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FOLIO: The Future of Library Is Open: Satbir Chauhan, K. Kandhasamy and N. Sakthivel

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ISSN (Print) : 0972-2467

ISSN (Online) : 0976-2477

Journal of Information and Knowledge, Vol 60(3), June 2023, p.151-157 DOI: 10.17821/srels/2023/v60i3/171035

FOLIO: The Future of Library is Open

Satbir Chauhan1*, K. Kandhasamy2 and N. Sakthivel3
Executive - Library, Ashoka University, Sonipat – 131029, Haryana, India;
Doctoral Researcher, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Art, University of Delhi,
New Delhi – 110007, Delhi, India;
Library Assistant, Jio Institute, Navi Mumbai – 410206, Maharashtra, India;

Ranganathan's 5th law of library science says that libraries never become stagnant. While financial constraints are
a common challenge for libraries, user expectations are continuously growing. To meet and exceed user expectations,
libraries must embrace new technologies and software solutions. Open-source options have proven to be particularly
beneficial for nonprofit organizations like libraries. Looking to the future, as libraries continue their digital transformation,
many library automation software, especially traditional library management systems (ILS), are becoming outdated. In
response to the diverse requirements of libraries, the architecture of Library Services Platforms (LSP) offers enhanced
flexibility and functionality within a unified platform. Among the various LSPs that have emerged over the past seven years,
FOLIO has demonstrated rapid development and progress. Upon exploration, it becomes evident that FOLIO's developers
have prioritized a micro-services architecture, emphasizing apps over modules. This approach provides a comprehensive
multitasking app environment, a user-friendly Dashboard for quick access, efficient data management, and much more.
The user-friendly nature of FOLIO sets it apart from traditional Integrated Library Systems (ILS), which may lack such ease
of use. Despite its abundant features, FOLIO is still relatively under-recognized in India. This paper aims to discuss the
distinctive features of FOLIO, it’s potential as a comprehensive solution for libraries, and whether it can effectively replace
traditional ILS systems.

Keywords: Future of Librariesi Is Open (FOLIO), Future of Libraries is Open (FOLIO), Integrated Library System (ILS),
Library Services Platform (LSP), Open-Source Software (OSS)

1. Introduction is Open-Source Software (OSS). Richard Stallman laid

the first milestone for the open-source movement in
Running a Library is all about management; effectively 1985. Later, Open-Source Initiatives (OSI) was founded
managing the library and satisfying users are primary in 1998 by Bruce Perens and Eric S. Raymon; the OSI is
concerns in the 21st century. Darwin’s renowned theory, a non-profitable organization. Over time (Figure 1), the
survival of the fittest, applies almost everywhere, and OSS has become key for libraries to open the gateway of
libraries are no exception. For survival, a library needs to community support.
synchronize with technology and upgrade itself because The beauty of open-source development projects is
patron demands are highly dynamic, and of course, ‘community support’ which continuously improves it. The
to fulfil the 5th law of Library Science. Library software prime focus of such software category is cost-effectiveness,
plays a significant role in catering to the on-the-go providing unrestricted access, reliable solutions, the scope
need of patrons. This kind of software and supporting for improvement, flexibility regarding platforms and
infrastructure demands a great price and maintenance distributions, and of course, end to proprietary vendor
cost, but libraries also have a history of lack of funds. The lock.
one-stop solution for this everlasting problem of libraries

*Author for correspondence

FOLIO: The Future of Library is Open

Figure 1. Timeline of OSS (in libraries) development.

