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Transformer Testing

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Electrical Power Transformers

IEC 60076 and IEEE C57.152

1- Transformer Tests done by Manufacturer (FAT – Factory Acceptance Test -)

• (A) Routine Tests

• (B)Type Tests
• (C) Special Tests

2- Transformer Tests done at Site (SAT – Site Acceptance Test- )

• (A) Pre Commissioning and Commissioning Functional Tests

• (B) Periodic/Condition Monitoring Tests
• (C) Troubleshooting / corrective maintenance Tests

Transformer Tests done by Manufacturer

(A) Routine tests:

A Routine test of transformer is mainly for confirming operational performance of individual

unit in a production lot. Routine tests are carried out on every unit manufactured.
• Insulation resistance Test. (IR Test)
• Winding resistance Test.
• Transformer Turns Ratio / Voltage ratio Test (TTR) - (Including all Taps steps) -
• Polarity / Vector group Test.
• No-load losses (Core losses – eddy current & hysteresis losses) and no load current
Test (Open Circuit Test) -
• Measurement of impedance voltage/short circuit impedance (principal tap) and load
loss (copper losses),Leakage reactance (Short circuit test)
• Exciting current
• Magnetic Balance Test
• Magnetizing Current Test
• Dielectric breakdown on oil sample (BDV)
• Core ground Insulation test
• Bushing CT ratio
• Tan delta/ Power factor/ dissipation factor (50/60 Hz)
• Oil pressure to check against the leakages of joints and gaskets.
• Dielectric tests(Transient overvoltage Test – load rejection, switching, ground faults,
Ferranti effect, )
o Separate source AC withstand voltage. – AC HI POT Test AC operating
frequency -
o Induced AC withstands overvoltage.( Induced potential test) - (F>50 Hz)
• Test on On-load tap changers, Dynamic winding resistance.

(B) Type tests

Type tests are tests made on one unit transformer (Prototype) as sample to demonstrate that
they comply with specified requirements not covered by routine tests:
• Temperature rise test (IEC 60076-2).
• Dielectric type tests (IEC 60076-3).
• Vacuum test of tank and radiators

(C) Special tests

The special tests of transformer are performed depending upon customer’s requirements to
gathering the information which is useful during the operation and maintenance of the
• Dielectric special tests Lightning impulse tests.
• Zero-sequence impedance on three-phase transformers.
• Short-circuit capacity test. (MVA sc withstand time)
• Harmonics on the no-load current.
• Power taken by fan and oil-pump motors.
• Determination of sound levels.
• Determination of capacitances between windings and earth, and between windings.
• Determination of transient voltage transfer between windings.
• Tests intended to be repeated in the field to confirm no damage during shipment, for
example frequency response analysis (FRA).
• Tests on accessories e.g. buchholz relay, oil preservation, temperature indicators,
pressure relief devices etc.
(D) Pre commissioning Tests

The Test performed before commissioning the transformer at site is called pre commissioning
test of transformer. These tests are done to assess the condition of transformer after
installation and compare the test results with the factory test reports.
• Insulation resistance test of transformer and cables
• PI (Polarization index) and DAR (dielectric absorption ratio) Test
• DC Winding Resistance including all Taps steps
• Transformer Turns Ratio including all Taps steps
• Polarity Test and Vector Group
• Transformer core ground test

• Dielectric tests(Transient overvoltage Test – load rejection, switching, ground faults,

Ferranti effect, )
o Separate source AC withstand voltage. – AC HI POT Test AC operating
frequency -
o Induced AC withstands overvoltage.( Induced potential test) - (F>50 Hz)
• Magnetizing Current
• Magnetic Balance
• Bushing & Winding Tan Delta (HV ) Test
• Protective relay testing
• Insulation wining and Bushing Tan delta/ Power factor/ dissipation factor (50/60 Hz)
• Transformer oil testing (BDV)
• Dissolved gas analysis tests (DGA)
• Test on On-load tap changers, Dynamic winding resistance.
• Review test certificate for all Instrument devices (OTI, PRV, WTI, Buchholz relay,
• Review setting for all adjusted devices(Protection relay, OTI, WTI)
• Review all drawing, circuits wiring , Interconnection wiring …

, NB DFR (narrow band dielectric frequency response), 1 – 500 HZ

• Dielectric frequency response (DFR)

