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Assessment Group presentation

Assessment code: 011
Academic Year: 2023/2024
Trimester: 2
Module Title: Marketing Communications and Branding
Module Code: MOD003334
Level: 5
Module Leader: Michelle Barned
Weighting: 40%
Time Limit: 5 minutes per student
Assessed Learning 2 and 4
Assessment date: Please refer to the deadline on the VLE

• This is a group assignment.
• No extensions are available for this assessment.
• Exceptional Circumstances: The deadline for submission of Exceptional
Circumstances in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after
the submission date of this work. Students will need to provide evidence to support
their EC claim. Please contact the Director of Studies Team - See rules 6.112 – 6.141:

• You must provide an electronic copy of your PowerPoint slides at the start of your
• Ensure that slide 1 includes all the group members’ names and SID numbers and
task number..
• Use Harvard referencing to acknowledge the sources
• Your final slide should provide the Reference List

This is a group-based assignment that requires you work in a group of three to

deliver a 15- minute presentation. Time allocation is 5 minutes per student. You
may also expect to answer additional panel questions on your content,

You are working in a three-member marketing communications team. Your team

has been briefed to develop an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) plan
for a specific product/service in the country of your choice and present this to
the marketing directors.

They are considering several companies and your team must choose one:

• Arsenal FC
• Manchester City FC
• Patagonia
• The North Face
• Pret a Manger
• Greggs

Each element of the plan should be explained separately, but you should retain a
holistic overview, such that the elements of the plan remain integrated and
strategically consistent.

Each group member will lead one of the three tasks, below:

Task 1 (student 1) Time allowed: 5 minutes (LO 2 and 4) - Present the following
elements of the plan:

• IMC context analysis with focus on customer, external, and business

• Communication objectives

Task 2 (student 2) Time allowed: 5 minutes (LO 2 and 4) - Present the following
elements of the plan:

• Proposed IMC strategies

• Marketing communications mix and appropriate tactics for each channel
selected. One slide should be a mock up of a campaign.

Task 3 (student 3) Time allowed: 5 minutes (LO 2 and 4) - Present the following
elements of the plan:

• Proposed implementation of the IMC plan, including the budget

• Control and evaluation methods to be employed.
This will be marked as follows:

Individual task completion (70 marks): Content, structure, professionalism, and

presentation style.

Group co-ordination: (10 marks): Team dynamics, professionalism, coherence

and quality of content, and visuals.

Presentation Skills: structure, professionalism, and presentation style. (10 marks)

Academic skill reflecting level 5 (10 marks): Grammar, referencing, citation, and
layout of slides.

Total = 100 marks.

You may bring one side of A5 paper with no more than six one sentence bullet
points. If you do not practice and read extensively from notes or slides you
may incur a penalty of up to 10 marks.

Note that the Integrated Marketing Communication plan you develop must
include identification of your target customers and an estimation of their value;
planning appropriate message content and delivery; and proposing how you will
conduct post programme analysis. Unlike SOSTAC, this plan requires a
communications focus.


Clear understanding of the areas and contents expected in an IMC plan.

LO 2-Identification of target customers and estimation of their value.

LO 4- Plan message delivery and content and conduct post programme analysis.

• Knowledge of relevant literature that would permit an understanding of

effective marketing communications solutions.

• Strategies and tactical plans that are supported by a sound information base.

• Planning appropriate message content and delivery.

• The ability to use creative marketing communication skills and knowledge in a

practical and applied situation.

• Proposing how you will conduct post-programme analysis.

• Work that demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination.

• Clear and engaging presentation style and delivery.

• Evidence of effective teamwork.

• Clear and consistent formatting.

• Referencing of material by the presentation group


The presentation should incorporate core supporting references sources, as

Your answer should refer to the following core sources:

Fill, C. and Turnbull, S., (2019). Marketing communications: touchpoints, sharing

and disruption: Pearson UK. Harlow (available through Kortext)

