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Electric Report

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Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment

of the requirements of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
student name roll no
1.Rushikesh pawar
2. Akash Pawar
3. Sagar narute
4. Jayant Sonone

Under the Supervision of

Guide name

Collage logo


Collage name


This paper gives an overview of

current wireless charging
technologies on electric vehicles
(EVs) charging. In
general, the near-eld technologies
are preferred over far-eld ones.
Inductive power transfer and
strongly cou-
pled magnetic resonance
technologies are chosen for detailed
review. Furthermore, special issues
related to EV
applications are also discussed,
namely efcient power supply,
misalignment tolerance, multiple
pick-up control,
simultaneous power and data
transmission and shielding methods
This project gives an overview of wireless charging technologies on electric vehicles
(EVs) charging. In general, the near-field technologies are preferred over far-field ones. Inductive
power transfer and strongly coupled magnetic resonance technologies are chosen for detailed
review. Furthermore, special issues related to EV applications are also discussed, namely efficient
power supply, misalignment tolerance, multiple pick-up control, simultaneous power and data
transmission and shielding methods. The main functions of wireless charging is to transmit power by
an electromagnetic field across a given space. As electric vehicles are a better alternative to curb the
ongoing pollution it is vital to make amendments in the battery charging process to attain greater
reliability. Electric vehicle battery charging can be done by plug in charging at charging stations or by
wireless power transfer.

Wireless power transfer can be implemented as a static or dynamic charging system.

Dynamic charging system can be implemented to charge the vehicle even when it is in motion. By
using inductive power transfers the power from source can be transferred to the chargeable
batteries through transformer windings. For preplanned routes such dynamic charging stations can
be set up for charging batteries. This will not only increase the use of electric vehicles but also make
them efficient and reliable for large distances as well. The paper specially presents an evaluation on
how the future EV development and wireless charging methods can be implemented.




1. Introduction

1.1 Problem statement

1.2 Objectives

1.3 Scope

1.4 Methodology

2. Literature review

3. System description

3.1Working principle

3.2 System components

4. Calculations

6. Advantages and disadvantages

7. Applications

8. Future scope

9. Conclusion

10. References


Interest in electric vehicles (EVs) has recently grown due to calls for eco friendly transportation.
Battery-powered electric buses or plug-in EV buses, which produce zero tailpipe emissions, offer
significant potential in improving sustainability and an eco friendly environment in urban areas. EV-
based transit buses require a large battery for a long service time.

For instance, a long-range all-electric bus manufactured by BYD Auto Company has a 324-kWh
lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery. Unfortunately, the large capacity of the batteries of current EV
buses prevents them from gaining popularity as a mainstream mass transit solution.

The current problems of plug-in EV buses are the long operational idle during the battery charging
time, the high cost of the battery, and the great weight of the battery. Dynamic wireless charging
(DWC) systems have emerged as an alternative to address the challenges caused by the current
battery technology.

However, inductive charging requires that the secondary, receiver, coil has to be precisely positioned
above the primary, transmitter, coil in order to achieve a high power transfer and efficiency. Thus,
new solutions that can help the driver position the car sufficiently accurately for inductive charging
are needed.


• Electric vehicles are going to be the future transport. In order to increase the efficiency of
the charging station and to reduce the charging time we made the charging station by
utilizing the renewable and non-renewable energy to increase it's efficiency and with fast
charging technology through wired or wireless modes to reduce the charging time.

• The charging station should mobile and should have a separate battery pack from which the
electric vehicles are to be charged by using DC to DC rapid charging technology through
wired connection or wirelessly.

• If vehicles battery get down at a odd places where charging station are too far on highways
the we should need mobile charging station.


• The objective of this research is to design a Solar Powered movable charging station for
electric vehicle as its ultimate power with wireless charging

• To design wireless vehicle charging, as it name suggest wireless means purposed system
transfer power wirelessly.

• To maximize energy consumption.

