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1 First Trimester Ultrasonography

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American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C (Seminars in Medical Genetics) 145C:45 – 61 (2007)


First Trimester Ultrasonography in

Screening and Detection of
Fetal Anomalies

An obstetrical ultrasound examination provides invaluable information regarding the fetus. Until the mid-1980s,
ultrasound in the first trimester was limited to localization of the pregnancy, establishing viability, and accurate
dating. With the advent of high-resolution ultrasound and transvaginal scanning, a significant amount of
information about the fetus can be gained and provided to the patient at a very early stage in gestation. This article
provides an overview of the role of first trimester (11–13 þ 6 weeks’ gestation) ultrasound in screening and
diagnosis of fetal anomalies. The first trimester is an ideal time for screening for aneuploidy, primarily due to the
advantages that nuchal translucency (NT) measurement provides. NT measurement is also useful in establishing
the risk of congenital cardiac disorders and a number of genetic and non-genetic syndromes. Significant NT
thickening is associated with an increase in perinatal morbidity and mortality. Potential mechanisms resulting in
increased NT are discussed. A number of new ultrasound markers for fetal aneuploidy have been investigated over
the past several years, some of which appear to improve the screening efficacy of early ultrasonography. The role
of these is reviewed. A number of fetal anomalies can now be consistently diagnosed in the first trimester. Their
appearance at this early gestational age is discussed as well. It is clear that, data obtained by first trimester
ultrasound are useful in counseling expectant parents and in planning the appropriate follow-up.
ß 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

KEY WORDS: first trimester obstetrical ultrasound; fetal markers; fetal anomalies

How to cite this article: Sonek J. 2007. First trimester ultrasonography in screening and detection of fetal
anomalies. Am J Med Genet Part C Semin Med Genet 145C:45–61.

INTRODUCTION nostic accuracy of an ultrasound scan is want to know about any fetal problems
significantly greater in the mid-second as early in pregnancy as possible
Obstetric ultrasound examination at any
trimester due to the larger size and more [Mulvey and Wallace, 2000; de Graaf
stage in pregnancy serves two important
advanced development of the fetus. On et al., 2002]. This review looks at the
functions: diagnostic and screening.
the other hand, the performance of a screening and diagnostic capabilities of
While many major fetal defects can be
second trimester scan as a screening tool first trimester ultrasound. For the pur-
diagnosed in the first trimester, the diag-
is generally considered less reliable. pose of this review, this is defined as
The first trimester is an ideal time 11–13 þ 6 weeks’ gestation since this
for screening for fetal aneuploidy is when NT screening is done. Markers
Jiri D. Sonek, MD RDMS specializes in [Cuckle et al., 2005]. This is primarily of fetal aneuploidy other than NT
Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Ultrasound in
Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Neonatology. due to the availability of the first will also be discussed. Out of these,
He is a Clinical Professor at Wright State trimester-combined screen, with the the most promising ones are nasal
University and is the Medical Director of nuchal translucency (NT) measurement bone (NB) evaluation, Doppler evalua-
Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Ultrasound, and
Genetics Center at the Miami Valley Hospital being the most important component. tion of blood flow across the tricuspid
in Dayton, Ohio. He is also the President of Moreover, the NT measurement is not valve (TCV), Doppler evaluation of
the Fetal Medicine Foundation/USA. His only useful for detection of aneuploidy, blood flow through the ductus venosus
research focuses on prenatal screening and
diagnosis of fetal anomalies. but a thickened NTalso raises a suspicion (DV), and measurement of the fronto-
*Correspondence to: Jiri Sonek, Maternal- of a wide range of fetal defects, genetic maxillary facial (FMF) angle. The diag-
Fetal Medicine/Ultrasound and Genetics, syndromes, and an overall increase in nostic capabilities of first trimester
Miami Valley Hospital, 1 Wyoming Street,
Dayton, OH 45409. morbidity and mortality. ultrasound will be discussed both in
E-mail: Common sense, supported by connection with screening and inde-
DOI 10.1002/ajmg.c.30120 objective studies, tells us that parents pendently.

ß 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.



INCREASED NUCHAL found [von Kaisenberg et al., 1997].
Overview TRANSLUCENCY Evidence of altered cardiac perfor-
mance and myocardial compliance also
Between 11 and 13 þ 6 weeks’ gesta-
Cardiac Dysfunction come from Doppler studies. Both aneu-
tion, a layer of fluid is present beneath
ploidy and cardiac defects are associated
the nuchal skin extending for variable Cardiac dysfunction (failure) is an attrac-
with the absence or reversal of the
distance over the fetal head and back tive explanation for NT thickening.
A-wave in the DV [Matias et al., 1998,
[Nicolaides et al., 1992a]. For reasons Fluid accumulation within bodily cav-
1999; Bilardo et al., 2001]. A possible
that are not entirely clear, at this point in ities is a well-recognized clinical feature
explanation for this finding is decreased
gestation, the amount of this fluid is of this condition. Direct evaluation of
compliance of the ventricular walls.
highly sensitive to fetal problems. An cardiac performance in the first trimester
Similarly, the association between aneu-
antero-posterior measurement of this is very difficult. For example, there does
ploidy and cardiac defects with tricuspid
layer of fluid with the fetus in a long- not appear to be a direct correlation
regurgitation [Huggon et al., 2003] may
itudinal view gives an accurate estimate between cardiac size or left ventricular
reflect a certain degree of ventricular
of the amount of fluid present, provided ejection fraction and NT thickening in
dilation, which may act as the cause of
that it is done in a strictly standardized fetuses with cardiac defects [Simpson
the TCV incompetence.
fashion (Table I and Fig. 1) [Snijders and Sharland, 2000]. However, chro-
et al., 1998]. Since an increase in the mosomally normal fetuses with a history
amount of this fluid is associated with a of increased NT do show reduced
number of apparently unrelated fetal diastolic function in the second trimester the association between
problems, it is safe to assume that there [Rizzo et al., 2003], suggesting that aneuploidy and cardiac defects
are a number of mechanisms which perhaps our ability to evaluate the
cause its increase. It is also likely that in cardiac function directly in the first with tricuspid regurgitation
some circumstances, more than one trimester is not sensitive enough. may reflect a certain degree of
mechanism is at play. In order to under- Indirect evidence of cardiac strain in
stand the versatility of NT as a marker, it fetuses with increased NT measurement
ventricular dilation, which
is important to review the variety of comes from molecular biology studies. may act as the cause of the
mechanisms, which may increase its Trisomic fetuses with an increased NT TCV incompetence.
thickness. These include cardiac dys- have been shown to have increased levels
function, abnormalities of the heart and of atrial and brain natriuretic peptide
great arteries, venous congestion of the mRNA [Hyett et al., 1996b]. It is known
However, these Doppler abnormalities
head and neck, altered composition that during the postnatal period, con-
can be seen in association with cardiac
of the extracellular matrix, failure of gestive heart failure is associated with
problems that are not generally asso-
lymphatic drainage due to abnormal or upregulation of these peptides [Tsuchi-
ciated with overt heart failure such as
delayed development of the lymphatic mochi et al., 1988]. However, changes in
ventricular septal defects [Hyett et al.,
system or impaired fetal movements, some other biochemical markers of
1996], suggesting that myocardial
fetal anemia or hypoproteinemia and cardiac failure (e.g., increased expression
dysfunction may be only a partial
congenital infection. of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium
There are physiological reasons why
the heart of a first trimester fetus does not
require a severe impairment for its
TABLE I. Requirements for a Standardized NT Measurement hemodynamics to be altered. Fetal ven-
tricles are limited in their elasticity and, as
1. Gestational age: 11 þ 0 to 13 þ 6 weeks (CRL 45–84 mm)
such, develop much greater tension
2. View: mid-sagittal (the fetus can be either facing toward or away from the transducer)
when stretched. Also, the placental
3. Image size: the upper thorax and the fetal head should occupy 75% of the image
resistance in the first trimester (the
(measurement accuracy of 0.1 mm)
afterload) is significantly higher than it
4. Caliper placement: on-to-on fashion (see Figure 1)
will become later in pregnancy causing
5. The maximum NT measurement should be used for risk calculation
the heart to operate at the upper end of
6. If a nuchal cord is present, NT should be measured above and below the nuchal cord
the Starling’s curve, therefore being
and the average of the two measurements should be used for risk calculation
closer to the point of failure. Further-
7. The fetus should be away from the amnion
more, the lack of any significant intrinsic
8. The fetus should be in a neutral position
renal function at this point in pregnancy
NT, nuchal translucency. takes away from the fetus an extremely
important tool to combat fluid retention.