Minimum of a further FIVE additional academic sources from the longer reading
list on the VLE, or from independent research
0-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Failing Limited Adequate Sound Good Excellent Outstanding Exceptional
Content Little .Limited Adequate Sound knowledge Good analysis of the Excellent Outstanding Exceptional
evidence of evidence of knowledge of of key key analysis of key analysis of key analysis of key
knowledge knowledge key issues/concepts issues/concepts issues/concep issues and issues and
of of issues/concept and relevant and relevant ts and relevant relevant relevant
appropriate appropriate s, relevant techniques and application of application of application of application of
conceptual conceptual arguments, and approaches. The Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated
frameworks frameworks Integrated answer is Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing
and and Marketing descriptive in parts Communications Communicatio Communications Communications
application application of Communication but displays some theories and ns theories and theories and theories and
of knowledge s management. ability to techniques. There is techniques. techniques. techniques.
knowledge to Integrated Answers are demonstrate a development of There is high- Relevant Relevant
to Integrated Marketing generally level of critical conceptual level methodologies methodologies
Marketing Communicati descriptive with analysis in places. structures and development are discussed, are discussed,
Communicat ons practice. little supporting There is some arguments, but of the analysed and analysed, and
ions practice. The answer evidence to development of minor omissions conceptual evaluated to an evaluated to an
There are is largely substantiate the aspects of the may be present in structures and outstanding and exceptional and
various descriptive claims and Integrated the answer. arguments. near professional professional
omissions with assumptions Marketing Relevant practitioner level. practitioner level.
and superficial within the Communications Good management methodologies The answer The answer
inconsistenci and unclear approach. There domain, but of learning are discussed, displays displays
es. exposition of is limited omissions may still resources with analysed, and consistent and consistent and
issues. There analysis of the be present. consistent self- evaluated. convincing convincing
is limited business directed research. Answers evidence of evidence of
The task was reference to context and The presentation is display independence of independence of
not followed, theory and arguments are Sound use of expected to be well evidence of thought. There is thought. There is
and there application of not fully learning resources. structured with independence a high level of a high level of
was little, techniques. developed. Acceptable accurate expression of thought. intellectual rigour intellectual
deficient, or There are Work may have structure/accuracy in most areas There is a high and consistency rigour and
no evidence various some specific in expression. level of when discussing consistency
of the omissions detail but likely Sound level of intellectual virtually all issues. when discussing
assessment and to be generic in academic/intellect rigour and It contains virtually all
criteria inconsistenci areas or poorly ual skills, going consistency outstanding issues. It
having been es within the defined. beyond description when expressive skills contains
met. For development at times. discussing the with considerable outstanding
example, the and Some problems practical/professio relevant issues. creativity and expressive skills
student did implementati with the nal skills. It contains originality. with
not submit on of structure of the Inconsistent self- excellent considerable
the correct required report. Some direction expressive Outstanding creativity and
work or Integrated omissions of skills with management of originality.
follow any Marketing sources. considerable learning Exceptional
part of the Communicati creativity and resources, with a management of
brief and has ons Adequate use originality. degree of learning
major management of learning . Excellent autonomy/explor resources with a
problems techniques resources with management ation that clearly high regard for
with the and little self- of learning exceeds the brief. autonomy and
structure, for proposals. direction. Some resources with An exemplar of exploration that
example, difficulties with consistent self- structured/accur clearly exceeds
presenting a There is academic/intell directed ate expression. the assignment
word limited ectual skills. research. The Demonstrates brief. Exceptional
document/ evidence of Largely report is well intellectual structure with
report or interaction imitative and structured, originality and highly accurate
essay. with learning descriptive. accurately imagination. Outs expression.
materials. Some difficulty expressed in tanding
with structure most areas. team/practical/p
and accuracy in rofessional skill
expression, but
sional skills