• To design for when the coils are placed close to each other with coinciding axes,which
indicates high coupling between the coils and expected to have maximum power transfer in
contactless systems to get road side assistance for EV’s

1.3. Methodology

The wireless power transfer (WPT) technology, which can eliminate all the charging
troublesome, is desirable by the EV owners. By wirelessly transferring energy to the EV, the
charging becomes the easiest task. For a stationary WPT system, the drivers just need to park
their car and leave. For a dynamic WPT system, which means the EV could be powered
while driving; the EV is possible to run forever without a stop. Also, the battery capacity of
EVs with wireless charging could be reduced to 20% or less compared to EVs with
conductive charging. Although the market demand is huge, people were just wondering
whether the WPT could be realized efficiently at When the WPT is used in the EV charging,
the MHz frequency operation is hard to meet the power and efficiency criteria. It is inefficient
to convert a few to a few hundred kilowatts power at MHz frequency level using state-of-
theart power electronics devices. Moreover, air-core coils are too sensitive to the surrounding
ferromagnetic objects. When an air-core coil is attached to a car, the magnetic flux will go
inside the chassis causing high eddy current loss as well as a significant change in the coil


Intelligent Wireless Charging Station for Electric Vehicles Adilet Sultanbek, Auyez Khassenov,
Yerassyl Kanapyanov

Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is considered as a plugless alternative for Electric

Vehicle (EV) charging. In WPT concept induction or magnetic coupling techniques are considered as
suitable methods for EV charging. In this study, WPT system for EV is discussed and simulated. An
intelligent WPT system is introduced and simulated to charge EV. This system is able to align
transmitting coil with receiving coil automatically using finger print method. Developed system will
save the time of driver, reduce human error in car WPT technique, save energy, and can start to
charge the car intelligently during off-peak period. It is quite beneficial in energy saving and
electricity cost reduction for EV consumers.

Environmental pollution is considered as significant issue for entire the Globe.

Global warming, greenhouse gases, air pollution and acid rains are only some of the consequences
to name a few. Large contribution to pollution is obtained from vehicle emissions. Gasoline-powered
cars emit greenhouse gases into natural atmosphere, which could be the primary cause of global
warming. Transition to sustainable technologies is one of the possible solutions to stabilize the
climate and a starting point to deal with vehicle pollution [1]. Transition from petrol-powered
transports to EVs would be ponderable contribution to sustain healthy environment [2]. EV
implementation is a relatively global-accepted idea in transportation industry and great step to
reach eco-friendly technologies. EVs run on electricity obtaining their power from the battery
installed in the car, which power the motors and run the wheels. The battery is rechargeable using
grid electricity. EVs are petrol-free and they are quite economy alternatives as the fossil fuel price
increase steadily. Along with eco-friendliness, electric cars considerably reduce noise pollution and
require less vehicle maintenance in comparison with conventional cars [3].

Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles K. Parmesha, Rashmi Prafullakumar Neriya and M.
Varun Kumar

Mankind has been using automotive vehicles for transportation from one place to another. These
vehicles use internal combustion(IC) engines to drive it. Due to increased number of vehicles
there is environmental pollution caused by IC engines and reduction in fossil fuels. The latest
innovations in the Automotive Industry are helping to improve fuel efficiency and reduce
emissions. One such technological advancement is Hybrid vehicles which use both IC engines and
electric motors to drive the vehicles or a car in simple words, helping to reduce the amount of
emissions produced maintaining the performance of the engine. However, in the future, the focus
is on clean and green energy producing zero emissions. Design and manufacture of electric
vehicles has led to major interest in current industry [1]. Since these vehicles run on battery the
main drawbacks are high cost, short distance travel and long charging time. Consumers are
constantly looking for a better solution to improve the travel efficiency. Hence wired charging
systems were built at every gas station. Wired charging also have some limitations like socket
points, spacing occupied by the charging station, limited range of wire, vehicle has to change its
orientation to connect to the charger. These can be addressed by wireless charging systems
for electric vehicles. This provides flexible and hassle free charging and also systems can be built
at home, parking lot, garage etc. Fig. 1 shows simplified diagram of car and wireless charging
system implemented in automotive industry [2]. Many wireless power transfer techniques are
used to implement this technology. These methods use coils to transmit power. Coil will produce a
short range magnetic field, when a second coil is placed an electric current will flow through it. The
magnetic field has transferred power from one coil to other called Induction. It is necessary to

analyze these techniques based on the application to obtain optimum results for the system to
function correctly.

Overview of Wireless Charging Technologies for Electric VehiclesChun Qiu 1, K. T. Chau 2, Tze
Wood Ching 3, and Chunhua Liu

The commercial market of

electric vehicles (EVs)
has begun to grow. The existing
conductive charg-
ing method requires high power
charging devices or
charging stations to recharge the
vehicle within a short
time [Liu et al., 2013]. Incompatible
plugs receptacles
also cause additional inconvenience
between different
EV models. As for the wireless
charging technologies,
different EV models can share their
charging infra-

structure if the same wireless power
transfer (WPT)
technology is adopted. In longer
term, dynamic road
charging technology will enable
users to charge the
EV battery while driving, as shown
in Figure 1. This
brings about much reduced battery
size, extended
driving range and reduced vehicle
price, and further
stimulates the EV market.
Far-filed and near-field are the two
main categories
for WPT technologies. The far-
eld technologies use
microwave radiation or laser as
energy carrier. They

