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Fci Reg Roi Sta Mod Ann 006 en

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Advisory text in italics

FCI Model Standard

(First FCI Model Standard was approved at the General Assembly in
Jerusalem 23-24 June 1987 and revised by the General Committee in Vienna, July 2009.)
Text revised after 2009 is mentioned in the text with place and year of approval.

The model standard is proposed as a frame for any new or revised standard in the FCI. The
experts of the breed will choose the items they think fit and observe the order of the model.
The text should reflect the ideal picture and true type of the breed. Features that are distinctly
opposed to ideal type should be, in order of degree, under FAULTS and SEVERE FAULTS.
Features that are untypical, anomalies or not acceptable behaviour are DISQUALIFYING

In case of translation, always indicate the name of the breed in the original language between
brackets under the name of the translated name in question, the name of the translator (s)
and the date of the publication of the translation.

A breed standard is:

A document which is a methodical description of the archetype of a breed.

A document which only describes what can be assessed by the human eye.

A document which advises against surgical procedure. Wording asking for surgery will be
rejected in any FCI standard (General Committee Dortmund 2010).

A document which is used by breeders, owners and specialty show judges to assess that the
pedigree dog (General Committee Helsinki, October 2013):
-has a temperament that makes it possible to examine it;
-has correct breed type;
-has sound movement;

A blue print for correct breed type as well as the tool to use when assessing the outcome of
pedigree dog breeding.

FCI St.N° – Date when a translation into English, French, German or Spanish is published by the FCI
00.00.0000 /EN/FR/DE/ES: date when a translation into English, French, German or Spanish is
published by the FCI Office.

FCI-Standard Nr : 000 Number corresponding to the FCI Nomenclature of Dog Breeds

(Breed name in the country of origin)

BREED NAME (in the country of origin)

(Breed name in English, French, German or Spanish)

(General Committee Paris, October 2016)

Illustration on first page

Drawing or photo of the breed to illustrate (body + head)
To be provided by country of origin/patronage/development of the breed

If 1 picture: This illustration does not necessarily show the ideal example of the breed.
If 2 pictures: These illustrations do not necessarily show the ideal example of the breed.
(obligatory phrase in every standard) (General Committee, Dortmund 2010).
(General Committee Helsinki, October 2013)

FCI St.N° – Date when a translation into English, French, German or Spanish is published by the FCI

TRANSLATION: Name of translator (s). Official authentic language (EN/FR/GE/SP) is chosen by

the country of origin and is indicated between brackets. (General Committee Dortmund 2010)
ORIGIN: If required name of the country of patronage or development.

when the FCI General Committee approved the standard.

UTILIZATION: What the breed is - or has been - used for. Should be a short presentation, only
on utilization. Behaviour/Temperament should be described separately under the appropriate
heading (General Committee Helsinki, October 2013).

FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Indicate group and section, subject to a working trial or not.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: Preferably not more than 12-15 lines and of such interest as to
understand the breed better (General Committee, Luxemburg 2009).

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Text must never include anomalies as breed features, nor
exaggerations resulting in a risk for health.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Length of body/Height at withers. Depth of chest/Height at

withers. Length of muzzle/Length of head. (Length of body: measured from point of shoulder
to point of buttock). Extensive use of metrics, such as grade and percentage is to be avoided
(General Committee Helsinki, October 2013).

BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Text must not state aggressiveness / acute wariness of people

or severe aloofness as a breed feature. Breeds must behave calmly and not present any threat
to the judge or to any person or dog in public areas.


CRANIAL REGION: Shape of skull, direction of axes of skull and muzzle, upper outline.
Skull: Width of skull, shape of superciliary ridges, frontal indentation of furrow, occipital
Stop: Degree.

Nose: Form, size, colour. Colour of nose and of pigmentation on eye rims and lip rims should
be according to the genetic make-up of the coat-colour. (General Committee Helsinki, October

Brachycephalic breeds have a general clause (General Committee, Luxemburg 2009) that reads:
“Well opened nostrils”. The clause concerns for the time being : Boston Terrier; Boxer; Griffon
Belge; Griffon Bruxellois; Petit Brabançon; Bulldog; Bullmastiff; Dogue de Bordeaux;
Bouledogue Français; Japanese Chin; King Charles Spaniel; Mastiff; Mastino Napoletano;
Pekingese; Pug; St Bernard; Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Shih Tzu.
Muzzle: Length, depth, width, profile of the nasal-bridge, shape and profile of the lower jaw.
Lips: Shape, thickness, properties (flaccid or tight), pigmentation.

FCI St.N° – Date when a translation into English, French, German or Spanish is published by the FCI

Jaws/Teeth: Shape of jaw, number and properties of teeth, position of the incisors, bite
(scissors or pincer bite), over or undershot mouth. Recommendation: lack of PM1 and M3 is
scientifically proved as variability and not a known hereditary trait, hence it should no
longer be considered as a disqualifying fault. (FCI Standards & Scientific Commissions, Dortmund,
February 2015)
Cheeks: Shape and aspect.