• Surge arrester loss (Watts) and current
• Frequency response of stray losses

• Tan delta/power factor/ dissipation factor (50/60 Hz)

• NB DFR (narrow band dielectric frequency response), 1 – 500 HZ
• Dielectric frequency response (DFR)
• Tan delta/power factor/dissipation factor tip-up test
• Exciting current
• Leakage reactance
• Frequency response of stray losses
• Winding resistance
• Dynamic winding resistance
• Sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA)
• DC insulation resistance (core insulation and unintentional core ground)
• Partial Discharge
• Thermal image scan
• Transformer turns ratio
• Dielectric Breakdown on oil sample (main tank and LTC)

Winding Resistance Tests of Transformer

Transformer winding resistance measurement is carried out to calculate the I2R losses and to
calculate winding temperature at the end of a temperature rise test. It is carried out as a type
test as well as routine test. It is also done at site to ensure healthiness of a transformer that is
to check loose connections, broken strands of conductor, high contact resistance in tap
changers, high voltage leads and bushings etc.
There are different methods for measuring of the transformer winding, likewise:

• Current-voltage method of measurement of winding resistance.

• Bridge method of measurement of winding resistance.
• Kelvin bridge method of Measuring Winding Resistance.
• Automatic Winding Resistance Measurement Kit.
Note: Transformer winding resistance measurement shall be carried out at each tap.

Transformation Ratio Test

The voltage transformation ratio is the principle factor which greatly affects the performance
of a transformer. Therefore, the transformation ratio test is an essential test of transformer.
The transformation ratio test is performed by applying a 3-phase 415 V supply to the high
voltage winding, with keeping the low-voltage winding open circuited , the induced voltage is
then measured at HV-winding terminals and LV-winding terminals of the transformer to
determine the actual transformation ratio of the transformer. We repeat the test for all tap
position separately.

Vector Group Test of Transformer

In a 3 phase transformer, it is essential to carry out a vector group test of transformer. Proper
vector grouping in a transformer is an essential criteria for parallel operation of transformers.

There are several internal connections of three-phase transformer are available on the
market. These several connections give various magnitudes and phase of the secondary
voltage; the magnitude can be adjusted for parallel operation by suitable choice of turn ratio,
but the phase divergence cannot be compensated.

So we have to choose a transformer suitable for parallel operation whose phase sequence
and phase divergence are same. All the transformers with the same vector ground have same
phase sequence and phase divergence between primary and secondary.

Before procuring an electrical power transformer, you should ensure the vector group of the
transformer, whether it will be matched with his or her existing system or not. The vector
group test of transformer confirms his or her requirements.

Insulation Resistance Test or Megger Test of Transformer

Insulation resistance test of transformer is essential type test. This test is carried out to
ensure the healthiness of the overall insulation system of an electrical power transformer.
Four test (H: High Voltage - X: Low Voltage - G: Ground)

H - XG
HG - X
HG - X

Standard Insulation resistance temperature 20 °C

Every 10 °C increase in temperature the insulation resistance will decrease to half and vice
versa (Resistance of insulation is inversely proportional with temperature unlike conductor)

OTI is indicating winding temperature at test interval

Every 1 KV should have minimum insulation resistance of 1 MΩ (66 KV – Min. 66 MΩ)

Procedure of Insulation Resistance Test of Transformer

1. Disconnect all the line and neutral terminals of the transformer
2. Megger leads to be connected to LV and HV bushing studs to measure insulation
resistance IR value in between the LV and HV windings
3. Megger leads to be connected to HV bushing studs and transformer tank earth point to
measure insulation resistance IR value in between the HV windings and earth
4. Megger leads to be connected to LV bushing studs and transformer tank earth point to
measure insulation resistance IR value in between the LV windings and earth

NB: It is unnecessary to perform insulation resistance test of transformer per phase wise
in three-phase transformer. IR values are taken between the windings collectively as
because all the windings on HV side are internally connected together to form either
star or delta and also all the windings on LV side are internally connected together to
form either star or delta.
Measurements are to be taken as follows:

• For autotransformer: HV-IV to LV, HV-IV to E, LV to E.

