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Abortion Essay Titles

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Abortion Essay Titles

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Abortion Essay Titles" can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires
a delicate balance between sensitivity, objectivity, and creativity. The difficulty lies not only in
presenting a comprehensive overview of the subject but also in finding suitable titles that encapsulate
the essence of the discourse. One must navigate through the complex ethical, moral, and legal
dimensions associated with abortion while addressing the diverse perspectives that surround this
contentious issue.

Selecting appropriate titles involves more than just linguistic prowess; it demands a deep
understanding of the multifaceted nature of the abortion debate. The titles should be thought-
provoking, engaging, and capable of capturing the attention of readers from various backgrounds.
Striking this balance is no easy task, as the essay should neither oversimplify nor overly complicate
the subject matter.

Moreover, the essay should maintain a respectful tone, acknowledging the sensitivity of the topic and
avoiding polarizing language. Balancing the presentation of facts, opinions, and emotions becomes
crucial to foster a nuanced discussion that respects the diverse viewpoints surrounding abortion.

In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of an essay on "Abortion Essay Titles" requires a careful
blend of research, empathy, and linguistic finesse. Crafting titles that reflect the complexity of the
issue while remaining accessible to a broad audience adds an extra layer of challenge to the writing
process. However, with thoughtful consideration and a nuanced approach, one can create an essay
that contributes meaningfully to the ongoing discourse on this controversial topic.

For assistance with similar essays or a wide range of topics, one can explore professional writing
services like, where experienced writers can provide support tailored to specific
needs and requirements.
Abortion Essay TitlesAbortion Essay Titles
Global Expansion And Background Information
What geographical location should be a target to global expansion and background
information to support the decision (expansion to China).
Over the past quarter of a century, China has experienced big changes as the economy has
transformed from just limited private sector into manufacturing base of the world, these
rapid development and transformation become the gateway to vast opportunities for all
industries of the world (Dyer Singh, 1998); China regional cities offer diverse of business
opportunities to companies around the world for businesses to expand into China.
Recent research reveals China has about thirty five most lucrative cities for business
investment depending on the industries of operation, it was said that there are challenges
in business regardless of location, in China for example, integral to business growth is
cultural issue as well as intellectual property protection, but with meticulous planning,
research, and strategy, these issue can be effectively minimize (Shopify, 2015).
The size of China is considered an issue of population, but is a market advantage with a
market potential of 1.5billion people, the nation is set to become the 2nd largest
consumer market in the world by 2015 (NBSC), government influence in business evens
spread of regulations and policies, language barriers issues can all be controlled with
effective global strategy.
Business is the dominating factor of economy because of the population, and the
opportunities available to
Buddhism Meditating Position Essay
Buddhism, is the practice and spiritual meditating to develop peace and understanding
of the world around us by practicing the three main positions or mudras of meditation.
From these mudras we gain the skill and sense of awareness. Kindness and wisdom.
The first of three meditating positions is the Dharmachakra Mudra or known as the
Gian Mudra. The gian mudra is said to generate knowledge, wisdom, receptivity and
calmness. It is also said to concentrate on the understanding of the chakra and the
dharma wheel of law to help him motion and count the principles of his Eightfold Path
of righteousness on his fingers. The second mudra positions is the Prayer Mudra or the
Namaskara Mudra , which is used to help align and balance your body
Social Contract
Yes No:
An agreement a pond the Social Contract
Lets began this essay with a little review from what we learned from Philosophy. The
Social Contract is an model agreement upon members in a certain society which they live
by. For an example is laws. If we didn t have any laws, the world would be all chaos. So
we all sign a social contract that we will obey the law. Ones who do not obey the law will
get punished by the government weather it s a warning or jail time, you will get punished.
Now that we understand the social contract a little better, lets get into what I think and
believe. As a young girl, I was told to follow the rules by my father, who owns his own
contraction company, and a mother, who has a career for working for the government
(which I cannot get into detail). Growing up they always said Don t trust anybody and
I thought to myself, how could this be possible when I live in a society with doctors,
nurses, firemen, and policemen that want to help me? As I got older I started to
understand. Not everybody wants to be your friend. Times like this it is tough trying to
be an educated black woman when people are trying to bring you down because the
color of your skin. To answer the question of ... Show more content on ...
I don t even know what he actually did to help the rate go down, but he deserve
another term just because of that. We will soon live in fear once we have Trump as a
president. Not everybody will love the president that we get to choose. They might hate
them or just fear what is going to happen while they are in term. For an example, Donald
Trump will soon be the President Of the United States in January. Every since he one
the election, there has been a lot of riots by angry people who all agrees that he will not
become a great president. They are in fear. I am in fear. Not everybody consent to him to
become president but everything depending on the number of
Trojan War Research Paper
The Trojan War has filled the minds of children from generation to generation. As
famous literature, such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, entrance boys and girls in the
most unique war of all time. All though there is very little evidence as to what occurred
during the Trojan War or even if it was a real war, historians have used works of
literature like the Iliadand convincing evidence to piece together the most unique war of
all time. The Trojan Warwas the most unique war because of its intense conflicts, the
horrific yet engaging aftermath of the war, and interesting intervention of the gods. The
Trojan War was the most unique war because of its intense conflicts. Though historians
don t know exactly how the Trojan War began, they believe it began with Queen Helen
of Sparta in 45 BC. Helen was abducted by the Prince of Troy, Paris, thus incurring the
wrath of her husband Menelaus. Menelaus convinced his brother, Agamemnon, the king
of Mycenae to form an army and bring his wife back to him. Agamemnon was
accompanied by famous Greek heroes such as Achillesand Odysseus in his pursuit of
Helen. With more than a... Show more content on ...
Failure to complete their journey inclined them to think that the gods were not with
them and as a heathen people of Greece, Agamemnon agreed to sacrifice his own
daughter Iphigenia to appease the angry gods ( They set out again
with only one task in mind, to find and destroy Troy. Upon discovery, they immediately
laid siege to the city and demanded that Queen Helen to be released to them. The siege
of Troy lasted for ten years, filled with many battles and skirmishes. The Trojans
remained behind their walls in fear of Achilles who was an almost invincible Greek
warrior. The Greeks on the other hand could not penetrate the fortified and sound
structure of the Trojans, resulting in a ten year
Bell X-5 Research Paper
In 1931, the Westland Pterodactyl IV was the first aircraft with variable sweeping
wings that took flight. This three seat monoplane was a tail less aircraft was able to
sweep wings forward and aft with an angular range of 4.75 degrees. The pilots were able
to change their center of gravity in flight when applicable, mainly due to alternative
landings (Westland Pterodactyl IV, n.d). Soon after the Pterodactyl did not go into
production Messerschmitt, a German aircraft manufacturing company, created Project
1101. During Project 1101 Messerschmitt took similar designs from their Me 262 and
added adjustable wingsweep. You could not adjust the wing sweep of the P.1101 V1 but
you could adjust it s wing angle on the ground before flight to 30, 40... Show more
content on ...
Navy contracted out Grumman to design a new carrier based fighter. In 1970, the first
F 14 Tomcat flew but the USN did not have great luck keeping them airborne due to
hydraulic failure which would cause total loss of control of the aircraft. The wing
angle was computed by the Central Air Data Computer by determining the appropriate
wing angle using Mach and altitude (Pappalardo, 2006). In the 1960s there was a
demand for a supersonic bomber. The military wanted a bomber that could have the
Mach 2 speed of the Convair B 58 Hustler with the range and payload of the Boeing B
52 Stratofortress. After being selected, North American Rockwell was selected to
design this new long range bomber. Rockwell built four B 1A prototypes but President
Jimmy Carter cancelled all B 1A production just a few years later. President Ronald
Reagan revived the the B 1 program and Rockwell created plans for the B 1B. This
bomber had a range of more than 7,000 miles and a flight ceiling of 60,000 feet. The B
1B has move its wings aft to 67.5 and travel as speed up to 1.2 Mach. With its quick
speeds, it can use its terrain following and travel up to 100 feet off the ground at full
speed. This was designed to infiltrate the Soviets without being seen on radar then get
out as fast as it can (SWING WING,
The Musical Exploration Of Isms

Mickey Hart once said, Life is about rhythm. We vibrate, our hearts are pumping blood,
we are a rhythm machine, that s what we are. Percussion is one of the oldest instrument
families and has grown to a degree of vast importance in all forms of modern Western
music. Namely, this is because of the incorporation of percussion into both academia and
entertainment music. At first, percussion was introduced into Western Classical music
during the Classical period, as a means of getting exotic and unusual sounds for
composers; however, the twentieth century works brought a unique gravitation to
percussion. Twentieth century composers, such as Edgar Varese and John Cage, helped
pave a way for an era of music history marked by ... Show more content on ...
The Janissary instruments find their roots in the Turkish military bands of the Ottoman
Empire. The term Janissary refers to the Turkish YeГ±i Г§eri, or new troops . Sultan
Orkhan I, of the Ottoman Empire, created The Janissaries, but his successor, Murad I,
officially established the corps circa 1360 s CE. Furthermore, they were originally an
elite corps of troops made up of the Sultan s loyal slaves. The corps eventually picked up
the use of military bands, which was a highly esteemed military tradition. These military
bands are even documented in a 1237 CE manuscript inscribed during the Crusades,
which depicts two long trumpets and a pair of mounted kettledrums with battle flags and
standards. The date of this manuscript indicates the Arabic and Persian heritages of one
of the major instruments in the Janissary classification, the Timpani. In addition, the
Ottoman Expansionism throughout the 1600 s gave the Western world a large amount of
exposure to the Turkish military band music and instruments. Countless militarily
effective instruments were carried into Western armies, such as the Cavalry Kettledrums,
or Timpani.

