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College of Hospitality and Rural Resource Management

Ibajay, Aklan

Teacher Education Department

Detailed Lesson Plan Math

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. Describe the relation of joining sets to addition of whole numbers.
b. Write the correct number sentence.
c. Work well with others.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The relationships of joining sets to addition of whole numbers
Reference: K-12 lesson guide pp. 112-112, BEC PELC pp. 165-168
Materials: Teacher made visual aids, cut-outs, real objects and pictures.
Values focus: Working well with others.

III. Teaching Procedures

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

1. Prayer

Let’s all stand and feel the presence of our almighty Students will follow.
God. ______ will lead the prayer. (Spiritual intelligence)

2. Warm-up

Good afternoon class!

How are you today?
Good I’m very happy to see those beautiful and Good afternoon Ma’am!
handsome faces this morning. I want to start our
lesson this afternoon with full of energy and
alertness in your mind.

If you are ready to learn give three claps, three

stamps and say “I am ready to learn.”
Okay Ma’am.
Okay everybody do it.

3. Drill I am ready to learn.

(Bodily and linguistic intelligence)
I have here a chart that contains 10 different
pictures of the animals. Just tell me the correct place
number of each animal’s.

 What is the 1st animal?

 Is the duck the 5th animal?
 What is the 10th animal?
 In which is the dog located? -snake
 Is cat the 6th animal? -yes
4. Review -3rd
-No, it’s a chicken
Okay class before we proceed to our next topic let’s
have first a sneak review about our previous lesson.

Now, our new friend Doraemon has a problem and

we need to help him, because he doesn’t know how
to organize each object, now he needs our help.

I need 5 pupils to solve this problem.

1. (Visual Interpersonal)





and = 2+2=4

5. 1+1=


Good participant’s class!

Now that you have already know how to count in
sets. Let’s proceed to our lesson.
5. Motivational
So before we proceed to our new lesson we are
going to sing a song.

Did you know that singing can help to improve your

memory and it makes you feel better.

Class who among you here loves to sing?

Alright, I’m the first one tossing, what you will do

listen. Afterwards you will follow.
Is it clear?

Based from the song that we performed, what can Pupils will raise their hands.
you say about the lyrics?
Yes, very good! This afternoon we will talk about
addition. Yes Ma’am.

6. Lesson Proper There’s a number and addition.

Today we are going to proceed to our new topic,

and you will enjoy while learning. Now everybody
sit down straight and be comfortable.

I will discuss to you the Relationships of joining

Sets to Addition of Whole Numbers.

Are your ready class? (visual-interpersonal)

Can anybody from this class have an idea about

what is addition?

Yes all of your answer is correct.

When we say Addition it is a mathematical

operation that represents the total amount of object Yes Ma’am.
together in a collection. Which is signified by the
sign (+).

For example:
In the picture there 3 and 2 apples. Answer may vary.

3+2= 5 apples

Meaning 3 apples and
2 apples together
Which is a total of 5 apples.

Here we
have another

5+3= 8 mangoes

Meaning 5 mangoes and 3 mangoes together which

is a total of 8 mangoes.

We write numbers stories by counting the number

sets and joining them together using the symbols +
and =

Now let’s try this problem solving activiy.

I have here some stickers and we will be using it to
answer the problems.

So for example for number 1 3+2= 5 so I will put 5

stickers in the box and that will be the answer.

Did you undestand?

Let’s try another example for number 2 4+4= 8, so I

will put 8 stickers.

_____ Can you please come in front and answer the

number 3.
Yes Ma’am
Very good!

Now who want’s to answer number 4,5 and 6?

Good job class, excellent participants.

7. Generalization

 So based on our discussion how do we

define addition?

 How do we write number stories in

Addition it is a mathematical operation that
represents the total amount of object
8. Application together in a collection

Class do you wanna have some fun?

We write numbers stories by counting the
Okay then let’s do an activity. number sets and joining them together
using the symbols + and =
Now, I will you give you this smileys for your
groupings. I will group you into 4 groups according
to the color of smileys that you are holding. Yes Ma’am

Each group will have a box and the materials inside.

Choose one member to present your work in the

You have 5 minutes to do the activity. (interpersonal-verbal)

Group 1: will write the correct number sentece of a

different vegetable.
Group 2: will write the correct number sentence of a
different fruits.
Group 3: will write the correct number sentence of a
different objects.
Group 4: will write the correct number sentece of a
different shapes.

Okay you may now present your work in front.

Very good everyone!

Everybody please sit down.

IV. Evaluation

1. and









V. Assignment:

Subtract, write and encircle the correct number.

1. 9-6 = 2, 4, 3
2. 8-2= 6, 1 ,8
3. 10-6= 4, 7, 9
4. 7-6= 5, 3, 1
5. 4-1= 3, 6, 1

Prepared by: Stephany R. De Lara


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