Ajay KR
Ajay KR
Ajay KR
Advertising Specialist & Community Operations Lead Apr 2021 – Present
+91 9161887457
Bombinate Technology (KOO APP) Private Limited
Email • Spearheaded comprehensive initiatives encompassing communications,
bivek.sms@gmail.com PR, social media, events, content creation, and campaign planning,
resulting in a 40% increase in brand visibility.
Linked In • Collaborated closely with the Monetization team, contributing to Revenue
and Growth objectives.
Vivek Singh • Pioneered the establishment of diverse interest-based communities across
North India, recruiting VIPs, Creators, and Volunteers from various
Address platforms, growing the community base by 40% within the first six months.
Bengaluru, Karnataka • Orchestrated cross-functional teamwork to identify and implement process
enhancements, improving operational efficiency, leading to a 20%
reduction in campaign execution time.
Skills • Managed end-to-end online ad campaigns, from setup and scheduling to
testing and execution, ensuring optimal performance.
Digital Marketing • Monitored campaign performance, generating regular client performance
Online Ad Campaign Management reports to demonstrate the impact of advertising efforts.
• Provided essential support to the Redressal team and actively participated
Communications and PR in various marketing events and campaigns, resulting in a 15% reduction in
Social Media Strategy customer complaints.
Content Creation • Conducted ongoing assessments of ad campaign effectiveness, soliciting
feedback, and conducting results analysis to refine strategies, while also
Campaign Planning and Implementation overseeing a team of 32 professionals.
Team Leadership
Process Improvement Community & Content Specialist Nov 2019 - Aug 2020
Business Development Kuaishou Technology Private Limited
Data Analysis • Audited short video content daily and scrutinized videos produced by
Market Research content developers for quality assurance, resulting in a 50% reduction in
content-related issues.
Business Analytics
• Facilitated vital support to the management team, streamlining assigned
Content Strategy tasks with utmost efficiency.
Social Media Marketing • Collected IDs from diverse sources and crafted engaging PUSH notifications
to captivate the audience, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement.
Artificial Intelligence
• Analyzed operational data, summarized invaluable operational
Programmatic Advertising experiences, and kept a vigilant eye on competitors' marketing events in
Marketing Strategy detailed operation analysis reports.
• Nurtured vendor relationships and planned social media events and
Business Growth Strategies campaigns, resulting in an increase in event attendance.
Relationship Building • Meticulously organized video categorization, ensuring the exclusion of
Ads Operations illegal content to maintain platform integrity.
• Contributed to translation tasks, enhancing multilingual content
Customer Relationship Management accessibility and expanding the user base.
Business Development Manager (BDM) Jun 2017 - Sep 2018
SBI Life Insurance
PGDM/MBA 2017 • Championed business development by proactively engaging walk-ins at
Jaipuria Institute of Management bank branches and harnessing bank databases.
• Empowered partners through sales support, enabling them to surpass Life
Jaipur, Rajasthan Insurance targets.
• Assumed full accountability for end-to-end supervision of designated
BBA (Bachelor of Business
markets, effectively addressing service issues and requests.
Administration) 2015 • Ensured seamless service continuity during crises, leading efforts until full
SAMS Group of Institutions restoration of services, maintaining customer satisfaction scores above
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 90%.
• Commanded oversight of 6-7 SBI branches, vigorously promoting retail
DFA (Diploma in Financial business aligned with Central initiatives.
accounting) 2015 • Maintained unwavering dedication to quality in business operations and
provided steadfast support to the Operations Team, resulting in zero
Navodaya Institute of Technology critical service interruptions during tenure.
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Technical Skills
Consumer Buying Behaviour Analysis for "Godrej and Boyce" Securities
MS Office Suite
• Conducted an in-depth study to analyze consumer buying behaviour for
A/B Testing "Godrej and Boyce" Securities, with a focus on understanding the level of
Audience Targeting improvement and various consumer problem-solving processes.
• Identified and recognized the distinct stages of the consumer buying
Budgeting and Bid Management
decision process and assessed the impact of situational influences on
Keyword Research consumer choices.
• Played a pivotal role in assessing the market penetration of Godrej
Certifications Securities services across diverse sectors, including private institutions,
government organizations, households, and hotels.
• Business Analytics: Marketing Data • Thoroughly investigated competitor strategies and market dynamics,
• Content Creation: Strategy and providing valuable insights for future strategic planning.
• Marketing on Facebook: Managing Sales Promotion and Market Trends Analysis for "Big Bazar"
a Company Page
• Root Cause Analysis: Getting to the • Spearheaded a project to analyze the effectiveness of sales promotion
Root of Business Problems tools employed by "Big Bazar" and evaluated the current market trends of
• Generative AI for Digital Marketers Big Bazar and its competitors.
• Successfully identified and assessed various sales promotion techniques,
• Marketing Strategy: Nurturing Your
contributing to a comprehensive understanding of their impact on
consumer behaviour.
• Salesforce for Marketers
• Gained valuable experience in promoting products and conducted in-
• Social Media Marketing
depth research on customer purchasing patterns.
• Social Media Marketing
• Strategic Thinking
• Introduction to Artificial
• Programmatic Advertising
Personal Details
Date of Birth: 5th Oct 1994
Language Proficiency: English, Hindi,
Bengali, and Bhojpuri
Address: 1st Main Rd, L. N. Reddy
Colony, Basavanagara, Bengaluru,
Karnataka 560037