Figure 1. A: Standardized view of a fetus for NT measurement. (The nasal bone is seen on this particular image. However, visualization
of the nasal bone is not a requirement for the standardized view for NT measurement). B: Standardized placement of calipers for nuchal
translucency measurement.

Abnormalities of the Great Vessels degradation [Aliakbar et al., 1993].

Hyluronic acid, a component of the
The aortic isthmus is the portion of
the aorta that extends between the left
Evaluation of NT helps in extracellular matrix, can entrap a large
amount of water. The over-production
subcalvian artery and the ductus arter- establishing the prognosis in the
of superoxide dismutase in trisomy
iosus. It is known to be narrowed in case of diaphragmatic hernias: 21 fetuses leads to an increase in
certain fetal conditions, notably Turner
those fetuses that have an hyaluronic acid, which in turn may lead
syndrome and Down syndrome [Hyett
to an increase in subcutaneous fluid and
et al., 1996]. Increased blood flow to increased NT have a thick NT [Bohlandt et al., 2000]. One
the head and neck region is a natural
consequence of this narrowing. Other significantly higher chance of may speculate that altered composition
of the extracellular matrix may also be
abnormalities of the great vessels have dying during the neonatal the underlying mechanism for increased
also been associated with nuchal thick-
period as compared to those fetal NT seen in a number of skeletal
ening (Hyett et al., 1996).
with a normal NT. dysplasias that are thought to be asso-
ciated with alterations in collagen meta-
Venous Congestion in the
bolism (e.g., achondrogenesis type II
Head and Neck
[Soothill et al., 1993]), Nance–Sweeney
Altered Composition of
Compression of intrathoracic organs, syndrome [Brady et al., 1998], osteogen-
the Extracellular Matrix
whether due to a mass effect of a lesion esis imperfecta type II [Makrydimas
within the thorax such as a diaphrag- Many of the protein components of the et al., 2001], abnormalities of fibroblast
mantic hernia [Sebire et al., 1997] or the extracellular matrix are encoded on receptors for growth factors (e.g.,
constrictive effect of short rib skeletal chromosomes 21 (collagen type VI), achondroplasia [Hernadi and Torocsik,
dysplasias [Ben Ami et al., 1997] can lead 18 (laminin), and 13 (collagen type IV) 1997], thanatophoric dysplasia [Hernadi
to an increase in intrathoracic pressure [von Kaisenberg et al., 1998b]. Immu- and Torocsik, 1997; Mangione et al.,
and to venous congestion of the fetal nohistochemical studies of the skin 2001; Souka et al., 2001]), and disturbed
head and neck. Evaluation of NT helps of chromosomally abnormal fetuses metabolism of peroxisome biogenesis
in establishing the prognosis in the case demonstrated specific alterations of factor (e.g., Zellweger syndrome
of diaphragmatic hernias: those fetuses the extracellular matrix which may [Bilardo et al., 1998; de Graaf et al.,
that have an increased NT have a be attributed to gene dosage effects 1999; Christiaens et al., 2000; Johnson
significantly higher chance of dying [von Kaisenberg et al., 1998a,b]. Chro- et al., 2001]). However, as mentioned,
during the neonatal period as compared mosome 21 also encodes superoxide earlier, constriction of the thorax also
to those with a normal NT [Sebire et al., dismutase. This enzyme protects hyluro- contributes to nuchal thickening in
1997]. nic acid from free radical-mediated many cases of skeletal dysplasia and may

