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PerDev Q1-L3

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NAME: __________________________________

GRADE, SECTION, AND STRAND _____________________

This module is good for 1 WEEK.

Deadline of submission is on October 11, 2021.


Paltic, Dingalan, Aurora

First Quarter SY 2021-2022

Lesson III
Challenges of
Middle and Late
LESSON 3: Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescent
What are the skills and tasks that are appropriate for adolescents like you that will prepare
you on your adult life? Do you already have these skills? This lesson will help you understand the
skills and tasks appropriate for adolescents and how you can develop and acquire these skills to
prepare you in your adult life.

Content Standards Performance Standards

At the end of this lesson, the learners shall The learners make a list of ways to become
demonstrate an understanding of the skills responsible adolescents prepared for adult
and tasks and challenges appropriate for life and manage the demands of teen years
middle and late adolescence, and preparatory
to early adulthood

Essential Understanding Essential Questions

Understand that adolescents experience How can an individual become a responsible
challenges for them to develop and grow as a adolescent prepared for adult life?

Learning Competencies
At the end of this lesson, the learners shall be able to discuss developmental tasks and challenges
being experienced during adolescence, evaluate one’s development through the help of significant
people around him/her, identify ways that help one become capable and responsible adolescent
prepared for adult life,

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
a. discuss that facing the challenges during adolescence may clarify and manage the
demands of teen years;
b. express his or her feelings on the expectations of the significant people around him or her;
c. make affirmations that help one become more lovable and capable as an adolescent;
d. classify various developmental tasks according to developmental stage;
e. evaluates one’s development in comparison with persons on the same age group;
f. and list ways to become a responsible adolescent prepared for adult life.
Activity 1: Pre-Assessment
A. True or False. Write True on the blank if statement is true. Write False if statement is false.

_________1. Having a low self-esteem means not having a personal fable.

_________2. Delinquency and anti-social tendencies are traced back to histories of physical and
sexual abuse.
_________3. Being overly conscious of physical appearance like that of adolescence is permanent.

_________4. Having an imaginary audience is comparable to the feeling that your life is being
broadcasted to a huge crowd.
_________5. Having a strong personal fable might cause the adolescent to feel invincible, thus,
predisposing himself/herself to risk-taking and impulsive behaviors.
_________6. Sexual behavior does not need to be monitored nor approached with caution.

_________7. Impulses can be interrupted with well-though out logic and application of self-
_________8 Hormones are not to be accounted for during the emotional spurts during adolescence.

_________9. Having imaginary audience is not natural

_________10. Every adolescent struggle with all the mentioned cases above. No exceptions.



The formation of identity is an ongoing process.

Forming identity comes with the risks we all wanted
to take for the sake of eliminating particular
behaviors that proved to be unpleasant for us or
keeping and nourishing the one’s that seem
satisfying, pleasant and worthwhile.

As we develop our own moral code of what is wrong

and what is right, we begin to express our
individuality and sometimes for a price, having a lot
of regrets and consequences that we could still have
up to now.

At approximately age 12 to 18, Erik Erikson, a famous

developmental psychologist, stated in his Theory of
Psychological Development that adolescents are going to face struggle with what they think of
themselves and who they want to be. That is why it is a matter of forming identity versus confusion.

During this stage in one’s life, one will experiment through different roles, behaviors, activities with
the sole intention of realizing his or her identity. Experience is the best teacher next to warnings and
recommendations. Once the individual knows who he or she is, he or she will realize what
characteristics his or her preferences are in a social circle resulting to a well-established foundation
for interpersonal relationship.


Adjust to a new physical sense of self. Characteristic emerge and our sex hormones
rocket up resulting to drastic yet profound changes in our physical aspect. This may drive
us to being self-conscious and anxious for ourselves around our peers and our
Adjust to new intellectual abilities. Formal operational Stage has begun and our brains
has matured to the point that it can process abstract and hypothetical schemas. To exploit
this ability is to extend and stretch its bounds for the sake of avoiding stagnation and
atrophy. Alcohol kills the brain by the way- sometimes the damage may be permanent.

