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Inter 1 Physics Success Series 2019 by Ambitious Academy Shahdara

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Main Bazar Jia Musa Shahdara Lahore

Prepared By: Mr. Syed Arfat Haider

(Lecturer, Physics AES Lahore)
Contact: +92-333-4082706; +92-300-0040248

NOTE: Dear Ambitious Students,

This file is confidential and can be used only within Ambitious Campus. No page of this file is
allowed to share at any social media platform.
This file is designed to prepare BOARD EXAM 2020 in 5 Weeks. Discuss and prepare these
questions to score good marks.

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NOTE: Dear Ambitious Students,
This file is confidential and can be used only within Ambitious Campus. No page of this file is
allowed to share at any social media platform.
This file is designed to prepare BOARD EXAM 2019 in 5 Weeks. Discuss and prepare these
questions to score good marks.
1-SI units of pressure are:
A N m2 B N2 m C  N m-2 D N-2 m
2-The sum of numbers, 2.7543, 4.10 and 1.27, up to correct decimal place is:
A  8.12 B 8.13 C 8.1273 D 8.127
3-Atto means:
A 10-15 B  10-18 C 10-9 D 10-12
4- Diameter of core in multimode step index fibre is:
A 5um B 1.3um C  50um D 50 to 1000um
5-The SI unit of solid angle is:
A degree B  Steradian C Radian D Revolution
6-Solid angle subtended at the centre by a sphere is:
A 2π B  4π C 6π D 8π
7-The percentage uncertainty in measurement of mass and velocity are 2% and 3%. The maximum
uncertainty in the measurement of kinetic energy is:
A 11% B  8% C 6% D 5%
8- Which is not a base quantity?
A current B Temperature C Length D  Charge
9-Significant figures in 0.0105099 are:
A 5 B  6 C 7 D 8
10- The dimensions of pressure are:
A [MLT-2] B  [ML-1T-2] C [MLT-1] D [ML2T-2]
11-A force of 5N is acting along Y-axis. Its component along X-axis is :
A-5N  B-zero C-10N D-None
12-If F = 2i + 3j N and d = 4i + 4j m, then work done will be:
A-13J B-18J  C-20J D-24J
13-The angle between two forces of equal magnitude having a resultant equal in magnitude, is?
A-45˚ B-90˚  C-120˚ D-180˚
14-The transverse electromagnetic nature of light waves is proved by:
A-Scattering B-Interference  C- D-Diffraction
15-A good telescope has
 A- Large B-small aperture C-zero apperture D-None
16-If A . B = 1 and A=2 and B=2, then angle between them is:

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A-30˚  B-75˚ C-60˚ D-90˚
17-if f=5cm and d= 25cm then magnification of simple microscope is:
A-5 B-4 C-125  D- 6
18-The maximum size of an object as seen by naked eye is obtained when object is placed at:
A-Focal length B-Optical centre  C-least D-in b/w focal length
distance of and optical centre
19-Torque has maximum value if the angle between r and F is:
A-30˚ B-45˚ C-60˚  D-90˚
20-Light waves are:
A-Longitudinal waves B-Transverse waves  C-Transverse D-None
etic waves
21-The angle of projection for which the maximum height and range are equal for a projectile is?
A)36˚ B)45˚  C)76˚ D)90˚
22-In projectile motion; the vertical acceleration is:
A) ay  B) g C) zero D) none
23-Which of the following is optically active:
A)Quartz B)Sodium chlorate C)Tartaric acid and  D)All of
sugar these
24-The range of a projectile at 30˚ with horizontal is same at an angle of:
A)15˚ B)45˚  C)60˚ D)90˚
25-Bragg’s equation is given by:
A) B)  C) D)

26-The dimensions of force are:

 A) [MLT -2] B) [M2LT -2 ] C) [MT -2] D) [ML2T]
27-k.E. is conserved in ________?
A)inelastic collision  B)elastic C)all collisions D)none
28- The periodic alternation of sound between maximum and minimum loudness are called
A)Silence zone  B)Beats C)interference D)Resonance
29-The slope of velocity-time graph gives:
A)Impulse  B)acceleratio C)momentum D)distance covered
30-For maximum range, a projectile must be fired at an angle of:
A)30˚  B)45˚ C)60˚ D)90˚
31-The center of Newton rings is:
A) Bright B) Blue  C) Dark D) Dim
32-Power can be defined as the product of force and …………………….?
A)displacement  B)velocity C)time D)mass
33-Which one is the biggest unit of energy?
A)Erg B)Joule C)Watt hour  D)Kilowatt