The advent of computers and the Internet has a single platform to manage all formats of resources, also
dramatically changed information intake and reshaped to address the limitations of traditional ILS and adapt to
libraries. Major library management and housekeeping the new age of cloud computing; for such need, the library
tasks are done through a specific library software or automation sector developed a single solution called
system called Integrated Library System (ILS). Over the a Library Services Platform (LSP) which is generally
last three decades, many ILS software has been used, powered with micro-service architecture.
NEWGENLIB, E-Granthalaya, etc. (Mukhopadhyay,
2002). Due to the lack of updates, some have become
2. Objectives
obsolete. These legacy software packages have primarily The major objectives of this study may be stated as:
managed print resources. The digital revamping of • To make OSS and LSP widely known to libraries
libraries brings another challenge to managing non- • To give glimpse of FOLIO LSP and its
physical resources. “Empirical evidence indicates that characteristics features
academic institutions in the United States have increased • To share the hands-on experience of FOLIO with
library expenditures for electronic resources and fellow professionals
decreased expenditures for physical resources” (Kortick, • To understand how libraries can be guided by this
2021); such studies indicate that the literary world is new software architecture to their future
moving faster towards E-Resources. This is when a library
needs an E-Resources Management system (ERM),
dedicated software to manage E-Resources or digital 3. Library Services Platform (LSP)
resources of libraries. Since the conventional ILS lacks in The term LSP was first introduced by renowned library
terms of architecture and technology, it is not a good fit technologist Marshal Breeding in 2011. “Library services
for managing e-resources. Additionally, there are ERM platform” is a new software genre for libraries. LSP
software packages such as CORAL, E-MATRIX, Alma supports all formats of collection a library could have
ERM, etc., are available and are being used. However, and has immense support for e-resources. It is a fully
they are all designed exclusively to meet e-resource needs. loaded platform for the various needs of the library,
These earlier-mentioned technologies function well. powered by a loosely coupled app architecture that
Yet, the library must use and maintain them separately, gives it modern library system capabilities. LSP gives
pay for expenditures separately, or may have to involve a choice for applications from third-party providers
different vendors for each and most of the ILS are built that might be different reporting options, archival
using the old technology of monolithic architecture in solutions preservation, institutional repositories, etc.
which all functionality of the software exists in a single The unique characteristics of LSP are - Not limited to
code-base. To get through these challenges, libraries need physical resources; Replacement of Multiple Incumbent

152 Journal of Information and Knowledge | Vol 60(3) | June 2023

Satbir Chauhan, K. Kandhasamy and N. Sakthivel

Products; Extensive Metadata Management; Exposed between the architecture of both is given in Figures 2
APIs for Interoperability and Extensibility; and Polyglot and 3.
programming i.e. coding in multiple languages (Breeding,
2015; Grant, 2012; Pradhan, 2019).
FOLIO LSP has its roots in the Open Library Environment
4. Monolithic vs Micro-services
(OLE) project, which was initiated in 2008. In 2016, “The
Traditionally, ILS is developed using a monolithic Open Library Foundation” was established to increase
architecture, where the programme is created as a single the sustainability of libraries. The foundation initiated
entity with a single codebase that houses all the capabilities an open-source project for and by libraries. Due to
and components. A contemporary strategy known as that, in 2016, the foundation (in association with Index
“micro-service architecture” separates the application Data, EBSCO, and Open Library Environment (OLE))
into smaller, independent services that communicate with collaboratively developed the Future Of Libraries Is Open
one another using simple protocols. The way application (FOLIO), an open-source micro-services framework-
is organized and deployed is the primary distinction based LSP to create a new way of catering library services
between monolithic and micro-service architecture. with the open-source software. With FOLIO, libraries can
The LSP follows the micro-services architecture access a modern and flexible system that is constantly
approach. Graphic illustration of the basic difference evolving to meet their needs. It ensures maximum
community participation, adoption, and contribution; It
is modern Cloud-based, multi-tenant, services-oriented,
Powerful to manage the full spectrum library workflows,
and flexible to configure in many ways, anyone can
build on or extend. (Index Data, 2023). FOLIO helps
to manage all types of libraries and libraries of various
sizes. Currently, the FOLIO platform and its ERM are
growing progressively, and many libraries are starting to
implement it. Globally, there are more than 100 institutes
that implement the FOLIO LSP. For example, Stanford
University, Texas A&M University, Duke University,
Lehigh University, University of Chicago, University of
Figure 2. Monolithic architecture. Colorado, and Jio Institute in India. Library of Congress,

Figure 3. Micro-services (Apps) architecture.