Figure 1: Mounted Trumpeters and a Kettledrummer (Persian, 1237 CE) Timpani was the
first incorporated percussion instrument in Western music. Subsequently, it evolved from
a Medieval instrument called Nakers. The Nakers are
Sinners In The Hand Of An Angry God And Martin Luther
Dedication can be hard to evolve; pursuing dreams and accomplishing what one sets
out to do can also be hard. In Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God by Jonathan
Edwards and Letter From Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr. both Edwards
and King think of ways to compel their audiences. King accomplishes his goals through
ethos, hidden persuasiveness, and alignment; while Edwards accomplishes his goals
through repetition, figurative language, and tone. In order to understand this paper one
must have background knowledge on the authors and their pieces. In 1963 the Civil
Rights movement was in its prime. MLK had went to jail more than 20 times for his
cause and was arrested again for parading without a permit. King was stabbed in the
chest and his house was even bombed. He lead a 381 day boycott and traveled over
6000 miles. In Letter From Birmingham JailKing wrote to the eight clergymen who had
stated they wanted the civil rights movement to end about why his movement was
morally right. In this letter King shows how they are being nonviolent now, but in time it
will evolve into something more.
Edwards was an extreme Puritan in the 1700 s; he was the most powerful and
persuasive Puritan preachers of his time. He grew up as a devout Puritan and even
gave sermons while playing with his friends. He showed academic brilliance at an early
age and went to Yale at 13 to become valedictorian. Later in life he became leader of the
Great Awakening. In Sinners in the
The Art Of Madame De Pompadour
Madame de Pompadour, mistress, confidante and advisor to King Louis XV of France,
and later, Lady in Waiting to his Queen, rose from the middle classes to become a
woman of influence in the French court of 1746 1764. Pompadour embraced the grand
lifestyle of the aristocracy including having her portrait painted numerous times by many
artists, utilizing her influence in how she was painted and the messages those paintings
portrayed (Jones). Her court painter, Francois Boucher represented her as an idealized
beauty (Jones) especially in his masterful oil painting of 1756, Portrait of Madame de
Pompadour, which showcased her opulent lifestyle, beauty, and intelligence (Davies 766)
and status in the French court. In this portrait, Boucher sets Pompadour in an intimate
scene, typical of Rococostyle art, dressed in sumptuous silks, surrounded by books,
flowers and elaborate draperies, at her ease, gazing into the distance, caught in a moment
of thought. Painted shortly after her appointment as Lady in Waiting to the Queen, the
painting is a celebration of Pompadour s status in the French Court of King Louis XV.

The main subject of the painting is Madame de Pompadour, who sits half reclining,
engulfed by yards and yards of colorful fabrics, with gilded furnishings and flowers
galore, a celebratory painting of a femme savant (Goodman 1), at ease in her
surroundings. Books and papers fill the scene, proclaiming her intellectual prowess. An
educated woman, Pompadour is
Apollo 13 Technological Transformations

The Apollo 13 mission left a great legacy and may have been one of the greatest
mission of Nasa. The astronauts pulled off an amazing run by having to survive of lack
of oxygen and lack of warmth. This is because the rupture in the oxygen tank exploded,
which caused the inside of the spacecraft to get damaged. The stability was very
unstable. Houston we have a problem This is what James A. Lovell to nasa after some
problems with the oxygen tank. Some people call Apollo 13 the successful failure. Apollo
13 had a exploration impact on history for making nasa work harder to make better
machines and also had a impact on history in the technological way. The astronauts had to
... Show more content on ...
They were calm and collective in the emergency issues. Nasa made more safety
regulations so that space ships would be more careful and more sturdy. Hopefully in
the future any oxygen tanks will not explode in air so that astronauts do not have to
feel what Apollo 13 astronauts went through. After finding out that Nasa changed the
way they build their technology all of astronauts were happy and excited that safety
hazards have changed. In my opinion I think that Nasa should have more people on
board and then they can help people if any of these situations were to happen again.
Apollo 13 made history by having to orbit the moon and going back. They did not
complete the mission or objective but they still lived. This is also another reason why
it is called the successful failure. Apollo 13 was a great topic to learn about and also
amazing to see what happened to the scientists and how they survived in the situation
that they were in. They were very brave and not worried at all. The astronauts were
calm and collective. They orbited the moon once and had to go back to earth and jump
in the pacific ocean. Some of the astronauts were sick to They had the bad case of the
flu. It is surprising to how they did what
Key Facts About Pittsburgh
I am writing a paragraph on Pittsburgh and it has three main topics. The topics are sports,
landmarks, and famous people. Some key facts that support Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh is on
the Ohio river. It is the second biggest city in Pennsylvania. It is nicknamed is steel city
because it was the biggest steel producer in the world(Pittsburgh, 500a).
Pittsburgh was home to all kinds of famous people such as actors, athletes and singers.
One famous actor that grew up in Pittsburgh is Jeff Goldblum who played as the main
character in Jurassic Park. Another famous actor that grew up in Pittsburgh was Gene
Kelly and she was one of the voices in Mickey s Christmas Carol. One famous NFL hall
of famer was Joe Montana who actually played for the 49ers but grew up in Pittsburgh.
Another famous NFL player is Joe Namath who played at Alabama and got drafted to
play for the Jets in the NFL. Another NFL hall of famer was Dan Marino who play for
the Dolphins as a ... Show more content on ...
The Pirates, Steelers, and Penguins all are sports teams in Pittsburgh. The Penguins
have won 3 Stanley Cups. The Steelers have won 6 superbowls. The Pirates have won
6 world series( 1985 ). The Penguins had that when they won back to back Stanley
Cups in 1991 and 1992, and a 6 foot 3, 209 pound redhead from Bow Island, Alberta,
named Troy Loney played his role perfectly ( 1985 ). Now onto the Pirates with their
record in the east. The Pirates lost 105 games in 1985 and were rumored to be leaving
Pittsburgh for Denver or New Orleans. Instead, the franchise stayed and eventually
won three National League East titles from 1990 92 ( 1985 ). There colors were a big
factor in the civil rights era. The black and gold of all three of its professional teams,
Steelers (NFL), Pirates (MLB) and Penguins (NHL) are synonymous with the pride local
residents have in its sports teams and the city they represent ( Pittsburgh history ). These
sports all draw attention to the city of
Benefits Of Vaccines
Infections, outbreaks, diseases, viruses all keep a person vulnerable to deadly
consequences if not treated correctly. Two sides of the community are established: one
fearing for their lives, and the other trying to convince that vaccine medications are
safe. Those who cannot be vaccinated rely on those who can be vaccinated, but if
people decide to not vaccinate themselves, more and more will continue to suffer and
this will cause more outbreaks. Since many people around the world are falling ill due
to deadly diseases that their body cannot fight on their own, vaccines should therefore be
used to fight against diseases with its many benefits and safety for a better environment.
Beneficial to all people young and old, vaccines have... Show more content on ...
The anti vaccine movement has been trying to tell many parents that the shots are
overused and teeming with toxins. They cause autism, bipolar disorder, ADHD,
allergies and more. They are profit centers for greedy doctors and Big Pharma, and
everybody s keeping the dangers quiet. (Kluger 40 43). With a strong passive voice
and concerned parents, anything can be believable even if it is just a rumor used to
spread lies and prevent adults and children from getting the vaccines they need. In 2007,
Maulana Fazlullah, who heads the Pakistani Taliban, went on Pakistani radio and
denounced vaccinations as a conspiracy of western nations to render Muslims infertile.
(Garrett). The consequences of this lead to deadly outbreaks that killed more people
than before vaccines had been denounced. To the anti vaccine movement, the vaccine
business has continued to thrive in spite of its disastrous failure, for the mere reason
that it nets millions of dollars for the promoters, and that this buys power with
governments and propaganda control over the masses who don t know how to think for
themselves (Sinclair). By indirectly stating the other health problems of general diseases
that are vaccine preventable, helps to force patients to realize that vaccines are not a bad
thing at all. Laws ordered by the government has
Advice For First Writing Course At The University Of...
Advice to First Writing Course at the University of Central Florida
Writing courses can be challenging and that is why I decided to write this personal
narrative. I believe that a personal narrative is better for an advice column than a
research paper. A personal narrative would give more personal experience and insight
on how the course was. It would be more valid since it is true. I think people learn better
when they read and hear something from the person they are talking to rather than being
about other people, especially when it comes to advice.
English courses, just like any core class, expects a lot from the students. ENC 1101 is
the first english and writing class students will encounter when first starting
undergraduate school ... Show more content on ...
They can properly quote it or paraphrase it using MLA format. This will demonstrate the
student using strategies to better comprehend difficult texts. Students should also learn to
adapt to different writing contexts. Throughout this course, I had to learn new
vocabulary such as rhetorical situation and discourse community. These are actually
types of essays I had to write during this course. When writing these types of essays, one
has to keep in mind their audiences and their own experience. Lastly, students will
consider how social, rhetorical, and technological contexts shape writing because it
reflects sensitivity to school writing as a social affair (McCarthy 231).
There are some constraints that I had to think about when deciding the genre of this
paper. One constraint to this personal narrative is the time I took this course. I took
ENC 1101 during the Summer B section. Summer B was only six weeks long and I had
to learn the concepts of this course in that amount of time when it usually takes around
sixteen weeks. This made the course much harder for me and other students. Especially
because English is my second language, it takes me longer to read and analyze articles.
This was also one out of two of my first classes as a college students. It is a different
environment and I had to adapt to different situations and expectations. Another
constraint is about those students that already have credit for ENC
Wall-E Film Techniques
Summary and Protagonist
Wall e was directed by Andrew stanton and was released June 23 2008. In this film you
meet a goofy little robot named Wall e. He lives on earth but not the version of earth
we live on today. This version of earth is infested with trash and no plant life. Wall e
was created as a trash collector and has been left to clean up the mess us humans made.
The protagonist of Wall e is the autopilot, Auto of the spaceship in which humans now
live. He looks like the wheel of a ship with a red light in the middle. Him being a
machine, he is very controlling and organized. Among that, he is also very intelligent as
machines also are.
Protagonist actions
While Wall e is at a regular day of collecting trash and scavenging ... Show more content
on ...
Love is powerful and it can make you do things that you could have never done before.
Fiction Devices
Language choice
In Wall e, robots do not speak a language yet you still know exactly what is going on.
Even though Wall e can not speak you can still tell that he loves Eve. This is just one
example of the fact that love has no boundaries.
Wall e foreshadowed what could happen if us humans do not step up our game. It
shows a representation of what our world could become if we do not start caring for our
environment before we run out of time. It also shows where we could go if we don t
detach from technology and if we let it take over our lives.
Scenes that stand out
One of the scenes from Wall e is the scene where it gives us an aerial view of what the
planet earth had come to look like. All you see is trash everywhere with no life to be
seen. Another scene that stands out to me is when we first see the humans aboard the
ship. It just disgusts me how self absorbed and unattached they are from the world. I
would not want to live a life like that. The last scene that comes to mind when i think
of this film is when Wall e is holding hands with Eve. I know I said that love is like a
deep dark hole but this scene really touches me because even though they were robots
they still found love in each
Analysis Of The Movie Halloween Night
Halloween NIght It was Halloween night and Denim was propped up on is couch
watching scary movies and eating chewy candy. Denim Jones is a 14 year old athletic
boy, with a head of curly hair, sky blue braces, and he is 5 11 in the eighth grade. He
lives in a small part of Chicago called Screech.