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34-The area under the curve of force-displacement graph represents?
A)force B)displacement  C)work D)power
35- The value of solar constant is :
 A) 1.4 KW B) 1.0 KW m C) 2.4 KW m D) 1.04 KW m
36- The area under Pressure Volume graph represents:
 A) Work B) internal energy C) Entropy D) Heat
done by gas
37-A stone is thrown up from the surface of the earth when it reaches at maximum height, its K.E. is?
A)mgh B)1/2mv2  C)Zero D)None
38- Which is the renewable source of energy?
A) coal B) natural gas  C) sunlight D) uranium
39-The ratio between the orbital and escape velocities is:
A)√2  B)1/√2 C)2 D)1
40-Which one is bio fuel?
A)water B)petrol  C)ethanol D)oil
41- The angular momentum “ L “ is given by :
A Mω B ω×r C r×F D  r×P
42- Structure of Hemoglobin is determined by:
A  X ray B Spectrometry C Interferometer D microscope
43- When hot and cold water are mixed entropy of the system:
A Remains same B Decreases C  Increases D none
44- One geostationary satellite covers a longitude of :
A 90˚ B  120˚ C 180˚ D 270˚
45-The weight of the body at centre of earth is:
A Slightly less B Slightly greater C  Zero D Maximum
46-The ratio of moment of inertia of disc and hoop is:
A  1/2 B ¼ C √ D 1/12
47-As we move below the surface of the earth the value of “g”:
A increase B  Decreases C Remain constant D None
48-Grating element is given by:
A N/L B  L/N C L2/N D N2/L
49-The largest satellite system is managed by the countries:
A  126 B 136 C 120 D 3
50-Satellite communication uses:
A Radio-waves B  Micro- C x-rays D Infrared-rays
51-The SI unit of viscosity is:
A Kg m-1 s-2 B  Kg m-1 s-1 C Kg m s-1 D Kg m2 s-2
52-If a transverse wave travelling in a rarer medium is incident on a denser medium, it is reflected by:
A  180o B 0o C 90o D 45o

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53-The systolic pressure is about:
A 115 torr B  120 torr C 80 torr D 130 torr
54-The working of carburetor of a car uses:
A Continuity equation B  Bernoulli’s C Gravitational law D Stoke’s Theorem
55-Which has minimum viscosity:
A  Air B Water C Blood D Glycerin
56-The unit of “ρgh” is same as that of :
A Force B Volume C  Pressure D Work
57-Venturi meter is a device used to measure………………..of the fluid?
A Pressure B  Speed C Density D Viscosity
58-In case of aero-plane, the speed of air above the wing is:
A Lower B  Greater C Equal D None
59-The lower reading of blood pressure is called………………..pressure?
A Systolic B  Diastolic C Normal D None
60-Blood pressure is measured by:
A hydrometer B barometer C Venture meter D  Sphygmoma
61- Tuning of the radio set is an example of __________resonance?
A Mechanical B Musical C  electrical D None
62- The frequency of the waves produced in the microwave oven is:
A 1860MHz B 2850MHz C 1435MHz D  2450MHz
63- In SHM, the velocity of the particle is maximum at:
A  Mean B Extreme position C Both D None
64-The time period of a second pendulum is:
A 1s B  2s C 3s D 4s
65-Length of the simple pendulum whose time period is 1sec:
A  0.25 m B 100 m C 25 m D 0.25 cm
66-In SHM total energy is maximum at:
A Mean position B Extreme position C Mid way b/w mean D  At every
and extreme point
67-The SI unit of the spring constant is:
A Nm B 
Nm-1 C Nm-2 D m-1
68-If the length of the pendulum becomes four times, then its frequency will become?
A  Half B doubled C 4 times D 8 times
69-For normal adjustment length of telescope is:
A  fo+fe B fo-fe C fe/fo D fo/fe
70-The force responsible for the vibratory motion of the simple pendulum is:
A mg cosθ B  mg sinθ C mg tanθ D mg
71-The speed of sound has maximum value in:
A Oxygen B air C  hydrogen D Helium

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72-The effect of decrese in pressure with increase in speed of the fluid in a horizontal pipe is known as:
A Bernoulli’s theorem B  Venturi C Continuity principle D Torricelli’s theorem
73-The speed of sound is greatest in:
A water B Air C  Steel D Ammonia
74-Increase in velocity of sound in air for 1 oC rise in temperature is:
A 1.61ms-1 B 61ms-1 C  0.61ms-1 D 1ms-1
75-Which medium can transmit both transverse and longitudinal waves?
A  solid B Gas C Liquid D Plasma
76-The speed of sound is greater in solid due to their high?
A density B Pressure C temperature D  Elasticity
77-The error in the value of speed of sound calculated by Newton at STP is about?
A 14% B 15% C  16% D 18%
78-Sound wave cannot travel through:
A air B Water C Material medium D  Vacuum
79-Which is correct relation?
A  V = fλ B V = f/λ C Λ= fv D V = f2λ
80-The louder the sound, greater will be its?
A  Amplitude B frequency C Speed D Wavelength
81-The distance between two consecutive nodes or antinodes is:
A λ/4 B  λ/2 C Λ D 2λ
82-In a stationary waves the velocity of the particle at the nodes is:
A Maximum B Minimum C Constant D  Zero
83-Beats are used to find:
A  Frequency B Intensity C wavelength D Speed
84-The number of nodes between two consecutive antinodes is:
A Zero B  1 C 2 D 3
85-RADAR system is the application of:
A interference B Beats C Stationary waves D  Doppler
86-Stars moving away from the earth show a:
A  Red shift B Blue shift C Yellow shift D Green shift
87-Beats can be heard when the difference of frequency is not more than:
A 4 B 6 C 8 D  10
88-The distance between the node and the next anti node is?
A  λ/4 B λ/2 C Λ D 2λ
89-The waves used in “Sonar” are……………waves?
A  sound B Matter C Water D Electromagnetic
90-The fixed ends of a vibrating string are:
A  Nodes B Antinodes C overtones D none
91-Which one of the following cannot be polarized:
A Radio waves B UV-rays C X-rays D  Sound

