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BSC MLT Syllabus

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No. Theory classes: 100 hours No.
Practical classes: 80 hours


1. Clinical Laboratory [02 hours]

 Responsibilities of health care personnel
 Laboratory hazards – physical, chemical and biological, laboratory safety measures– safety
regulations and first aid in laboratory 

2. Laboratory apparatus :
Different types, use, care and maintenance (Where appropriate, diagrams to be drawn
in practical record ) [ 10 hours ]
 Glass ware in laboratory – Significance of boro silicate glass.
 Plastic ware in laboratory
 Cleaning of glass ware and plastic ware
 Pipettes - Glass and Automated
 Burettes, Beakers, Petri dishes, Porcelain dish
 Flasks - different types (volumetric, round bottomed, Erlenmeyer, conical etc.,)
 Funnels – different types (Conical, Buchner etc.,)
 Bottles – Reagent, Wash bottles
 Measuring cylinders, reagent dispensers
 Tubes – Test tube, Centrifuge tube, Folin-Wu tube
 Cuvettes and its use in measurements , cuvettes for visible and UV range
 Racks – Bottle, Test tube, Pipette and draining racks
 Tripod stand, Wire gauze, Bunsen burner, Dessicator, Stop watch, timers

3. Instruments: Use, care and maintenance (Where appropriate, pictures/diagrams

and schematic diagrams to be drawn in practical record ) [17hours]
 Water bath, Oven & Incubators, Distillation apparatus - water distillation plant and water
deionisers, Reflux condenser, Cyclomixers , Magnetic stirrer, Shakers

 Refrigerators, Deep freezers, Cold box

 Centrifuges*: Principle, Svedberg unit, centrifugal force, centrifugal field, rpm, Conversion
of G to rpm and vice versa) Components, working. Different types of centrifuges

 Laboratory balances*: Physical and analytical. Mono & double pan, Electronic balances.
Weighing different types of chemicals, liquids, hygroscopic compounds etc. Precautionary
measures while handling (Diagram)

 Photometry - Colorimeter*- Principle, limitations of Beer-lambert’s law, components,


 pH meter*- Principle, components-

 pH measuring electrodes, Working, Precautions taken while handling. (Diagram of pH
meter) (*Diagrams mandatory)

4. Units of measurement [ 1 hour]

 Metric system. Common laboratory measurements, Prefixes in metric system
 International system of units- SI units- definition, classification, Conversionof
conventional and SI Units

5. Fundamental Chemistry[ 2 hours]

Valency, Molecular weight & Equivalent weight of elements and
compounds. Normality, Molarity, Molality.
6. Solutions: Definition, use, classification where appropriate, preparation
and storage [7 hours]
 Stock and working solutions.
 Molar and Normal solutions of compounds and acids. (NaCl, NaOH, HCl, H2SO4, H3PO4,
CH3COOH etc.,)
 Preparation of percent solutions – w/w, v/v w/v (solids, liquids and acids),
Conversion of a percent solution into a molar solution
 Saturated and supersaturated solutions
 Standard solutions. Technique for preparation of standard solutions and Storage. E.g:
glucose, albumin etc.
 Dilutions- Diluting Normal, Molar and percent solutions. Preparing working standard
from stock standard. Part dilutions: Specimen dilutions. Serial dilutions. Reagent dilution.
Dilution factors.

7. Chemistry of Carbohydrates; [ 5 hours]

Structural properties- Stereoisomerism, optical activity, cyclic structures, mutarotation,
 Monosaccharide’s of biological importance .Important chemical reactions – formation of
furfural derivatives, enediols, osazones, sugar acids, sugar alcohols
, Deoxy sugars, Biomedical importance of Amino sugras, glycosides.
 Disaccharides; Properties of Maltose, Lactose, Sucrose. Invert sugars. Biomedical
importance of Lactose, sucrose.

 Polysaccharides; Properties of Starch & Glycogen . Biomedical importance of Inulin.

Mucopolysaccharides – composition, tissue distribution and functions.