His parents, Paige and Grayson Adams, were out on a date at an expensive restaurant
called Goblins Soup for Halloween. Chase, one of Denim s best friends called him up
and asked him if wanted to go to a haunted trail and a clown sighting tonight with their
other best friend Nollen. Denim and Denim s friends all thought they were too old to go
trick or treating since they are 14 years old. One thing Denim was scared of was clowns,
his parents ... Show more content on ...
The killer clown had on a rainbowfied onesie with long, bright red shoes on his feet. His
face and clothes were covered with blood, even his knife.

Run! Denim screeched.

Everyone took off running after they saw what was behind them. Braiden s shoe came
off when he was running which slowed him down. That made him closer to the killer

He screamed, HELP! HELP!

By now, the clown caught Braiden and started pulling him into the woods. Denim stood
there watching his helpless older brother screaming and fighting the armed clown off
with his bare hands. Denim started screaming for Braiden but it was too late, Braiden
was gone. He (Braiden) was Denim s idol and now he was gone.

Honey? Denim? Denim forgot about his mom still being on the phone. Yes mom? Denim
shivered with red eyes.

It s okay, you will be alright. You can go to the haunted trail with your friends to get your
mind off your brother, okay? Paige spoke soothingly.

Ok mom. Denim mumbled.

Go get ready, you will be ok, alright? Paige breathed out.

Alright mom, see you later. Denim said.

Alright hun, see you later, be safe, and don t forget to lock up. Bye. Love you. Paige
sand cheerfully to brighten Denim s mood back up.

Love you too. Denim breathed out.

Denim hung up the phone. He went to his bathroom to wash his
Night By Elie Wiesel And Maus By Art Spiegelman
Surviving Life from Compassion from Others For most people, survival is just putting
food on the table. In contrast, prisoners in the Holocaust had to worry about even
getting food or even having shelter, like the Holocaust texts Night by Elie Wiesel and
Maus by Art Spiegelman show vivid examples of how advice from others helped them
survive. In life and death situations, others compassion will increase one s chances of
In the novel Night, compassion from the Kapo and the French Woman gives Elie a
greater chance of survival. In the beginning of the novel, people gave compassion to
others even while they were in life and death situations, and this continued throughout
the novel. When the French Woman is gives advice to Elie, the woman says, Bite your
lips, little brother . . . Don t cry. Keep your anger, your hate, for another day, for later.
The day will come but not now . . . Wait. Clench your teeth and wait . . . (53). The
French woman is showing Elie compassion by consoling Elie that all of this pain will
bring you to a day that Elie will be thankful for. The woman is risking her own safety,
by giving advice to Elie to help him survive. When they are beginning the first
selection, the Kapo is giving ways to Elie to pass the selection. During the first
selection, the Kapo states, Before you go into the next room, try to move your limbs,
give yourself color. Don t walk slowly, run! Run as if you had the devil at your heels!
(71). The Kapo is risking his
Civil Society And Globalization Essay
A globalized society creates an increasingly complicated set of forces and factors that
bring people, cultures, markets, and beliefs together. The improvement of technology,
transportation, and communication means that in the last century businesses,
governments, and people are being drawn into greater proximity with one another. As
a result, the notion of civil society is slowly being challenged because state borders are
no longer containers of society , meaning that the state is no longer a fixed unit of
sovereign space (Agnew, 59). One of the key phenomenon of globalization is the
emergence of a global civil society. Global civil society refers to the vast assembly of
groups operating across borders and beyond the reach of... Show more content on ...
Therefore, global civil society and globality/globalization are two ideas that are
inherently linked and interdependent on the definitions of one another. Globalization is a
key concept that engenders a set of terms that embody it. Terms like interconnection,
interdependence, liberalization, etc make us think of a global situation that is marked
by intense interaction and interdependence between country units (Scholte, 237).
Therefore, global civil society is what defines relations and social connections in a
globalized world where territorial location, territorial distance, and territorial borders do
not have a determining influence because the idea of place as territorially fixed is
diminishing (Scholte, 237). An important concept of civil society is its influence on
civic activity on a domestic scale and the influence that activity has on the organization
of national politics. A large reason why the development of global civil society occurred
was in response to the changing political environment as a result of globalization.
According to Scholte, new geography has ended the state s effective monopoly on
governance that developed under conditions of territorialism (241). In other words, in the
new post sovereign world policies and administration does not adequately reflect
citizenship and democracy because these ideals no longer center around the state. That is
why global civil society is the attempt of citizens to
Jesus and Muhammad Paper
Jesus Mohammad