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92- ‘The velocity of object will be constant if net force is zero’ is the statement of:
A Newton’s 3rd law B Newton’s 2nd law C Law of conservation D  Newton’s
of momentum 1st law
93-The velocity of object will be constant if net force is
A  Zero B Uniform C Contant D Variable
94-Diffraction is a special type of :
A Reflection B  Interference C polarization D Scattering
95-‘Change in momentum is proportional to the magnitude of force’ is statement of
A Newton’s 1st law B Newton’s 3rd law C  Newton’s D Law of
2nd law conservation of
96-At very large distance from a point source we get…………….wave front?
A cylindrical B Elliptical C Spherical D  Plane
97-The appearance of colour in the thin film is due to:
A diffraction B  interference C polarization D Scattering
98-A grating has 5000 lines per cm then grating element is?
A  2 × 10-6 m B 2 × 10-8 m C 2 × 10-10 m D 2 × 10-4 m
99-Sodium chloride in flame gives out pure:
A Blue light B  Yellow light C Red light D White light
100-Light glare can be reduced by using…………….glasses?
A Ordinary B Sun C  Polaroid D None
101-The speed of light in other materials is:
A  Less than B Greater than “c” C Equal to “c” D None
102-The index of refraction is defined as?
A v/c B  c/v C cv D 1/c v
103-Optical fibre cable carries data in the form of?
A Sound B  Light C Electrical signal D Heat
104-According to Newton’s 3 law of motion which of the following is correct:
A Objects exert equal B Objects exert forces C Objects receive D  All of these
and opposite forces for same length of equal and opposite
time impulse
105-The apparent size of the object depends upon:
A  Angle B Inverse angle C Brightness of object D None
106-The magnification power of a simple microscope is:
A  1+d/f B 1-d/f C 1+f/d D f0/fe
107-The units of unit vector are:
A meters B Depends on C Depends on D  No units
quantity direction
108-In optical fibre communication system, the wavelength of light used is:
A  1.3μm B 1.5μm C 5μm D 50μm
109-A layer over a central core of the optical fibre is called:

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A jacket B plastic C  Cladding D Rubber
110-In modern fibre optical system, repeaters are used at a distance of?
A 1km B 30km C 33km D  100km
111-The sum of all the energies in a system is?
A P.E. B K.E. C  Internal D None
112-At constant temperature, the graph between V and 1/P is:
A hyperbola B parabola C  Straight D Curve
113-Which is adiabatic process?
A W = ΔU B  +W = -ΔU C W=0 D W=Q
114-PVϒ = constant holds good for…………process?
A isothermal B Isochoric C Isobaric D  Adiabatic
115-The K.E. of the molecules of an ideal gas at absolute zero will be:
A Infinite B  Zero C Very high D Below zero
116-Value of Boltzmann constant is:
A  1.38 × 10-23 B 13.8 × 10-23 J K-1 C 0.138 × 10-23 J K-1 D 138 × 10-23 J K-1
J K-1
117-Boltzmann constant “K” is given by?
118-In an isothermal process the internal energy of the system:
A increases B Decreases C  Remains D None
119-The S.I. unit of molar specific heat is:
A J mol K-1 B  J mol-1 K-1 C J mol-1 K D J mol-1
120-Isothermal process is carried out at constant………..?
A Volume B Pressure C Energy D  Temperatu
121-Absolute zero corresponds to:
A  -4600F B -3600F C 00F D 4600F
122-Entropy remains constant in…………….process?
A Isothermal B  Adiabatic C Isobaric D Isochoric
123-The concept of entropy was introduce by Rudolph clausius in:
A 1840 B  1856 C 1857 D 1905
124-Net change in entropy in a Carnot cycle:
A Positive B Negative C Not known D  Zero
125-The temperature of -273 C in Kelvin is:
A 273 K B 373 K C -273 K D  0K
126-Number of spark plugs needed in the diesel engine is?
A 4 B 5 C 6 D  zero
127-The unit of entropy is:
A JK B J-1 K C J K2 D  J K-1
128-The efficiency of petrol engine is:

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A 20% B  25% C 35% D 40%
129-Internal energy of substance is directly proportional to:
A pressure B volume C  temperatur D None
130-When heat is added to system entropy change is:
A  positive B negative C Zero D None
131.The body of mass 2kg moving with velocity of 4m/s has K.E of:
A  16J B 8J C 32J D 2J
132.Work done will be maximum when angle b/w F and d is:
A 180o B 90o C 60o D  0o
133.Change in position is called:
A Distance B Speed C  Displacement D Velocity
134.Area under velocity time graph represents:
A Force B Displacement C  Distance D Acceleration
135.If the displacement covered by body is zero, then its distance is
A Negative B Zero C It cannot be zero D  May or
may not
136.Two bodies are moving in opposite direction with velocity V. What is relative velocity b/w them.
A B  2v C V D Zero
137.Vins=Vave if:
A a is zero B  a is C a is variable D Object moves in
uniform circle
138.Taking off rocket can be explained by:
A 1st law of motion B 2nd law of motion C  3rd law of D None
139.The range of projectile is directly proportional to:
A  B Sin2θ C Sinθ D 2sinθ
140.When the projectile reaches the highest point of trajectory, the vertical component of velocity
A Small B Maximum C Vi cos θ D  Zero
141.Original source of energy for biomass is
A Earth B Moon C  Sun D Star
142.Earth receives large amount of energy directly from:
A Wind B Water C  Sun D Moon
143.The magnitude of i x j =
A K B  1 C 0 D None
144.Solar constant is:
A 1400Wm-2 B 0.4kWm-2 C 1.4kWm-2 D  Both a and
145.In Salter’s Duck which part is used to run electricity generator:
A Balance float B  Duck float C Ocean waves D All of these
146.Which one is the highest power multiple?

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A  Giga B beta C Mega D Deca
147.The SI unit of intensity of light is:
A Mole B Kelvin C  Candela D Ampere
148.0.0023 can be expressed in scientific notation as:
A 23 x 10-4 B 0.23 x 10-2 C  2.3 x 10 -3 D None
149.75.560 is round off as:
A  75.6 B 75.7 C 76.00 D None
150.If p is the momentum of an object of mass m, the expression p2/2m has base units identical to:
A  Energy B Force C Power D Velocity
151.How many significant zeros are there in 0.0005010
A 3 B 4 C  2 D 6
152.Error in the measurement of radius of sphere is 1% .The error in the calculated value of its
volume will be:
A 7% B 5% C  3% D 1%
153. has the dimensions of
A  velocity B Acceleration C Momentum D Power
154.Which of the following is a vector quantity:
A Power B Work C  Impulse D Pressure
155.How many vectors can be added using head to tail rule:
A 2 B 3 C 4 D  Any
156.Two vectors can be said to equal vectors if they have:
A Same magnitude B Same magnitude, C Same magnitude, D  Both B
but different same direction same direction and and C may
direction and same initial different initial possible
points points
157.A x B =
A BXA B  -B x A C A.B D B.A
158.When vectors are mutually perpendicular then, i.j=
A j.k B k.i C 0 D  All
A j.j B 1 C k.k D  All
160.If A=B and | | =Area of ……….
A Triangle B Rectangle C  Square D Parallelogram
161.1/2| | =Area of ……….
A  Triangle B Rectangle C Square D Parallelogram
162.The product of time period and frequency is:
A zero B  1 C 2 D Π
163.The relation b/w time period and frequency is:
A B C D  fT=1

164.The distance covered during one vibration of an oscillating body in terms of Amplitude “A” is:
A A/2 B A C 2A D  4A

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165.The profile of periodic waves generated by a source executing S.H.M is represented by a:
A Circle B  Sine curve C Tangent curve D Cosine curve
166.The S.I unit of force constant is identical with that of:
A force B Pressure C  Surface D Loudness
167.The displacement of S.H.M is x=xo Cos wt and if it is written as x=xo Sin wt. Then initial phase will
be equal to:
A 0o B 45o C  90o D 180o
168.The distance covered by a body in one complete vibration is 4cm. what is the amplitude of the
A  1cm B 4cm C 5cm D ¼ cm
169.The time period of the second hand of clock is:
A 12 h B  60 sec C 1 sec D 24h
170.Time period of oscillating bodies is independent of:
A Temperature B Length C Mass D  Amplitude
171.A body executing SHM. What fraction of its total energy will be kinetic energy when its
displacement from the mean position is half of its displacement?
A ½ B 3/2 C  3/ 4 D ¼
172.The period of simple pendulum only depends on:
A Mass of bob B  Length of C Amplitude of D Size of bob
the vibration
173.Which expression is correct for the time period of simple pendulum?
A T∝l B T∝m C  T∝ D T∝lm
174.The frequency of second pendulum is:
A 1Hz B 2Hz C  0.5Hz D 5Hz
175.The amplitude of simple pendulum is increased 4 times, the time period will be:
A Four times B Half C  Same D Two times
176.The wavelength of waves produced by microwave oven is:
A 0.12cm B 1cm C 6cm D  12cm
177.1 rev / minute is equal to:
-1 -1 -1 -1
A π/6 rads B π/15 rads C π/20 rads D  π/30 rads
178.1 radian is equal to……………degrees.
A 67.3 B  57.3 C 87.3 D 45
179.A light year is the distance, light travels in one year. How many meters are there in one light year?
-15 15 15 15
A 9.5x10 m B  9.5x10 m C 9.5x10 cm D 9.5x10 km
180.For assessment of uncertainty in the final result obtained by multiplication and division …………
A Absolute B Fractional C  Percentage D Errors are added
uncertainties are uncertainties are uncertainties
added added are added
181.Which is a correct record for the diameter of the wire when measured by a screw gauge of least count
A 2.3cm B 2.31cm C  2.312cm D 2.3124cm
182.The branch of physics which deals with the ultimate particles of which the matter is composed

