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Substance Abuse Prevention Procedure

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PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Practice 995 653 8111

Flexible Program Management Date 01Jul2005

No: 1523 - OM Page 1 of 11



Tripatra Fluor maintains a strong commitment to its employees to provide a safe workplace
and to establish programs promoting excellent standards of safety. The company believes the
work environment is safer and more productive without the presence of controlled substances.
Therefore, the company prohibits the possession, use, manufacture, distribution, dispensation
or presence of any controlled substance in the workplace without a valid prescription from a
physician. Consistent with the spirit and intent of this procedure, the company expects
employees to report for work in proper condition to perform their duties. This procedure is
intended to prevent the use and presence of drugs, alcohol, or other contraband in the working
environment while meeting legal obligations in relation to occupational health and safety.


This procedure outlines substance abuse policy, criteria for substance abuse testing and
substance thresholds applicable to all personnel, including management, employees,
contractors, sub-contractors, consultants and visitors.


This procedure applies to all personnel, contractors/subcontractors and project visitors.


Controlled Substance

Illegal drugs and prescription drugs obtained and used without a prescription or which are
used in excess of the therapeutic dosage prescribed by a medical professional authorised to
dispense prescriptions


Any workplace


Tripatra Fluor's Substance Abuse Prevention Procedure includes chemical screening as a

condition of employment for all employees and agency personnel reasonably suspected of
using or being under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol, post-incident testing,
and random testing.


Educational Session on Drug & Alcohol will be conducted on all Projects regardless of Policy

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PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Practice 995 653 8111
Flexible Program Management Date 01Jul2005
No: 1523 - OM Page 2 of 11



3.1 Project HES

The activities carried out on projects are subject to the requirements of the relevant State or
Commonwealth Legislation and standards. Similar obligations exist under the common law
“duty of care”.

Under these laws, management is required to do everything practicable to ensure that the
workplace is safe and free from hazards, including as far as possible to ensure that employees
are both competent and in a fit state to work safely. Managers/supervisors are responsible for
directing employees to leave the project if they are affected by alcohol, drugs or are otherwise
unfit for work. It is not a legal requirement that a person be proven to be affected by alcohol or
drugs; management only has to form the opinion that this is the case.

Under these laws, employees are required to take reasonable steps to ensure their own health
and safety at work and avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of any other person. All
employees are required to be in a fit state for work and to work safely. Employees are
required to comply with instructions from management relating to health and safety, including
a direction to leave the project. Employees must report any situation in the workplace
believed to constitute a safety hazard or injury.

No person may be on a project whilst adversely affected by, or in possession of, alcohol or

3.2 Legal Standing

The use, possession, manufacture and distribution of drugs (including cannabis, tranquillisers,
barbiturates, narcotic analgesics, hallucinogens and amphetamines) is illegal under
Indonesian Legislation. The driving or attempted driving of a motor vehicle, truck or mobile
equipment under the influence of any drug or medicine is illegal under Road Traffic
Legislation. Breaches of these laws may result in notification to the police or other appropriate

This procedure adopts cut-off levels used under Indonesian Legislation to define the level at or
above which a person may be adversely affected by alcohol or drugs. Breaches of the
requirements of this procedure may result in disciplinary action, including termination of

Project Management considers that the implementation of an alcohol and drug education,
rehabilitation and testing program is obligatory under its duty of care and legislative

3.3 Alcohol Testing Procedures

3.3.1 Fitness for Work

No person is permitted to start or stay at work with a Blood Alcohol Content (“BAC”) greater
than 0.00%. Any person returning a BAC greater than 0.04 will be deemed unfit for work and

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Flexible Program Management Date 01Jul2005
No: 1523 - OM Page 3 of 11


removed from site immediately. The person will not be permitted to return to work until
the Project Manager (or nominee) has formed an opinion that the person is fit for
work and a negative result is obtained from a further test.

Any person returning a negative result will be permitted to commence or stay at work, unless,
in the opinion of the Project Manager (or nominee), they are otherwise unfit for work.

3.3.2 Testing

Any person may be required to undergo breathalyser tests from time to time, either through a
general project testing procedure or on an individual for cause basis.

3.3.3 General Testing

A general project test may be carried out from time to time with or without notice at the
discretion of the Project Manager (or nominee). General project tests may include every
person on a project or a group of people randomly or specifically selected. As far as
practicable, testing will be done prior to the commencement of normal duties.

