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Certification Exam Handbook

Civil Engineering Technology

Offered by:

Certified Technicians & Technologists
Association of Manitoba



ASET holds full Copyright to the materials printed herein.

Any distribution, copying or sale of these materials is contrary to law.
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
Examination Information .................................................................................................... 3
Purpose of Examination.................................................................................................. 3
Examination Format........................................................................................................ 3
Eligibility.......................................................................................................................... 3
Examination Registration ................................................................................................ 3
Booking Window ............................................................................................................. 4
Location of Examination Centres and Virtual Proctoring................................................. 4
Exam Time and Location Confirmation ........................................................................... 6
Policy for Reschedules, Rewrites, and Attempts ............................................................ 6
COVID-19 Cancellation Policy ........................................................................................ 6
Exam Accommodations for Candidates with Disabilities ................................................ 6
Examination Content.......................................................................................................... 8
Study Resources for Examination .................................................................................. 9
Practice Exam for Purchase ......................................................................................... 10
Day of Examination .......................................................................................................... 10
Admission to the Examination Centre ........................................................................... 10
Permissible Items ......................................................................................................... 11
Prohibited Items ............................................................................................................ 11
Taking the Exam ........................................................................................................... 11
After the Examination....................................................................................................... 12
Examination Scoring ..................................................................................................... 12
Pass Mark..................................................................................................................... 12
Results.......................................................................................................................... 12
Review and Appeal Process ......................................................................................... 12
Appendix A: Civil Technologist Exam Blueprint ............................................................... 13

Civil Technologist Certification Exam Handbook 2

© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
The Civil Technologist Certification Exam Handbook has been prepared for civil
engineering technologists who are required to pass a certification exam to achieve
registration as a Certified Engineering Technologist or Applied Science Technologist. The
handbook is designed to provide candidates with essential information regarding the
certification examination.

Examination Information
Purpose of Examination

The purpose of the Civil Technologist Certification Examination is to identify competent civil
engineering technologists who possess technical competencies in their discipline, as outlined
in a discipline-specific competency profile. The goal is to protect the public by granting
designations only to those professionals who have the skill and knowledge necessary to
perform their job in a safe and competent manner.

Examination Format

The examination consists of 110 multiple-choice questions, including questions with graphs,
diagrams, and schematics and questions that require calculations. There are 10 experimental
questions of the 110 that are not counted towards the candidate’s exam score. These items
are used for future exam development following the Embedded Field Testing Method. Each
multiple-choice question has four answer options, only one of which is correct. Exam
questions vary in the level of cognitive difficulty. The exam is closed-book and is three hours
in duration.


To be eligible to write the exam, candidates must have at least 24 months of work experience
at the technologist level. For this reason, student and T.T. members may not register to write
the exam.

Examination Registration

Applicants who are required to complete the Civil Technologist Certification Examination will
register for the examination at the time of application. Please see the ASET, CTTAM, or
ASTTBC websites for current information on examination dates and deadlines.

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© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Applicant Required
Step 1 - Registration Action:
Applicant registers for their Payment of invoiced fee(s)
exam(s) during in the initial must be submitted for
application. reservation of seat at the end
of the initial application.

Step 2 - Reconfirmation
Applicant Required
(Virtual and in person)
Action: (All applicants)
Applicant is emailed by Meazure
Choose and confirm exam
Learning 2-3 weeks prior to their
time through steps within a
exam date to choose and confirm
booking window (see below
their writing time using the
for explanation).
instructions provided.

Applicant Required
Step 2a - System Preparation
(Virtual only)
(Virtual only)
The computer system used for
Applicant must ensure their
the exam must meet minimum
system meets the technical
technical requirements set out by
requirements and have their
webcam set up accordingly.

Applicant Required
Step 3 - Writing of Exam
On exam date, applicant writes (All applicants)
their exam as chosen and
confirmed in Step 2. Applicant is to review day of
exam rules and requirements.

ASET emails exam results
to the applicant within 2-3
weeks after the date
of the exam.

