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Colored ALS CLC Inventory Form - Final

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education



Instructions: Inventory Number:

1. Use the ALS CLC Inventory Form specifically assigned to your Region/Division.
2. Use one (1) ALS CLC Inventory Form per one (1) ALS CLC.
3. An Inventory Number will be automatically assigned once the ALS CLC Inventory Form is submitted electronically via Google Form.
4. The assigned Inventory Number must be inserted in the box provided in this printed version of the Inventory Form.
5. Fill-out all the required fields in this form, sign, and encode all answers in the Google Form using the dedicated Gmail account.




Learning Center is: Community-based Learning Center (CBLC) School-based Learning Center (SBLC)

If CBLC: Standalone CBLC - Facility is dedicated for use of ALS programs ONLY Shared CBLC - Facility is shared with other users e.g., as day care, health center, baran

If SBLC: Shared SBLC - Classroom/facility is shared with students of formal school or other users
Standalone SBLC -Classroom/facility is dedicated for use of ALS programs ONLY
teachers, library, PTA

Land Ownership
DepEd-owned Privately-owned
DepEd-signed MOU/MOA
Borrowed (with MOU/MOA) Borrowed (without MOU/MOA)

Donated (with title)

Donated (without title) Other:

If there is a DepEd signed MOU/MOA: MOU/MOA is up to date and valid MOU/MOA is expired and needs updating

Building/Structure Ownership
Privately-owned LGU-owned

DepEd-signed MOU/MOA
Donated (with title) /MOU/MOA Donated (without title) /MOU/MOA

If there is a DepEd signed MOU/MOA: MOU/MOA is up to date and valid MOU/MOA is expired and needs updating

Type of Learning Center:

Type 1 A simple, temporary meeting place with tables and chairs or any open multi-purpose area or any private property temporarily lent for learning purposes.
Type 1-A: Dedicated Learning Center for ALS use ONLY Type 1-B: Not Dedicated for ALS (i.e., used for other purposes, e.g., day care, barangay hall)

Type 2 A semi-permanent structure made mostly out of light materials (e.g., nipa, softwood) and equipped with basic furniture and learning equipment.
Type 2-A: Dedicated Learning Center for ALS Uue ONLY Type 2-B: Not Dedicated for ALS (i.e., used for other purposes, e.g., day care, barangay hall)

Type 3 A typical barangay learning center or school classroom, permanent and secured, mostly made of cement and other heavy building materials, and equipped wit
furniture and learning equipment.
Type 1-A: Dedicated Learning Center for ALS use ONLY Type 1-B: Not Dedicated for ALS (i.e., used for other purposes, e.g., day care, barangay hall)

Type 4 A single or multi-storey building fully equipped with basic furniture and advanced Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for learning (e.g., com
which is dedicated to ALS learning sessions and related activities.

Type 5 A permanent building equipped with ALS and other learning materials, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), laboratory, WASH facilities (toi
water and hand washing facilities), utilized by learners and other members of the community, and functions as resource centers where materials are either
transported from house to house or borrowed by individual interested community members. It is also accessible to learners with limited mobility. It is a centr
resource, and training center and serves multiple sub-CLCs in the area.

B. Physical Profile
Standard Classroom Size: Approximately 7m x 9m

Larger than the Standard Classroom Size: Larger than 7m x 9 m

Typical Barangay Multipurpose meeting room: Approximately 4m x 5m

Bigger than a typical barangay multipurpose meeting room but smaller than a standard -sized classroom

Small learning space: Smaller than 4m x 5m

Within a residential area

Within a commercial area Remote/Secluded/Isolated
Location (check all that apply): Serves learners within the local community Serves learners from other neighboring communities

Topographical Location (check all In a mountainous /hilly area Near a body of water (lake, river, sea)
Coastal Plain
that apply): Plain/Flat
Plateau Valley Urbanized Area

Safety and Security (check all that apply):

Safety and Flood Landslide Typhoon Earthquake Volcanic Eruption Transport Hazard (near a highway/road, railway)

Security issues
due to Natural Subsidence (sinking of the ground) Tsunami/ Storm surge Wildfires Disease Epidemic Infestation (insect/rodent/pest)

Hazards: Other Not Applicable

Safety and Security Armed-conflict Pollution (land, air, water) Industrial Hazard (e.g., noise, smoke emission, gas pipe, ash,process waste, chemical waste)
issues Accessibility Hazard
Bio/Toxic Waste Hazard (e.g., poison, radiation, explosives, medical waste)
due to Human
Actions: Other Not Applicable

CBLC/ SBLC with CCTV with security guard with door lock
with lockable gate
Security: with fire extinguisher with fire exit with first-aid facility

Not Applicable Other

nt of Education


tory Number:

onically via Google Form.

ventory Form.
he dedicated Gmail account.

