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Faremo Bldg., Lot 4, 6 and 8, Block 19, Road J, PEZA,
Rosario, Cavite

No.of Pages: 2 Rev. No:0 Issue No: 1 Effectivity Date: ___________________


FAREMO INTERNATIONAL INC. ( FAREMO for brevity ) has committed to

the protection of its manpower resources; especially its employees and workers against
human suffering and financial lost resulting from health degradation.

In fulfilling this commitment, which ranks equally with other business objective,
FAREMO will provide and maintain in safe healthful working condition, maintain a
vigorous medical program to include HIV/AIDS prevention. FAREMO shall fully
comply with all applicable laws and regulatory requirements whether local, regional, or
national and will continue with this commitment as long as it operates.FAREMO
committed in ensuring that all employees are made aware of and actively participate and
diligently comply with the same positive, medical philosophy on HIV/AIDS prevention
during their employment here.


The HIV/AIDS program includes detailed plans comprising a comprehensive

health program for FAREMO workers. It also addresses the process for monitoring the
activities of each employee to ensure conformance with the intent of the medical program
of HIV/AIDS prevention. This will be accomplished through awareness seminar.


Ensure compliances with local, regional and national regulatory

Prevention of HIV/AIDS and other STDs on the top of the companys
comprehensive medical plan;
Protect the integrity of each employee;


FAREMO intends to carry out these health, safety and environmental principles
with the spirit of continuous improvement in the following manner.

1. CORPORATE COMMITMENT. The company will establishe and

implement policies, programs, and practices for conducting operations in a safe,
healthful, and environmentally sound manner. The company will comply with or exceed
all applicable environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations. Where existing
laws and regulations are not adequate, the company will adopt its own environmental,
health and safety quality standards.
2. PRECAUTIONARY APPROACH. The company will conduct
operational activities consistent with the scientific and technical understanding to prevent
serious or irreversible degradation brought about by HIV/AIDS and other STDs.


actively participate in government and private organization programs on educational
initiatives that will enhance awareness protection from HIV/AIDS and other STDs.

4. OPENNESS TO CONCERN. The company will foster openness and

dialog with employees and the public, responding to their concerns about the potential
hazards and impact of health degradation brought about by HIV/AIDS and other STDs.

5. COMPLIANCE AND REPORTING. The company will measure

environmental, health and safety performance conduct regular audits and assessments of
compliance with the company requirements, legal requirements and these principles. The
company will provide appropriate information of its employees, concerned government
agencies, and the public regarding the status of compliance with this policy on
environmental, health and safety laws and regulations.

The reporting for an HIV/AIDS case shall be addressed only to the municipal
health officer to protect the identity and integrity of the afflicted employee.


The General Manager is responsible in ensuring compliance of all national

regional and local regulations pertaining to the medical program on

In addition to the above, the company nurse/physician retains

specific responsibility for immediate reporting to the municipal
health officer in the event that an employee of FAREMO is
afflicted with HIV/AIDS. The HIV/AIDS test is not a prerequisite
for hiring, thus an employee may have been afflicted with the
disease before, or during his employment.

The head of the health and safety committee in coordinating with the local
municipal health unit schedule seminars to be conducted in the project.
The head of the health and safety committee is responsible in executing
the project, medical program on HIV/AIDS on top of the companys
already comprehensive plans for its employees. In the event that an
HIV/AIDS case does not occur in the project, he will initiate the required
medical attention while safeguarding the employees 201 file.



Faremo Bldg., Lot 4, 6 and 8, Block 19, Road J, PEZA,
Rosario, Cavite

No. of Pages: 8 Rev.No: 0 Issue No: 1 Effectivity Date: __________________

This policy shall be known as FAREMO INTERNATIONAL INC.
Corporate Dangerous Drugs Policy. It shall be quoted for brevity as
FAREMO Dangerous/Illegal Drugs Policy

As a standard of business conduct, FAREMO proactively advocates a
drug-free work environment to protect and safeguard the health and well
being of its employees, and ensure safe and efficient business operation,
and secure it assets, holdings and properties from the detrimental acts of
person under the influence of illegal drugs. To its end, the company hereby
enacts this policy.

As used in this Policy, the words that follow shall mean:

3.1 Employee any person directly employed by the company irrespective of

status, tenure, rank or office.

3.2 Drug Testing Centers refers to government or private forensic

laboratories or drug testing laboratories accredited and monitored
by the
Department of Health.

