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International Economics 15th Edition

Pugel Solutions Manual

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Chapter 9 - Nontariff Barriers to Imports

Chapter 09

Nontariff Barriers to Imports


This chapter has four major purposes:

1. Present analysis of an import quota and a voluntary export restraint (VER), for both a small
importing country and a large one.
2. Provide an overview of other nontariff barriers (NTBs) to imports.
3. Explore the relative sizes of the economic costs of tariffs and nontariff barriers.
4. Continue the discussion of the World Trade Organization (WTO), including its role in
liberalizing NTBs and its role in the settlement of international trade disputes.

Governments use a variety of other barriers to imports in addition to tariffs. The chapter begins
with examples of nontariff barriers to imports and several kinds of effects that they can have.
NTBs lower imports by directly limiting the quantity of imports (e.g., import quota, VER,
government procurement policies that prohibit or limit government purchasing of imports),
increasing the costs of getting imports into the market (e.g., product standards and testing
procedures), and creating uncertainty about whether imports will be permitted (e.g., arbitrary
licensing procedures).

Early in the chapter the second in the series of boxes on Global Governance examines the role of
the WTO in limiting and reducing NTBs. Recent rounds of multilateral trade negotiations have
included NTBs, but with less success in lowering them than the WTO has had with tariffs. The
box also discusses how the WTO has extended into nontraditional areas. The Uruguay Round,
completed in 1993, began the process of liberalizing trade in agricultural products, established
rules about protecting patents, copyrights, and trademarks, and began the process of setting rules
for trade in services. The box concludes by examining the goals of the Doha Round and the
problems that have thwarted completion of this round (as of 2011). (Later in the chapter, another
new box looks at “China’s First Decade in the WTO.”)

Also early in the chapter, the box “Dodging Protectionism,” the second in the new series on the
global financial and economic crisis, contrasts the big increase in protectionism during the Great
Depression of the 1930s with the remarkably small increase in import barriers during the recent

Chapter 9 - Nontariff Barriers to Imports

After describing the types of nontariff barriers to imports, the text of the chapter develops the
analysis of an import quota. If both the domestic industry and the foreign export industry are
perfectly competitive, then the effects of a quota are almost all the same as the effects of a tariff
that permits the same quantity of imports. For a small importing country, the increase in
domestic price, the increase in domestic production, the decrease in domestic consumption, the
increase in domestic producer surplus, the decrease of domestic consumer surplus, and the net
national loss are the same. The possible difference is what happens to the amount that would be
government revenue with a tariff. With an import quota this is the amount that is the difference
between the cost of imports purchased from foreign exporters at the world price and the value of
these quota-limited imports when sold in the domestic market at the higher domestic price. (We
presume that the holders of the import quota rights are domestic and can continue to buy at the
world price. If any foreign exporter tried to charge more, the importers would turn to other
export suppliers who would sell at the going world price.)

If the government gives away these quota rights to import with no application procedure (fixed
favoritism), then the import price markup goes as extra profits to whoever is lucky enough to
receive the rights. If the government auctions the quota rights (import-license auction), then the
government gains the markup as auction revenues because bidders vie for these valuable import
rights. If the government uses elaborate applications procedures (resource-using application
procedures), then some of the markup amount is lost to resource usage in the application process,
leading to a larger net national loss because of the extra resource costs of the quota process.

For the large-country case, again the effects of imposing a quota are nearly all the same as the
equivalent tariff, except for what happens to what would be tariff revenue. Specifically, the
importing country can benefit from imposing an import quota, if the rectangle of gain from the
lower price paid to foreign exporters for the quota quantity imported is larger than the triangle of
losses from distorting domestic production and consumption.

If the domestic industry is a monopoly, then the effects of imposing a quota are different from
the effects of imposing a tariff. The box “Domestic Monopoly Prefers a Quota” explains that a
quota cuts off foreign competition, so the quota permits the domestic firm to use its monopoly
power. The quota leads to a higher domestic price and greater net national losses.

