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MAKSI-Syllabus System Manajemen Biaya - Genap 2324

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No. Lecturer E-mail

1 Hilda Rossieta, S.E., M.Com., Ph.D.
Dr. Dwi Hartanti, S.E., M.Sc.

Subject Code ECAM801215

Credit Value 3
Role and Purposes Cost is an important element that must be managed in order to achieve company goals.Good
cost management allows companies to run their operations more efficiently and effectively,
which may lead to improved competitiveness. For this purpose, companies should have cost
management system that is separate from the existing financial accounting system.
The aim of this course is to provide students with the understanding of the design dan use of
cost management control system in a company. The cost management systems are discussed
in light of an integrated systems view of an organization. Students are encouraged to think out
the box in terms of how to design more flexible and adaptive cost management sytemsto
help organization become more flexible and responsive in meeting customer needs and
disruptive business environment.

Subject Learning The course contributes to the achievement of Master of Accounting learning goals by enabling
Outcomes students to develop awareness of global societal environment (LG2), be able to write and
present their research results effectively (LG3), develop critical thinking (LG4), and acquire
technical competence in applied accounting (LG5).

2.1. GLOBAL AWARENESS : Students demonstrate an understanding of global perspectives in

accounting and their impact on decision making process (Lo 2.1)
1. Students are able to describe contemporary global issues in accounting and their
impact on decision making process (T2.1.1) (TLA)

3.1 COMMUNICATION: Students are able to communicate clearly and concisely in

presentation and discussion (Lo 3.1)
1. Students are able to clearly deliver content with logical structure (T3.1.1) (TLA)
2. Students are able to use body language, eye contact, and voice tone at appropriate
pace (T3.1.2) (TLA)
3. Students are able to use visual aids or technology (T3.1.3) (TLA)
3.2 COMMUNICATION: Students are able to communicate clearly and concisely in writing
business/academic report (Lo 3.2)
1. Students are able to express ideas logically and deliver content accurately (T3.2.1)
2. Students are able to use clear and precise language (T3.2.2) (TLA)

4.1. CRITICAL THINKING : Students able to demonstrate critical thinking ability in solving
problems in organization (Lo 4.1)
1. Students are able to recommend alternative solutions to accounting problems in
organization (T4.1.4) (TLA)

5.1. KNOWLEDGE IN APPLIED ACCOUNTING: Students are able to analyze relevant and
advanced accounting-related issues and their impact on decision making process from
multiple perspectives (Lo 5.1)
1. Students are able to analyze relevant and advanced accounting-related issues and
their impact on managerial decision making process (T5.1.N ASM)
2. Students are able to analyze relevant and advanced accounting-related issues by
applying techniques and/or preparing advanced reports to support complex
management decision making (T5.1.5 ASM)

Subject Synopsis/
Indicative Syllabus Week Topic LO Required
# Reading
1 Current Development for Cost Management 5.1.N  BSJS CH 1
System 5.1.5  AKEM CH 1

2 Value Chain Management and Value Creation 5.1.N  BSJS CH 2

Case :
ECCO(Harvard case study)
3 Strategic Cost Management : Knowing What 5.1.N  BSJS CH 5
Customer Value 5.1.5  AKEM CH 6
 KC CH 10
Customer Profitability and Customer Relationship
Management at RBC Financial Group
(Harvard case study)
4 Strategic Cost Management : Managing Supply 5.1.N  AKEM CH 8
Chain Cost Management 5.1.5 KC CH 11

Traegel Pellet Grills : Cooking Up The Competition
(Harvard case study)
5 Strategic Cost Management: The Important of 5.1.N  BSJS CH 5 & 15
Planning in Disruptive Environment 5.1.5  AKEM CH 10
 KA CH 5
Case:  KC CH 15
Burberry's New Challenges
(Harvard case study)
6 Change Management 5.1.N  KJP part I & II
5.1.5 
The Perils & Pitfalls of leading Change : a Young
Manager's Turnaround Journey
(Harvard case study)
7 Strategic Cost management: Managing 5.1.N  AKEM CH 8
Environmental, Social dan Governance issues 5.1.5  EDA CH 3, 4 & 5
Sustainability in IKEA Group
(Harvard case study)
8 Strategic Cost Management : The Importance of 5.1.N  BSJS CH 15
Capacity Theory for Cost Management System 5.1.5  AKEM CH 4
 KC CH 7
Anjelo's Confectionaries: A Product Without a
Place (Harvard case study)
9 Strategic Cost Management: Taking the advantage 5.1.N  BSJS CH 5
of Activity Based Costing System (For Service 5.1.5  AKEM CH 5
industry)  KC CH 12

Case :
Asante Teaching Hospital
(Harvard case study)
10 Strategic Cost Management: Taking the advantage 5.1.N  BSJS CH 5
of Time Driven Activity Based Costing (TDABC) 5.1.5  AKEM CH 5
 KA CH 1, 2, 3 & 4
Elkay Plumbing Product Division
(Harvard case study)
11 Strategic Cost Management : Achieving Operating 5.1.N  AKEM CH 7
Performance 5.1.5  KC CH 5 & 8