3.3 Screening Test a rapid test performed by a Drug Testing Center for
purposes of establishing potential or presumptive positive result and the
type of drug used.

3.4 Confirmatory Test is an analytical test to validate and confirm the

potential or presumptive positive result of the Screening Test using a
GSMS machine. GCMS - Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry.

3.5 Drug Test Certificate a certificate test to validate Drug Testing Centers
conveying the result of the Screening and Confirmatory Tests.

3.6 Prescribed Drugs Drugs that are prescribed or administered by licensed

medical practitioners to patients.

3.7 Manager at Interest The manager of the department under which

an employee is assigned.
3.8 Illegal Drugs include all dangerous drugs enumerated by Republic Act

3.9 Committee refers to the Drug Watch


4.1 Possession, distribution, purchase or sale of illegal drugs, narcotics,

inhalants or any unlawful substances within or outside the company
premises is strictly prohibited. Commission of such shall be penalized
with the termination of employment relation. Furthermore, the company
shall forward all documents, records, and other related materials to
concerned government agencies pursuant to relevant provisions of Article
II of RA 9165.

4.2 Employees are not allowed to use illegal drugs within or outside the
company premises whether they are on duty or not. Employees caught
using illegal drugs in companys premise shall be terminated. In addition,
all materials including drugs substance, paraphernalia and records shall be
turned over to proper government agencies for filing of appropriate
charges pursuant to Article II RA 9165.

4.3 Employees Under The Influence of Illegal Drugs. Workers under the
Influence of illegal drugs as ascertained by a confirmed test result shall,
under no circumstances, be permitted to work. First time offender shall
immediately be referred to the Companys Occupational Health and Drugs
Committee for appropriate action. Second time offenders shall be

4.4 The Companys Occupation Health, Safety and Drugs Committee shall
require the compulsory submission of employees to drug testing on the
following grounds:

a. Involvement in violent physical alteration within company premises.

b. Employees accused of theft of companys or co-employees properties.
Provided, however that charges had been filed in accordance with due
c. Employees who have repeatedly fail to meet the companys policy on
absenteeism and tardiness. In the absence of a written policy, the
company shall enact one.
d. Repeated failures to meet the companys productivity quota as
provided by their respective departments. If positive, 4.3 apply.
4.5 Use of Prescribed Drugs. Prescribed drugs shall always be administered
by competent medical doctor, and employees who are under medication of
these drugs are duly bound to inform the company physician to determine
if they are fit to safely and efficiently discharge their functions.

4.6 The company shall, pursuant to the requirement of RA 9165 and DOLE-
DO-53, implement a Random Drug Testing Program. The Program shall
be initiated to develop a culture of Drug Abuse Prevention and to provide
a detection mechanism on the misuse of drugs, thereby improving work
safety and productivity.

4.7 The drug-testing program shall conform to the (strict) requirement of the
DOH. Pursuant to article III of RA 9165 the program shall employ two (2)
Testing methods namely: the Screening and the Confirmatory Test.
Furthermore, the company requires the use of the GCMS in the conduct of
Confirmatory Testing. As a final safeguard, the company shall contact the
service of a DOH-accredited Class A laboratory.

4.8 The company shall protect the sanctity of the specimen chain of custody.
In no instance will the company allow the transfer of urine specimen from
one laboratory to another. The Screening And Confirmatory tests shall be
done by same laboratory so as to centralize the accountability in the event
of mistake/error. In such a case, Article III, Section 37 of RA 9165 shall be
involved against the DT laboratory.

4.9 Right of Employee to Challenge Test Result. The concerned employee

may challenge the result of the Confirmatory Test within fifteen (15) days
after receipt thereof. Failure on the part of the employee to challenge the
Confirmatory Test within the period specified by law, the same shall be
taken as prima facie evidence that said employee has used dangerous
drugs. Forthwith, the Company shall administratively investigate the
employee, and after notice and hearing impose the necessary penalty.

4.10 Any employee who refuses to submit himself/herself to drug testing when
directed by the company shall be subjected to disciplinary pursuant to
Article 282 of the Labor Code.

4.11 The Company reserves the right to inspect, search or examine all persons
entering the Company premises for possible possessions of illegal drugs
Any person who refuses to submit to such search, inspection, or
examination shall be denied access to the company premises. If the person
refuses to be inspected, searched or examined is an employee: he/she shall
be administratively dealt with. Lockers, drawers, and tables are deemed
company properties and may be opened upon order, provided that is done
in the presence of the person involved/suspected. Provided, further, that
such action is instructed by the OHSDC.

