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Journal of Constructional Steel Research Volume 10 Issue None 1988 (Doi 10.1016 - 0143-974x (88) 90034-x) Egor P. Popov Michael D. Engelhardt - Seismic Eccentrically Braced Frames PDF

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J. Construct.

Steel Research 10 (1988) 321-354

Seismic Eccentrically Braced Frames

E g o r P. P o p o v & M i c h a e l D . E n g e l h a r d t
Department of Civil Engineering, Davis Hall, Universityof California,
Berkeley, California, CA 94720, USA


This paper provides an introduction and an overview of the design and

behavior of seismic-resistant eccentrically braced frames (EBFs). Within the
last ten years, EBFs have become a widely recognized lateral load-resisting
system for steel buildings in areas of high seismicity. The primary purpose of
this paper is to present design recommendations for links and connections in
EBFs. Some basic concepts on the behavior of EBFs are reviewed, and
highlights of significant experimental results are presented. The important
effects of link length on both the elastic and inelastic response of EBFs under
lateral load are emphasized. The paper focuses on EBFs constructed with
shear links, as these provide for the maximum stiffness, strength, ductility
and energy dissipation capacity of an EBF. Suggested details are provided
for links and for selected connections in EBF~.


Eccentrically braced frames (EBFs) are a lateral load-resisting system for

steel buildings that can be considered a hybrid between conventional
moment-resisting frames (MRFs) and concentrically braced frames (CBFs).
EBFs are in effect an attempt to combine the individual advantages of MRFs
and CBFs, while minimizing their respective disadvantages. Figure 1 illu-
strates several c o m m o n EBF arrangements. Many other satisfactory ar-
rangements can be devised.
T h e distinguishing characteristic of an EBF is that at least one end of
every brace is connected so that the brace force is transmitted either to
J. Construct. Steel Research 0143-974X/88/$03.50 © 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd,
England. Printed in Great Britain
322 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

/ I

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1. Typical bracing arrangements for EBFs.

another brace or to a column through shear and bending in a beam segment

called a link. The link lengths in Fig. I are identified by the letter e. Although
eccentric bracing has been long known for wind bracing,~ its application to
seismic-resistant construction is only very recent. The excellent per-
formance of EBFs under severe earthquake loading was demonstrated on
one-third-scale model frames at the University of California in 1977. 2`3Soon
after this study, several major buildings were constructed incorporating
EBFs as part of their lateral seismic-resisting systems, including the nineteen
story Bank of America Building in San Diego 4 and the forty-seven story
Embarcadero 4 Building in San Francisco, 5 both constructed in about 1981.
Since that time, numerous applications of this system have been adopted in
The most attractive feature of EBFs for seismic-resistant design is their
high stiffness combined with excellent ductility and energy-dissipation capa-
city. The bracing members in EBFs provide the high elastic stiffness char-
acteristic of CBFs, permitting code drift requirements to be met economic-
ally. Yet, under very severe earthquake loading, properly designed and
detailed EBFs provide the ductility and energy dissipation capacity char-
acteristic of MRFs. The excellent ductility of EBFs can be attributed to two
factors. First, inelastic activity under severe cyclic loading is restricted
primarily to the links, which are designed and detailed to sustain large
inelastic deformations without loss of strength. Secondly, braces are de-
signed not to buckle, regardless of the severity of lateral loading on the
frame. The yielding of the links in EBFs serves to limit the maximum force
transferred to the brace, acting, in effect, as a fuse for bracing member
Seismic eccentrically bracedframes 323

loads. The ultimate strength of the link can be accurately estimated. Thus,
by designing the brace to be stronger than the link, the designer can be
assured with a high degree of confidence that the brace will not buckle,
regardless of the severity of the earthquake load. The rapid deterioration of
buckled braces under cyclic loads is well documented. 6Thus, the preclusion
of brace buckling in EBFs permits stable hysteretic behavior under the most
severe cyclic loading conditions. Note that the links not only limit brace
forces, but also the load transmitted to the columns, permitting reliable
design for column stability, and offering some possible advantages for
difficult foundation design problems.
The ductility and energy dissipation capacity of EBFs may be better
understood by comparing the actual behavior of typical frames under cyclic
load. Figure 2 shows typical experimentally obtained lateral load versus
displacement plots for an MRF, CBF, and an EBF. The full and stable
hysteretic loops in Fig. 2a illustrate the MRFs ability to sustain large
deformations without strength loss and are indicative of the excellent energy
dissipation capacity of a moment-resisting frame. In contrast, the loops in
Fig. 2b are pinched and deteriorate as the number of loading cycles in-
creases, demonstrating the rather poor energy dissipation capacity of con-
centrically braced frames. This poor behavior is a result of the buckling of
braces and their ensuing rapid deterioration under cyclic load. Finally, Fig.
2c illustrates the hysteretic behavior of a well-designed EBF. Because brace
buckling is prevented and because the link can sustain large deformations
without strength loss, full and stable hysteretic loops similar to those of the
MRF are obtained.
An additional benefit of eccentric over concentric bracing is the greater
architectural freedom permitted with EBFs. The offset braces in EBFs
provide larger spaces for doors, windows, or other openings in the frame.
In its 1985 edition of the N E H R P Recommended Provisions for the
Development of Seismic Regulations for New Buildings, 1° the Federal
Emergency Management Agency provides tentative recommendations for
the design of EBFs. The Structural Engineers' Association of California
carried the process further and in 1986 completed a concensus document on
Recommended Lateral Force Requirements, 1~including specific provisions for
the design and detailing of seismic-resistant EBFs. The number of recently
constructed buildings incorporating eccentric bracing as well as the recogni-
tion of EBFs by the model earthquake design codes in the USA attests to the
rapid acceptance of this framing concept by the building construction
The primary purpose of this paper is to present design recommendations
for links and connections in seismic-resistant EBFs. Some basic concepts on
the behavior, analysis, and design of EBFs are briefly reviewed and signi-
324 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

~", ~ 201Hiram . .

,; ;./ ~ o ~ " U j ~


~ H
60r T ~
2,,~ 9: / L
Xd>~-L//--./ 9~,95'~

70 L l __ i
-3 -2 I 0








-15C -2 -I


Fig. 2. Typical experimental frame behavior under cyclic lateral load. (a) MRF (after
WakabayashiT); (b) CBF; 8 (c) EBF. 9
Seismic eccentrically bracedframes 325

ficant experimental results related to EBFs are presented. This paper is

concerned primarily with EBFs constructed with short links, i.e. links that
yield primarily in shear. Virtually all research on EBFs to date, both
experimental and analytical, has been concerned with short links, as these
provide for the maximum stiffness, strength, ductility, and energy dissipa-
tion capacity of an EBF. However, some of the potential problems and
advantages of longer links in EBFs are also briefly discussed. Finally, a few
notes on non-seismic applications of EBFs are included.