Booking Window

Two to three weeks prior to the exam, you will receive a booking email from Meazure
Learning. This email will include the instructions on how to book a seat for your exam. We
recommend watching this quick video demonstration on how to reserve your seat. Please
note that these instructions are for the Virtual Booking; however, it is the same process if
you are scheduled to write the exam at a brick-and-mortar (physical) location.

Location of Examination Centres and Virtual Proctoring

The Civil Technologist Certification Exam is administered on a computer in one of Meazure

Learning’s exam centres or through the virtual proctoring service.

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© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Physical locations in Alberta include Edmonton, Calgary, Grande Prairie*, and Lethbridge*.
Please contact ASTTBC or CTTAM for information on testing centres in British Columbia and
Manitoba. *limited seating

Virtual Proctoring: This method of exam delivery uses a webcam with a virtual proctor to
allow the candidate to write the exam from a home or work office. This method has the
following additional requirements:

Exam room requirements

• Quiet and private room; if anyone enters the room during the exam other than the
above the candidate, the exam results may be invalidated
• Location can be at personal residence or from the office**(see note at end)
• Good quality lighting in the room; no bright lights or windows behind candidate
• Desk must be clear of any notes, books, or electronics with access to power outlets and
internet connection (Ethernet plugged or high quality password protected Wi-Fi)

Internet requirements
• Stable, secure (must be password protected if Wi-Fi) high speed internet connection with
download speeds of at least 3 Mbps and upload speeds of at least 1.5 Mbps (a free internet
speed testing tool is available at to test the internet connection).

Computer requirements
• Laptops or desktop computers are permitted so long as they have the following minimum
o Candidates must source their own computers with the minimum specifications for
the exam.
o No virtual machine desktops, must be on the host desktop or tablets or
o Google Chrome required
o Please ensure that laptops are plugged in during the exam to prevent the exam
terminating early due to battery failure.
• Functioning free standing or integrated webcam w/ microphone or independent microphone

NOTE: It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the internet and computer requirements
are met prior to the exam administration date. The compatibility check information will be located
in your BOOKING CONFIRMATION email which is sent by Meazure Learning.

• Applicants must conduct a compatibility check using the computer they will use, in
the room they will write in to test their connectivity prior to the virtually proctored
exam. If they do not complete the compatibility check, there is no guarantee that the
exam will happen. The ProctorU exam program cannot be downloaded until the day
of your exam so there is no way to check if it will work prior to exam day.
• Meazure Learning has an FAQ page with a short tutorial video on the ProctorU

**Keep in mind administrative privileges on the computer you will use (some company’s IT policies
block download of the required program to use with ProctorU and can cause issues). As stated
above, it will be important to complete the compatibility check PRIOR to the examination date.
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© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Exam Time and Location Confirmation

All candidates will receive a confirmation email with the writing time and address of the testing
centre location (physical location only) that was chosen at the time of application by email
from Meazure Learning one to two weeks before the exam date. The confirmation email is
important to review and a printed copy is required for admission to write the exam. Candidates
can contact Meazure Learning directly at to have the
exam registration information re-sent if they did not receive the confirmation email by the
deadline above.

Policy for Reschedules, Rewrites, and Attempts

Alberta Candidates
Candidates who wish to reschedule their exam must email the ASET Registration Department
( with the new exam date. Candidates who reschedule after the
registered exam’s Registration Deadline Date are required to pay the full exam fee to
reschedule. If the request is received before this deadline date, then there are no fees to

Candidates who are required to re-write the examination must email the ASET Registration
Department ( with the requested exam date. ASET Staff will follow up to
obtain payment of the full exam fee in order to register for the requested date.

Candidates may attempt the exam a maximum of three times within one year from the date
of application and must pass the exam within this time period.

British Columbia and Manitoba Candidates

Please contact ASTTBC or CTTAM directly to confirm the policy for reschedules, rewrites, and
exam attempts.

COVID-19 Cancellation Policy

If a candidate falls ill on the day of the exam and has flu/cold symptoms, please contact immediately. If writing at a testing centre, candidates will be denied entry and
will be unable to write the exam.