Travis Davis
Course HUM 130
Professor Ferris

There are hundreds of thousands of religions all over the world. Some of them we
know about and some of them we don t. Usually, one thing that most religions have in
common is a founder or the head figure of the religion that any particular religion
revolves around. This one person is the teacher and everyone else is the follower. Two
major religions that are still extremely active in today s world are Christianity and Islam.
These two religions are very similar in many ways, yet unique in their own right. One
similarity is their belief in God, and one difference is who the messenger is. Christian s
believe it is Jesus, who is the son of God, and ... Show more content on ...
Jesus death by crucifixion seemed to be the end of it all. Many of his followers were
so sad and went into hiding so they did not receive the same fate. But then days later,
when some followers went to prepare Jesus body for a proper burial, they discovered
his body gone. Angels then appeared and told them Jesus had risen from death. (Mary
Pat Fisher, pp. 285 361 (78 pgs.)) There were several more sightings of Jesus following
his resurrection which secured the truth about his rise from death. This is what
eventually made his followers believe so strong, and has carried the religion of
Christianity into the twenty first century. Jesus continues to be worshiped in many
different ways. His followers attend church every Sunday, say daily prayers and give
financial support to churches. Another ritual is the sacrament. This is where they
drink the blood of Christ (often red wine) and eat the flesh of Christ (bread). Jesus
message is passed along in many forms these days. The Bible has been translated in to
over 2,300 languages and is the number one best selling book in the world. There are
Christian churches everywhere you look, and it has been said that there are over one
billion Christians, making it the largest organized religion in the world. With those kinds
of numbers, I think word of mouth has a lot to do with how their messages are being
carried out in the world today. Unlike Christianity, there are no
The Vancouver Island Eco Initiatives
TThe proposal I have selected is the Vancouver Island Eco Initiatives Request Proposals
VIEI 11 02 , this proposal talks about creating a support system for the students at
Camosun College. It is economically friendly in the way that the re use, recycle method
would be put into place at both campuses. The proposalitself says that it will create
financial support for students at both campuses, but has very poor English and
vocabulary, and the main point is not made clear. Of what I could understand the
individual who wrote this paper wants to set up a studentfunded flea market of sorts,
where students could buy tables from Costco that cost $20 and sell their textbooks,
non perishable food items, etc at reasonable prices to other students. I recommend for
this proposal that whoever wrote it, go back and go through spell check, as words like
money were spelled incorrectly all the way through, and that a lot of their vocabulary is
very basic and hard to follow or understand. The Plan section seems more like a budget
than anything else, it doesn t tell you how the student society will be brought into the
mix as it mentioned in the Introduction, or how they will garner the attention of students
to volunteer and spend the $20.00 on the table, or how the 8 000.00 a year will be
distributed among everyone involved. I recommend that the writer re visit The Plan
section and actually add in a more detailed plan, including how they plan on getting
students involved,
Importance of Self-Esteem
Self esteem is an important part of life. Without strong self esteem we are not at our
full potential. We need strong self esteem to have the confidence to do many tasks.
The way others perceive us has an effect on our self esteem as well as how we perceive
ourselves. In order to have good self esteem, we need others to be encouraging and
communicate in a positive way. We also need to build our own self esteemby realizing we
need to be our self, not what others necessarily think we should be. Negativity from
others only lowers our self esteem and makes us less confident. We need confidencein
order to communicate well with others.
As I ponder on my self esteem, I feel I am very confident in most areas but really lacking
in others. ... Show more content on ...
Having the confidence to speak in front of others is an obstacle that I cannot seem to
Being able to communicate well helps one to build self esteem. I feel my problem with
lack of confidence when speaking or communicating is due to lack of communicating
and voicing my opinion at a younger age. At the time I was growing up, youngsters were
not expected to give their opinions to their peers. My grandfather felt
Blood Glucose Research Paper
Blood glucose levels and their regulation can be influenced by alcohol (ethanol)
consumption. Although consuming alcohol can initially create a rise in blood glucose
levels because of its carbohydrate content, excessive alcohol consumption can cause
blood glucose levels to drop to dangerously low levels. When alcohol is consumed, it is
absorbed directly into the bloodstream from the stomach and intestines; and then travels
to the liver to be metabolised. Liver cells contain enzymes which metabolise the
alcohol; they break down the alcohol into other chemicals which are in turn broken
down into water and carbon dioxide. These are then excreted from the body in the urine
and from the lungs. The liver can process only a certain amount of alcohol per... Show
more content on ...
However, if blood glucose levels rise too steeply, there can be an overproduction of
insulin; which lowers blood glucose levels excessively below the set point. Because
alcohol is toxic and there is no way to store alcohol in the body, it must be metabolised
as quickly as possible. This means that the liver must prioritise metabolising the
alcohol over any other tasks; including regulating blood glucose levels. Although the
liver usually releases glucose into the bloodstream (from its stored glycogen) when
blood glucose levels fall below the set point; while there is alcohol in the blood it has
less capacity to do this. This results in hypoglycemia. Long term consumption of large
amounts of alcohol damages the liver and can lead to liver disease, which interferes with
many aspects of metabolism including metabolism of glucose. In frequent drinkers the
body can also become less sensitive to insulin; meaning muscle, liver and fat cells will
not respond effectively to insulin. This can lead to long term
Essay on Women Dealing with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
This article is based on a study comparing the ethnic differences in Posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), among the women s population of non Hispanic Whites, African
American, and Hispanic. The population of Hispanics and African American female s
veterans, in terms of gender, experience a higher symptom of PTSD than male veterans.
The study is aimed at providing analysis demographic characteristics, diagnostic validity,
and the normative sampling, among the three ethnic populations of women who
experienced treatment for PTSD compared to servicemen veterans.
Harrison, J. P., Satterwhite, L. F., Ruday, J. (2010). The Financial Impact of Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder on Returning US Military Personnel. Journal of Health Care
Finance, ... Show more content on ...
The majority of the participants, were Caucasian, male, disabled veterans, and severity
scores from military personnel who served in Korean, Vietnam, and Gulf war. This article
focuses on the future researchers aiming on the conflicts in Afghanistan, and Iraq, and
improving therapy techniques, and social functioning impacting veterans of PTSD.
Savitsky, L. (2009). Civilian Social Work: Serving the Military and Veteran
Populations. Social Work, 54(4), 327 339. This article reveals some of the challenges
civilian social workers faces while offering interventions for veterans that served in the
military, and their families. Social workers specialized in treating service members who
experience psychological issues such as PTSD. Also, social workers are well educated
to help victims of domestic violence, substance abuse, and the deployment of both male
and females. Many military veterans need social support because of family issues,
unemployment, and lack of medical care. The Veteran Administration estimated over
400,000, a year is reported homeless from the veteran population. Social workers works
with this population of veterans who served in military, in providing the financial benefit
and addressing the intervention needs for their families.
Tsai, J., Harpaz Rotem, I., Pietrzak, R. H., Southwick, S. M. (2012). The Role of
Coping, Resilience, and Social Support in Mediating the Relation Between PTSD and
Social Functioning in Veterans Returning from
Andrea Palladio And Thomas Jefferson s Monticello
To many, Andrea Palladio is seen as one of the most influential architects that there have
ever been. He is also credited with being the main influence for the architectural style
known as Palladianism. Palladianism developed well through the 18th Century and can
be seen here in the U.S. When you look at buildings like the White House and Thomas
Jefferson s Monticello, we can see how much Andrea influenced others. His influence is
also seen in England looking at different houses belonging to the royals. Andrea Palladio
built many buildings in his time, He built churches, town and country houses, public
buildings and bridges in Venice and on the Venetian mainland and in and around Vicenza.
In my paper, I plan on starting with Andrea Palladio and his works on places like the
Teatro Olimpico and moving onto the many iconic theaters throughout America and
Europe. And how they might or might not have been influenced by Andrea.... Show more
content on ...
When he was young, he worked as an apprentice to a local sculptor. As time went on,
he eventually left Padua and moved to Vicenza where he got a job as a mason. It was
while Palladio was living and working in Vicenza that he eventually met Gian Trissino,
who later was the one who took him on his first trip to Rome. Andrea Palladio gained
most of the inspiration for his future works from his trips to Rome. The Roman style that
Andrea admired so much can be seen when looking at the work that he did reconstructing
Vicenza. Every villa and public building had some aspect of the classic structure that
Rome was known
Sears Marketing Plan
SEARS Marketing Plan Executive Summary Sears Holding Corporation is the fourth
largest retailer in the United States and Canada. Its subsidiaries include Sears,
Roebuck and Co. as well as K Mart. The closing of the merger between Sears and K
Mart took place on March 24, 2005. Sears has more than 4,000 retail stores across the
United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Sears offers products and services
through over 2,700 branded and affiliated stores. Sears operates 894 broad line stores
and 1,354 specialty stores. Sears broad line stores are mall based locations. The specialty
stores include Sears Hometown Stores that are mostly independently owned, Sears Home
Appliance Showrooms, Sears Hardware Stores, Sears Auto Centers,... Show more content
on ...
The boards of directors include Edward S. Lampert, Louis J. D Ambrosio, William C.
Kunkler III, Steven T. Mnuchin, Ann, N. Reese, Emily Scott, and Thomas J. Tisch
(About, n.d.). Sears continues to showcase its top Brands including Craftsman,
DieHard, and Kenmore. The Company also continues to market its fashion lines of
products under the Brands of Lands End, Joe boxer, and Jaclyn Smith. Sears has also
introduced the Kardashian Denim collection. With this new line of clothing Sears
hopes to increase sales to teens and young adults. Sears will also offer deals to include
markdowns and rebates throughout the year to promote many of its retail lines and
market to the thrifty shopper. The retailer will continue to see aggressive competition
from Target, Wal Mart, JCPenney, Kohl s, Macy s, Home Depot and Lowes. These
companies are some of the national retailers that Sears will have to contend with in
order to survive. According to Sears Holding 2011, annual 10K Report with the
Securities and Exchange Commission, Home Depot and Lowes are the company s
most fierce rivals of the major appliance category in which Sears accounts for nearly
16% of its entire revenue (p.5). This fierce market positioning battle between its
competitors will be a major obstacle for Sears to overcome. Sears continues to try to
move forward as the company s efficiencies in fixed assets continued
A Black And White And Silent Movie Released
Sherlock Jr. is a black and white and silent movie released in 1924. Bister Keaton was
responsible for direction and performance in the forty nine minutes long movie. As the
main protagonist, Keaton is a projectionist in a theater and also longing to be a
detective. However, when he is framed by the local sheik at the home of the girl he likes,
the naГЇve projectionist is unable to prove his innocence by evidences and leaves.
Projecting the movie in the theater, he has a dream of arresting the annoying criminal,
who makes him be a disgraceful person in the front of the family. On the other hand, in
reality, the kind hearted girl solves the problems and forgives the young man. The clip
starts from 10:30 to 12:00, projecting the moment when... Show more content on ...
The next shot records the facial expression of the local sheik, who steals the pocket watch
from the old man, with a medium close up from a slightly low angle. Then, the camera
pans to the right a little bit when the villain walks to the back of the seated Sherlock,
peeking the detective book. Apparently, the sheik worries that the young man book
might discover his evil deed with the aid of the book. Following the sight of the man,
the eye line match offers a close up of the book that reveals the steps of being a
detective to Sherlock. The next shot even further closes up with extra attention to the
first step: [r]ule 1: [s]earch [e]verybody (Keaton, Sherlock Jr.). In the eighth shot, the
camera refocuses on the two men with a medium shot, disclosing the secret movement
of the villain, and Sherlock is still reading his tutorial book on the sofa. The camera
slightly pans to the left as the villain walking to the curtain. In this ninth shot, a
medium shot with a straight angle shows the viewers an overall circumstance in the
room. At two side of the curtain, four members of the family are arguing on one side;
the villain keeps his eyes on them silently, and Sherlock still watches his book. The
tenth shot immediately returns to the face of the villain with a medium close up from a
slightly low angle and the music keeps speeding up gradually. After sneaking a peek at
Sherlock, a title card describes the suggestion of
What Is The Main Theme Of The Wheels
This book is about a young boy called James Gordon who was involved in a car
accident on his way home from holiday. James became disabled and lost the use of his
legs. His father dies, his mother walked away with no injuries and the driver of the
van that hit their car also dies. The driver s sister found out who James Gordon was
and they wanted to find out the truth about the accident. Her name was Kirsty. James
and Kirtsy became very good friends after they found out it wasn t Kirsty s brother Sam
who was the driver. Instead it was a young man called Donny Scanlon. Finally, they
discovered that it was Donny s guilt and moved on with their lives. Main characters:
James Gordon, Kirsty Shearer, Lynn Mitchell, Donny Scanlon.