Some characteristics of stiffness, strength, internal force distributions and

inelastic deformations of EBFs are reviewed in this section. An under-
standing of the overall behavior of EBFs is a prerequisite to the proper
design of links and connections in EBFs.

Stiffness and strength

It is instructive to consider the variation of the elastic lateral stiffness of an

E B F as a function of the link length e. This variation is illustrated in Fig. 3 for
two simple eccentric framing arrangements. For e = L, one has a moment-
resisting frame and the elastic stiffness is at a minimum. For elL > 0-5, little
stiffness is gained from the bracing. However, as the length of the link
H e

ca 8 = 6
L 4
ca 6
h/L 1.0

p L

> ~ 8 K ~ "°7~
~" 2

0 i
°o'.o o'.z '
0.4 '
0.6 0'.8 ~.o 0.0 0.2 Ore4 J
0.6 ola 1.0
e/L e/L
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. V a r i a t i o n o f elastic lateral stiffness with e/L for two simple EBFs.12
326 E P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

decreases, a rapid increase in stiffness occurs. Maximum stiffness develops

when e - - 0 , corresponding to a concentrically braced frame. It is this
situation of course that EBFs are intended to avoid. When e = 0, there is no
link present to act as a fuse for brace member forces. Figure 3 clearly
illustrates that in order to gain maximum possible frame stiffness, the links
must be kept short. However, as discussed later links cannot be made too
short because, the inelastic deformation demand on the link becomes exces-
sive. It is also interesting to consider the variation of the fundamental period
of vibration of an EBF as a function of link length. Figure 4, which illustrates
this variation for a five-story EBF, suggests the interesting possibility of
varying the link length in order to adjust the first period of a building. This

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I0

Fig. 4. Variation of first natural period with e/L for a five-sto~ EBF.

concept could presumably be used to move the first period of a building

away from a peak in the response spectrum for a particular site. The authors
are, however, unaware of any instance of EBFs being used for this purpose.
In addition to influencing the elastic stiffness, the link length also signi-
ficantly affects the strength of an EBF under lateral load. Figure 5 illustrates
the ultimate strength of a three-story EBF as a function of elL, assuming
elastic-perfectly plastic behavior. Frame capacity is normalized by the
quantity 2Mp/h which represents the strength of an MRF. Frame strength
rapidly increases with decreasing link length, until the frame strength is
limited by the fully plastic shear capacity of the links. This region of frame
behavior is represented by the horizontal lines in Fig. 5. Clearly, maximum
frame strength is achieved with short links.
It must be recognized that the effects of link length illustrated in Figs 3, 4,
and 5 represent idealized situations for small frames, assuming constant
m e m b e r sizes as e is varied. The actual effects will depend on many factors,
including building height and code-imposed drift limitations. However,
these figures are representative of the significant trends in behavior as link
length is varied.
Seismic eccentrically braced frames 327

IO(~F P~ P ~,

BII . . I L ] ~ L ~I

01 I I I I I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 5. Variation of flame plastic capacity with e/L. 13

Forces in links

Typical distributions of bending moment M, shear V, and axial force P in the

beams and links of an EBF under lateral load are qualitatively illustrated in
Fig. 6. Two c o m m o n eccentric framing arrangements are considered. From
this figure, it is clear that the link is subject to high shear force along its entire
length and high bending moments at its ends. If the links are kept very short,
then under increasing lateral load on the frame the links will yield in shear
(forming plastic shear hinges) with relatively little m o m e n t yielding at its
ends. On the other hand, if they are very long, the links will form conven-
tional plastic m o m e n t hinges at the ends, with little or no shear yielding. As a
result, short links are sometimes referred to as shear links, and long links as
m o m e n t links. The energy dissipation and ultimate failure mechanisms for
these two classes of links differ substantially. There is, of course, an
intermediate length range of links where significant amounts of both shear
and m o m e n t yielding occur. As discussed later, the short shear links provide
for the best overall EBF behavior.
Forces acting on an isolated link, and the relationship between shear and
bending m o m e n t in the link based on static equilibrium are illustrated in Fig.
7. In the case where the link end moments are of equal magnitude, as in Fig.
6(b), then Ma = Mb = M, and the equation reduces to Ve = 2M. For this
case, if one considers simple plastic theory, i.e. no strain hardening and no
328 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt


V ................................ , , ~ : : I

(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Typical force distributions in beams and links of EBFs under lateral load.

e "1

Ve = M o + M b

Fig. 7. Static equilibrium of link.

M-V interaction, it is simple to derive that a link of length e = 2MJVp is the

theoretical dividing line between a link that yields in shear and one that
yields in bending m o m e n t . In this equation, M e = ZFy is the fully plastic
m o m e n t of the W section and Vp -- 0.55 Fydtw is the fully plastic shear
capacity of the section. Fv is the yield strength of the steel, Z is the plastic
m o d u l u s , d is b e a m depth, and tw is the web thickness. Thus, based on simple
plastic theory, if e < 2Mp/Vp, the link shear will reach Vp before the end
m o m e n t s reach M e, and the link will yield in shear. However, experiments
clearly show that the effect of strain hardening in links is very important and
cannot be neglected. As a result, in order to assure the more desirable
behavior of links that yield in shear, it is r e c o m m e n d e d that the link length
comply with the following equation: ~3~4

e<- 1.6Mp (1)

T h e basis for this recommendation is discussed later.