Journal of Information and Knowledge | Vol 60(3) | June 2023 153

FOLIO: The Future of Library is Open

National Libraries of Australia are planning to implement modules. Stripes handle typical duties like data gathering,
(Enis, 2022). The first version of FOLIO was Aster released routing, authentication, and localization. The developers
in January 2019; the upcoming version of FOLIO is Poppy and designers can take advantage of the following
and will be released in 2023. resources available on the FOLIO UX website to create
FOLIO apps with MOTIF:
5.1 FOLIO Architecture - UX prototypes: Contains interactive mock-ups
which demonstrate the look and feel of FOLIO apps
Folio features a modular architecture that enables many
- UX guidelines: Documentation regarding FOLIO
parts to interoperate and communicate via a shared
design components
framework. The core of FOLIO is the Okapi gateway
- UX assets: This includes fonts, colors, and icons and
(Figure 4), which makes it possible to integrate with
these are downloadable.
loosely coupled apps (micro-services) and functional
- FOLIO library: Consisting of all the components
cohesion that offer a variety of features, including
used to design apps
analytics, circulation, acquisitions, and inventories
(Murray, 2023).
5.2.2 API Support
5.2 Features of FOLIO FOLIO’s API (Application Programming Interface),
which facilitates interoperability and interaction
The essential features of FOLIO LSP are discussed here
with other systems and services, is one of its primary
under six major heads.
characteristics. The FOLIO API is based on REST
(REpresentational State Transfer) principles, which
5.2.1 User Interface/ User Experience (UI/UX)
means that it communicates with the FOLIO server using
One of the pivotal elements of FOLIO is its User Interface common HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and
(UI) design. FOLIO has set some guidelines to promote DELETE. To share data, it uses JSON (JavaScript Object
an aligned vision for developers, consistency, and ease of Notation).
use across all apps. FOLIO does have its design system The Okapi, an API-Gateway is used by FOLIO to
called MOTIF. The MOTIF outlines FOLIO apps’ visual manage several modules that include acquisitions,
style, patterns, components, and interactions. MOTIF circulation, users, analytics, and other aspects of library
is implemented using Stripes, a front-end framework management. Okapi divides web service endpoints into
explicitly developed for FOLIO. The Stripes make it two categories: (1) APIs for general module and tenant
possible that one can create FOLIO apps with very minimal management; so-called “core”, and (2) endpoints for
coding. It provides a set of reusable UI components and interacting with business-logic-specific interfaces given by

Figure 4. FOLIO architecture.