be the primary underlying pathology fan-Diamond anemia [Souka et al., 1998; Markenson et al., 2000; Sohan
leading to increased NT measurements. 2002], congenital erythropoietic por- et al., 2000].
phyria [Pannier et al., 2003], dysery-
Failure of Lymphatic Drainage IMPLICATIONS OF A THICK
thropoietic anemia [Souka et al., 2002],
Accumulation of lymphatic fluid within Fanconi anemia [Tercanli et al., 2001]), NUCHAL TRANSLUCENCY
the nuchal area may result from either an and congenital infection-related anemia
intrinsic problem with the lymphatic [Petrikovsky et al., 1996; Smulian Overview
development or due to a decrease in et al., 1998; Markenson et al., 2000; There is a direct correlation between the
lymphatic drainage secondary to Sohan et al., 2000], can present with NT thickness and the prevalence of
impaired fetal movements. The lympha- increased fetal NT. Severe red blood cell chromosomal defects [Snijders et al.,
tic system primarily develops indepen- alloimmunization does not usually occur 1998], major fetal abnormalities, mis-
dently of the venous system with prior to 16 weeks of gestation, presum- carriage, and fetal and neonatal death
subsequent formation of anastomoses ably because the fetal reticuloendothelial [Souka et al., 1998, 2001; Michailidis
[van der Putte and van Limborogh, system is too immature to cause suffi- and Economides, 2001]. By performing
1980; Rodriguez-Niedenfuhr et al., cient RBC destruction [Nicolaides a systematic ultrasound evaluation of the
2001]. A delay in the development of et al., 1988]. Consequently, red blood fetus at 11–13 þ 6 weeks of gestation
the lymphatic system or aplasia and cell alloimmunization is not associated starting with the NT measurement, one
hypoplasia of the lymphatic vessels can with increased fetal NT. can accurately estimate the likelihood of
occur in both chromosomally abnormal chromosomal abnormalities and a wide
Fetal Hypoproteinemia
and euploid fetuses. These phenomena range of non-chromosomal defects
can be identified to a varying degree in Hypoproteinemia is implicated in the including malformations, deformations,
most fetuses with aneuploidy. Examples pathophysiology of both immune and and genetic syndromes.
of chromosomally normal fetuses where non-immune hydrops fetalis [Nicolaides
deficient lymphatic drainage is found et al., 1985a,b]. In the first trimester, the
include Noonan syndrome [van Zalen- underlying mechanism for the increased By performing a systematic
Sprock et al., 1992b; Johnson et al., NT in fetuses with congenital nephrotic ultrasound evaluation of the
1993; Trauffer et al., 1994; Reynders syndrome of the Finnish type and diffuse
et al., 1997; Bilardo et al., 1998; mesangial sclerosis may be hypoprotei- fetus at 11–13 þ 6 weeks of
Adekunle et al., 1999; Achiron et al., nemia due to severe proteinuria [Souka gestation starting with the NT
2000; Hiippala et al., 2001; Souka et al., et al., 2002]. Relative hypoproteinemia
2001], and congenital lymphedema may be a contributing factor to the
measurement, one can
[Souka et al., 2002b]. In congenital genesis of nuchal thickening in a number accurately estimate the
neuromuscular disorders such as fetal of fetal disorders, including aneuploidy likelihood of chromosomal
akinesia deformation sequence, [Ville [Nicolaides et al., 1985b].
et al., 1992; Nadel et al., 1993; Pandya abnormalities and a wide range
Fetal Infection
et al., 1995; Hyett et al., 1997a], myo- of non-chromosomal defects
tonic dystrophy [Bilardo et al., 1998; Maternal and fetal infection can be
Souka et al., 2001], and spinal muscular found in approximately 10% of cases including malformations,
atrophy, [Rijhsinghani et al., 1997; with non-immune hydrops fetalis seen deformations, and genetic
Bilardo et al., 1998; Van Vugt et al., in the second or third trimesters where
1998; Stiller et al., 1999; Souka et al., no other cause is evident. However, in
2001; de Jong-Pleij et al., 2002] increased the first trimester, serologic studies
NT may be the consequence of impaired in mothers carrying chromosomally Just as the prevalence of fetal problems
lymphatic drainage due to reduced fetal normal fetuses with thickened NT do increases with nuchal thickening, finding
movements. Nuchal thickening due to not show an increased prevalence of a a thin NT is associated with a reduction
severe amniotic band sequence is prob- recent infection when compared to of risk in women with an increased a
ably due to a combination of limited fetal mothers whose fetuses have normal priori risk. In fetuses with a thickened
movement and a constriction of the fetal NT [Sebire et al., 1997]. Therefore, NT, once the presence of aneuploidy has
body. For example, more than 80% of with the exception of Parvovirus B19, been ruled out, the risk of other fetal
fetuses with a body stalk defect have an maternal evaluation for infectious causes abnormalities does not statistically
increased NT [Daskalakis et al., 1997; of thick NT is not warranted. The increase until the NT measurement
Smrcek et al., 2003b]. thickened NT associated with Parvo- reaches the 99th centile. The NT
virus B19 infection is felt to be due to a measurement representing this centile
Fetal Anemia
combination of fetal anemia and myo- throughout the 11–13 þ 6 weeks time
Genetic causes of fetal anemia (a- carditis-related cardiac dysfunction period is essentially steady at 3.5 mm
thalassemia [Lam et al., 1999b], Black- [Petrikovsky et al., 1996; Smulian et al., [Michailidis and Economides, 2001].

Nuchal Translucency mally normal fetuses the incidence of INCREASED NUCHAL

and Aneuploidy miscarriage or fetal death was 1.3% in TRANSLUCENCY—TYPES
those with NT below the 95th centile, OF ABNORMALITIES
The prevalence of chromosomal defects
1.2% for NT between the 95th and 99th
increases exponentially with increasing Overview
centiles and 12.3% for NT above the
NT thickness. The relation between
99th centile (3.5 mm) [Michailidis and A wide range of fetal abnormalities has
fetal NT and chromosomal defects was
Economides, 2001]. The authors’ con- been reported in fetuses with increased
derived from a multicenter screening
clusion was that once aneuploidy is ruled NT. The prevalence of major cardiac
study involving 96,127 singleton preg-
out, the risk of fetal mortality did not defects, [Gembruch et al., 1993; Achiron
nancies [Snijders et al., 1998]. It is this
statistically increase until the NTreached et al., 1994; Hyett et al., 1996, 1997,
distribution of NT measurements which
3.5 mm or above. The majority of fetuses 1999; Bilardo et al., 1998; Josefsson
is used most commonly for quality
that die do so by 20 weeks; they usually et al., 1998; Souka et al., 1998, 2001;
assurance by comparing operator speci-
show progression from increased NT to Schwarzler et al., 1999; Zosmer et al.,
fic distributions to it. It is now recog-
severe hydrops fetalis. Chromosomally 1999; Ghi et al., 2001; Mavrides et al.,
nized that measuring the NT is an
and structurally normal fetuses with 2001; Michailidis and Economides,
excellent screening method for fetal
history of thickened NT that are found 2001; Orvos et al., 2002; Galindo
aneuploidy. The performance of the test
to be alive and well during an ultrasound et al., 2003; Hafner et al., 2003; Lopes
can be improved even further by com-
study at 20 weeks, with no evidence of et al., 2003; Makrydimas et al., 2003;
bining it with first trimester biochemical
nuchal fold thickening or non-immune McAuliffe et al., 2003; Smrcek et al.,
markers (free-beta hCG and PAPP-A)
hydrops, are no longer considered at an 2003], diaphragmatic hernia, [Bulas et al.,
and other sonographic markers such as
increased risk for perinatal or long-term 1992; Nadel et al., 1993; Pandya et al.,
the NB, TCV Doppler flow evaluation,
morbidity and mortality. 1995; Van Vugt et al., 1998; Mangione
or DV Doppler flow (see below). Briefly,
et al., 2001; Souka et al., 2001; Varlet
for a 5% screen positive rate, the Nuchal Translucency in Euploid
et al., 2003], exomphalos [Ville et al.,
detection rate for Down syndrome is Fetuses—Fetal Structural Defects
1992; Nadel et al., 1993; Pandya et al.,
approximately 75% for maternal age and
Several studies have reported that 1995; Snijders et al., 1995; Cha’Ban
NT, 90% for combined screening using
increased fetal NT thickness is associated et al., 1996; van Zalen-Sprock et al.,
maternal age, NT, free-beta hCG, and
with a high prevalence of major fetal 1997; Adekunle et al., 1999; Mangione
PAPP-A, and 94% using combined
abnormalities [Ville et al., 1992; van et al., 2001; Souka et al., 2001; Senat
screening consisting of maternal age,
Zalen-Sprock et al., 1992; Hewitt, 1993; et al., 2002; Schemm et al., 2003], body
NT, free-beta hCG, PAPP-A, and either
Johnson et al., 1993; Nadel et al., 1993; stalk anomaly [Van Vugt et al., 1998;
NB, TCV flow, or DV flow [Nicolaides
Shulman et al., 1994; Trauffer et al., Smrcek et al., 2003], skeletal defects [Fisk
et al., 2005). NT screening is also highly
1994; Salvesen and Goble, 1995; Hewitt et al., 1991; Hewitt, 1993; Soothill et al.,
effective in screening for other types of
et al., 1996; Moselhi and Thilganathan, 1993; Trauffer et al., 1994; Meizner and
aneuoploidy such as trisomies 18 and
1996; Reynders et al., 1997; Bilardo Barnhard, 1995; Ben Ami et al., 1997;
13, Turner syndrome, and triploidy
et al., 1998; Fukada et al., 1998, 2002; Eliyahu et al., 1997; Hernadi and
[Snijders et al., 1998]. (For further
Pajkrt et al., 1998; Souka et al., 1998, Torocsik, 1997; Petrikovsky et al.,
details of combined screening, see Prof.
2001; Van Vugt et al., 1998; Adekunle 1997; den Hollander et al., 1997; Brady
K. Spencer’s review in this issue.)
et al., 1999; Schwarzler et al., 1999; et al., 1998; Fukada et al., 1998; Hafner
Maymon et al., 2000; Bilardo et al., 2001; et al., 1998; Hill and Leary, 1998; Souka
Nuchal Translucency in
Hiippala et al., 2001; Mangione et al., et al., 1998, 2001; Adekunle et al., 1999;
Euploid Fetuses—Fetal Death
2001; Michailidis and Economides, Lam et al., 1999; Hiippala et al., 2001;
In chromosomally normal fetuses, the 2001; Senat et al., 2002; Cheng et al., Hull et al., 2001; Makrydimas et al.,
prevalence of fetal death increases expo- 2004; Bahado-Singh et al., 2005]. The 2001; Mangione et al., 2001; Percin
nentially with NT thickness. Based on prevalence of major fetal abnormalities in et al., 2001; Fukada et al., 2002;
combined data from two studies that chromosomally normal fetuses increases Monteagudo et al., 2002; Souka et al.,
included 4,540 chromosomally normal proportionately with NT thickness, from 2002; Souter et al., 2002; Clem-
fetuses with increased NT and no 1.6%, in those with NT below the 95th entschitsch et al., 2003; Viora et al.,
obvious structural defects, the incidence centile [Michailidis and Economides, 2003b], and certain genetic syndromes,
of miscarriage or fetal death increased 2001] to 2.5% for NT between the such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia
from 1.3% in those with NT between 95th and 99th centiles and exponentially [Masturzo et al., 2001; Fincham et al.,
the 95th and 99th centiles to about 20% thereafter to about 45% for NT of 6.5 2002; Flores Anton et al., 2003], fetal
for NT of 6.5 mm or greater [Souka mm or more [Souka et al., 1998, 2001]. akinesia deformation sequence, [Ville et al.,
et al., 1998, 2001]. Another study of Statistically, the risk of major fetal 1992; Nadel et al., 1993; Pandya et al.,
6,650 pregnancies undergoing NT abnormalities does not increase until 1995; Hyett et al., 1997; Souka et al.,
screening, reported that in chromoso- the NT reaches 3.5 mm or above. 2001], Noonan syndrome [van Zalen-