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are capable to transfer high power
over long distances.
But a direct line-of-sight
transmission path and com-
plicated tracking strategies are
required [Shinohara,
Moreover, the EMC requirements
are more stringent
as the frequency of operation
increases. So the anten-
nas should be large enough to satisfy
the power den-
sity limits, which is impractical for
EV WPT applica-
tions. For these reasons, far-field
WPT technologies
are by far mostly used in space and
military applica-

11 | P a g e
tions, such as solar power satellite
[Jaffe and McSpad-
den, 2013].
The commercial market of electric vehicles (EVs) has begun to grow. The existing
conductive charg-ing method requires high power charging devices or charging stations to recharge
the vehicle within a short time [Liu et al., 2013]. Incompatible plugs receptacles also cause additional
inconvenience between different EV models. As for the wireless charging technologies, different EV
models can share their charging infra-structure if the same wireless power transfer (WPT)
technology is adopted. In longer term, dynamic road charging technology will enable users to charge
the EV battery while driving, as shown in Figure 1. This brings about much reduced battery size,
extended driving range and reduced vehicle price, and further stimulates the EV market.Far-filed and
near-field are the two main categories for WPT technologies. The far- eld technologies use
microwave radiation or laser as energy carrier. They are capable to transfer high power over long
distances. But a direct line-of-sight transmission path and com-plicated tracking strategies are
required [Shinohara, 2013].Moreover, the EMC requirements are more stringent as the frequency of
operation increases. So the anten-nas should be large enough to satisfy the power den-sity limits,
which is impractical for EV WPT applica-tions. For these reasons, far-field WPT technologies are by
far mostly used in space and military applica-tions, such as solar power satellite [Jaffe and McSpad-
den, 2013].

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 At-Mega 328
 Solar plate
 Lead acid battery
 Relay
 LCD Display
 Motor driver
 DC motor

 Arduino IDE
 Keil
 Proteus

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• For road side wireless electric vehicle charging station (WPT)

technology, which can eliminate all the charging troublesome, is
desirable by the EV owners. By wirelessly transferring energy to the EV,
at any location for road side assistance the charging becomes the easiest
• For a mobile ev charging station system, the drivers just need to park
their car and leave. For a dynamic WPT system, which means the EV
could be powered while driving; the EV is possible to run forever without
a stop. Also, the battery capacity of EVs with wireless charging could be
reduced to 20% or less compared to EVs with conductive charging.
• Although the market demand for movable charging station is huge,
people were just wondering whether the WPT could be realized
efficiently at When the WPT is used in the EV charging, the MHz
frequency operation is hard to meet the power and efficiency criteria. It is
inefficient to convert a few to a few hundred kilowatts power at MHz
frequency level using state-of-the art power electronics devices.
Moreover, air-core coils are too sensitive to the surrounding
ferromagnetic objects. When an
• air-core coil is attached to a car, the magnetic flux will go inside the
chassis causing high eddy current loss as well as a significant change in
the coil parameters.


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At-mega 328
Arduino was born at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute as an easy tool for fast prototyping,
aimed at students without a background in electronics and programming. As soon as it reached a
wider community, the Arduino board started changing to adapt to new needs and challenges,
differentiating its offer from simple 8-bit boards to products for IoT applications, wearable, 3D
printing, and embedded environments.

Arduino is a single-board microcontroller to make using electronics in multidisciplinary projects

more accessible.
The hardware consists of a simple open source hardware board designed around an 8-bit Atmel
AVR microcontroller, or a 32-bit Atmel ARM. The software consists of a standard
programming language compiler and a bootloader that executes on the microcontroller.

• Operating Voltage: 5V
• Input Voltage(recommended):7-12V
• Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
• Digital I/O Pins: 14 (ofwhich 6 provide PWM output)
• Analog Input Pins: 6
• DC Current per I/O Pin: 40mA
• DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50mA
• Flash Memory: 32 KB(ATmega328)
• SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
• EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
• Clock Speed: 16 MHz