The VER is usually not voluntary, but it is an export restraint. Because the government of the
exporting country must organize its exporters into a kind of cartel, they should realize that they
should raise the export price. If the exporters do raise the export price, then the exporters get the
amount that otherwise would be government revenue with a tariff, or the price markup with an
import quota. The net national loss is larger for the importing country with a VER because of this
additional rectangle loss. The box “VERs: Two Examples” discusses (1) the costs to the United
States of the VER on imports of Japanese automobiles and (2) the web of export restraints that
developed to limit international trade in textile and clothing products.

Chapter 9 - Nontariff Barriers to Imports

The chapter then examines three other NTBs based on product standards, domestic content
requirements, and government procurement. Product standards can be worthy efforts to protect
health, safety, and the environment. But they can also be written to limit imports and protect
domestic producers. Domestic content requirements mandate that a minimum percentage of the
value of a product produced or sold in a country be local value added (wages and domestically
produced components and materials). They can limit imports that do not meet the requirements,
and they can limit the import of components and materials used to produce the product.
Government purchasing practices are often an NTB because they are often biased against buying
imported products.

How relatively large are the economic costs of tariffs, quotas, VERs, and other nontariff barriers
to imports? The chapter shows that the net national loss is probably a small fraction of the value
of domestic production (GDP), for a country like the United States that has moderate import
barriers and is not highly dependent on imports, if the only national losses are the deadweight-
loss triangles. The true cost is probably larger than this basic analysis indicates, because of
foreign retaliation and losses in export industries, the resource costs of enforcing import barriers,
the resource costs of rent-seeking activities like lobbying for import protection, the losses from
such barriers as VERs when foreign exporters raise their prices, and the losses from reduced
pressures to innovate. The chapter also presents a second way to look at the relative size of the
costs of protection, per dollar of increase in domestic producer surplus.

The final section of the chapter examines international trade disputes and how they can be
resolved. The GATT had a dispute settlement procedure, but it was weak and became
increasingly ineffective. The United States moved outside of the GATT by enacting Section 301
of the U.S. Trade Act of 1974, which aims to lower foreign barriers to U.S. exports by
threatening to raise U.S. barriers to the foreign country’s exports if the foreign country does not
change its policies. Other countries have resented such a heavy-handed unilateral approach, and
well-being for both countries would probably decline if the U.S. government carries out the
threat. Fortunately, the United States has decreased its use of Section 301; the U.S. government
is more likely to send its complaints about unfair foreign trade practices to the WTO for

A key advance of the WTO over the GATT is that the WTO has a stronger dispute settlement
process. The WTO dispute settlement procedures generally have been successful, with most
disputes resolved by negotiations or after a WTO ruling. As a last resort, member countries that
are harmed by another member country’s policy that has been found to violate WTO rules are
permitted to retaliate if the offending government does not bring its policy in line with the rules.
Actual retaliation would lower world well-being, so it is fortunate that it happens infrequently.

Chapter 9 - Nontariff Barriers to Imports


Many of the tips for Chapter 8 also apply to this chapter. We strongly recommend showing the
effects of quotas and VERs using both words and diagrams.

The material of Chapter 9 can be supplemented with outside readings on the WTO or news items
on current trade policy issues. One area of interest is the outcomes of recent cases that have gone
through the WTO’s dispute settlement process. Students appreciate seeing how the concepts and
analyses connect to real issues, and governments are usually accommodating in serving up fresh

Suggested answers to questions and problems

(in the textbook)

2. Voluntary export restraint (VER) agreements are nontariff barriers to imports. Despite
their name, the importing-country government coerces the exporting-country government
into allocating a limited quota of exports among its exporting firms. Import-country
governments often force exporters into accepting VERs because the government wants to
limit imports without explicit import barriers like tariffs or import quotas that would
violate international agreements. (The Uruguay Round agreements include a provision to
eliminate the use of VERs, but it has not been fully effective.) In choosing VERs, the
importing-country government does not create a bigger national gain than with tariffs or
import quotas. On the contrary, a VER allows foreign exporters to gain the price markup
that the importing country would have kept for itself if it had used a tariff or quota.
(Gaining this price markup is a reason that the exporting country may agree to a VER,
rather than risking that the importing-country government will impose its own import

4. a. Product standards are imposed to assure that products meet minimum requirements to
protect health, safety, or the environment. But they can be written to discriminate against
imports, by setting unreasonable requirements that penalize imports. To the extent that
product standards enhance health, safety, and the environment, they can raise national
well-being. To the extent that they are used as nontariff barriers to imports, they bring the
net national losses that usually accompany protection.