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A Plasma physics B Atomic physics C Nuclear physics D  Particle
183.The S.I unit of pressure in terms of base units is:
A  Kgm-1s-2 B Kgm-1s-3 C Kgms-2 D Kgm2s-2
184.Which of the following is least multiple?
A Pico B Femto C Nano D  Atto
185.One radian is equal to……….rev.
A 2π B π/4 C π/2 D  1/2π
186.1 tera=
A 1015 B 1018 C  1012 D 10-12
187.The resultant of two perpendicular vectors of magnitude A will be……
A A B 2A C A2 D 
188.The direction of a vector in space is specified by:
A 1 angle B 2 angles C  3 angles D 4 angles
189.A single vector having the same effect as all the original vectors taken together, is called:
A  Resultant B Equal vector C Position vector D Unit vector
190.A ball is allowed to fall freely from certain height. It covers a distance in first second equal to
A 2g B G C  g/2 D None
191.A cricket ball is hit so that it travels straight up and it acquires 3 seconds to reach the maximum
height. Its initial velocity is.
A 10 ms-1 B 15 ms-1 C  29.4 ms-1 D 12.2 ms-1
192.If A=2i+j+2k then | |
A Zero B  3 C 5 D 9
193.The length of second pendulum is?
A 100cm B 99cm C  99.2cm D 98cm
194.The speed of sound in air depends upon ?
A Humidity B Temperature C Density D  All
195.The value of “ɣ” for diatomic gas is?
A 1.67 B  1.40 C 1.29 D None

196-The resultant of 3N and 4N forces making an angle of 90° with each other is:
10N 7N  5N 8N
197-Self dot product of a vector A is equal to:
 A² 1 Zero None
198-The cross product of k×j is:
I j K -i
199-If A.B=1 and A=2 and B=1,then angle between them is?
30°  60° 45° 90°
200-Dimensions of co-efficient of viscosity are :
[MLT¯¹] [MLT¯²]  [ML¯¹T¯¹] [ML²T¯¹]
201- 1torr =_______(in Nm¯²)
 133.3 1333 135.3 130.3

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202-The systolic pressure is about:
115torr  120torr 80torr 130torr
203-The wavelength of the X-rays is :
 1Å 10Å 100Å 1000Å
204-The wave nature of the light was proposed by :
Thomas Young Maxwell  Huygens Newton
205-The blue color of the sky is due to :
Diffraction Interference Polarization  Scattering
206-The value of critical angle for glass-air boundary is :
41.5° 42° 42.8°  41.8°
207-In optical fiber communication system ,the wavelength of light used is:
 1.3μm 1.5μm 5μm 50μm
208-For normal adjustment the length of the telescope is given by:
 fₒ+fₑ fₒ-fₑ fₒ×fₑ fₒ/fₑ
209-If magnifying power of glass is 3,then focal length will be:
25cm  12.5cm 5cm 3cm
210-Which of the following relation shows adiabatic process?
W=ΔU  W=- ΔU W=0 W=Q
211-The efficiency of the diesel engine is:
25% 30%  40% 50%
212-Value of triple point of water is given b:
Zero 100K  273.16K 373.16K
213-Angular Acceleration is produced by :
Power Force  Torque Pressure
214-If the line of action of F (force) passes through the pivot then its torque is :
Maximum  Zero 1 rFSinθ
215-Change in momentum is also called:
force Acceleration Torque  Impulse
216-Time rate of change of momentum of a body is equal to?
impulse Pressure  Force None
217-Inertia of a body is measured in terms of:
weight  Mass Force Velocity
218-The unit of momentum in SI unit is?
N-m N²-m  N-s N-m²
219-Equations of motion are not useful for objects moving with:
uniform velocity uniform acceleration variable velocity  variable
220-Work done is zero if angle between force and displacement is?
0˚ 45˚  90˚ 180˚
221- 1 hp = …………
546 watt 946 watt  746 watt 1000 watt