Energy dissipation mechanisms

In the design of a seismic-resistant EBF, it is necessary to estimate the plastic

rotation d e m a n d on the links. This is most easily accomplished through the
Seismic eccentrically braced frames 329

e L e

] , ,
I, u .I
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 8. Energy dissipation mechanisms.

use of energy dissipation mechanisms (also commonly called collapse

mechanisms), constructed by assuming rigid plastic behavior of the
members. Mechanisms for an MRF and two types of EBF are illustrated in
Fig. 8. In each case, 0 represents the overall frame drift. For the MRF, the
rotation d e m a n d at the plastic hinges of the beams is also 0. However, for
the EBFs the rotation demand on the links is much larger than O, and from
the geometry of the mechanism can be determined to be as follows:
7 = --0 (2)

Link rotation, particularly for short links, is typically denoted by the

symbol ~, as a reminder of the importance of shear yielding in supplying the
link rotation. In Fig. 8, the links are cross-hatched to indicate that they have
yielded in shear and have formed a shear hinge. The relationship between
frame drift 0 and link rotation ~/depends on the configuration of the EBF
and must be determined from the appropriate mechanism. Equation (2)
applies for the EBF configurations in Fig. 8(b) and 8(c), but may not apply to
other configurations. For example, an EBF of the type shown in Fig. l(c)
requires only one half of the link rotation given by eqn (2) for the same
frame drift 0.'3 This reduced link rotation demand is an advantage of this
EBF type, particularly in cases where link rotation capacity controls the
design of the frame.
Figure 9 is a plot of link rotation demand versus e/L ratio for the EBF
types shown in Figs 8(b) and 8(c). This plot clearly illustrates that plastic
rotation demands are much larger in EBFs than in MRFs. The link rotation
d e m a n d grows rapidly as link length decreases. However, these large plastic
rotation demands can be met by links that yield in shear, i.e. links that satisfy
eqn (1). Figure 9 also demonstrates that links should not be too short, or else
the rotation demand becomes excessive, even for a shear link. The actual
plastic rotation capacity of shear links has been well established experi-
mentally, and is discussed in the next section.
330 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

___ ~-0


o I I I I I
0 0.2 04 0.6 0.8 ~.0

Fig. 9. V a r i a t i o n o f link r o t a t i o n d e m a n d with e/L.


Since about 1977, a great deal of experimental research has been conducted
on EBFs, verifying their excellent structural characteristics and providing a
n u m b e r of useful design rules. This section briefly reviews significant experi-
mental work on EBFs, and summarizes key results from each series of tests.
The vast majority of experimental work has been conducted on shear links
that meet the criteria of eqn (1). Extrapolation of results to longer links is
not r e c o m m e n d e d , as the behavior and failure mechanisms of long links
differ substantially from those of shear links.

Tests on three-story EBF subassemblages

The excellent overall behavior of EBFs with shear links was demonstrated in
a series of tests on one-third scale, three-story EBFs in 1977.2'3 In addition to
verifying the advantages of EBFs for seismic-resistant design, these tests
also demonstrated the extensive strain hardening that occurs in shear links.
As noted earlier, the braces in EBFs are designed to be stronger than the
links in order to preclude brace buckling. Based on this first series of tests, it
was r e c o m m e n d e d that braces be designed assuming the ultimate link shear
force reaches at least 1.5 Vp, where Vp is the shear capacity of the section as
defined previously. This recommendation has been adopted by both
S E A O C 11 and N E H R P . 1° As observed in later experiments, somewhat
larger link forces may be generated due to the presence of a composite
Seismic eccentrically braced frames" 331

Fig. 10. Set-up for testing links with equal end moments.12

concrete deck and overstrength of the web, i.e. the actual yield strength of
the web exceeding the nominal specified yield strength.
A second series of one-third scale, three-story EBF tests 9 was conducted
in which beam sections with thinner webs were used, more accurately
modeling the typical W sections used in building construction. The results of
one test are shown in Fig. 2(c). Due to the more realistic, thinner webs used
in these tests, inelastic web buckling (buckling after shear yielding had
occurred) was observed in the links, resulting in deterioration of link

Tests on links with equal end moments

In order to study the effects of inelastic web buckling in links and to better
understand link behavior, two series of tests were conducted on isolated
links. The experimental set-up used for both series of tests, illustrated in Fig.
10, subjects the link to constant shear force with equal end moments and no
axial force, similar to the link forces shown in Fig. 6(b). A total of twenty-
eight links was tested in these two series of experiments.
In the first series, ~2.15 fifteen full-size links were subjected to quasi-
statically applied cycles of increasing relative end displacement. An example
of link behavior from this first series is shown in Fig. 11. Both specimens
shown are W18 × 40 sections, 28 inches in length (e = 1-11 MJVp) of A36
steel. The unstiffened specimen illustrated in Fig. 1l(a) experienced severe
web buckling shortly after shear yield had occurred, causing deterioration of
load-carrying capacity. The pinched hysteretic loops indicate poor energy
dissipation and ductility. The specimen provided with three pair of stiffeners
(Fig. l l(b)) showed dramatic improvement in performance. The specimen
332 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

200 200

I O0 IO0

; ° !/
- I O0 -I00 y'//
-200 -200
I , I , I , I , I , I
-3.0 -2.0 -I.0 IO 2.0 30 -3.0 -2.0 -I.0 I0 2.0 3.0

(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Hysteretic behavior of (a) unstiffened shear link; (b) stiffened shear link. 12

achieved large inelastic rotations and the hysteretic loops remained full for a
large number of severe loading cycles, indicating enormous energy
dissipation capacity. For shear links, the plastic rotation y can be closely
estimated by the relative end displacement of the link divided by the link
length. The elastic component of the relative end displacement for shear
links is very small and can be neglected when computing y. The stiffened
specimen achieved relative end displacements of +3 in, giving a plastic
rotation capacity -/of about _+0.10 radian. Other tests have confirmed that
plastic rotation capacities of y = -4--0.10 radian can be achieved by well-
stiffened shear links. Note also that the stiffened specimen achieved an
ultimate shear strength of approximately 210 kips. The nominal shear yield
capacity of an A36 W18 × 40 section is Vp = 112 kips. The actual shear
Seismic eccentrically braced frames 333