Chapter 9 - Nontariff Barriers to Imports

b. Domestic content requirements mandate that a minimum percentage of the value of a

product be domestic value added (wages of local workers and domestically produced
materials and components). This can provide protection to domestic producers of the
product if imports of the product are impeded by the domestic content requirements. In
addition, this can provide protection for domestic producers of materials and components
by forcing domestic producers of the product to limit their use of foreign materials and
components. For both of these reasons, domestic content requirements result in the net
national losses that usually accompany protection.

6. a. The U.S. government is deeply committed to assuring that food products are safe for
consumers to eat, and to protecting the health and safety of workers growing the food.
These are surely noble and correct goals for government regulations. We have established
regulations for growing and harvesting apples that assure that they meet these objectives.
In particular, U.S. standards regulate the use of various pesticides and prohibit the use of
unsafe pesticides, to protect worker health and to minimize or prevent ingestion by
consumers of trace amounts of pesticides. The U.S. government must insist that U.S.
production standards be followed in foreign countries for all apples exported to the
United States. Otherwise the U.S. government could not be certain to meet its objectives
for imported apples.

b. The U.S. government has no business forcing us to adopt its production standards. First,
our own governments are the best judges of the standards to apply to worker safety
within our own countries. Because work and environmental conditions vary from country
to country, it is simply inappropriate to apply U.S. standards. Indeed, what is safe in the
United States could be unsafe in another country. Second, the U.S. government must
regulate product quality by specifically examining product quality as our apples arrive in
the United States. The issue here is not the techniques of growing and harvesting, but
rather whether the product is safe for the consumer. The U.S. government should test for
that directly. If they did this, they would find that our apples are perfectly safe, even
though we do not use the same production techniques used in the United States. The
emphasis of the U.S. government on production techniques is misplaced—it is an effort
to protect its domestic apple growers by raising our costs of production or forcing us to
cease exporting to the United States.

8. With a price elasticity of demand for imports of 1, the 50 percent tariff rate has resulted
in a 50 percent reduction in imports. The net national loss of the tariff as a percentage of
the country’s GDP equals (½)0.500.500.20, or 2.5 percent. The increase in producer
surplus in the protected sectors, as percentage of GDP, is approximately the 50 percent
increase in domestic price times the 15 percent share of these sectors in GDP, or 7.5
percent. Thus, the net national loss from the tariff is about 33 percent of the gain to
protected producers. For every dollar that domestic producers gain, the rest of the society
loses $1.33.

Chapter 9 - Nontariff Barriers to Imports

10. Free trade will bring the largest well-being for the entire world. The United States already
has few barriers against imports, and we believe that open competition has made the U.S.
economy strong. But other countries often have protectionist policies. This hurts the U.S.
economy, because we lose export opportunities that would allow us to take maximum
benefits from our comparative advantages. Protectionist policies in foreign countries
usually also impose net national costs for those countries, and they certainly harm
consumers in those countries. The protectionist policies exist to benefit certain producer
groups in those countries, at the expense of others in the countries.

Section 301 is a tool that the U.S. government can use to reduce foreign protectionism
and reduce or eliminate unfair foreign trade practices. Yes, it does involve threats by the
U.S. government to raise its own import barriers if the foreign government does not lower
its barriers, but this is a useful risk to take. The United States is large enough to influence
foreign countries’ governments, and the power here is being used for the good of the
world. It has been successful much of the time. When it is successful, the world moves
toward freer trade, bringing benefits to the United States, to the foreign countries through
net gains from freer trade, and to the world as a whole.

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diplopia, although in some cases it may be necessary to place the
prism at 10 or 12 degrees before diplopia is produced.

Fig. 30—(A. and B.)—First position of both

Maddox rods used in conjunction with Fig.
29 for determining cyclophoria.
The red Maddox rod should then be brought into operative
position before the patient’s left eye (Fig. 30a) and the white Maddox
rod before the patient’s right eye, (Fig. 30b) setting each one so that
the rods lie in a vertical position with their white line on the large red
zero (0).
The patient should now see two separate and distinct streaks of
light, one appearing below the other.