CLC ID (if any):

School-based Learning Center (SBLC)

ed CBLC - Facility is shared with other users e.g., as day care, health center, barangay hall

ed SBLC - Classroom/facility is shared with students of formal school or other users e.g.,
ers, library, PTA

expired and needs updating



and needs updating

area or any private property temporarily lent for learning purposes.

or ALS (i.e., used for other purposes, e.g., day care, barangay hall)

and equipped with basic furniture and learning equipment.

or other purposes, e.g., day care, barangay hall)

tly made of cement and other heavy building materials, and equipped with basic

or ALS (i.e., used for other purposes, e.g., day care, barangay hall)

formation and Communication Technologies (ICT) for learning (e.g., computers)

and Communication Technologies (ICT), laboratory, WASH facilities (toilet,

mmunity, and functions as resource centers where materials are either
embers. It is also accessible to learners with limited mobility. It is a centralized

x 5m

smaller than a standard -sized classroom


learners from other neighboring communities

Coastal Plain
Transport Hazard (near a highway/road, railway)

pidemic Infestation (insect/rodent/pest)

n, gas pipe, ash,process waste, chemical waste)

e gate

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Accessibility (check all that apply):
with wheelchair accessible ramp wheelchair ramp is serviceable all parts/ spaces of the facility are wheelchair accessible with wide doorways and vestibules

with lockable doors

with lockable windows
with wide open space for outdoor activities with elevator/lift (for multi-storey buidling) with railings and/or handrails
with clear signage, including direction signs
accessible areas are marked with International Symbol of Access (ISA)
with proper ventilation shares a gate and fence with the school/community with level and wide pathways
with lockable gate
with separate gate and fence no gate and fence
Physical Structure

With running and potable water With running but non-potable water With limited supply of potable water
With limited supply of non-potable water Water sup
from a well/hand pump Without water supply

Water is available only on certain days Water is available only for certain hours

Transportation Accessible by various affordable modes of transportation Accessible by various but expensive modes of transportation

With limited access to affordable modes of transportation With limited access to expensive modes of transportation
Not accessible using public transportation Not accessible by any modes of transportation

With full access to electricity With limited access to electricity

Electricity supply from alternative/renewable source
Electricity is only available for certain hours
Off-grid - without access to electricity - candles/gas lamps are used

Internet Service (check all that apply):

With reliable internet connection
With more than one (1) internet connectivity With intermittent internet connection Without internet connection

Type of Internet connectivity: Internet Speed (in Megabit per second [Mbps]):
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) Satellite less than 5 Mbps
5-25 Mbps
Postpaid Cellphone data Prepaid Cellphone Data 26-50 Mbps
51-100 Mbps
Fiber Optic/Wireless Not Applicable
more than 100 Mbps Not Applicable

Telecommunication Service:
With steady service from telecommunication companies With limited service from telecommunication Without service from telecommunication companies


Sanitation and Hygiene (check all that apply):

With dedicated handwashing facility Shared handwashing facility No handwashing facility
Handwashing With multiple handwashing facility With regular supply of soap Without supply of soap

With one (1) dedicated toilet With dedicated and gender segregated toilet
Shared with other learners in the school or in the community
Washing facility in female toilet for Menstrual With waste disposal for Menstrual Hygiene
With regular supply of toilet paper and soap Hygiene Management (MHM) Management (MHM)

regular supply of soap only

Toilet (check all that Without supply of toilet paper and soap
With door but no lock With good plumbing and proper drainage
apply) Without plumbing and drainage With lighting and ventilation Without toilet
Accessible to persons with limited mobility Other Conditions:

Waste Waste segregation is practiced There is information on proper waste disposal Regular schedule of waste disposal

Management Waste segregation is not practiced There is no information on waste disposal No regular schedule of waste disposal

C. Learning and Instructional Profile

Number of ALS Teachers/Community ALS Implementors/Learning Facilitators using the 1 ALS Teacher/ Community ALS Implementor/Learning Facilitator
CBLC/SBLC 2-5 ALS Teachers/ Community ALS Implementors/Learning Facilitators
6 or more ALS Teachers/ Community ALS Implementors/Learning Facilitators