154 Journal of Information and Knowledge | Vol 60(3) | June 2023

Satbir Chauhan, K. Kandhasamy and N. Sakthivel

modules, such as circulation or patron management. For 5.2.5 FOLIO Codex

example, the inventory module has endpoints for create, FOLIO is a microservices architecture-based platform
retrieve, update, and delete items and holdings records. that communicates with number of apps, and for
The libraries can modify and improve their FOLIO managing its metadata and different formats the term
platform to suit their requirements and preferences that is used to describe a collection of metadata is known
because of flexible and extendable API. Additionally, as Codex. With Codex normalization and virtualization
users can connect their FOLIO platform with other layers, FOLIO may include metadata about multiple
external systems and services, including discovery layers, resources regardless of format, storage location, and
digital repositories, authentication providers, payment encoding. A lightweight (simplified) metadata schema
gateways, and more, via the FOLIO API (Okapi-FOLIO is used by the FOLIO codex to define resources. The
Community, 2023). majority of currently used metadata models, including
MARC, Dublin Core, MODS, and BIBFRAME, can be
5.2.3 FOLIO Community mapped to this common denominator. The FOLIO codex
One of the key benefits of open-source software is its also spans storage locations. It does not matter whether a
community. Communities encourage collaboration resource is managed locally or in a remote system. Codex
and innovation among programmers who have similar enables what the FOLIO community call “cataloguing-by-
interests or objectives. Open-source software can be reference” and anticipates being efficient workflow than
developed, tested, documented, and maintained by the copy cataloguing. The FOLIO codex comprises numerous
community; they constantly provide feedback, support, modules (and apps) that fall under the same category. The
and suggestions to improve product quality and efficiency. Codex Search app is the most well-known FOLIO codex
The FOLIO project does have a vast active community. application. It allows users to search for resources across
The FOLIO community intends to support the long- various apps that may be used to manage resources, such
term community-driven development of a contemporary as institutional repositories, e-holdings, inventory, etc.
technological ecosystem for libraries. In their governance (Bareau, 2019A; Bareau, 2019B).
model, they are using the community of three different
councils: 5.2.6 FOLIO with Cloud
• Community Council Looking at FOLIO’s current hardware resource
• Product Council requirements, it is supposed to be installed on Cloud,
• Technical Council which will enhance its services by giving maximum
Each council may sponsor Special Interest Groups uptime, elasticity, resilience, security, etc., and will make
(SIGs) or other working groups to carry out their it a more futuristic platform.
charters. SIG is made up of practitioners of libraries who
are interested in contributing to particular functional
5.3 Installation of FOLIO (Pre-Built
areas, such as the App interaction SIG and the ERM
SIG. Vagrant Boxes)
There are three different types of FOLIO installation and
5.2.4 Choice Oriented Services deployment. These are pre-built vagrant boxes, Single-
FOLIO platform enables libraries to develop and modify server deployment, and Kubernetes deployment. If
their offerings based on patron demands and preferences. an individual wants to try FOLIO without complete
FOLIO’s choice-oriented approach, which enables installation, one can use Pre-built vagrant box installation
libraries to choose the modules and applications that best by using the following simple steps:
suit their workflows and objectives, is one of its primary Pre-requisites:
advantages. It’s like FOLIO gives libraries the freedom • Vagrant – Recent version.
and control to direct their own future by being flexible, • VirtualBox – Determine the version of VirtualBox
scalable, and adaptive. to match your version of vagrant.

Journal of Information and Knowledge | Vol 60(3) | June 2023 155

FOLIO: The Future of Library is Open

1) Create a folder – Open it – Right Click – Open 4. It is far ahead of the current generation of ILSs,
Terminal – Paste these commands in order: particularly in managing e-resources.
vagrant init --minimal folio/release-core
2) Create a file named VagrantFile in same folder and
add below code:
7. Limitations
Vagrant.configure(“2”) do |config| 1. The major limitations of FOLIO in its present = “folio/snapshot” form are (as observed) -
config.vm.provider “virtualbox” do |vb| 2. The involvement of commercial vendors could
vb.memory = 24576 disturb FOLIO’s open-source status in future;
vb.cpus = 2 3. Production-level implementation of FOLIO
end is quite difficult and requires sound technical
end understanding;
vagrant up 4. Many libraries may not be able to meet the
vagrant ssh minimum requirements to implement FOLIO; The
3) In your browser, hit localhost:3000 (initial basic Hardware/IT infrastructure requirements
credentials: diku_admin/admin) are:
Based on the hands-on experience of this LSP it • High resource requirements (Single server
appears that the microservices architecture or called apps with containers)
(in FOLIO) is an enhanced version of modules from ILS • Min 24 GB of RAM (40 GB RAM is
that is more efficient and easier to use. The User Interface proffered)
is quite simple and impressive; Dashboard has the option • 350 GB SSD
of full customization and management for quick access • 8-core CPU
or widgets, Integrated ERM system reduces dependency 5. It does not offer much scope for localization; Also,
on other software. The multitasking app environment there is little support for regional languages or
increases its ease of access. The courses app allows one local variations.
to create and manage course reserves. It has open-source
project support for reporting called LDP (Library Data
Platform), acting as a relational database and can create 8. Conclusion
custom tables to import non-FOLIO data. In terms of manpower, financial resources, and machine/
material resources, open-source software provides the best
6. Findings solution for libraries facing budget constraints. Libraries
typically employ different software for various services.
The obvious advantages of an open-source LSP over an For repositories, options include DSpace and Eprints; for
open-source ILS are - Library Management Systems (LMS), there are choices
1. The LSPs like FOLIO offer a variety of software like Koha and Libsys; and for discovery services, libraries
on one platform with choice-oriented services. may utilize EDS or VuFind. As libraries expand and offer
By using this software, the library won’t have more services, the number of software products they need
to manage/maintain several software or may also increase. However, maintaining a large number
subscriptions; of software applications can be challenging and requires
2. The technology and architecture behind such expertise. This is where Library Service Platforms (LSPs)
software make it a futuristic product; like FOLIO come into play. FOLIO offers flexibility,
3. So far deployments of FOLIO are less in number features, functionality, and sustainability, shaping the
across the globe, but history tells us that it future of libraries to be open. While the current Integrated
happens with each piece of new technology. The Library System (ILS) attempts to add multiple modules
library community must start acknowledging like Electronic Resource Management (ERM) to address
such technologies to remain compatible with the the situation, in a real-time environment, it may struggle
changing world; and to sustain the same infrastructure and architecture as