Fig. 31

Fig. 34
Fig. 32

Fig. 35
Fig. 33

Fig. 36

Figs. 31-36—Diagram showing how

streaks appear to patient, as produced by
the Maddox rods in testing for cyclophoria.

Should there be no cyclophoria of the right eye, the streaks will

appear in a horizontal plane parallel to each other (Fig. 31).
Should the red streak appear horizontally to the left eye, and the
white streak seen by the right eye appear at an angle therewith,
cyclophoria of the right eye would be indicated (Fig. 32).
In brief, should the white streak dip towards the patient’s left side,
the case would be one of right plus cyclophoria (Fig. 32); whereas
right minus cyclophoria would be indicated should the white streak
dip to the patient’s right side (Fig. 33).
Next, setting the rotary prism of 8 degrees, placed base up
before the patient’s left eye, the red streak should appear below the
white one. Should the two streaks appear horizontally, parallel with
each other, there would be no cyclophoria of the left eye (Fig. 34).
If, however, the upper or white streak should appear horizontal,
and the lower or red streak at an angle therewith dipping toward the
patient’s right side, the left eye would be cyclophoric and the case
would be one of left plus cyclophoria, as the chart indicates (Fig. 35).
Should the red streak dip in toward the patient’s left side, left
minus cyclophoria would be designated (Fig. 36).
The patient would instinctively describe, with pointed finger and
hand motion, the position of the “dipping” line just as one would
describe a spiral staircase. Should this test determine that no
cyclophoria exists in either eye, there would be no necessity for
further tests.
Some authorities claim that both Maddox rods should be of the
same color, so as to more readily assist the patient to fuse the two
objects. If the reader so desires, he can readily place a red lens from
the trial-case in the forward cell of the instrument.
The characters plus and minus in cyclophoria merely refer to plus
as signifying a tendency toward the temporal side; minus indicating a
tendency toward the nasal side. This has no bearing on “convex”
and “concave,” which are frequently designated as “plus” and
The test for cyclophoria is particularly essential, proving of utmost
importance where the patient requires an astigmatic correction with
the cylinder axis in oblique meridian. The case should then be
investigated in every instance by making a thorough and separate
test of each eye for cyclophoria.
In a case where cyclophoria is determined, the trouble may be
caused by the functioning of other muscles, through the drain of
nerve force, thus disturbing the harmony of every muscle action.
Cyclophoria is frequently caused by an imbalance of two recti,
giving an oblique pull. In most cases, it is merely necessary to
release the torsion, as described in the following chapter.
Chapter XIV

Made With the Combined Use of

the Two Maddox Rods

H aving determined that cyclophoria exists, as previously outlined,

the next step would be to make a cycloduction test, or a test of
the oblique muscles individually. Maddox rods, both red and
white, should be placed in position with the rods horizontal—the plus
and minus sign at 90 degrees on the scale (Fig. 37). The patient’s
attention should be directed to the usual muscle-testing spot of light,
when a vertical band of light will appear to the patient, as shown in
Fig. 38.
Fig. 37—(A. and B.)—Primary position of
combined use of both Maddox rods for
determining cycloduction test.
Fig. 38 Fig. 39