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The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14
digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Uno differs from all
preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features
the Atmega8U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter. "Uno" means "One" in Italian and is
named to mark the upcoming release of Arduino 1.0. The Uno and version 1.0 will be the
reference versions of Arduino, moving forward. The Uno is the latest in a series of USB Arduino
boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform.
Arduino microcontroller is a small computer board which is easy to use besides is something
come with open-source, which means hardware is reasonably priced and development software
is free. With Arduino, ones can write programs and freely creating an interface circuits to read
switches and other sensor, and also controlling motors and lights with a very simple steps.
In its simplest form, an Arduino is a tiny computer that you can program to process inputs and
outputs going into and from the chip.The Arduino is what is known as a Physical or Embedded
Computing platform, which means that it is an interactive system, that through the use of
hardware and software can interact with itʼs environment.For example, a simple use of the
Arduino would be to turn a light on for a set period of time, letʼs say 30 seconds, after a button
has been pressed (we will build this very same project later in the book). In this example, the
Arduino would have a lamp connected to it as well as a button. The Arduino would sit patiently
waiting for the button to be pressed. When you press the button it would then turn the lamp on
and start counting. Once it had counted 30 seconds it would then turn the lamp off and then
carry on sitting there waiting for another button press. You could use this set-up to control a
lamp in an under-stairs cupboard for example. You could extend this example to sense when the
cupboard door was opened and automatically turn the light on, turning it off after a set period of
The Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or it can be connected to a
computer to retrieve or send data to the Arduino and then act on that data (e.g. Send sensor
data out to the internet).The Arduino can be connected to LEDʼs. Dot Matrix displays, LED
displays, buttons, switches, motors, temperature sensors, pressure sensors, distance sensors,
webcams, printers, GPS receivers, Ethernet modules,The Arduino board is made of an an Atmel
AVR Microprocessor, a crystal or oscillator (basically a crude clock that sends time pulses to the
microcontroller to enable it to operate at the correct speed) and a 5-volt linear regulator.

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Depending on what type of Arduino you have, you may also have a USB connector to enable it to
be connected to a PC or Mac to upload or retrieve data. The board exposes the microcontrollerʼs
I/O (Input/Output) pins to enable you to connect those pins to other circuits or to sensors,
etc.To program the Arduino (make it do what you want it to) you also use the Arduino IDE
(Integrated Development Environment), which is a piece of free software, that enables you to
program in the language that the Arduino understands. In the case of the Arduino the language
is C. The IDE enables you to write a computer program, which is a set of step-bystep instructions
that you then upload to the Arduino. Then your Arduino will carry out those instructions and
interact with the world outside. In the Arduino world,programs are known as ʻSketchesʼ.

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Pin Descriptions
Digital supply voltage

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L293D is a typical Motor driver or Motor Driver IC which is used to drive DC on either
direction. It is a 16-pin IC which can control a set of two DC motors simultaneously in any
direction. It means that you can control two DC motor with a single L293D IC. Dual H-
bridge Motor Driver integrated circuit (IC).The l293d can drive small and quiet big motors as
well. A H bridge is an electronic circuit that enables a voltage to be applied across a load in
either direction. These circuits are often used in robotics and other applications to allow DC
motors to run forwards and backwards.

Most DC-to-AC converters (power inverters), most AC/AC converters, the DC-to-DC push–

pull converter, most motor controllers, and many other kinds of power electronics use H
bridges. In particular, a bipolar stepper motor is almost invariably driven by a motor
controller containing Two H Bridges. H bridges are available as integrated circuits, or can be
built from discrete components.

The term H bridge is derived from the typical graphical representation of such a circuit. An H
bridge is built with four switches (solid-state or mechanical). When the switches S1 and S4
(according to the first figure) are closed (and S2 and S3 are open) a positive voltage will be
applied across the motor. By opening S1 and S4 switches and closing S2 and S3 switches,
this voltage is reversed, allowing reverse operation of the motor.

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Using the nomenclature above, the switches S1 and S2 should never be closed at the same
time, as this would cause a short circuit on the input voltage source. The same applies to the
switches S3 and S4. This condition is known as shoot-through.

Specification of L293D

 Wide Supply-Voltage Range: 4.5 V to 36 V

 Separate Input-Logic Supply
 Internal ESD Protection
 High-Noise-Immunity Inputs
 Output Current 1 A Per Channel (600 mA for L293D)
 Peak Output Current 2 A Per Channel (1.2 A for other L293D)
 Output Clamp Diodes for Inductive Transient Each, Suppression (L293D).

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A DC motor is any of a class of electrical machines that converts direct current
electrical power into mechanical power. The most common types rely on the forces produced
by magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have some internal mechanism, either
electromechanical or electronic; to periodically change the direction of current flow in part of
the motor. Most types produce rotary motion; a linear motor directly produces force and
motion in a straight line.

