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Work Sheet n6

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8th form Mr.


Work sheet n°6 (Reflexive pronouns + Jobs)

I – What we should remember
1 – Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object refer to the same thing :

- He blames himself for what happened.

- You might cut yourself.
- We will enjoy ourselves in the party.

Reflexive pronouns may be used as the object of a preposition :

- He made a cope of coffee for himself.

- He was talking to himself.
- She did the job by herself.

Reflexive pronouns are also used for emphasis. In this case they are called intensive
pronouns. Intensive pronouns can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence :

- I met the king himself

- The president himself announced the news
- He sent the letter himself.

List of Reflexive pronouns :

Subject pronoun Reflexive pronouns

I Myself
You Yourself (S) / Yourselves (P)
We Ourselves
They Themselves
He Himself
She Herself
It Itself

2 – The pronoun “Each other”

“Each Other” : We use the reciprocal pronoun “each other” when the action is between two
people, and not reflexive.

- They started into each other’s eyes.

- They hate each other.

And to make the contrast clearer.

- Mike and Carol bought each other presents for Christmas. (Mike bought a present for
Carol and Carol bought a present for Mike). / Mike and Carol bought themselves
presents for Christmas. (Mike bought a present for himself and Carol bought a present
for himself).
- Mark and Sarah killed themselves. (They each committed suicide). / Mark and Sarah
killed each other. (Mark killed Sarah and she killed Mark).

II – Tasks
Task 1

Complete the sentences with the right reflexive pronouns.

1 – Robert made this T-shirt …………….

2 – Liza did the homework ……………….

3 – We helped ………………. to some cola at the party.

4 – Sara, did you write this poem ………………. ?

5 – Yes, I wrote this poem ………………..

6 – He cut ………………….. with the knife while he was doing the dishes.

7 – The lion can defend …………………….

8 – My mother often talks to …………………… in the kitchen.

9 – John and Alan, if you want more milk, help ………………. .

10 – The students were so noisy. Even Nancy and Leila were making a lot of noise
…………………. .

11 – Did the children behave ………………. ?

12 – I caught sight of ………………….. in the mirror.

13 – I went to the supermarket by ………………….. .

14 – Harry lives by …………………. .

15 – Anna had dinner at the restaurant by …………………. .

16 – You shouldn’t go there by ………………… .

17 – We will build the house by ………………. .

18 – The dog come home by ………………. .

19 – They went on a holiday by …………………. .

20 – I don’t like eating by ……………………. .

21 – She cooked the dinner all by ………………. .

22 – Did the two of you do this by ……………….. ?

23 – The cat rarely killed ………………….. when it ran across the road.

24 – I enjoyed ……………….. at the party.

25 – He always looks at ……………….. in the mirror.

26 – We helped …………………. to the coffee.

27 – The woman accidentally hurt ……………….. with the knife.

28 – The children enjoyed ……………….. at the beach.

29 – The two of you shouldn’t do that. You’ll hurt ……………………. .

30 – He paid for ………………………. .

31 – Some people only think about …………………. .

32 – She didn’t tell him. I told him …………………… .

33 – I did not want to believe it and then I saw the UFO …………………….. .

34 – The girl looked at …………………. in the mirror.

35 – Freddy, you’ll have to do your homework ………………………. .

36 – You don’t need to help them. They can do it …………………… .

37 – I introduced ………………… to my new neighbor .

38 – Boys, can you make your beds …………………. ?

39 – She made ………………… a pullover.

40 – What happens when a fighting fish sees ……………… in the mirror ?

41 – The father decided to repair the car ……………………. .

42 – We can move the table …………………… .

43 – Every morning, I wash ……………. and clean my teeth.

44 – Jane is a baby, she is too small to eat by …………………… .

45 – Peter is very lazy. He always copies his friend’s homework and never does it by
……………….. .
46 – The children can decorate the Christmas tree by ……………….. .

47 – If you can’t do this exercise by ………………, ask the teacher for help.

48 – The cat cleans ………………… with its tongue.

49 – Don’t help us, Dad ! I and Jim can paint the car all by ………………….. .

50 – You are five years old, Danny. You have to comb your hair by ……………. now.