Fig. 40

Figs. 38-40—Diagram showing position of

streaks produced by Maddox rods as they
appear to patients in making cycloduction
To measure the duction range of the inferior oblique of the right
eye, it is merely necessary to slowly rotate the Maddox rod before
the right eye upward at its nasal end to the point where the band of
light breaks so as to resemble a letter “X”. This gives in degrees the
amount of right plus cycloduction, as indicated on the temporal
scale, when it will appear to the patient, as shown in Fig. 39.
The Maddox rod should then be restored to its original position,
with the plus and minus on the 90 degree line of the scale (Fig. 37),
and rotated upward at the temporal end until it again takes the form
of the letter “X”. (Fig. 40.) The position of the indicator will now
denote the amount of right minus cycloduction, or duction range of
the right superior oblique muscles. Having determined the duction
range of the oblique muscles of the patient’s right eye, both Maddox
rods should be placed in original position with rods horizontal and
plus and minus sign on 90° of scale, as shown in Fig. 37.
The Maddox rod before the left eye is then employed exactly in
the same manner as before when the test for the right eye was
made. A plus cycloduction of the left eye would be indicated, as
shown in Fig. 40, while a minus cycloduction of the left eye would
appear to the patient, as shown in Fig. 39.
By recording a comparison of each eye, as explained, it will be
found that the range of duction usually averages five to twenty
degrees on either side of the 90 degree line, as indicated on the
scale surrounding the Maddox rods.
It will be recalled that cyclophoria was only to be looked for in
oblique astigmatic cases. It is frequently possible to correct the
patient’s trouble, by changing the axis of the cylinder, before one or
both eyes, a minus cycloduction signifying a change of axis towards
180° while a plus toward 90°, according to the amount lacking in full
duction power. It is also well to exercise the oblique muscles through
a rotation of the Maddox rod before the affected eye, whether it be
one or both that is lacking in full duction power, until the required
amount is reached to equal its fellow member.
For a more exhaustive treatise the author suggests a reading of
Dr. Savage’s work on the subject.
Treatment for Cyclophoria
As previously stated, it often proves of great benefit to employ a
muscular exercise where a patient has an existing cyclophoria of
either one or both eyes, results derivable through the exercise of the
recti muscles having been previously detailed.
To exercise the oblique muscles of the right eye, both Maddox
rods should be placed in the original position employed for making
cycloduction test, as previously explained (Fig. 37). This causes the
patient to see but one band or vertical streak (Fig. 38).
The Maddox rod, placed before the right eye, should be slowly
rotated inward from ninety degrees to a point on the scale where the
single streak of light breaks, when it should again be returned to
ninety degrees. This causes a contraction and relaxation of the
muscles in the form of an exercise and should be repeated ten times
—about five minutes each day. By employing the Maddox rod before
the left eye in precisely the same manner, its oblique muscles will be
To determine whether or not this form of exercise is beneficial to
the patient, the weekly cycloduction test, as previously described,
should be made and compared with the original findings.
Ski-optometer Model 235
A Compact Phorometer and Trial-Frame.

For Testing and Correcting Muscular

Providing a Comfortable Form of Trial-
Chapter XV

A fter a careful study of the foregoing chapters, the refractionist

may desire further knowledge concerning muscular imbalance—
a matter in which the Ski-optometer plays an exceptionally
important part.
It should be remembered that it is only the general utility of the
instrument, plus one’s knowledge of refraction and individual
diagnosis that enables the refractionist to attain maximum efficiency
in every examination, a fact which largely accounts for the following

Monocular Fixation
When we view an object directly, so that it appears to be more
distinct than surrounding objects, we are said to “fix” or “fixate” it.
As the fovea is normally the most sensitive part of the retina,
affording by far the most distinct vision, “fixation,” in the great
majority of cases, is so performed that the image of the object that is
“fixated” falls upon the fovea of the eye that is “fixing.” This is known
as central or muscular “fixation.”
When central vision is absent, however, the patient is compelled
to see with a portion of the retina outside of the fovea. The eye must
then be so directed as to cause the image of the object to fall on this
outlying portion of the retina. This is termed “eccentric fixation,” and
usually denotes that vision is exceptionally poor.
The ability to “fix” is apparently acquired in early infancy by
constant practice in looking at objects. Any marked interference with
vision, particularly with central vision—present at birth or soon
thereafter—will tend to prevent the acquisition of this ability, and in
extreme cases the eye does not learn to “fix” at all, but aimlessly
wanders in all directions.

Binocular Fixation
We habitually use the eyes together, fixating with both at once;
that is, we direct the eyes in such a way that the image of the object
to which the attention is directed falls on the fovea of each eye.
Where both eyes are accurately directed to an object at which
one or both are looking, the condition is known as “binocular
fixation,” which is commonly understood to mean that both eyes are
The ability to produce and maintain binocular fixation—to keep
both eyes directly straight—is acquired early in life. The impulse to
maintain it grows with exercise, and soon becomes so strong that
after the age of infancy binocular fixation is present in the great
majority of persons, and in most of them is present all the time.
Binocular fixation must be distinguished through three conditions
—orthophoria, heterophoria and squint.

