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Fontana 2023 Conformal Review

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Bernoulli 29(1), 2023, 1–23

Conformal prediction: A unified review of

theory and new challenges
M AT T E O FO N TA NA 1,2,3,c , G I A N LU CA Z E N I 1,a and S I M O N E VA N T I N I 1,b
1 MOX-Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. a,
2 Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
3 now at European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy. c

In this work we provide a review of basic ideas and novel developments about Conformal Prediction — an inno-
vative distribution-free, non-parametric forecasting method, based on minimal assumptions — that is able to yield
in a very straightforward way prediction sets that are valid in a statistical sense also in the finite sample case. The
discussion provided in the paper covers the theoretical underpinnings of Conformal Prediction, and then proceeds
to list the more advanced developments and adaptations of the original idea.

Keywords: Conformal prediction; nonparametric statistics; prediction intervals; review

1. Introduction
In the the latest 25 years, a new method of prediction with confidence, called Conformal Prediction
(CP), was introduced and developed. CP allows to produce prediction sets with guarantees on the
error rate, exclusively under the simple i.i.d. assumption. Reliable estimation of prediction regions is
a significant challenge in both machine learning and statistics, and the promising results generated by
CP have generated further extensions of the original conformal framework. The increasing amount of
real-world problems where robust predictions are needed is testified by the multitude of scientific works
where CP is used.
In a nutshell, conformal prediction uses past experience in order to determine precise levels of con-
fidence in new predictions. Using Gammerman, Vovk and Vapnik (1998)’s words in the very first work
on the topic, it is “a practical measure of the evidence found in support of that prediction”. In order
to do this, it estimates how “unusual” a potential example looks with respect to the previous ones.
Prediction regions are generated plainly by including the examples that have quite ordinary values, or
better those ones that are not very unlikely. Conformal algorithms are proven to be always valid: the
actual confidence level is the nominal one, without requiring any specific assumption on the distribu-
tion of the data except for the i.i.d. assumption. There are many conformal predictors for any particular
prediction problem, whether it is a classification one or a regression one. Indeed, we can construct a
conformal predictor from any method for scoring the similarity (conformity, as it is called) of a new
example with respect to the old ones. For this reason, it can be used with any statistical and machine
learning algorithm. Efficient performances let to understand the growing interest on the topic over the
last few years.
The cornerstone of the related literature is “Algorithmic learning in a random world”, published
in 2005, where Vladimir Vovk and coauthors explains thoroughly all the theoretical fundamentals of
CP There is only another, more recent, work that gives an overview on the topic, namely the book
Conformal prediction for reliable machine learning, edited by Balasubramanian, Ho and Vovk (2014).
The mentioned book addresses primarily applied researchers, showing them the practical results that

1350-7265 © 2023 ISI/BS

2 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

can be achieved and allowing them to embrace the possibilities CP is able to give. Therefore, its focus
is almost totally on adaptations of conformal methods and the connected real-world applications.
In the latest years, an extensive research effort has been pursued with the aim of extending the frame-
work, and several novel findings have been made. We have no knowledge of in-depth publications that
aim to capture these developments and give a picture of recent theoretical breakthroughs. Moreover,
there is a great deal of inconsistencies in the extensive literature that has been developed (e.g. regard-
ing notation.), so the need for such an up-to-date review is then evident, and the aim of this work is to
address this need of comprehensiveness and homogeneity.
As in recent papers, our discussion is focused on CP in the batch mode. Nonetheless, properties and
results concerning the online setting, which tended to be the focus of the earliest works on the subject,
are not omitted.
The paper is divided into two parts: Part 2 gives an introduction to CP for non-specialists, explain-
ing the main algorithms, describing their scope and also their limitations, while Part 3 discusses more
advanced methods and developments. Section 2.1 introduces comprehensively the original version of
conformal algorithm, and let the reader familiarize with the topic and the notation. In Section 2.2, a
simple generalization is introduced: each example is provided with a vector of covariates, like in clas-
sification or regression problems, which are tackled in the two related subsections. Section 1 of the
Supplementary Material (Fontana, Zeni and Vantini, 2023) shows a comparison between CP and al-
ternative ways of producing confidence predictions, namely the Bayesian framework and the statistical
learning theory, and how CP is able to overcome their weak points. Moreover, we refer to an impor-
tant result concerning the optimality of conformal predictors among valid predictors (in Section 1.1
of the Supplementary Material (Fontana, Zeni and Vantini, 2023)). Section 2.3 deals with the online
framework, where examples arrive one by one and so predictions are based on an accumulating data
In Part 3, we focus on three important methodological themes. The first one is the concept of statisti-
cal validity: Section 3.1 is entirely devoted to this subject and introduces a class of conformal methods,
namely Mondrian conformal predictors, suitable to gain object conditional validity in partial sense.
Secondly, computational problems, and a different approach to conformal prediction — the inductive
inference — to overcome the transductive nature of the basic algorithm (Section 3.2). Even in the
inductive formulation, the application of conformal prediction in the case of regression is still com-
plicated, but there are ways to face this problem (Section 2 of the Supplementary Material (Fontana,
Zeni and Vantini, 2023)). Lastly, what is historically called as “the randomness assumption”: conformal
prediction is valid if examples are sampled independently from a fixed but unknown probability distri-
bution. It actually works also under the slightly weaker assumption that examples are probabilistically
exchangeable, and under other online compression models, as the widely used Gaussian linear model
(Section 3 of the Supplementary Material (Fontana, Zeni and Vantini, 2023))).
The last section (Section 3.3) addresses interesting directions of further development and research.
We describe extensions of the framework that improve the interpretability and applicability of confor-
mal inference. CP has been applied to a variety of applied tasks and problems. For this reason it is not
possible to refer to all of them here: the interested reader can find an exhaustive list in Balasubramanian,
Ho and Vovk (2014).

2. Foundations of conformal prediction

2.1. Conformal predictors
We will now show how the basic version of CP works. In the basic setting, successive values
z1, z2, z3, · · · ∈ Z, called examples, are observed. Z is a measurable space, called the examples space.
Conformal prediction: A unified review 3

We also assume that Z contains more than one element, and that each singleton is measurable. Before
the (n + 1)th value zn+1 is announced, the training set1 consists of (z1, . . . , zn ) and our goal is to predict
the new example.
To be precise, we are concerned with a prediction algorithm that outputs a set of elements of Z,
implicitly meant to contain zn+1 . Formally, a prediction set is a measurable function γ that maps a
sequence (z1, . . . , zn ) ∈ Zn to a set γ(z1, . . . , zn ) ⊆ Z, where the measurability condition reads as follow:
the set {(z1, . . . , zn+1 ) : zn+1 ∈ γ(z1, . . . , zn )} is measurable in Zn+1 . A trade-off between reliability and
informativeness has to be faced by the algorithm while giving as output the prediction sets. Indeed
giving as a prediction set the whole examples space Z is not appealing nor useful: it is absolutely
reliable but not informative.
Rather than a single set predictor, we are going to deal with nested families of set predictors depend-
ing on a parameter α ∈ [0,1], the significance level or target miscoverage level, reflecting the required
reliability of the prediction. The smaller α is, the bigger the reliability in our guess. So, the quantity
1 − α is usually called the confidence level. As a consequence, we define a confidence predictor to be
a nested family of set predictors (γ α ), such that, given α1 , α2 and 0 ≤ α1 ≤ α2 ≤ 1,

γ α1 (z1, . . . , zn ) ⊇ γ α2 (z1, . . . , zn ). (2.1)

Confidence predictors from old examples alone, without knowing anything else about them, may
seem relatively uninteresting. But the simplicity of the setting makes it advantageous to explain and
understand the rationale of the conformal algorithm, and, as we will see, it is then straightforward to
take into account also features related to the examples.
In the greatest part of the literature concerning conformal prediction, and especially in the works
of Vovk and coauthors, the symbol ε stands for the significance level. Nonetheless, we prefer to adopt
the symbol α, as in Lei, Robins and Wasserman (2013), to be faithful to the statistical tradition and
its classical notation. For the same reason, we want to predict the (n + 1)th example, relying on the
previous experience given by (z1, . . . , zn ), still like Lei et al. and conversely to Vovk, Gammerman and
Shafer. The latter is interested in the nth value given the previous (n − 1) ones.