51 – Hi, Martin ! Hi, Rebecca ! Please, come in and make ………………….. at home.

Task 2

Complete the sentences by the right reflexive pronouns or by the pronoun “each other”.

1 – Sandra and Angela haven’t met ……………….. for a long time.

2 – My friends enjoyed …………… very much at the concert.

3 – Tim repaired his car ……………… .

4 – We helped …………. with our report.

5 – People often give ……………. parents at Christmas.

6 – I bought …………… a new camera.

7 – Chris, did you do the maths homework ……………… ?

8 – They looked at ……………… and smiled.

9 – Ron and Tom often write e-mails to ……………… because they’re good friends.

10 – Ann only thinks of ……………… . She’s an egoist.

11 – Mike and Bill know …………… quite well.

12 – Sue and Lisa haven’t seen …………… for ages.

13 – Peggy and Jane made this delicious cake …………….. .

14 – Grandpa constructed this desk …………….. .

15 – Can we sell the things we made ……………… ?

16 – The little girl can already ride the tricycle ……………… .

17 – Laura and Betty are helping …………….. with their homework.

18 – Some people only think of ……………. .

19 – John and his girlfriend are still angry. They are not talking to ……………… .
20 – Does the laptop switch off ……………… automatically ?

21 – Are Doreen and George married to …………….. ?

Task 3

Choose the right pronouns to complete the sentences.

1 – The old man lived alone with (everyone- no one-someone) to look after (she-her-herself).

2 – (These-Those-This) two rings here on my little finger belonged to (my-me-myself).

3 – When the little boy grabbed the lizard, (it’s-its-it) tail broke off in (his-him-one’s).

4 – A baby learns the meaning of words as (their-themselves-they) are spoken by others and
later uses (them-they-their) in sentences.

5 – Some of these clothes are (my-me-mine), and the rest of (their-them-they) belong to Zack.

6 – As for (me-myself-mine), I prefer to let people make up (his own-their own-theirs) minds.

7 – The solicitor wrote a letter to Ann and (I-me-myself) in which he asked us if we could
settle the matter between (us-ours-we).

8 – AS (everyone-someone else- no one else) cuts it as well as he does. I always have my hair
cut at Johnson’s.

9 – They decided to by the house because (theirs-it-its) location would allow (themselves-
them-their) to get to work very easily.

10 – Our dog is of a very good breed as (it-he-she) is the offspring of two very champion dogs
and inherited (their-theirs-them) features.

11 – We all told the boss that we wanted to have (ours-we-our) salaries paid in advance but he
just ignored (us-we-it).

12 – When the man asked me how I had got (my-his-mine) address, I told him that I was
given it by a relative of (his-him-me).

13 – Although (no one-anybody-anyone) in the room seemed to follow (nothing-something-

anything) said by the speaker, he never intended to simplify his language.

14 – I hope you will enjoy (yourself-yours-you) at the re-union party this week-end because I
won’t be able to be there (mine-oneself-myself).

15 – We decided to do all the cooking (by ourselves-ours-each other) instead of hiring a

catering company for the party.

16 – Thousands of children nowadays prefer doing (theirs-them-their) homework with a

background of pop-music to doing (its-them-it) in a quiet room.
17 – You and (your-yours-you) brother need to take time to prepare (yourself-yourselves-by
yourselves) for the long journey which will start next month.

18 – The students watched each gesture of (hers-her-herself) as if their teacher were a


19 – Trademarks enable a company to distinguish (our-it-its) products from (this-those-these)

of another company.

20 – (One-Anything-No one) cannot see translucent materials, but light can pass through

Task 4

Read the following dialogue and then complete it with the right pronouns.

- Albert : I had an eye problem, so ……… went to a clinic near ……. house.
- Teacher : What time was that ?
- Albert : About 11:00 o’clock
- Teacher : The, what happened ?
- Albert : I went into the clinic and was told by a nurse …… didn’t look friendly that
…. had to wait as there were many patients waiting to be examined. I took a seat and
told ………. to spend ……….. time reading the magazines. I waited for almost an
hour for ….. turn but …. never came. So, …. went to the counter to enquire. The nurse
was there. ……. ignored my question. When I asked …… again, …. very rudely told
me to sit and wait for ….. turn. … was very annoyed by …… response. I slammed the
clinic door as I stormed out.
- Teacher : Where did …… go after that ?
- Albert : …. walked down the road and looked for another clinic. I found one after
searching for half an hour. ….. went inside and demanded to see a doctor immediately.
The nurse there was sympathetic. …… immediately registered ……. name and
showed …. the doctor’s room.

