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Ce 467 (Ce 425)

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L-4/T-2/ARCH Date: 07/06/2014


L-4/T-2 B. Arch. Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: CE 467 (CE 425) (Structure IV: Elements of Building Structure)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for all the girders of the frame as
shown in Figure 1. Use Portal method. (23 X)
2. Using approximate method of analysis for gravity loads, draw the bending moment
diagrams for all the columns and girders and also the axial force diagrams of the columns
for the frame shown in Figure 2. All the columns have same cross section and are
uniform throughout the height. Use un-factored load. (23 X)
3. (a) Why is the strength reduction factor, <I>for columns is lower than those for flexure? (3)
(b) Determine the design axial load (factored) for the column marked tlC1 in the grid II

shown in Figure 3 at the ground floor level of a 5 storied building. Slab thickness is
6 inch, floor finish load is 25 psf and live load is 60 psf on all the floors. Disregard self-
weight of the column and the beams. (5 ~)
(c) Design a square tied column to support an axial deal load of 500 kips and a live load
of 300 kips using f~ = 4 ksi and fy = 60 ksi. Assume a proper steel ratio within limits and

design the necessary ties also. (15)

4. (a) Explain different types of failures that may occur in shear walls with proper illustrations. (6X)
(b) A three storied shear wall is subjected to lateral forces as shown in Figure 4. The wall
is 15 feet long and 12" thick. Design the shear wall for both moment and shear. All the
relevant formulae are provided in Annexure. Use f~ = 3 ksi and fy = 60 ksi. (17)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Assume any reasonable value of missing data.

5. (a) Write down the differences between meridional thrust and hoop stress in a dome. (4~)
(b) "Vierendeel Truss does not fit the strict definition of a truss~' -explain. (6X)

(c) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of 'Concrete Translation Shells'. (4~)
(d) Describe the factors contributing to loss iIi prestress. (8)

Contd, P/2

CE 467 (CE 425)

6. (a) A VierendeelSteel Truss (AB) is used to support corner columns of a rectangular

building of 200 ft x 150 ft, 5 stories high (Figure - 5(a)). The truss consists of 10 panels

15 ft x 10 ft each, with the chords at the level of 151 and 2nd floors (Figure-5(b )).

Determine shear force and bending moment at panel 2, 4 and 7. (17)

Given that,
The total factored loads (dead load + live load) per floor is = 220 psf

fy = 60 ksi

(b) Write down the differences between Prestressed and Reinforced concrete. (6~)

7. (a) Derive the equation of hoop stress in a dome due to a concentrated load at the crown. (19)
(b) Write down the differences between "vault" and "barrels shell". (4~)

8. (a) Why high strength concrete and steel are used in prestressed concrete? (3 ~)
(b) A posttensioned bonded concrete rectangular beam has a prestress of 17?0 KN in the
steel immediately after prestressing, which eventually reduces to 1600 KN due to losses.
The beam carries a uniformly distributed live load of 5 KNlm and three point live load of
50 KN in addition to its own weight of 5.5 KNlm (Figure-6). Compute the extreme fibre
stresses in the concrete (using gross section) at a location 7.0 m from left support,
(i) under the initial condition with full prestress and no live load and (ii) under the final

condition, after the losses have taken place and with full live load. (14)
(c) Differentiate between: (6)
(i) Partial and Full prestressing
(ii) Pretensioning and Posttensioning
(iii) Bonded and Unbonded Tendons

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L-4ff-2/ARCH Date: 17/05/2014
L-4/T-2 B. Arch. Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: ARCH 473 (Housing)

Full Marks : 140 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer Q. No.1 and any TWO from the rest.

1. Write short notes on: (3x8=24)

(a) Human Settlements
(b) Modem House
(c) Housing Problem

2. (a) Explain the concept of dwelling. (5)

(b) Give reasons for considering Christian Norberg-Schelz's collective and private modes

of dwelling in Dhaka. (9)

(c) Discruss with examples the meaning of housing from the socio-cultural perspective. (9)

3. (a) Explain the housing implication of the Modernization theory.. (5)

(b) Elaborate Modernity's ' programme'. (9)
(c) Explain bri~fly 'housing as a system of signs I. (9)

4. (a) Explain slum. (5)

(b) Elaborate briefly the main features of urbanization in developing countries. (9)
(c) Explain the types of homeless ness in cities in Bangladesh. (9)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer Q. No.5 and any TWO from the rest.

5. Write short notes on: (3x8=24)

(a) Adequate Shelter'
(b) Misconceptions of Housing
(c) Modes of Housing Provision

Contd P/2

ARCH 473

6. (a) Explain Housing Policy. (5)

(b) Compare the objectives of providing and supporting housing paradigms. (9)
(c) Explain the backgrounds, objectives and rationals of Global Shelter Strategy. (9)

7. (a) Explain Sustainable Shelter. (5)

(b) What are the ways in which Habitat Agenda Pursues Sustainable Shelter? (9)
(c) Discuss the ends, means and ways of housing~ (9)

8. (a) Explain sustainable housing. (5)

(b) How does sustainability differ in the formal and informal sectors of housing? (9)
(c) What past'limitations led to consider housing through a multi-dimensional sustainable

perspective? (9)

L-4ff-2/ARCH Date: 24/05/2014
L-4/T-2 B. Arch. Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: ARCH 497 (Health Facilities Planning an~ Design)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer Q. No.1 and any TWO from the rest.

