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Case Report
Doppler Ultrasonography of the Fetal Tibial Artery in
High-Risk Pregnancy and Its Value in Predicting and
Monitoring Fetal Hypoxia in IUGR Fetuses
Kristina Norvilaitė 1, * , Diana Ramašauskaitė 1 , Daiva Bartkevičienė 1 , Bronius Žaliūnas 1
and Juozas Kurmanavičius 2

1 Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University,
03101 Vilnius, Lithuania; (D.R.); (D.B.); (B.Ž.)
2 Department of Obstetrics, Zurich University Hospital, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland;
* Correspondence:

Abstract: Background and Objectives: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is the term used to
describe a fetus whose estimated weight is less than the 10th percentile of its age growth curve.
IUGR is the second most common cause of perinatal death. In many cases there is a deficiency in
the standardization of optimal management, prenatal follow-up and timing of delivery. Doppler
examination is the most sensitive test that can assess the condition of the fetus and indicate fetal

 intrauterine hypoxia. Numerous studies of the fetal intrauterine state focus on the umbilical artery
and the fetal cerebral blood vessels, while the peripheral arteries have so far received insufficient
Citation: Norvilaitė, K.;
attention. Materials and Methods: We present a case of an IUGR fetus monitored with a non-stress test
Ramašauskaitė, D.; Bartkevičienė, D.;
(NST) and a Doppler examination of the fetal arteries (tibial, umbilical, middle cerebral and uterine)
Žaliūnas, B.; Kurmanavičius, J.
Doppler Ultrasonography of the Fetal
and the ductus venosus. In this case the first early sign of fetal hypoxia was revealed by blood flow
Tibial Artery in High-Risk Pregnancy changes in the tibial artery. Results: We hypothesize that peripheral vascular changes (in the tibial
and Its Value in Predicting and artery) may more accurately reflect the onset of deterioration in the condition of the IUGR fetus, such
Monitoring Fetal Hypoxia in IUGR that peripheral blood flow monitoring ought to be employed along with other techniques already
Fetuses. Medicina 2021, 57, 1036. in use. Conclusion: This paper describes the clinical presentation of an early detection of late IUGR hypoxia and claims that blood flow changes in the tibial artery signal the worsening of the fetus’s
medicina57101036 condition.

Academic Editor: Marco Torella Keywords: IUGR; doppler examination; fetal tibial artery; intrauterine hypoxia; high risk pregnancy

Received: 31 August 2021

Accepted: 27 September 2021
Published: 29 September 2021
1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is the term used to describe a fetus whose
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
estimated weight is less than the 10th percentile of its age growth curve [1–3]. The number
published maps and institutional affil- of intrauterine deaths is high, not only in early but also in late IUGR [2–4]. Therefore,
iations. consistent and continuous monitoring of fetal development is crucial so that an early
diagnosis can be made. Following the guidelines, surveillance of the middle cerebral artery,
umbilical artery Doppler and the cerebroplacental ratio with cardiotocography CTG/NST
in IUGR is performed [5,6].
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
The incidence of IUGR is reported in 3–8% of the general population [4–7]. IUGR may
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
be caused by fetal, placental or maternal pathology and is reported to be the second most
This article is an open access article
common cause of perinatal death, accounting for 5–10% of all pregnancies [1–3]. In order to
distributed under the terms and accurately monitor fetal growth, ultrasound biometry (measuring the circumference of the
conditions of the Creative Commons head and abdomen and the length of the femur) should be performed every two to three
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// weeks and the dynamics should be plotted on growth curves showing the occurrence of observed changes in fetal growth [8,9]. When IUGR fetal hypoxia is detected or suspected,
4.0/). the results of Doppler measurements are an integral part of monitoring [10–13].