capacity of this specimen, based on coupon tests on the web (Fy = 39.5 ksi
for the web) was 122 kips. Thus, this specimen achieved an ultimate shear
strength of about 1.9 times the nominal Vp or 1.7 times the actual Vp.
Although this particular specimen experienced a rather unusually high
degree of strain hardening, it does illustrate that the code-specified ultimate
strength of a shear link (1.5 times the nominal V~) is not overly conservative
and can be exceeded.
In the first series of link tests, two longer links were also tested. Both were
W12 × 22 sections, 36 inches in length (e = 2.15 MflV~). The unstiffened
specimen showed poor behavior due to web and flange buckling combined
with lateral torsional buckling. The other W12 × 22 specimen was provided
with a pair of stiffeners placed 6 inches from each end of the link in an
attempt to delay flange buckling. These stiffeners were very effective in
controlling flange buckling and lateral torsional buckling and significantly
improved the behavior of the link, which achieved a plastic rotation capacity
of about ~/= ---0.055 radian. However, overall ductility and energy dissi-
pation were still inferior to the stiffened shear links. Further, the stiffened
long link ultimately failed in a brittle manner by tearing of the flanges in the
heat-affected zone at the weld. This points to a potential danger in long
links. The very high bending strains required to achieve significant plastic
rotations in long links may induce brittle failure at flange-to-column welds.
However, this single test on a long link is insufficient to draw any firm
In the second series of isolated link tests,16'17 thirteen additional full-size
links were tested using the set-up in Fig. 10. All specimens were 36 inches
long and were either W18 × 40 or W18 × 60 sections of A36 steel. All
specimens in this series were shear links meeting the criteria of eqn (1). The
objectives of these tests were to determine the effects of loading history,
stiffener detail and spacing, and end connection details.
One specimen was designed to investigate the effects of providing shear
links with one-sided stiffeners. The hysteretic loops for this specimen,
shown in Fig. 12, were remarkably similar to those of an earlier specimen
which was identical except that it employed pairs of stiffeners placed on both
sides of the web. Additional tests also confirmed the adequacy of one-sided
stiffeners. At present, SEAOC 11 and N E H R P 1° permit one-sided inter-
mediate stiffeners on links whose overall depth is less than 24 in. For links of
deeper sections, stiffeners are required on both sides of the web. The use of
one-sided stiffeners reduces fabrication costs.
In some E B F configurations, one end of the link is connected to a column,
as in Figs l(a) and 1(c). Therefore, several link end connection details were
employed in order to gain insight into the link-to-column connection. The
end connection details included:
334 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

(a) flange and web provided with all-around fillet welds;

(b) full penetration groove welds at flanges and web;
(c) full penetration groove welds at the flanges; web fillet welded to a
shear tab; and
(d) full penetration groove welds at the flanges; web bolted to a shear tab.
The EBFs in which both the web and flanges were fully welded (details a,
b, and c) showed excellent performance. Two specimens utilized detail d,
i.e. the conventional seismic moment connection with a welded flange and a
bolted web. In both specimens, the large shear forces generated in the links
induced bolt slippage in the web connection. This bolt slippage transferred

I00 -L \


Fig. 12. Shear link with one-sided stiffeners. 16

Seismic eccentrically bracedframes 335



~ o



-4 -2 0 2

Fig. 13. Shear link with bolted web connectionJ6

large forces to the flanges, resulting in sudden flange failures. Results of

these tests, one of which is shown in Fig. 13, demonstrate the need for
welded web connections for the severe loading conditions in shear links.
S E A O C " and N E H R P ~° require fully welded flange and web connections
between links and columns.
Some important observations from these two series of tests are sum-
marized below:
(1) Shear links can achieve larger plastic rotations and greater energy
dissipation than moment links.
(2) Inelastic web buckling in shear links leads to significant loss in load-
carrying capacity, plastic rotation capacity, and energy dissipation.
Web buckling can be substantially delayed by reinforcing the web of a
shear link with stiffeners.
336 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

(31A well-stiffened shear link can achieve plastic rotations up to

y = +0.10 radian under cyclic load or y = 0 . 2 0 radian under
m o n o t o n i c load.
(4) Shear links strain-harden, achieving ultimate shear strengths on the
order of 40% to 50% or more of the initial shear yield capacity Vp.
(5) Stiffeners on only one side of the web appear to be adequate in shear
links for beams of moderate depth.
(6) For the severe service intended for shear links, fully welded web
connections should be used at link-to-column connections.

Tests on links with unequal end moments

W h e n the link of an EBF is located next to a column, the initial elastic

m o m e n t in the link at the column face is generally much larger than the
m o m e n t at the other end of the link, as illustrated in Fig. 6(a). Typically, the
ratio of elastic end moments for such links can be on the order of 2 to 4 or
more. If steel behaved as a perfectly plastic material, equalization of link
end m o m e n t s would occur as the link is loaded to its ultimate state. Since
steel strain hardens, however, this end m o m e n t equalization may not occur.
The degree to which end m o m e n t equalization occurs in links next to
columns is an important issue in EBF design. The structural elements
adjoining the link, i.e. either a column or the adjoining beam and brace,
must be strong enough to resist the ultimate link end moments. A reason-
able estimate of these moments is therefore essential to proper EBF design.
A series of tests was conducted that examined the redistribution of
initially unequal end moments in shear links and the effect on overall link
behavior. 13.14The effect of axial force on link behavior was also examined in
this study, an issue not considered in previous tests.
T h e conceptual set-up for this study is shown in Fig. 14(a), and the actual
test set-up in Fig. 14(b). This experimental arrangement was devised by
noting the similarity between the kinematics of Fig. 14(a) and the kinematics
of the inelastically deformed EBF in Fig 8(c). One end of the link is attached
to a stiff support, simulating a heavy column, and the other end to a beam.
Equal displacements of the beam are imposed by jacks 1 and 2 shown in Fig.
14(b), enforcing the kinematics of Fig. 14(a). For tests with axial force in the
link, jack 3 was controlled so that the link axial force equalled the link shear
at all times. Seven links were tested, some with and some without axial
force. All specimens were W8 × 10 sections, approximately half scale of a
W18 × 35. Link lengths varied from about 1-0 to 1.6 M~,/Vp.
Some significant observations from this series of tests are as follows:
(1) For very short links, say e = MJVp, initially unequal end moments
Seismic eccentrically bracedframes 337

remain unequal throughout the loading history up to link failure. The

ultimate link end moment at the column face is therefore significantly
larger than would be predicted by assuming moment equalization.
This larger end moment is important in column design for EBFs. As
link length increases, the ultimate link end moments tend to equalize.
When link length reaches about e = 1.3 Mp/Vp, full equalization of
end moments can be expected. An equation for estimating ultimate
link moments for various length links is given later in this paper.
(2) The initially unequal end moments have little effect on the plastic
rotation capacity or overall hysteretic behavior of a shear link. Test
results for a link with initially unequal end moments, shown in Fig.
15(a), are essentially identical to previous specimens with equal end
(3) Axial force in the link can cause significant deterioration in link
behavior. The specimen shown in Fig. 15(b) is identical to that in Fig.
15(a), except that a cyclic axial force equal to the link shear force was
applied to the link. The plastic rotation and energy dissipation




JACK 5 15½"

~-~'-e 5~
Fig. 14. Set-up for testing links with initially unequal end moments. (a) Schematic; (b)
actual. 13
338 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt


-50 I
/, - 5 0 ~

8(IN) 8(IN)
(a) (b)

Fig. 15. Shear links with unequal end momentswith (a) no axial force; (b) axial force.13
capacities have clearly degraded. Further, it appears that the longer
the link, the more severe is the deterioration. EBF framing arrange-
ments should therefore always be chosen to minimize axial force in
the links. If axial force in the link is unavoidable, link length should be
reduced. Recommendations for this situation are given in Ref. 14.
(4) Interaction between bending moment and shear force can be
neglected when predicting the yield limit state of a link. That is, even
in the presence of very high shear, the fully plastic m o m e n t can be
taken as Mp, rather than a reduced value based on the flanges only.
This result contradicts predictions from simple plastic theory (see for
example Ref. 18), but is confirmed by all available link tests.
Neglecting M - V interaction permits simplifications in analysis and
design of links.