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222-Escape velocity on surface of earth is given by:
√gR 2gR  √2gR 2√gR
223-If the velocity is doubled then K.E. will be?
doubled remains same  four times Half
224-Which one is conservative force?
 electric force tension in string frictional force None
225-Work done in closed path in a conservative field is?
Fd Mgh  Zero -mgh
226-The angular momentum “ L “ is given by :
Mω ω×r r×F  r×P
227-The circumference of the circle subtends an angle at the centre is :
π radian  2π radian π/2 radian 4π radian
228-Centripetal force performs ……………
 Zero minimum Maximum negative
229-A diver spins faster by reducing its :
Angular momentum  Moment of Torque None
230-The moment of inertia of thin rod of length “L” and mass “m” is :
1/2mL² mL² 2/5mL²  1/12mL²
231-SI unit of angular momentum is?
Kg m² sˉ¹ Js  Both None
232-Torque is given by the formula?
rFSinθ Iω² mr²ω  All
233-The acceleration of a body performing SHM depends upon?
Mass Time period Amplitude  Displacem
234-If the radius of earth is doubled then the value of critical velocity becomes:
A (1/ )Vo B (1/2)Vo C  Vo D (1/4)V0
235-In reversible process the entropy of system:
A  Remains B decreases C Increases D Becomes zero
236-Find the temperature at which the velocity of sound in air is two times its velocity at 10 oC.
A 283K B 20oC C 859K D  1132K
237-Both the dot product and cross product of two vectors A and B is zero, when:
A A and B are B A and B are anti- C A and B are D  Either the
parallel parallel perpendicular vector is
238-A wheel of radius 2m turns through an angle of 57.3 . It lays out a tangential distance:
A  2m B 4m C 57.3m D 114.6m
239-Acceleration of mass spring system is:

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A uniform B Variable due to C  Variable D Variable due to
change in due to change in
direction only change in direction and
magnitude magnitude
240-The S.I. unit of angular displacement is:
A Meter B Kilometer C  Radian D Centimeter
241-what is the average speed of oxygen at S.T.P
A 361ms-1 B  461ms-1 C 331ms-1 D 346ms-1
242-when angle of incidence is equal to critical angle then
A  Ray B Ray is reflected C Ray is diffracted D Both reflection
becomes and refraction
parallel to occurs
243-A force of 10 N acts on a body of mass 1Kg for 5sec. to a distance of 10m. The rate of
change of momentum is:
A 50 N B 25 N C 20 N D  10 N
244-In Michelson interferometer to switch the fringe from bright to dark, the mirror should be
displaced by:
A  λ/4 B λ/3 C λ/2 D Λ
245-Escape velocity of a body of mass 1000 Kg is 11Kms . If the mass of the body is doubled
then its escape velocity will be:
A 5.5 Kms-1 B  11 Kms-1 C 22 Kms-1 D 4.4 Kms-1
246-If the tension of a stretched string is made four times then its velocity of wave :
A Remains same B Is halved C  Becomes D Becomes 4 times
247-Derived units are derived from:
A Base units only B Supplementary C  Base and D None of these
units only suppleme
ntary units
248-if the fluid is incompressible then
A  Its density B Its viscosity is zero C It has zero friction D All of these
is constant
249-if transverse wave traveling in a denser medium is incident on a rarer medium,then phase
change is:
A  0o B 90o C 180o D 90o
250-An orbital speed of a satellite can be determined by the equation:
A √2gR B √2GM/R C  √gR D √GM/R2

NOTE: Learn Table, Summary and Side Info from Book As well (3-5Mcqs)

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NOTE: Dear Ambitious Students,
This file is confidential and can be used only within Ambitious Campus. No page of this file is
allowed to share at any social media platform.
This file is designed to prepare BOARD EXAM 2020 in 5 Weeks. Discuss and prepare these
questions to score good marks.

1. How many nano-seconds are there in 1 year.

2. How many years in one second?
3. Differentiate between random error and systematic error.
4. Give the drawbacks to use the period of a pendulum as a time standard.
5. Show that: E = mc2 is dimensionally consistent.
6. Differentiate base and derived units.
7. Name several repetitive phenomenon occurring in nature which could serve as
reasonable time standards.
8. Write the dimensions of (i) Pressure (ii) Density
9. Define radian and steradian.
10. Define precision and accuracy
11. Define unit vector. Give example.
12. Can you add zero to a null vector?
13. Can a vector have component greater then vector magnitude?
14. Make the three different conditions that would make A₁ × A₂ = 0
15. State First and Second conditions of Equilibrium.
16. Define Null vectors and equal vectors.
17. Can a body rotate about its centre of gravity under the action of its weight?
18. What is the unit vector in the direction of the vector A = 4i + 3j?
19. Define Impulse and give example.
20. Differentiate between elastic and inelastic collision.
21. Drive relation between momentum and second law of motion.
22. Motion with constant velocity is a special case of motion with constant acceleration?