Medicina 2021, 57, 1036.

occurrence of observed changes in fetal growth [8,9]. When IUGR fetal hypoxia is detecte
or suspected, the results of Doppler measurements are an integral part of monitoring [10
Doppler measurements are usually performed in the following arteries: the umbilica
Medicina 2021, 57, 1036 2 of 6
artery (UA), the middle cerebral artery (MCA), the uterine arteries (UAs) and the ductu
venosus (DV). The measurements of these blood vessels provide different informatio
[5,11–14]. The blood flow in the UA reflects the blood flow in the placenta. An increase
Doppler measurements are usually performed in the following arteries: the um-
resistance in the UA is observed in the presence of placental pathology. In terms of th
bilical artery (UA), the middle cerebral artery (MCA), the uterine arteries (UAs) and
MCA, the higher the resistance, the better the level of fetal oxygenation; the lower th
the ductus venosus (DV). The measurements of these blood vessels provide different
resistance, [5,11–14].
information the greaterThethe riskflow
blood of fetal
in thehypoxia
UA reflectsandthethe centralization
blood of blood
flow in the placenta. Anflow, an
increased resistance in the UA is observed in the presence of placental pathology. In terms (CPR
therefore the worse the fetus’s condition is likely to be. The cerebroplacental ratio
of is thethe
the MCA, ratio between
higher the fetalthe
the resistance, middle
the levelartery
of fetalpulsatility
the (MCA-PI)
lower an
the resistance, the greater the risk of fetal hypoxia and the centralization of blood flow,
the umbilical artery pulsatility index (UA-PI), offers a better reflection of the condition o and
the fetus,the worsethan
rather the fetus’s condition is
the assessment oflikely to be.
a single The cerebroplacental
vessel [15,16]. ratio (CPR),
which is the ratio between the fetal middle cerebral artery pulsatility index (MCA-PI) and
the umbilical
2. Case artery pulsatility index (UA-PI), offers a better reflection of the condition of
the fetus, rather than the assessment of a single vessel [15,16].
We present a case of a 29-year-old woman G2 P2 with fetal IUGR. The pregnanc
Case Report
uncomplicated and the fetus’s growth was normal for the gestational age. The prena
tal test performed
We present inofthe
a case first trimester
a 29-year-old woman showed
G2 P2awithlowfetal
TheThe investigation
pregnancy was of th
uncomplicated and the fetus’s growth was normal for the gestational
fetus at 34 gestational weeks was carried out at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecologage. The prenatal
test performed
of Vilnius in the first
University trimester
Hospital showed Clinics.
Santaros a low genetic risk. The investigation
The biometry of the
showed an estimated feta
fetus at 34 gestational weeks was carried out at the Clinic of Obstetrics
weight (EFW) of 1778 g (11.8 percentile), an abdominal circumference (AC) below the 5t and Gynecology
of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Clinics. The biometry showed an estimated fetal
percentile with normal Doppler findings and normal NST. The fetal monitoring per
weight (EFW) of 1778 g (11.8 percentile), an abdominal circumference (AC) below the 5th
formed from
percentile 35 to 37
with normal pregnancy
Doppler findingsweeks involved
and normal NST.NST and monitoring
The fetal Doppler examination
performed of th
fetal arteries (tibial, umbilical and middle cerebral), the ductus
from 35 to 37 pregnancy weeks involved NST and Doppler examination of the fetal venosus and uterine arter
ies (Figure
(tibial, 1). NST
umbilical and Doppler
and middle parameters
cerebral), the ductusfor all theand
venosus observed
arteries were
(Figure normal
1). unt
36 weeks and 5 days. The first pathological change was registered
NST and Doppler parameters for all the observed arteries were normal until 36 weeks at this time, the tibia
and 5 days.
artery The first pathological
PI registering change (Figure
>95th percentile was registered
2). At at37this time,and
weeks the 0
days,artery PI
a pathologica
registering >95th percentile (Figure 2). At 37 weeks and 0 days, a pathological
decrease of MCA-PI <5th percentile was registered. UA-PI remained normal. The tibia decrease
artery <5th percentile
PI remained >95thwas registered.
percentile UA-PI
(Figure 3). remained
At 37 weeks normal.
and 2The tibial
days, arterynewbor
a male
PI remained >95th percentile (Figure 3). At 37 weeks and 2 days, a male newborn was
was delivered, weighing 2070 g (<3 percentile), with a height of 48 cm, 9/9 Apgar point
delivered, weighing 2070 g (<3 percentile), with a height of 48 cm, 9/9 Apgar points and
and the amniotic fluid clear with a pH of 7.4. In conclusion, this was a case of fetal growt
the amniotic fluid clear with a pH of 7.4. In conclusion, this was a case of fetal growth
restriction monitored byby supplementary
supplementary evaluation
evaluation of peripheral
of the the peripheral
arteryartery (the tibial ar
(the tibial
tery) Doppler, which appeared to be the first indicator of the deteriorating
artery) Doppler, which appeared to be the first indicator of the deteriorating condition condition
of o
the fetus.