Case :
Activity based management on W.S industry (A)
(Harvard case study)
12 Strategic Cost Management : Managing Product 5.1.N  BSJS CH 13
and Pricing 5.1.5  AKEM CH 8
 KC CH 11
Case: (appendix)
Moximed Inc
(Harvard case study)
13 Strategic Cost Management : Managing Process 5.1.N  BSJS CH 17
Performance 5.1.5 AKEM CH 7

Case :
Implementing Lean Operation at Caesar Casino
(Harvard case study)
14 Strategic Cost management : Costing in the 4th 5.1.N  WH
Industrial Era 5.1.5  AB

Bitmovin Inc
(Harvard case study)
Teaching/Learning Teaching in this course is focused on presentations and discussions. Therefore students are
Methodology encouraged to read the materials before class. In every session week, each student group is
required to make a report of the selected case study and one group will present it. There are
two exams, namely midterm and end of semester exams. In addition, there will be two parallel
quiz before the midterm exam and the final exam.

Plagiarism and Autoplagiarism are strictly forbidden, as stated in the Decree of Fakultas
Ekonomi UI No. 352/H2.F6.D1/HKP.02.04.SKD/2013 about the provisions of academic
sanctions for plagiarism and fraud in the writing of the Final Work, the Substitution Paper,
the Assignment, and the Take Home Exam

Assessment Specific Assessment % Intended Learning Outcomes to be Assesed

Method in Methods/Taks Weighting
Alignment with a b c d e
Intended Learning INDIVIDUAL 65%
Outcomes Mid Term Exam 25% √ √ √ √ √
(LO Percentage in exam)
Final Exam 25% √ √ √ √ √
(LO Percentage in exam)
Participation 15% √ √ √ √ √
Case 20 √ √ √ √ √
Presentation 15% √ √ √ √ √
Participation 15% √ √ √ √ √
Case 20% √ √ √ √ √
Presentation 15%

Details of learning Learning methods for this subject are:

method 1. Lecturing;
2. Group Discussion;

Almost in all sessions and especially in specific sessions, the students will participate in
group discussion. The discussion was designed to apply their competencies to solve some
assignments. Each group will present the results of discussions with the lectureras
facilitator. The discussion and presentations are expected to improve students’
conceptual understanding and its implementation and speed up the learning curve,
especially when they proactively participate in other group presentation.

Summary of Learning Experiences:

1. Information Technology – Student will be exposed to the use of information
technology, including information gathering and knowledge for the case analysis
either from the internet or the library information system and submitting
presentation or case analysis report in that required processing by IT applications.
2. Interpersonal Relations and Teamwork – Students will be divided into groups, each
group should provide group case analysis required which required interpersonal and
teamwork skills.
3. Study in diverse and multicultural environment – the Master of Accounting program
upholds equality in all aspects, accepting students from all cultural backgrounds with
diverse almost in all aspects, student required to manage diversity properly and
respect each other.
4. Reflective Thinking – Students are required to provide short explanations on what
they think they have acquired by attending this class. This reflective short essay
should be submitted to the program on the day of the midterm and final term
Student Study
Effort Expected Class Contacts:
Lectures 10 Hours
In-Class Discussion 15 Hours
Other student study effort:
Preparation for structured group assignment 5 Hours
Individual study effort 14 Hours
Total 44 Hours

Reference Required Reading:

1. Blocher, Edward J., Stout, David E., Juras, Paul E., and Smith, Steven, Cost
Management: A Strategic Emphasis, 8th edition, McGrawHill, 2018 [BSJS]
2. Atkinson, Anthony A., Kaplan, Robert S., Matsumura, Ella Mae and Young, S.
Mark, Management Accounting; Information for Decision Making and Strategy
Execution, 6th edition, Pearson, 2012 [AKEM]
3. Kaplan, Robert S., and Anderson, Steven R., Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing;
A Simpler and More Powerful Path to Higher Profits, Harvard Business School
Press, 2007 [KA]
4. Kaplan, Robert S., and Cooper, Robin, Cost and Effect: Using Integrated Cost
System to Drive Performance Measurement, Harvard Business School Press, 1999
5. Ette, Daniel A., Responsible Management Accounting and Controlling: a Practical
Handbook for Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics, Business Express Press,
2015. (EDA)
6. Kotter, John P., Leading Change, Harvard Business School Press, 1996. (KJP)

Further Reading:
1. Kaplan, Robert S., and Johnson, Thomas H., Relevance Lost; The Rise and Fall of
Management Accounting, The Free-Press, 1987 (KJ)
2. Mc Nair, C.J., Beyond the Boundaries: Future Trends in Cost Management, Cost
Management; Jan/Feb 2007, pp 10-21 (MN)
3. Kumar V., Managing Customers for Profit; Strategies to Increase Profit and
Build Loyalty, Wharton School Publishing, 2008 (KV)
4. Reeve, James M., Readings and Issues in Cost Management, South-Western
Collage Publishing, 2nd edition, 2000 (JR)
5. Walter, David and Helman, Deborah., Strategic Capabilities and responses
Analysis: The Convergence of Industry 4.0, Value Chain Network Managemet
2.0, and Stakeholder Value-led Management, Springer Publisher, 2020. (WH)
6. Bhimany, Alnoor., Management Accounting in the Digital Economy, Oxford
University Press, 2006. (AB)
7. Porter, Michael., Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior
Performance, The Free Press, 1998. (MP)

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