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Curriculum Map For Science 5-8

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The document outlines the curriculum for a 5th grade science class, including topics covered each quarter such as scientific method, cells, the solar system, and earth's structure.

In the first quarter, topics include scientific method, measurement, cells and heredity, and the solar system.

In the second quarter, topics include measurement, atoms and the periodic table, energy, work and machines, and earth's structure.


Scientific Method (mini unit) Measurement (mini review unit) Chapter 11 – Work & Machines Chapter 16 – Earth’s Structure
(Standards 1,6,7) (Standards 1,2,3,6,7) (Standard 1,2,3,5,6,7) (Standard 1,2,4,6,7)
● Develop a hypothesis ● Recognize measurable ● Definition & formula for ● Earthquakes
● Set up experiments properties of matter: length, calculating work (W=FxD) ● Volcanoes
● Create models mass, weight, volume ● Effort vs. work done ● Predicting earthquakes
● Gather, record, and analyze ● Proper use of measuring ● Six simple machines: lever, ● Earth’s interior
data tools: metric ruler, balance, pulley, wheel & axle, ● Continental Drift
spring scale, graduated inclined plane, screw, & ● Plate tectonics: oceans,
Chapters 3/4 – Cells/Heredity cylinder wedge mountains
(Standard 1,2,4,6,7) ● Proper use of measurement ● Distinction between first,
● Parts of plant & animal cells units as labels second, & third class levers
● Purpose of cell parts ● Compound machines Final Exam Review & Preparation
● Cell shape & function Chapter 14 – Solar System ● Simple machines & people
● Use of microscope (Standard 1,2,4,6) with disabilities
● Tissues, organs, & organ ● Earth’s rotation & revolution
systems (day/night, year) Incorporate labs to reinforce concepts
● Tissue transplants vs. tissue ● Tilt of Earth’s axis & season of Scientific Method and
engineering of the year Measurement that relate to Earth’s
● Incorporate labs to reinforce concepts Structure
● Mitosis & meiosis Phases of the moon
● of Scientific Method and
● Genes, chromosomes, & Solar & lunar eclipses
DNA ● Measuring distances in space Measurement that relate to Work &
● Terms: comet, planet, Simple Machines
Incorporate labs to reinforce concepts meteorite, asteroid, galaxy,
of Scientific Method and universe, constellation
Measurement that relate to ● Arrangement of planets in
Cells/Heredity our solar system
● Life cycle of a star

Incorporate labs to reinforce concepts

of Scientific Method and
Measurement that relate to the Solar
Subject: Science Grade Level: 5 revised Summer ‘14
Glencoe Science ISBN# 0-02-828316-3

Chapter 1 - The Nature of Science Chapter 4 – Atoms, Elements & the Periodic Chapter 9 – Rocks & Minerals Chapter 22 – Earth’s Resources
(Standards 1,6,7) Table
(Standards 1, 2. 4, 6) (Standards 1, 2, 4,6, 7)
● Scientific theories vs. laws (Standards 1,4, 7) ● Mineral formation ● Natural resources & their use
● Branches of Science ● Atomic models ● Properties of minerals ● Renewable vs. nonrenewable
● Scientific Methods ● Periodic Table ● Gems & ores ● Pollution & resource depletion
● Lab safety ● Classification of elements ● The Rock Cycle ● Man’s impact on the environment
● Scientific models ● Compounds vs. Mixtures ● Igneous, Metamorphic, & ● Protecting our environment
● Communication of scientific data Sedimentary rocks

Chapter 2 – Measurement
Chapter 6 – Energy Chapter 12 – The Atmosphere in Motion
Chapter 11 – Weathering & Erosion
(Standards 1,2,3, 6,7) (Standards 1, 4, 6)
(Standards 1,4,7)
● Measurement vs. estimation (Standards 1,4,6,7) ● Physical vs. chemical weathering
● ● Composition & structure
● Use measuring tools safely & Kinetic vs. Potential ● Soil formation
● ● The Water Cycle
appropriately Law of Conservation of Energy ● Agents of erosion
● ● Earth’s weather
● Metric units (SI) & conversions Energy transformation ● Effects of erosion
● ● Wind formation, Coriolis effect
● Accuracy, precision & rounding Thermal energy transfer
● ● Air masses & fronts
● Tables & graphs Endothermic & exothermic
Chapter 3 – Matter & its Changes