Figure Doppler ultrasound
ultrasound assessment
assessment of fetal
of the the fetal
arteryartery in IUGR
in IUGR fetus atfetus at 36and
36 weeks weeks and
3 days. The figure shows the fetal leg with the tibial artery examined by colour Doppler, normal PInormal P
days. The figure shows the fetal leg with the tibial artery examined by colour Doppler,
Medicina 2021, 57, 1036 3 of 6
Medicina 2021, 57, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of
Medicina 2021, 57, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of

Figure Doppler ultrasound
ultrasound assessment
assessment of fetal
of the the fetal
tibialtibial artery
artery in IUGR
in IUGR fetus
fetus at at 36 weeks
36 weeks and and 5
days. 2. Doppler
The figure ultrasound
shows the assessment
fetal leg with of the
the fetal
tibial tibialexamined
artery artery in by
IUGR fetus
colour at 36 weeks
Doppler, and 5
PI > 95th
5 days. The figure shows the fetal leg with the tibial artery examined by colour Doppler, PI > 95th
days. The
percentile figure shows
(PI-7.3). the fetal leg with the tibial artery examined by colour Doppler, PI > 95th
percentile (PI-7.3).
percentile (PI-7.3).

Figure 3. Doppler ultrasound assessment of the fetal tibial artery in IUGR fetus at 37 weeks and 0
days. 3.3.Doppler
The Doppler ultrasound
figure ultrasound
shows assessment
the assessment
fetal leg with of the
of the
the fetalfetal
tibial tibial
tibial artery
artery in by
examined IUGR
fetus fetus
color at 37 weeks
37 weeks
Doppler, and and
reverse 0
days. The
The figure
figure shows
shows thethe
PI >95th percentile (PI-8.5). fetal
fetal legleg with
with the the tibial
tibial artery
artery examined
examined by by
color color
reverse reverse
flow, flow
PI >95thpercentile
percentile (PI-8.5).