DC motors were the first type widely used, since they could be powered from existing direct-
current lighting power distribution systems. A DC motor's speed can be controlled over a
wide range, using either a variable supply voltage or by changing the strength of current in its
field windings. Small DC motors are used in tools, toys, and appliances. The universal
motor can operate on direct current but is a lightweight motor used for portable power tools
and appliances. Larger DC motors are used in propulsion of electric vehicles, elevator and
hoists, or in drives for steel rolling mills. The advent of power electronics has made
replacement of DC motors with AC motors possible in many applications.

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This DC or direct current motor works on the principal, when a current carrying
conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a torque and has a tendency to move.
This is known as motoring action. If the direction of current in the wire is reversed, the
direction of rotation also reverses. When magnetic field and electric field interact they
produce a mechanical force, and based on that the working principle of dc motor established.
The direction of rotation of a this motor is given by Fleming’s left hand rule, which states that
if the index finger, middle finger and thumb of your left hand are extended mutually
perpendicular to each other and if the index finger represents the direction of magnetic field,
middle finger indicates the direction of current, then the thumb represents the direction in
which force is experienced by the shaft of the dc motor.

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16X2 LCD display

LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. LCD is finding wide spread use replacing LEDs
(seven segment LEDs or other multi segment LEDs) because of the following reasons:

1. The declining prices of LCDs.

2. The ability to display numbers, characters and graphics. This is in contrast to LEDs, which
are limited to numbers and a few characters.

3. Incorporation of a refreshing controller into the LCD, thereby relieving the CPU of the task
of refreshing the LCD. In contrast, the LED must be refreshed by the CPU to keep displaying
the data.

4. Ease of programming for characters and graphics.

These components are “specialized” for being used with the Atmega 328s, which means that
they cannot be activated by standard IC circuits. They are used for writing different messages
on a miniature LCD.

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A model described here is for its low price and great possibilities most frequently used in
practice. It is based on the HD44780 Atmega 328 (Hitachi) and can display messages in two
lines with 16 characters each. It displays all the alphabets, Greek letters, punctuation marks,
mathematical symbols etc. In addition, it is possible to display symbols that user makes up on
its own. Automatic shifting message on display (shift left and right), appearance of the
pointer, backlight etc. are considered as useful characteristics.

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What Is Proteus ??

Basically PROTEUS is also a simulating software but it helps you attach many components
with the Arduino. Like resistors, capacitors, LEDs, LCDs, keypads, ICs etc. and these are just
few that I have named in general. It has a complete library and you will find everything that
you will ever need. You can design your complete circuit and then simulate it to view the
final output. This means that after perfecting your project on the programming side in  KEIL,
you'll need to simulate it on PROTEUS to determine the output of the hardware components
and change it if need be. This will completely ensure your project's success.


PROTEUS is designed to be user-friendly and you will get the hold of it instantly. There is no
need to worry about some complex configuration / settings prior to simulation. Here are the
basic steps.

 Place your components from the library

 Connect them accordingly
 Load HEX file (if Arduino is involved)
 Simulate the circuit

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8. conclusion
In this paper, Contactless Power Transfer for on-road charging of electric vehicles
was studied. For the primary winding‘s specifications, the operating frequency, the power
transferred and its length are discussed. The contradictory advantages and disadvantages
make it difficult to draw a universal conclusion concerning these parameters. However, an
operating frequency of 100 kHz is a realistic value which provides quite high transfer
efficiency. The maximum length of the primary winding in such case can be up to 300m. The
primary windings which are placed one next to the other create a CPT segment. The length of
each CPT segment should be small and the segments should be well distributed over the road
in order to optimize the efficiency of the system. The major benefits of installing CPT system
are the significant driving range extension and decrease of the battery size of the EV that can
be achieved. The power of the CPT and the road coverage for many scenarios were
calculated. For 40% coverage of the road, an EV with a battery of typical size (24kWh) could
achieve 500km driving range if the on-road system transfers 25kW. An EV with half a
battery (50%) requires about 30kW from the CPT system. Moreover, the total power
requirement for powering all the EVs passing-by was estimated. A sustainable micro grid was
proposed to provide the energy to the EVs via the CPT systems. This micro grid would
consist of solar panels, wind turbines and storage placed on the roadside.

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Supply the CPT system from renewable energy sources. A complete sustainable
solution for the transportation system would be only in case electric vehicles are powered by
renewable energy sources. A sustainable micro grid installed on the roadside, in order to
provide power to the CPT Systems, could provide this solution. The main concept is to install
solar cells and wind turbines near the highway and have a storage facility in order to store the
excess energy and provide it when the renewable energy sources do not produce enough

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