacing, align center)
Institution/affiliation, address of institution/affiliation (10pt)
Institution/affiliation, address of institution/affiliation (10pt)
E-mail: xxxx@xxx.xxx1; aaaa@aaaa.com2* (10pt);
(Phone Number)
*Corresponding author
(Authors’ institution must be written in full (name agency, address and postal code, country name) should
be written whole (not abbreviated) and in accordance with the standard writing name institutions in these

Abstract (12pt, bold)

The abstract text should be fully justified as this paragraph is, and it should stand alone,
meaning that no citation should be attached. Abstract is written concisely and factually, includes
(optional: communication problems), the purpose of research, the method of research, the result
of research, conclusion, and the contribution of research can be in the form of
aspects/methods/findings. The abstract should only be typed in a single paragraph and single-
column format and consist of 100-200 words. (11pt, single line spacing, 1 paragraph).
Keywords: 1st word; 2nd word; 3rd word; 4th word; 5th word
(Two language, Indonesian and English)
(Keywords are standard words that are chosen accordingly carefully to be able to reflect the
concept of the related article. Keywords function to facilitate access to articles concerned by
search engines. Minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords from paper, (11pt, single line spacing, 1

The manuscript is typed in TNR font size 12, spaced 1.15 and Justify. All margins are 3
cm in number with 6000-7500 words in .doc format excluding title, author information,
abstract, and references.
Introduction (12pt) method of analysis. It should contain
The introduction should contain enough detailed information concerning
(sequentially) the general background, research paradigm to be applied,
research question or hypothesis, a clear approach(es), method(s), and
statement of the problem, and explain type/characteristic (please select one of
the reason why this study is important them) as the leading format for your
to do. If there is literature review, it can research. Mention unit of analysis with
be included in this chapter. The study comprehensive data analysis.
objective should be written at the end of
the introduction. Results of Research and Discussion
(12pt, bold)
Research Methods (12pt, bold) In the results and discussion
The research methods should section, the author must explain the
elaborate on the method utilized in results of the study (what was found) in
addressing the issues including the detail. Findings obtained from the
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Vol. ..., No. ..., Month 20XX, pp. ...-...
P-ISSN: 1693-3028, E-ISSN: 2407-8220

results of the research conducted must Existing tables or figures are

be written with additional support from presented with sufficient explanation
adequate data. The results and findings and include numbers and titles. The
of the study must be able to complete or writing of the number and title of the
provide an explanation for the questions table is placed above the table, while the
stated in the introduction. The results number and title of the picture are
and research findings must be discussed placed below the picture. Complete the
by the authors by compiling, analyzing, existing tables and figures by writing
evaluating, interpreting, and comparing down the source under each
the latest findings with existing research table/figure. Tables are made without
findings, as well as the theories used for vertical borders. The use of
deeper discussion. The authors must tables/figures in sentences directly
pay attention to the consistency of the refers to tables/figures numbers, such as
article from the title to the bibliography. Figure 1 and Table 1.
Table 1 Title of table (TNR, 11pt, single spacing, center)
No Criteria Description
1. Criteria 1 Description 1
2. Criteria 2 Description 2
3. Criteria 3 Description 3
etc. etc. etc.
Source: obtained from primary data, (year) (11pt)
Each table/figure must be
explained without repeating the contents
of the table/picture.

Figure 1 Title of table (TNR, 11pt, single spacing, center)

Source: obtained from primary data, (year) (11pt)
Each table/figure must be lines, then the sentence is
explained without repeating the combined in the usual sentence
contents of the table/picture. and gives details of interviewing
with whom" (Interview with X,
Use of direct sentences:
Date, Month, Year)
"A minimum of 5 lines, 1 space,
indentation to the right. And at
Conclusion (12pt, bold)
the end of the quote is
accompanied by the name and Conclusions must contain a
time of the interview. If the summary that answers the objectives
direct sentence is less than 5 and provides research substance in the
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Vol. ..., No. ..., Month 20XX, pp. ...-...
P-ISSN: 1693-3028, E-ISSN: 2407-8220

form of contributions. Conclusions must the 21st century. Journal of

not contain a repeat of the results of Developmental Education, 28(2),
research and discussion and instead 2-15.
must contain a summary of research
Journal article with DOI
results and findings as expected in the
Lestari, P., Ritonga, R., Ruliana, P., &
research objectives or hypotheses.
Barus, C. C. B. (2020). Disaster
Suggestions must present the things that Communication Uses Field
will be further done in connection with Training Exercise Simulation as an
further research concepts. Important Aspect of Disaster Risk
Reduction. Jurnal Komunikasi:
Acknowledgements (12pt, bold) Malaysian Journal of
The authors would like to thank: Communication, 36(24), 166–186.
scholarship, funders, enumerators etc.
References (12pt, bold) Smith, G. (2012). Barthes on Jamie: Myth
All reference mentioned should and the TV revolutionary.
be use reference management software Journal of Media Practice, 13, 3-
(Mendeley/Zotero) with APA Styles 17. doi: 10.1386/jmpr.13.1.3_1
(Sixth Edition) and arranged from A to
Journal article on website
Z . It should have a minimum of 15
Austin, D. (2009). Fatty acids,
include references obtained from breastfeeding and autism
primary sources (consisting of scientific spectrum disorder. E-journal of
journals amounting to 80% of the entire Applied Psychology, 5(1), 49-52.
bibliography) that have been published Retrieved from
in the last 10 (ten) years. The remaining http://ojs/
20% may include research articles or
research reports (thesis, books, and Newspaper article
other relevant publications). Fung, M. (2006, December 12). Asthma
rates are increasing. Winnipeg Free
Press, pp. C4.
Anderson, B. (1983). Imagined Newspaper article on website
communities. London: Verso. Harris, M. (2011, August 16). Grades
improve if classes start later,
Book chapter studies find. The Calgary Herald.
Smith, F. M., & Jones, W. (2004). The Retrieved from
college student. In C. Wood & M.
Meyer (Eds.), Cross-cultural
education (pp. 75-105). London, Website
Canada: MacMillan. Buzan T. (2007). Mind maps. September 3,
2009, retrieved from
Journal article
Lee, K. (2004). Reading and learning _Maps.html.
strategies: recommendations for
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Vol. ..., No. ..., Month 20XX, pp. ...-...
P-ISSN: 1693-3028, E-ISSN: 2407-8220

Website document
TransCanada. (2006). Annual report.
Retrieved from

Book translation
Mancusa, S., & Viola, A. (2015). Brilliant
green: the surprising history and
science of plant intelligence (J.
Benham, Trans.). Washington, DC:
Island Press.

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