James ... Show more content on ...

James was alone in the young Centre waiting for his friends and the van that brings
him home. James knew that Donny is the culprit of the clash, but he had to find
evidence. Suddenly Lynn appeared in the Centre. James hided himself in the shadow.
Lynn went into a room where Donny was. James heard them talking about the accident.
Lynn leaved the room after she had talked to Donny. James was alone with Donny.
When Donny came out of the room, James pretended that he didn t hear anything, but
Donny didn t trust him and knew that James had heard the conversation. He treated
James to hit him with a baseball bat. James tried to convince Donny not to hit him.
And promised Donny that he wouldn t say anything to the police. But Donny did not
calm but even got more aggressive. But James didn t give up. In self defense he
grabbed a few billiard balls he saw and he threw them to Donny. At that moment Kirsty s
dad came in the Centre to help James and called the police. Donny was arrested and
everything ends
What Is The Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance was a huge development in African American culture. It was a
huge turning point culturally, socially, and artistically. The Harlem Renaissance drew a
lot of attention to black writers, singers, musicians, and other talented African
Americans. The timing of the Harlem Renaissance , in the early 1900 s, was perfect,
because it happened during the aftermath of World War II. Many of the black writers
left the South away from their unjustified groups of people to search for a place where
they could freely express themselves. This movement became so big that it made the
front page of a huge magazine called The Crisis Magazine. The magazine flourished,
because the founder Du Bois could relate to the matter since he was African
Frog Figurative Language
Mark Twain a well known writer who s written many stories like The celebrated
jumping frog of Calaveras county and it s about a man named Jim Smiley who visits
Calaveras to bet with his frog. In this story utilizes the use of figurative language by
providing many comparisons in the story in order to describe the appearance and
behaviors of each individual character like the frog.
One way Mark Twain uses figurative language is in paragraph 7 as he states the
following He d spring straight up, and snake a fly off n the counter there, and flop down
on the floor again as solid as a gob a mud. This is describing the frogs appearance since
Twain is comparing the frog like a solid gob of mud because of how the frog jumps
around like a madman and
Community Assessment And Diagnosis Analysis
Community Assessment and Diagnosis
Providing a healthy life style is a key point for every individual, community and the
government. Community as a whole will be healthy when every individual of the society
being healthy. The community health nurse must look at the whole picture: the person,
the family, and the community within the environment (Harkness and DeMarco, 2012).
Collecting data through different techniques such as vital statistics, demographics,
windshield surveys, expert interviews, and analysis of existing data are essential factors
to assess the community, discover the area of weakness and plan to meet the needs. This
paper focus on community assessment and diagnosis which generally refers to the
identification and quantification ... Show more content on ...
Varvogli and Darviri (2011) stated that stress is more likely lead to negative health
outcomes of hypertension, obesity. Reducing anxiety reduces systolic blood pressure and
heart rate (Yehunda, 2011) which help to prevent the complication related to heart
diseases. Group therapy, individual therapies and social support groups can help with
stress management (Yehunda, 2011).
Model: Community as Partner Model
This model emphasizes on public engagement and multidisciplinary action to improve the
community health (Robinson Vollman, Anderson, McFarlane, 2017). The community
team s goals are to decrease the potential of community stressors, limit the impact of
stressors on the community and build the capacity in the community to act properly
(Robinson Vollman, Anderson, McFarlane, 2017). Building personal skills, strengthening
the community
Kamala In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha
Kamala, is the main, and indeed, the only female main character in the novel
Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse. Kamala, a wealthy courtesan, is the bridge between the
lay people reading the novel and the main character Siddhartha, who is more of a holy
man, than a relatable character. Kamala is a kind, yet selfish women who allows for the
reader to connect to Siddhartha, by making him more imperfect. Later in the novel, even
after Siddhartha has left town, she unintentionally brings Siddhartha, his son, and again
provokes him to react as an imperfect human rather than a holy man. Thus, Kamala, while
not necessarily a large character, she is integral to the plot and to the reader s ability to
connect to the novel. Siddhartha first meets Kamala after he has just decided that he no
longer wants to be an ascetic, and that he needs to try a new way of life. He meets... Show
more content on ...
By requiring Siddhartha to work a job and earn money and achieve status, he again
becomes more relatable because these are all events, that we as modern Americans,
require or want. Further, Siddhartha develops what is essentially a friends with benefits
relationship with Kamala. While their relationship not necessarily romantic is does
resemble a more modern relationship dynamic. They both acknowledge that they care for
each other, even if they cannot love each other. Kamala said, ... You do not really love
me you love nobody. Is that not true? Maybe, said Siddhartha wearily. I am like you.
You cannot love either, otherwise how could you practice love as an art? Perhaps
people like us cannot love. Ordinary people can that is their secret. (Hesse 73). While
this does outline how they are different from regular or normal people, it also establishes
a weariness, or despondency at not being able to love each other, something that is
distinctly familiar, in a way that fairytale romances are often
Carole King Research Paper
Carole King is a musical icon in the world of 20th century popular music, and her
longevity and success as an artist have cemented her as one of the influential
musicians out of every genre of music. In this essay, I will examine how her musical
style and female identity each played roles her incredibly successful musical career.
Carole King was originally named Carole Klein when she was born in New York City
on February 9, 1942 [1]. An accomplished pianist by age 10, Carole began songwriting
in her early teens [1]. Shortly after, she helped form a quartet called the Co Sines and
created her stage name, Carole King [1]. While attending Queens College, King met
Gerry Goffin, her first husband [1]. Shortly after King and Goffin s marriage, they...
Show more content on ...
King realized that she was a working woman and that she was different than her peers,
many of whom were housewives. Even though she was different, she never felt out of
place in the music industry as her career. In 2013, President Obama awarded King the
Gershwin Prize for Popular Song [3]. Outside of music, King has also worked with
Alliance for the Wild Rockies since 1990, notably advocating for the Northern Rockies
Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA) [1]. Since then, she has participated in electoral
politics campaigning for John Kerry in 2004 and Hillary Clinton in 2008
Manners Europe
Human Resource Strategies for the
International Manager