Upon contacting ASET, the exam will be cancelled. To waive the examination fee to reschedule
again, proof of positive test will be required.

Exam Accommodations for Candidates with Disabilities

According to Canadian human rights legislation and test industry standards, exam developers
are responsible for providing candidates with disabilities with exam accommodations where
appropriate and feasible. Exam accommodations are designed to remove barriers related to
individual characteristics of candidates that may prevent them from demonstrating their
technical competencies on the exam. “An appropriate accommodation is one that that
responds to specific individual characteristics but does so in a way that does not change the
construct the test is measuring or the meaning of scores.”

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© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Candidates with disabilities should request accommodations to write the certification exam at
the time of application and at least seven (7) weeks before the exam date of their choice
by submitting a request in writing to the ASET, ASTTBC, or CTTAM. To protect the
integrity of the examination, documented evidence of the candidate’s disability must be
submitted to ASET, CTTAM, or ASTTBC along with the application form. Such evidence
includes a formal detailed diagnosis of the specific disability from an appropriate professional
(e.g., physician, psychologist, rehabilitation counsellor) and supporting documentation citing
the need for exam accommodations and what accommodations the candidate received in the

ASET, CTTAM, or ASTTBC will review the candidate’s written request for accommodation and
determine if it can be supported. Depending on the candidate’s individual needs, ASET,
CTTAM, or ASTTBC may modify exam administration conditions, including exam setting,
exam presentation, or the addition of individuals to the exam (e.g., readers, scribes). Each
request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Below is a list of reasonable exam accommodations for candidates with a disability.*

1. Separate Room
A separate room is provided to candidates who due to the nature of their disability
require an exam environment that minimizes distractions resulting from noise or
movement or process information by talking aloud.

2. Additional Time
Extending additional time to candidates is a frequently used exam accommodation that
is used with a variety of disability-related conditions. Often candidates are offered time-
and-one-half to complete the exam (e.g., a 3-hour exam is extended to 4.5 hours).

3. Interpreter
Candidates with hearing impairment may request an interpreter who has proficiency in
sign language.

4. Reader
A reader is an individual who reads exam instructions and/or exam questions to a
candidate. Candidates with visual impairment or those with a learning disability may
benefit from services of a reader during the examination.

5. Recorder
A recorder is an individual who fills in the answers for a candidate who has difficulty
writing independently.

*All costs related to exam accommodations will be the responsibility of the candidate.

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© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Examination Content
The Civil Technologist Certification Examination tests candidates’ competencies in four areas
(see Appendix A for detailed information on examination content).

1. Technical Analysis: In this competency area, candidates are expected to be able to

apply civil engineering knowledge, equipment, and tools to gather information, analyze
it, and contribute to solutions that meet technical specifications, regulatory
requirements, industry standards, local codes, and requirements of internal and
external clients.

2. Technical Design: This competency area deals with candidates’ ability to design civil
projects in accordance with technical specifications, regulatory requirements, industry
standards, local codes, and requirements of internal and external clients.

3. Technical Evaluation: In this competency area candidates are expected to be

able to evaluate civil projects to determine their compliance with technical

4. Project Coordination: This competency area deals with candidates’ ability to assist
project managers in the implementation of projects.

Exam questions will also vary in cognitive level. Knowledge questions require that candidates
recall information and provide its interpretation. Application questions require that candidates
apply their knowledge to practical situations, while Critical thinking questions require that
candidates analyze complex situations and provide solutions. There will also be a percentage
of source based questions that may include an image, figure, tables, schematics, etc. Refer to
Appendix A for more detailed information.

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© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Study Resources for Examination

The following resources may be of use to candidates interested in refreshing their knowledge
prior to writing the examination. Candidates are not expected to study each of these
resources as the certification exam is designed to test entry-level competencies related
to the practice of civil engineering technology. Rather, candidates may wish to review
particular content areas in which they feel they would like to update their current knowledge.
For detailed information on the content areas covered on the exam, candidates should refer to
Appendix A.