2.1.1. The randomness assumption

We will make two main kinds of assumptions about the way examples are generated. The standard
assumption is the usual i.i.d. one commonly employed in the statistical setting: the examples we ob-
serve are sampled independently from some unknown probability distribution P on Z. Equivalently,
the infinite sequence z1, z2, . . . is drawn from the power probability distribution P∞ in Z∞ .
Under the exchangeability assumption, instead, the sequence (z1, . . . , zn ) is generated from a proba-
bility distribution that is exchangeable: for any permutation π of the set {1, . . . , n}, the joint probability
distribution of the permuted sequence (zπ(1), . . . , zπ(n) ) is the same as the distribution of the original
sequence. In an identical way, the n! different orderings are equally likely. It is possible to extend the
definition of exchangeability to the case of an infinite sequence of variables: z1, z2, . . . are exchangeable
if z1, . . . , z N are exchangeable for every N.
Exchangeability implies that variables have the same distribution. On the other hand, exchangeable
variables need not to be independent. It is immediately evident how the exchangeability assumption is
weaker than the randomness one. As we will see in Section 2.3, in the online setting the difference be-
tween the two assumptions almost disappears. For further discussions about exchangeability, including
various definitions, a game-theoretic approach and a law of large numbers, refer to Section 3 of Shafer
and Vovk (2008).

1 From a mathematical point of view it is a sequence, not a set.

4 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

The randomness assumption is a standard assumption in machine learning. Conformal prediction,

however, usually requires only the sequence (z1, . . . , zn ) to be exchangeable. In addition, other models
which do not require exchangeability can also use conformal prediction (Section 3 of the Supplemen-
tary Material ()).

2.1.2. Bags and nonconformity measures

First, the concept of a nonconformity (or strangeness) measure has to be introduced. In few words, it
estimates how unusual an example looks with respect to the previous ones. The order in which old
examples (z1, . . . , zn ) appear should not make any difference. To underline this point, we will use the
term bag (in short, B) and the notation z1, . . . , zn . A bag is defined exactly as a multiset. Therefore,
z1, . . . , zn  is the bag we get from (z1, . . . , zn ) when we ignore which value comes first, which second,
and so on. To increase clarity, we specifiy that the main difference between a bag/multiset and a set is
that an element in a bag/multiset can be repeated.
As mentioned, a nonconformity measure (NCM) A: Zn × Z → R is a way of scoring how different
an example z ∈ R is from a bag B ∈ Zn × Z. There is not just one nonconformity measure. For instance,
once the sequence of old examples (z1, . . . , zn ) is at hand, a natural choice is to take the average as the
simple predictor of the new example, and then compute the nonconformity score as the absolute value
of the difference from the average. In more general terms, the distance from the central tendency of the
bag might be considered. As pointed out in Vovk, Gammerman and Shafer (2005), whether a particular
function A is an appropriate way of measuring nonconformity will always be open to discussion, as it
greatly depends on contextual factors.
We have previously remarked that α represents our significance level. Now, for a given nonconfor-
mity measure A, we set R = A(B, z) to stand for the nonconformity score — where R is related in
a certain way to the word “residual”. On the contrary, most of the literature uses ε and α = A(B, z),
respectively. We still prefer Lei et al.’s notation.
Instead of a nonconformity measure, a conformity one might be chosen. The line of reasoning does
not change at all: we could compute the scores and resume to the first framework just by changing the
sign, or computing the inverse. However, conformity measures are not a common choice.

2.1.3. Conformal prediction

The idea behind conformal methods is extremely simple. Consider n + 1 exchangeable observations of a
scalar random variable, let’s say u1, . . . ,un+1 . In the absence of ties, the rank of the n + 1th observation
un+1 among u1, . . . ,un+1 is uniformly distributed over the set {1, . . . , n + 1}, due to exchangeability.
Back to the nonconformity framework, under the assumption that the zi are exchangeable, we define,
for a given z ∈ Z:
|{ i = 1, . . . , n + 1 : Ri ≥ Rn+1 }|
pz  (2.2)
Ri = A ( z1, . . . , zi−1, zi+1, . . . , zn, z , zi )
= A ( z1, . . . , zn, z \ zi  , zi ) ∀ i = 1, . . . , n
Rn+1  A ( z1, . . . , zn  , z). (2.4)
It is straightforward that pz stands for the fraction of examples that are as or more different from the
all the others than z actually is. This fraction, which lies between n+1 and 1, is defined as the p-value
Conformal prediction: A unified review 5

for z. If pz is small, then z is very nonconforming with respect to the past experience, represented
by (z1, . . . , zn ). On the contrary, if large, then z is very conforming and likely to appear as the next
observation. Hence, it is reasonable to include it in the prediction set.
As a result, we define the prediction set γ α (z1, . . . , zn ) by including all the zs that conform with the
previous examples. In a formula, γ α (z1, . . . , zn )  {z ∈ Z : pz > α}. To summarize, the algorithm tells
us to form a prediction region consisting of all the zs that are not among the fraction α most out of
place with respect to the bag of old examples. Shafer and Vovk (2008) give also a clear interpretation
of γ α (z1, . . . , zn ) as an application of the Neyman-Pearson theory for hypothesis testing and confidence

2.1.4. Validity and efficiency

The two main indicators of how good confidence predictors behave are validity and efficiency, respec-
tively an index of reliability and informativeness. A set predictor γ is exactly valid at a significance
level α ∈ [0,1], if the probability of making an error — namely the event zn+1  γ α — is α, under any
probability distribution on Zn+1 . If the probability does not exceed α, under the same conditions, a set
predictor is defined as conservatively valid. If the properties hold at each of the significance level α,
the confidence predictor (γ α : α ∈ [0,1]) is respectively valid and conservatively valid. The following
result, concerning conformal prediction, holds (Vovk, Gammerman and Shafer, 2005):

Proposition 2.1. Under the exchangeability assumption, the probability of error, zn+1  γ α (z1, . . . , zn ),
will not exceed α, for any α and any conformal predictor γ.

In an intuitive way, due to exchangeability, the distribution of (z1, . . . , zn+1 ) and so the distribution
of the nonconformity scores (R1, . . . , Rn+1 ) are invariant under permutations; in particular, all permuta-
tions are equiprobable. This simple concept is the bulk of the proof and the key of conformal methods.
From a practical point of view, the conservativeness of the validity is often not ideal, especially when
n is large, and so we get long-run frequency of errors very close to α. From a theoretical prospective,
Lei et al. (2018) indeed prove, under minimal assumptions on the residuals, that conformal prediction
intervals are accurate, meaning that they do not substantially over-cover.
A conformal predictor is always conservatively valid. Is it possible to achieve exact validity by intro-
ducting a randomized component into the algorithm. The smoothed conformal predictor is defined in
the same way as before, except that the p-values (2.2) are replaced by the smoothed p-values:

|{ i : Ri > Rn+1 }| + τ |{ i : Ri = Rn+1 }|

pz  , (2.5)
where the tie-breaking random variable τ is uniformly distributed on [0,1] (τ can be the same for all
zs). For a smoothed conformal predictor, as wished, the probability of a prediction error is exactly α
(Vovk, Gammerman and Shafer (2005), Proposition 2.4).
Alongside validity, prediction algorithms should be efficient too, that is to say, the uncertainty re-
lated to predictions should be as small as possible. Validity is the priority: without it, the meaning of
predictive regions is lost, and it becomes easy to achieve the best possible performance. Without con-
straints, in fact, the trivial γ α (z1, . . . , zn−1 )  ∅ is the most efficient one. Efficiency may appear as a
vague notion, but in any case it can be meaningful only if we impose some restrictions on the predictors
that we consider.
Among the main problems solved by Machine Learning and Statistics we can find two types of
problems: classification, when predictions deal with a small finite set (often binary), and regression,
when instead the real line is considered. In classification problems, two criteria for efficiency have been
6 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