Tests on composite links

A further series of tests was conducted to investigate the behavior of

composite steel-concrete floor systems in EBFs. 19The specific objectives of
this program included comparing the behavior of composite shear links with
bare steel shear links, determining the effectiveness of the composite deck in
Seismic eccentrically braced frames 339


tL.--, L r II
7'-21/2" ~ L?11=
" -I"'o 21/2 " .ILTI:
'- " 5'-21/21' i


16'-0" TEST I _[

t . 14'-0" TEST2

Fig. 16. Test set-up for composite links. ]9

Fig. 17. Deformed composite shear link. 19

344) E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

providing lateral restraint for the link, and obtaining experimental data on
the effective width of composite floor beams under cyclic load.
A schematic of the experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 16. A total of eight
links was tested in this program. Four tests simulated interior links, such as
in Fig. 1(b); the other four simulated links next to columns. In each case, one
bare steel and three composite links were tested. All links were W12 × 19
sections, 19 inches in length (e = 1-2 MJVp). The composite beams were
constructed by casting a lightweight concrete slab on a ribbed metal deck,
with the ribs oriented perpendicular to the test beam. Shear studs welded to
the steel beams were used to develop composite action.
Some principal conclusions from this test series are as follows:
(1) The overall hysteretic behavior of composite shear links is very
similar to that of bare steel shear links. The composite links yield in
shear and dissipate energy primarily through web yielding, as do the
bare steel shear links. A photo of a deformed composite link shows
essentially the same type of behavior as a bare steel link (Fig. 17).
Composite shear links achieve the same plastic rotations as bare links.
(2) Damage to the concrete floor deck due to link deformation is
localized in the link region. Damage occurs in the form of cracking
and spalling of the slab above the link, slippage of the shear studs, and

Fig. 18. Floor damage in composite link. 19

Seismic eccentrically bracedframes 341

separation of the deck from the beam. At a link deformation of

T = 0-06 radian, floor damage is remarkably small. As link
deformation is increased, however, floor damage becomes more
extensive. Figure 18 shows typical floor damage in the more advanced
stages of link deformation.
(3) Ultimate shear forces developed in the composite links were from
1%-13% greater than those in the corresponding bare links.
(4) The composite floor system was not effective in providing lateral
restraint at the link ends. Transverse beams must be used to laterally
brace both ends of the link.

US-Japan tests

As part of the US-Japan Cooperative Program in earthquake engineering, a

full-scale six-story, two-bay steel building with eccentric braces was tested in
Tsukuba, Japan in 1984. 20`2'The building had a single EBF bay of the type
shown in Fig. l(b). Using recently developed pseudo-dynamic testing tech-
niques, the building was subjected to a major earthquake, using the 1952
I -

WlSx40 I 1


Fig. 19. Detail of Tsukuba connection.

Taft earthquake accelerogram scaled to a peak ground acceleration of 0.5 g.

The building survived the simulated earthquake in excellent condition with
relatively little visible damage. The test was then extended to produce larger
frame displacements and to determine the final failure mechanism of the
frame. During the extended tests, the gusset plates connecting the braces to
the second and third floor links buckled severely. The connection detail that
ultimately failed is shown in Fig. 19. (An improved connection detail is
suggested later in this paper.) Despite the failure of the brace connection,
the overall performance of the building was excellent.
A 0.3-scale replica of the Tsukuba test structure was later tested on a
shaking table at Berkeley. 22 The building was subjected to several severe
earthquakes and survived in excellent condition.
342 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt


Link length

As noted earlier, if one assumes perfect plasticity and no M - V interaction,

the theoretical dividing line between a shear and a m o m e n t link is a length of
e = 2 Mp/Vp. The experimental results described above indicate that the
assumption of no M - V interaction is reasonable, but an assumption of
perfect plasticity is not. Substantial strain hardening occurs in shear links,
permitting ultimate shear forces on the order of 1.4 to 1.5 Vp to develop.
One implication of this strain hardening is that both shear and m o m e n t
yielding will occur over a range of link lengths. For shear links, end moments
substantially greater than Mp can develop. The large end moments
combined with the steep strain gradients that occur in links lead to very large
flange strains, which in turn can lead to failure at flange welds. In order to
prevent excessive flange strains, Kasai and P o p o v 13'14 suggest limiting link
end m o m e n t s to 1.2 Mp. Thus, from the link statics of Fig. 7, if the end
m o m e n t s are limited to 1.2 Mp and the link shear is assumed to achieve
1.5 Vp, the limiting link length is e = 2(1.2 Mp)/1.5 Vp = 1.6 Mp/Vp. This is
the limit previously given by eqn (1).
Longer links offer some attractive architectural advantages, permitting
even larger openings in the frame. Also, as Fig. 9 illustrates, plastic rotation
d e m a n d is reduced as link length increases. However, the very limited
experimental data on longer links indicate that the reduced rotation demand
may be insufficient to offset the lower available rotation capacity of longer
links. Further, very large end moments on the order of 1.5 M e may develop
in longer links, leading to substantial yielding in the adjoining beam and
brace. Because of potentially severe problems in long links, as well as the
lack of experimental data, the authors at present recommend that the length
limitation of eqn (1) be observed in the design of EBFs.

