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Ready Check FOR Highway Plan8J: Project 2

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BSRE 3-3
Annex "D




o Coversheet
ox Index of Drawilig~
U Location Plan and Vicinity Map
ox General Notes
ox Legends, Symbol and Abbreviations
ox Sl,Immary of Quantities
/o Typical Roadway Section
x Drainage schedule
ox Schedule Listings of Other Structures
ox Plan and Profile
o x Standard/fypical Highway Drawings
ox Typical Drainage Details
ox Detailed Cross-Sections
ox Detailed Drainage Cross-Sections
xo Roadway Lighting Plans
o Other Structures as may be necessary


o/ Design Analysis
o/ Pavement Design
o/ Drainage (hydrological analysis and hydraulic calculations)
o/ Slope protection works (slope stability and soil bearing capacity
o/ Geotechnical/Soil Materials Report (Soil classification, CBR of the existing
ground and existing Base/Subbase)
o/ Hydrologic Report/Analysis and Hydraulic Design Calculation
o/ Traffic Data/Study Report
o/ Detailed Quantity Calculations for all Items of Work involved
o/ laboratory tests results

Ready check for Highway plans Page 1

'--......__ .i

III ReadyChe~ fo'-ttighw~y Plans

A. Title Sheet
VerilY if th~ following am Indicated:
n/ Thetitle cf the project;
ox The project length i;lnd limits and cross check its veracity in the plan and
Dx The use of convenient SY;lle in the layout of the project;
o/ The signatories/recommending officials and their corresponding
signatures are complete.
B. Index of Drawings
ox Verify and check if the index of sheets/drawings are complete and in
C. Location Plan/Vicinity Map
VerilYif the following are indicated:
o/ The location (province or city) of the project;
ox The vicinity map.
D. General Information Sheets
xo Verify and check if the general notes indicated are applicable to the
xo Verify the reference of the specifications and special provisions.
E. Legendsl Symbols and _Abbreviations
xo Verify and check if the legends, symbols and abbreviations are applicable
to the project.
F. Summary of Quantities
ox Verify if the Item No., Description of Items of Work involved, Unit, and
Remarks are properly indicated and in accordance with DPWH Standard
o/ Check the quantities indicated vis-a-vis the submitted quantity
G. Typical Roadway Section Sheets
VerilYif the following are indicated:
ox The width of pavement and shoulder including widening due to
superelevation ;
xo The type and thickness of pavement structures;
ox The pavement cross slope including the rate of superelevation;
ox The embankment and cut slope, widening, slope protection works,
warping and rounding;
o/ The road right-of-way limit;
xo The pavement design parameters and check vis-a-vis the pavement
design analysis;
xo The slope protection design parameters and check vis-a-vis the design

Ready check for Highway plans Page 2

H. Drainage Schedule
V~titYif thd following aM indicat61:
LOCation or exact station, description I units and quantity estimates of the
proposed rjrQin;;tge stfl,lctures;
o The design parameters and check if the proposed structure is adequate
per design analysis_
I. Schedule of other Structures
VeritY if the following are indicated:
o Location or exact station, description, units and quantity estimates of
other miscellaneous structures such as:
xo Side ditches (RC canal, grouted riprap lined canal, earth canal,
ox Slope protection works (retaining wall, grouted riprap, gabions,
x Miscellaneous structures (guardrails, right-of-way markers,
kilometer posts, pavement markings, road signs, maintenance
markers, curb and curb & gutter, etc.).
1. Plan and Profile Sheets
VeJiJ)rif the following are indicated:
o/ The centerline, edge of pavement, shoulder edge and road-right-of-way
ox The stations at the centerline (at every 100 m. interval);
ox The drainage structures (existing and proposed) are drawn indicating the
direction of flow and the description/dimension;
ox The Azimuths, Distances and PI No. and check the orientation of the
azimuth and its accuracy;
xo The contour lines with standard intervals (1m. interval for flat sections
and Sm. interval for mountainous sections);
ox The Standard Reference and Control points;
xo The elements of horizontal curves including its limit and check if they are
accurately indicated on the plans;
xo The North Arrow indicator;
o Description and type and limits of slope protection works and other
roadside facilities/structures (existing or proposed);
xo Matchline at every sheet.
VeJiJ)rif the following are indicated:
xo The elements of vertical curve including its limit;
ox The gradient and finished grade elevation and verify/cross-check if the
natural or original ground elevation and the finished grade elevation
plotted at every 20 m. interval as indicated on the plans is the same as
indicated and templated in the detailed roadway cross-sections;
o The matchline at every sheet;