This is the condition in which both eyes look straight at the same
object, whether both see it or not. There is not the slightest tendency
of deviation.

This is the condition in which both eyes keep looking straight at
the same object so long as both see it; but as soon as one eye is
excluded from vision (as by a screen) that eye deviates. This is then
a tendency of deviation which is strong enough to become manifest
when either eye is covered, but which is abolished or overcome by
the compelling impulse of binocular fixation as soon as both eyes are
used for seeing. A heterophoria thus produces a maximum deviation.
The deviation is also said to be latent, since it is absent under
ordinary conditions and is brought to light only under special
conditions. A common though improper term for heterophoria is

Squint is the condition in which there is so great a tendency to
deviation that even when both eyes are uncovered, one deviates and
only one “fixes.” It differs, therefore, from heterophoria in that the
deviation it produces is obvious under ordinary conditions.
Squint is also called strabismus, or heterotropia. In other words,
in orthophoria there is binocular fixation all the time and under all
conditions; in heterophoria it is present only when the two eyes are
uncovered, so that both see the object looked at; while in squint it is
not present at all.
Or, in still plainer terms, in orthophoria both eyes are straight all
the time; in heterophoria both are straight, but only so long as both
are uncovered; and in squint only one eye is straight, no matter
whether both eyes are uncovered or not.
In squint, while binocular fixation is altogether absent, the ability
to perform monocular fixation is almost always preserved; i.e., the
squinting eye will “fix” at once if the other eye is covered. It is only
when there is marked amblyopia, particularly as the result of a
central scotoma (or spot on the cornea in the line of vision) that the
squinting eye loses its power to fix at all, and wanders uncertainly
about, receiving impressions now on one, now on another portion of
the retina.
The term imbalance is often used to denote the two conditions
opposed to orthophoria; i.e., to denote collectively heterophoria and
Varieties of Heterophoria and Squint
1. Classification According to Direction of Deviating Eye:
Heterophoria and squint may be classified according to the direction
assumed by the deviating eye. Thus we have the following varieties
of heterophoria:

Lateral Deviations
Either eye deviates
In, or toward the nose Esophoria
Out, or toward the temple Exophoria

Vertical Deviations
The right eye goes up and the left down Right Hyperphoria
The left eye goes up and the right down Left Hyperphoria

In rare cases of vertical heterophoria, each eye has either an

upward tendency (anophoria) or a downward tendency (cataphoria).
These cases must not be confused with anatropia and catatropia. In
anaphoria and cataphoria, there is binocular fixation when both eyes
are uncovered, while in anatropia and catatropia one of the eyes
squints. This shows the following squint condition:

Lateral Squint
The deviating eye turns in, or toward the nose:
Esotropia (Strabismus convergens—Convergent Squint)
The deviating eye turns out or toward the temple:
Exotropia (Strabismus divergens—Divergent Squint)

Vertical Squint
The deviating eye turns up:
Hypertropia (Strabismus sursumvergens) (Right or left)
The deviating eye turns down:
Hypotropia (Strabismus deorsumvergens) (Right or left)

In addition to these lateral and vertical deviations, conditions exist

in which the vertical meridian of one eye, instead of maintaining its
parallelism with the vertical meridian of the other, either forms (or
tends to form) an angle with it (cyclotropia), but is kept in position
through muscular effort (cyclophoria.)
Cyclotropia is usually due to paralysis of one of the ocular
muscles, causing the vertical meridian of the affected eye to be tilted
out or toward the temple (extorsion) or in toward the nose (intorsion).
A tilting of the vertical meridian toward the right is also called
dextrotorsion (or positive declination); and to the left, levotorsion or
negative declination.
2. Constant, Intermittent and Periodic Deviations: A deviation,
whether squint or heterophoria, may be present at all times
(constant), or occasionally present and occasionally absent
(intermittent). In this case we may have heterophoria alternating with
orthophoria, or heterophoria alternating with squint; or squint
alternating with orthophoria. We also find variations such as a squint
for near and a heterophoria or orthophoria for distance; or a
heterophoria for near and orthophoria for distance; or a constant
squint for near and an intermittent squint for distance, etc. Again, a
deviation may be periodic, in that its amount for distance may greatly
exceed that for near, or vice versa.
Opposed to a periodic deviation is one which is present, and in
about equal amount, both for distance and near. Such a deviation,
whether squint or heterophoria, is called “continuous.”
3. Alternating and Uniocular Squint: An alternating squint is one
in which when both eyes are uncovered, so that both have a chance
to “fix”; sometimes the right eye will deviate, sometimes the left. In
uniocular (less properly monocular) squint, under the same
conditions, one eye, either the right or the left, always “fixes” and the
other always deviates. A uniocular squint is denoted as right or left,
according to whether it is the right or left eye which deviates.