used most often in literature. One criterion takes account of whether the prediction is a single class (the
most efficient case), a multiple set of classes, or the entire set of possible classes (the most inefficient
case) at a given significance level α. Alternatively, the confidence and credibility of the prediction
— which do not depend on the choice of a significance level α — are considered. The former is the
greatest 1 − α for which γ α is a single label, while the latter, helpful to avoid overconfidence when
the object x is unusual, is the largest α for which the prediction set is empty. Vovk et al. (2016) show
several other criteria, giving a detailed depiction of the framework. In regression problems instead, the
prediction set is often an interval of values, and a natural measure of efficiency of such a prediction is
simply the length of the interval. The smaller it is, the better its performance.
We will be looking for the most efficient confidence predictors in the class of valid, or in an equiv-
alent term well-calibrated, confidence predictors; different notions of validity (including conditional
validity, examined in Section 3.1) and different formalisations of the notion of efficiency will lead to
different solutions to the problem.

2.2. Objects and labels

In this section, we introduce a generalization of the basic CP setting. A sequence of successive examples
z1, z2, z3, . . . is still observed, but each example consists of an object xi and its label yi , i.e zi = (xi , yi ).
The objects are elements of a measurable space X called the object space, and the labels of a measurable
space Y called the label space (both in the classification and the regression contexts). As before, we
take for granted that |Y| > 1. In a more compact way, let zi stand for (xi , yi ), and Z  X × Y be the
example space.
At the (n + 1)th trial, the object xn+1 is given, and we are interested in predicting its label yn+1 . The
general scheme of reasoning is unchanged. Under the randomness assumption, examples, i.e. (xi , yi )
couples, are assumed to be i.i.d. First, we need to choose a nonconformity measure in order to compute
nonconformity scores. Then, p-values are computed, too. Last, the prediction set Γ α turns out to be
defined as follow:
Γ α (z1, . . . , zn, xn+1 )  {y : (xn+1, y) ∈ Γ α (z1, . . . , zn )}
= {y ∈ Y : p(x n+1 ,y) > α}
In most cases, the way to proceed, when defining how much a new example conforms with the bag
B of old examples, is relying on a simple predictor f . The only condition to hold is that f must be
invariant to permutations in its arguments — equivalently, the output does not depend on the order
in which they are presented. The method f defines a prediction rule. It is natural then to measure the
nonconformity of z by looking at the deviation of the predicted label ŷi = f z1 ,...,z n  (xi ) from the true
one. For instance, in regression problems, we can just take the absolute value of the difference between
ŷi and yi . That’s exactly what we have suggested in the previous (unstructured) case (Section 2.1),
when we proposed to take the mean or the median as the simple predictor for the next observation.
Nevertheless, there are instances in which other NCMs may be more powerful and/or useful: a notable
example is Multi-Level Conformal Clustering, and the use of the k-NN distance (Nouretdinov et al.,
2020) or the use of density estimators in Lei, Rinaldo and Wasserman (2015).
Following these steps any simple predictor, combined with a suitable measure of deviation of ŷi
from yi , leads to a nonconformity measure and, therefore, to a conformal predictor. The algorithm will
always produce valid nested prediction regions. But the prediction regions will be efficient (i.e. small)
only if A(B, z) measures well how different z is from the examples in B. And consequently only if the
underlying algorithm is appropriate. Conformal prediction ends up to be a powerful meta-algorithm,
created on top of any point predictor — very powerful but yet extremely simple in its rationale.
Conformal prediction: A unified review 7

A useful remark in Shafer and Vovk (2008) points out that the prediction regions produced by the
conformal algorithm do not change when the nonconformity measure A is transformed monotonically.
For instance, if A is positive, choosing A or its square A2 will make no difference. While comparing
the scores to compute pz , indeed, the interest is on the relative values and their reciprocal position —
whether one is bigger than another or not, but not on the single absolute values. As a result, the choice
of the deviation measure is relatively unimportant. In this framework, the important step in determining
the nonconformity measure in this setting is choosing the point predictor f .

2.2.1. Classification
In the broader literature, CP has been proposed and implemented with different nonconformity mea-
sures for classification — i.e, when |Y| < ∞. As an illustration, given the sequence of old examples
(x1, y1 ), . . . ,(xn, yn ) representing past experience, nonconformity scores Ri can be computed as follow:
min j=1,...,n : ji & y j =yi Δ(xi , x j )
Ri  (2.7)
min j=1,...,n : ji Δ(xi , x j )

where Δ is a metric on X, usually the Euclidean distance in an Euclidean setting. The rationale behind
the scores (2.7) — in the spirit of the 1-nearest neighbor algorithm — is that an example is considered
nonconforming to the sequence if it is close to examples labeled in a different way and far from the
ones with the same label. In a different way, we could use a nonconformity measure that takes account
of the average values for the different labels, and the score Ri is simply the distance to the average of
its label.
As an alternative, nonconformity scores can be extracted from the support vector machines trained
on (z1, . . . , zn ). We consider in particular the case of binary classification, as the first works actually did
to face this problem (Gammerman, Vovk and Vapnik, 1998, Saunders, Gammerman and Vovk, 1999),
but there are also ways to adapt it to solve multi-label classification problems (Balasubramanian, Ho
and Vovk, 2014). A plain approach is defining nonconformity scores as the values of the Lagrange
multipliers, that stand somehow for the margins of the probability estimating model. If an example’s
true class is not clearly separable from other classes, then its score Ri is higher and, as desired, we tend
to classify it as strange.
Another example of nonconformity measure for classification problems is Devetyarov and Nouret-
dinov (2010), who rely on random forests. For instance, a random forest is constructed from the data
sequence, and the conformity score of an example zi is just equal to the percentage of correct predic-
tions for its features xi given by decision trees.

2.2.2. Regression
In regression problems, a very natural nonconformity measure is:

Ri  Δ(yi , f (xi )) (2.8)

where Δ is a measure of difference between two labels (usually a metric) and f is a prediction rule (for
predicting the label given the object) trained on the set (z1, . . . , zn ).
It is evident how there is a fundamental problem in implementing conformal prediction for regres-
sion tasks: to form the prediction set (2.6), examining each potential label y is needed. Nonetheless,
there is often a feasible way to compute (2.6) which does not require to examine infinitely many cases;
in particular, this happens when the underlying simple predictor is ridge regression or nearest neighbors
regression. We are going to provide a sketch of how it works, to give an idea of the way used to circum-
vent the unfeasible brute-force, testing-all approach. Besides, a slightly different approach to conformal
8 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

prediction has been developed and carried on to overcome this difficulty (Section 3.2, Section 2 of the
Supplementary Material (Fontana, Zeni and Vantini, 2023)).
In the case where Δ(yi , ŷi ) = |yi − ŷi | and f is the ridge regression procedure, the conformal predictor
is called the ridge regression confidence machine (RRCM). The initial attempts to apply conformal
prediction in the case of regression involve exactly ridge regression (Melluish, Vovk and Gammerman
(1999), and soon after, in a more in-depth version, Nouretdinov, Melluish and Vovk (2001)). Suppose
that objects are vectors consisting of d attributes in a Euclidean space, say X ⊆ Rd , and let λ2 be the
non-negative constant called the ridge parameter — least squares is the special case corresponding to
λ = 0 The explicit representation, in matrix form, of this nonconformity measure is:

Ri  |yi − xi (X X + λI)−1 X Y |, (2.9)

where X is the n + 1 × d object matrix whose rows are x1, x2, . . . , xn+1 , Y is the label vector
(y1, . . . , yn+1 ) , I is the unit d × d matrix. Hence, the vector of nonconformity scores (R1, . . . , Rn+1 )
can be written as |Y − HY | = |(I − H)Y |, where H is the hat matrix.
Let y = yn+1 be a possible label for xn+1 , and (z1, . . . , zn,(xn+1, y)) the augmented data set. Now, Y 
(y1, . . . , yn, y) . Note that Y = (y1, . . . , yn,0) + (0, . . . ,0, y) and so the vector of nonconformity scores
can be represented as | A+ By|, where: A = (I − H)(y1, . . . , yn,0) and B = (I − H)(0, . . . ,0, y) . Therefore,
each Ri = Ri (y) has a linear dependence on y. As a consequence, since the p-value pz (y) simply counts
how many scores Ri are greater than Rn+1 , it can only change at points where Ri (y) − Rn+1 (y) changes
sign for some i = 1, . . . , n. This means that we can calculate the set of points y on the real line whose
corresponding p-value pz (y) exceeds α rather than trying all possible y, leading to a feasible prediction.
Precise computations can be found in Vovk, Gammerman and Shafer (2005), chap 2.
Before going on in the discussion, a clarification is required. The reader has surely noticed that the
proposed non-conformity measure is computed on the i-th example too, contrary to what has been
stated before. In fact, the statement of the conformal algorithm, we define the nonconformity score for
the ith example by: Ri  A ( z1, . . . , zi−1, zi+1, . . . , zn, z , zi ) (2.3), apparently specifying that we do not
want to include zi in the bag to which it is compared. But then, in the RRCM, we use the nonconformity
scores (2.9), as if: Ri  A ( z1, . . . , zn, z , zi ).
The point is whether to include the new example in the bag with which we are comparing it or not is
a delicate question that is for instance tackled in Shafer and Vovk (2008). First of all, it is noteworthy
to assert that both of them are valid choices. They both indeed satisfy the symmetry property required
for valid non-conformity measures. In some cases (e.g., when there is a monotonic relation between
A ({z1, . . . , zi−1, zi , zi+1, zn, z} , zi ) and A ({z1, . . . , zi−1, zi+1, zn, z} , zi )) they can even lead to the same
prediction sets. For example, if Ri is the absolute value of the difference between zi and the mean value
of the bag B, including or not zi in the bag is absolute invariant, as in both cases Simple computations
show that the two scores are the same, except for a scale factor n+1 .
From an efficiency viewpoint, one may correctly wonder if zi should be included in the training
set or not in order to maximize the efficiency. To our knowledge there are no works dealing in detail
on this issue. Even though the answer could possibly depend on the specific non-conformity measure,
underlying model, and data distribution, we believe that this issue could and should be an object of
further future investigation.
We have introduced conformal prediction with the formula (2.3), as the reference book of Vovk,
Gammerman and Shafer (2005) and the first works did. Moreover, in this form conformal prediction
generalizes to online compression models (Section 3 of the Supplementary Material (Fontana, Zeni and
Vantini, 2023)). In general, however, the inclusion of the ith example simplifies the implementation or

2 λ can be selected in a non-adaptive fashion, or an in adaptive one, exploiting techniques such as cross-validation.
Conformal prediction: A unified review 9

at least the explanation of the conformal algorithm. From now on, we rely on this approach when using
conformal prediction, and define instead the methods relying on (2.3) as jackknife procedures.
Conformal predictors can be implemented in a feasible and at the same time particularly simple
way for nonconformity measures based on the nearest neighbors algorithm, too. Recently, an efficient
method to compute in an exact way conformal prediction with the Lasso, i.e. considering the quadratic
loss function and the l1 norm penalty, has been provided by Lei (2019). A straight extension to the
elastic net — which considers both a l1 and l2 penalty, is also given.
Recently, novel methods to perform regression, that follow a different paradigm to compute NCMs
have been proposed: we provide a discussion about them in Section 3.1

2.3. The online framework

The first works on Conformal algorithms tended to focus on the online framework, where examples
arrive one by one and so predictions are based on an accumulating data set. The predictions these
algorithms make are hedged: they incorporate a valid indication of their own accuracy and reliability.
Vovk, Gammerman and Shafer (2005) claim that most existing algorithms for hedged prediction first
learn from a training data set and then predict without ever learning again. The few algorithms that do
learn and predict simultaneously, instead, do not provide confidence information.
Moreover, the property of validity of conformal predictors can be stated in an especially strong form
in the online framework. Classically, a method for finding (1 − α) prediction regions is considered valid
if it has a (1 − α) probability of containing the label predicted, because by the law of large numbers
it would then be correct (1 − α)% of the times when repeatedly applied to independent data sets. The
online story may seem more complicated, because we repeatedly apply a method not to independent
data sets, but to an accumulating data set. After using (x1, y1 ),(x2, y2 ), . . . ,(xn, yn ) and xn+1 to predict
yn+1 , we use (x1, y1 ), . . . ,(xn+1, yn+1 ) and xn+2 to predict yn+2 , and so on. For a (1 − α) online method
to be valid, (1 − α)% of these predictions must be correct. Under minimal assumptions, conformal
prediction is valid in this new and powerful sense.
The intermediate step behind this result is that successive errors are probabilistically independent.
Let us start with some definitions, following Vovk (2002) and Vovk, Gammerman and Shafer (2005):
being ω = (z1, z2, . . .) = (x1, y1, x2, y2, . . . an infinite data sequence and Γα a generic randomised confor-
mal predictor, we define the number of errors made by Γα on the infinite sequence ω during the first n
trials to be

Errn (Γα,ω) := #{i = 1, . . . , n : yi  Γα (x1, y1, . . . , xi−1, yi−1, xi )} (2.10)

where #B is the size of set B. The individual prediction result is defined instead as

1 yn  Γα (x1, y1, . . . , xn−1, yn−1, xn )
errn (Γα,ω) := Errn − Errn−1 = (2.11)
0 otherwise

and the whole infinite sequence of prediction results is then defined as

err(Γα,ω) := (err1 (Γα,ω), err2 (Γα,ω), . . .) (2.12)

It is shown for the first time in Vovk (2002) that, being and Γα a generic randomised conformal
predictor of level 1 − α, the following holds:
10 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

Proposition 2.2. For any randomised conformal predictor Γ of any confidence level 1 − α, and any
exchangeable probability distribution P in Z ∞ , the image of P × U ∞ under the mapping

(ω ∈ Z ∞, τ ∈ [0,1]∞ ) → err (Γα,ω, τ)

is the probability distribution Bα∞ of independent Bernoulli random trial of parameter α.

In a more intuitive sense, Proposition 2.2 states, under the exchangeability assumption and in the
online mode, that the errors made at different steps by randomised conformal predictors are indepen-
dent. The experiment involved in predicting z101 from z1, . . . , z100 is not entirely independent of the
experiment involved in predicting, say, z105 from z1, . . . , z104 . The 101 random numbers involved in the
first experiment are all also involved in the second one, but this overlap does not actually matter.
Summing up, we already know that the probability of error is below the significance level α. In
addition to that, events for successive n are probabilistically independent notwithstanding the overlap.
Hence, (1 − α)% of consecutive predictions must be correct. In other words, the random variables
1z n+1 γ α (z1 ,...,z n ) are independent Bernoulli variables with parameter α. Vovk, Nouretdinov and Gam-
merman (2009) focuses on the prediction of consecutive responses, especially when the number of
observations does not exceed the number of parameters.
It should be noted that the assumption of exchangeability rather than randomness makes Proposi-
tion 2.2 stronger: it is very easy to give examples of exchangeable distributions on Z N that are not of
the form P N — where it is worth recalling that P is the unknown distribution of examples. Nonethe-
less, in the infinite-horizon case (which is the standard setting for the online mode of prediction) the
difference between the exchangeability and randomness assumptions essentially disappears: according
to a well-known theorem by de Finetti, each exchangeable probability distribution on Z∞ is a mix-
ture of power probability distributions P∞ , provided Z is a Borel space (Hewitt and Savage, 1955). In
particular, using the assumption of randomness rather than exchangeability in the case of the infinite
sequence hardly weakens it: the two forms are equivalent when Z is a Borel space.

