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Risk Management for Decommissioning –

the IAEA DRiMa Project

Vladan Ljubenov (

International Conference on Financing of Decommissioning

Stockholm, Sweden
20-21 September 2016
• Background – reasons for the project
• Project objective and scope
• Working mechanism and project activities
• Risk management methodology for decommissioning
• Specificities of risk management at strategic level
• Specificities of risk management at operational level
• Project output and outcomes, use of the project results
• Summary

• Many countries with less developed nuclear programmes among
the IAEA Member States
• Very often decommissioning is to be done by institutions, which
lack experience in running engineering projects
• Feedback from missions and meetings – assistance needed in
managing project risks
• Discussions at the 2011 Annual Forum of the International
Decommissioning Network (IDN) identified project risk
management as a priority issue
– Experiences and good practices exist in some MS, sharing of
experience is needed
• Proposal for an IDN project was developed by a group of experts
• Decommissioning Risk Management (DRiMa) project was
implemented in 2012-2015
Project objective
• Collect existing experiences in Member States and identify
good practices related to management of project risks –
both general and decommissioning specific;
• Describe recommended risk management methodology;
• Provide recommendations on the application of that
methodology for decommissioning;
• Illustrate the role of risk management in key decision
making during planning and implementation / execution of
• Illustrate the risk treatment strategies to minimise threats
and maximise opportunities during decommissioning;
• Enhance capabilities of Member States in this area and
facilitate exchange of information among Member States.

Project scope
• Scope: risk management for decommissioning during
planning & execution
• Risk ≠ Safety Risk (as in most of the IAEA projects)
• ISO 31000: “Risk is the effect of any uncertainty on
objectives” – often negative, but could be positive
• Threats and opportunities with respect to the achievement
of project objectives
• Risk management serves to minimize threats and
maximize opportunities
• Consider RM at strategic and operational level
• Consider existing risk management methodologies
• Explain relation between RM and safety assessment

Working mechanism and project

IAEA International
Project Chairperson Decommissioning
J. Kaulard
Network (IDN)

IAEA Scientific Secretaries Coordinating

V. Ljubenov, P. O’Sullivan Working Group (CWG)

Working Group on Working Group on

Risk Management at Strategic Level Risk Management at Operational Level
P. Francois (CP), D. Skanatan (VCP) M. Pennington (CP), K. Schruder (VCP)

Base of the DRiMa Project

In total (November 2015): ~ 70 Experts from 30 IAEA Member States

Working mechanism and
project activities
Start 12 Months 24 Months End

Continuous Elaboration and Drafting Final Methods
No. 0

Experience Continuous Experience Experience

Collection Collection Collection

Trail Application “Pratical Exercises”

Project Report

Working mechanism and project

• 4 Annual Meetings in Vienna & Cologne (Q4)

• 3 Interim Meetings in Cologne, Zadar & Brussels (Q2)
• 3 Consultancy meetings of the Coordination Group
• Participation
– Annual Meetings: 34 to 44 persons from 23 to 29 MS
– Interim Meetings: 20 to 26 persons from 14 to 18 MS
– in total ~70 persons involved in the DRiMa Project
• 38 presentations and 12 posters related to risk
management presented by participants at Annual Meetings
• Experiences from other industries taken into account

Context of Risk Management
typical objectives: costs, schedule, safety, quality, ...


influencing factors: assumptions, strategic decisions, technical details, ...

• Risk management serves to

– identify what is influencing the achievement of the objectives &
what/when to do
– compare different options / projects to support a selection process

Benefits from risk management
• Ensuring that all foreseeable risks to the decommissioning
project objectives are managed proactively and effectively;
• Identifying critical areas for the project to address and to
align the available resources;
• Supporting effective decision making under conditions of
• Improving the awareness and visibility of the risks within the
• Aiding effective communication and transparency to external

• Relations to cost obvious !

Risk management methodology
for decommissioning
• Initial thinking – address risks to a decommissioning project – strategic
and operational
• Are there risks to the project before we have it in place (during early
planning)? What does introduce such risks?
Phase of Planning Phase of Execution

key assumptions strategic decisions strategic decisions

Details of Phase 1
Initial Decom- Final Decom-
missioning Plan missioning Plan Details of Phase 2
Details of Phase n

project details
FDP Final Decommissioning Plan
IDP Initial Decommissioning Plan

Risk management methodology
for decommissioning
Assumption Management vs. Operational Level Risk Management

Assumption Management Operational Level Risk Management

 management of  management of
- assumptions - risks associated
- facts, strategic decisions with the project details of the
decommissioning work to be
and the related uncertainties performed
 more of qualitative nature and the related / still existing
 covering aspect of the evolution of uncertainties
assumptions towards strategic decisions  more of quantitative nature
 covering aspects of risk escalation and
de-escalation (operational / project risk
becoming strategic risk and vice versa)

Risk management methodology
for decommissioning
Core of the risk management process
• Risk assessment (populating a risk register) the context

Communication and consultation

– identification – which risks? ( prompters)
Risk assessment
– analysis – what probability & impact

