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Develomental-Task-of-Adolescence - PPTX 20240222 151422 0000

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Learning Competencies
1. Discuss developmental task and challenges being
experienced during adolescence
2. Evaluates one’s development through the help of
significant people around him ( peers, siblings,
parents, friends, teacher and community leader)
3. Identify ways that help one become capable and
responsible adolescent prepared for adult life.

1. What are the challenges faced by young adulthood?

2. How come do they face these challenges?
Developmental tasks

These are specific

skills, attitudes, or functions that
a person needs to acquire and
demonstrate at particular
periods in his or her life.
Developmental tasks in adolescence

Robert James Havighurst is

a well known educator and
behavioural scientist. He proposed
that all individuals from infancy to
old age progress through a series of developmental stage, each
comprising developmental tasks. Successfiul achievement of
these tasks lead to happiness and to success to later task, while
failure leads to unhappiness in the individual, disapproval from
the society and difficulty with later task. ( Havighurst, 1972,2)
Developmental tasks
Developmental tasks in adolescence

TASK 1. To achieve new and more mature relations with

age mates of both sexes.
Girls are now seen as women while boys have turned to
become men.
They learn to live like adults among adults.
They become comfortable working with others toward a
common goal.
Developmental tasks in adolescence

TASK 2. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.

Determine functions and roles intrinsic to one’s gender.
It is the primary concern that adolescents make their own
personal choices and develop their own definitions of what it
means to express their gender identity – which stands for being
you as you personally prefer.
While most adolescents will conform to the assigned sex roles
from socio-cultural view of what it means to be male and female,
these roles must be a task and a responsibility adolescents need
to test and develop on their own.
Developmental tasks in adolescence

TASK 3. Accepting one's physique and using one’s body

During adolescence, the body goes through many changes.
These changes are necessary expressions of development. Be
comfortable with them and appreciate the results.
Adapt a healthy attitude and lifestyle
Avoid smoking, prohibited drugs and alcohol abuse
Always keep the body clean.
Developmental tasks in adolescence

TASK 4. Achieving emotional independence from parents and

other adults.
Be able to think critically, review options and alternatives and
make one’s own decision.
Develop greater confidence in one’s self and take greater
accountability for one’s choices and actions.
Developmental tasks in adolescence

TASK 5. Preparing for marriage and family life.

Sexual maturation is the basis for this developmental task.
Achievement of this developmental task is difficult because
adolescents often confuse sexual feelings with genuine intimacy.
Indeed, this developmental task is usually not achieved until late
adolescence or young adulthood. Until that time comes, the best
way for parents to help is to set aside time to talk to their early
and middle adolescents about sex and relationships.
Developmental tasks in adolescence

TASK 6. Preparing for an economic career.

Reflect on one’s happiness and contentment.
Seriously evaluate personal skills, talent and goals and where
these can be nurtured and become productive
Prepare oneself academically.
Take additional opportunities to personal development via
activities and oraanizational work.
Developmental tasks in adolescence

TASK 7. Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a

guide to behavior; developing an ideology.
Realize the need to establish a set of priorities concerning what
is important in your life.
Determine and decide on your priorities with the help of various
interactions with your family, peers, school, community and
significant others.
Determine your options and alternatives as well as apply these
to various situation and issues.
Developmental tasks in adolescence

TASK 8. Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior.

Acquire knowledge of social expectations and norms.
Learn to incorporate one’s personal priorities into the greater set
up of social realities and open doors for participation in the
Adolescents in the 21ˢᵗ century

A lot of factors shape today’s adolescent s. Social

Development has effects on your personality.
Personality and Behavioural factors which are
prominently noticed about adolescents of this
generation , may have already been present before , but
they have been emphasized by modern social
developments such as the culture of instant result, value
placed on materialism technology and family structure.
Adolescents in the 21ˢᵗ century

The Culture of Instant Result

With all technological developments, adolescents
are less likely to be as patient and productive.
They are accustomed to having what they want
right away that delaying gratification maybe a
farfetched idea. Sometimes, adolescent feel bad
when they did not get what has been promised of
Adolescents in the 21ˢᵗ century

It characterizes the youth of today, material possessions are now
status symbols for the adolescents now a days. STATUS SYMBOL
according to Hurlock (1982) are prestige symbols that tell others
that the owner is of higher status than the other. These symbol
became the bases of their security , of being accepted and of
their personality. Being materialistic results in priotizing image
rather than working on one’s inner beauty and holistic value as a
person. Also self respect and respect of others may not be
deeply rooted but only selective and shallow.
Adolescents in the 21ˢᵗ century

Modern teenagers are tech savvy, capable of accessing
information and multitasking capable. In just one click,
information about a topic is given to us. Because of the access
on the Internet, adolescents can discover things that they are
still not ready for such as pornography. According to Catherine
Wood, founder and president of Relationship under
Construction, pornography destroy the person and the family
and it can be accessed freely on the internet. Technology also
distract today’s learners through various on line games.
Adolescents in the 21ˢᵗ century

In today’s generation where both parents usually need to work
and help each other to earn, they have lesser time to be with
and guide adolescents. With the social pressure that they have
to deal with, adolescent feel so alone and to fill this need for
belonging and attention, they turn into peers and as
consequences, they may engage in romantic relationships earlier
which may lead to premarital sex and teenage pregnancy.
Feeling neglected leads to sad and angry behaviour, tend to
rebel and break the rules and regulations sets by the parents.
Are You a Responsible Person?

In any circumstances encountered , it is taking

ownership or accountability of your behaviour
without making excuses or blaming others for
your mistakes. Successful persons take full
responsibility of their actions.
Building Blocks of Responsibility( Feiden, 1991)

1. A strong sense of self esteem or a positive belief in one self.

2. The Capacity for empathy-ability to put oneself in the shoes of
others to understand what she is going through.
3. Knowing right from wrong. Abiding what is right and wrong,
taking accountability of your action and its consequences.
4. Developing good judgement- ability to make good decisions
make you rooted to integrity and strong personal value,
hence you are not easily nswayed to do things you do not like

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