• For two winding transformer: HV to LV, HV to E, LV to E.
• Three winding transformers: HV to IV, HV to LV, IV to LV, HV to E, IV to E, LV to E.
• Oil temperature should be noted at the time of insulation resistance test of the
transformer, since the IR value of transformer insulating oil may vary with temperature.
• IR values to be recorded at intervals of 15 seconds, 1 minute and 10 minutes.
• With the duration of application of voltage, IR value increases. The increase in IR is an
indication of dryness of insulation.
• Absorption coefficient = 1 minute value/15 secs. Value.
• Polarization index = 10 minutes value/1 minute value.
Magnetic Balance Test of Transformer
Magnetic balance test of transformer is conducted only on three-phase transformers to check
the imbalance in the magnetic circuit.
Procedure of Magnetic Balance Test of Transformer
1. Keep the tap changer of transformer in normal position.
2. Now disconnect the transformer neutral from ground.
3. Then apply single phase 230 V AC supply across one of the HV winding terminals and
neutral terminal.
4. Measure the voltage in two other HV terminals in respect of neutral terminal.
5. Repeat the test for each of the three phases.

In case of an autotransformer, a magnetic balance test of transformer should be repeated for

LV winding also.
There are three limbs placed side by side in a core of the transformer. One phase winding is
wound in one limb. The voltage induced in different phases depends upon the respective
position of the limb in the core. The voltage induced in different phases of a transformer in
respect to neutral terminals given in the table below.

Magnetizing Current Test of Transformer

Magnetizing current test of transformer is performed to locate defects in the magnetic

core structure, shifting of windings, failure in between turn insulation or problem in tap
changers. These conditions change the effective reluctance of the magnetic circuit, thus
affecting the current required to establish flux in the core.

1. Keep the tap changer in the lowest position and open all HV and LV terminals
2. Then apply three phase 415 V supply on the line terminals for three-phase
transformers and single phase 230 V supply on single phase transformers
3. Measure the supply voltage and current in each phase
4. Now repeat the magnetizing current test of transformer test with keeping tap
changer in normal position
5. Repeat the test while keeping the tap at highest position

Normally, there are two similar higher readings on two outer limb phases on transformer core
and one lower reading on the center limb phase, in the case of three phase transformers.

An agreement to within 30% of the measured exciting current with the previous test is usually
considered satisfactory. If the measured exciting current value is 50 times higher than the
value measured during factory test, there is a likelihood of a fault in the winding which needs
further analysis.

Caution: This magnetizing current test of a transformer is to be carried out before DC

resistance measurement.

Dielectric Test of Transformer

The dielectric test of a transformer is also a kind of insulation test. This test is carried out to
ensure the expected insulation strength of the transformer. The dielectric test is mainly
performed in following steps −
• Step 1 – This step is called as separate source voltage withstand test of transformer, in
which a single phase supply of prescribed voltage level is applied to the winding of the
transformer for 60 seconds. Another winding and the body of the transformer is
connected to the earth and it is observed that any failure of insulation occurs or not
during the test.
• Step 2 – This step is called as the induced voltage test of the transformer, in which a 3-
phase voltage supply that is twice of the rated voltage of secondary winding in
magnitude and frequency is applied to the secondary winding of the transformer for 60
seconds and the primary winding is kept open-circuited. The test is started with a
voltage lower than 1/3 of the full rated voltage and it has to be quickly increased up to
the desired value. The test would be successful if no failure of insulation occurs at full
test voltage during the test.

The frequency of the applied voltage should be double of power frequency too. Here also if no
failure of insulation, the test is successful.

In addition to dielectric tests of transformers, there are other types of test for checking
insulation of transformer, such as lightning impulse test, switching impulse test and partial
discharge test.
Induced Voltage Test of Transformer

The induced voltage test of the transformer is intended to check the inter-turn and line end
insulation as well as main insulation to earth and between windings-

1. Keep the primary winding of transformer open circuited.

2. Apply three-phase voltage to the secondary winding. The applied voltage should be
twice of the rated voltage of secondary winding in magnitude and frequency.
3. The duration of the test shall be 60 seconds.
4. The test shall start with a voltage lower than 1/3 the full test voltage, and it shall be
quickly increased up to the desired value.
The test is successful if no breakdown occurs at full test voltage during the test.

Temperature Rise Test of Transformer

Temperature rise test of transformer is included in type test of transformer. In this test, we
check whether the temperature-rising limit of the transformer winding and oil as per
specification or not. In this type test of the transformer, we have to check oil temperature rise
as well as winding temperature rise limits of an electrical transformer. This test is done with
the help of winding temperature indicator (WTI) and oil temperature indicator (OTI) meters.

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