3.3.4 Causal Testing

The Project Manager (or nominee) may require individual testing under the following

 where there is any one reason to believe that an individual is under the influence of
alcohol or is otherwise unfit for work
 where an individual is involved in an incident, or
 where an individual displays unsafe behaviour or causes injury to other person(s) or
commits an act of negligence or carelessness or shows disregard for safety

3.3.5 Who Will Carry Out Testing

Breathalyser tests will be administered by personnel trained in the use of equipment, and
approved to do so by the Project Manager (or nominee). Testing Equipment

Only a breathalyser test unit manufactured and maintained to regulatory requirements will be

3.3.6 Testing Method

The results of each test will be recorded from the breathalyser read out as BAC expressed as
a percentage. Any reading of 0.04% BAC or greater will be regarded as positive. A person
testing positive will be advised that they may request a re-test to be done within 10 minutes
and may request a person of their choice to be present during re-testing.

3.3.7 Causal Testing

A person, who is found through causal testing to be positive to alcohol on the project, will be
removed from the project immediately and transported back to his/her designated
accommodation. The person will be counseled by their employer as to the seriousness of their

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Flexible Program Management Date 01Jul2005
No: 1523 - OM Page 4 of 11


behaviour. The person will be given an opportunity to respond and may be accompanied by a
person of their choice. The disciplinary action taken will depend on all the circumstances and
may include termination of employment.

In cases where employment is not terminated, the person will receive a final warning, which
will be recorded in the person’s personnel file. The person will not be permitted to return to
work until the Project Manager (or nominee) has formed an opinion that the person is fit for
work and a negative result is obtained. The person will take authorised unpaid leave until
allowed to return to work.

The person’s employer or the Project Manager (or nominee) may suggest or require that they
undergo counselling in their own time. If counselling is required, failure or refusal to attend
may result in disciplinary action including possible termination of employment.

3.3.8 Possession of Alcohol

A person who is found to have alcohol on the project will have it confiscated immediately. The
disciplinary action taken will depend on the circumstances but may result in the termination of
employment. If the person is suspected of having consumed any of the alcohol on the project,
they will be tested and, if positive, will be dealt with according to the procedures.

3.4 Personal Responsibility

Socialising over drinks can be enjoyable but over indulgence is bad for health and a safety
risk. All personnel are therefore urged to adopt a responsible approach to alcohol use by
drinking in moderation and being aware of the adverse effects of over-use.

3.5 Drug Testing Procedures

3.5.1 Fitness for Work

No person is permitted to commence or remain at work with a urine drug concentration level at
or above the initial cut-off levels listed below in Table 1. A urine drug concentration level at or
above these initial test cut-off levels will be a positive result and the person will be deemed
unfit for work and transported back to their designated accommodation immediately.

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No: 1523 - OM Page 5 of 11


Table 1 - Immunoassay Initial Test Cut-off Levels

Class of drug Cut-off Level(ug/L)
Opiates 300
Sympathomimetic amines 300
Cannabis metabolites 50
Cocaine metabolites 300
Benzodiazepines 200

The detection of other drugs is not precluded. Where a drug is detected for which a cut-off
level is not provided in Table 1, the Project Manager (or nominee) may, upon obtaining any
relevant expert advice, determine whether the level of drug detected constitutes a positive
result for the purposes of this procedure.

Any person returning a positive result will not be permitted to return to work until the Project
Manager (or nominee) has formed an opinion that the person is fit for work and a negative
result is obtained from a confirmatory or a further test.

Any person returning a negative result will be permitted to commence or stay at work, unless,
in the opinion of the Project Manager (or nominee), they are otherwise unfit for work.

3.5.2 Testing

Any person may be required to undergo drug testing from time to time, either through a
general project testing procedure or on an individual for cause basis. Urine samples will be
collected on site. Testing may be conducted by an initial test on site followed by an off-site
confirmatory test of all initial positive results or by all testing occurring off-site.

3.5.3 General Testing

A general project test may be carried out from time to time with or without notice at the
discretion of the Project Manager (or nominee). General project tests may include every
person on the project or a group of people randomly or specifically selected. As far as
practicable, testing will be done prior to the commencement of normal duties, however, it is
recognised that testing may be time consuming.

3.5.4 Causal Testing

The Project Manager (or nominee) may require individual testing under the following

 where there is any reason to believe that an individual is under the influence of drugs or
is otherwise unfit for work
 where an individual is involved in an incident, or

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Flexible Program Management Date 01Jul2005
No: 1523 - OM Page 6 of 11


 where an individual displays any unsafe behaviour or causes injury to any other person or
commits an act of negligence or carelessness or shows disregard for safety

3.5.5 Who Will Carry Out Testing

Collection of urine samples and any initial testing will be conducted either by an accredited
drug testing facility or people trained and approved to do so by the Project Manager (or
nominee). An accredited drug testing facility will carry out all confirmatory testing of urine

3.5.6 Collection and Testing Method

The collection of samples and all confirmatory testing will be carried out in accordance with the
regulatory authority’s requirements. Appropriate steps will be taken to ensure that the
collection site is secure, private and properly equipped. Appropriate precautions will be taken
to ensure that a urine specimen cannot be adulterated or diluted during the collection process,
which may include direct observation of sample collection. Each sample will be clearly
identifiable and any handling and transportation from site to a laboratory will be in accordance
with chain of custody procedures.