3. Recent advances in conformal prediction

3.1. Different notions of validity

An appealing property of conformal predictors is their automatic validity under the exchangeability
P(Yn+1 ∈ Γα (Z1, . . . , Zn, Xn+1 )) ≥ 1 − α for all P, (3.1)
where P = P n+1 is the joint measure of (X1,Y1 ), . . . ,(Xn+1,Yn+1 ). A major focus of this section will be
on conditional versions of the notion of validity.
The idea of conditional inference in statistics is about the wish to make conclusions that are as much
conditional on the available information as possible. Although finite sample coverage defined in (3.1)
is a desirable property, this might not be enough to guarantee good prediction bands, even in very
simple cases. We refer to (3.1) as marginal coverage, which is different from (in fact, weaker than)
the conditional coverage as usually sought in prediction problems. As a result, a good estimator must
satisfy something more than marginal coverage. A natural criterion would be conditional coverage.
However, distribution-free conditional coverage, that is:

P(Yn+1 ∈ Γα (x) | Xn+1 = x) ≥ 1 − α for all P and a.a x, (3.2)

Conformal prediction: A unified review 11

with Γα (x) ≡ Γα (Z1, . . . , Zn, x) is impossible to achieve with a finite sample for rich object spaces, such
as X = R (Lei and Wasserman (2014), Lemma 1). Indeed, the requirement of precise object conditional
validity cannot be satisfied in a nontrivial way, unless we know the true probability distribution gener-
ating the data (or we are willing to use a subjective or postulated probability distribution, as in Bayesian
theory), or unless the test object is an atom of the data-generating distribution. If we impose that re-
quirement, the prediction interval is expected to have infinite length (Vovk (2013a) and for general
background related to distribution-free inference Bahadur and Savage (1956), Donoho (1988)).
The negative result — that conditional coverage cannot be achieved by finite-length prediction in-
tervals without regularity and consistency assumptions on the model and the estimator f — does not
prevent set predictors to be (object) conditionally valid in a partial and asymptotic sense, and simulta-
neously asymptotically efficient.
Therefore, as an alternative solution, Lei and Wasserman (2014) develop a new notion, called local
validity, that naturally interpolates between marginal and conditional validity, and is achievable in the
finite sample case. Formally, given a partition A = {A j : j ≥ 1} of supp(PX ), a prediction band Γα is
locally valid with respect to A if:

P(Yn+1 ∈ Γα (Xn+1 ) | Xn+1 ∈ A j ) ≥ 1 − α for all j and all P. (3.3)

Then, their work is focused on defining a method that shows both finite sample (marginal and local)
coverage and asymptotic conditional coverage (i.e., when the sample size goes to ∞, the prediction
band give arbitrarily accurate conditional coverage). At the same time, they prove it to be asymptotic
efficient. The finite sample marginal and local validity is distribution free: no assumptions on P are
required. Then, under mild regularity conditions, local validity implies asymptotically conditionally
The way Lei and Wasserman (2014) built the prediction bands to achieve local validity can be seen
as a particular case of a bigger class of predictors, which now we introduce and explain, the so called
Mondrian conformal predictors. The discussion about validity is definetely not closed: recently Barber
et al. (2021) reflect again on the idea of a proper intermediate definition, while Romano, Patterson
and Candès (2019) proposes the so called Conformalised Quantile Regression (CQR), a novel method
that, by fusing a Conformal way of thinking with quantile regression is able to yield valid distribution-
free bands, yet remarkably capable to adapt to any heteroschedasticity of the data and with increased
efficiency with respect to standard proposals, as thorougly shown by the simulation studies in the
As in split conformal prediction, the procedure is based on splitting the data into a proper training
set, indexed by I1 and a calibration set indexed by I2 . Given a quantile regression method A, two
conditional quantiles q̂αhi and q̂αl o are fitted using the proper training set:
q̂αhi , q̂αl o ←− A ({(Xi ,Yi : i ∈ I∞ }) (3.4)

The non-conformity scores are then calculated as:

Ei := max q̂αl o (Xi ) − Yi ,Yi − q̂αhi (Xi ) − Yi (3.5)

Finally, given a new input data Xn+1 the prediction interval for Yn+1 is.

C(Xn+1 ) = [q̂αl o (Xn+1 ) − Q1−α (E,I2 ), q̂αhi (Xn+1 ) + Q1−α (E,I2 )] (3.6)

where Q1−α (E,I2 ) := (1 − α)(1 + 1/|I2 |)-th empirical quantile of Ei ,i ∈ I2 Using the same line of
reasoning, an extension of this context to the calculation of conditionally valid confidence (with respect
to prediction) intervals for parameters has been very recently proposed in Medarametla and Candès
12 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

3.1.1. Mondrian conformal predictors

We start from an example. In handwritten digit recognition problems, some digits (such as “5”) are
more difficult to recognize correctly than other digits (such as “0”), and it is natural to expect that at
the confidence level 95% the error rate will be significantly greater than 5% for the difficult digits; our
usual, unconditional, notion of validity only ensures that the average error rate over all digits will be
close to 5%.
We might not be satisfied by the way the conformal predictors work. If our set predictor is valid at
the significance level 5% but makes an error with probability 10% for men and 0% for women, both
men and women can be unhappy with calling 5% the probability of error. It is clear that whenever
the size of the training set is sufficient for making conditional claims, we should aim for this. The
requirement of object conditional validity is a little bit more than what we can ask a predictor to be, but
it can be considered as a special case: for somehow important events E we do not want the conditional
probability of error given E to be very different from the given significance level α.
We are going to deal with a natural division of examples into several categories: e.g., different
categories can correspond to different labels, or kinds of objects, or just be determined by the ordinal
number of the example. As pointed out in the examples above, conformal predictors — as we have seen
so far — do not guarantee validity within categories: the fraction of errors can be much larger than the
nominal significance level for some categories, if this is compensated by a smaller fraction of errors
for other categories. A stronger kind of validity, validity within categories, which is especially relevant
in the situation of asymmetric classification, is the main property of Mondrian conformal predictors
(MCPs), first introduced in Vovk et al. (2003). The exchangeable framework is the assumption under
which MCPs are proved to be valid; in Section 3 of the Supplementary Material (Fontana, Zeni and
Vantini, 2023), again, we will have a more general setting, relaxing the hypothesis.
When the term categories comes into play, we are referring to a given division of the example space
Z: a measurable function κ maps each z to its category k, belonging to the (usually finite) measurable
space K of all categories. In many instances, it is a kind of classification of zi . The category κi = κ(zi )
might depend on the other examples in the data sequence (z1, . . . , zn ), but disregarding their order. Such
a function κ is called a Mondrian taxonomy, as a tribute to the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. Indeed,
the taxonomy that κ defines in the space Z recalls the grid-based paintings and the style for which the
artist is renowned.
To underline the dependence of κ(zi ) on the bag of the entire dataset, Balasubramanian, Ho and
Vovk (2014) introduce the n-taxonomy K : Zn ⇒ Kn , which maps a vector of examples to the vector of
corresponding categories. Using this notation, it is required that the n-taxonomy K is equivariant with
respect to permutations, that is:

(κ1, . . . , κn ) = K(z1, . . . , zn ) ⇒ (κπ(1), . . . , κπ(n) ) = K(zπ(1), . . . , zπ(n) ).

We prefer however to let the dependence implicit and remain stuck to the simpler notation of Vovk,
Gammerman and Shafer (2005).
Given a Mondrian taxonomy κ, to use conformal prediction we have to modify slightly some of the
definitions seen in the previous chapter. To be precise, a Mondrian nonconformity measure might take
into account also the categories κ, . . . , κn , while the p-values (2.2) should be computed as:

|{ i = 1, . . . , n + 1 : κi = κn+1 & Ri ≥ Rn+1 }|

pz  , (3.7)
|{ i = 1, . . . , n + 1 : κi = κn+1 }|

where κn+1 = κ(z). As a remark, we would like to point out and stress what we are exactly doing in
the formula just defined. Although one can choose any conformity measure, in order to have local
Conformal prediction: A unified review 13

validity the ranking must be based on a local subset of the sample. Hence, the algorithm selects only
the examples among the past experience that have the same category of the new one, and makes its
decision based on them.
At this point, the reader is able to write by himself the smoothed version of the MCP, which satisfies
the required level of reliability in an exact way.