(Standards 1,4, 7)
● Law of Conservation of Matter
● Physical & chemical properties
● Physical & chemical changes Process skills: Process skills: Final Exam Review & Rocket Building
● States of matter ➢ Making & using models ➢ Recognizing cause & effect
● Signs of change ➢ Making tables ➢ Interpreting data
➢ Analysis & interpretation of data ➢ Classifying
➢ Predicting ➢ Comparing & contrasting Process skills:
➢ Interpreting illustrations ➢ Observing & inferring ➢ Classifying
Process skills: ➢ Compare & contrast ➢ Making models ➢ Comparing & Contrasting
➢ Forming a hypothesis ➢ Communicating information ➢ Sequencing ➢ Concept mapping
➢ Controlling variables ➢ Communicating
➢ Using numbers ➢ Making models
➢ Recognizing cause & effect
➢ Analysis & interpretation of data
➢ Communicating information
➢ Comparing & contrasting
➢ Measuring in SI
➢ Making & using models

Subject: Science Grade Level: 6 revised ’13-‘14
Glencoe Science Level Red ISBN # 9780078778063
Subject: Science Grade Level: 7 revised ’13-‘14
Glencoe Science Level Green ISBN# 9780078778087

The Nature of Science Cell Reproduction Substances, Mixtures, & Plants

Chapter 1 – Chapter 10 – Solubility Chapter 17 –
● Scientific method ● Cell division & mitosis Chapter 21 – ● Plants overview
● Variables ● Sexual reproduction & ● Aqueous solutions ● Seedless plants
● Science and technology meiosis ● Solubility ● Seed plants
● SI measurement ● DNA ● Acids and bases (Standards 1,2,4, & 7)
(Standards 1,2,4, & 7) (Standards 1,2& 4)Labs: (Standards 1,4, & 7) Lab: “Seedling Development”
Labs: a. Linear Measurement a. Mitosis microscopy Lab: Litmus test
b. “Watering a Penny” b. Measurement Support, Movement &
microscopy States of Matter Responses
Structure & Classification Chapter 22 – Chapter 15 –
of Living Things Heredity ● Matter ● Skin
Chapter 8 – Chapter 11 – ● Changes of state ● Muscular system
● Living things ● Genetics ● Behavior of fluids ● Skeletal system
● Classification ● Genetics since Mendel (Standards 1,2,3,4, & 7) ● Nervous system
● Cell structure ● Advances in genetics Lab: “Sink or Swim” (Standards 1,4, & 7)
● Viruses (Standards 1,2,3,4 & 6) Lab: The Nervous System
(Standards 1,2, & 46) Lab: Face Variations Weather
Lab: a. Classification Web Chapter 5 – Conserving Resources
Quest Regulation & Reproduction ● Weather Chapter 19 –
Chapter 16 – ● Weather patterns ● Resources
Cell Processes ● Endocrine system ● Weather forecasts ● Pollution
Chapter 9 – ● Reproductive system (Standards 1,2,4, & 7) ● Reduce, reuse, recycle
● Chemistry of living ● Human life stages Research (Standards 1,2,4,6 & 7)
things (Standards 1,2,4& 7) Project/Presentation: Research project: Green
● Cell transport Lab: Adolescent growth Weather report/video project
● Cells & energy
(Standards 1,4, & 6 )
Labs: a. Osmosis Web Quest
b. Egg Osmosis
Subject: Science Grade Level: 7 Accelerated Revised 2017