8. Chemistry of amino acids & Proteins ; [ 6 hours]

 Properties of amino acids- Isomerism, amphoteric nature, and isoelectric pH. Peptide
bond formation, Peptides and functions. Color reactions of amino acids . Use of amino
acids analysis in diagnosis of diseases.
 Proteins ; Functions, Structure of proteins- Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary.
 Precipitation reactions of proteins.
 Denaturation of proteins.
 Preparation of protein free filtrate for quantitative analysis.

9. Enzymes; [6 hours]
 Definition, Classification, Properties, Mechanism of action, factors affecting enzyme
activity , enzyme inhibition. Coenzymes
 Analytical & therapeutic role of enzymes
 Immobilized enzymes.

10. Metabolism of carbohydrates; [ 6 hours]

 Diabetes mellitus; diagnosis & management
 Principles and procedures for the determination of plasma glucose levels;
reductometric & enzymatic methods
 Urinary glucose.
11. Metabolism of lipids [3 hours]
 Ketogenesis, ketone bodies utilization, ketosis, Rothera’s test and it’s importance.

12. Metabolism of amino acids; [ 7hours]

 Urea cycle and disorders , Blood urea / blood urea nitrogen – clinical
 Biosynthesis of creatinine- formation, clinical importance
 Principles and procedures for the determination of Blood urea nitrogen and
Creatinine; Colorimetric & enzymatic methods.

13. Specimen Collection ; [4 hours]

 Capillary, Arterial , Venous blood collection techniques,
 Anticoagulants used
 Various types Urine sample collections ( Random, times, 24 hrs etc)
 Preservatives used , storage of samples,
 Disposal.

14. Urine analysis; [ 4 hours]

 Physical characteristics,
 Chemical examination of normal urine
 Abnormal constituents of urine.

15. Techniques ; [10 hours]

 Spectrophotometry-Principle, Instrumentation, Operation, Applications, care &
maintenance, Standardization
 Reflectance photometry-Principle, Instrumentation, Applications
 Turbidimetry & Nephelometry-Principle, Instrumentation, Applications
 Glucometers-Principle, Instrumentation, Applications
 Chromatography – Paper & TLC- Principle, Instrumentation, Applications
 Electrophoresis – agarose and SDS-PAGE

 Oral glucose tolerance test
 Glycated HbA1c
 Microalbuminuria



1. Pipetting techniques
2. Operation of the instruments
 Analytical balance
 pH meter
 Centrifuges
 Urinometer, Esbach’ s albuminometer

3. Techniques of preparation of Solutions & reagents;

 Normal, Molar,
 Percent ( Na 2Co3, NaCl, NaOH, KCl, HCl, H 2SO4 , H 3 PO4 , CH3COOH , sodium tungstate
 Buffers ( Phosphate buffer, Citrate buffer)
 Standard solutions – Glucose, urea, creatinine, Total protein etc
4. Dilution Techniques;
 Dilution of stock standard ,
 Dilution of acids
 Part Dilution of the body fluids

5. Determination of pH ;


1. Color reactions – known test solution

 Carbohydrates; Glucose, Fructose , Sucrose, Starch, Lactose, Maltose
 NPN- Urea, creatinine, Uric acid
 Albumin, Casein
2. Precipitation reactions
 Albumin, Casein
 Preparation of protein free filtrates for quantitative analysis of - Glucose,
 urea, creatinine, uric acid estimations
3. Identification of unknown carbohydrate
4. Identification of unknown protein
5. Urine Analysis; normal and Abnormal

1. Operation of colorimeter / spectrophotometer;

2. Quantitative estimations by manual methods- Preparation of calibration

curve, & estimation of unknown analyte concentration.
 Blood glucose by Glucose oxidase – peroxidase method
 Blood urea by DAM method
 Serum & urine creatinine by Jaffe’s method. Determination of creatinine clearance
 Serum uric acid by commercially available kit method
1. Paper chromatography of amino acids
2.Dipsticks for urine analysis

Theory-average of 2 exams conducted 20
Practicals: record and lab work* 20


There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 100 marks.