3. Discussion
The normal fetal
fetal development
development in the inuterus
the uterus
depends depends
on placentalon placental
During Durin
pregnancy, normal
metabolism fetal development
between the mother in the uterus
and the fetus depends on placental function.At Durin
pregnancy, metabolism between the mother and theoccurs throughthrough
fetus occurs the placenta.the placenta. A
week metabolism between the mother and thewall, fetus occurs through
12–13the placenta. A
week1111of pregnancy,
of pregnancy, the placenta attaches
the placenta to the uterine
attaches to the uterine then, atwall,
about then, weeks,
at about 12–1
week 11 blood
increased of pregnancy,
supply the the
enters placenta
fetus attaches theto the uterine wall, then,increase
at about 12–1
weeks, increased blood supply entersthrough
the fetus spiral
through arteries, the supply
the spiral arteries, the supply in
weeks, increased
continuing up to 24bloodweekssupply enters the
of pregnancy, when fetus through993
it reaches themL/min/kg.
spiral arteries, the at
Then, supply in
crease continuing up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, when it reaches 993 mL/min/kg. Then, a
34 weeks,
crease it drops to up
continuing 360to mL/min/kg,
24 weeks ofand at 38 weeks,
pregnancy, when
when it the fetus is
reaches term,
993 the blood Then, a
34 weeks,
it drops
is reduced
to 360 mL/min/kg,
and at 38 weeks, when the fetus is term, the bloo
34 weeks, it drops to 360to 296 mL/min/kg.
mL/min/kg, and at Therefore,
38 weeks, in late
when pregnancy
the fetus theisfetus
term, canthe bloo
tolerate is reduced threefold, to 296 mL/min/kg. Therefore, in late pregnancy the fetus ca
supplythe hypoxic state
is reduced for a shorter
threefold, to 296period of time Therefore,
mL/min/kg. than preterminfetuses [17].
late pregnancy the fetus ca
tolerate the hypoxic state
The cardiovascular system forofathe
shorter period
fetus with of time
chronic thanadapts
hypoxia preterm andfetuses [17].
gives priority
tolerate the hypoxic state for a shorter period of time than preterm fetuses [17].
to blood cardiovascular
supply to the brain,system
myocardium of theand fetus with [18].
kidneys chronicThe hypoxia adaptsmetabolic
fetal endocrine, and gives prior
and The cardiovascular system of the butfetus with chronic forhypoxia adapts andmet,gives prior
ity cardiovascular
to blood supply systems
to thetry to adapt,
brain, myocardium the fetal demand
and kidneys nutrients
[18]. The is not
endocrine, me
ity to blood
resulting supply
in acardiovascular to the brain,
high incidence ofsystems myocardium
intrauterine deaths, and kidneys
especially [18]. The fetal endocrine, met
abolic and try to adapt, but the in early
fetal IUGR [2–4].
demand for nutrients is no
abolic and intocardiovascular systems facttry to there
adapt, is but the fetal demandfor forIUGR,
nutrients is no
met, resulting consideration
in a high the incidence thatof intrauterine no specific
deaths, treatment
especially in earlyaIUGR [2
fully met, resulting
continuous monitoring inof
a high incidence
the fetal of intrauterine
IUGR condition is crucial deaths,
for theespecially in earlyofIUGR [2
timely detection
4]. in fetal development. If the fetus is found to be in poor condition, the pregnancy
into consideration
be terminated [12,19,20]. In the
that there is no specific treatment for IUGR, a con
into consideration fact thatthe circulatory
there is no specificchanges typically progress
treatment for IUGR, a con
to the venousmonitoring of the whereas
Doppler changes, fetal IUGR in latecondition
IUGR, very is crucial for the timely and detection o
tinuous monitoring of the fetal IUGR condition is subtle
crucial circulatory
for the changes
timely detection o
changes in fetal development. If the fetus is
the deterioration of biophysical properties may remain unnoticed [21]. found to be in poor condition, the pregnanc
changes in fetal development. If the fetus is found to be in poor condition, the pregnanc
The be terminated
TRUFFLE study[12,19,20].
examinedIn IUGRearly IUGR,
over a periodthe circulatory
of up to 32 changes
weeks of typically
gestation, progres
should beDV
terminated [12,19,20]. In early IUGR, the circulatory changes typically progres
to the venousand cardiotocography
Doppler changes, whereas (CTG), and in found
late IUGR, that the veryoptimal
subtle time for IUGR fetal
circulatory changes an
to the
birth venous
should be Doppler changes,
determined according whereas
to CTG in
andlateearlyIUGR,and very
late subtleDoppler
venous circulatory changes an
the deterioration of biophysical properties may remain unnoticed [21].
the deterioration of biophysical properties may remain unnoticed [21].
The TRUFFLE study examined IUGR over a period of up to 32 weeks of gestation
The TRUFFLE study examined IUGR over a period of up to 32 weeks of gestation
monitored DV and cardiotocography (CTG), and found that the optimal time for IUG
monitored DV and cardiotocography (CTG), and found that the optimal time for IUGR
fetal birth should be determined according to CTG and early and late venous Dopple
fetal birth should be determined according to CTG and early and late venous Dopple
monitoring [22]. A comprehensive analysis of the two-year outcomes of the GRIT an
Medicina 2021, 57, 1036 4 of 6