A Typical Refraction Room—

The Woolf Sanitary All-Metal
Installation comprising: Ophthalmic Chair, complete
with Ski-optometer, Test Letter Cabinet, Asceptic Trial-
Case Cabinet, Muscle Testing and Skioscopic Lamp,
Ophthalmometer, Perimeter, Adjustable Tables,
Adjustable Stool.

4. Comitant and Non-Comitant Deviations: In some varieties of

heterophoria and squint, the amount of deviation is the same in all
directions of the gaze, so that the angle between the visual line of
one eye and that of the other remains the same, no matter which
way the eyes are turned. Such deviations are called comitant or non-
comitant, because one eye accompanies and keeps pace with the
other in all its movements. In other cases, the deviation changes as
the eyes are moved in different directions, so that the angle between
the two visual lines constantly varies. Such deviations are termed
concomitant. Usually in a non-comitant squint the angle of deviation
increases in a regular way as the eyes are moved in one direction
and decreases as they move in the direction opposite.
In cases of long standing, however, the squinting eye, particularly
when very amblyopic, wanders in an uncertain way and apparently
quite without reference to the movements of the other eye.
Chapter XVI

T he movements of the eye are designed primarily to effect fixation—that is, to bring upon the macula
the image of the object that we wish to look at. When this has been accomplished, we know as a
result of long experience, the direction of the object looked at and also direction of other neighboring
objects. This knowledge is doubtless afforded us, in part, by our muscle sense. Thus we know that an
object, A, is straight in front of us because we can see it sharply without moving either the head or the
eyes from the position of rest or equilibrium; and we know that an object, B, is on the right of us because
to see it sharply we have to move either the head or the eyes to the right, thus altering the muscular
condition from one of rest to one of tension. But without moving either head or eye, we also know, while
still looking at A, that B is to the right, for the image of B is then formed on a portion of the retina situated
to the left of the macula. From long experience we also know that an image so situated means an object
placed on our right. Moreover, the farther to the left of the macula the image B is, the farther to the right
do we judge B itself to be.
Similarly, if B is so placed that its image falls below the macula, we then know B itself is really above
A, which forms its image on the macula; and if the image of B is above the macula, we know that B itself
is below A.
The table on page 116 is suggested as a guide in cases of muscular imbalance:

Suppression of Image
All deviations should be and probably are primarily associated with diplopia. Yet in the great majority
of cases of established squint, especially convergent squint, there is no double vision. This is due to the
mental suppression of the image by the squinting eye. In such cases all attempts to evoke diplopia by
our tests may be futile, the patient not appreciating the presence of double images even when they are
widely separated by prisms. Moreover, this suppression usually persists after the squint is cured, so that
even though there are two retinal images of the same object, the mind perceives but one and ignores
the other, just as though it were not present. In this case there is no true stereoscopic, or solid, vision.

Monocular Diplopia
Binocular diplopia, due to deviation of the eyes or to prisms, must be distinguished from monocular
diplopia, or the condition in which the patient sees double with one eye alone. This occurs as the result
of astigmatism, plus spherical aberration and other conditions found occasionally in squint. It can readily
be differentiated by the fact that binocular diplopia disappears when the patient shuts either eye; while
monocular diplopia, of course, does not.

right eye as
Name of (2) Artificially
compared (1) By a natural (2) Prism placed
diplopia by a prism (1) Turning
with that of deviation of with base
the left is placed, base

Lateral Homonymous On the Either eye inward In before either Both eyes outward Out before either
right (esophoria, eye. (divergence.) eye.

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