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Persuasive Sample Essay

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Persuasive Sample Essay

Crafting a persuasive sample essay presents a challenging endeavor, demanding a nuanced blend of
eloquence, research acumen, and rhetorical finesse. The difficulty lies not only in articulating a
coherent argument but also in navigating the delicate balance between persuasion and information
dissemination. The writer must tread the fine line of influencing the reader's viewpoint while
upholding the integrity of the presented information.

To begin, one must delve into extensive research, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the
chosen subject. This involves sifting through a multitude of sources, evaluating their reliability, and
synthesizing disparate viewpoints into a cohesive narrative. The arduous task of gathering evidence
to support one's stance demands analytical prowess and a keen eye for detail.

Moreover, constructing a persuasive essay necessitates a profound awareness of the target audience.
Adapting the language, tone, and approach to resonate with readers is a delicate art. Tailoring
arguments to appeal to diverse perspectives requires a level of empathy and communication skill that
adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.

The organization of ideas is another hurdle to surmount. A persuasive essay must follow a logical
progression, with each paragraph seamlessly leading into the next. Transitioning between arguments,
counterarguments, and supporting evidence without losing coherence demands meticulous planning
and a keen understanding of essay structure.

Additionally, the writer must anticipate and address potential counterarguments, strengthening their
own position by preemptively tackling opposing viewpoints. This demands not only a deep
understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to foresee potential objections and
strategically incorporate rebuttals.

Ultimately, the difficulty in writing a persuasive essay lies in the intricate interplay of research,
rhetoric, and audience engagement. It requires a writer to be not only knowledgeable and articulate
but also perceptive and strategic in presenting a compelling case. Assembling these elements into a
coherent and persuasive whole is a formidable task that demands time, effort, and a mastery of both
the subject matter and the art of persuasion.