Proposition 3.1. If examples z1, . . . , zn+1 are generated from an exchangeable probability distribution
on Zn+1 , any smoothed MCP based on a Mondrian taxonomy κ is category-wise exact with respect to

In the previous proposition,category-wise exact means that ∀n, the probability of pn+1 conditional to
k(1, z1 ), p1, . . . , k(n, zn ), pn is a uniform on [0,1] where z1, . . . , zn, zn+1 are generated from an exchange-
able distribution Z ∞ and p1, . . . , pn are the p-values generated by f (Vovk, Gammerman and Shafer,
2005, Section 4.5).
Moreover, we might want to have different significance levels αk for different categories k. In some
contexts, certain kinds of errors are more costly than others. For example, it may be more costly to clas-
sify a high-risk credit applicant as low risk (one kind of error) than it is to classify a low-risk applicant
as high risk (a different kind of error). In an analogous way, we could be required to distinguish be-
tween useful messages and spam in the problem of mail filtering: classifying a useful message as spam
is a more serious error than vice versa. We do not have misclassification costs to take into account, but
setting in a proper way the significance levels allow us to specify the relative importance of different
kinds of prediction errors. And MCPs still do the job (Vovk, Gammerman and Shafer, 2005).
Last, a brief discussion of an important question: how to select a good taxonomy? While choosing
the partitions that determine a Mondrian taxonomy κ, it comes out indeed a dilemma that is often called
the “problem of the reference class”. We want the categories into which we divide the examples to be
large, in order to have a reasonable sample size for estimating the probabilities. But we also want them
to be small and homogeneous, to make the inferences as specific as possible. Balasubramanian, Ho
and Vovk (2014) points out a possible strategy for conditional conformal predictors in the problem of
classification in the online setting. The idea is to adapt the method as the process goes on. At first, the
conformal predictor should not be conditional at all. Then, as the number of examples grows, it should
be label conditional. As the number of examples grows further, we could split the objects into clusters
(using a label independent taxonomy) and make the prediction sets conditional on them as well.

3.2. Inductive prediction

While being very straightforward from a mathematical point of view, Transductive (or “Full”) Confor-
mal predictors are very computationally intensive and, over time, an extensive literature has developed
to address this issue. In particular, inductive conformal predictors (ICPs), also referred as split confor-
mal predictors have been proposed
ICPs were first proposed by Papadopoulos et al. (2002) for regression and by Papadopoulos, Vovk
and Gammerman (2002) for classification, and in the online setting by Vovk (2002). Before the appear-
ance of inductive conformal predictors, several other possibilities had been studied, but not with great
success. To speed computations up in a multi-class pattern recognition problem which uses support
vector machines in its implementation, Saunders, Gammerman and Vovk (2000) used a hashing func-
tion to split the training set into smaller subsets, of roughly equal size, which are then used to construct
a number of support vector machines. In a different way, just to mention but a few, Ho and Wechsler
(2004) exploit the adiabatic version of incremental support vector machine, and lately Vovk (2013b)
14 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

Figure 1. Inductive and transductive approach to prediction.

introduces Bonferroni predictors, a simple modification based on the idea of the Bonferroni adjustment
of p-values.
We now spend some words to recall the concepts of transduction and induction (figure 1), as intro-
duced in Vapnik (1998). In inductive prediction we first move from the training data to some general
rule: a prediction or decision rule, a model, or a theory (inductive step). When a new object comes
out, we derive a prediction based on the general rule (deductive step). On the contrary, in transductive
prediction, we take a shortcut, going directly from the old examples to the prediction for the new ob-
ject. The practical distinction between them is whether we extract the general rule or not. A side-effect
of using a transductive method is computational inefficiency; computations need to be started from
scratch every time.
Combining the inductive approach with conformal prediction, the data sequence (z1, . . . , zn ) is split
into two parts, the proper training set (z1, . . . , zm ) of size m < n and the calibration set (zm+1, . . . , zn ).
We use the proper training set to feed the underlying algorithm, and, using the derived rule, we compute
the non-conformity scores for each example in the calibration set. For every potential label y of the new
unlabelled object xn+1 , its score Rn+1 is calculated and is compared to the ones of the calibration set.
In more mathematical terms, we define the nonconformity scores as:
R j  Amk +1 (x1, y1 ), . . . ,(xmk , ymk ),(x j , y j ) , f or j = mk + 1, . . . , n − 1
Rn+1  Amk +1 (x1, y1 ), . . . ,(xmk , ymk ),(xn+1, y) ,

Therefore the p-value is:

|{ i = m + 1, . . . , n + 1 : Ri ≥ Rn+1 }|
pz  . (3.9)
Inductive conformal predictors can be smoothed in exactly the same way as conformal predictors. As in
the transductive approach, under the exchangeability assumption, pz is a valid p-value. All is working as
before. For a discussion of conditional validity and various ways to achieve it using inductive conformal
predictors, see Vovk (2013a).
A greater computational efficiency of inductive conformal predictors is now evident. The computa-
tional overhead of ICPs is light: they are almost as efficient as the underlying algorithm. The decision
rule is computed from the proper training set only once, and it is applied to the calibration set also only
once. Several studies related to this fact are reported in the literature. For instance, a computational
complexity analysis can be found in the work of Papadopoulos (2008), where conformal prediction on
top of neural networks for classification has been closely examined.
With such a dramatically reduced computation cost, it is possible to combine easily conformal algo-
rithms with computationally heavy estimators. While validity is taken for granted in conformal frame-
work, efficiency is related to the underlying algorithm. Taking advantage of the bargain ICPs represent,
we can compensate the savings in computational terms and, in metaphor, invest a lot of resources in
the choice of f .
Conformal prediction: A unified review 15

