No Homework Persuasive Essay
No Homework Persuasive Essay
No Homework Persuasive Essay
Writing a persuasive essay on the topic of "No Homework" can be a challenging task, as it involves
presenting a coherent and convincing argument while addressing potential counterarguments. The
complexity lies in balancing the emotional aspects of the topic with logical reasoning. Students often
feel strongly about the issue of homework, and the writer must navigate through these emotions
while maintaining a structured and well-supported essay.
To create a compelling piece, one must delve into research to gather relevant data, studies, and expert
opinions to support their stance. This adds an extra layer of difficulty, as finding reliable sources and
statistics can be time-consuming. Additionally, addressing the opposing viewpoint with a fair and
objective approach is crucial to showcase the writer's ability to consider different perspectives.
The essay should be well-organized, with a clear introduction that grabs the reader's attention, a body
that presents arguments coherently, and a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression. Crafting a
strong thesis statement is essential to guide the reader throughout the essay and maintain focus on
the main argument.
Moreover, the language used should be persuasive and engaging, striking a balance between
formality and relatability. The writer must consider their target audience and tailor the essay to
appeal to their emotions and intellect.
In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay on the topic of "No Homework" demands a careful blend of
research, empathy, and effective communication. It requires a skillful navigation through the
complexities of the issue while maintaining a clear and compelling narrative. It is a task that demands
time, effort, and a thorough understanding of the subject matter to create a persuasive and impactful
For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, individuals can explore services like , where professional writers can provide support and guidance in crafting well-
researched and persuasive pieces.
No Homework Persuasive Essay No Homework Persuasive Essay
Language Frustration Essay
Language Frustration
The article titled Language Use in Family and in Society written by Lee Thomas and
Linh Cao, is about how language can affect a single family in a terrible way. Thomas
teaches linguistics at the University of Nevada, Reno, and Cao is an English teacher at
Sparks High School located in Sparks, Nevada. Cao has much background information
on the topic because she herself is part of the family discussed in this essay. Their
concern with a language barrier is that it leads to confusion and frustration within the
family. They give examples of families becoming more distant due to miscommunication
and their sense of loss. Imagine trying to speak with your mother and only understanding
half of ... Show more content on ...
For example this article shows the frustration within families and the effects it has in the
future. This problem may change the decision of someone wanting to move to a certain
location due to the language barrier. This change may take a long time, but through
acceptance and instruction, it may be done. The problem with attempting
monolingualism is that few people would agree to give up their language and learn
another. By limiting the number of dialects, and possibly removing certain languages all
together, we can improve social interaction. This in turn would remove what the families
see as frustration, confusion, and isolation. Parents are becoming isolated from their
children due to their negligence to keep up with the language taught in schools. The
misunderstanding may result in unintentional lack of respect between family members
and separation of relatives. There may be an argument between families of the proper
way to state something but both can be right. Neither person is willing to accept the
others ways. It is very difficult to change a language spoken a lifetime, especially for
families who don t often interact with society.
The structure of this article is problem/solution. Throughout the passage, the problem is
presented by including dialogue from a conversation within the families. For example,
when the family is trying to plan their
Mass Shootings And Terrorist Attacks
Nous Sommes tous Unis The Introduction The topic of mass shootings and terrorists
attacks has been of particular attention to the American public this year. But the huge
event that has truly shocked Americans was the November 13th attacks on Paris. In just
a half hour gunmen and suicide bombers hit a concert hall, a major stadium, restaurants
and bars, and left 130 people dead and almost four hundred wounded. The attacks on
Paris monopolized the media, and soon no one found themselves ignorant of the events
that occurred on that Friday the 13th. Immediately the world turned to France, and for
the first time Americans were able to repay the French for their empathy shown after the
tragedies on 9/11. In a method previously reserved for... Show more content on ...
slacktivism. Slacktivism, a common communication term used to describe taking
action on the Internet in support of a cause that requires little time or involvement, is
currently a huge topic in today s media. Many believe that millennials like myself have
no concept of performing anything other than slacktivism. Indeed, many feel that
while slacktivism has no immediate danger, it encourages the decline of actual
progress on issues (Penney, 2015). Terrorism, also all too familiar for millennials,
festered and opened up again in way most Americans had not anticipated. Seeing the
devastation and quick responses of these attacks led me to analyze American
responses to this tragedy. The question But this leads me to my question of why? Why
did the Facebook community cover their profile pictures with a French flag? While
this question seems like an easily answered one, it was not easy to arrive at. Following
the November 13th attacks I found myself at awe of the new media we see in our
world today. The way that news covers tragedy is different, and even where people go
to for reliable news has changed. I began my search for information at these topics.
