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Language Hub Advanced Scope and Sequence Student's Book B

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Challenging journeys (p62) past modals of speculation and journeys and adventures showing your attitude
6.1 Speculate and make deductions about the past deduction three-part phrasal verbs
Plan an amazing journey

Inquisitive minds (p66) -ing and infinitive forms binomial expressions pauses and pitch in
6.2 Discuss rewarding jobs presentations
Give a presentation about someone you admire

Café Hub Word of knowledge (p70) engaging listeners

6.3 Plan and perform an interview

UNIT REVIEW (p72) WRITING (pXXIV) Write an expository essay | KEY SKILL Structuring an expository essay
Beyond the limits (p74) it clefting feelings intonation in question tags
7.1 Describe reactions to extreme experiences
Describe extreme situations and achievements

Extreme jobs (p78) what clefting and all clefting polysemy any and quite
7.2 Discuss extreme jobs intensifiers
Deal with difficult interview questions

Café Hub Push your limits (p82) fronting

7.3 Tell a story about an exciting journey

UNIT REVIEW (p84) WRITING (pXXV) Write a cover letter | KEY SKILL Using power verbs
Health and wellness (p86) relative clauses with complex health problems building suspense
8.1 Discuss wellness treatments relative pronouns
Talk about health and technology

Sport and wellness (p90) pronouns and determiners idioms pronunciation of idioms
Talk about sports psychology describing taste
8.2 Discuss nutrition and fitness

Café Hub Health hacks (p94) reformulating

8.3 Explain and give instructions about a process

UNIT REVIEW (p96) WRITING (pXXVI) Write a summary | KEY SKILL Paraphrasing

Language and behaviour (p98) noun phrases slang pronouncing vague
9.1 Talk about group behaviour expressions
Discuss factors that affect behaviour

Animal behaviour (p102) participle clauses and verbless verb + object + infinitive intrusive stops
9.2 Discuss animal behaviour clauses gestures and body language
Talk about behavioural experiments

Café Hub Model behaviour (p106) end up

9.3 Give and justify your opinion on social
UNIT REVIEW (p108) WRITING (pXXVII) Write a conclusion to an academic report | KEY SKILL Linking in academic writing

Urban problems (p110) discourse markers culture and heritage introducing new information
10.1 Discuss issues related to tourism nouns with to
Present solutions to urban problems

How to change the world (p114) ellipsis and substitution word building managing conversations
10.2 Talk about political activism
Discuss how to make a difference

Café Hub Changing cities (p118) describing a scene in real-time

10.3 Debate for and against a motion

UNIT REVIEW (p120) WRITING (pXXVIII) Write a persuasive essay | KEY SKILL Using counter-arguments and rebuttals


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read an article about a famous explorer make speculations about historical mysteries
KEY SKILL Prediction strategies for reading SPEAKING HUB
listen to a discussion about travel challenges design and present an original travel challenge
read an article about investigative journalism compare different types of job
listen to a presentation about an inventor SPEAKING HUB
KEY SKILL Taking notes while listening give a presentation about an inspirational person
watch a video about nature and the universe KEY SKILL Conducting an interview
watch an interview with a scientist SPEAKING HUB
roleplay an interview between Veronica Matos and a journalist

read an extract from a story describe your experiences of mental states

listen to a TV show about hysterical strength SPEAKING HUB
KEY SKILL Identifying causation conduct a media interview about extreme abilities/achievements
read an article about working in extreme places give advice to a job applicant
listen to a talk about extreme job interviews SPEAKING HUB
KEY SKILL Understanding reference within texts interview candidates for a job
watch a video about extreme driving KEY SKILL Changing and recycling topics
watch a phone call between two people SPEAKING HUB
perform a conversation about an exciting journey

read a newspaper article about new wellness treatments talk about the value of wellness treatments
KEY SKILL Identifying writers’ opinions SPEAKING HUB
listen to a conversation about technology and health design and pitch a health/wellness product
listen to a podcast about sports psychology discuss the benefits of sports psychology techniques
KEY SKILL Understanding speech with background noise SPEAKING HUB
read an article about a gluten-free diet design a fitness plan for an athlete

watch a video about food packaging KEY SKILL Repairing misunderstandings

watch two people discuss a recipe SPEAKING HUB
explain a process you know well to your partner

listen to a conversation about a psychology experiment discuss the problems of group behaviour
KEY SKILL Understanding rapid colloquial speech SPEAKING HUB
read a newspaper article about how language affects behaviour analyse and present evidence for or against an idea
read an article about understanding animal behaviour discuss experiences and opinions of animal intelligence
KEY SKILL Identifying outcomes of scientific research SPEAKING HUB
listen to a radio show about behavioural psychology plan and carry out a behavioural experiment
watch a video about group behaviour KEY SKILL Backtracking and reformulating
watch people discuss sociological experiments SPEAKING HUB
present your opinion on social engagement

read three short articles about the problems caused by tourism talk about the importance and problems of tourism
KEY SKILL Integrating information from different texts SPEAKING HUB
listen to a radio report about building design discuss how to solve problems in your city
read a newspaper article about political activism discuss world problems and activism
listen to a conversation about finding a job after university SPEAKING HUB
KEY SKILL Recognising shifts in register persuade people to support a charity
watch a video about cable cars in Mexico City KEY SKILL Using vague language
watch people argue about the benefits of urban development SPEAKING HUB
debate whether vehicles should be banned from city centres

Irregular verbs (pIV)   Grammar Hub (pVI)   Vocabulary Hub (pXVI)   Communication Hub (pXX)    Audioscripts (pXXIX)


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