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23. State Law of conservation of linear momentum.
24. State Newton’s Second and Third Law of Motion.
25. At What point or points in its path does a projectile have its maximum and minimum
26. Can the velocity of an object reverse the direction when acceleration is constant? Give an
27. An object has 1 J of potential energy. Explain what does it mean?
28. Prove that: P = F.V
29. When a rocket re-enters the atmosphere, its nose cone become very hot .Explain reason?
30. A girl drops a cup from a certain height, which breaks into pieces. What energy changes
are involved?
31. Calculate the work done (in kilo joules) in lifting a mass of 10 Kg through a height of 10 m.
32. What is Escape velocity and write its formula.
33. Define Work-Energy principle and write expression.
34. Define Kilowatt-hour. Show that: 1KWh = 3.6 MJ
35. Show that orbital angular momentum L₀ = mvr.
36. Show that: 1 rad = 57.3˚
37. What is meant by moment of inertia? Explain its significance.
38. When mud flies off the tyre of a moving bicycle, in what direction does it fly? Explain.
39. State Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum and write expression.
40. Describe what should be the minimum velocity, for a satellite, to orbit close to the earth
around it.
41. Why does a diver change his body positions before and after diving in the pool?
42. Explain how many minimum number of geo-stationary satellites are required for global
43. Explain what do you understand by the term viscosity?
44. What is meant by drag force?
45. Why fog droplets appear to be suspended in air?
46. Define Torricelli’s theorem.
47. Explain the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow.
48. Explain how the swing is produced in a fast moving cricket ball.
49. Explain the working of a carburetor of a motorcar using by Bernoulli’s principle.
50. Two row boats moving parallel in the same direction are pulled towards each other.
51. Can we realize an ideal simple pendulum?

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52. Name two characteristics of simple harmonic motion.
53. If a mass spring system is hung vertically and set into oscillations, why does the motion
eventually stop?
54. Define time period and frequency.
55. Define phase angle, write formula.
56. Define damped oscillations, give example.
57. Describe some common phenomena in which resonance plays an important role.
58. Does frequency depends on amplitude for harmonic oscillators?
59. Why does sound travel faster in solids than in gases?
60. State principle of superposition.
61. Explain the terms crest, trough, node and antinode.
62. Define interference.
63. Is it possible for two identical waves travelling in the same direction along a string to give
rise to stationary wave?
64. What features do longitudinal waves have in common with transverse waves?
65. Some of the particles of a wave permanently show zero displacement. What type of wave
is it?
66. Differentiate between transverse and longitudinal waves.
67. How beats are useful in tuning musical instruments?
68. Define Doppler Effect.
69. Explain why sound travels faster in warm air then in cold air?
70. What is meant by stationary waves?
71. How should a sound source move with respect to an observer so that the frequency of its
sound does not change?
72. As a result of a distant explosion, an observer senses a ground tremor and then hears the
explosion. Explain the time difference.
73. Write two application of Doppler Effect.
74. Define reflection of waves, write its types.
75. Why the Polaroid sunglasses are than ordinary sunglasses?
76. Define polarization.
77. How would you distinguish between un-polarized and plane-polarized lights?
78. How would you manage to get more orders of spectra using a diffraction grating?
79. An oil film spreading over a wet footpath shows colours. Explain how does it happen?
80. Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?
81. Can visible light produce interference fringes? Explain.

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82. State Huygen’s principle.
83. How the power is lost in optical fibre through dispersion? Explain.
84. How the light signal is transmitted through the optical fibre?
85. Define total internal reflection.
86. Why would it be advantageous to use blue light with a compound microscope?
87. Explain how a convex lens is used as a magnifier?
88. What is multi-mode graded index fibre?
89. Differentiate between linear and angular magnification.
90. What is an astronomical telescope?
91. Is it possible to construct a heat engine that will not expel heat into the atmosphere?
92. Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than specific heat at constant
volume. Why?
93. Is it possible to convert internal energy into mechanical energy? Explain with an example.
94. Why does the pressure of a gas in a car tyre increase when it is driven through some
95. Write two postulates of kinetic theory of gases.
96. Derive the Charles’s law.
97. State first law of thermodynamics.
98. Define adiabatic process.
99. Does entropy of a system increase or decrease due to friction?
100. Define reversible process.
101. Give an example of a natural process that involves an increase in entropy.
102. Can the mechanical energy be converted completely into heat energy? If so give an
103. A thermos flask having milk as a system is shaken rapidly. Does the temperature of milk
104. What happens to the temperature of the room, when an air conditioner is left running on
a table in the middle of the room?
105. State the second law of thermodynamics.
106. What is a steam engine?
NOTE: 50% Short Questions will be asked from exercise and 50% from topics
within chapter so try to learn following definitions.

