48 FitEAlt A52,32A32
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U.S. Patent Nov. 9, 2010 Sheet 3 of 4 US 7.827,620 B2
U.S. Patent Nov. 9, 2010 Sheet 4 of 4 US 7.827,620 B2
US 7,827,620 B2
1. 2
AIR CONDITIONED HELMETAPPARATUS FIG. 3 is a further top plan, partially sectional view of the
helmet apparatus of FIG. 1 with a double blower device:
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED FIG. 4 is an enlarged sectional view taken through the
APPLICATION multi-layer structure lining the helmet;
FIG. 5 is a front elevational sectional view of the helmet
This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. apparatus taken along the line 5-5 of FIG. 1;
No. 10/601,964 filed Jun. 23, 2003, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,954, FIG. 6 is an elevational view of yet another embodiment
944. where the heat pump is separately mounted from the helmet;
FIG. 7 is an elevational partially sectional view of a still
BACKGROUND 10 further version of the invention as applied to a patient; and
FIG. 8 is an enlarged detail view of an alternative version of
1. Field of the Invention a conditioned air conduit connection with a multi-layer struc
The present invention relates to a helmet apparatus espe ture.
cially adaptable for providing conditioned air about the head
and face of the wearer, and which is light-weight and only 15 DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED
requires relatively low-power electrical energization. EMBODIMENTS
2. Description of Related Art
There are many situations, both work oriented and sport, in There are a number of different human activities that
which the wearing of a helmet is necessary or highly desir require or where it is highly desirable to wear, a helmet to
able. Exemplary of but a few instances where wearing a protect the wearer against injury while engaging in the activ
helmet for a relatively long period of time is required are: a ity. For example, a helmet is desirably worn when riding a
motorcycle police officer; race car driver, and a military tank motorcycle or driving a race car since any accident could
driver. Considerable discomfort can result from wearing a result in a blow being received to the head and if a helmet is
helmet, especially the full-face type, for even a short period of worn the chances of reducing or avoiding injury altogether
time particularly in warm or humid weather. 25 are Substantially increased. On wearing a helmet while riding
a motorcycle or during car racing, the driver is subjected to
SUMMARY OF INVENTION increased temperature about the head especially during warm
weather or humid conditions which are rather uncomfortable
In the practice of a first embodiment of the invention there for the driver/wearer. A motorcycle policeman, for example,
is provided a helmet consisting of the hard shell variety onto 30 must wear a helmet throughout long hours of a work shift and
the rear of which is mounted an electrically energized heat suffer the inconvenience associated therewith along with the
pump that produces a temperature conditioned air stream for normal high stress related to his employment.
moving along a conduit past the rear wall of the helmet, With reference now to the drawing and particularly to FIG.
through a special liner of the helmet adjacent the top of the 1, a first embodiment of air conditioned helmet apparatus of
head of the wearer, and finally directly contacting the fore 35 the present invention is enumerated generally as 10 and
head and face. For cooling the air, the heat pump is preferably includes in its major parts a helmet 12 of the rigid variety, an
a thermoelectric device (e.g., Peltier) or, alternatively, a air conditioning apparatus 14 secured to an outer rear Surface
Stirling cycle device. A detachable electric cable intercon of the helmet, and an electric cable 16 for removable connec
nects with the heat pump and extends downwardly and away tion to a conveniently adjacent power Source.
from the wearer's body for lower end interconnection with a 40 The helmet 12 preferably has a rigid and rugged outer shell
Suitable power Supply (e.g., battery of a motorcycle or auto which is Substantially imperforate other than having specific
motive vehicle). openings for purposes to be described and an open bottom 20
Optionally, a forwardly facing air scoop is mounted to the via which the helmet is received onto the head of a wearer (not
outside upper surface of the helmet and directs ambient air to shown). More particularly, the helmet shell 12 can be cast
the heat pump for conditioning while also serving to protect 45 from a tough relatively lightweight plastic or metal and
the heat pump from possible impact or contact damage. As a includes a transparent, adjustably movable visor 22 affixed in
further option, an air filter of either the depth variety or carbon what is a forward wall of the helmet shell.