Eyes: EYES: (General Committee Kiev, August 2017) Size, form, colour, setting, expression, direction
of palpebral aperture, pigmentation of eye rims. Text must never contain exaggerated size.

Ears: EARS: (General Committee Kiev, August 2017) Set, carriage, shape, size, (length-width).

NECK: Upper line, length, shape, musculature, skin (tight, flaccid, dewlap).

Top line: As a whole.
Withers: Properties, set on of neck.
Back: Contour of backline, musculature, ratio of length between back and loin.
Loin: Length, width, musculature.
Croup: Outline, obliquity (direction), length, width, musculature.
Chest: Length, width, depth of brisket, spring of ribs, fore chest.
Underline and belly: Contour of underline, shape of belly and flanks.

TAIL: Set on, shape, length, thickness, hair, carriage at rest and in movement, description of
the natural tail.


General appearance: Forelegs seen from the front and from the side, proportions between
different parts of body and forequarters.
Shoulder: Length, obliquity, musculature, layback of shoulders (angle of scapula-humeral
Upper arm: (Arm) length, axis and musculature.
Elbow: Position, angle of the elbow.
Forearm: Length, musculature, bone (quality, shape).
Carpus (Wrist): Width, thickness.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Length, width, position (direction).
Forefeet: Shape, size, arching of toes, tightness, nails and pads (qualities, pigmentation).
Colour of pigmentation on pads should be according to the genetic make-up of the coat-
colour. (General Committee Helsinki, October 2013)

General appearance: Hindlegs seen from side and rear, proportions between different parts of
body and hindquarters.
Thigh: Length, width, musculature, position (angle of coxo-femoral joint).
Stifle (Knee): Position, angle of the stifle joint (femoro-tibial joint)

FCI St.N° – Date when a translation into English, French, German or Spanish is published by the FCI

Lower thigh: Length, direction, musculature, bone (quality, shape)

Hock joint: Width, thickness, angle of the hock joint (tibio-tarsal joint).
Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Length, width, position.
Hind feet: Shape, size, arching of toes, tightness, nails and pads (qualities, pigmentation).
Colour of pigmentation on pads should be according to the genetic make-up of the coat-
colour. (General Committee Helsinki, October 2013)

GAIT / MOVEMENT: Description of movement, preferred gait.

SKIN: Thickness, laxity, characteristic wrinkles and folds, pigmentation.

Hair: Length, texture, distribution (beard, ruff), thickness, undercoat. If applicable, a
description of the trimmed or clipped dog. Text never to require extreme length or thickness
that can impede the dog’s mobility or well-being. (General Committee Helsinki, October 2013).

Colour: Basic colour, markings and colours permissible. Coat colour should be described as
close as possible to the genetic make-up. Even when a colour has a traditional name, the
correct name of the genetic make-up should be added in brackets (General Committee Helsinki,
October 2013).


It is recommended to have a size and weight limit in every standard in order to combat
extreme features. Any change in the standard that is regarded as unhealthy for a particular
breed will be rejected. (General Committee, Dortmund 2010).

Height at the withers: Males: Females:

Weight: Males: Females:

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness
with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its
effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. (compulsory sentence in every standard)

For utility and hunting breeds, addition of “and its ability to perform its traditional work”.

The list of faults should be kept short and the compulsory sentence under the heading
“FAULTS” should be considered thoroughly. The list of faults should preferably only contain
faults commonly known in a breed. A long list of faults could give the impression that the
breed is strongly affected by common faults (General Committee Helsinki, October 2013)

Faults listed should be in degree of seriousness.

Faults listed should be in degree of seriousness.

FCI St.N° – Date when a translation into English, French, German or Spanish is published by the FCI

 Aggressive or overly shy dogs (compulsory sentence in every standard)

 Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
(compulsory sentence in every standard) (General Committee Paris, October 2016)
 Untypical specimen.
 Faults which prohibit a dog from winning any award at dog shows; wrong type of bite;
Unacceptable colour; over or undersized, etc.
 Only disqualifying faults should be listed – not those which are not disqualifying (General
Committee Helsinki, October 2013).

 Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the
scrotum (this sentence is compulsory in every standard).
 Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be
used for breeding (this sentence is compulsory in every standard) (General Committee, Madrid

The latest amendments are in bold characters (compulsory sentence in every amended
standard) (General Committee, Dortmund 2010)

FCI St.N° – Date when a translation into English, French, German or Spanish is published by the FCI

Illustration on last page

Drawing of anatomical features (in any of the four FCI languages), compulsory in every standard (Standards Commission, April 2020)

FCI St.N° – Date when a translation into English, French, German or Spanish is published by the FCI Office

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