Urine samples may be tested for the presence of any drugs (illegal or prescription) by an initial
testing process on site. All specimens identified at or above the initial test cut-off limits in
Table 1 will be confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry at the cut-off levels given
below in Table 2. Any drug concentration detected below these levels will be recorded as a
negative result. Specimens with concentrations at or above these cut-off levels will be

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Flexible Program Management Date 01Jul2005
No: 1523 - OM Page 7 of 11


Table 2 - Confirmatory Test Cut-off Levels

Compound Cut-off Level (ug/L)

Morphine 300

Codeine 300

Amphetamine 300

Methylamphetamine 300

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine 300

Phentermine 500

Ephedrine 500

Pseudoephedrine 500

11-nor-9 -tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid 15

Benzoylecgonine 150

Ecgonine methyl ester 150

Oxcazepam 200

Temazepam 200

Diazepam 200

Nordiazepam 200

7-amino-clonazepam 200

7-amino-flunitrazepam 200

7-amino-nitrazepam 200

Confirmation of the presence of other compounds is not precluded. Where a compound is

confirmed for which a cut-off level is not provided in Table 2, the Project Manager (or nominee)

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No: 1523 - OM Page 8 of 11


may, upon obtaining any relevant expert advice, determine whether the level detected
constitutes a positive result for the purposes of this procedure.

3.5.7 Test Results

Communication of Results

The results of testing will be communicated to the project nurse/medic (or nominee). If a
person returns a positive result the person, the Project Manager (or nominee) and the person’s
employer will be informed. Test results will otherwise remain confidential.

Initial positive

Any person who tests positive to an initial test will be considered unfit for work and transported
back to his/her designated accommodation immediately. The person may take paid sick leave
or annual leave (if so accrued) or otherwise authorised unpaid leave depending on the
person’s entitlements pending the confirmatory test results. If the confirmatory test result is
negative, the person’s entitlements will be restored and the person will be allowed to return to
work if, in the opinion of the Project Manager (or nominee), the person is not otherwise unfit
for work.

Explanation of Result

If a test is confirmed as positive by an accredited drug testing facility, the person will be
informed of the positive result by their Supervisor/employer and will be given the opportunity

 explain the positive result

 have any spare urine sample re-tested at their own cost (due to possible deterioration of
the sample over time, re-testing need only detect the presence of the drug), and
 examine the records of the original test and receive a copy of the chain of custody

The positive test result will be considered negative if it can be explained, to the Employer’s
and Project Manager (or nominee’s), that the test was determined to be an invalid result or a
re-test does not detect the presence of the said drug.

3.5.8 Prescription and Unrestricted Drugs

The use of prescription drugs, such as analgesics containing codeine, antidepressants and
sedative antihistamines, can adversely affect a person’s safe and efficient performance of their
duties. People using prescribed drugs must obtain advice from their medical practitioner as to
any side effects which may impact their fitness to work safely and must advise their supervisor
and the project nurse/medic (or nominee) before commencing work that they are using such
said drugs.

Where a person needs to consume an unrestricted drug, such as panadol, anywhere on a

project they must do so strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended dosage.

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Flexible Program Management Date 01Jul2005
No: 1523 - OM Page 9 of 11


Where, there is any doubt as to a person’s fitness to work, by reason of the consumption, use
or anticipated consumption, or use of any substance or substances. That person must obtain
a letter from their medical practitioner confirming, to the project nurse/medic’s (or nominee’s)
satisfaction, that such substance(s) will not, in the opinion of that medical practitioner, produce
an adverse effect on that person’s safe and efficient performance of their duties.

3.6 Drug Counselling and Discipline

3.6.1 Causal Testing

A person, who is found through causal testing to be positive to drugs on a project, will be
removed from the project immediately and transported back to their designated
accommodation. The person will be counselled by their employer as to the seriousness of
their behaviour. The person will be given an opportunity to respond and may be accompanied
by a person of their choice. The disciplinary action taken will depend on all the circumstances
and may include termination of employment.