Adjust to increased cognitive demands at school. With fast-developing intellectual

devices, the adolescent must expect that their educational system believes them enough
that the mental load demanded of them increases as well.
Develop expanded verbal skills. It is not enough to know what words mean but also on
how to use them. Since showing off with a deep vocabulary would make it harder for other
people to understand your thoughts, it helps if you attached to the essence between the
Develop a personal sense of identity. A personal sense of identity stands for being you as
you personally prefer- excluding who you are around your family, and your friends, beyond
their pressure, wants, whims, and expectations.

Establish adult vocational goal. He or she must start formulating goals and milestones-
quests and the paths to each.
Establish emotional and psychological independence from his or her parents. It is part
of growing up to be self-reliant from his or her parents, elders and guardians- emotionally
and psychologically

Develop stable and productive peer relationships. As adolescents, everyone has had a
tendency to follow the rule of the flock in exchange of his or her own. You would do better to
be around people that actually bring the best out of you rather than the worst.

Learn to manage his or her sexuality. Adolescent need to know how to act their sexual
orientation and remain true to themselves.

Adopt a personal value system. It is viable to realize our own value system and set of
personal beliefs. This could cause a strain into our interpersonal relationships because of
conflict of interest but we can actually pull through.

Develop increased impulse control and behavioral maturity. Moderation is key. An

excess of one thing is always detrimental. Trying new things moderately is healthier than
never trying anything at all.

Physical Appearance
Adolescents fresh off or still going through it, face a lot of changes regarding their
physical appearance. Add that to the variety of new emotions, sensations and
perspective abilities and one would be able to understand why adolescents were
conscious of the looks. It helps to know that everyone goes through puberty differently
from a lot of aspects
time, nature and degree.

Identity Development
Who are you? What do you want to be? How are you going to reach your goals?
What is the best or worst of you? What are your weaknesses and strengths? We
should also monitor ourselves for behaviors that might go over the top.

Gender Identity
You need to know what your gender orientation is personally. Self-betrayal is a
silent chain that weighs down on your potential. It acts as a big wall from being the
best person you can ever achieve.

Social Cognition: Personal Fable and Imaginary Audience

Adolescents oftentimes go through social cognitions such as personal fable and
imaginary audience. The adolescent believes on having an imaginary audience
that a group follower exists to continuously watch and judge their every move,
verbalization and public or personal behavior. This relates, like personal fable,
to the bigger concept of adolescent egocentrism. The personal fable, however,
is an adolescent belief that he or she is highly special, unlike anyone else who
has ever walked the earth

Impulsivity and Risk Taking or Thrill-Seeking Behaviors

Neurobiologically, during adolescents, the effect of adrenaline
complements the effects of increased testosterone and estrogen. From a
physiological perspective, this explains why risk
taking behaviors that involve high levels of these hormones are also at
high. Impulsivity and thrill
seeking behaviors also happen during these times of youth.

Sexual Behavior
Reproductive characteristics start getting emphasized during puberty. These are
brought about by the endocrine system
the system in our body that is responsible for hormones.

Anti-social and Delinquency Behaviors- Anti-social individuals are usually known

to be delinquent and guiltless. They are also avid manipulators, getting what they
want to the cost of another. Anti-social behavior was studied to root from an
impairment in personal, interpersonal, and family functioning, as related to
delinquent behavior.
Activity 2: Analysis
Write A if the item belongs to any of the three stages from Erikson, B if it is from Havighurst, and D
if it does not fit into any of their adolescent-grade stages/tasks.
_________1. Logical thinking.
_________2. Knowing one’s vocation.
_________3. Resolving industry vs. Inferiority
_________4. Establishing one’s level of dependence to one’s parent.
_________5. Abstract thought.
_________6. The conception of space and time.
_________7. Strategy and planning.
_________8 Independence from peers.
_________9. Resolving the initiative vs. guilt.
_________10. Expanding verbal skills.

Activity 3: Opinion
Briefly answer each questions below with your own thoughts and opinion.
1. Are sexual behaviors hormonal or by choice? Justify your answer.
2. Is delinquency a cause or a symptom? How so?
Activity 4: Essay
Write a short essay that answers the questions below.
1. Which of Havighurst’s developmental task for adolescents have you fulfilled?
2. Which of them are you still working on?

Parent’s/ Guardian’s Signature Over Printed Name

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