absorption type can be utilized to remove foreign particles The air conditioning apparatus 14 is secured to the rear of
(e.g., dirt, dust, pollen) and noxious fumes from inlet air the helmet and includes a blower mechanism 24 which deliv
before it is processed by the heat pump. 50 ers pressurized ambient air to a heat pump 26 where part of
In yet another embodiment, the helmet is constructed gen the air stream is moved across a “cold part (when cooling is
erally as in the first embodiment, but the heat pump is conve desired) to a conduit 28 and passed through a notch or open
niently located adjacent to and separated from the helmet. ing 30 in the helmet back lower edge for distribution to the
The conditioned air is communicated from the heat pump to helmet interior as will be described. A further part of the air
the helmet via a flexible tubular conduit. 55 stream from the blower mechanism passes simultaneously
over the apparatus “hot” part and moves outwardly through
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING the conduit 32 removing waste heat to the ambient. A com
pliant Support 34 (e.g., rubber, Sorbothane) cooperating with
These and other objects of the present invention will a rubber or Sorbothane seal 36 serves to mechanically secure
become more readily apparent upon reading the following 60 the apparatus 14 to the helmet while maintaining noise and
detailed description and upon reference to the attached draw vibration at a low level.
1ngS. Still referring to FIG. 1, an optional air scoop 38 includes a
FIG. 1 is a side elevational, partially sectional view of a curved elongated central wall 40 extending from approxi
helmet with air conditioning apparatus of this invention mately the top center outer surface of the helmet shell to a
mounted thereon; 65 point opposite the lower part of the shell facing the back of a
FIG. 2 is a top plan, partially sectional view of the helmet helmet wearer's neck, which wall 40 is mounted to the helmet
apparatus of FIG. 1 shown with a single blower device; shell by first and second sidewalls 42 and 44. By this con
US 7,827,620 B2
3 4
struction, on movement of the associated vehicle (e.g., motor reference is now made to FIG. 6. A typical automotive vehicle
cycle), the scoop 38 receives external air from the ambient via seat 64 and associated backrest 66 are shown with a heat
an opening 46 that passes along the Scoop interior spacing pump 68 (which can be identical to the heat pump 14) that is
(arrows) from the helmet shell outer surface to be acted upon conveniently mounted to the seat 64. Helmet apparatus 70.
by the air conditioning apparatus 14. 5 which can be identical to the previously described apparatus
With simultaneous reference to FIGS. 1 and 4, the inside of 10 with the apparatus 14 removed, is interconnected with the
the helmet shell 12 is covered with a multi-layer structure 48 heat pump 68 by an appropriate length of flexible tubing 72
which serves to both protect the wearer's head, conduct con that preferably extends up the back of the backrest 66 (FIG.
ditioned air along a path adjacent the helmet shell interior, and 3).
finally release the conditioned air to move past face of the 10 Efficiency improvement of the heat pump in any of the
wearer (arrows). More particularly, the structure 48 includes described embodiments and options can be achieved by add
a first layer 50 covering and contacting the inner surface of the ing a separate or second blower mechanism 74 solely used to
helmet shell 12 that is constructed of an impact absorbing empty waste heat from the apparatus 14 to the ambient (FIG.
material having a primary function of protecting a wearer's 3).