156 Journal of Information and Knowledge | Vol 60(3) | June 2023

Satbir Chauhan, K. Kandhasamy and N. Sakthivel

FOLIO. Presently, FOLIO does not include an Online Mukhopadhayay, P. (2002). Progress of library man-
Public Access Catalog (OPAC), but this issue will be agement software: An Indian scenario. Vidyasagar
resolved by incorporating the Searchwork open-source University Journal of Library and Information Science,
OPAC developed by Stanford University. Additionally, 1-15. Available at:
the application of artificial intelligence in early library pdf/333967026.pdf
experiences is an ongoing discussion in both FOLIO and Murray, P. (2023). Welcome to the folio wiki. The Open
other emerging LSPs, indicating its potential to become Library Foundation: FOLIO project. Available at: https://
the primary software for all types of libraries due to the
growing trust within the library community. Okapi-FOLIO community (2023). Okapi guide and refer-
ence. Available at:
9. References Pradhan, P. (2019). Library Services Platform (LSP): An
overview. INFLIBNET, 26(1), 12-22. Available at:
Bareau, V. (2019A). The codex metadata model. The Open
Library Foundation: FOLIO project. https://wiki.folio.
Sources from FOLIO:
Bareau, V. (2019B). Available at: The codex vision. The Open
FOLIO Community (2023). FOLIO: Open Source Library
Library Foundation: FOLIO project. Available at: https://
Services Platform. FOLIO: The Future of Libraries Is
Open. Available at:
Breeding, M. (2015). Library services platforms: A maturing
FOLIO Community (2023). All guidelines. FOLIO UX
genre of products. American Library Association, 51(4).
docs. UX prototypes, guidelines and assets. FOLIO UX.
Available at:
Enis, M. (2022). Open for growth: Open source platforms
FOLIO Community (2023). FOLIO Documentation.
on the rise. Library journal. Available at: https://www.
Available at:
FOLIO Community (2023). FAQ · FOLIO UX docs · UX
prototypes, guidelines and assets. FOLIO UX. Available
Grant, C. (2012). The future of library systems: Library ser-
vices platforms. Information Standards Quarterly, 24(4),
FOLIO Community (2023). FOLIO Developers: Reference
- API documentation. The Open Library Foundation:
Index Data. (2023, March 27). FOLIO - Open Source Library
FOLIO Project. Available at:
Management System: Index Data. https://www.index-
FOLIO Community (2023). FOLIO Developers: Developer
Kortick, Y. (2021). Trends in physical and electronic
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resource usage in U.S. Academic libraries. Ex
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Journal of Information and Knowledge | Vol 60(3) | June 2023 157

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