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NOTE: Dear Ambitious Students,
This file is confidential and can be used only within Ambitious Campus. No page of this file is
allowed to share at any social media platform.
This file is designed to prepare BOARD EXAM 2020 in 5 Weeks. Discuss and prepare these
questions to score good marks.
1 Physics, Frontiers of fundamental sciences, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics,
Solid State Physics, Base and derived quantities, SI Units,(Base, derived and
Supplementary units), scientific notation, Radian/Ste-radian,
Random/Systematic error, Significant figures, Precision, Accuracy,
determination of significant figures, Uncertainty/ Rules, Dimensional
analysis/Significance, Uncertainty in timing experiment (How to Reduce)
2 Vector/Rectangular coordinate system, Resultant vector, Null Vector, Unit
Vector, Equal vectors, Position vector, Component of a vector/Rectangular
Components of a vector, Equilibrium, Torque.
3 Displacement.velocity,Acceleration,Force, Equations of motion, Inertia/ Law
of inertia, Laws of motion, Relation b/w momentum and force,Impulse,
Isolated system, Collision(elastic,Inelastic),Momentum, Projectile
motion,Range,height of a projectile,Time of Flight
4 Work, Conservative field,Power,P=F.V,Energy,K.E / P.E,Work-energy
Principle,Negative sign in A.P.E, law of conservation of energy, Energy from
tides, Energy from waves, Salter’s duck, Solar energy and its extraction,
Geothermal energy, Biomass as energy source,Gravitational Potential
energy,Absolute Gravitational Potential Energy,Escape Velocity, Geysers.
5 Angular displacement and velocity,Relation b/w linear and angular velocity/
Acceleration,Centripetal force/ Acceleration, Angular momentum,,moment
of Inertia,Artificial satellites,orbital velocity , Newton’s/ Einstein Review of
6 Viscosity, Stokes law, Dragforce,TerminalVelocity,laminar/ Turbulent flow,
Speed of efflux, Blood pressure (systolic / diastolic) ,Equation of continuity,
Bernoulli,s Theorem, Torecelli’s theorem / Venturi relation, Terminal
7 S.H.M, Vibration, Time period, Frequency, Angular frequency, Phase angle,
Dependence of time period (Simple pendulum/ Mass spring system),
Statement of energy conservation, Free and forced oscillation, Damping/
Damed Oscillations, Sharpness, ,SimplePendulum, Resonance/ Applications
8 Transverse and longitudinal waves, progressive/ Periodic waves, Factors
affecting speed of sound,Superposition Principle, interference(
Constructive/Destructive),beats,node,antinode,stationary waves , Doopler

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effect (Applications)
9 wavefront,Ray of light/Nature, Huygen’s Principle, Conditions for
interference, Thinfilm,Diffraction,Interference of light,polarization, Optical
rotation/ Optically active crystals
10 Near Point,magnifying power( Linear / Angular),Resolving
Collimator,power,Refractive Index, Optical fibres, Total internal reflection,
Losses of power
11 Pressure of a Gas, Postulates of KMT, Laws of thermodynamics (Statements),
Internal Energy, Cp and Cv, Entopy, Reversible/Irreversible process, Heat
engine/Carnot’s engine, Absolute zero/Tripple point, working of
petrol/Diesel engine, entropy/Environmental crisis, Isothermal/Adibatic
process (Isotherm/Adiabat)
NOTE: Dear Ambitious Students,
This file is confidential and can be used only within Ambitious Campus. No page of this file is
allowed to share at any social media platform.
This file is designed to prepare BOARD EXAM 2020 in 5 Weeks. Discuss and prepare these
questions to score good marks.
1 Base and derived quantities and S.I Units (base, 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 1.7,
supplementary, derived), Scientific notation and 1.9, 1.10
significant figures, Precision and accuracy Examples:1.1, 1.3,
1.4, 1.6
2 Addition of vectors by rectangular components, 2.3,2.7,2.8,2.9,2.10,
Torque, Vector and scalar products with their 2.14,2.15.
characteristics, Equilibrium its conditions and states Example#2.2,
2.3,2.4, 2.5, 2.6
3 Elastic Collision in one dimension and its 3.1,3,.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,
cases,Momentum and 2ndlaw of Motion,Projectile 3.9,3.10,3.11,3.12.
motion,Range and time of Flight, law of conservation of EXAMPLE#3.2,3.4,
momentum 3.5, 3.6
4 Work done by the variable force, Calculation of Problems:4.1,4.3,4.
absolute gravitational velocity,Work 4,4.5,4.6,4.7,4.8
done by gravitational field,Interconversion of Example#4.2, 4.3
energy,Three non-conventional energy sources
5 Artificial gravity/Geo-stationary orbits, Prove that 5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,5.6,5
Fc=mv2/r, Rotational K.E for disc and hoop .7,5.9
7 S.H.M and Circular Motion (velocity/acceleration), 7.1,7.2,7.4,7.5,7.8
Simple Pendulum, Mass-spring system,Phase,Energy Example# 7.1,

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Conservation in SHM, Resonance 7.2,7.3
8 Production of stationary waves (string/ Air column), 8.3,8.4,8.6,8.7,8.8,8
dependence of speed of sound on factors like .9 Example#8.1,
temp,pressure,densityetc,Newton,sformula,Laplace,sco 8.2, 8.4,8.5
rrection.Doppler,s Effect,Interference
9 Young,s Double Slit Experiment(complete),Diffraction 9.2,9.3,9.5,9.6,9.7,9
of x-rays by crystals, Newton’s Rings, Michelson .8,9.9 Example#9.2
10 Compound Microscope, Fibre 10.3,10.5,10.7,10.8,
optics(complete),telescope, Speed of light 10.9 Example#10.1,
11 Postulates of K.M.T and derivation of relation for 11.1,11.3,11.4,
pressure/ Temerature/Gas laws, Prove that Cp- 11.5,11.6,11.7,11.9,
Cv=R,Carnot,s Engine and its efficiency, First/2nd Law of Example#11.1.,11.2,
thermodynamics, Entropy 11.4, 11.5

NOTE: In few Board 2 long questions will be from Chapter#11.

Syed Arfat Haider
(Leading Physics Expert)

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