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Calendar For Human Trafficking - 2

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Integrated Thematic Unit

Economics and English 12CP

Economics 12 CP
Week One Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five
(90 mins) (90 mins) (60 mins) (90 mins) (90 mins)

Standards CA Economic CA Economic CA Economic CA Economic CA Economic

Standards Standards Standards Standards Standards

12.1 Students 12.1 Students 12.1.3 12.2.2 12.1.3

understand understand Identify the Discuss the effects Identify the
common economic common difference of changes in supply difference between
terms and economic terms between and/or demand on monetary and
concepts and and concepts monetary and the relative scarcity, nonmonetary
economic and economic nonmonetary price,and quantity of incentives and how
reasoning. reasoning. incentives and particular products. changes in
how changes in incentives cause
CCSS ELD Grade incentives cause CCSS ELD Grade changes in
11-12: Listening CCSS ELD changes in 11-12: Listening behavior.
Actively Grade 11-12: behavior. Actively (Bridging)
(Bridging) Listening CCSS ELD Grade
Actively CCSS ELD Standards 5 11-12:
Standards 5 (Bridging) Grade 11-12: Demonstrate Presenting-
Demonstrate Justifying/ comprehension of (Bridging)
comprehension of Standards 5 arguing oral presentations
oral presentations Demonstrate (Bridging) and discussions on a Standard 9
and discussions comprehension variety of social and Plan and deliver a
on a variety of of oral Justify opinions academic topics by variety of oral
social and presentations and positions or asking and presentations and
academic topics and discussions persuade other answering questions reports on grade‐
by asking and on a variety of by making that show thoughtful appropriate topics
answering social and connections consideration of the that express
questions that academic topics between ideas ideas or arguments complex and
show thoughtful by asking and and articulating with moderate abstract ideas, well
consideration of answering relevant textual support. supported by
the ideas or questions that evidence or evidence and
arguments with show thoughtful background reasoning, and are
moderate support consideration of knowledge. delivered using an
the ideas or appropriate level of
arguments with formality and
moderate understanding of
support register.


demonstrate demonstrate Identify the Discuss the effects Plan and deliver a
comprehension of their difference of changes in supply presentations and
oral presentations understanding of between and demand on the reports on grade‐
and discussions common monetary and relative scarcity, appropriate topics
on the topic of economic terms, nonmonetary price, and quantity of that express
Human Trafficking concepts, and incentives and particular products complex and
by answering and economic how changes in (humans) after abstract ideas, well
asking thoughtful reasoning by incentives cause listening to Guest supported by
questions in a 4- actively listening changes in Speaker Special evidence and
Corner Activity. and participating behavior by Victims Officer and reasoning, and are
throughout the participating in a talking notes. delivered using an
lecture and jigsaw with the appropriate level of
practicing their class reading formality and
new skills by victims stories. understanding of
completing the register by creating
Introductory a Digital Arts
Mind Map Project.

Assessment Lecture notes for Notes for Notes on Notes for Special Unit Final: Digital
ITU and Human Chapter One Lecture Victims Officer Art Poster
Trafficking Lecture and
Introduction to Jigsaw
Econ Mind Map Worksheet

Activity 4-Corner Activity Chapter One Lecture on Guest Speaker: Assign Digital Arts
Lecture Incentives and Special Victims project: Awareness
Introductory Behavior Officer March in Vista, CA
lecture on ITU and Intro to
Human Trafficking Economics Mind Introduce Work on Project
Map Graphic Jigsaw Victim Community
Organizer Stories with Involvement and the
accompanying Awareness March in
worksheet Vista, CA
asking students
to identify
incentivities for
both traffickers
Ticket out the and victims
door: Lecture Ticket out the door:
notes for ITU and Ticket out the Ticket out the Notes on Guest Ticket out the door:
Human Trafficking door: Mind Map door: Jigsaw Speaker N/A
Graphic Worksheet

Homework Study ECON Reading for Reading for Reading for ENGL Combined
Notes ENGL ENGL Handmaid’s Tale Assessment:
Handmaid’s Handmaid’s Tale Book III
Tale Book III Book III

English 12 CP
Week One Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five
(90 mins) (90 mins) (60 mins) (90 mins) (90 mins)
Grade 11-12 Grade 11-12 Grade 11-12 Grade 11-12 Grade 11-12
Speaking And Reading - Writing - Speaking And Writing -
Listening - Listening -
Informational Production and Production and
Comprehension Text Distribution of Comprehension and Distribution of
and #3- Analyze a Writing Collaboration Writing
Collaboration complex set of #4- Produce #1- Initiate and #4- Produce clear
#1- Initiate and ideas or clear and participate effectively and coherent
participate sequence of coherent writing in a range of writing in which
effectively in a events and in which the collaborative the development,
range of explain how development, discussions with organization, and
collaborative specific organization, diverse partners on style are
discussions with individuals, and style are grade level topics appropriate to
diverse partners ideas, or events appropriate to and texts, building on task, purpose, and
on grade level interact and task, purpose, others’ ideas and audience.
topics and texts, develop over the and audience. expressing their own
building on course of the clearly and
others’ ideas and text. persuasively.
expressing their
own clearly and