Atkins, H. N. (2003). Highway materials, soils, and concrete (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Education.

Canadian Institute of Steel Construction. (2012). Handbook of Steel Construction. (10th ed.)

Canadian Wood Council. (2010). Wood Design Manual.

Cement Association of Canada. (2006). Concrete Design Handbook. (3rd ed.). Cement Association of

Cheng, Fa-Hwa. (1997). Statics and Strengths of Materials. (2nd ed.). Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

Cheng Liu, Jack B. Evett. (2014). Soils and Foundations. (8th ed.). Pearson Education Canada,
Prentice Hall.

Gupta, Ram S. (1995). Hydrology and Hydraulic Systems. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press.

Kavanagh, B., & Mastin, T. (2014). Surveying principles and applications. (9th ed., p. 19). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Kosmatka, Steven H. (Ed.) et al. (2011). Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures. (8th Cdn ed.).
Canadian Portland Cement Association, c1995.

McCarthy, D. F. (2007). Essentials of soil mechanics and foundations: Basic geotechnics. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Mott, Robert L. and Joseph A. Untener. (2014). Applied Fluid Mechanics. (7th ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ : Pearson Education Inc.

Pratt, D. J. (2011). Fundamentals of construction estimating (3rd ed., p. 19, Chapter 2) Australia;
Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Project Management Institute. (2013). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. (5th

Civil Technologist Certification Exam Handbook 9

© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Practice Exam for Purchase

Practice exam questions are available for purchase through Meazure Learning. As these
questions are hosted by a third-party educational partner, candidates will need to create a
new account to access the practice exam. This login is not associated with the candidate’s

A one-time attempt practice exam of 25 questions* is available.

*While the candidate is able to repurchase the same practice exam at a later date; the
questions will not change.

Day of Examination
Admission to the Examination Centre

ASET, CTTAM, and ASTTBC provide Meazure Learning with a list of examination candidates
for each exam sitting. When an exam appointment is made, candidates will receive a booking
confirmation email from Meazure Learning. It is important that candidates bring this email
with them to an examination center on the day of the examination.

Upon entering the examination center, candidates will be asked to register with the proctor.
The following information will need to be provided to the proctor.

• Candidate’s first and last name (must match candidate’s registration as submitted by
• Valid government-issued photo ID (not expired)
• Candidate’s printed confirmation email as provided by Meazure Learning

Important Notes:
• If you have a non-expired temporary driver’s license you must also provide
another form of photo identification. The first and last name on both documents
must match. It is preferred that the photo identification not be expired.
• If your only form of photo identification has expired you must also provide
another form of non-expired identification. The first and last name on both
documents must match.
• If you have any other concerns about your forms of identification, please
contact Meazure Learning support immediately to ensure your
identification will be accepted on exam day:

After the initial verification of identity, candidates will be asked to sign a roster.

Candidates’ personal belongings, such as bags and jackets, will be stored in a designated
area. Electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, tablets, and reference books,
may not under any circumstances be brought into the exam center. The only exception to this
rule is personal calculators. The proctor is responsible for inspecting candidate’s calculators
prior to the exam.

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© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Permissible Items

• Disposable ear plugs (provided by candidate)

• Scrap paper and pencils will be provided by the proctor to the candidates before the
exam (if requested) and collected after the exam
• Approved calculator (see policy below)
• Formula sheet (provided by the proctor at the examination, also available virtually)

Prohibited Items

• Electronic devices (i.e., cell phones, pagers, digital assistants etc.)

• All types of food and beverages
• Unauthorized examination aids, assistance or collaboration materials

Calculator Policy

• Candidates can bring in a Scientific Calculator that is non-programmable, non-

graphing and have no memory storage capabilities.
• Please review the Calculator Policy prior to examination day. It contains a list of
approved and non-approved calculator models
• It is highly recommended that the candidate bring their own calculator as the centre
does not have any on site.
• It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure their calculator is approved prior to the
exam, either by being indicated on the approved list or by obtaining approval from
ASET, CTTAM, or ASTTBC. If a candidate does not obtain approval prior to the exam,
their calculator may be deemed inadmissible and prohibited from the exam.