Moreover, this computational effectiveness can be exploited further and fix conformal prediction as
a tool in Big Data frameworks, where the increasing size of datasets represents a challenge for machine
learning and statistics. The inductive approach makes the task feasible, but can we ask for anything
more? Actually, the (trivially parallelizable) serial code might be run on multiple CPUs. Capuccini
et al. (2015) propose and analyze a parallel implementation of the conformal algorithm, where multiple
processors are employed simultaneously in the Apache Spark framework.
Achieving computational efficiency does not come for free. A drawback of inductive conformal
predictors is their potential prediction inefficiency. In actual fact, we waste the calibration set when de-
veloping the prediction rule f , and we do not use the proper training set when computing the p-values.
An interesting attempt to cure this disadvantage is made in Vovk (2015). Cross-conformal prediction, a
hybrid of the methods of inductive conformal prediction and cross-validation, consists, in a nutshell, in
dividing the data sequence into K folds, constructing a separate ICP using the kth fold as the calibration
set and the rest of the training set as the proper training set. Then the different p-values, which are the
outcome of the procedure, are merged in a proper way.
Of course, it is also possible to use a uneven split, using a larger portion of data for model fitting and
a smaller set for the inference step. This will produce sharper prediction intervals, but the method will
have higher variance; this trade-off is unavoidable for data splitting methods. Common choices found
in the applied literature for the dimension of the calibration set, providing a good balance between
underlying model performance and calibration accuracy, lie between 25% and 33% of the dataset.
The problem related to how many examples the calibration set should contain is faced meticulously
in Linusson et al. (2014b). To maximize the efficiency of inductive conformal classifiers, they suggest
to keep it small relative to the amount of available data (approximately 15% − 30% of the total). At
the same time, at least a few hundred examples should be used for calibration (to make it granular
enough), unless this leaves too few examples in the proper training set. Techniques that try to handle
the problems associated with small calibration sets are suggested and evaluated in both Johansson et al.
(2015) and Carlsson et al. (2015), using interpolation of calibration instances and a different notion of
(approximate) p-value, respectively.
Splitting improves dramatically on the speed of conformal inference, but it introduces additional
noise into the procedure. One way to reduce this extra randomness is to combine inferences from N
several splits, each of them — using a Bonferroni-type argument — built at level 1 − α/N. Multiple
splitting on one hand decreases the variability as expected, but on the other hand this may produce, as
a side effect, the width of Γα N to grow with N. As described in Shafer and Vovk (2008), under rather
general conditions, the Bonferroni effect is dominant and hence intervals get larger and larger with N.
For this reason, they suggest using a single split.
Linusson et al. (2014b) even raise doubts about the commonly accepted claim that transductive con-
formal predictors are by default more efficient than inductive ones. It is known indeed that an unstable
nonconformity function — one that is heavily influenced by an outlier example, e.g., an erroneously
labeled new example (xn+1, y) — can cause (transductive) conformal confidence predictors to become
inefficient. They compare the efficiency of transductive and inductive conformal classifiers using deci-
sion tree, random forest and support vector machine models as the underlying algorithm, to find out that
the full approach is not always the most efficient. Their position is actually the same of Papadopou-
los (2008), where the loss of accuracy introduced by induction is claimed to be small, and usually
negligible. And not only for large data sets, which clearly contain enough training examples so that
the removal of the calibration examples does not make any difference to the training of the algorithm.
Some further explorations on the topic can be found in Linusson et al. (2014a) but, to our knowledge,
the question remains still open.
From another perspective, lying between the computational complexities of the full and split confor-
mal methods is jackknife prediction. This method wish to make a better use of the training data than
16 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

the split approach does and to cure as much as possible the connected loss of informational efficiency,
when constructing the absolute residuals, due to the partition of old examples into two parts, without
resorting at the same time to the extensive computations of the full conformal prediction. With this
intention, it uses leave-one-out residuals to define prediction intervals. That is to say, for each example
zi it trains a model f−i on the rest of the data sequence (z1, . . . , zi−1, zi+1, . . . , zn ) and computes the
nonconformity score Ri with respect to f−i .
The advantage of the jackknife method over the split conformal method is that it can often produce
regions of smaller size. However, in regression problems it is not guaranteed to have valid coverage
in finite samples. As Lei et al. (2018) observe, the jackknife method has the finite sample in-sample
coverage property:
P (Yi ∈ Γαj ack (Xi )) ≥ 1 − α, (3.10)
where Γαj ack (Xi ) is the Jackknife prediction set. When dealing with out-of-sample coverage (actually,
true predictive inference), the properties of the Jackknife are much more fragile. In fact, even asymptot-
ically, its coverage properties do not hold without requiring nontrivial conditions on the base estimator
f . It is actually due to the approximation required to avoid the unfeasible enumeration approach, that
we are going to tackle in a while, precisely in the next section. The predictive accuracy of the jackknife
under assumptions of algorithm stability is explored by Steinberger and Leeb (2016) for the linear re-
gression setting, and in a more general setting by Steinberger and Leeb (2018). Hence, while the full
and split conformal intervals are valid under essentially no assumptions, the same is not true for the
jackknife ones.
The key to speed up the learning process is to employ a fast and accurate learning method as the
underlying algorithm. This is exactly what Wang, Wang and Shi (2018) do, proposing a novel, fast and
efficient conformal regressor, with combines the local-weighted (see Section 3.3) jackknife prediction,
and the regularized extreme learning machine. Extreme learning machine (ELM) addresses the task of
training feed-forward neural networks fast without losing learning ability and predicting performance.
The underlying learning process and the outstanding learning ability of ELM make the conformal
regressor very fast and informationally efficient.
Recently, a slight but crucial and remarkable modification to the algorithm gives life to the jackknife+
methods, able to restore rigorous coverage guarantees (Barber et al., 2019a). We expect many possible
extension of these methods to stem from this seminal piece of research.

3.3. Other interesting developments

Full conformal and split conformal methods, combined with basically any fitting procedure in regres-
sion, provide finite sample distribution-free predictive inference. We are now going to introduce gener-
alizations and further explorations of the possibilities of CP along different directions.
In the pure online setting, we get an immediate feedback (the true label) for every example that
we predict. While this scenario is convenient for theoretical studies, in practice, however, rarely one
immediately gets the true label for every object. On the contrary weak teachers are allowed to provide
the true label with a delay or sometimes not to provide it at all. In this case, we have to accept a weaker
(actually, an asymptotic) notion of validity, but conformal confidence predictors adapt and keep at it
(Nouretdinov and Vovk, 2006, Ryabko, Vovk and Gammerman, 2003).
Moreover, we may want something more than just providing p-values associated with the various
labels to which a new observation could belong. We might be interested in the problem of probability
forecasting: we observe n pairs of objects and labels, and after observing the (n + 1)th object xn+1 ,
the goal is to give a probability distribution pn+1 for its label. It represents clearly a more challenging
Conformal prediction: A unified review 17

task (Vovk, Gammerman and Shafer (2005), chap 5), therefore a suitable method is necessary to han-
dle carefully the reliability-resolution trade-off. A class of algorithms called Venn predictors (Vovk,
Shafer and Nouretdinov, 2004) satisfies the criterion for validity when the label space is finite, while
only among recent developments there are adaptations in the context of regression, i.e. with continuous
labels — namely Nouretdinov et al. (2018) and in a different way, following the work of Shen, Liu and
Xie (2018), Vovk et al. (2019). For many underlying algorithms, Venn predictors (like conformal meth-
ods in general) are computationally inefficient. Therefore Lambrou et al. (2012), and as an extension
Lambrou, Nouretdinov and Papadopoulos (2015), combine Venn predictors and the inductive approach,
while Vovk et al. (2018) introduce cross-conformal predictive systems.
Online compression models is not the only framework where CP does not require examples to be ex-
changeable. Dunn and Wasserman (2018) extend the conformal method to construct valid distribution-
free prediction sets when there are random effects, and Barber et al. (2019b) to handle weighted ex-
changeable data, as in the setting of covariate shift (Chen et al., 2016b, Shimodaira, 2000). Dashevskiy
and Luo (2011) robustify the conformal inference method by extending its validity to settings with
dependent data. They indeed propose an interesting blocking procedure for times series data, whose
theoretical performance guarantees are provided in Chernozhukov, Wuthrich and Zhu (2018).
Now, we describe more in detail a couple of other recent advances, while advances on High-
Dimensional Regression in a conformal setting are described in Section 4 of the Supplementary Mate-
rial (Fontana, Zeni and Vantini, 2023).

3.3.1. Normalized nonconformity scores

In conformal algorithms seen so far, the width of Γα (x) is roughly immune to x (figure 2, left). This
property is desirable if the spread of the residual Y − Ŷ , where Ŷ = f (X), does not vary substantially
as X varies. However, in some scenarios this will not be true, and we wish conformal bands to adapt
correspondingly. Actually, it is possible to have individual bounds for the new example which take into
account the difficulty of predicting a certain yn+1 . The rationale for this, from a conformal prediction
standpoint, is that if two examples have the same nonconformity scores using (2.8), but one is expected

Figure 2. Conformal predictors do not contemplate heteroskedasticity in the data distribution. In such a case, one
would expect the length of the output interval to be an increasing function of the corresponding variance of the
output value, which can give more information of the target label. To tackle this problem, local-weighted conformal
inference has been introduced. Source: Lei et al. (2018).
18 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

to be more accurate than the other, then the former is actually stranger (more nonconforming) than the
latter. We are interested in resulting prediction intervals that are smaller for objects that are deemed
easy to predict and larger for harder objects.
To reach the goal, normalized nonconformity functions come into play (figure 2, right), that is:

| ŷi − yi |
Ri = , (3.11)

where the absolute error concerning the ith example is scaled using the expected accuracy σi of the un-
derlying model; see, e.g., Papadopoulos and Haralambous (2011), and Papadopoulos, Vovk and Gam-
merman (2011). Choosing Equation (3.11), the confidence predictor (Equation 2.1 in the Supplementary
Material (Fontana, Zeni and Vantini, 2023)) becomes:

Γα (xn+1 ) = [ f (xn+1 ) − Rs σn+1, f (xn+1 ) + Rs σn+1 ]. (3.12)

As a consequence, the resulting predictive regions tend to be tighter than those produced by the simple
conformal methods. Anyway, using locally-weighted residuals, as in (3.11), the validity and accuracy
properties of the conformal methods, both finite sample and asymptotic, again carry over.
As said, σi is an estimate of the difficulty of predicting the label yi . There is a wide choice of
estimates of the accuracy available in the literature. A common practice is to train another model to
predict errors, as in Papadopoulos and Haralambous (2010). More in details, once f has been trained
and the residual errors computed, a different model g is fit using the object x1, . . . , xn and the residuals.
Then, σi could be set equal to g(xi ) + β, where β is a sensitivity parameter that regulates the impact of
Other approaches use, in a more direct way, properties of the underlying model f ; for instance, it
is the case of Papadopoulos, Gammerman and Vovk (2008). In the paper, they consider conformal
prediction with k-NNR method, which computes the weighted average of the k nearest examples, and
as a measure of expected accuracy they simply use the distance of the examined example from its
nearest neighbours. Namely,

dik = distance (xi , x j ). (3.13)

The nearer an example is to its neighbours, the more accurate this prediction is indeed expected to be.

3.3.2. Functional prediction bands

Functional Data Analysis (FDA) is a branch of statistics that analyses data that exist over a continuous
domain, broadly speaking functions. Functional data are intrinsically infinite dimensional. This is a rich
source of information, which brings many opportunities for research and data analysis — a powerful
modeling tool. Meanwhile the high or infinite dimensional structure of the data, however, poses chal-
lenges both for theory and computations. Therefore, FDA has been the focus of much research efforts
in the statistics and machine learning community in the last decade.
There are few publications in the conformal prediction literature that deal with functional data. We
are going to give just some details about a simple scenario that could be reasonably typical. In the
following, the work of Lei, Rinaldo and Wasserman (2015) guide us. The sequence z1 (·), . . . , zn (·)
consists now of L 2 [0,1] functions. The definition of validity for a confidence predictor γ α is:

P (zn+1 (t) ∈ γ α (z1, . . . , zn )(t) ∀t ) ≥ 1 − α for all P. (3.14)

Conformal prediction: A unified review 19

Then, as always, to apply conformal prediction, a nonconformity measure is needed. A fair choice
might be:

Ri = (zi (t) − z̄(t))2 dt, (3.15)

where z̄(t) is the average of the augmented data set. Due to the dimension of the problem, an inductive
approach is more desirable. Therefore, once the nonconformity scores Ri are computed for the example
functions of the calibration set, the conformal prediction set is given by all the functions z whose score
is smaller than the suitable quantile Rs .
Then, one more step is mandatory. Given a conformal prediction set γ α , the inherent prediction
bands are defined in terms of lower and upper bounds:
l(t) = infα z(t) and u(t) = sup z(t). (3.16)
z ∈γ z ∈γ α

Consequently, thanks to provable conformal properties,

P (l(t) ≤ zn+1 (t) ≤ u(t), ∀t ) ≥ 1 − α. (3.17)

However, γ α could contain very disparate elements, hence no close form for l(t) and u(t) is available
in general and these bounds may be hard to compute.
To sum up, the key features to be able to handle functional data efficiently are the nonconformity
measure and a proper way to make use of the prediction set in order to extract useful information. The
question is still an open challenge, but the topic stands out as a natural way for conformal prediction to
grow up and face bigger problems.
An intermediate work in this sense is Lei, Rinaldo and Wasserman (2015), which studies prediction
and visualization of functional data paying specific attention to finite sample guarantees. As far as we
know, it is the only analysis up to now that applies conformal prediction to the functional setting.
In particular, their focal point is exploratory analysis, exploiting conformal techniques to compute
clustering trees and simultaneous prediction bands — that is, for a given level of confidence 1 − α,
the bands that covers a random curve drawn from the underlying process (as in (3.14)).
However, satisfying (this formulation of) validity could be really a tough task in the functional set-
ting. Since their focus is on the main structural features of the curve, they lower the bar and set the
concept in a revised form, that is:
P( Π(zn+1 )(t) ∈ γ α (z1, . . . , zn )(t) ∀t ) ≥ 1 − α for all P, (3.18)

where Π is a mapping into a finite dimensional function space Ω p ⊆ L 2 [0,1].

The prediction bands they propose are constructed, as shown previously in (3.18), adopting a finite
dimensional projection approach. Once a basis of functions {φ1, . . . , φ p } is chosen — let it be a fixed
one, like the Fourier basis, or a data-driven basis, such as functional principal components — the vector
of projection coefficients ξi is computed for each of the m examples in the proper training set. Then, the
scores Ri measure how different the projection coefficients are with respect to the ones of the training
set, that is, for the ith calibration example, Ri = A(ξ1, . . . , ξm ; ξi ). Let:
γξ = {ξ ∈ R p : Rξ ≤ Rs } (3.19)


γ α (t) = ςi φi (t) : (ς1, . . . , ς p ) ∈ γξ . (3.20)
As a consequence, γ α is valid, i.e. (3.18) holds.
20 M. Fontana, G. Zeni and S. Vantini

Exploiting the finite dimensional projection, the conformity measure handles vectors, so all the expe-
rience seen in these two chapters gives a hand. A density estimator indeed is usually selected to assess
conformity. Nevertheless, picking A out is critical in the sense that a not suitable one may give a lot of
trouble in computing γ α (t). It is the case, for instance, of kernel density estimators. In their work, the
first p elements of the eigenbasis — i.e. the eigenfunctions of the autocovariance operator — constitute
the basis, while A is a Gaussian mixture density estimator. In this set up, approximations are available,
and lead to the results they obtain.
Though their work can be deemed as remarkable, the way used to proceed simplifies a lot the sce-
nario. It is a step forward in order to extend conformal prediction to functional data, but not a complete
solution. Very promising results in extending and overcoming the approach in Lei, Rinaldo and Wasser-
man (2015), can be found in Diquigiovanni, Fontana and Vantini (2021b), where the authors propose
a family of novel conformal predictors for functional data that yield closed-form simultaneous and
finite-sample valid prediction bands, as well as proposing an approach to modulate the amplitude of
the bands in relationship to the problem at hand. The same authors moreover propose an extension
of such approach to a multivariate functional data setting and in a regression framework in Diquigio-
vanni, Fontana and Vantini (2021a). Moving from Chernozhukov, Wuthrich and Zhu (2018) it is also
proposed, in Diquigiovanni, Fontana and Vantini (2021c), an extension of the proposed method to a
functional time-series setting, with an application to the modelling of the gas market.

The authors would also like to thank two anonymous reviewers for the invaluable suggestions provided.

The authors acknowledge financial support from: Accordo Quadro ASI-POLIMI “Attività di Ricerca e
Innovazione” n. 2018-5-HH.0, collaboration agreement between the Italian Space Agency and Politec-
nico di Milano; the European Research Council, ERC grant agreement no 336155-project COBHAM
“The role of consumer behaviour and heterogeneity in the integrated assessment of energy and climate
policies”; the “Safari Njema Project - From informal mobility to mobility policies through big data
analysis”, funded by Polisocial Award 2018 - Politecnico di Milano.

Supplementary Material
Supplementary Material to “Conformal prediction: A unified review of theory and new chal-
lenges” (DOI: 10.3150/21-BEJ1447SUPP; .pdf). Additional Sections and Miscellaneous Topics.

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Received May 2020 and revised November 2021

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