4.12 Additional Penalty. On top of the disciplinary action the Company shall
Impose against those ho are certified and confirmed to have used illegal
drugs or caught in possession of illegal drugs, the Company shall deliver
them to the appropriate government authority for rehabilitation or criminal
prosecution, as the case may.

4.13 Prosecution of Drug Cases. As a responsible corporate entity, the

Company shall proactively support prosecution of criminal cases
involving illegal drugs regardless as to whether the accused is an
employee or not if the crime has been committed within the company
premises. Any dangerous drugs, instrument, paraphernalia, apparatus,
materials or appliances intended or designed for use, manufacture or
production of illegal drugs seized or confiscated from any person within
the Company premises shall be turned over to the proper authority to be
used as evidence in prosecuting thereof.


No. OFFENSE 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense

1 Possession of Dismissal &
illegal drugs or referral of case
drug to government
paraphernalia agencies

2 Sale or Dismissal &

distribution of referral of case
illegal drugs to government

3 Buying or Dismissal &

accepting illegal referral of case
drugs to government

4 Failure or refusal 7 working days Dismissal

to follow the suspension
instruction of the without pay
OSHDC, relative
To the implementation
Of item 4.4
5 Unjustified refusal Dismissal
to submit to random
drug testing

6 Reporting for work 3 working days 7 working Termination

while under suspension suspension
medication of without pay
therapeutic drugs
without clearance
from the company

7 Reporting for duty OSHDC Termination

while under recommendation
influence of illegal for rehabilitation

8 Proven drug OSHDC Termination

dependency recommendation
for rehabilitation

9 Conviction of Dismissal
a crime involving
illegal drugs


The company shall institute the Occupational Safety, Health and Drugs
Committee (OSHDC)

6.1 The Personnel Manager (PM) shall head the OSHDC.

The members of which are the following:

Health and Safety Officer

Company Nurse
A Representative appointed by the regular employees (optional)

6.2 The OSHDC shall monitor the job performance parameter of employees;
documents cases of potential drug abusers and expedite the conduct of reasonable
suspicion testing

6.3 Implement the conduct of a periodic, unannounced random drug test program.
6.4 Coordinate with proper government agencies for evaluation of confirmed positive
drug cases relevant to the implementation of this policy.


7.1 The OSHDC shall set the time for the conduct of the random drug test.
Employees to be tested shall be drawn through a stratified-random
procedure on the same day of the examination.

7.2 Urine collection shall only be done by staff of DOH-accredited Class A

laboratory. The collection shall be done in the companys premise so as to
ensure that employees are not exposed to hazards or inconvenience
beyond what is reasonably needed to complete the process.

7.3 The specimen can only be screened in a DOH-accredited laboratory. If

Found to be positive, the company authorizes the drug testing laboratory
to immediately conduct a confirmatory test using the GCMS.

7.4 The report of the DOH-accredited Class A laboratory shall be construe as

prima facie evidence of drug use and shall be used in the filing of
administration case against the employee.

7.5 Consistent with item 4.9 employees have the right to challenge a
confirmed positive test results through the National Reference Laboratory
(NRL) of the DOH. The NRL can stop the proceeding of administrative

7.6 All documents relative to the drug testing performed shall be included in
The medical record of the employees and shall be kept in confidence by
the company nurse.

7.7 A confirmed positive drugs test shall prompt the OSHDC to convene and
Coordinate with the DDB. The OSHDC shall request the DDB to conduct
Drug Dependency Test (DDT) on the employee. Te Drug Dependency Test
shall be charged to the account of the employees and shall be included as
part of the requirement for the continued employment. However, second
time offender shall be subjected to termination procedure. Records, of the
case, shall also be turned over to the appropriate government policy.

7.8 Based on the recommendation of the Drug Dependency Test, the OSHDC
Shall impose the following requirements as condition for reinstatement:
1. Casual Users Medical Defoliation:

The length of which shall be determine by the DDB. A certificate

issued by the detoxification facilities shall be required as condition for
reinstatement. A surprise monthly test chargeable to the account of the
employee shall also be done to avoid relapse.
Absences incurred during the treatment shall be counted as unpaid
leave (s).