head against impact shock. Onto the impact absorbing layer, 15 Turning now to FIG. 7, there is shown a version of the
there is laid down a second or air-conduiting layer 52 prefer invention especially advantageous for wearby a patient 76 in
ably formed from a tubular textile material 54 which readily need of having the head maintained at a prescribed tempera
conducts air along the major axis of the tubular material and ture. In particular, an air-conditioned helmetlike headgear 78
to a lesser extent transversely through the walls of the mate consists of a close fitting textile, flexible rubber or molded
rial. The tubular material includes woven tubes interwoven plastic cap 80 which is dimensioned for secure fitting to the
with each other which do not compress more than 5 percent patient’s head. A layer 82 of textile tubular means which can
during wearing use of the helmet shell. The tubular material be identical to the previously described layer 52 is secured to
extends from approximately the lower rear edge of the helmet the interior surface of the cap 80 with the individual tubes
to terminate just in front a wearer's forehead (FIG. 5). extending from the back lower edge to a termination point at
Accordingly, the conditioned air effects heat transfer to the 25 the forehead of the patient. A conveniently mounted heat
head primarily by convection and moves directly across the pump 84 (either thermoelectric or Stirling cycle) provides
face as shown by the arrows. conditioned air via a flexible conduit 85 and a fitting 86 at the
Optionally, a third layer 56 laid down on the inwardly back of the cap to the layer 82 such that conditioned air moves
facing surface of the second layer 52 is constructed of an along the textile tubes adjacent the scalp and exits at the
open-cell cushion foam that is comfortable to the touch. 30 forehead downwardly onto the face of the patient.
Alternatively, an extent of cloth 58 covers the foam layer, or An alternative manner of transferring conditioned air from
can substitute for the foam layer, and is colored a dark color the apparatus 14 to the conduiting layer 52 is shown in FIG.8.
(e.g., black) to reduce giving a Soiled appearance. More particularly, a tubular conduit 88 has one end in air
A band or ribbon 60 of insulation material is wrapped receiving connection with the heat pump 26 and after extend
around the lower rear edge of the multi-layer structure 48 and 35 ing around and past the rear lower edge of the helmet shell 12
extending for about one-half of the helmet periphery (FIG. 1). has its other end in contact with the layer 52. By this con
The ribbon is sealed about the structure 48 (e.g., by adhesive) struction, a further or second opening does not have to be
to insure a more uniform passage of conditioned air along the formed in the helmet shell.
textile tubular layer 52 and finally directed onto the face of a Although the invention has been described in connection
wearer. Also, the ribbon provides insulation against excessive 40 with preferred embodiments, it is to be understood that those
temperature change being induced in the wearer's neck skilled in the appertaining arts may contemplate modifica
region from the conditioned air. tions within the spirit of the invention as described and shown
A filter 62 can be optionally located at the air inlet of the herein and within the ambit of the appended claims.
pump apparatus 14 for removing foreign particles, such as What is claimed is:
dirt, dust and pollen, for example or noxious fumes, that are 45 1. A helmet apparatus, comprising:
carried by the ambient air. a rigidhelmet shell including a first opening of such dimen
As to general operation of the versions described, pressur sions as to permit receipt onto the head of a wearer,
ized conditioned air moves from the apparatus 14 through the multi-layer means secured to an interior Surface of the
helmet notch or opening 30, along the tubes of the second helmet shell constructed of materials enabling air to
layer 52, downwardly onto the wearer's forehead, face and 50 readily pass therealong and empty directly onto the face
temples, and finally exiting at the lower front of the helmet to of a wearer, and
the ambient air. This movement of conditioned air down a device for producing a pressurized stream of air in fluid
wardly across the face not only refreshes the wearer by con communication with the multi-layer means;
tact and provides fresh air for breathing, but also reduces the in which the multi-layer means includes a first layer of an
production of fog on the visor and thus maintains clear vis 55 impact resistant material adhered to a helmet shell inte
ibility. rior Surface, and a second layer contacting the first layer
Although there are other devices that can be utilized to cool constructed of an airpermeable textile material having a
an air stream for present purposes, because of use context plurality of longitudinally extended tubular structures to
(e.g., a motorcycle) it is important that the device take as little guide the air passing readily therealong in a direction
electrical power as possible and since the cooling apparatus in 60 generally from back to front of the helmet shell, a por
a first embodiment is carried on a helmet the apparatus weight tion of the airpermeating transversely through the textile
must be minimal. In a practical construction of the invention material onto a scalp of the wearer.
using a single blower mechanism (FIGS. 1 and 2) and a Peltier 2. The helmet apparatus as in claim 1, in which a third layer
thermoelectric cooling apparatus, the entire weight of the constructed of an open-cell foam is provided secured onto an
apparatus 14 did not exceed about 0.5 pounds. 65 outer surface of the second layer.