Later, my mind marveled at social media in the form of YouTube, Twitter, Instagram,
and Facebook. These websites were often the source of public opinion on this event. I
wondered if there was any pressure to participate in Parisian support. Finally, after
looking at social media, I arrived at my final inquiry,
The Three Sports Throughout History
There are three sports that truly impacted the world from the beginning of time till
now. Many people play these sports for the enjoyment and because that is what they
grew up around. The three sports include, Football, Baseball, and also soccer. I
personally play football, and baseball so I can name off some facts about these sports
from the top of my head. a young man named Abner Doubleday invented baseballin
Cooperstown, New York, during the summer of 1839. Doubleday then went on to
become a Civil War hero, while baseball became America s beloved national pastime.
Most modern versions of football are believed to have originated from England in the
twelfth century. The game became so popular in England that the kings of that time
Definition Of Media Freedom Of Expression Under Article 10...
Chapter 3 Explanation of Media Freedom of Expression under Article 10 of the Human
Rights Act and the European Convention on Human Rights
On the 2nd October 2000, the Human Rights Act 1998 came into force as the most
important privacy statute to further strengthen the UK domestic law by affording the
rights introduced by the European Convention on Human Rights.
The HRA 1998 have been introduced with a wide and comprehensive scope as it applies
to most domestic public authorities and bodies including:
a court or tribunal, and any person certain of whose function or of a public nature, but
does not include either House of Parliament or a person exercising functions in
connection with proceedings in Parliament.
The aim is to ensure ... Show more content on ...
Article 10 (1) states that:
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. The right shall include freedom to hold
opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public
authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring
the licensing of broadcasting, television and cinema enterprises.
Additionally, Article 19 (2) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
guarantees that such right is available to everyone. Therefore, taken into account that
the scope of Article 10 is vaguely broad expanding to nearly any activity that can
considered to be expression in the literal meaning of the word , the real difficulty was to
examine and establish lawful conditions under which any restriction of freedom of
expression is lawful. Due to the absolute meaning of the guarantee under Article 19(2)
such limitation and restriction of the right was required, excluding certain ways of
expression from under its protection. However, it has not been interpreted as a freedom
of information guarantee it is rather a right of freedom to receive information
representing, where a voluntary speaker is interfered with in exercising any of the
protected expressive activities, then both the speaker and the potential receiving audience
is prima facie deprived from this right. This
Horatio Alger Myth Research Paper
The Horatio Alger myth is one of the oldest myths in the history of the United States of
America. Horatio Alger was a 19th century author who wrote short stories that all had
the same universal theme: a young man rising from a poor childhood to become a
successful adult. Alger s stories were enormously popular during his time and continue
to be so today with the term Alger Myth become a household saying. The popularity of
Alger s stories is not surprising when one considers America has consistently pushed the
notion that anyone can achieve success if they work hard. Every child in America is
told at some point in their life that they can be anything they want to be. This myth is as
much a part of American culture as apple pie or baseball.... Show more content on ...
[Logical transition needed here such as Yet, ] The poverty level in America is
absurdly high and produces a large group of children who grow up in an environment
where everybody is struggling to get by on a day to day basis. These children have no
actual tangible evidence that somebody from their neighborhood can achieve the type
of success they dream of. The only hope they have comes from the Alger Myth or
other such fables that describe rags to riches stories. The Alger Myth is thus a useful
tool for the American upper class, in the sense that it gives the lower class a hope for
their future and in the process helps to prevent any attempt by the lower class to
overthrow the current economic system, which produces this huge disparity between
the rich and poor. [Good. This effectively politicizes and enlarges the issue.] This
would almost be an acceptable practice if the Alger Myth was true and everyone did
have a chance to succeed regardless of race, sex, or affluence. [Again, emphasize the
contrast with a transition: But, ] The Alger Myth , like many popular American myths,
is in fact a fallacy as the facts simply show there is no evidence to support an equal
playing field for every
Notes On Sequence Of Learning Activities
Sequence of Learning Activities:
Activity #1: Project Introduction: During this activity, I will describe the three choices
that they have for their final project in the Heroes unit. I will give students the three
rubrics that go with their three choices and explain them, so that they know what will be
expected. I will define the vocabulary that they may not know in the rubrics. This will
give the students an opportunity to explore their options and become familiar with the
different processes. (15 Minutes) (Objectives 1, 2, and 3)
1.Explain to them, That they have three different options to choice from for their final
project on heroes.
2.Hand out the descriptions of their three different choices.
3.Discuss and explain in details each of the options to the students.
4.Tell them, That they can choose any of the three, but they should choose the one that
they will have the most fun with and be creative.
5.Explain, The last option, which is a video, can be done with 1 to 2 other students.
However, everyone has to work together and show proof of the work they do.
6.Ask the students, Does anyone have any questions?
7.Give time for students to ask questions.
8.Answer any questions that need to be addressed.
9.Hand out the three rubrics for the different projects.
10.Explain to the students, These are rubrics and they are the way that I will be assessing
your final presentations.
11.Tell them, These are also excellent tools serve as a guide to