CCSS ELD 11-12: Listening
Grade 11-12: Actively (Bridging)
Actively Standards 5 CCSS ELD
(Bridging) CCSS ELD CCSS ELD Demonstrate Grade 11-12
Grade 11-12: Grade 11-12 comprehension of Reading/Viewing
Standards 5 Listening Reading/Viewin oral presentations Closely-
Demonstrate Actively g Closely- and discussions on a (Bridging)
comprehension (Bridging) (Bridging) variety of social and
of oral academic topics by Standard 6a
presentations Standards 5 Standard 6a asking and Explain ideas,
and discussions Demonstrate Explain ideas, answering questions phenomena,
on a variety of comprehension phenomena, that show thoughtful processes, and
social and of oral processes, and consideration of the relationships
academic topics presentations relationships ideas or arguments within and across
by asking and and discussions within and with moderate texts based on
answering on a variety of across texts support. close reading of a
questions that social and based on close variety of grade‐
show thoughtful academic topics reading of a level texts,
consideration of by asking and variety of presented in
the ideas or answering grade‐ level various print and
arguments with questions that texts, presented multimedia
moderate show thoughtful in various print formats, using a
support. consideration of and multimedia variety of detailed
the ideas or formats, using a sentences and
arguments with variety of precise general
moderate detailed academic and
support sentences and domain‐ specific
precise general words.
academic and
domain‐ specific
Objective SWBAT SWBAT analyze SWBAT explain SWBAT initiate and SWBAT produce
participate Chapter 1 of The ideas, participate effectively clear and coherent
effectively a Tea Handmaid’s Tale phenomena, in a Socratic writing on The
Party Vocabulary and poetry about processes, and Seminar about Handmaid’s Tale
Activity, building Human relationships of Human Trafficking, and its relation to
on others’ ideas Trafficking by Human Economics and The Human Trafficking
and definitions explaining how Trafficking and Handmaid’s Tale, by and Economics
by completing a gender, The Handmaid’s building on others’ by developing and
Vocabulary socioeconomic Tale, by taking ideas and expressing organizing a well
Graphic and economics guided notes their own clearly and crafted in class
Organizer with interact and using academic persuasively through timed essay.
their peers. develop by language. discussion and a
annotating and paragraph reflection .
taking detailed

Assessment Vocabulary Notes on videos Notes of guest Two Level 2 or 3 Unit Final
Graphic and Quick Write speaker and Discussion Question Combined
Organizer reflection answer guided prepared before Assessment::
questions. discussion. Timed in Class
Notes on Graphic Participation in Essay
Feminist Organizer: The Socratic Seminar.
Criticism, The Handmaid Final Reflection.
Handmaid’s Tale Human
and Margaret Trafficking
Atwood Poetry

Activity Introductory Watch two ABC Handmaid’s Tale Handmaid’s Tale Handmaid’s Tale
lecture on ITU News Videos Book I Class Book II Class Review Book III Class
on Human and take notes Review Review
Trafficking, Create Two Level 2
Feminism and Close Read Guest Speaker: or 3 Discussion Table Talk:
The Handmaid’s Chapter 1 of The Operation Hope, Questions Understanding the
Tale Handmaid’s Case Worker Rubric.
Tale. Annotate Take notes as Socratic Seminar:
Vocabulary Tea and look major guest speaker Gender and Human
Party Activity themes presents Trafficking In Class Timed
Feminist Close Read and Answer guided Write Reflection
Criticism Mini- annotate Human questions. paragraph
Lesson with Trafficking
introduction to Poetry Table Talk:
the novel, The How did what
Handmaid’s Tale the presenter
and the author say relate to the
Margaret Atwood novel, The
Ticket out the Tale? Ticket out the door:
door: Vocabulary Level 2 and 3
Graphic Ticket out the questions and
Organizer door: Notes Ticket out the Reflection paragraph
door: Guided
questions Ticket out the
door: Completed

Homework Study ECON Read Handmaid’s Tale Handmaid’s Tale Combined

notes and ENGL Handmaid’s Tale Read Book II Read Book III Assessment:
Vocabulary Book I Work on Digital
Art Project

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