For a further embodiment of the invention that is especially 3. The helmet apparatus as in claim 1, in which the device
adapted to for use in an automotive vehicle (e.g., race car), is a heat pump.
US 7,827,620 B2
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4. The helmet apparatus as in claim 1, in which cabling has 15. The helmet apparatus as in claim 8, in which the device
one end connected to the device and extends downwardly includes two blower mechanisms, a first mechanism for mov
along a gravity path for connection at its other end to a ing conditioned air to the helmet interior and a second mecha
suitable source of power. nism for moving waste heat or waste cooling, as the case may
5. The helmet apparatus as in claim 1, in which the tubular 5 be, to the ambient exterior of the helmet shell.
textile material includes woven tubes interwoven with each 16. A helmet apparatus, comprising:
other which do not compress more than five percent during a helmet shell including a first opening of Such dimensions
wearing use of the helmet shell. as to permit receipt onto the head of a wearer,
6. The helmet apparatus as in claim 1, in which the helmet an air conduiting layer distributed about substantially the
apparatus is adaptable for wearing while driving a motorcycle 10 entire interior surface of the helmet shell, the air con
at which time the cabling other end is interconnected with an duiting layer having an air permeable wall structure
electric energy source carried by the motorcycle. constructed of materials having a plurality of longitudi
7. The helmet apparatus as in claim 1, in which the device nally extended tubular structures to guide the air to
has an air inlet end and an airfilterinterrelates the air inletend readily pass therealong and empty directly onto the face
with ambient air. 15 of a wearer and to a lesser extent pass by convection
8. The helmet apparatus as in claim 1, in which the device through the airpermeable wall of the air conduiting layer
is mounted to an outside surface of the helmet shell. onto the Scalp of the wearer, and
9. The helmet apparatus as in claim 8, in which there is device for producing a pressurized stream of air in fluid
further provided an air scoop secured to an outer surface of the communication with the air conduiting layer.
helmet shell protectively covering the device and for receiv 17. The helmet apparatus of claim 16 wherein the air con
ing air and directing it to the device. duiting layer is constructed of a tubular textile material.
10. The helmet apparatus as in claim 9, in which the scoop 18. A helmet apparatus, comprising:
has a central wall and two sidewalls integral with the central a helmet shell including a first opening of Such dimensions
wall and forming two open ends, the sidewalls being secured as to permit receipt onto the head of a wearer,
to the outer surface of the helmet shell so that the open ends 25
are located in respective front and back relative positions. a device for producing a pressurized stream of air, and
11. The helmet apparatus as in claim 9, in which the device a plenum distributed about substantially the entire interior
is affixed to the helmet shell via compliant means. surface of the helmet shell and in fluid communication
12. The helmet apparatus as in claim 1, in which the device with the device, the plenum having an air permeable
is located remote from the helmet. 30 Surface proximate the wearer's scalp and a vent proxi
13. The helmet apparatus as in claim 1, in which an elon mate the wearer's forehead, wherein the air permeable
gated sealing means is secured about the multi-layer structure Surface defines a plurality of longitudinally extended
adjacent the lower rear edge of the helmet shell preventing tubular structures to guide the pressurized stream of air
conditioned air escaping from the structure lower rear edge. to primarily flows along inside the plenum and vents
14. The helmet apparatus as in claim 3, in which the heat 35 across the wearer's face, a portion of the pressurized
pump includes a single blower mechanism moving a first part stream escaping transversely through the air permeable
of pressurized air over the “cold place of the pump to the Surface of the plenum onto the wearer's scalp.
helmet shell interior when cooling is a conditioning mode of 19. The helmet apparatus of claim 18 wherein the plenum
the device, and simultaneously moving a second part of the comprises a plurality of tubular conduits.
pressurized air past the “hot” place of the pump to the exterior 40