Module leader: Dr. Francesca Andreescu

Topic: Manners Europe

Name: Venkatesh Teja Kotrike
Student Id: w14087442
Name: Venkatesh Teja Kotrike
Student Id: w14087442


Executive Summary3
Introduction4 Background4
Findings and Analyses5 National Culture5 Organizational Culture6 Motivation7
Recruitment and HR planning7 Communication8 Management Style9 Training9

Executive Summary

Human Resource is an important function performed in organizations to ensure employee

satisfaction. The importance of HR is growing, especially in organizations operating in
more than one nation. ... Show more content on ...
The analysis is based on how the divergence in European and American labour market
affected the company, culture being the major factor. The following section provides
recommendations based on the problems analysed in this section.

National Culture

According to Greet Hofstade, Culture is the collective programming of the mind

distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others (Hofstede,
n.d.). It can be analysed from the definition that, not all groups of people are same.
People of different regions nations have different understanding and ways of doing things
that differentiates them from the other. Thus, an organization should try to adapt to the
host country s culture to ensure success. Failure to do so seizes the corporation from
achieving its goals (Gudykunst, 2000).
Cultural difference is one of the major factors that affected the performance of Manners
Europe. Being a United States Corporation, Manners Europe s failure to adapt to Dutch
culture led to its inefficiency. The work ethics, management style, motivational tools used
were more American in nature than Dutch. The five dimensions model proposed by
Hofstede is used to understand the difference between the Dutch and the American

The dimension model of Hofstede states that, there are five dimensions that make a
culture different from the other:
Essay about Effective Foreshadowing in Flannery...
Effective Foreshadowing in Flannery O Connor s Greenleaf

Mrs. May s bedroom window was low and faced on the east and the bull, silvered in
the moonlight, stood under it, his head raised as if he listened like some patient god
come down to woo her for a stir inside her room. The window was dark and the sound of
her breathing too light to be carried outside. Clouds crossing the room blackened him
and in the dark he began to tear at the hedge. Presently they passed and he appeared
again in the same spot, chewing steadily, with a hedge wreath that he had ripped loose for
himself caught in the tips of his horns. When the moon drifted into retirement again,
there was nothing to mark his place but the sound of steady chewing. Then ... Show more
content on ...
Her murderer, some nigger s scrub bull (311), is here to stay. He is not a fleeting
image at her window side. Rather, he is patient , [appears] again in the same spot , and
is twice described by the modifier steady . In addition, the bull seems to transcend ideas
of time and nature s cycles. Although, in the first paragaph he only outlasts one cycle of
the moon emerging and retracting, his unwavering presence characterizes him as a

If the bull is a survivor, then Mrs. May is a victim. In contrast to the bull, she is
vulnerable and defenseless. Her window was low and her breathing was light . She is
the recipient of the action, as opposed to the giver. The bull watches her and presents his
horns, the instrument of her forthcoming death. Mrs. May, as with her death, has no
choice in the matter. There is nothing she can do but be watched and presented to.

The ideas of the dominator and dominated evident in the word choice of the paragraph
hint at the mechanics of Mrs. May s murder. When the bull takes her life in the story s
final scene, she is penetrated by the horns that were presented to her on the first night
outside her window.

Repetition, although subtle, is evident in the paragraph. The word window is repeated
three times, and chewing is repeated twice. The repetition is not particularly noticeable
upon first reading of this paragraph because the words appear in different structural areas
Comparing The Book Of Mark And Synoptic Gospels
While the Synoptic Gospels, comprised of Matthew, Mark and Luke are primarily
three retellings of the same story, each writer s narrative seems to be geared to
different audiences. Mark, who did not actually travel with Jesus, but was a disciple of
Peter, has a distinction that the other two do not. While all three gospels are accurate
and complete, the book of Mark, written according to the preaching of the Peter, gives
the reader a more personal experience of the gospelof JesusChrist. The book of Mark,
although described in the Gundry text to be loosely arranged and fast paced recounts
the story of Jesus with more first hand background details than both Matthew and Luke
who traveled with Jesus. The book of Mark is also gives a better
Media s Depiction Of Female Beauty
After many years of decrying the media s unrealistic depiction of female beauty, over
the last decade, women across the globe have raised their collective voices and insisted
that the media portray more realistic and anatomically diverse idealized images of
women (Bushak, 2015). As a result, Madison Avenue and Hollywood have begun to
include models and actresses of varying shapes, sizes, and colors more frequently in ad
campaigns, commercials, television shows, and movies (Bennett Smith, 2015).
Subsequently, the media s depiction of female beauty has slowly started to become more
inclusive and realistic (Lindsey, 2015). Nonetheless, more progress must be made in
order to align the media s presentation of ideal female beauty with reality. Therefore,
King Henry V Character Analysis
Throughout history, it has been difficult to have a dynastic succession produce good
leaders. However, in William Shakespeare s Henry V, King Henry V is acclaimed as the
dynastic successor to England. Henry has a valid claim to the French throne, but France
already has a successor, the Dauphin. With some convincing and financing from the
clergy, Henry decides to fight for his place as the French heir. In the Battle of Agincourt,
Henry demonstrates strong leadership at a young age. As previously explained in Act
I, Henry s father died when he was young, and Henry V gained a new demeanor and
changed his wild ways into proper ethics for royalty. Henry s personality change leads to
his noble leadership, and he seems to lead by example and in words even as a young
king. King Henry s conduct causes him to be a just ruler. King Henry s morality,
impartiality, and authority cause him to be a just ruler. King Henry s morality causes
him to be a just ruler. When Henry rises to the throne, he sheds his reckless personality
as much as possible, and he even distances himself from an old friend, John Falstaff.
King Henry becomes a morally and mentally sound king for England. Henry gains
important morals for a ruler such as humility, grace, piety, and wisdom even at his
young age. Henry shows a glimpse of his humility when he addresses the soldiers
before the siege of Harfleur to inspire them for battle. Henry says that they all must go
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once / more (3.1.1 2). By addressing the
soldiers as dear friends, Henry acknowledges them as equals and even goes as far as
saying that they are his comrades. His humility is loved by his people, so they
respond as motivated and united front for England. A good leader must never hold his
/her head higher than his/her subjects because this makes the ruler more popular when
he/she considers all people equally. Also, Henry is loved by the Church for his piety
and other morals. As the Bishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Ely discuss the bill
about to be passed which would tax the church, the Bishops mention that Henry V is full
of grace and fair reward. / And a true lover of the Church (1.1.24 25Whn Henry gains
piety after his father s
Theresienstadt Research Paper
What was the cause for the Theresienstadt? The Theresienstadt ghetto and transit camp
was a killing center for the Jews who wanted to retire. Those who survived and died
experienced a tragedy by living in a killing camp all those years the Theresienstadt