Sprock et al., 1992; Johnson et al., 1993; screening studies, the detection rates of 2001; Senat et al., 2002; Cheng et al.,
Trauffer et al., 1994; Reynders et al., congenital cardiac defects of about 37% 2004]. Only one of the studies had a
1997; Bilardo et al., 1998; Adekunle and 31% for NT cut-offs of the 95th and control arm [Nadel et al., 1993]. No
et al., 1999; Achiron et al., 2000; 99th centiles, respectively, could be difference was noted in the rate of
Hiippala et al., 2001; Souka et al., achieved. It was estimated that fetal developmental delay between the study
2001], Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome echocardiography in all chromosomally group and controls.
[Hobbins et al., 1994; Hyett et al., normal fetuses with NT above the 99th
1995; Pandya et al., 1995; Sharp et al., centile would identify one major cardiac
Does the Appearance of Nuchal
1997; Souka et al., 2001], and spinal defect in every 16 patients examined
Translucency Change Prognosis?
muscular atrophy [Rijhsinghani et al., [Makrydimas et al., 2003]. Additionally,
1997; Bilardo et al., 1998; Van Vugt this analysis showed that the perfor- In the second and third trimesters of
et al., 1998; Stiller et al., 1999; Souka mance of screening by increased NT pregnancy, abnormal accumulation of
et al., 2001; de Jong-Pleij et al., 2002], does not vary with the type of cardiac fluid behind the fetal neck can be
appears to be substantially higher in defect. Similar results were obtained in a classified as either a cystic hygroma or
fetuses with a thickened NT compared multicenter study where nuchal thick- nuchal edema [Chervenak et al., 1983;
to the general population. However, in ening was found to be increased in all Benacerraf et al., 1987]. About 75% of
other cases the association is less definite, types of heart defects: left as well as right fetuses with a cystic hygromas in the
primarily due to the extremely rare heart lesions, septal defects, outflow tract second trimester have a chromosomal
nature of many of these disorders. disorders, laterality disorders, and com- abnormality, out of which 95% is Turner
plex heart lesions [Makrydimas et al., syndrome [Azar et al., 1991]. Nuchal
2005]. edema in the second trimester has a
Cardiac Defects
Improvements in the resolution of number of potential causes. Chromoso-
The pathophysiologic reasons why car- ultrasound machines have now made it mal abnormalities are found in about
diac lesions may be associated with possible to perform a detailed fetal one-third of these fetuses with about
nuchal thickening are discussed earlier cardiac evaluation even in the first 75% being trisomies 21 or 18 [Nico-
(see above). Clinical studies have proven trimester of pregnancy [Gembruch laides et al., 1992]. Nuchal edema can
this association. In three studies with a et al., 1993; Carvalho et al., 1998; also be associated with non-chromoso-
combined total of 30 fetuses with major Zosmer et al., 1999; Simpson et al., mal disorders such as fetal cardiovascular
cardiac defects diagnosed by echocar- 2000]. In fetuses with major defect, the and pulmonary defects, lymphatic
diography at 11–14 weeks, 83% had early scan can either lead to the correct abnormalities, skeletal dysplasias, con-
increased NT [Achiron et al., 1994; diagnosis or at least raise suspicions so genital infection and metabolic, and
Smrcek et al., 2003]. In screening studies that follow-up scans are carried out. hematological disorders [Nicolaides
the prevalence of major cardiac defects in Conversely, a majority of cardiac defects et al., 1992].
fetuses with NT below the 95th centile can be ruled out if the heart is normal in In the first trimester, the term
was in 1.6 per 1,000 based on examina- its ultrasound appearance even at this increased NT is used irrespectively of
tion of 63,894 fetuses [Hyett et al., 1997, early stage of pregnancy. It must be whether the collection of fluid contains
1999; Ghi et al., 2001; Mavrides et al., stressed that an echocardiogram, septations and regardless of how far
2001; Michailidis and Economides, whether it is performed in the first down the fetal back the fluid layer
2001; Lopes et al., 2003; McAuliffe trimester or later, needs to be done by extends [Nicolaides et al., 1992]. A
et al., 2003]. The NT measurements in individuals trained to do so (for further report on 29 fetuses with abnormally
fetuses with a thickened NT were details on ultrasound screening and large nuchal fluid accumulations at 10–
stratified and the prevalence of major diagnosis of congenital heart defects, 13 weeks’ gestation showed that the
cardiac defects for various NTranges was see Prof. Allan’s review in this issue). appearance of the nuchal fluid could
determined: NT of 2.5–3.4 mm, 1%; neither predict the prevalence of chro-
NT of 3.5–4.5 mm, 3%; NT of 4.5– mosomal abnormalities nor the overall
Is Increased Nuchal Translucency
5.4 mm, 7%; NT of 5.4–6.4 mm, 20%; prognosis [Cullen et al., 1990a]. In a
in Euploid Fetuses Associated With
NT of 6.5 mm or more, 30%. Combin- recent study involving 386 fetuses with
Developmental Delay?
ing the results of eight studies dealing NT measurement at or above the 95th
with a total of 67,256 low-risk pregnan- A number of studies have reported on centile, septations were demonstrated in
cies shows a detection rate of 37.5% for a the long-term follow up of chromoso- a transverse suboccipitobregmantic view
false positive rate of 4.9% [Bilardo et al., mally and anatomically normal fetuses in each case [Molina et al., 2006]. The
1998; Josefsson et al., 1998; Hyett et al., with increased NTwith an overall rate of FASTER trial excluded those cases
1999; Schwarzler et al., 1999; Mavrides developmental delay of 2.6% [Nadel where septations were seen and in a sep-
et al., 2001; Michailidis and Econo- et al., 1993; Brady et al., 1998; Van Vugt arate study, with the authors controver-
mides, 2001; Orvos et al., 2002; Hafner et al., 1998; Adekunle et al., 1999; sially concluding that outcome of fetuses
et al., 2003]. Based on a meta-analysis of Maymon et al., 2000; Hiippala et al., with thickened NT differ according to