Security Guard Janitor/ Utility CLC Manager

Other personnel of the CBLC/SBLC (check all that apply): Other Not Applicable

Number of learners: 75+ 50-74 25-49

ALS Major Programs Offered (check BLP A&E Elementary Level A&E JHS
A&E SHS Indigenous Peoples Education
all that apply):
Enrichment Programs (check all that apply): Academic-Focused Bridging Program Functional Education and Literacy Programs (FELP) Not Applicable

FELP Offered:
Life Skills Modules Technical and Vocational Skills Other Livelihood Skills Trainings Disaster Risk Reduction Management Hu
Rights and Voter's Education Other:
Separate class sessions for each learning level (e.g., BLP, EL, Secondary) Combined BLP and Lower Elementary sessions (Facilitator-aided
Combined Lower and Advanced Elementary Sessions only Combined Elementary and Secondary sessions

Combined BLP, Elementary and Secondary sessions

Learning Group Arrangement/Schedule:

Space for childcare for parents attending ALS classes: Maximum number of children that can be accommodate
There is a dedicated room for childcare A small space or corner for childcare
Not Applicable childcare :

CBLC/SBLC is used as a venue for capability Yes

No How often:
building activities: At least once a week At least once a quarter
At least once a month At least once a year

CBLC/SBLC Operation Hours (check all that more than 6 hours per day (daily)
less than 6 hours per day (daily) on select days of the week only
apply): during weekends only whenever the facility/classroom is available

Other uses of the CBLC/SBLC (Check all that meetings of ALS Teachers/Community ALS Implementors/Learning Facilitators community/school meetings
training venue storage/stockroom health services

apply): sports/recreational activities

barangay meetings/activities
child care center evacuation center Other Not Applicable

/ spaces of the facility are wheelchair accessible with wide doorways and vestibules

railings and/or handrails

level and wide pathways

pply of non-potable water Water supply is

es of transportation

renewable source

Without internet connection

ond [Mbps]):


Without service from telecommunication companies

ing facility
of soap

hool or in the community

gement (MHM) Management (MHM)

of waste disposal

schedule of waste disposal

mplementor/Learning Facilitator
S Implementors/Learning Facilitators
ity ALS Implementors/Learning Facilitators

less than 25

es Education


gs Disaster Risk Reduction Management Human

LP and Lower Elementary sessions (Facilitator-aided only)
condary sessions

number of children that can be accommodated for

days of the week only

storage/stockroom health services


Page 2 of 6
Inclusivity and equality is being practiced (check gender equality is practiced
inclusive teaching and class interactions are practiced
all that apply): awareness of the varying background and experience of learners are practiced diversity is incorporated in the curriculum
religion, faith, beliefs, and culture are respected
learners with disabilities are treated fairly and equally
individual learning styles and disabilities are accomodated furniture and facilities accommodate left-handed learners
learning materials are contextualized to ensure they are sensitive and appropriate for learners from different cultural backg rounds learning assess
practices are inclusive and designed with diversity of learners in mind

Furniture and fixtures: (check all that are with lockable filing cabinet table for teachers
table/s for learners chairs for teachers chairs for learners
bulletin/activity board
available in the CBLC/SBLC) bookshelves lockers storage boxes cupboards
electric sockets with electric fan
adequate lighting
printer scanner photocopier

Basic Teaching/Learning Equipment, Materials, and Device:

blackboard/whiteboard Yes

access to laptops/computers Yes

chalk/markers Yes

access to Science equipment Yes

art supplies Yes

supply of notebooks, pencil, and pen Yes

mathematics manipulatives (e.g., ruler, protractor, Yes

shapes, blocks)
BL modules Available

EL modules Available

JHS modules Available

SHS modules Available

50 core modules Available

Life Skills Modules Available

Self-Directed Modules Available

Academic Bridging Modules Available

other modules (IMPACT, MISOSA, ALIVE) Available


Supplemental and Support to Teaching/Learning Equipment, Materials, and Device:

A. Assistive Device

Learning and Teaching equipment, materials, braille Yes

and device: (check all that are available at the
CBLC/SBLC) hearing aid Yes

assistive listening/reading software Yes

B. Reference books Yes

atlas Yes

dictionary Yes

encyclopedia Yes

thesaurus Yes

C. Printed non- books

magazines Yes

posters Yes

journals Yes
newspapers Yes

flipcharts Yes

flashcards Yes

D. Audio Visual Materials - Electronic

videos Yes

film Yes

movies Yes

slides Yes


tapes Yes

CDs Yes

DVDs Yes

Radio programs Yes

TV programs Yes

multimedia resources for PC/laptop Yes

E. Audio Visual Materials - Folk

puppets Yes

shadow play Yes

drama Yes

picture story telling Yes

songs Yes

F. Games
computer games Yes
Learning and Teaching equipment, materials,
and device: (check all that are available at the
mobile device games Yes
card games Yes

board games Yes

role play/simulations Yes

G. Other Supplemental and Support to

Teaching/Learning Equipment, Materials, and Device
microphone/speaker Yes

globe/map Yes

printed books -fiction Yes

printed books - non-fiction Yes

access to technical/vocational equipment, supplies and materials Yes

Science kits Yes

Sporting equipment Yes


D. Linkages, Networking, and Sustainability:

Support from the residents of the barangay or Financial support for the repair/upgrade In-kind support (e.g., books, papers, pens, tables, chairs)
sitio (check all that apply): Personnel/labor support (e.g., CLC manager, security guard, janitor/cleaner)
Not Applicable
Central Office:
Program Support Fund (e.g., repair and maintenance, printing and reproduction of learning and teaching materials)
In-kind support (e.g., printed modules, books, papers, notebooks) Others: Not Applicable

Regional Office:
RO MOOE (e.g., repair and maintenance, printing and reproduction of learning and teaching materials)
In-kind support (e.g., books, papers, pens, tables, chairs, equipment) Other:

Not Applicable

Division Office:
Support from DepEd Central, Region, Division SDO MOOE (e.g., repair and maintenance, printing and reproduction of learning and teaching materials)
Office or School (check all that apply): Personnel/labor support (e.g., ALS Teachers, DepEd-engaged CAIs, security guard, janitor/cleaner)
In-kind support (e.g., books, papers, pens, tables, chairs, equipment) Others:
Not Applicable

School MOOE (e.g., repair and maintenance, printing and reproduction of learning and teaching materials) Personnel/ labor support (e.g., formal school
teachers, CLC manager, security guard, janitor/cleaner)
In-kind support (e.g., books, papers, pens, tables, chairs, equipment)
Use of school facilities/spaces (e.g. science laboratory, techvoc laboratory, school grounds for outdoor activites)
Others: Not Applicable

Support from Municipal or Provincial Personnel/ labor support (e.g., LGU-engaged CAIs, CLC manager, security guard, janitor)
Government Unit (check all that apply): Financial support for the repair/upgrade In-kind support (e.g., books, papers, pens, tables, chairs, equipment) printing and reproduction of modules fin
support for operation of CBLC/ SBLC (e.g., utility costs) provision of transportation of learners support for graduation/ completion ceremony
support during A&E test support for National Certification (TESDA)
Others: Not Applicable

ity is incorporated in the curriculum

nd equally
re and facilities accommodate left-handed learners
rom different cultural backg rounds learning assessment

chairs for learners

bulletin/activity board
ric sockets with electric fan

als, and Device:








Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

terials, and Device:


















Page 3 of 6
























g., books, papers, pens, tables, chairs)

ching materials)
Not Applicable



terials) Personnel/ labor support (e.g., formal school

door activites)

s, chairs, equipment) printing and reproduction of modules financial

graduation/ completion ceremony

Page 4 of 6
Support from Non-Government Organization
(NGO), Civil Society Organization (CSO), Faith-
based groups (check all that apply):

Support from regional, provincial, or national

government agencies (check all that apply):

Support from Private sector companies (check

all that apply):

Advocacy and Social Mobilization (AdSocMob)

Activities (check all that apply):

Funding Source (Financial Sustainability of


Sustainability of ALS programs and Enrichment

programs offered

Sustainability of ALS programs and Enrichment

programs offered
Sustainability of ALS programs and Enrichment
programs offered

6. Number of Learners who passed the PPA Year 3:

Name/s: (Write N/A if not applicable)
Financial Support In-kind support
Personnel/ labor support (e.g., Learning Facilitator) support for graduation/ completion ceremony
support during A&E test
financial support for operation of CBLC/SBLC (e.g., utility costs)
provision of transportation of learners
post - ALS program support (e.g., support for National Certification)
Other: Not Applicable