To being with, the town Terezin and its down fall led to a jail for the Germans then into
a Ghetto camp. Theresienstadt camp ghetto lasted for three and a half years. In the late
18th century, Emperor Josef II with his experience from many Prussian. Austrian wars
had led to build fortresses at the Lab and Ohre Rivers. The town was named after his
mother Maria Theresa. In the 19th century Terezin was vacated and turned into a garrison
town. And in the 20th century it all went ... Show more content on ...
The space was limited for all the Jews they were trying to fit. In the Nazi point of view,
they told the Jews that it was a retire home for the elderly. The ghetto was actually a
killing camp for the Jews that were deported from Germany. The Theresienstadt was an
important function to the German, Thei Red Cross (International) gave a visit to the
camp on June 1944, and the Nazi s prepared the transit camp and ghetto. The Germans
has resumed the deportations, to Theresienstadt, which had not ended until October
1944 ( Theresienstadt ). People stayed for about 3 days until being sent to the killing
centers. The ghetto administration one of many problems was trying to fit all 60,000
people in a town that only holds 7,000 people. On August 1942 all the space limited to
a person was crowded, rat, fleas, and many more were not limited there at the transit
camp. Norbert Troller experiences were bad at the camp. People were separated by
sex, women and children were taken away from men. Food problems affected the
elderly people more ( Terezin... ). The Red Cross had visited the Ghetto to check on
what the Germans were doing to the Jews. Richard Goldshmidt was sent to
Theresienstadt (Prague). When he got there, they stayed at Mustermesse for two or
three days, there was food and a place to wash in. After staying there for a month, he
was to leave the next day to another camp in
The Character Of Claudio In William Shakespeare s Much
This is Not about Much Ado about Nothing People always contradict themselves. They
say that trickery is bad and that you should always tell the truth, but if they are fooled
for something like a surprise birthday party, they have a different opinion. Much Ado
about Nothing is a play by William Shakespeare. It is a comedy about two different
couples. The first couple, Hero and Claudio, are in loveand are trying to get married.
Claudio loved Hero at first sight and got Don Pedro, the prince of Aragon, to woo her
for him. The second couple, Benedick and Beatrice, hate each other at first. They
constantly insult each other. Don John, the Prince s bastard brother, tries to destroy
Claudio, while Don Pedro tries to bring together Beatrice... Show more content on ...
He is very gullible, and it usually is for the worse. Claudio is often fooled by Don John.
This is one instance at the beginning of the play. Thus answer I in the name of Benedick,
But hear these ill news with the ears of Claudio.
Tis certain so; the prince wooes for himself (II.i.556 558). Here Claudio is led to believe,
by Don John, that Don Pedro has wooed Beatrice for himself rather than for Claudio.
This makes Claudio very upset. Claudio is deceived once in the play for a good cause.
After he slanders Hero at their wedding, he needs to prove his worth:
Claudio: Another Hero!
Hero: Nothing certainer
One Hero died defiled, but I do live,
And surely as I live, I am a maid. (V.iv.2612 2615)
Claudio had been tricked into believing he was going to marry Antonio s daughter ,
who is really Hero. Claudio is easily tricked, but not always for bad causes. Benedick is
a character in this play who, although very smart, is also deceived. Toward the beginning
of the play, there is a masquerade. Benedick and Beatrice dance together. Benedick
pretends to not be himself and Beatrice pretends to not know who he is:
She told me, not thinking I had been myself, that I was the prince s jester, that I
The Role of Washington County, Ohio in the Success of the...
The Role of Washington County, Ohio in the Success of the Underground Railroad

Gone, gone, sold and gone

To the rice swamps dank and lone,
From Virginia s hills and waters,
Woe is me, my stolen daughters!
(Whittier in Hamilton, pg. 105)

Families torn apart, humans sold on auction blocks, using humans for animal labor. These
tragedies along with the words of the Quaker poet John Whiittier are just the beginning
when trying to explain the motivation for abolitionists helping to free slaves.

The Underground Railroad was a path to safety and freedom for thousands of slaves
before the Civil War. Escaping from the chains, confinement and abuse of slavery was no
easy task and it took the cooperation of many people ... Show more content on ...
The Underground Railroad was the path that slaves took while escaping. It consisted of
stations or depots (houses), conductors (those who lived in the homes), tracks ( the actual
trail they took) and even station masters and presidents who led the efforts in their area.
The railroad analogy was used to describe many aspects of this anti slavery activity. The
code helped those involved in freeing the slaves communicate with each other without
others understanding.

Sources and Methods

The research in this paper will come from three basic sources. The first source is over
the internet. Using the key words Underground, Railroad and Ohio, articles and books
will be found. The library will be the second source. Again the key words,
Underground, Railroad and Ohio will be used to find and books and newspapers
containing valuable information. A local specialist by the name of Mr. Henry Burke
will be the third source for this paper. He will provide newspaper articles and stories that
he discovered during his research. Interviews with him will also provide valuable insights
into the knowledge he has gained throughout his research.

Format of the Paper

The paper will begin with a Review of the Research. This section will summarize all the
information gathered for this paper. Here the background will be given and the
foundation laid for the rest of the report. Next will be the Application of the Research.
This is
The Human And Imaginative Aspects Of Cyber Threats
Intro In an age of rapidly growing informational data and highly talented black hat
hackers, technological headways present the critical duality of major opportunity and
critical risk. A universities high value sensitive data is indispensable to both, and a key
asset that differentiates organizations. While it is impractical to keep it locked down and
yet open, its utilization can undermine the organization s existence. Subsequently, the
challenge for IT team security personnel and college executives is striking a delicate
posture being security aware and remaining business driven. The human and imaginative
aspects of cyber threats changed dramatically in the previous years. Witnessing
innovative techniques blended with... Show more content on ...
Identification is the first of the four steps in this process. Any user that expects to gain
access to a system referred to as a supplicant, and the tool that every user who gains entry
to the network, referred to as an Identifier. The identifier can have numerous different
methods for identifying the supplicant. The identifier should be able to locate the users
credentials from a database of unique information that determines the supplicants identity.
The most common form of verification is through using the employees first and last
name. In case there happen to be colleagues with common names, such as John Doe,
employee Id s or Social Security numbers remain utilized. In a good number of
companies, they are no longer using the employee s Social Security number to identify
them in their system. They are replacing them with an employee ID. This reduces the
information that a network intruder (also known as a hacker) or another employee
gaining access to their Social Security numbers. Authentication is the second step in this
process. Once identification of the employee is established, there will be a request for
input from that user. That will either corroborate to the system that he or she is who they
claim to be or that they are not who they claim to be.
The complexity of the authentication process depends on the type of information that
Nu Jazz And Jazz Dance
Classifying report
By Bianca Wyatt

Dance was introduced by king Louis, he came up with the idea of dance at a wedding
where one of the very first dances the broccoli dance was invented, and by the the
1700s the most popular dance was ballet. Dance originated 2500 years from today, from
people that believed in a magic ritual which broke the spell which apparently on a
bewitched king. Many contemporary dances can go back to historical, traditional,
ceremonial, and even ethnic dances.

Jazz was created in the early 20th century in New Orleans, but the main roots of jazz
originate from the traditions of Africa and Europe. Some people even say that African
and European music is a union of jazz. Jazz is known to have rhythm and feel. The
costumes used in jazz for jazz dance performers prefer to wear a leotard and tights, the
dancers prefer tight clothes because they tend to help with techniques. Most of the
time if people aren t comfortable with wearing tight clothes they just wear jazz pants
which are very similar to sweatpants except that they are a little bit tighter, and jazz
pants come in a variety of different sizes so they are very similar to sweatpants. The
music styles in jazz can be the style of electronic, soul and mostly free improvisation.
All of the above are from the genre Nu Jazz .

Ballet was invented in the 15th and 16th centuries. It came from the Italian Renaissance.
Ballet was improved by a woman called Catherine de Medici, she was the one who
Bad Places When She Went Away Analysis
Irene P DubberHooligan What she s upset about is that the door Elijah chose to find
solace in was the actual red door. She can t be upset at where he chose to find solace at
whether that s a bad place or not. She doesn t have that right in my opinion. What is
she going to say to him? How can you get upset at someone or upset over the fact that
that person finds solace in a bad place? He probably finds solace there because he
doesn t have to pretend to be noble even though he s doing a bad job at it as he
continues to hold this pretense. I could see that being his freedom to express how he is.
Klaus thinks Elijah is the best of them all because of his facade but in reality he s the
darkest of them all Klaus has actually acknowledged
Individual and Society in Virginia Woolf s Novel quot;mrs...
According to Viktors Ivbulis (1995: 23 29) in Modernist fiction a special attention is
paid to an individual who degrades because of the pressure from the society and is
therefore shown as a small part of the society being unable to do miracles. Moreover,
the 20th century s fight for the power makes the rights of an individual be dependent on
the rights of the society. This individual is not a personality anymore that was
established in the 19th century literature. It is a simple person, who is depressed by the
highly technological world and the demands of the society and is therefore lonesome
and isolated. An individual cannot compete successfully for his place in the society, as
he does not even know his enemy. Therefore, he has to die... Show more content on ...
V. Ivbulis (23:1995) stresses that in Modernist fiction an individual in this
technologically developed world has become trivial. The world wide market of goods,
the fake blaze of the mass culture, the variety of the offers on TV and radio, and the
developing power of all this over an individual has made him small. Also in Mrs
Dalloway Clarissa is of less importance than the position she holds in the society.
Everyone who comes to the party is interested only in the luxuriance and the
possibility to be at least for some time in the higher levels of the society. For example,
Ellie Henderson, who is a cousin of Clarissa, is very poor, but still she would find
something to wear on and to be among those people from the higher levels of society:
It was an event to her, going to a party. It was quite a treat just to see the lovely clothes.
They go to this party at Mrs Dalloway s to show off, to show themselves in a possibly
richer way. They do not go there to meet Mrs Dalloway. She is as if only a person to
meet them at the entrance.