2. Drug Dependent Rehabilitation:

The length of which shall be determined by DDB. A certificate

issued by the rehabilitation center shall be required as condition for
reinstatement, a surprise monthly test chargeable to the account of the
employee shall be done to avoid relapse.
Absences during the treatment shall be counted as unpaid leave (s).

7.9 Contractual and probationary employees do not enjoy the reinstatement

clause of item 7.8. The company shall interpret drug test failure on their
part as a violation of the employment contract, and thus, failure to meet
the employment requirement.

7.10 The company shall refer drug abuse cases to government and private
institutions that have detoxification and rehabilitation equipment and


The OSHDC shall document the performance of employees, Deviation from work
standards may prompt the OSHDC to recommend the inclusion of an employee in
the next random test. However, the employees inclusion is automatic and need
not be selected random. The following are grounds for inclusion:

a. Absenteeism and Tardiness (to be determined by the PD)

b. Aggressive or Physical Confrontation with incident report
c. Involvement in work-related accidents and near miss accident
d. Falling performance Indicators (documented)


1. All short listed applicants for employment shall be required to submit

themselves to a drug test which is a pre-employment requirement . Provided
that the facilities of the laboratory is accredited as Class A

2. Drug testing must be done within 24 hours upon instruction from the
Personnel Department .Failure to do so shall terminate the application process.

3. Pursuant to the principle of establishing guilt beyond reasonable doubt, the

Company shall allow the screened applicants to submit their specimen to a
confirmatory test. A negative confirmatory result shall allow for the
continuation of the employment process. However, it is an option of the
applicant to challenge the test in the same laboratory. It is also understood that
all expenses shall be to his account.


10.1 Objectives. To create and maintain a truly drug-free work environment,

the company shall establish an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to
address substance abuse problems within the organization. To this end the
Human Resource Department shall undertake a program that will provide
assistance to workers who have substance abuse-related problems. The
program shall include:

A.) Orientation and seminars for employees about dangerous drugs:

B.) Information pertaining to drug-related problems;
C.) Education concerning the physical, social, and psychological effects
of dangerous drugs.

10.2 Rules to enforce EAP. For purposes of enforcing paragraph 9.2 hereof,
the following rules shall be observed.

A.) The employee must not be a notorious drug dependent.

B.) This program does not cover drug pushers or traffickers.
C.) The employees must voluntarily disclose his/her drug-related problem to
Personnel Manager/Officer before he/she is apprehended or subjected by the
Company to dangerous drugs testing.
D.) The OSHDC shall evaluate the problem of the employee and recommend the
necessary action to be taken.
E.) If the action to be taken involves drug screening, the Class A laboratory shall
coordinate the conduct of the Screening test and the expenses incurred shall
be borne by the Company. A Class A laboratory duly accredited and certified
by the DOH shall do the screening.
F.) If the Employee is certified to be a drug user, he/she shall be brought to the
proper government agency, particularly the DBB, for evaluation to determine
whether he/she is a drug dependent requiring rehabilitation or a mere drug
user that only needs medical treatment or counseling.
G.) Should the employee be certified as drug dependent that requires
rehabilitation, he/she shall be asked to file a leave of absence for six (6)
months without pay to undergo rehabilitation. He/she may be taken back to
work after the period of rehabilitation upon presentation of medical certificate
issued by a DOH-accredited physician stating that he/she is already fit for re-
employment. If the period of rehabilitation extends beyond six (6) months, the
employee shall forfeit his/her right to be re-instated to work.
H.) If the employee is not certified as drug dependent requiring rehabilitation, but
a mere drug user capable of being cured medically or through counseling
he/she shall be allowed to remain at work provided his/her performance is not
affected. If the employee does not require rehabilitation, as per DDB
evaluation, item 7.8.1 applies. After having been cured of his/her drug
problem as certified by the Company physician or a professional counselor, as
the case may be, he/she shall be required to execute an undertaking that he/she
will never again take any dangerous drugs at any time during the course of
is/her employment. Otherwise, he/she must tender his/her resignation of the
Company shall exercise its right under the law to terminate his/her
I.) All information derived by the Company from any employee under EAP shall
be treated confidential.


Where applicable, violations of this policy shall be investigated in accordance

with the Code of Discipline.


This policy, which shall form part of the Employee Handbook, shall take effect
immediately after its full and complete dissemination to all employees of

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Distributions:

Date: ________________ Date: ________________ Date: ________________

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