For those seeking assistance in navigating this challenging terrain, similar essays and more can be
effortlessly procured at .
Persuasive Sample EssayPersuasive Sample Essay
Harriet Beecher Stowe s Uncle Tom
Point Of View Harriet Beecher Stowe narrates her novel Uncle Tom s Cabin in a third
person omniscient way. Harriet is the all knowing narrator who drives information from
all of the characters minds into the reader.
Because the novel is written in a third person view, we are given the thoughts of every
character in the text and the reason behind their actions. In the text, the author writes the
thoughts of Uncle Tom which helps show the reader that Uncle Tom is a very devout
christian who intends to do no wrong and fully intends to one day go to heaven. A third
person perspective on a book also drives the controversy of the novel, one could argue
that because the novel is written in the perspective of Harriet Beecher Stowe, that all the
information is biased and exaggerated. A slave owner in the mid nineteenth century
would most likely disagree with Stowe s view on slavery represented in the novel
because Stowe was an abolitionist who felt that slavery was wrong. A reader has to
consider that the stories could possibly be biased and portrayed in a way to put the
owning of slaves in a bad light. However, the idea that slavery was incredibly wrong is
almost universally accepted in today s age, and a reader can easily accept the views of
Harriet Beecher Stowe.
In Harriet Beecher Stowe s novel, Uncle Tom s Cabin, a distinct diction is used in the
text which provides information to reader. The language Stowe uses in the novel is very
formal which is most likely due
Black Economic Impotence
Black Economic Impotence: Living Under the Rules of Another He who has the gold
makes the rules! The above quote has been attributed to everyone from Jesus of
Nazareth to Tyler Perry; however, the first time I heard it was from a Jewish business
man named David, who was teaching me the principles of business and life. What he
was explaining to me was the simple truth that those who don t acquire wealth will
always be at the mercy of those who do. He was addressing my proclivity to take on
the position of a renegade in dealing with many of the status quos of business. He told
me that my rebel spirit would serve me well, but only if I was able to obtain the gold.
As I digress slightly, it is important to take note that this white man took on the role of
mentoring me after numerous blacks had avoided and ignored my requests to teach me
the game of business. Another role that this person played in my life was that of the
bearer of... Show more content on ...
It is vital to understand that empowerment is not an exogenous transformation.
Empowerment is a process that is ignited internally and sustained autonomously. It is
imperative that blacks get the gold, if we ever expect to impact the rules of the game.
To this point, those with the gold have implemented rules that benefit them. They
control the rules of engagement, and that leaves us as pawns in a game of chess that
is being played for all that is at stake. I have often said that those in power have been
playing chess while blacks having being checkers. The first time I heard that statement
was sitting across from the man who was teaching me to play chess as a kid. I think I
was around eight years old. I have since heard it used metaphorically on numerous
occasions as a dual analogy. Allow me to bring a certain level of elucidation to the
analogy in order to make it applicable to the message that I am
American Culture In The 1960 s
The 1960s were advertising s coming of age, when the industry mastered the language
of TV, appropriated the medium of photography and produced work of unprecedented
creativity. ( History: 1960s. ). Smoking everywhere, drinking hard liquors, harassing
women and cheating on wives was not considered as a bad manner in the 60s. The first
episode of MadMan conquered me with dissimilarities that were acceptable in the 60s and
are not much tolerable in our time. American culturein the late 50s and 60s was created
with a blended mix of icons such as TV shows, fashion, and ads. America was full of
prosperities and disillusions that were bounded tight together. There was a fine line that
was slowly dividing society into two parts: an accustomed... Show more content on ...
The first scene begins with a bar overview, where the main character is smoking a
cigarette, trying to come up with an original idea for advertising a Lucky Strike
tobacco company. There was not a scene where a cigarette was not lighted up.
Everybody smoked women and men, before and after sex, in elevators, at work, during
business meetings and doctor s sessions. Smoking was a trend that symbolized power,
wealth, and fashion. 1960 s was a time when everything can be sold, just by doing it in
a correct and memorable way. Advertisement companies achieved a phenomenal
success by linking market products with emotions and feelings. Being smart, sarcastic
and have a non ordinary sight on things will make anyone a sought after in the
Madison Avenue world. Don Draper is that person, he has the power of creating
unforgettable and effective advertising campaigns for his clients. He had to create a
slogan for a tobacco company despite the raising awareness of bad health problems
that are linked to smoking. He effectively deals with his mission, even though he was
concerned earlier as he struggled with ideas. Still, business is an ocean full of sharks, a
junior executive Pete Campbell, arrogant and insecure, shadows Draper and willing to
take a turn for Don s position right after he
The Fundamental Forces in Nature
The fundamental forces in nature have been around for centuries. Tying everything
together many scientist and physicist have came about to help with the theories of
these fundamental forces which include gravitation, electromagnetism, strong, and
weak forces. Physicist like Maxwell, Newton, Fermi, Chadwick, and Kepler, have
made a strong impact on how people see the world today. These fundamental forces
are what goes on in everyday life and what we still see till this day. The point we are
going to get to are the coming about of these theories and how they are seen in the
outside world and also in physics. In my paper I will be splitting up how the scientist
/physicist came to contribute to the fundamental forces and how each scientist came
to contribute to the coming and discovery of each force. In the second part of the
paper I will be describing how each force strong and weak are used in nature. These
topics will help anyone in the search for information on the topic of forces that came to
be due to physics. History of the fundamental forces In 1605 Kepler published the laws
of planetary motion which included 3 laws. First law was that every planet is an ellipse
with the sun. Second a line segment connecting a planet and the sun sweeps out equal
areas during equal intervals of time. Lastly the third law which states that the time it
takes for a planet to orbit the Sun increases rapidly corresponding with the radius of the
planets orbit. These laws came to help the
21st Century Flood Reform Act Analysis
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the 21st Century Flood Reform Act and to
provide a recommendation on whether the Senate should vote for or against it. In order
to provide an informed recommendation, this paper will first present background
information on the 21st Century Flood Reform Act and explain what it proposes.
Following the background information, this paper will analyze arguments both in support
and in opposition of the 21st CenturyFlood Reform Act. To conclude, this paper will
make a recommendation, based on the analysis, on how the Senate should vote for the
21st Century Flood Reform Act.
Sean P. Duffy, a Republican Representative of Wisconsin, sponsored and introduced the
21st Century Flood Reform Act in the House ... Show more content on ...
However, these WYO insurance companies would also receive a reduction in
reimbursements. These proposed changes to the NFIP also present improvements to
flood mapping practices and addresses the issue of high risk properties, which owners
rebuild at high costs following a flood (Simpson, 2017).
According to Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, if
the 21st Century Flood Reform Act became law, taxpayers would directly benefit through
the competition of private companies to provide affordable flood insurance rates for
homeowners. Republican Sean P. Duffy, the sponsor of the bill, spoke on the House floor
and reinforced Hensarling s statement. Duffy claimed that introducing private companies
would allow homeowners to select alternative flood insurance plans that may be cheaper
than any available federal plans. Additionally, Duffy stated that private flood insurance
companies would assist taxpayers in covering the costs resulting from a flood. Duffy
concluded by not only stating that the 21st Century Flood Reform Act is a bipartisan bill
but also reiterated its benefit to homeowners, and that it would directly contribute to
reducing the national debt. The bill has also received support from the American
Academy of Actuaries Casualty Practice Council, as well as from environmental groups,
under the condition that it would undergo additional reforms in the Senate, such as to
address flood mitigation and the financial
Potential interactions and factors that affect the use of Diazepam:
The major dynamic interactions of Diazepam occur with other CNS depressant drugs
including ethanol, non benzodiazepine sedative hypnotics, barbiturates and drugs with
CNS anticholinergic effects such as antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants and opioids,
which cause synergetic increase in CNS depression (INCHEM: Diazepam monograph,
1990). In relation to the potential drug interactions specific to Mrs G, concurrent
administration of hepatic enzyme inhibitor such as omeprazole can reduce the clearance
of Diazepam and enhance the action of Diazepam (Medsafe: Arrow Diazepam
monograph, 2013). Moreover, the concomitant administration of anti anxiety agents such
as Nozinan ... Show more content on ...
Gershkovich et al. (2015) highlight that Diazepam is not the drug of choice for treating
AWS in cirrhosis patients as Diazepam undergoes oxidative metabolism in liver by CYP
2 C19 and CYP 3A4 and shows impaired metabolic rate in cirrhosis patients like Mrs G
leading to increased plasma concentration of Diazepam and its accumulation causing
worsening of symptoms. Evidence suggests that Lorazepam could be used for Mrs G,
instead of Diazepam, as Lorazepam undergoes glucorinidation rather than oxidative
metabolism and glucorinidation is not or minimally affected by liver cirrhosis (Peppers,
1996; Gershkovich et al., 2015). It must be noted that IV Lorazepam is not licensed to
use in New Zealand and therefore needs patient consent (CCDHB,

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