Distribution of type of questions and marks for Biochemistry II shall be as given

SUBJECTS HAVING MAXIMUM MARKS= 100 (for Second and Third Year)
Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks for Each Questions
Long Essay 2 10
Short Essay 10 05
Short Answer 10 03

1. Long essay- 2 Questions (second question choice) 2x10= 20 marks

2. Short essay- 10 Questions (Questions no 5 &10 choice) 10x5= 50 marks
3. Short answer- 10 Questions (No choice) 10x3= 30 marks
Total= 100


The scheme of examination for Biochemistry II Practical shall be as follows: Distribution
of marks
Type of Question Marks allotted
Quantit 30
Qualitative 30
Urine examination 20
Total 80

Distribution of Marks for University Theory and Practical Exam

Theory Practicals
Theory IA Sub Total Practicals IA Total
100 20 120 80 20 100 220

Text Book References

 Biochemistry – 3rd revised edition by U Sathyanarayana & U Chakrapani

Textbook of Biochemistry (For Medical Students)-5th Edition by DM Vasudevan &
Sreekumari S
 Textbook of Medical Biochemistry-6th Edition by MN Chatterjea & Rana Shinde
 Textbook of Medical Laboratory technology 2nd edition by Godkar and Godkar.
 Biochemistry-3rd edition by Pankaja Naik
 Medical Laboratory technology 6th edition by Ramnik Sood.
 Manipal Manual of Clinical Biochemistry for medical laboratory and M.Sc., students-3rd
edition by Shivananda Nayak B
 Varley’s Practical Clinical Biochemistry, 4th, 5th and 6 th editions
 Clinical Chemistry, Theory, Analysis, Correlation-4th edition by Lawrence A Kaplan
 Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry 3rd edition by Burtis, Ashwood and Bruns
 Clinical Chemistry-Principles, procedures, correlations- 5th edition by Michael L. Bishop,
Edward P. Fody and Larry Schoeff.
 Practical Clinical Biochemistry, methods and interpretation –2nd edition by Ranjna

No. of Theory hours - 100 hrs.
No. of Practical hours- 80 hrs


Biochemical reactions for identification of bacteria
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Normal flora of the human body

Gram positive bacteria: systematic study of the following bacteria with special
reference to morphology,cultural characteristics, pathogenicity,lab diagnosis and
 Staphylococcus
 Streptococcus
 Pneumococcus
 Corynebacterium
 Bacillus
 Mycobacterium
 Clostridium
 Actinomycetes

Gram negative bacteria:

 Neisseria
 Haemophilus,Bordetella,Brucella
 Enterobacteriaceae,Salmonella,Shigella
 Vibrio, Campylobacter,Helicobacter
 Pseudomonas, Burkholderia and non fermenters
 Yersinia

Spirochetes and others:
 Treponemes,Leptospira & Borrelia

Applied Bacteriology:
 UTI,Diarrhoeal diseases and food poisoning, Meningitis, Sexually transmitted
diseases, pyogenic infections, Hospital acquired infections and PUO
 Specimen collection for the above said infections

Bacteriology of water, milk and air


1. Protozology
Entamoeba, Balantidium coli Trichomonas, Giardia, Leishmania, Trypanosoma Malaria,
Toxoplasma Cryptosporidium, Microsporidium, Isospora, Cyclospora
2. Helminthology
 Cestodes-Taenia,Echinococcus,D.latum,H.nana
 Trematodes-Schistosoma,Fasciola
 Nematodes- Ascaris, Ancylostoma, Enterobius, Strongyloides, Trichuris,
Trichinella, Dracunculus, Wuchereria and other filarial worms

