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EV Charging Using Wireless Power Transmission

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International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences – IJETS

ISSN (P):2349-3968, ISSN (O): 2349-3976 Volume IX - Issue VI, June 2022



3Praveen. B


1UG Scholar Department of Electrical Science, Adithya Institute of

Technology,Coimbatore -641 107.
2UG Scholar Department of Electrical Science, Adithya Institute of

Technology,Coimbatore -641 107.

3UG Scholar Department of Electrical Science, Adithya Institute of

Technology,Coimbatore -641 107.

4UG Scholar Department of Electrical Science, Adithya Institute of

Technology,Coimbatore -641 107

Abstract: anxiety and reduce the cost of

Usually, electric vehicle onboard batteries. Wireless
systems are based on various recharging has long been
modules that should ensure the common with pure electric
high power and stability of the vehicles and is designed to allow
vehicle on the track. The majority charging even when the vehicle is
of these components are linked to in motion. However, it is difficult
the charging mech- anism. In this to analyze this method since its
regard, dynamic wireless power operating philosophy is complex,
transfer is a practical method to particularly with
solve electric vehicle range

International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences – IJETS
ISSN (P):2349-3968, ISSN (O): 2349-3976 Volume IX - Issue VI, June 2022

model that can describe and

vehicle, whether it is in motion or measure source-to-vehicle power

not, defines several parameters such transmission even though it is in

as the . This paper presents a novel motion. In the proposed

method to improve the performance mathematical model, all physical

of the dynamic wireless recharge parameters describing the model

system. In the proposed system, were presented and discussed. The

receiver coils have been added to results showed the effectiveness of

maximize charging power by the proposed model. Also, the

offering a dynamic mathematical experi- mental

tests confirmed the validity of the

simulation results obtained by
providing two coil receivers under
the vehicle. Electric power storage is also
Introduction: one of the main research topics
these days. Technological advances
The scarcity of fossil in electrical energy storage have
fuels, as well as environmental culminated at a sufficient mass
concerns, point to new energy density of energy and power to
challenges. Overall, the traditional meet automotive needs. The biggest
transport industry absorbs half of drawback of these storage
the world’s oil production, resulting technologies is their high
in massive emissions. Taken production expense. Nowadays,
together, these issues have an researchers are attempting to build
impact on the automotive industry good storage solutions and enhance
and are also important for the their charging strategy and
research and development of reliability to reduce the overall cost
electric vehicle (EV) technologies as of the vehicle. Many technology
a solution to these problems. storage systems have been
developed in this area and

International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences – IJETS
ISSN (P):2349-3968, ISSN (O): 2349-3976 Volume IX - Issue VI, June 2022

integrated into the power train

system, resulting in positive Block diagram:
The perfect control of the
main electrical engine, or the perfect
control of the battery recharge
system, helps reduce the vehicle’s
power system’s loss. Inthe authors
have investigated different control
algorithms to improve the system’s
efficiency. Moreover, several studies
have been carried out on the
battery’s internal structure to
improve global productivity. Also,
many solutions were provided to
boost the energy efficiency of the e-
transportation system. This is
incorporate a strong autonomy
record in the recent models of
electric vehicles.
Components Used:

1. Wireless power supply coil

2. Wireless power supply coil
3. Robotic car chassis
4. Gear motor
5. Wheels
6. 6v li-ion Battery
7. Li-ion battery case
8. SPST switch
9. Jumpers
10.Single core wire
International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences – IJETS
ISSN (P):2349-3968, ISSN (O): 2349-3976 Volume IX - Issue VI, June 2022

frequency transformer as its main

component to generate a frequency of
Block diagram is a diagram of a 40 kHz and 12v as a output of the
system, in which the principal parts transmitting side. The frequency of
orfunctions arerepresented byblocks the high frequency transformer has to
connected by lines thatshow be matched with that of the coil so as
therelationships ofthe blocks. They to power transmission to take place.
areheavily usedin theengineering If the frequency is mismatched then
worldin hardware design, electronic the power transmission cannot occur.
design, software design, and process Wireless power transfer can make a
flow diagrams. remarkable change in the field of the
The blockdiagram istypically electrical engineering which
usedfor a higher level, less detailed eliminates the use conventional
description aimed more at copper cables and current carrying
understanding the overall concepts wires. Based on this concept, the
and less at understanding the details paper is developed to transfer power
of implementation. Contrast this with within a small range..
the schematic diagram and layout
diagram used in the electrical Circuit Diagram:
engineering world, where the
schematic diagram shows the details
ofeach electrical component and the
layout diagram shows the details of
physical construction.
It shows the basic block
diagram of the wireless power
system and its working with high

International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences – IJETS
ISSN (P):2349-3968, ISSN (O): 2349-3976 Volume IX - Issue VI, June 2022

Fig.1 development, and design, with a

Transmitter small size, easy to use, high
efficiency, low price characteristics.

It is mainly used in mobile

electronics products such as for
charging the mobile phone
wirelessly, game machines, tanks,
MP3, MP4, adult products, digital
Fig.2 Receiver
cameras, electric shavers, machine
learning, health care, etc. Due to the
adoption of a Contactless charging
Wireless Charger Module:
power supply, to complete sealing of
the products, waterproof and
dustproof; increase product service
life, use more convenient.

The 5V 2A Large Current Wireless

Charger Module Transmitter
Impacts of our proposed system:
Receiver Charging Coil Module is for
a variety of small electronic products,
 Initial installation cost is very
wireless charging, power supply

International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences – IJETS
ISSN (P):2349-3968, ISSN (O): 2349-3976 Volume IX - Issue VI, June 2022

 Heat generation is more than construction. The key result of this

traditional charging. study is concerned with the static and
dynamic modelling of the proposed
 Complex design.
WPT method. A new model is
 Difficult to adjust resonant
developed and defined that
frequency for multiple devices. incorporates both static and dynamic
 Produces radiation needs a line problems. On laboratory work, this
model was experimentally validated.
of sight.
The results obtained were satisfactory
and confirmed the effectiveness of the
reported observations. This was done
all over a single receiver coil. The
mutual inductance enhanced value
determines the efficiency.
Furthermore, having two coil
receivers under the EV is an upgrade
to the methodology and it was
discussed in detail. The mutual
inductance is an important parameter
4 in the WPT scheme. As a result, the
considered one or two coils cases
were extended to derive the used
mutual inductance values. An
assessment technique was addressed,
and the two cases were compared
Conclusion: and concluded.

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