In cases where employment is not terminated, the person will receive a final warning, which
will be recorded in the person’s personnel file. The person will not be allowed to return to work
until the Project Manager (or nominee) has formed an opinion that the person is fit for work
and a negative result is obtained. The person will take authorised unpaid leave until allowed
to return to work.

The person’s employer or the Project Manager (or nominee) may suggest or require that they
undergo counselling in their own time. If counselling is required, failure or refusal to attend
may result in disciplinary action including possible termination of employment.

3.6.2 Possession of Drugs

A person who is found to have unauthorised or illegal drugs on a project will have them
confiscated immediately. Unauthorised drugs include prescription drugs, which have not been
listed / notified to management. The disciplinary action taken will depend on the
circumstances, and may include termination of employment. If the person is suspected of
having consumed some of the drugs on the project, they will be tested and, if positive, will be
dealt with according to the procedures.

3.7 Refusal to Test

Where a person refuses to submit to, or co-operate fully, with an alcohol and or drug test, the
person’s employer will counsel that person and encourage them to participate in testing. If a
person continues to refuse to submit to a test without good reason they will be treated as if
they have returned a positive test.

3.8 Interface with Testing

Any actual or attempted falsification, adulteration or other interference with a test sample or
result will be dealt with as if the person has returned a positive test.

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3.9 Sale or Supply

Where a person is suspected/found to be involved in the sale and or supply of illegal and or
prescription drugs, they will be interviewed by their employer and informed that their
employment on the project is terminated. The person will be removed from the project and will
not be permitted back onto the project.

3.10 Confidentiality

All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that all testing and test results concerning any
person will be and remain confidential as provided in this procedure. Written records will only
be maintained where necessary for confirmation and comparison of drug test results or for a
record of disciplinary action. The information will only be released to those people required to
have such information to properly carry out their duties, to obtain legal advice or in relation to
legal proceedings relating to the person’s employment or to comply with statutory obligations.

3.11 Variations

It is recognised that changes to this procedure may be required from time to time. Project
Management maintains its right to change this procedure as required to comply with legal
obligations or other requirements.

3.12 Self Help

Any person, who believes that they may be unfit for work as a result of the use of alcohol or
drugs of any kind, is expected not to go to work and to inform their Supervisor/employer
accordingly. By taking this honest and responsible approach you will remove the risk to your
own safety and the risk to the safety of other people on a project. If a person is consistently or
regularly absent from work as a result of alcohol or drug use, that person’s employer will
attempt to facilitate their rehabilitation that may require them to undergo counselling, in their
own time. If counselling is required, failure or refusal to attend may result in disciplinary action
including possible termination of employment.

3.13 Employee Assistance Program

In order to assist everybody to comply with obligations under this procedure, an

Alcohol and Drug Training / Education Program will be conducted.

In addition, an independent professional counselling service is available free of

charge to all personnel. Counselling for any problems, including alcohol and or drug
related problems, is available on a confidential basis by telephoning for an
appointment or by arrangement through the Project Manager (or nominee) or
nurse/medic (or nominee). Professional counselling is also available through other
agencies. Refer to the telephone directory in your area for contact numbers (most are
24-hour services) such as those listed below:

 Alcohol and Drug Authority

 Alcohol and Drug Information Service

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Flexible Program Management Date 01Jul2005
No: 1523 - OM Page 11 of 11


 Alcoholics Anonymous
 Al-Anon (For families and friends of alcoholics)
 Narcotics Anonymous
3.14 Nutrition & Lifestyle

All personnel through induction, training and information sessions should be advised and
reminded of the benefits to their fitness to work through nutrition and lifestyle whilst residing in
a camp or their home environment.

Project messing facilities offer a variety of foods to cater for individual needs, however it is up
to each individual to select the appropriate nourishment to promote a healthy diet.

All employers should encourage their employees to participate in all sporting, recreational and
other activities that may be available.

3.15 Stress

The results of stress often become evident in the workplace, signs of stress in employees
normally result in but are not limited to;

 Mood swings
 Anger/Aggressiveness
 Emotional displays
 In attentiveness
 Quietness
 Poor quality work

Supervisors are responsible to ensure they monitor all employees at all times and report any
changes in the performance or any signs and symptoms of stress. Employees should be
continually reminded that stress would affect their safety and performance within the


Practice/Procedure # Corporate HES

995 653 8010 Table of Contents for Practices and Procedures
995 653 8020 General Health, Safety, and Environmental Practice
995 653 8030 Office Health, Safety, and Environmental Practice
995 653 8050 Execution Health, Safety, and Environmental Practice
995 653 8104 Incident & Hazard Reporting & Investigation
995 653 8172 Project Safety & Medical Rules & Regulations

Site Specific HES Procedures

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