Ready checkfor Highway plans Page 3

o The existing and proposed drainage structures (RCPC/RCOC) including its
description properly drf.'lwn f.'lndilldir;::f.'ltedf.'lSper droinege schedule/cross-
ox The profile of the proposed side dff.'linage indicating its slope gradient;
xr~1 The original and finished designed grade elevation at ~v~ry 20m. int~rvali
ox The ordinary and maximum flood elevation for drainage structures
including the floode1 areas/sections;
ox The Sl)perelevf.'ltion f.'lnd widening dif.'lgrf.'lmsf.'lnd check its application if
they are properly indicated on the plansi
ox Pavement/subgrade data based on test pit/borehole where logged (this
can be presented in a separate plans).
K. Standard/Typical Highway Drawings
Verify/check if the following standard drawings conform with the DPWH
o x Geometric Design Elements
o x Guardrails
ox Road Signsr
ox Kilometer Posts
ox Maintenance Markerr
ox Right-of-way Markersr
xo Typical Road Intersections
xo Guardrails
xo Road Signs,
xo Kilometer Posts
xo Maintenance Markerr
xo Right-of-way Markers-
ox Details of pavement structure
x Sidewalks
ox Pavement markings
xo Intersection details
L. Typical Drainage Details
Verify and check if the following are in consonance with the DPWH
o Dimensions of standard detailed plans for RCPC and Box Culverts;
x Dimension of standard details for Masonry and Concrete Headwalls and
Wingwalls for Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culverts and BOX Culverts;
xo Dimensions of other typical standard Drainage Facilities
ox Ditches (lined and unlined)
o x Manholes
ox Catch basins
ox Inlets
ox Curbs and curb and gutters
ox Other structuresr if any
M. Typical Slope Protection Details
Venfy/check if the following standard drawings conform with the DPWH
ox Grouted Riprap Slope Protection
ox Reinforced Concrete Slope Protection
ox . Retaining Wall (stone masonryr rubbler reinforced concrete)
Ready check for Highway plans Page 4
ox Coconet, Bio-Engineering solution
ox Gablons
'0x Other structures,if any
N. Detailed Cross-Sections
Thd fol/owing ~h(Jllldbd vdrified.~
[]x The slope on cut and embankment if appropriate for the type of soil
m~terii;"S indit,;Qted for rocks, ripDQb1e rocks <md common earth;
x If finished grade and natural ground elevation which are indicated and
templated at every 20m. interval are the same as in the plan and profile;
xo If templating of cross-sections is consistent with the standard typical
roadway section including the requirements for superelevation and
xo The area calculation/measurement of cut and fill is indicated including
other relevant work items involved;
ox The necessity of slope protection works indicated and check its adequacy;
ox The coordinates of the natural ground section.
O. Detailed Drainage Cross-Section
The following should be verified:
ox If the drainage structures are templated at the proper invert elevations;
ox If finished grade and natural ground elevations are indicated and cross-
checked from the plan and profile;
ox If the lined canal and underdrain as specified in the Drainage Schedule
are properly drawn/in<;1icated;
ox The headwall and wingwall of the drainage structures .are indicated;
xo The coordinates of the natural ground cross-sections;
xo Scour protection are provided as needed;
xo The quantities of all Items of Work involved are indicated per cross-

P. Roadway Lighting Plans

General Notes and/or Specifications
VeritYif the following are indicated:
ox Nature of electrical service, number of phase, wires, voltage and
frequency; type wiring for service entrance, feeders, sub-feeders and
branch circuit wires;
ox Signaling and communication;
xo Special equipment to be installed;
xo System or method of grounding;
xo Type and rating of main disconnecting means, overcurrent protection and
branch circuit wiring;
ox Clearance of service drop, burial depth for conduit concrete crossing
roadway, mounting height;
xo Clearance for service equipment and kWh-meter.
Legends and Symbols
xo Verify if all electrical symbols used are shown.

Ready check/or Highway plans Page 5

Plans for Streetlights
VeliJY iF the followitlg ar~ indicated on the plans:
x Layout and wiring plQns for streetlights on the propo~ roadway drawn
to scale;
ox Location and spacing of Ipmp post.with stationingi
xo Location of control panel and switches, service entrance, pedest;;11pole,
and metering facility; complete cin;:uits of street light;
ox Complete wiring of emergency lighting system, if any;
o Location and layout of signal light devices (stop-go-signal) drawn on cross
road or intersection with complete wiring and circuits and its controls;
xo Layout, location and cable runs for CCIV including controls, if any;
ox Layout, location and cable runs for communication systems, service
entrance and service equipment.
Plans for Pedestrian OVerpasses/Underpasses Lighting
Velitjr if the following are shown:
xo Layout and wiring for lighting outlets drawn to scale showing locations of
lighting fixtures and its control switches;
xo Location of service equipment and service pole;
xo Location and layout of proposed ventilation equipment and convenience
outlets with wiring connections and circuits;
ox Location of service equipment and service entrance.
Plans for Lightning Protection, (if there's any)
Verity if the following are indicated:
ox Layout and location for lightning rods/air terminals;
o Main and secondary conductors ground rods or ground plates with type,
size and specifications;
o Installation details for conductors, air terminals means of support, and
grounding rods or ground plate;
One Line and SChematic Diagrams
Verity if the following are included:
x Panel board. showing mains and branch circuit rating; size of feeders;
xo Ughting system indicating branch circuit rating and size of feeders;
x Photo-Electric Control Switch.
Other Details
Verity if the following are included:
o Ughting fixture and photo-control characteristics and its details;
ox Details of lamp post and its footing;
xo Details of pedestal pole;
xo Service entrance conductor means of support and vertical clearance;
ox Details of control panels for signaling devices, etc.;
ox System or equipment grounding.