Lab diagnosis of parasitic infections

Arthropods of medical importance

1. Gram staining, ZN stain, Albert stain
2. Hanging drop preparation
3. Culture methods
4. Introduction to biochemical reactions
5. Identifications of pure culture based on morphology, colony characteristics,motility,
biochemical reaction and anti biogram
6. Antibiotic sensitivity testing- Kirby-Bauer method
7. Stool examination
8. Saline mount
9. Iodine mount
10. Peripheral smear examination for malaria and filariasis

Theory-average of 2 exams conducted 20
Practicals: record and lab work* 20

There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 100 marks.
Distribution of type of questions and marks for Microbiology II shall be as given

SUBJECTS HAVING MAXIMUM MARKS= 100 (for Second and Third Year)
Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks for Each Questions
Long Essay 2 10
Short Essay 10 05
Short Answer 10 03

1. Long essay- 2 Questions (second question choice) 2x10= 20 marks

2. Short essay- 10 Questions (Questions no 5 &10 choice) 10x5= 50 marks
3. Short answer- 10 Questions (No choice) 10x3= 30 marks
Total= 100


The scheme of examination for Microbiology II Practical shall be as follows: Distribution
of marks

Type of Question Marks allotted

Spotters 20
ZN staining 10
Pure culture of 25
the organism
Stool examination 15
Record 10
Total 80

Distribution of Marks for University Theory and Practical Exam

Theory Practicals Grand

Sub Sub
Theory IA Total Practi IA Total
100 20 120 80 20 100 220

Reference Books-
1. Ananthanarayana & Panikar Medical Microbiology- University Press
2. Robert Cruckshank- Medical Microbiology- The Practice of Medical
3. Chatterjee- Parasitology- Interpretation to Clinical Medicine
4. Rippon- Medical Mycology
5. Emmons- Medical Mycology

6. Basic Laboratory methods in Parasitology, J P Bros, New Delhi
7. Basic Laboratory procedures in clinical bacteriology, J P Bros, New Delhi
8. Medical Parasitology- Ajit Damle
9. Introduction to medical microbiology- Ananthanarayana- Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd.

No. Theory classes: 100 hours
No. Practical classes: 80 hours

Histopathology and Hematology Histopathology
a) Automated tissue processor
b) Microtomes, knives, knife, sharpner and ultra microtome
c) Freezing microtome and Cryostat
d) Automatic slide stainer

 Receiving specimens
 Grossing, fixation
 Tissue processing, Decalcification, Section cutting
 Haematoxylin & Eosin Staining
 Frozen section and Cryostat section studies
Staining techniques: Special stains for Carbohydrates, Connective tissue, Nervous
tissue, Bone tissue, Collage fibers, Elastic Fibers, Lipids, Organisms, fungi, parasites,
pigments and deposits in tissues

Mounting techniques: Various mounts and mounting techniques

 Electron microscope - Scanning electron microscope
 Dark ground microscope
 Fluorescent microscope
 Museum technology
 Microphotography and its application
 Maintenance of records and filing of slides
 ICDS classification and coding
 Application of computers in pathology

 Haemopoiesis, stem cells, formed elements and their functions
 Anticoagulants used in various haematological studies

Routine haematological tests and normal values :

A) Determination of haemoglobin and Hematocrit
B) Enumeration of RBC, WBC and platelets
C) Absolute eosinophil count
D) Reticulocyte
E) Calculation of red cell indices
F) Preparation and staining of blood film for morphology of red cells and
differential count
Special haematological tests :
A) Sickling test
B) Osmotic fragility tests
C) Determination of HbF and HbA2
D) Haemoglobin electrophoresis
E) Investigation of G6PD deficiency
F) Plasma haptoglobin and demonstration of hemosiderin in urine
G) Tests of autoimmune and hemolytic anemia
H) Measurement of abnormal Hb pigments

Hemostasis and coagulation :

A) Normal hemostasis, mechanism of blood coagulation and normal fibrinolytic system
B) Collection of blood and anticoagulants used in coagulation studies
C) Investigation of hemostatic mechanism - BT, CT, whole blood coagulation time
test, PT, PTT
D) Assay of clotting factors
E) Tests for fibrinolytic activity - Euglobulin, clot lysis test and FDP
F) Platelet function tests.