appearance [Malone et al., 2005]. A becomes less efficient beyond this point: ined in 15,046 (97.4%) cases and the NB
critical evaluation of the statistical anal- the prevalence of increased fluid accu- was absent in 185 of 15,048 (1.2%)
ysis used in this article was subsequently mulation within the nuchal area chromosomally normal fetuses and in
published [Sonek et al., 2006b]. Further- in chromosomally abnormal fetuses 282 of 412 (68.4%) fetuses with trisomy
more, subsequent analysis of the data did decreases beyond this point in gestation 21 [Sonek et al., 2006].
show that NT size rather than appear- [Benacerraf et al., 1987; Nicolaides et al.,
ance is most important [Comstock et al., 1992a,b; Souka et al., 2001]. Further-
2006]. The risk of fetal abnormalities more, the acquisition of an appropriate Combined data from the
and perinatal morbidity and mortality NT measurement becomes much more
ultrasound studies mentioned
are related to the NT thickness and not difficult at 14 weeks and beyond (only
to its appearance. 90% of the cases) as compared to earlier above shows that that the fetal
gestational ages (98–100%) [Whitlow profile was successfully
and Economides, 1998; Mulvey et al.,
Why Is 11–13 þ 6 Weeks an examined in 15,046 (97.4%)
2002]. Thirdly, by placing a relatively
Optimal Time for Nuchal
Translucency Measurement?
early gestational age limit on the timing cases and the NB was absent
of the screen, one allows for the option
Even at this early stage in pregnancy, an of an earlier and therefore safer form of
in 185 of 15,048 (1.2%)
ultrasound evaluation is more than just termination of the affected fetuses. chromosomally normal fetuses
estimation of gestational age and NT In women who did not have a and in 282 of 412 (68.4%)
measurement. Therefore, it is prudent to previous scan to date the pregnancy, it
choose a time in early gestation when the is best to schedule the NT scan at 12– fetuses with trisomy 21.
most information can be gathered about 13 weeks’ gestation, which allows for small
a fetus in a single examination and still errors in dating [Mulvey et al., 2002].
fulfill requirements for NT screening. It
is clear that fetal anatomic evaluation is OTHER MARKERS FOR The prevalence of NB absence changes
very gestational-age dependent and its FETAL ANEUPLOIDY with ethnicity (it is highest in individuals
benefit prior to 11 weeks of gestation is of African origin), NT thickness (it
limited. Specifically, the following struc- Nasal Bone Evaluation increases as the NT measurement
tures have been shown not to lend increases), and the crown rump mea-
In 1866 Langdon Down noted that a
themselves for an adequate evaluation surement (it decreases with gestational
common characteristic of patients with
prior to 11 weeks: presence or absence of age). Therefore, likelihood ratios in
trisomy 21 is a small nose [Down, 1866].
normally ossified fetal skull (important screening for trisomy 21 must be
Anthropometric [Farkas et al., 2001],
in detection of acrania/anencephaly) adjusted to account for these factors
radiological [Keeling et al., 1997;
[Green and Hobbins, 1988], evaluation [Cicero et al., 2003, 2004]. If the NB is
Stempfle et al., 1999; Larose et al.,
of cardiac anatomy (cardiac anatomy found to be absent between 11 and 12
2003; Tuxen et al., 2003], and histolo-
cannot be evaluated prior to 11 weeks weeks, it is appropriate to examine the
gical studies [Minderer et al., 2003;
gestation) [Johnson et al., 1992; Gem- fetus 1 week later. The results of that scan
Tuxen et al., 2003], have demonstrated
bruch et al., 1993; Braithwaite et al., can be used to calculate the risk of
an objective difference in NB findings
1996], evaluation of the abdominal trisomy 21, thus reducing the false
between euploid individuals and those
umbilical cord insertion (presence of positive rate. (For further details of
with trisomy 21. Since the initial
the physiologic gut herniation prior to combined screening using additional
description of this phenomenon by
11 weeks gestation makes the diagnosis ultrasound markers, see Prof. Spencer’s
ultrasound [Sonek and Nicolaides,
of an omphalocele difficult) [Snijders review in this issue.)
2002], a number of studies have been
et al., 1995; van Zalen-Sprock et al., In order for the NB evaluation to
published indicating that absence of the
1997], identification and size of the perform reliably as a screening tool, a
NB in the first trimester [Cicero et al.,
urinary bladder (see below) [Braithwaite strict scanning protocol has to be
2001, 2003c, 2004b; Otano et al., 2002;
et al., 1996; Rosati and Guariglia, 1996; followed (Table II). This requires train-
Orlandi et al., 2003; Viora et al., 2003;
Sebire et al., 1996] NB (lack of ossifica- ing and ongoing audit. As expected,
Wong et al., 2003; Zoppi et al., 2003] is
tion of the NB prior to 11 weeks render the ability to evaluate the NB improves
highly associated with trisomy 21.
its evaluation useless in screening for with time [Cicero et al., 2003]. None-
Down syndrome [Sandikcioglu et al., theless, ultrasound NB evaluation
Association of NB Absence With
1994]). should be achievable without extending
Chromosomal Abnormalities
There are three main reasons why the length of ultrasound examination as
the upper limit of 13 þ 6 weeks was Combined data from the ultrasound both NT and NB are obtained in the
selected. One is due to the fact that the studies mentioned above shows that that midsagittal plane [Kanellopoulos et al.,
screening by measuring the NT the fetal profile was successfully exam- 2003].

