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School Grade Level 1

Teacher Learning Area MATH
Time & Dates Week 10 Day 3 Quarter Lesson 16 dlp 3

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of continuous and repeating
Standards patterns and mathematical sentence
B. Performance The learner is able to apply knowledge of continuous and repeating
Standards patterns and number sentence is various situations
1. Visualize and find the missing number in an addition or subtraction
C. Learning
sentence using a variety of ways (M1AL-IIIj-10)
e.g. n + 2 = 5
Objectives (Write
the code for each
2. Find the missing number.
3. Show accuracy/carefulness in finding the missing number.
II. CONTENT Patterns and Algebra
Finding the Missing Number in an Addition or Subtraction Sentence
A. Subject Matter
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Mathematics 1 (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) p. 162 - 164
2. Learner’s Mathematics 1 (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) p. 226 - 228
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
LR Portal
Materials: Visual aids, pictures, bond paper, colored papers, scissors,
and paste or glue
B. Other Learning sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjf986N1_viA
Resources hXMFogKHYnWAzkQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected Response/s
A. Reviewing
previous lesson or Do you still remember our lesson Our lesson yesterday is about
presenting the new last time? “Finding the Missing Numbers in an
lesson What is our lesson yesterday? Addition and Subtraction Sentence”.
Class, get your arts materials. (Pupils listen and follow their
Today, we will make a “Thank teacher’s instructions.)
You Card” for your parents or
guardians. We will let them know
B. Establishing a
how blessed you are for having a
purpose for the
loving and caring parents or
guardians like them.
Do you say thank you to your Yes, because they have so many
parents? Why? good things in our lives.

C. Presenting We will need 1 bond paper, 2 (Pupils listen to their teacher)

examples/ colored papers (red and yellow),
instances of the pair of scissors, paste, and
But, before doing our activity let
me remind you, be careful in
using the scissors to avoid
Do you understand class? Yes, teacher!
Are all your needed materials Yes, teacher!
First, fold the bond paper into (Pupils follow teacher’s instructions.)
four divisions.

With your pencil, draw seven

red flowers. Cut and paste them
on the cover.

Draw four yellow flowers. Cut

new lesson and paste them, too.

You can arrange them in any

design that you want. Then, write
your message to them in the inner
portion. And now, you are ready
to give the card to them.
Seven red flowers. Four yellow
How many red flowers do you flowers.
have? Yellow flowers? There are eleven flowers.
How many flowers in all? By adding the given numbers 7
How did you get your answer? and 4.

There are 11 flowers in all and

there’s 4 yellow flower left. What
is the missing number in this 7 is the missing number.
number sentence, 11 - ___ = 4? By subtracting the given numbers
How did you get it? 11 and 4.
11 is the missing number.
How about, ___ - 4 = 7 what is
the missing number? By adding the given numbers 4
How did u get it? and 7.

D. Discussing new
concepts and (Teacher show picture of a girl) (Pupils listen to the teacher)
practicing new
skills #1

This is Ana a Grade 1 pupil.

Aside from the card she wants to
give to her parents, she also
wanted to give some things to
them. However, lets help Ana
solve the activity sheets for her to
give her additional gifts to her
Group1: Find the missing number
in the number sentence. Write the
correct answer in the blank.
1. 2
10 - ___ = 8
2. 10
6 + 4 = ___
3. 10
___ - 6 = 4
4. 1
9 - ___ = 8
5. ___ + 3 = 10 7

Group2: Find the missing number

in the number sentence. Write the
correct answer in the blank.
10 - ___ = 7 3
6 + 3 = ___ 9
___ - 6 = 3 9
10 - ___ = 6 4
10. ___ + 2 = 10 8

Group 3: Find the missing number

in the given number bonds. Write
the correct answer in the blank.

Group 4: Find the missing number

in the given number bonds. Write
the correct answer in the blank.