Ready check for Highway plans Page 6

Schedule of Loads and Q;n"lXIt;JtiQf1~
vetiJY If the tabulated load schedule indicate the following:
xD Roadway lighting and receptacle loads, motor loads and other electrical,
mechanical and aUXiliary loads as numbered or identified in the layouts;
xD Proper phase distribution and loads distribution;
xD SizeS and ratings of main and branch overcurrent protective devices; and
xo Sizes of mQin Qnd servir;;e feeders-
Titfe Block
VeritYif the title block contains the following:
D Name and location of installation of project;
x Name and signature and address of owner/manager/operator/head of the
using agency;
D Title of sheet/sheet content;
x Name signature and seal of Professional Electronic and Communication
D l

engineer (electronic plans) or Professional Electrical Engineer (electrical

plans); PRC professional license number and validity date PTR number l

with date and place of issue, and TIN;

xD Scale used, date drawn and sheet number.
Design Analysis
VeritYif the following are included on the drawing or submitted on a separate
x Illumination levels calculation/consideration;
xD Short circuit current calculations for overcurrent protection devices;
x Calculation of voltage drops;
xD Traffic survey report.
Technical Specifications
x Verify if the Technical Specification is in compliance with
D the DPWH
Standard Specifications.
Detailed Quantity Estimates
D Check the detailed quantity estimates vis-a-vis the quantities of
items/materials indicated on the plan.

Q. Other structures
Mechanical Plans/Documents, (If any)
Legends or Symbols
x Verify if all mechanical symbols used are shown.
General Notes and/or Specifications
ox Verify if the SCOpel description and nature of mechanical works are
Plans for Ventilation System, if any
VeritYif the following are indicated:
ox layout and location of ventilation system;
DxSchedule of equipment drawn.

Ready check for Highway plans Page 7

PlanSfor water pumping System
Veliljt if the following /i/yout and /fXi1tiOr1S :it'd indicated:
o Sump pumps with piping system and controls;
o Schematic diagrQrns for piping system layout Md water level controls;
o Schedule of equipment.
Titie Blqc;k
Ven'1jt if the fOlk)wif1g are indicated on the Title alack:
o Name and location of installation project;
o Name and signature and address of owner/manager/head of the using
o Name, signature and seal of Professional Mechanical Engineer with PRC
license number and validity date, PTR No. with date and place of issue,
and TIN;
o Sheet number, scale used and date drawn.
Design Analysis
Vemy if the following are indicated:
o Cooling and heating load calculations, if any
o Hydraulic calculations
Technical Specifications
o Verify if the Technical Specifications is in compliance with the DPWH
Standard Specifications.
Detailed/Itemized Quantity Estimates
o Check the detailed quantity estimates vis-a-vis the quantities of
items/materials indicated on the plan.

, .

Ready check for Highway plans Page 8

VerilY if the following minimvm de5ign rwviremen[$ pre complied:
Minimum pav~m~nt thil':kn~5:s (Natienal Arterial ReadS)
o PCCP iii1 2S0mm
nx ACP = lOOmm
Minimum P9vement thickness (Other n9tional Roads)
ox pccP = 230mm
ox ACP = 100mm
Minimum cross-slope
xo PeCP 1.50%=
ox ACP 2.00%=
Minimum carriageway width
xo 6.70m (National Arterial Roads)
ox 6.10m (Other National Roads)
Minimum shoulder width
xo 3.00m (Expressways)
ox 2.00m (National Arterial Roads)
ox LOOm (Other National Roads)
Materials requirements
xo Subgrade CBR = 3%
x Subbase CBR = 30%
xo PCCP Flexural Strength @ 28 days
xo PCCP Compressive Strength @ 28 days
ox Horizontal Alignment
xo 50m min. radius
o x 30m min. length of tangent (T) between reverse curve
ox 0.60 m min. widening
ox Vertical Alignment
o x 60m min. LVC
ox 0.50% min. grade on cut section
ox 0.35% min. grade on curbed pavement
x Slope Ratio
xo 1.5H:1.0V min. cut slope (common)
ox 1.0H:1.0V min. cut slope (sorftjrippable rock)
ox 0.5H: 1.0V min. cut slope (hard/solid rock)
xo Minimum Design Speed
xo 60 km/hr (flat terrain)
ox 40 km/hr (rolling terrain)
ox 30 km/hr (mountainous terrain)
xo 910mm minimum diameter of culvert (RCPe)
xo 2.0H:1.0V min. embankment slope (w/o protection)

Ready check for Highway plans Page 9

ox 3_0 meter min. height of b~rm on embankment
xD 7.0 meter min. height of berm on cut
ox 1.0 meter min. berm width
Minimum glilde requirement
x 4.0°/0· fOr PCCP/ACP paved shoulder
x 4.0% - for lined canal/ditt;:hes

Reviewed by: _
Position :

Ready check for Highway plans Page 10

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