which is defined as the angle between

TABLE II. Requirements for a Standardized View to Evaluate the NB in the the upper surface of the upper palate and
First Trimester the frontal bone. The apex of the angle is
the anterior most aspect of the maxilla
1. Gestational age: 11 þ 0 to 13 þ 6 weeks (CRL 45–84 mm)
(Fig. 2). In this study, three-dimensional
2. View: mid-sagittal (the fetus must be facing toward the transducer)
(3D) volumes of the fetal head which
3. Image size: the upper thorax and the fetal head should occupy 75% of the image
were obtained before fetal karyotyp-
4. The angle of insonation should be at 90 degrees with the longitudinal axis of the NB
ing at 11–13þ6 were retrospectively
(i.e., the face of the transducer should be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the NB)
reviewed. A precise midline sagittal view
5. Two echogenic lines (skin of the nasal bridge and the NB underneath it) forming the
of the face was generated using a multi-
so-called ‘‘equal sign’’ must be seen in order to document the presence of the nasal
planar mode and the FMF angle was
measured in 100 fetuses with trisomy 21
6. The line representing the nasal bone should be at least as echogenic as the overlying
and 300 chromosomally normal fetuses.
The mean FMF angle was significantly
7. A third echogenic line representing the skin of the tip of the nose is seen located
larger in the trisomy 21 fetuses than in
anteriorly to the ‘‘equal sign’’ in the mid-sagittal view
the chromosomally normal fetuses
NB, nasal bone; CRL, crown-rump length measurement. (mean 88.78, range 75.4–1048 vs. mean
78.18, range 66.6–89.5, P < 0.001).
Sixty-nine percent of the trisomy
In contrast to the above studies, the 21 fetuses [De Biasio and Venturini, 21 fetuses had an FMF angle, which
NB was felt to be present in all nine 2002]. was greater than 95th centile (858) of the
trisomy 21 fetuses identified in the Nevertheless, in many experienced euploid population. Forty percent of
FASTER trial [Malone et al., 2004] centers, at 11þ0 –13þ6 weeks the fetal the trisomy 21 fetuses had an FMF
and questions were raised whether this profile can be successfully examined in angle which was above the upper limit
marker could be implemented in broad more than 95% of cases. The NB is of the range of angles (908) of the
screening programs. However, they absent in about 70% of trisomy 21 euploid population. Only 2% of the
were able to examine only 76% of the fetuses, 55% trisomy 18 fetuses, and affected fetuses had an FMF angle
6,316 fetuses scanned at 10–13 weeks. 34% trisomy 13 fetuses, making NB below the 50%. There was no significant
Potential differences in techniques used evaluation an important addition to our association between the FMF angle and
are illustrated in another publication armamentarium of markers for fetal crown-rump length, NT thickness, or
[Welch and Malone, 2003]. Despite aneuploidy [Cicero et al., 2004]. presence/absence of the NB in either
these differences, there is strong con- the trisomy 21 or the chromosomally
Fetal Measurements as Markers in
sensus among leading authors that failure normal fetuses. The authors postulated
the First Trimester
to adopt a strict protocol can result in a three possible mechanisms for the
very low detection rate. Certainly, a A novel method for evaluating the increased FMF angle in trisomy 21
significant lack of standardization relative position of the fetal maxilla with fetuses. First, it may be due to a dorsal
accounts for the finding of a retro- respect to the forehead was recently displacement of the upper palate with
spective study of stored images where introduced [Sonek et al., 2006]. This is respect to the forehead. Second, the
NB was present in all five trisomy done by measuring the FMF angle, increased angle can be produced by

Figure 2. A: FMF angle in a chromosomally normal fetus. B: FMF angle in a trisomy 21 fetus.

frontal bossing, though this is not mately sevenfold [Rembouskos et al., increased NTregardless of the karyotype
recognized a feature of trisomy 21. 2003]. Since the presence of a single [Liao et al., 2003].
Finally, the difference in the FMF angles umbilical artery in the first trimester can An omphalocele is an abnormality
could result from differences in the be demonstrated only with the aid of that has a high association with chro-
direction of the longitudinal axis of the color Doppler mapping, adherence mosomal defects, most commonly tris-
upper palate—a deviation of this axis to the ALARA principle (radiation omy 18 [van Zalen-Sprock et al., 1997].
toward the base of the skull would lead to exposures As Low As Reasonably Since trisomy 18 has such a high rate of
an increase in the FMF angle. However, Achievable) suggests that routine eva- mortality, its association with an ompha-
the third hypothesis does not lend itself luation of the number of umbilical locele decreases significantly with gesta-
easily to an objective evaluation. A vessels at this point in gestation may tional age: 61% at 11–13 þ 6 weeks
prospective evaluation of this technique not be warranted. gestation, 30% in the second trimester,
with two-dimensional ultrasound is The fetal urinary bladder can be and 15% at term [Maymon et al., 2000].
ongoing. visualized in approximately 50% of It appears that omphaloceles that contain
There are several other measure- fetuses at 10 weeks’ gestation and in bowel only confer the highest risk of
ments in the first trimester, which essentially all normal fetuses by 13 aneuploidy. The presence of a physiolo-
are more common in chromosomally weeks’ gestation [Braithwaite et al., gic mid-gut herniation can be a con-
abnormal fetuses compared with chro- 1996; Rosati and Guariglia, 1996; Sebire founding variable and is one of the
mosomally normal population. Growth et al., 1996]. Finding megacystis (long- reasons why NT screening should
can be reduced even in the first trimester itudinal diameter of 7 mm or more) in be delayed until 11 weeks’ gestation
in trisomy 18, triploidy and, to a lesser the first trimester is associated with an [Braithwaite et al., 1996; van Zalen-
degree in trisomy 13 and Turner syn- increased risk of a wide range of Sprock et al., 1997]. Omphaloceles
drome. However, in the case of trisomy chromosomal abnormalities. Bladder are associated with an increased preva-
21, the crown-rump lengths are not measurements of 7–15 mm are asso- lence of nuchal thickening regardless of
different from the euploid fetuses [Dru- ciated with an approximately 24% karyotype [van Zalen-Sprock et al.,
gan et al., 1992; Kuhn et al., 1995; chance of aneuploidy, primarily triso- 1997].
Nicolaides et al., 1996; Bahado-Singh mies 18 and 13 [Liao et al., 2003]. Holoprosencephaly results from the
et al., 1997; Jauniaux et al., 1997; failure of the forebrain (prosencephalon)
Schemmer et al., 1997; Sherrod et al., to cleave normally. Based on the degree
1997]. Several other fetal measurements Finding megacystis to which the failure of cleavage occurs,
have been investigated as possible mar- three types of holoprosencephaly exist.
(longitudinal diameter of 7 mm
kers for trisomy 21: maxillary length, In its most extreme form (alobar holo-
[Cicero et al., 2004] ear length, [Sacchini or more) in the first trimester is prosencephaly), only a single cerebral
et al., 2003], femur length [Longo et al., associated with an increased ventricle is present and the thalami are
2004], and humeral length [Longo et al., fused, making the diagnosis even in the
2004]. Even though statistical differ- risk of a wide range of first trimester relatively reliable. This
ences between trisomy 21 and euploid chromosomal abnormalities. condition is associated with a signifi-
fetuses have been shown to exist, the cantly increased risk of aneuploidy
actual differences in these measurements
Bladder measurements of (30%), most commonly trisomy13
are so small that they are not clinically 7–15 mm are associated with an [Snijders et al., 1999]. The semilobar
useful. Likewise, differences in fetal heart approximately 24% chance of and lobar types of holoprosencephaly
rate have been shown between euploid show segmentation of the lateral ven-
and aneuploid fetuses: relative tachycar- aneuploidy, primarily tricles to varying degrees, making
dia in trisomy 13 and Turner syndrome trisomies 18 and 13. the diagnosis by prenatal ultrasound
and bradycardia in trisomy 18 and difficult.
triploidy. However, the slight increase
in FHR in trisomy 21 is not significant USE OF DOPPLER IN
enough to be clinically useful [Liao et al., In chromosomally normal fetuses, SCREENING
2000]. 90% of megacystis in this range resolves
spontaneously [Liao et al., 2003]. Greater Blood Flow Across the
degrees of megacystis (>15 mm) are less Tricuspid Valve
Fetal Structural Defects
likely to be associated with aneuploidy
as Markers in the First Trimester
(11.4%) (Favre et al., 1999). Unfortu- Regurgitant flow across the TCV is
The finding of a two-vessel cord in the first nately, they lead to progressive obstruc- significantly more common in the pre-
trimester is not associated with an tive uropathy even in the chromosomally sence of chromosomal defects, especially
increased prevalence of trisomy 21 but normal group. It is interesting to note at 11–13 þ 6 weeks [Huggon et al.,
increases the risk of trisomy 18 approxi- that megacystis is associated with an 2003; Faiola et al., 2005]. It has been