70 marks 0-20 21-27 28-34 35-41 42-48 49-55 56-62 63-70

0-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Failing Limited Adequate Sound Good Excellent Outstanding Exceptional
Group marks The task was The group The group has The group has The group has The group has The group has The group has
not followed, has demonstrated demonstrated a demonstrated a demonstrated demonstrated an demonstrated an
and there demonstrate an adequate sound knowledge good knowledge an excellent outstanding exceptional
was little, d little knowledge base of IMC base of IMC knowledge knowledge base knowledge base
deficient, or evidence of base of IMC planning planning likely to be base of IMC by exploring, of their discipline
no evidence knowledge planning. specific to the planning. analysing, and with
of the of IMC This work has relevant industry They have evaluating IMC extraordinary
assessment planning. There is some analysis and/ and country and detailed planning. originality and
criteria Little or no adequate or evaluation but include a good analysis and autonomy.
having been relevant connections could more range of clear evaluation There is an
met. For visuals. between each detailed. visuals supported by outstanding level There is an
example, the Limited stage of the A sound level of clear visuals. of cohesion in exceptional level
group did research plan however it visual examples There is a good terms of timing, of cohesion in
not submit skills are is to a basic will be provided. level of cohesion in There is an format, and terms of timing,
the correct shown, and level. terms of timing, excellent level professional format, and
work or there There is little or There is a sound format, and of cohesion in behaviours. professional
follow any are significant no analysis or level of cohesion in professional terms of behaviours.
part of the problems evaluation. terms of timing, behaviours. timing, format,
brief and has with the More visual format, and and There is evident
major presentation support is likely professional professional originality and Exceptional
problems structure, to be needed. behaviours. Good management behaviours. autonomy of management of
with the cohesion in of learning research skills. learning
presentation terms of Some problems Sound use of resources with Excellent The work will resources with a
cohesion timing, with the learning resources. consistent self- management exceed the high regard for
between format, and presentation Acceptable directed research. of learning assessment brief autonomy and
group professional structure, structure/accuracy The presentation is resources with in many areas, exploration that
members in behaviours.. cohesion in in expression. expected to be well consistent self- demonstrate clearly exceeds
terms of There is terms of timing, Sound level of structured with directed intellectual the assignment
timing, limited format, and academic/intellect accurate expression research. The originality. brief. Exceptional
content and evidence of professional ual skills, going in most areas presentation Visual support is structure with
delivery. interaction behaviours beyond description is well provided and may highly accurate
with learning at times. Sound structured, have been expression.
materials. Adequate use team/practical/pro accurately adapted in some The group
of learning fessional skills. expressed in way to provide a presented in a
resources with Inconsistent self- most areas. more creative timely, seamless,
little self- direction piece of work. and
direction. Some Outstanding exceptionally
difficulties with management of professional way.
academic/intell learning
ectual skills. resources, with a
Some difficulty degree of
with structure autonomy/explor
and accuracy in ation that clearly
expression, but exceeds the brief.
developing An exemplar of
practical/profes structured/accur
sional skills ate expression.
originality and
imagination. Outs
rofessional skills
10 Marks 0-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10

0-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100

Failing Limited Adequate Sound Good Excellent Outstanding Exceptional

Presentation No evidence Limited The student The student The student The student The student The student
Skills of knowledge evidence has has has has has has
(individual) base; no of practice demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
evidence of and adequate sound good excellent outstanding exceptional
understanding knowledge evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of
of discipline. of the practice and practice and practice and practice and practice and practice and
subject knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
Student will matter. the subject the subject the subject the subject the subject the subject
likely be Delivery matter. matter. matter. matter. matter. matter.
illegible or so may be Delivery is Delivery is Delivery is Delivery is Delivery is Delivery is
anxious that limited in adequate in sound in good in good in outstanding in outstanding in
delivery of timing/ timing/ timing/ timing/ timing/ timing/ timing/
content is not speed/ speed/ speed/ speed/ speed/ speed/ speed/
possible volume/ volume/ tone volume/ tone volume/ tone volume/ tone volume/ tone volume/ tone
tone and and engaging and engaging and engaging and engaging and engaging and engaging
engaging body language body body body body body language
body but likely not language. language. It is language with language. with with no
language. consistent. mostly, with also mainly no omissions no omissions omissions
some lapses. consistent. throughout. throughout. throughout.
The student
Delivery is Delivered with displays
consistent obvious extraordinary
throughout originality that originality and
and may or exceeds the autonomy of
may not have assessment delivery.
some expectations.
originality that
exceed the

10 marks 0-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10

0-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100

Failing Limited Adequate Sound Good Excellent Outstanding Exceptional

Academic Very The The student The student has The student has The student has The student has The student has
Skills weak student has demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
(individual) academic has demonstrate sound academic good academic excellent outstanding exceptional
skills. demonstra d adequate skills and has skills and may academic skills academic skills academic skills
Spelling ted weak academic some spelling or may not with no spelling with no spelling and has
and academic skills and and grammatical have minor and grammatical and grammatical extraordinary
grammar skills with may or may omissions and spelling and omissions omissions originality and
will likely many not have some incorrect grammatical throughout. throughout. autonomy of
be spelling spelling and referencing. omissions. Harvard Harvard sources.
extremel and grammatic Harvard style Mainly referencing is referencing is Exceptional slide
y poor. grammatic omissions or mostly followed consistent consistent consistent with layout.
Harvard al incorrect with some throughout with throughout and obvious
referenci omissions referencing. lapses. Sound Harvard style. may or may not originality of
ng/ or incorrect Harvard slide layout. Good slide have some sources that
citation Harvard style is layout. originality of exceeds the
not referencin followed but sources that assessment
followed g likely not exceed the expectations.
or throughout consistent. assessment Outstanding slide
missing. . Poor slide Adequate criteria. Excellent layout.
Extremel layout. slide layout. slide layout.
y poor