According to Viktors Ivbulis (23:1995) in Modernist fiction due to the fact that an
individual is subjected to the pressure of the society he degrades and is, therefore,
shown as a very small part of the society. He cannot do heroic deeds. In Virginia Woolfs
novel Mrs
Analysis Of Christmas Bloomington Project
Shiyao LuoDecember 4, 2015
Limor CohenSpea A450

Christmas Bloomington Project

(Limor s written part)

According to many studies, social interaction is consistently proven as correlated with

health. This research has been successful in proving the number of benefits resulting
from these human relationships such as; reduced stress levels, lower blood pressure, and
cognitive health. In order to facilitate these interactions, many place makers aim to reject
the increase of inhospitable environments and rather implement environments that
promote socialization. In his book, Street Reclaiming, David Engwicht successfully
expresses the ways in which we can foster these spontaneous exchanges ... Show more
content on ...
In our minds this included; a red bow, a number of ribbons in the holiday s traditional
colors, and candy canes. Additionally, we purchased spray chalk in order for those who
choose to stop to express their holiday wishes in a fun and playful way. We intended to
incentivize them to stop by offering them a candy cane and allowing them to express
themselves freely with the medium that we choose. The result of this would not only
be the spontaneous communication that we experienced with them in that moment,
but also the potential future interactions it may create as a result of people wanting to
stop because they are intrigued by the product of the project we created. When
decided where to implement this idea, we considered a number of open spaces.
However, we really wanted to choose a space that is generally viewed as unappealing
in order to put our ideas to the test. We were determined to find a place where people
must often pass through but never see a reason to stop. Finally, we agreed on setting the
project up on a muddy, woodchip path that is a shortcut often used by music students to
get from the Musical Art Center to the Auditorium most efficiently. This area has
recently looked especially off putting in light of the heaving construction adjacent to it.
As we had hoped, this seemed urge people to stop. Many were curious as to what we
were doing, and once we
Socrates Reflection
Socrates is a wise man he does not willingly want to die he is obviously not suicidal his
quest for knowledge is far too great but moderate. Although his charismatic personality
may have interfered with the way he approached the trial seeming far to sarcastic to the
jury. Perhaps to question their process in trail and punishments that don t fit his crime or
many other crimes, making the viewers form questions in their mindabout their own
government, which is what Socrates whole being has been about, helping people think
about thinking. Socrates didn t agree with their decision but he isn t going to return a
wrong with a wrong so it adds meaning to his tone. Xenophon says But what they didn t
make clear and without it the arrogance of his tone is bound to appear rather foolish is
this: he had already decided that for him death was preferable to life. (pg.41).
For instance, he offered other forms of punishments that could ve fit the crime better in
his opinion like getting free meals for life but the jury opted for death which is severe.
He keeps his stance and doesn t fear the outcome because in begging for his life would
be cowardly which would lead to an inferior life he wouldn t want to live. Socrates
believes that perception is key to living a life of balance, to avoid being cowardly or
pretentious. He simply is who he is and whatever the outcome he will follow through
because it is the law. In a way, he thought he d be able to talk his way out of it since so
Sexuality In The Great Gatsby
According to Maggie Froehlich, Fitzgerald s odd references to racialist discourse in The
Great Gatsby reflect the author s recognition of the associations between two incipient
ways of conceptualizing social identity and that his illustration of such intersections in
the novel in 1925 affirms recent insights in contemporary studies of race and sexuality.
Lisa Duggan asserts the relatedness of racial and genderdiscourse in the late nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries in Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Violence, and American
Modernity: The increasingly rigid racial binary of the 1890s encountered a shifting
gender binary and interacted to produce a new sexual binary implicitly marked by race
and class (26). In Queering the Color Line: Race and the Invention of Homosexualityin
American Culture, Siobhan Somerville states, [A] range of literary, scientific, and
cinematic texts that foreground the problems of delineating and interpreting racial and
sexual identity [to demonstrate that these] simultaneous efforts to shore up and bifurcate
categories of race and sexuality in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were
deeply intertwined (Somerville 3). Perhaps most relevant to The Great Gatsby,
particularly with regard to discussions of Gatsby s parties, and New York city (Froehlich
82). Another important aspect of the novel is that of sexuality and of same sex desire.
Froehlich states that, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
Fraternities And Sororities Essay
Fraternities and Sororities are a group of students at universities and colleges who have
the same interest, job, purpose, etc. (Merrian Webster, 1828) Fraternities are a group of
men usually they called themselves brotherhood , it somehow interesting because the
members was treated each other as true brother or friends. Sororities are also a group of
women who have a purpose. The only different between fraternity and sororities was
fraternities were for men and sororities were for women. Usually these two groups were
Characterized by Greek Letters. Should Fraternities and Sororitiesabandon their traditions
in terms of Initiationrites to follow the Anti hazingLaw? Yes, the Anti hazing Law 1995
or Republic Act No. 8047 should followed by any fraternities and sororities. Students may
undergo a test to determine their physical, mental and psychological capacity that will
lead them in... Show more content on ...
this kind of hazing was not allowed because of the potentially deadly condition of
unusual kidney injury according to the National Kidney Foundation s Spring Clinical
Meeting. This condition causes muscle to break down, releasing their fibers and
enzymes into the body. These enter the bloodstream and plug up the kidney, resulting
in potentially fatal damage. One group of researchers presented findings from a 19
year old man who developed rhabdo after being hazed by his fratenity. He was struck
in the back and buttock areas up to 1,000 times with a wooden paddles that was result
of injuring his muscle and triggered rhabdomyolysis. (National Kidney Foundation,
Inc., April 27, 2011) Using paddles or baseball bat in the initiation rites in any
fraternity or sorority can caused a kidney failure to anyone to who are involved in
paddling. Not only Kidney failure but also different kind of illness to the body that
paddle can
Violence In The Media
Violence in the media tends to be compelling to people across America. The average
American has seen 200,000 acts of violence, including 40,000 murders, on television by
age eighteen. Often, the media plays a pivotal role in the way violence is portrayed to
citizens. The media can decide which pieces of information to include or expunge from a
broadcast. People soak up the incidents that are happening in other neighborhoods across
the United States because it does not affect them personally. Violenceshown on television
can often be manipulated to fit one side of the story, and is tolerated by the public
because emotional detachment is simpler when the violence occurs halfway across
America from one s home.
Although the crime rate in the United
Countess Olenska In The Age Of Innocence
Countess Olenska is seen more as a free spirit in the book, and it is shown through
descriptions of her unusual(or even a bit racey) clothing choice and her blunt honesty
when giving her opinions. However, in The Age of Innocence, Ellen s personality and
way of life is not only described in her unusual behavior but in her place of living, a
house on a less than worthy street. When Newland first visits the Countess house, the
first thing that he notices it s a strange quarter to have settled in (55). The quarter is
described to be a place for dress makers, bird stuffers, and people who wrote (55). These
types of livelihoods are much different from what the Countess should be used to as
she is considered to be the higher class of New York as well as the fact that she lived in
Europe, the definition of high class to New... Show more content on ...
The house is on a street full of people who are supposedly a lower class standard than
she is from. This detail outlines how Ellen is a bit of an outsider who isn t looking to
impress anyone and is a bit clueless as to what the customs for high society are in New
York. In this time period, houses are a way to show off but Ellen s house doesn t
illustrate her place thereby portraying her alienation for the high class of New York.
Another detail from her house which adds to this effect would be all of the types of
pieces she has inside of her house. Once Newland is inside, he notices Ellen s pieces
of wreckage (57) or souvenirs from her travels. These pieces include Greek bronze...
and... Italian looking pictures (57). Not only that but Ellen serves him tea using
Japanese tea cups. All of these foreign pieces in Ellen s home outline how she does not
feel as though one culture is correct but is more open minded to many. Most of the high
class New Yorkers see England or France to be the way of high living and although Ellen
has European pieces in her home and a Polish name, she has the more unusual European
countries pieces, such as
Pros And Cons Of World Peace Essay
Introduction To Peace And Conflict Peace is when individuals can resolve their
conflicts without violence and can cooperate to enhance the quality of their lives.
Peace is when everybody lives in security, without fear or danger of brutality and no
type of violence is endured in law or practically speaking everybody is equivalent under
the watchful eye of the law. The frameworks for equity are trusted, and reasonable and
powerful laws ensure individuals rights. Everybody can participate in forming political
choices and the administration is responsible to the general population. Everybody has
reasonable and rise to access to the fundamental requirements for their wellbeing for
example food, clean water, shelter, education, human services and... Show more content
on ...
We have our own political, religious and personal ideals. We have our own opinions
about how this world should be and how people should live in it. Due to this we make
hindrances, both physical and mental, which stop us making worldwide connections and
relationships. The most important thing is that by nature human beings tend to move
toward conflict. It s in their nature. Especially the wars that have happened in the past
have created a legacy of hatred that has carried on from one generation to the other.
Children at a very young age are taught to hate or differentiate between people of
different race, culture, religion etc. Our parents taught us we pass it to our next
generation. In this way it becomes a never ending

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