Monitoring and review

( consider controls)? 1. Identification

– evaluation – focus on relevant risks

2. Analysis
• Risk treatment
– exploit ( avoid) 3. Evaluation
– share ( transfer)
– enhance ( mitigate)
– ignore ( accept) Risk treatment

• Monitor and review

– existing (registered) and new risks Risk management process
according to ISO 31000:2009
– re-assess risks (probabilities & impact)

Risk management methodology
for decommissioning
• Risk evaluation – risk matrix
– typically: probability and consequence
– qualitative or quantitative evaluation
• Linked to the “risk appetite” of an organization (how much risk is
acceptable), there is no universal matrix for all organizations and situations

Threats Opportunities

very very
high high

high high

medium medium

low low

very very
low low

very very very very

low medium high high medium low
low high high low

area of negative impact area of positive impact

(qualitative scale) (qualitative scale)
Risk management methodology
for decommissioning
Proposed tools (may be adjusted to the individual needs)
• Risk Families (set of prompters)
– 10 topical areas
– Serve to identify assumptions and risks
– For assumptions: help to understand interdependencies & impact if
they fail
• Registers
– Tool to document and manage assumptions / strategic decisions / risks
– Assumption Register (also for strategic decisions)
• purely qualitative, judgement of expected uncertainties
• in addition: optional quantitative register in those cases which
require more detailed/quantitative analysis of assumptions
 follows the risk register methodology
– Risk Register
• quantitative nature 15
Risk Families
• Tool for systematic identification of relevant risks
• Specification of three-level hierarchy for a risk family
• Initially developed independently by two WGs for SL and OL
• Similar lists produced, consolidated in a single set of risk families
• Top level risk families
1. Initial conditions of installations 6. Interface with contractors &
2. End state of installations suppliers
3. Waste & materials management 7. Strategy & technology
4. Organization resources 8. Legal & regulatory framework
5. Finance 9. Safety
10. Interested parties
 Relevance of different risk families is case-by-case specific (depends
on facility type, project details, purpose of the risk management -
assumption vs. risk, etc.)
Specificities of risk management
at strategic level

• During early planning

– Plan introduces assumptions with their uncertainties 
associated risks to the future project
– Could we do something? Who? When? Treat the risk?
Treatment strategy? Just monitor and wait? Change the
• Strategic aspects of a project during execution
– Managed using the same methodology and tools as
operational level risks, just by different entity
– What is “strategic” at your level may be considered
“operational” at a higher level within or outside of your

Specificities of risk management
at strategic level

Specificities of risk management
at operational level

Specificities of risk management
at operational level
• Is the risk still valid, i.e. has it expired, has it occurred?
• Is the correct owner identified?
• Are the risk treatment actions progressing as planned?
• Does the risk still adequately describe the situation?
• Are the mitigation measures effective?
• Are there any new risks?

• Operational risks can be managed within the project

• Risks that can’t be managed within the project are
“escalated” to a higher level (strategic) to be managed there

Application of the methodology
– AM / RM workshops
“Assumption management” workshops

Risk management workshops

Project output and outcomes
Structure of the DRiMa Report

1. Introduction
2. Overview on Risk Management for Decommissioning
3. Risk Management at the Strategic Level
4. Risk Management at the Operational Level
5. Interfaces between RMSL and RMOL
6. Summary
7. References

Annex A Risk Families
Annex B Example of a risk register for risk management at operational level
Annex C Examples on Assumption Management
Annex D Examples on Operational Risk Management

Project output and outcomes

• Direct output – DRiMa project report (to be made

available as an IAEA TECDOC publication)

• Project had a significant networking and training

component – many examples provided and discussed,
several risk workshops performed

• Project results will be used as a basis for organizing

future training events under the IAEA TC Programme

• Risk management for decommissioning can be based on the
existing general risk management methodology
• DRiMa project discussed specificities of the methodology when
applied to decommissioning
• Two levels of risk management analyzed – strategic and
• Concepts of “risk escalation” and “de-escalation” explained
• The same methodology applies, slightly different tools proposed
• Tools:
– Risk families developed to support a systematic identification of
– assumptions / strategic decisions and their related uncertainties
– project risks
– Risk matrix – for risk evaluation

• Tools:
– Assumption register – used for planning assumptions / strategic
– Risk register – used for operational risks, applicable for strategic
• Risk management is not mandatory (by IAEA safety standards
and also by national regulations in general), but it’s considered a
good practice
• When implemented within an organization, should be part of the
integrated management system
• Safety, cost, schedule and quality are typically the main factors to
be considered when doing risk management - strong safety
culture within an organization is important for successful risk
• Members of the Coordinating Group:
• J. Kaulard (Germany) – project chairman
• P. Francois (France) and M. Pennington (UK) – leaders of the project WGs
• D. Skanata (Croatia), K. Schruder (Canada) – deputy leaders of the WGs
• IDN Scientific Secretary - P. O’Sullivan (IAEA)
• All the participants of the DRiMa project

Thank you!

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