Taking the Exam

At the beginning of the examination, candidates will hear verbal examination instructions from
the proctor and read the Candidate’s Statement of Understanding and/or Non-disclosure
Agreement in the software. Failure to comply with the regulations outlined in these documents
will result in the candidate’s results being invalidated. Candidates will not be able to begin the
examination without agreeing to the conditions outlined in the document. The assigned ID and
chosen password will be used to log in when prompted by the proctor.

Next, candidates will be given written exam instructions in the software. These exam
instructions will emphasize the fact that some exam questions contain images and/or require
calculations. If the images appear too small on the screen, candidates will be advised to hover
their mouse over them to get an expanded view. Following the exam instructions, there will be
a tutorial available to candidates before they proceed to the exam.

The exam is closed-book and is three hours in duration. Once a candidate starts an exam
they must complete the exam they started. If the candidate notices they have started the
wrong examination, they must notify the proctor within the first 5 minutes of the exam sitting
to switch to the correct exam.

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© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Upon submitting their exam responses, candidates will be offered an opportunity to provide
feedback on exam material and exam administration conditions by completing a short online
survey. Results of the exam are not provided to the candidates at this time. Candidates
will then submit their scrap paper to the proctor, sign out from the candidate roster, and leave
the examination centre.

After the Examination

Examination Scoring

Multiple-choice examination questions are scored dichotomously, using a score of “0” for an
incorrect response and a score of “1” for a correct response. The Technologist Certification
Examinations are criterion-referenced exams, which means that a candidate should obtain a
score that is equal or higher than an exam pass mark to pass the examination.

Pass Mark

Each Certification Examination has its own pass mark. The pass mark for the Civil
Technologist Certification Examination was determined by the Exam Committee, which took
into account the difficulty of exam questions and the expected level of performance for a
minimally competent engineering technologist. A psychometrically acceptable standard-setting
methodology was used to set examination pass marks.

The pass mark for the Civil Engineering Technologist Certification Exam is 63%.


Candidates are emailed their exam results within two to three weeks after the exam date.
Exam results are reported to the candidate as “pass” or “fail”.

Unsuccessful candidates will also receive a performance report indicating a failure to pass,
their score, and areas of strength and weakness in the four tested competency areas. The
unsuccessful candidates will be able to retake the exam. Please refer to the Rewrite Policy
section in this handbook to schedule the next exam.

Review and Appeal Process

A candidate who fails the Certification Examination may request that their exam score be
verified. Due to the automated scoring and extensive quality control procedures, errors in
scoring are extremely unlikely. However, candidates may request that ASET, CTTAM, or
ASTTBC manually rescore their exam to verify the original score.

Civil Technologist Certification Exam Handbook 12

© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
Appendix A: Civil Technologist Exam Blueprint

ASET Civil Engineering Technology Certification

Examination Blueprint

Multiple Choice Questions

Target Range Target Range
(% of Qs) (# of Qs)