ing [22]. A comprehensive analysis of the two-year outcomes of the GRIT and TRUFFLE
studies concluded that the computerized CTG and ductus venosus measurements by
Doppler were found to be the best observations for early IUGR monitoring [18,23].
In late IUGR, ultrasound findings may show a normal blood flow in the umbilical
cord which results in a disguised disease because the normal blood flow recorded in such
cases does not directly reflect the fetal condition but is an indicator of placental blood
flow [10,12,24–27]. Even though blood flow in the umbilical cord is found to be normal,
the fetus is likely to have already developed a slight centralization of MCA while its CPR
appears to be normal. The fetus may already be undergoing nutrient and oxygen deficiency,
especially in the peripheral blood vessels [13,28]. Moreover, MCA can be unexpectedly
disrupted four days before fetal death, on average [29]; however, it is still considered to be
the most important Doppler examination parameter for monitoring the condition of the
fetus [28].
Depending on the time of pregnancy, the fetus responds to hypoxia in a specific way
due to the immaturity of the fetal cardiovascular and other systems [30,31].
Dawes and colleagues [32] were the first researchers to describe the centralization
of fetal blood flow from the periphery to the central organs in the case of sheep fetuses
suffering from hypoxia. It was explained as a compensatory mechanism—an adaptation to
the changed intrauterine conditions of the fetus. The responses of sheep fetuses to hypoxia
differed depending on the time of pregnancy. Peripheral vasoconstriction resulting from
sympathetic leakage is usually already regulated in late pregnancy fetuses when there
is resistance to the effect of vasodilators, such as nitric oxide (NO). The studies showed
that the treatment of sheep fetuses with NO synthase inhibitors at base conditions during
late pregnancy induced a general peripheral vasoconstriction and a marked increase in
fetal arterial blood pressure. Fetal life in late pregnancy was balanced by the tone of NO
expansion to properly maintain fetal arterial pressure. Cardiovascular changes, such as
bradycardia, hypertension and femoral vasoconstriction, as well as the metabolic and
endocrine changes conducing to fetal survival, were observed in sheep fetuses under
hypoxic conditions. The amount of oxygen flow through the sheep fetus’s heart decreased,
but as the peripheral blood vessels received less blood, increased blood supply was directed
to the vital organs, such as the brain [29–32].
Similar changes are likely to occur in human fetuses undergoing intrauterine hypoxia.
However, there are very few studies that have examined fetal peripheral blood flow
under hypoxia. The examination of the fetal response to hypoxia by measuring peripheral
vascular blood flow and comparing the UA showed a significant increase of the PI in
the femoral artery (FA), while no changes were observed in the UA. This shows that the
FA PI reflects peripheral perfusion [25,26,33]. A study of fetuses from 23 to 42 weeks of
gestation [34] revealed that in the presence of fetal circulatory disorders, the measurement
of tibial artery PI allows for the detection of circulatory changes. In IUGR fetuses, the
elevated a. tibialis PI was detected from 36 weeks [35,36].
Fetal ultrasound biometry, used to assess changes in fetal development, is usually
conducted every two weeks, while with fetal Doppler examination, monitoring can be
made more frequently and changes detected more quickly. The researchers [30,37] who
studied peripheral blood flow in the fetus concluded that the femoral artery blood flow
test should not be used to assess intrauterine fetal status. However, it should be taken
into account that the study was performed on fetuses up to 35 weeks of age, therefore the
results obtained should receive critical evaluation.

4. Conclusions
The most common studies of the fetal intrauterine state focus on the central blood
vessels rather than the peripheral ones. A response of sheep fetuses’ peripheral blood
vessels to intrauterine hypoxia has been described by some authors. Elevated PIs in the
human IUGR fetal tibial artery can be observed from 36 weeks of gestation.
Medicina 2021, 57, 1036 5 of 6

Based on fetal circulatory changes and adaptation mechanisms in late IUGR, we

hypothesize that peripheral vascular changes (in the tibial artery) may more accurately
reflect the onset of deterioration in intrauterine fetal status. Such changes could provide an
indication of early intrauterine hypoxia in late IUGR fetuses and perhaps even serve as an
indicator of the time to completion of pregnancy, so that peripheral blood flow monitoring
ought to be employed alongside other techniques already in use.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.N. and J.K.; methodology, K.N. and B.Ž.; validation,
D.R., D.B. and J.K.; investigation, K.N.; resources, K.N.; data curation, K.N. and J.K.; writing—original
draft preparation, K.N.; writing—review and editing, J.K.; visualization, D.R.; supervision, J.K., D.B.
and B.Ž.; project administration, D.R.; funding acquisition, K.N. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Regional Biomedical Research Ethics Committee in
Vilnius (protocol code 2019-D-54, date of approval: 16 May 2019).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the patients for their voluntary collaboration in
the present study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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