shown that at this gestational age the characteristic waveform with high velo- the case with NB [Cicero et al., 2003],
prevalence of TCV regurgitation in city during ventricular systole (S-wave) TCV Doppler [Falcon et al., 2006], and
fetuses with trisomy 21 is about 74% and diastole (D-wave). There is a rapid DV [Borrell et al., 2003]. The Fetal
whereas only 7% of chromosomally decrease in velocity during the atrial Medicine Foundation has developed
normal fetuses have this finding [Faiola contraction (a-wave) but forward flow is algorithms which allow for both NB
et al., 2005]. normally maintained. The a-wave is and TCV Doppler to be integrated in
The evaluation begins by obtaining considered abnormal if there is a com- the first trimester combined screen. It is
an apical view of the four-chamber plete cessation of forward flow or a estimated that for a false positive rate
heart. The ideal angle of insonation with reversal of flow [Kiserud et al., 1994; of 5%, the detection rate of trisomy
respect to the longitudinal axis of the Hecher et al., 1995]. 21 would be approximately 95% and
ventricular septum is 08 (i.e., the ven- Abnormal ductal flow is associated for a false positive rate of 2.5% the
tricular septum is positioned vertically with chromosomal abnormalities, car- detection rate would be approximately
on the image) but angles of up to 308 are diac defects and adverse pregnancy out- 90% if the combination of maternal age,
acceptable. A relatively large (approxi- come. In the combined data from six NT, maternal serum biochemistries, and
mately 3 mm) Doppler gate is placed studies, abnormal ductal flow was either NB or TCV Doppler are used.
over the TCV in order to be able to observed in 273/5,462 (5.0%) chromo-
evaluate the blood flow in both direc- somally normal fetuses, 108/131
tions. The biphasic forward flow across (83.3%) with trisomy 21 and in 205/ The Fetal Medicine Founda-
the valve is identified during the cardiac 277 (74.0%) of all chromosomal tion has developed algorithms
diastole and the atrial contraction. Dur- abnormalities [Antolin et al., 2001;
ing the ventricular systole, however, Mavrides et al., 2002; Murta et al., which allow for both NB and
there should be very little if any flow 2002; Zoppi et al., 2002; Borrell et al., TCV Doppler to be integrated
back across the closed TCV. Significant 2003]. There may be an association
TCV regurgitation is diagnosed if between increased fetal NT and the in the first trimester combined
reversed flow is noted and lasts for more presence of abnormal ductal flow but it screen. It is estimated that for a
than 50% of ventricular systole. Since the appears to be a weak one. These findings
false positive rate of 5%, the
outflow tracts are in such a close suggest that Doppler evaluation of the
proximity to the atrioventricular valves, DV flow can be combined with NT detection rate of trisomy 21
it is not unusual to have their Doppler screening [Murta et al., 2002; Zoppi would be approximately 95%
footprint superimposed on the region of et al., 2002; Borrell et al., 2003].
the TCV. However, they are relatively However, examination of ductal flow and for a false positive rate of
easy to differentiate from TCV regur- requires highly skilled operators since 2.5% the detection rate would
gitation because of the differences in the interference from adjacent vessels is a
their peak velocities and shapes of their commonly encountered.
be approximately 90% if the
waveforms (for further details see combination of maternal age, NT,
Other Doppler Evaluations maternal serum biochemistries,
An additional benefit of evaluating Doppler evaluation of the uterine
the flow across the TCV is that there is an arteries [Bindra et al., 2001], umbilical and either NB or TCV Doppler
association between an increased pre- artery [Jauniaux et al., 1996; Martinez are used.
valence of cardiac defects and TCV et al., 1997; Brown et al., 1998; Borrell
regurgitation, irrespective of the pre- et al., 2001], umbilical vein [Brown et al.,
sence or absence of aneuploidy [Huggon 1999], jugular vein [Martinez et al., 2003],
et al., 2003; Faiola et al., 2005]. There- and carotid artery [Martinez et al., 2003] This level of detection may be achieved
fore, if TCV regurgitation is noted and have been evaluated as possible markers either if the new markers are evaluated in
the fetal chromosomes prove to be for fetal aneuploidy. Thus far, these all fetuses or if a two tiered approach is
normal, a more careful evaluation of modalities have not been shown to be taken [Nicolaides et al., 2005]. The latter
the cardiac anatomy is indicated. clinically useful. approach is based on segregating patients
into three risk groups based on a
Integrated Sonographic
combined (NT and biochemistries) risk
Ductus Venosus and Biochemical Screening
assessment: high-risk (>1:100), inter-
in the First Trimester
The DV directs well-oxygenated blood, mediate (101–1,000), and low risk
which arrives through the umbilical vein, In order for new ultrasound markers to (<1,000). The high-risk group is offered
to the coronary and cerebral circulation. be included in the combined screen (NT an invasive diagnostic test and the low-
It does so by preferentially streaming it and free beta hCG and PAPP-A), a risk group is reassured. Additional mar-
through the foramen ovale into the left sufficient degree of independence has to kers (NB or TCV) are evaluated in the
atrium. Blood flow in the ductus has a be present. This has been shown to be intermediate group. If the evaluation is