Stiffener spacing and link rotation

Using the rather extensive body of experimental research described above,

Kasai and Popov 13'23developed definitive stiffener-spacing criteria for shear
links satisfying eqn (1). Combining classical monotonic plastic plate
buckling theory with all available experimental results, a remarkably simple
yet accurate rule was developed relating stiffener spacing to available plastic
rotation capacity up to the onset of inelastic web buckling.
As noted earlier, a well-stiffened shear link can achieve cyclic plastic
rotations of y = +-0.10 radian. However, as a conservative measure,
S E A O C 11 and N E H R P ~° recommend limiting y to +_0.06 radian. On this
Seismic eccentrically braced frames 343

basis, the following equations provide the required stiffener spacing:

a = 38tw-- fory = _+0-06radian (3)
a = 56tw--~ fory = _0.03 radian or less (4)

where a is the stiffener spacing, d is the beam depth, and tw is the web
thickness. For values of y between _+0.06 and _+0.03, it is appropriate to
After the designer estimates the required plastic rotation at a link, eqns
(3) and (4) provide the stiffener spacing needed to achieve it. For shear
links, stiffeners should be equally spaced along the length of the link. It must
be emphasized that the stiffener spacing criteria given above have been
developed for and are applicable to shear links that satisfy eqn (1).
Definitive recommendations for locating stiffeners in longer links are not yet


Some basic concepts and key aspects of EBF design are reviewed in this
section. Proper design of links and connections in EBFs requires an under-
standing of the overall EBF design philosophy. The material in this section is
applicable to EBFs with shear links that meet the criteria of eqn (1), and may
not necessarily be appropriate for EBFs with longer links.

Preliminary considerations
An early decision in the EBF design process is the choice of bracing
arrangement. EBF types favored by the authors are shown in Fig. 1. The
arrangement of Fig. l(a) is useful for narrow bays. This EBF type should
preferably be used in symmetrically opposing pairs to maintain overall
symmetry in the bracing system. The EBF arrangement of Fig. l(b) has the
advantage of symmetry, and since the links are not adjacent to the columns,
link-to-column connections are avoided. The EBF type in Fig. l(c) also has
the advantage of symmetry, and, as previously noted, reduced rotation
demand at the links. As an additional guideline in choosing a bracing
arrangement, it is generally best to avoid brace-to-beam angles less than
about 40 degrees. As the brace-to-beam angle becomes smaller, very large
axial forces are generated in the beam segment adjoining the link, leading to
potential strength and stability problems in this member. Also, as noted
earlier, bracing arrangements that transfer large axial forces through the
links should be avoided.
344 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

The designer must also choose a link length at the preliminary stages.
Again, it is emphasized that based on the present state of research on link
behavior, the use of shear links meeting the criteria of eqn (1) is recom-
mended. Lengths on the order of 1.0 to 1.3 Mp/Vpappear to be particularly
effective. A useful guide at the early stages of design is to choose a link
length on the order of 1.5 to 2.0 times the nominal beam depth. For
example, if the designer anticipates using W18 sections, a preliminary link
length of about 27-36 inches would provide a reasonable starting point. Of
course, after member sizes are chosen, link length should be checked against
eqn (1). In general, it is possible to use longer links while still satisfying eqn
(1) by choosing heavier beam sections.
In many applications, EBFs are combined with MRFs in the same
structure. For example, perimeter moment frames combined with EBFs in
the building core have been used in several tall buildings. The redundancy
provided by MRF-EBF combined systems is recognized by both SEAOC tl
and NEHRW ° in the form of reduced lateral forces. In many instances,
moment-resisting connections are used at all beam-column joints within the
EBF itself, not only at the link-to-column connections. Though moment
connections at the non-link end of beams are not essential in an EBF, they
provide additional redundancy and safety.

Design philosophy and procedures

Strength and ductility are the two key design requirements for any seismic-
resistant structure. In a well-designed EBF, the strength and ductility of the
frame are directly related to the strength and ductility of the links. As a
result of this relationship, the basic design philosophy for EBFs can be
summarized as follows:
(1) Size the links to provide the required level of frame strength; detail
the links to provide the required level of ductility.
(2) Design and detail the other frame members to be stronger than the
links so that the strength and ductility of the links, and therefore the
frame, can be fully developed.
With this approach, the links are designed for code or other specified
earthquake forces. All other frame members, however, are not designed for
code level forces, but rather for the forces generated by the fully yielded and
strain-hardened links. These represent the maximum forces that can occur
in these members regardless of earthquake magnitude. If this design philo-
sophy is followed, the maximum strength and ductility of the EBF will be
achieved by assuring that yielding in the frame is restricted to the links. This
approach is often referred to as capacity design, because the other frame
Seismic eccentrically braced frames 345

members are designed for the capacity of the links. This is analogous to the
usual approach to MRF design wherein yielding is restricted to the beam
ends by assuring that the columns are stronger than the beams.
Sizing members in EBFs to achieve this design philosophy is best
accomplished through the use of plastic design procedures. A straight-
forward plastic design technique based on a generalized portal method of
analysis has been developed for EBFs by Kasai. 13 Some highlights are
described below.
The first members to be sized in an EBF are the links. For most EBF
configurations, there is a remarkably simple relationship between the link
shear force and the lateral forces on the frame. A highly simplified free body
diagram of a portion of a K-braced EBF is illustrated in Fig. 20. In this
figure, Vcum is the accumulated story shear from the top of the structure down
to the level under consideration, and Vti,k is the resulting shear force in the
link. The forces not shown on the free-body diagram either tend to cancel
each other out or are small enough to be neglected. By summing moments
about point A, one obtains the following relationship:

V,,,~ = -= ~ . , . (5)

A more formal derivation of this equation is found in Ref. 13, where it is

shown that eqn (5) also applies to single diagonal EBFs of the type shown in
Fig. l(a).
Equation (5) provides an extraordinarily simple and powerful tool for
estimating the shear force in the links. Once this shear force is computed, a
member is chosen to provide the required shear strength. If V~u,,is based on

// \ I
/ x I
/ / \ I
/ \ I
/ \ I
. . . . -co~, ~ \ t


Fig. 20. Simplified f r e e - b o d y d i a g r a m o f eccentric K - b r a c e frame.

346 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

factored earthquake loads, then a beam section is selected that provides a Vp

equal at least to the Vti,kgiven by eqn (5). Note that if the link is adjacent to a
column, an elastic frame analysis will show a very high bending m o m e n t in
the link at the column face. The link should, however, still be sized on the
basis of the required shear strength given by eqn (5). This high end m o m e n t
at the column face can essentially be ignored in the link design (but not in the
column design!). As the experimental results simulating this situation have
demonstrated, the early formation of a plastic moment hinge at one end of a
shear link has little effect on the overall strength or rotation capacity of the
Once the link sections have been selected, all other frame members are
designed to remain essentially elastic under the forces generated by the fully
yielded and strain-hardened links. This requires an estimate of the ultimate
shear force and end moments that can be achieved by a link. The ultimate
shear force Vu~,should be taken as at least:

v,,,, = 1.5 vp (6)

For links adjacent to columns, ultimate link end moments can be taken as: ~3

M,, = Mh - Vut, for 1.3-~-~-<e-< 1.6 MPvp (7)