Task 5

Complete the following table by the right pronouns.

Subject Possessive Possessive Object Reflexive pronouns

pronouns adjectives pronouns pronouns
Yourself (s) / yourselves (P)
Task 6

Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the right occupations from the box below

Singer – journalist – policeman – dentist – businessman – plumber – taxi-driver – doctor –

detective – Barber (hair dresser) – chef – soldier – mail carrier – teacher – bricklayer (mason)
– nurse – astronaut – judge – engineer – fireman – farmer – computer programmer –
electrician – shop keeper – secretary.

1 – ………………... 2 – …………….... 3 – ………………. 4 – ………….. 5 – …………….

6 – ……………....... 7 – ……………… 8 – ………………. 9 – ………….. 10 – …………...

11 – ………………. 12 – …………….. 13 – ……………... 14 – ………… 15 – …………...

16 – ………………. 17 – …………….. 18 – ……………... 19 – ……….... 20 – …………...

21 – ………………. 22 – …………….. 23 – ……………... 24 – ………… 25 – …………...

Task 7

Read the statements in column A and identify them by the right occupations in column B
from the box below.

Janitor – taxi-driver – architect – security guard – teacher – actor – doctor – delivery person –
baker – vet –chef – farmer – assembler – pilot – librarian.

1 – This is a person who acts in a movie or play. ………………………
2 – This is a person who assembles components. ………………………
3 – This is a person that assists patients. ………………………
4 – This is a person who helps doctors with their work. ………………………
5 – This person bakes cakes and bread. ………………………
6 – This person cleans schools, banks, hospitals, etc. ………………………
7 – He or she cooks at the restaurant. ………………………
8 – This person delivers pizzas, and other kind of fast food. ………………………
9 – This person designs buildings. ………………………
10 – He or she teachers subjects at school. ………………………
11 – He or she drives a taxi. ………………………
12 – He or she files documents at the library. ………………………
13 – This person flies an airplane. ………………………
14 – This person grows vegetables. ………………………
15 – He guards buildings. ………………………

Task 8

Match the statements in column A with their corresponding jobs in column B.

1 – He/she manages a restaurant or hotel. A – Salesperson.
2 – This person writes and edits newspapers. B – Supervisor.
3 – This person paints buildings and houses. C – Translator.
4 – He / she plays some instruments. D – Manager.
5 – He or she fixes cars, buses, etc. E – Cashier.
6 – He or she repairs things at home. F – journalist – reporter.
7 – This person sells cars, clothes, shoes, etc. G – Waitress.
8 – His / her job is to supervise people. H – Repairperson.
9 – He or she takes care of elderly people. I – Waiter.
10 – He/she translates from one language to another one. J – Painter.
11 – This person uses a cash register at his/her work. K – Health care aid.
13 – He services food at the restaurant. L – Musician.
14 – She services food at the restaurant. M – Veterinarian.
15 – This person is a doctor for animals. N – Mechanic.
16 – He or she gives haircuts and shaves. O – Barber.

Task 9

Answer the following questions.

1 – Who repairs cars ?  ……………………………………………………………………….

2 – Who takes care of gardens ?  …………………………………………………………….

3 – Who is the guy who catches criminals ?  ………………………………………………...

4 – Who makes bread ?  ……………………………………………………………………...

5 – Who works in a newspaper ?  ……………………………………………………………

6 – Who writes novels ?  ……………………………………………………………………..

Task 10

Reorder the following letters to get meaningful words (jobs).

1 – namspto = ……………… / 2 – esurn = ………….. / 3 – ernragde = …………… / 4 –

hcretae = …………………. / 5 – cinhcame = ……..……….. / 6 – shreifnma = ………………

Keep Smiling 

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