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Global Economics Structures

This topic contains the The totality of operations that occur both within and between
nations is referred to as the global economy. With its unique industrial production,
labor market, financial market, resources, and environment, every nation is an
independent entity.
Thus, this study outline is about economic globalization, the bretton wood system,
other economic globalization, and the multinational corporation.
The term "economic globalization" describes how global economies are becoming
more interdependent due to factors including the expansion of international capital
flows, the wide and quick diffusion of new technology, and the size of cross-border
commerce in goods and services. Thus, according to Flynn and Giraldez 1995,
economic globalization emerged with the founding of manila in 1571
On the other hand, the bretton woods system which is started when world war one
occur. This study contains fer of the recurrence of the great depression, fear of a
resurrection of barriers to trade and the free flow of money, and concern for financial
stability .Fixing international currency exchange rates required a framework, which
was supplied by the Bretton Woods System, an integrated system of laws and
Therefore, the multinational corporation id across two or more nation. The benefit of
being a multinational corporations can more readily reach their target markets in
terms of efficiency because they manufacture in the nations where their target markets
are located. They may also more easily obtain labor at lower costs and raw materials.

The Global Economy
My takeaways in this discussion is globalization is a process by international trade
and investments and aided by information technology. Thus global economy is the
economy of the humans of the world, considered as the international exchange of
goods and services that is expressed in monetary units of account.
In this topic we also discuss about the studies of globalization which, Cuturela 2012
said that globalization mean to designate an overview of
the human experience in education. Also, Inomsmtsev 2008Distinguished
globalization as one of the most known social studies (Home Economics,
Anthropology) but is still under terminology. Then, Webster also defined -
Globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy
marked by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping
of cheaper foreign labor markets. On the other hand, Robertson 1992 said, Social
Theory & Global Culture, defined as the “understanding of the world & the increased
perception of the world as a whole.” after that, Albre & King 1990 Defined
globalization as "all those processes by which the people of the world are
incorporated into a "single world"(We,Unity,We People)society." lastly, Giddens
1991 Globalization is the process of intensifying social relationships among countries
around the world connecting separate localities in a manner in which local events are
formed as a result of happenings that have occurred from a far.
United Nation Organization
We had this 3rd topic in contemporary world which is regarding of United Nation
Organization. The United Nations (UN) has been actively engaged in arms control
and peacekeeping, but it has also made great efforts to address global issues like
social justice and human rights.The UN seeks to uphold international collaboration in
the resolution of issues pertaining to the economy, society, culture, and
humanitarianism, as well as to prevent and eliminate threats to world peace. In
addition to seeking to accomplish worldwide cooperation in tackling global concerns,
it advocates respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for everyone,
regardless of race, sex, language, or geography.
In addition, there is a six principal of organs of the UN which is the general assembly,
the secretarian, the security council, the international court of justice, the Economic
and social council, and lastly the trusteeship Council.

North and South Today: Worlds Apart
In this topic is all about the North and South happening today which is the global
south: Zone of turmoil, many of the people in the global south faces poverty, war and
tyranny and many global south countries lack well-developed domestic market
economies based on etrepreneurship and private enterprise.
In addition, the rate countries that has a low income are not significantly participants
in the global market. Thus, landlocked developing countries that lack of navigable
rivers or efficient road and trail networks are highly disadvantaged due to the
expenses they face in accessing world markets. Also some small island developing
states are burdened with high transportation costs as well, largely due to the
remoteness from major global markets.
After the discussion the only brought me along was the poor people that can’t have
the privilege to enjoy their lives. Because of extreme poverty they are struggling in
life and at the same time they can’t have the healthy living. According to mazumdar
2009, Poverty is a force that “ robs you of confidence.. steals your pride, deadens your
ambition, limits your imagination and psychologically cripples. This thought brought
me so much and makes me realized that, why can’t I be happy when there’s a lot of
people around there that is much more struggling than me?


My takeaways in this Globalization has some positive political, cultural, economic,
and ethical consequences.Thus, Advances in transportation, communication, and
technology have made individuals, businesses, and governments more interconnected
globally, a phenomenon known as globalization. Advances in transportation,
communication, and technology enhance the transmission of knowledge and ideas,
resulting in higher economic growth and accessibility to goods and services.
Countries with low trade barriers that make it simple to share ideas and information
across borders are referred to as being economically globalized. While political
cooperation assesses the level of collaboration, social cooperation evaluates how easy
it is for people and nations to communicate ideas and information.
Globalization focuses on improving technology to facilitate global communication
and information sharing. It aims to reduce costs and improve communications and
transportation. The decrease in transportation costs has led to cheaper importation and
exportation, while also reducing communication costs. Additionally, improved
transportation has allowed firms to split production processes to capitalize on varying
cost conditions in different parts of the world.

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