10 marks 0-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10


Level 5 reflects continuing development from Level 4. At this level students are not fully autonomous but are able to
take responsibility for their own learning with some direction. Students are expected to locate an increasingly
detailed theoretical knowledge of the discipline within a more general intellectual context, and to demonstrate this
through forms of expression which go beyond the merely descriptive or imitative. Students are expected to
demonstrate analytical competence in terms both of problem identification and resolution, and to develop their skill
sets as required.

Characteristics of Student Achievement by Marking Band for ARU’s Generic

Mark Learning Outcomes (Academic Regulations, Section 2)

Bands Intellectual (thinking), Practical, Affective and
Knowledge & Understanding
Transferable Skills

Exceptional information base

Exceptional management of learning resources, with a
exploring and analysing the
higher degree of autonomy/ exploration that clearly
discipline, its theory and ethical
90- exceeds the brief. Exceptional structure/accurate
issues with extraordinary
expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and
originality and autonomy. With
100% imagination. Exceptional team/practical/professional
some additional effort, work may
skills. With some additional effort, work may be
be considered for internal
considered for internal publication

Achieves Outstanding management of learning resources, with a

Outstanding information base
module degree of autonomy/exploration that clearly exceeds
80- exploring and analysing the
outcome(s) the brief. An exemplar of structured/accurate
discipline, its theory and ethical
expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and
89% issues with clear originality and
imagination. Outstanding team/practical/professional

Excellent knowledge base, Excellent management of learning resources, with a

70- exploring and analysing the degree of autonomy/exploration that may exceed the
discipline, its theory and ethical brief. Structured/accurate expression. Excellent
79% issues with considerable academic/ intellectual skills and
originality and autonomy team/practical/professional skills
Good knowledge base; explores
Good management of learning with consistent self-
60- and analyses the discipline, its
direction. Structured and mainly accurate expression.
theory and ethical issues with
Good academic/intellectual skills and team/practical/
69% some originality, detail and
professional skills

Sound knowledge base that

begins to explore and analyse
Sound use of learning resources. Acceptable
the theory and ethical issues of
50- structure/accuracy in expression. Sound level of
the discipline
academic/intellectual skills, going beyond description
59% at times. Sound team/practical/professional skills.
Inconsistent self-direction

Adequate use of learning resources with little self-

A marginal Adequate knowledge base with direction. Some input to teamwork. Some difficulties
pass in some omissions and/or lack of with academic/intellectual skills. Largely imitative and
module theory of discipline and its descriptive. Some difficulty with structure and accuracy
outcome(s) ethical dimension in expression, but developing practical/professional

A marginal
fail in
Limited use of learning resources, working towards self-
module Limited knowledge base;
30- direction. General difficulty with structure and accuracy
outcome(s). limited understanding of
in expression. Limited academic/ intellectual skills. Still
Satisfies discipline and its ethical
39% mainly imitative and descriptive. Team/practical/
default dimension
professional skills that are not yet secure

Little evidence of use of learning resources. No self-

Fails to Little evidence of an direction, with little evidence of contribution to
20- achieve information base. Little evidence teamwork. Little evidence of academic/intellectual
module of understanding of discipline skills and significant difficulties with
29% outcome(s) and its ethical dimension structure/expression. Very imitative and descriptive.
Qualifying Little evidence of practical/professional skills
mark not Deficient use of learning resources. No attempt at self-
Deficient information base.
10- satisfied. direction with inadequate contribution to teamwork.
Deficient understanding of
Deficient academic/intellectual skills and major
discipline and its ethical
19% difficulty with structure/expression. Wholly imitative
and descriptive. Deficient practical/professional skills

No evidence of use of learning resources of

No evidence of any information
1- understanding of self-direction with no evidence of
base. No understanding of
contribution to teamwork. No evidence academic/
discipline and its ethical
9% intellectual skills and incoherent structure/ expression.
No evidence of practical/professional skills

Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and; (iii) in situations where the
0% student fails to address the assignment brief (eg: answers the wrong question) and/or
related learning outcomes

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