positive for the additional marker, an The diagnosis of a meningocele/ does not develop until after the 14th
invasive diagnostic test is offered and if it encephalocele is based on the presence of week of gestation. As such, hydroce-
is absent, the patient is reassured. Data a defect in the skull, usually in the phaly is not a condition, which can be
based on 20,305 fetuses examined pro- occipital region. It may either be an reliably diagnosed in the first trimester
spectively supports the validity of both isolated finding or be a part of a [Mangione et al., 2001].
approaches: a detection rate of approxi- syndrome such as Meckel–Gruber syn- Dandy-Walker malformation (DWM)
mately 94% for a false positive rate of 5% drome [Pachi et al., 1989; Sepulveda is diagnosed if the cerebellar vermis is
and a detection rate of approximately et al., 1997]. Either just meninges partially or completely absent, leading to
90% a false positive rate of 2.5% were (meningocele) or meninges and brain a posterior fossa cyst. The normal
achieved regardless whether the NB was tissue (encephalocele) protrude through formation of the cerebellar vermis
examined in all fetuses or only in the this opening [Bronshtein and Zimmer, extends well into the second trimester
intermediate risk group [Cicero et al., 1991; van Zalen-Sprock et al., 1992]. making the diagnosis of DWM in the
2006]. (For further details of combined The diagnosis of this defect can be made first trimester very difficult [Babcook
screening using additional ultrasound in early pregnancy, though it may be et al., 1996; Ulm et al., 1997].
markers, see Prof. K. Spencer’s review difficult prior to the time of ossification Gastroschisis is a result of a defect
in this issue). of the cranial vault. A confounding involving the entire thickness of the
variable may be that the size of the abdominal wall. It is usually located to
protrusion and its contents may vary the right of the umbilical cord insertion.
First Trimester Ultrasound as a
with gestational age. A case of a Usually, only small bowel protrudes
Diagnostic Tool
temporary resolution of the lesion has through this opening, though other
The detection of some fetal anomalies also been reported [Bronshtein and abdominal organs have been noted to
during the 11–13 þ 6 week scan has Zimmer, 1991]. do so. Unlike in the case of an
already been discussed above in connec- Hydranencephaly is a lethal condition omphalocele, the cord insertion itself
tion with screening (cardiac defects, which is caused by a complete occlusion is normal and this condition is not
diaphragmatic hernia, skeletal dysplasias, of the internal carotid artery and its associated with an increased risk of
omphalocele, amniotic band syndrome, branches resulting in an absence of aneuploidy. The diagnosis of a gastro-
megacystis, and holoprosencephaly). The cerebral hemispheres. This condition schisis is relatively simple to make at
following is a brief discussion regarding can be diagnosed early in pregnancy. In the 11–13 þ 6 week scan, as long as
several other anomalies of interest which one report, its appearance at 12 weeks’ care is taken to insonate the cord in-
are not considered to have a very high gestation included a large head with sertion [Guzman, 1990; Kushnir et al.,
association with either an increased risk of small hemispheres and a fluid filled 1990].
aneuploidy or NT thickening [Snijders intracranial cavity with no midline echo Bilateral renal agenesis invariably
et al., 1996]. One of the many benefits of [Lin et al., 1992]. results in oligohydramnios after 16
combined first trimester screening is the The diagnosis of an open spine defect weeks of gestation. However, at the
potential to detect approximately 50% of can be made by ultrasound in the mid- 11–13 þ 6 week scan, the amount of
severe major structural defects [Souka second trimester with a high degree of amniotic fluid will be normal. The
et al., 2006]. certainty. This is due to the fact that inability to see the kidneys after a careful
The observation that anencephaly is this condition is essentially invariably search will raise a suspicion of bilateral
the result of acrania early in pregnancy accompanied by typical cranial findings renal agenesis. However, the adrenals
was originally made in an animal model at this point in gestation: scalloping of can to some extent mimic the presence
[Warkany, 1971]. This observation has the frontal bones which give the skull a of kidneys and the fetal bladder can be
now been confirmed in human fetuses by lemon-like shape in the transverse view visualized at this early gestational age
ultrasound [Schmidt and Kubli, 1982; and caudal displacement of the cerebel- even in the presence of bilateral renal
Johnson et al., 1985; Goldstein et al., lum giving it a banana-like shape in the agenesis making the definite diagnosis
1989; Rottem et al., 1989; Kennedy transverse view and causing the transcer- very difficult (Bronshtein et al., 1994).
et al., 1990]. The pathognomonic feature ebellar diameter to be diminished Other renal abnormalities have been
of acrania is absence of the cranial vault. [Nicolaides et al., 1986]. Unfortunately, diagnosed at 11–13 þ 6 weeks of gesta-
The appearance of the brain usually these signs do not appear to be reliably tion: infantile polycystic kidney disease
disordered, though this is not always the present in the first trimester. However, [Bronshtein et al., 1992], multicystic
case. However, unlike in the second the presence of a lemon sign has been dysplastic kidney disease, [Bronshtein
trimester and beyond, it is not absent. In reported in some fetuses with an open et al., 1990; Economides and Braithwait,
order for this diagnosis to be made at 11– spine defect even in the first trimester 1998], and hydronephrosis [Cullen et al.,
13 þ 6 weeks of gestation, the intracranial [Sebire et al., 1997]. 1990; Hernadi and Torocsik, 1997].
anatomy needs to be carefully evaluated Pathognomonic feature of hydroce- However, since all of the latter
and ossification of the cranial vault phaly is enlargement of the ventricles. It conditions are variable in onset during
searched for [Johnson et al., 1997]. appears that ventriculomegaly generally gestation and do not have a consistent

ultrasound appearance in the first trime- ing in multiple gestations, see Prof. Achiron R, Heggesh J, Grisaru D, Goldman B,
ster, they cannot be reliably diagnosed at Spencer’s review in this issue.) Lipitz S, Yagel S, Frydman M. 2000. Noonan
syndrome: A cryptic condition in early
this early gestational age. gestation. Am J Med Genet 92:159–165.
CONCLUSION Adekunle O, Gopee A, El-Sayed M, Thilaga-
Multiple Gestations nathan B. 1999. Increased first-trimester
Ultrasound provides a window through nuchal translucency: Pregnancy and infant
which invaluable information about the outcomes after routine screening for Down’s
There are several advantages of detection syndrome in an unselected antenatal popu-
and ultrasound evaluation of multiple fetus, amniotic fluid, and the placenta lation. Br J Radiol 72:457–460.
gestations at 11–13 þ 6 weeks of gesta- can be gained even in the first trimester. Aliakbar S, Brown PR, Bidwell D, Nicolaides
tion. Firstly, the accuracy of determina- Clearly, the days when a first trimester KH. 1993. Human erythrocyte superoxide
dismutase in adults, neonates, and normal,
tion of chorionicity at this gestational age obstetric ultrasound simply meant a hypoxaemic, anaemic, and chromosomally
is essentially 100% [Monteagudo et al., crown-rump measurement are over. abnormal fetuses. Clin Biochem 26:109–
1994; Sepulveda et al., 1996]. Early in An early systematic evaluation of 115.
Antolin E, Comas C, Torrents M, Munoz A,
gestation, the chorion leave is covered by the fetus is best done between 11 and Figueras F, Echevarria M, Cararach M,
chorionic villi, which atrophy as the 13 þ 6 weeks of gestation. At this point Carrera JM. 2001. The role of ductus
in time, a measurement of the NT is venosus blood flow assessment in screening
pregnancy progresses. Therefore, in the for chromosomal abnormalities at 10–16
first trimester, the dividing membrane in obtained, thus providing us with the weeks of gestation. Ultrasound Obstet
dichorionic gestations is not only much most robust fetal marker for aneuploidy Gynecol 17:295–300.
thicker overall compared to monochor- currently available. Incorporation of this Azar G, Snijders RJM, Gosden CM, Nicolaides
KH. 1991. Fetal nuchal cystic hygromata:
ionic gestations, but it also demonstrates a marker in a combined screen with Associated malformations and chromosomal
characteristic thickening at the point of its biochemical markers and/or other ultra- defects. Fetal Diagn Ther 6:46–57.
sound marker such as NB evaluation or Babcook CJ, Chong BW, Salamat MS, Ellis WG,
junction with the placenta (so-called
Goldstein RB. 1996. Sonographic anatomy
lambda sign). In a pregnancy where the TCV blood flow leads to detection rates of the developing cerebellum: Normal
dividing membrane is difficult to see, of over 90% for 5% screen positive rates embryology can resemble pathology. AJR
differentiation between a monochorio- for trisomy 21. In multiple gestations, Am J Roentgol 166:427–433.
Bahado-Singh RO, Lynch L, Deren O, Morotti
nic/diamniotic and monoamniotic gesta- NT screening is of even greater value R, Copel J, Mahoney MJ, Williams J. 1997.
tions can be made based on the number of since biochemical markers do not per- First-trimester growth restriction and fetal
yolk sacs [Bromley and Benacerraf, form as well as in singletons. aneuploidy: The effect of type of aneuploidy
and gestational age. Am J Obstet Gynecol
1995]. Second, use of biochemical The often-understated benefit of 176:976–980.
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