Glencoe Science Levels Green ISBN# 9780078778087 & Blue ISBN# 9780078778100

The Nature of Science Heredity Substances, Mixtures, and Periodic Table of the Elements
Chapter 1 – (G) Chapter 11 – (G) Solubility Chapter 3– (B)
• Scientific method • Genetics Chapter 21 – (B) • Elements
• Variables • Genetics since Mendel • Aqueous solutions • Representative elements
• Science and technology • Advances in genetics • Solubility • Transition elements
• SI measurement (Standards 1,2,3,4, & 6) • Acids & bases (Standards 1,4, & 7)
(Standards 1,2,4, & 7) Lab: Face Variations (Standards 1,4, & 7) Research Project: Periodic Table
Labs: a. Linear Measurement Lab: Litmus Test
b. Watering a Penny Regulation and Reproduction Chemical bonds
Chapter 16 – (G) Geologic History Chapter 4 – (B)
Cell Processes • Endocrine system Chapter 11 – (B) • Combining atoms
Chapter 9 – (G) • Reproductive system • Fossils • Covalent and ionic bonds
• Chemistry of living things • Human life stages • Ages of rocks, relative and (Standards 1,2,4, & 7)
• Cell transport (Standards 1, 4, & 7) absolute Lab: “Building Molecules”
• Cells & energy Lab: Adolescent Growth
(Standards 1, 4, & 6) Chapter 13 – (B) Earth and the Moon
Labs: Osmosis Web Quest / Egg States of Matter • Life and Geologic time Chapter 21 – (B)
Osmosis Chapter 22 – (G) • Precambrian through • Earth’s rotation, axis,
• Matter Cenozoic time magnetic field
Cell Reproduction • Changes of state (Standards 1,2,3,4, & 7) • Moon phases
Chapter 10 – (G) • Behavior of fluids Labs: a. Radiometric Dating • Eclipses, solar and lunar
• Cell division & mitosis (Standards 1,2,3,4, & 7) b.”Changing Species” (Standards 1,4,6, & 7)
• Sexual reproduction & Lab: “Sink or Swim” Lab: Phases of the Moon
• DNA Weather
(Standards 1,2, & 4) Chapter 5 – (G)
Labs: a. Mitosis microscopy • Weather
b. Measurement microscopy • Weather patterns
• Weather forecasts
(Standards 1,2,4, & 7)
Research Project/Presentation:
Weather report/video

Chapter 1 – The Nature of Science Chapter 8– Earthquakes Chapter 21 – The Earth-Sun-Moon System Chapter 24 – Waves
(Standard 1,2,7) (Standard 4) (Standard 1,2,4) (Standards 1,4,6)
● Physical Science-chemistry, ● Faults & folding ● Lithosphere ● What are waves
physics, life, & earth science ● Earthquakes & their waves ● Hydrosphere ● Amplitude & frequency
● Scientific method ● Epicenters & triangulation ● Atmosphere & weather ● Behavior of waves
● Controlling variable ● Earth in space: night & day ● Sound waves
● Metric system ● Seasons, magnetosphere ● Light waves
Chapter 8 – Volcanoes
(Standard 4 )
Chapter 14 – Inside the Atom ● Explosive, shield, & composite Chapter 18– Motion Review for Lab Practical
(Standard 2,7) ● Lava, tephra, magma (Standard 1,4) ● Microscope skills & field of view
● Sub-atomic particles ● Ring of Fire ● Speed, velocity, & acceleration ● Measuring density
● Atomic structure ● Newton’s 3 laws ● Inclined planes
● Electron energy levels, models, ● Mass vs. weight ● Classification
Chapter 7 – Plate Tectonics
symbols ● Gravity
(Standard 4 )
● Atomic number
● Sea floor spreading Administration of Lab Practical
● Mass number
● Continental drift Chapter 19 – Forces & Newton’s Laws
● Mid-ocean ridge (Standard 1,4,6)
Review for NYS Written Assessment
Chapters 15 & 16 – The Periodic Table ● F=ma (acceleration)
● Topographic maps
(Standard 2,4,7) ● Law of Conservation of Energy
● S & P graphs
● Chemical activity ● Action-reaction
● Human organ systems
● Atoms & energy Chapter s 4 & 5 – Life & the Environment
● Rock cycle
● Periodic Table (Standard 1,4 6,)
Chapter 22 – Electricity ● Graph reading
● Metals & non-metals ● Living & non-living environments
(Standards 1,4,6) ● Simple machines
● Molecules ● Interactions among living organisms
● Electric charge ● Mineral identification
● Physical vs. chemical changes & ● Matter & energy
● Electric currents
● Electric circuits
Administration of NYS Written Assessment
Chapter 6 – Ecosystems ● Ohms law
Chapter17 – Chemical Reactions (Standard 1,4)
(Standard 4,6) ● Changing ecosystems Introduction to Earth Science Topics
Chapter 23 – Magnets
● Synthesis & decomposition ● Land environments ● Lab format
(Standards 1,4,6)
● Speed of reactions ● Water environments ● Use of Reference Tables
● What is magnetism
● Exothermic & endothermic ● Map Reading
● Electricity & magnetism
reactions ● Contour maps
Chapter 5 – Resources & the Environment
● Solubility curves ● Weather maps
(Standard 1,4)
● Natural resources
● Environmental conservation
● Water pollution & acid rain

Subject: Science Grade Level: 8 revised ’13-‘14
Glencoe Science Level Blue ISBN# 9780078778100

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