1. Technical Analysis 31-37% 31-37

1.1 Collect quantitative and qualitative information to assist in the design and development of
technical solutions.
1.2 Assess site safety before collecting data.
1.3 Calculate linear dimensions, areas, volumes, and quantity.
1.4 Obtain test results from technical reports.
1.5 Perform tests.
1.6 Compile test results for future analysis.
1.7 Perform basic topographic and construction surveys.
1.8 Inspect project sites and facilities to report on general site conditions.
1.9 Document data from site inspections (e.g., sketches, notes, and photos).
1.10 Assess data to identify potential opportunities and constraints.
1.11 Analyze data in relation to regulatory requirements, industry standards and local codes.
1.12 Evaluate municipal requirements for civil infrastructure.
1.13 Analyze record drawings.
1.14 Integrate data using appropriate software management techniques.
1.15 Identify basic structure types and components.
1.16 Apply drafting techniques to draw plans and details.
1.17 Assist in the development of technical solutions.
2. Technical Design 15-21% 15-21
2.1 Identify and analyze alternative approaches to meeting technical specifications.
2.2 Take into consideration cost, quality, safety and environmental impact.
2.3 Use resources effectively to complete tasks.
2.4 Collaborate with a multi-disciplinary team to solve technical problems.
2.5 Assist in the production of technical drawings, specifications, and other design documents for
municipal infrastructure projects, such as: 1) Sanitary sewer systems; 2) Storm water
management systems; 3) Water systems; 4) Transportation infrastructure.
2.6 Assist in the production of technical drawings, specifications, and other design documents for
concrete, wood, and steel structures, including: 1) Elements in steel, wood, and reinforced
concrete buildings (e.g., slabs, beams, columns, walls, foundations and stairs); 2) Building
2.7 Assist in the production of technical drawings, specifications, and other design documents
based on geotechnical design, including: 1) Shallow and deep foundations for support structures;
2) Flexible and rigid pavement structures; 3) Retaining walls.
Civil Technologist Certification Exam Handbook 13
© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
2.8 Assist in the production of technical drawings, specifications, and other design documents for
transportation projects, such as: 1) Highways; 2) Airports; 3) Railways; 4) Water terminals
2.9 Assist in design review for civil projects.
3. Technical Evaluation 25-31% 25-31
3.1 Perform inspections of components of civil projects.
3.2 Coordinate the tests required to ensure compliance with technical specifications.
3.3 Conduct tests to ensure compliance with technical specifications.
3.4 Take appropriate action to address design and construction issues as they arise.
3.5 Maintain complete and regular records of inspections, logs, and tests.
3.6 Monitor the equipment to ensure that it operates in accordance with technical specifications.
3.7 Assist in resolving quality issues internally and externally.
3.8 Monitor the quality of sub-contractors' work.
3.9 Assist in identifying the non-conforming components of civil projects.
3.10 Monitoring the non-conforming components of civil projects until corrective solutions are
effectively implemented.
3.11 Conduct measurement checks or visual inspections for earthworks, civil foundation,
structures, buildings and buildings systems.
3.12 Review vendor documentation to ensure compliance with technical specifications.
3.13 Carry out quality control and quality assurance testing on soils, concrete, asphalt, and other
3.14 Conduct construction layout using basic surveying techniques.
3.15 Assist in the development of operations and maintenance procedures (e.g., compilation of
inspection data)
3.16 Assist with the preparation of project reporting documentation.
4. Project Coordination 17-23% 17-23
4.1 Calculate costs, materials, quantities, and resources required for projects.
4.2 Assist in the preparation of budgets and schedules for deliverables.
4.3 Assist in tracking actual spending, trends, and project budget forecasts.
4.4 Monitor progress on projects.
4.5 Update schedules.
4.6 Recognize critical paths and bring them to the attention of the project manager.
4.7 Quantify work that is completed to-date.
4.8 Provide input into preparation of tender documentation.
4.9 Assist in managing contracts, including progress payments.
4.10 Assist in managing change orders.
4.11 Establish and maintain effective working relationships with internal and external clients.
4.12 Assist in managing customers' expectations.
4.13 Provide mentorship to peers.
4.14 Prioritize own work activities to ensure that project objectives are met on time and on

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© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022
4.15 Explain the value of workplace safety legislation.
4.16 Comply with workplace safety legislation.
Total 100% 100

Multiple-choice Questions

Cognitive Level Target Range Target Range

(% of Qs) (# of Qs)

Knowledge 37-43% 37-43

Application 37-43% 37-43
Critical Thinking 17-23% 17-23
Total 100% 100

Multiple-choice Questions
Question Type Target Range Target Range
(% of Qs) (# of Qs)

Questions with Images 19-24% 19-24

Questions without Images 76-81% 76-81
Total 100% 100

Civil Technologist Certification Exam Handbook 15

© The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta, 2022

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