Investigation of Megaloblastic anemia and Iron deficiency anemia :

A) B12 and folate assay and Schilling test
B) Estimation of serum iron and iron binding capacity Bone marrow biopsy study
C) Needle aspiration and surgical biopsy technique
D) Preparation of smears and staining

 Demonstration of LE cells
 Cytochemistry
 Administration in hematology and quality control

1. Paraffin section cutting
2. Staining by Hematoxylin & Eosin and other special stains
3. Determination of Hemaglobin and Hematocrit
4. Red blood cell count
5. Total white blood cell count
6. Platelet count
7. Differential count of white blood cells
8. Absolute Eosinophil count
9. Reticulocyte count
10. Calculation of red cell indices
11. Determination of ESR
12. Determination of BT, CT, Whole blood clotting time
13. Determination of PT and PTT
14. Blood smear preparation and staining
15. Osmotic fragility test
16. Sickling test
17. LE cell preparation

Theory-average of 2 exams conducted 20
Practicals: record and lab work* 20

Scheme of examination: Theory

There shall be one theory paper of three hours duration carrying 100 marks.
Distribution of type of questions and marks for Pathology II shall be as given under.

SUBJECTS HAVING MAXIMUM MARKS= 100 (for Second and Third Year)
Type of Questions No. of Questions Marks for Each Questions
Long Essay 2 10
Short Essay 10 05
Short Answer 10 03

1. Long essay- 2 Questions (second question choice) 2x10= 20 marks

2. Short essay- 10 Questions (Questions no 5 &10 choice) 10x5= 50 marks
3. Short answer- 10 Questions (No choice) 10x3= 30 marks
Total= 100

Scheme of Examination: Practical

Distribution of marks
Type of Question Marks allotted
Haematoxylin and eosin or a special stain 10
Haemoglobin or PCV 10
Total count 10
Differential count 10
ESR 10
PS preparation and staining 10
Record 10
Spotters 10
Total 80

Distribution of Marks for University Theory and Practical Exam

Theory Practicals Grand
Sub Sub
Theory IA Practicals IA
Total Total
100 20 120 80 20 100 220

1. Culling Histopathology techniques
2. Bancroft Histopathology techniques
3. Koss- Cytology
4. Winifred Diagnostic cytopathology
5. Orell Cytopathology
6. Todd and Sanford- clinical diagnosis by Laboratory Medicine
7. Dacie and Lewis- Practical Hematology
8. Ramnik SOOD. Lab technology, Methods and interpretation, 4 th edition JP Bros New
Delhi, 1996
9. Sathish Guptha , Short text book of Medical laboratory techniques for
10. Sachdev K N. Clinical Pathology and Bacteriology, 8 th edi JP Bros, NewDelhi, 1996.


Teaching Hours: 20 Course Description

This course will introduce student to the basic sociology concepts, principles and social
process, social institutions [in relation to the individual, family and community and the
various social factors affecting the family in rural and urban communities in India will be

Meaning – Definition and scope of sociology
Its relation to Anthropology, Psychology, Social Psychology
Methods of Sociological investigations – Case study, social survey, questionnaire,
interview and opinion poll methods.
Importance of its study with special reference to health care professionals
Social Factors in Health and Disease:
Meaning of social factors
Role of social factors in health and disease
Meaning and nature of socialization
Primary, Secondary and Anticipatory socialization Agencies of socialization
Social Groups:
Concepts of social groups, influence of formal and informal groups on health and
sickness. The role of primary groups and secondary groups in the hospital and
rehabilitation setup.
The family, meaning and definitions Functions of types of family Changing family patterns
Influence of family on individual’s health, family and nutrition, the effects of sickness in
the family and psychosomatic disease and their importance to physiotherapy
Rural community: Meaning and features – Health hazards to rural communities, health
hazards to tribal community.
Urban community – Meaning and features – Health hazards of urbanities Culture and
Concept of Health Concept of culture Culture and Health

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