M . = Mp Mb = V . i , e - M p f o r e < - l ' 3 Mp (8)

where Mo and Mb are the link end moments at the column face and at the
opposite end of the link, respectively, For links not adjacent to columns, as
in Fig. l(b), the ultimate moments given by eqn (7) are appropriate for links
of any length.
A basic premise of EBF design is that braces must not buckle. Braces are
therefore designed for the axial force generated by the ultimate link shear
given by eqn (6). As noted in the review of experimental results, ultimate
link shear forces may sometimes exceed somewhat the value of 1.5 Vp due to
overstrength of the web or due to the presence of a thick composite concrete
deck. A conservative design of the brace is therefore appropriate. Note
from Fig. 6 that the shear force in the beam segment outside the link also
contributes to the axial force in the brace. Also, a portion of the ultimate
link end m o m e n t given by eqns (7) and (8) will be transferred to the brace,
and this m o m e n t should be included in the brace strength and stability
computations. However, if short links are used, the brace end moments will
generally be small.
As illustrated in Fig. 6, the beam segment adjoining the link is subject to a
large axial force and a large bending moment, and must therefore be treated
Seismic eccentrically bracedframes 347

as a b e a m - c o l u m n in design. The large axial force reduces the Mp of this

m e m b e r , and, in some instances, it may be reduced so far that the beam will
be unable to resist the ultimate link end moment given by eqns (7) and (8).
This will result in significant yielding of the beam, as well as a transfer of
large bending moments to the brace. This problem can often be avoided by
choosing a shorter link or by choosing a beam section with about the same Ve
but with a larger M e. As noted earlier, selecting an EBF arrangement where
the brace-to-beam angle is not too small will result in smaller axial forces
in the beam segment adjoining the brace and is helpful in avoiding the above
problems. Due to the high axial force in these beam segments, adequate
lateral bracing must be provided to assure their stability, particularly in cases
where a composite deck is not present.
Columns in EBFs must be designed to remain essentially elastic under the
ultimate link forces (eqns (6), (7), and (8)), as well as the appropriate gravity
load contributions. The usual static analysis procedures typically show
inflection points (points of zero moment) near midheight of the columns.
Pauley 24 has shown by dynamic analysis of a reinforced concrete m o m e n t
frame that such results can be misleading. At various times during an
earthquake, the column inflection points move about, resulting in sub-
stantially different moment distributions than those predicted by static
analysis. The same phenomenon has been observed by Ricles and P o p o v 19in
the inelastic dynamic analysis of EBFs in cases where the links are adjacent
to the columns. There are two important implications from this observation.
First, the column end moments predicted by static analysis must be ampli-
fied when checking column strength. Secondly, column splices cannot be
designed on the assumption that bending moments are small near the
column midheight, as these moments may be very large at various instants
during an earthquake. Recommendations for handling this aspect of column
design in EBFs are provided in Ref. 19. An additional concern in column
design occurs when a single column forms part of two lateral-resisting
frames in a building. In this situation, the column must be designed con-
sidering biaxial effects. SEAOC 11recommends designing such columns for
100% of the forces in one direction plus 30% of the forces in the orthogonal
After sizing the members of the EBF, the designer must check the
rotation d e m a n d on the link to assure that the required frame ductility can
be achieved. S E A O C " and N E H R P 1° provide simple procedures for esti-
mating the ultimate frame drift 0. The procedure essentially consists of
multiplying the elastic drift under code level forces by a specified factor.
Once the ultimate drift has been estimated, the rotation demand on the link,
~, can be computed from the appropriate equation for the particular EBF
type. For the E B F types of Fig. l(a) and l(b), the appropriate relationship is
given by eqn (2). Both SEAOC and N E H R P conservatively recommend
348 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

limiting y to ___0.06 radian. After the required rotation has been computed,
link stiffener spacing can be computed from eqns (3) and (4).


This section provides recommended details for links and selected con-
nections in seismic-resistant EBFs. Developing the ductility needed to ride
out a major earthquake is largely dependent on the proper detailing of the
critical frame elements and connections. The details illustrated in this
section are believed to be both safe and practical, based on the present state
of research on EBFs. 25 Many of the recommendations contained in this
section, particularly regarding links and link-to-column connections, are
consistent with recently adopted provisions of SEAOC" and NEHRP. 10

Link details

Key elements in developing the full strength and rotation capacity of shear
links are proper stiffening and lateral bracing. Typical stiffening of shear
links is illustrated in Figs 21 and 22. Two-sided, full-depth stiffeners must be
provided at the link end (at the locations marked 'Lateral brace on this line'
in Figs 21 and 22). Intermediate stiffeners, equally spaced according to eqns
(3) and (4), may be single sided for beam depths less than 24 inches, but are
required on both sides of the web in deeper beams. If the web of the link is



Fig. 21. Link and brace detail adjacent to column. '5

Seismic eccentrically bracedframes 349

e _1
I" -I

1__ /~

" ~ T U B E ~

Fig. 22. Typical detail for tube brace at hnk.-

welded to a shear tab, as in Fig. 21, the intermediate stiffeners may be

spaced starting at the erection bolt line rather than the column face.
In general, stiffeners in a shear link should be full depth, welded to the
web and to both flanges. Although the primary function of the stiffener is to
reinforce the web, full-depth stiffeners provide additional restraint against
flange buckling and lateral-torsional buckling, Full-depth stiffeners are
therefore preferred over stiffeners welded to the web only or to the web and
one flange only. Stiffener size does not hppear to be a critical issue affecting
shear link performance. Analytical considerations regarding stiffener size
can be found in Ref. 16. Simple rules for sizing stiffeners and the stiffener-
to-beam welds are provided by SEAOC 11and NEHRP. 10
Lateral bracing must be provided at the link ends at the locations shown in
Figs 21 and 22. Strong and stiff lateral bracing at these locations is critical to
the stability of both the link and the brace. The function of the lateral
bracing is not only to restrain lateral-torsional buckling of the beam, but also
to hold the brace end within the plane of the frame. Any out-of-plane
eccentricity of the brace end will produce twisting of the beam and the link
whenever the brace is in compression. Thus, the brace ends must be firmly
held in place. As noted earlier, a composite deck by itself cannot be counted
upon to provide adequate lateral support for the link ends. Rather, trans-
verse beams are the preferred lateral-bracing system.