1. (a) Sketch the basic functional groups in an intermediate general hospital. (4)
(b) Show the layering of zones in the hospital in relation to public access and the resultant
traffic pattern. (6+.6-12)
(c) Name the basic departments of an intermediate general hospital. . (10)

2. (a) What is the difference in the philosophy of service of Accident and Emergency
department and the OPD? (8)
(b) Sketch the basic" functional areas and zoning in an Accident .and Emergency
Department and the patient flow. (14)

3. Discuss the principles of planning and design of a contemporary Imaging Department. , (22)

4. (a) How can hospital hygiene be achieved? (22)

(b) How is environmental hygiene control exercised in an Operating Theatre Suite?

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer 'any THREE.

5. The scientific discoveries changed the morphology of hospital design in the 18c and 19c.
Explain with reference to the prior conditions that prevailed. Give examples. (23l3')
. .~
6. (a) What role is played by the hospital user group, planning teaql and the design team in
the system, and the standard process that is generally followed in developed countries? (11)
(b) What activities are generally performed in the different stages of planning and design
of the above system? (12 ~)

7. (a) What is meant by 'hospital utilization'? What are the two main classifications of the .
"indices of measurement" of hospital utilization? Also define the terms used in it. (11~)
(b) Mention the factors influencing hospital utilization and discuss any two factors. (12)

8. Discuss the general piindples of hospital organization.

, . . (23 ~)
L-4/T-2/ARCH Date: 31/05/2014
L-4/T-2 B. Arch. Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: ARCH 463 (Survey Technique and Analytical Methods)

Full Marks: 140 Time : 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FIVE questions in this section. Answer Q. NO.1 and any THREE from the rest. ,

1. Explain the differences between the practical problem and the research problem with

example. (10)

2. (a) What is a- variable? Define dependent and independent variables. (5)

(b) Write down the unit of analysis, the dependent, and independent variables of the

following research questions and hypotheses. (5x3=15)

o Are older people more afraid of crime than younger people?

o The higher the number of public lighting in a neighbourhood the lower the crime
rate in the neighbourhood.
o The greater the growth of air traffic passengers at a city's airport the more the
economic growth.

3. Why do we do 'sampling? What is the difference between parameter and estimate?

Explain the term 'population" of the sampling process. What is stratified sampling? In

what circumstances should one use cluster sampling? (4x5=20)

4. Elaborately discuss the mistake/s of the following questions of a questionnaire and make

corrections as required. Use correct terms when discussing the questions. (1'0x2=20)
o What do you think about the functionality and aesthetics of the Art Museum?
o What was your age when you first drew an isometric drawing?

5. Define and discuss the following: (20)

(a) Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
(b) Cognitive mapping
(c) Place and individual centered mapping
(d) Trace measure

Contd P/2

ARCH 463

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer Q. No.6 and any TWO from the rest.

6. Write short notes: (4xS-20)

(a) Characteristics of closed traverse
(b) Benchmark
(c) Reciprocal levelling
(d) Contours

7. (a) Define Tie lines, check lines and reconnaissance. (3x3=9)

(b) Describe with illustration, the method of chaining along sloping ground. (10)
(c) What are the important points considered while selecting a particular station for chain

survey? (6)

8. (a) Describe different types of bearing. (4)

(b) Derive reduced bearing when whole circle bearings are (6)
(ii) 235° (iii) 327°

(c) In a closed traverse ABCD the following bearings are observed (15)
(i) Check if there is any error due to local attraction or closing error .
(ii) Correct the bearings of the line BC and CD if considerable "error is found.
Lines Forward bearing Backward bearing
AB 50°15' 230°1 $'

BC 142°40' 323°55'

CD 172°30' 350°10'

DA 290°10' 110°15'

9. (a) Describe with illustration, Radiation method of plane table surveying. Discuss error's

advantages and disadvantages of plane table surveying. (15)

(b) What can you do if the end of the last line does not meet the starting point in a closed

traverse? (10)

L-4/T-2/ARCH Date: 10/05/2014
L-4rr-2 B. Arch. Examinations 2011-2012.
Sub: ARCH 447 (Art and Architecture VI: Modern Art and Architecture)
Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer Q. No.4 and any TWO from the rest.

1. What are the basic precepts ofPRODUCTIVISM? Describe elaborately. (20) _

- ,

2. What is Futurism? How ~oes the architectural projects of Antoniq Sant'Elia reflects the
spirit of FUTURISM? (20)

3. Describe Herman Hertzberger's work of central Behur in Holland to explain why such
works are termed as 'structuralist' by Kenneth Frampton. (20)

4. Write short notes on any two (2) (15x2 30)

(a) Bauhaus
(b) Japanese Metabolists -
(c) Neo-Rationalism

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer Q. No.8 and any TWO from the rest.

5. What according to H.R. Hitchcock were three major concepts regarding volume,
symmetry, and decoration that shaped the formal expression- of "International style"?
Describe elaborately. < (20)

6. Draw the diagram produced by Charles Jencks regarding Crisis in Architec~e, showing
eleven causes ~dtheir interaction with the three systems of architectural production.
Discuss about anyone of the causes in detail. (20)

7. Describe the following terms with reference to the work of Adolf Loos. ' (20)
(a) Applied Decoration
(b) Raum Plan

. 8. Write short notes on any TWO (15x2=30)

(a) Populism in Architecture
. (b) Archigram
(c) ClAM

., . • c

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