E. Discussing new (Teacher divides the class into 4 (Pupils listen to the teacher)
Let’s find the missing number.
But before that, let me explain to
you what to do.
2 + 5 = 7 because 7 – 2 = 5
Each group will have one
representative to discuss how
they get their answers.
Group 1 and 2 will answers Set
A and Group 3 and 4 will answers
Set B.
Set A: (For Group 1 and 2)
Directions: Solve the problem
below. Answers:
1. 4 + ___ = 9 1. 4 + _5_ = 9
because_____________ because_9 – 4 = 5
2. 3 + ___ = 10 2. 3 + _7_ = 10
concepts and because_____________ because 10 – 3 = 7
practicing new 3. 1 + ___ = 8 3. 1 + _7_ = 8
skills #2 because_____________ because 8 – 1 = 7
4. 9 + ___ = 9 4. 9 + _0_ = 9
because_____________ because 9 – 9 = 0
5. 7 + ___ = 8 5. 7 + _1_ = 8
because_____________ because 8 – 7 = 1
Set B: (For Group 3 and 4)
Directions: Solve the problem
1. 2 + ___ = 4 1. 2 + _2_ = 4
because_____________ because 4 – 2 = 2
2. 3 + ___ = 5 2. 3 + _2_ = 5
because_____________ because 5 – 3 = 2
3. 2 + ___ = 7 3. 2 + _5_ = 7
because_____________ because 7 – 2 = 5
4. 4 + ___ = 10 4. 4 + _6_ = 10
because_____________ because 10 – 4 = 6
5. 1 + ___ = 6 5. 1 + _5_ = 6
because_____________ because 6 – 1 = 5

Why do you make a “Thank You Because we want to thank them for
F. Developing Card” to your parents? the love and care they give to us.
mastery What other things can you do to We can do like, having a good
make your parents happy? grades here in school, following the
task they assign to us, and shows
love and respect to them.
That’s good. That’s some of the
things that you can do to make
your parents happy.
(Teacher show picture of a boy (Pupils observe and listen to their
and a girl.) Teacher.)

This is Nora and Lester. They

brought 20 pieces of lemon from
their garden at school to their
home. Their mother used the
lemon to make a juice for their
snacks. If there were 10 pieces of
lemon left, how many pieces of
lemon their mother used for their
What is the number sentence? 20 - ___ = 10
What is the missing number? 10 is the missing number.
How did you get the answer? By subtracting 20 and 10.
Is drinking lemon juice good for Yes, because lemon juice is a
our body? Why? good source of vitamin C.
Tell me, how to make a lemon First cut the lemon and extract the
G. Finding practical
juice? juice in the glass. Then, put water
applications of
and a little sugar to taste. And stir.
concepts and skills
That’s it. You will have a glass of
in daily living
lemon juice.
H. Making What are the ways in finding By adding or subtracting the given
generalization and the missing number? number to find the missing numbers
abstractions about in the number sentence.
the lesson
I. Directions: Solve the problems
below. Choose the correct
answer in the box. Write it on
the space provided.
a. 1 3 2
b. 2 – 0 = 2 9–6=3
1. a. 5 + ___ = 6 1. 5 + _1_ = 6
b. because____________ because 6 – 5 = 1
I. Evaluating learning 2. a .6 + ___ = 9 2. 6 + _3_ = 9
b. because____________ because 9 – 6 = 3
3. a. 0 + ___ = 2 3. 0 + _2 = 2
b. because____________ because 2 – 0 = 2

II. Direction: Solve the problem

4. 1 + ___ = 3 4. 1 + _2_ = 3
because______________ because 3 – 1 = 2
5. 8 + ___ = 9 5. 8 + _1_ = 9
because______________ because 9 – 8 = 1
J. Additional activities Activity 1:
for application or Directions: Find the missing
remediation number. Write your correct
answer in the blank. Answers:
1. 12 = ___ + 6 6
2. ___ = 6 – 4 10
3. 3 = 9 - ___ 6
4. 3 + 3 = ___ 6
5. 7 + ___ = 14 7

Activity 2:
Directions: Figure out the missing
signs. Write the symbol (+) for
addition and (-) for subtraction
inside the box.
6+2=8 13 – 3 = 10
0+4=4 5 + 8 = 13
6–6=0 4 + 10 = 14
5+1=6 8 + 5 = 13
3–1=2 5–1=4
4+4=8 5 + 5 = 10
6+3=9 7–7=0



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other
Group1: Find the missing number in the number sentence. Write the correct
answer in the blank.
1. 10-___=8

2. 6+4=___

3. ___-6=4

4. 11-__=8

5. ___+3=10

Group2: Find the missing number in the number sentence. Write the correct
answer in the blank.
1. 10-____=7

2. 6+3=___

3. ___-6=3

4. 11-__=6

5. ____+2=10
Group 3: Find the missing number in the given number bonds. Write the
correct answer in the blank.

Group 4: Find the missing number in the given number bonds. Write the
correct answer in the blank.

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