Connection details

Figure 21 illustrates a typical shear link-to-column connection. This

connection must be capable of developing the full bending and shear
35(/ E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

strength of the link. SEAOC '~ requires full-penetration flange welds and a
welded web connection capable of developing the shear capacity of the link.
Either fillet welding the web to a shear tab, as shown, or providing a full
penetration weld between the web and the column flange is acceptable. The
welding sequence should be chosen to minimize locked-in stresses due to
restraint. As previously noted, for the severe service intended for links,
bolted web connections show inadequate ductility due to bolt slippage and
should not be used. The authors also recommend avoiding connections of
links to column webs. The reliability of connections to column webs has not
been firmly established experimentally, and design recommendations
cannot be provided.
Some recommended brace-to-link connection details are illustrated in
Figs 2l and 22. Many other satisfactory details can be devised. SEAOC ~
recommends designing brace connections for the compression strength of
the brace. It must also be recognized that in certain cases significant bending
m o m e n t s will be developed at the brace end, which must be considered in
the brace connection design. Large brace end moments are most likely to be
encountered when longer shear links, approaching the upper length limit of
eqn (1), are used in combination with a very shallow brace-to-beam angle.
Direct welding of a W-section brace to the beam, as in Fig. 21, is particularly
effective in cases where large end moments may develop in the brace. It also
avoids the rather large gusset and splice plates sometimes needed for a
W-section bracing connection, though care is required in the fabrication and
erection process to avoid fit-up problems. Figure 22 shows recommended
connections for rectangular and square tube braces. These details are in-
tended to avoid the gusset buckling type of failure observed in the Tsukuba
test. Bending moments in the beam produce large compressive stresses
along the edge of the gusset nearest the link. Stiffening of this edge, as
shown in Fig. 22, is therefore recommended. The connection can also be
made more compact by cutting the brace end parallel to the beam and
locating it as close to the beam as practical.
Nominally, the brace centerline should intersect the beam centerline at
the end of the link, as shown on the left side of Fig. 22. However, analytical
studies have shown that it is acceptable for the brace and beam centerlines to
intersect somewhat inside the link, as shown in Fig. 21 and on the right side
of Fig. 22. This will, in some cases, permit a more compact brace con-
nection. The centerlines should not, however, intersect outside of the link.
Some suggested details for the nominally concentric connection at the
non-link end of the brace are illustrated in Figs 23 and 24. The case of the
brace framing into a moment-resisting beam-column connection is shown in
Fig. 23. An alternative approach to this particular connection would be to
provide a welded rather than a bolted beam-web connection. The advant-
Seismic eccentrically braced frames 351

Fig. 23. Typical detail for brace at moment beam-column connection .25

"'~-~~ ~ ~ ONESIDE
/~/~/m.// L//v \ATSHEAR
$- ~'" ~ S ATT~B OF BM

A (a)
W"IP'~ A i
Fig. 24. Typical detail for brace at non-moment beam-column connection. 25 (a) Beam-to-
column flange connection. (b) Section A-A.

age of a welded beam w e b is a more predictable distribution of vertical

forces at the connection between the gusset and the beam web. If simple
b e a m - c o l u m n framing is used, a suggested detail is shown in Fig. 24. A
p r o b l e m observed in tests on E B F s with simple framing at the non-link end
of the b e a m is the out-of-plane twisting of the beam at the connection. The
connection must provide restraint against such twisting, and a single plate
352 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

shear tab may not by itself be adequate for this purpose. For the detail
shown in Fig. 24, additional restraint against twisting is provided by the
extended plates at the top and bottom of the beam. A more compact brace
connection can sometimes be achieved by offsetting the work point from the
column centerline to, for example, the column face, as shown in Fig. 24. The
same concept can be used to advantage for the type of connection in Fig. 23.
The additional m o m e n t produced by an offset in the work point should be
included in the column design.


Although the advantages of EBFs in seismic-resistant construction have

only recently been fully recognized and developed, the use of eccentric
bracing itself is an old concept, particularly for wind bracing applications.
Here, EBFs provide the same advantages of flexible brace locations and
larger frame openings for doors, windows or other architectural features.
Eccentric bracing can also sometimes be used to advantage in avoiding large
and costly connections which may result solely from the geometric require-
m e n t of forcing the centerlines of all the members through a common
working point.
Structures are typically designed to respond elastically to wind loads, and
therefore the usual elastic methods of analysis and design are acceptable. Of
course the use of plastic design methods is also suitable for wind loads and
should lead to economical designs.
EBFs in wind bracing applications are not required to dissipate energy
through inelastic link deformations, and link stiffeners can therefore
generally be eliminated. Also, since demands on the link are not as great,
the requirement of a welded web connection at columns can be relaxed, and
more conventional bolted web connections can be used. The suggested
brace connection details illustrated in Figs 21-24 are, of course, suitable for
wind bracing applications.


This paper has provided an overview of seismic-resistant Eccentrically

Braced Frames (EBFs), with particular emphasis on the behavior and design
of shear links. EBFs provide a unique combination of stiffness, strength and
ductility, making them a viable lateral load-resisting system for steel
structures subject to severe earthquake loads. The rather extensive experi-
mental research conducted on EBFs over the last ten years has led to a
Seismic eccentrically bracedframes 353

good understanding of their behavior and has permitted development of the

design and detailing recommendations outlined in this paper.
Research is continuing on several aspects of EBF behavior and design.
Inelastic dynamic analysis of EBFs subject to real earthquake records ~9 is
providing additional useful rules for improving upon the basic code-based
design procedures. In addition, experimental work is underway on the
behavior of m o m e n t links, determining their suitability and range of applic-
ability in EBFs.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation

(current grant ECE-8418487) and the American Iron and Steel Institute for
support of much of the work described in this paper. The second author also
acknowledges the continued financial support of the American Institute of
Steel Construction Fellowship Program. The opinions expressed in this
paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the


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8. Maison, B. F. & Popov, E. P., Cyclic response prediction for braced steel
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9. Manheim, D. N., On the design of eccentrically braced frames. DEng thesis,
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February 1982.
10. N E H R P (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program) Recommended
354 E. P. Popov, M. D. Engelhardt

Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for New Buildings.

Building Seismic Safety Council, Federal Emergency Management Agency,
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11. SEAOC Tentative Lateral Force Requirements. Seismology Committee,
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12. Hjelmstad, K. D. & Popov, E. P., Seismic behavior of active beam links in
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23. Kasai, K. & Popov, E. P., Cyclic web buckling control for shear link beams. J.
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24. Pauley, T., Deterministic seismic design procedures for reinforced concrete
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25. Popov, E. P., Kasai, K. & Engelhardt, M. D., Advances in design of eccentric-
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