Other Government Agency: Not Applicable

Financial support In-kind support

Personnel/ labor support (Learning Facilitator) support for graduation/ completion ceremony
support during A&E test
financial support for operation of CBLC/ SBLC (e.g., utility costs)
provision of transportation of learners post - ALS program support (e.g., support for National Certification)

Not Applicable

Name/s: (Write N/A if not applicable)

Financial support In-kind support
Personnel/ labor support (e.g., Learning Facilitator) support for graduation/ completion ceremony
support during A&E test
financial support for operation of CBLC/ SBLC (e.g., utility costs)
provision of transportation of learners
post - ALS program support (e.g., support for National Certification)
Other: Not Applicable

ALS Community orientation meetings

Literacy Mapping (house-to-house) Oplan Balik Eskwela (OBE)

Radio announcements Social Media platforms

Peer-to-peer advocacy campaigns Coordination with the Division Office Coordination with the Schoolhead of nearby school/s
with the officials of the LGU (barangay, municipality, province) Coordination with the local government agencies (e.g. DSWD, DILG, TESDA) Advocating/ promoting to potential
partners Meetings with private sector/ government agencies, NGOs, CSO, etc. for post -program support for learners
Not Applicable

Self - generated:
renting of CBLC/ SBLC space renting of CBLC/ SBLC facility/equipment
sale of products (e.g., baked goods, food, preserves, decorations)
sale of services from techvoc skills, livelihood skills
Other: Not Applicable

Dependent on:
Donations and gifts Grants
Loans/Borrowings Sponsorships Volunteers

Project Funding (LGU, NGO, CSO, Private sector) DepEd subsidy (e.g. Program Support Fund, MOOE) Other:

Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test:

1. Number of Learners who took the 2018-2019 A&E Test (administered in February and March 2019):
A&E Elementary Level: A&E Secondary Level:
2. Number of Learners who passed the 2018-2019 A&E Test (administered in February and March 2019):
A&E Elementary Level: A&E Secondary Level:

Presentation Portfolio Assessment (PPA):

PPA Year 1 : SY 2019-2020 (conducted from March to June 2021)
1. Number of Learners who took the PPA Year 1:
PPA Elementary Level: PPA Junior High School:
2. Number of Learners who passed the PPA Year 1
PPA Elementary Level: PPA Junior High School:
PPA Year 2: SY 2020-2021 PPA (conducted from August to October 2021)
3. Number of Learners who took the PPA Year 2:
PPA Elementary Level: PPA Junior High School:
4. Number of Learners who passed the PPA Year 2:
PPA Elementary Level: PPA Junior High School:

PPA Year 3: SY 2021-2022 PPA (conducted from April to August 2022)

5. Number of Learners who took the PPA Year 3:
PPA Elementary Level: PPA Junior High School :

6. Number of Learners who passed the PPA Year 3:

PPA Elementary Level: PPA Junior High School:

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ALS Program Exits: (check all that apply)
There are employment prospects within the local community, municipality, or province
There is post-secondary Technical- Vocational Education Training (TVET) in the municipality or province There is support for start- ups and Small and
enterprises (SMEs)
There are nearby Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
Sustainability of ALS programs and Enrichment Other:
programs offered

There is a dedicated CLC management team. The management team is (e.g., local community, LGU, DepEd, owner, etc)
The CLC is managed by the ALS Teachers, CAIs (DepEd or LGU-engaged) or Learning Facilitators
The CLC is managed by the school The CLC is managed by the Division Office

The CLC is managed by the LGU The CLC is managed by the land/building owner The CLC is co- managed by and

Not Applicable
Management of CBLC/SBLC

Prepared by:

Field Enumerator
I hereby certify that all information provided in this form is complete, true
and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Endorsed by:

EPS II for ALS or Division ALS Focal Person

that apply)
n the local community, municipality, or province
ational Education Training (TVET) in the municipality or province There is support for start- ups and Small and Mid-size

tutions (HEIs)

nt team. The management team is (e.g., local community, LGU, DepEd, owner, etc)
hers, CAIs (DepEd or LGU-engaged) or Learning Facilitators
The CLC is managed by the Division Office

The CLC is managed by the land/building owner The CLC is co- managed by and

Validated by:

ALS Teacher
I hereby certify that all information provided in this form is validated and found to be
complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Approved by:

Schools Division Superintendent

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